
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
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=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
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ricotzLaney, hi, will saucy get mond 3.0.x?10:51
ricotzjust curious while i haven't built docky with it yet10:52
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Laneyseems likely, yes15:31
ricotzLaney, ok, 2.2.0 should build though15:45
ricotzwith 3.0 too15:45
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
Laneyricotz: you should use logind for suspend and hibernate too15:48
* Laney writes a patch16:04
Laneyricotz: please to review and apply to the debian package?16:11
ricotzLaney, will do16:15
Laneywasn't entirely sure what the interface was about16:16
ronald_dollaranyone have a fix for the keyboard only working on reboots? please private message me with help!16:40
ricotzLaney, done16:44
ronald_dollaranyone have a fix for the keyboard only working on reboots? please private message me with help!17:00
dobeyronald_dollar: this isn't a help channel. you want #ubuntu probably17:16
=== mitya57_ is now known as mitya57
desrtkenvandine: qmlscene: could not find a Qt installation of ''17:46
kenvandineinstall those depends :)17:46
desrti installed them all17:46
desrt'cept the hud one17:46
desrtbecause it doesn't exist17:46
kenvandinedo you have qtchooser?17:47
desrtit says the same thing17:47
desrtcould not find ...17:47
kenvandineone sec17:47
kenvandineQT_SELECT=qt5 qmlscene samegame.qml17:48
kenvandinehow about that?17:48
desrtnow it says it can't find a qt installation of 'q5'17:48
desrtgetting closer!17:48
kenvandinedo you have /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/qt5/bin/qmlscene17:49
kenvandinerun that17:49
kenvandinedoes that work?17:49
desrtnow it's bitching about the HUD17:49
desrtwhich makes sense :)17:49
kenvandinethat must use alternatives or something17:49
desrtk.  working great now17:50
desrtwith hud bits commented out17:50
* desrt copies the cpp bits of friends-app into samegame and starts having fun17:52
mitya57desrt: qtchooser not working is still a bug, do other commands (like qmake) work?17:53
mitya57and what is the output of `qtchooser -list-versions`?17:53
desrtqmake is broken too17:53
desrtand -list-versions does nothing at all17:54
desrtie: empty list, i guess17:54
desrthow does one get the cflags/libs of qt?17:54
desrtseems to be missing a .pc file...17:54
desrtah.   the dev packages are named oddly.17:56
mitya57that indicates that qtchooser is completely broken :(17:56
* mitya57 looks at the qt-detection code17:57
mitya57desrt: are you using saucy?18:11
seb128_kenvandine, where can I get your game from the other night?18:12
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
kenvandineseb128, lp:samegame18:15
kenvandineor the core apps collections ppa18:15
seb128kenvandine, do I need anything special to install it on the tablet?18:16
kenvandineit'll get the depends for you18:16
kenvandinefrom the ppa18:16
seb128need to find the ppa18:16
seb128kenvandine, thanks18:16
seb128kenvandine, ppa:ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/daily ?18:17
seb128ok, found it18:18
seb128hum, qtdeclarative5-hud1.018:19
kenvandineseb128, yeah, sorry18:26
seb128kenvandine, hum, not happy18:28
seb128kenvandine, where can I find libhud-qt1 ?18:28
kenvandinethe daily-build-next ppa...18:32
kenvandineit's in the daily images18:33
kenvandineseb128, or are you installing on your laptop?18:33
Trevinhorickspencer3: so it seems that the blur corruption bug is fixed now, it would be nice if you could just test nux from ppa:ubuntu-unity/daily-build18:33
=== mitya57 is now known as mitya57_
rickspencer3hi Trevinho18:35
rickspencer3I'll test it later18:35
rickspencer3and nice :)18:35
Trevinhorickspencer3: hi, thanks...18:35
rickspencer3meh, I'll try it now18:35
Trevinhorickspencer3: when you want... Just adding the repo and apt-get install'ing nux should be fine18:36
rickspencer3Trevinho, what specific package name do you need me to install?18:37
Trevinhorickspencer3: libnux-4.0-0 should be enough18:38
rickspencer3Trevinho, it worked :)18:41
Trevinhorickspencer3: awesome! ;)18:42
rickspencer3Trevinho, is there a bug that I should comment on?18:42
Trevinhorickspencer3: https://bugs.launchpad.net/nux/+bug/108753418:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 1087534 in nux (Ubuntu) "[regression] Corrupted blurred overlays" [Critical,Triaged]18:42
seb128kenvandine, I'm trying to put it on my nexus, but the image there is 10 days old18:43
seb128kenvandine, I've added those18:43
kenvandineseb128, add the daily-build-next ppa18:43
seb128deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-unity/daily-build-next/ubuntu saucy main18:43
seb128deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/collection/ubuntu rar18:43
seb128ing main18:43
seb128but that's not enough18:43
kenvandinenot saucy18:43
seb128I tried that first I think18:43
seb128let me try again18:43
rickspencer3Trevinho, ok done18:45
Trevinhorickspencer3: yw18:46
seb128kenvandine, got it installed18:46
seb128kenvandine, now to figure how to start it ;-)18:47
Trevinhorickspencer3: it was the typical 1-line issue, but finding it in about 80 new revisions and into a single merge request of about 6000 lines took some time ;)18:47
kenvandineseb128, that is tricky18:47
kenvandineseb128, you need to search in the app lens18:48
Trevinhoalso I had no hardware to test until this week18:48
kenvandinebut... i had trouble with the keyboard not showing up... until i re-flashed yesterday18:48
seb128kenvandine, running \o/18:48
acoleman1981has anyone else had the issue of a usb keyboard and mouse working but when removing the usb devices and trying to use the installed touchpad and keyboard (laptop) it only works every other reboot?  Please private message me with any help available or links to instructions. Thanks!18:59
sarnoldacoleman1981: that's better, some actual details :) but a few more thoughts: (a) #ubuntu is better for support (b) no one likes private messaging. it prevents other people from helping or learning.18:59
seb128kenvandine, weird, I could play one game and now it's stucked in a weird state, even after a reboot19:01
kenvandinethe game is?19:01
seb128the toolbar at the bottom is showing the "new game" icon too much on the right (e.g a bit out of the screen)19:01
acoleman1981ok whatever do you have help or useless suggestions19:01
kenvandineseb128, that sounds like a deeper problem :/19:02
kenvandineseb128, i was having a bunch of odd issues until i flashed again19:03
seb128kenvandine, and I can't click on it (I can start a new through the hud but then the ui doesn't "update" as it should)19:03
seb128I will try to put the current image on it19:03
seb128kenvandine, thanks ;-)19:03
kenvandinethe keyboard was light years better after i flashed :)19:03
kenvandineand before i flashed i had some apps that didn't render at all19:03
kenvandineworks great now19:03
chrisccoulsonacoleman1981, for you, only useless suggestions19:04
acoleman1981i just need help not bullsh** please19:05
seb128kenvandine, cool, btw you are right, the toolbar issue happens on other apps as well19:05
seb128chrisccoulson, yes my lord19:10
* seb128 respects the channel op19:10
seb128I'm sure you are no op on the security team channel19:10
seb128come back to desktop ;-)19:10
mlankhorstlure him with cookies19:14
seb128chrisccoulson, 'http://errors.ubuntu.com/user/'$(printf $(sudo cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid) | sha512sum)19:17
mlankhorstseb128: optimist, believing oems will fill in product_uuid as a true uuuid19:20
happyaronseb128: do you think fcitx's Qt5 IM Module can be added to the repository through SRU? it's not in the archive right now but things like friends-apps need that to get inputing from fcitx work.19:26
seb128happyaron, it's a call for the SRU team, you can file a request about it19:30
happyaronseb128: ok19:30
seb128it's not likely to break anything so why not19:30
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
darkxstpitti, should PK what-provides locale, still work?22:59
pittidarkxst: with aptdaemon, in principle yes23:14
pittidarkxst: but aptdaemon's autopkgtests currently fail, looks like something got broken there23:15
darkxstpitti, I see, guess that is why I can't get it too work23:27

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