
cjwatsonogra_: heh, I just noticed that depending on PPAs in ubuntu-touch means it will never migrate from -proposed00:02
cjwatsonogra_: you might want to demote the packages in question to recommends to work around that00:02
ogra_cjwatson, heh, ok00:06
ogra_cjwatson, we will have to wait for the PPAs anyway00:06
ogra_i doubt we'll get them all migrated today unless there is a single person with upload rights to all of them00:06
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Bluefoxicy"Fragmentary revision notes in English and Mandarin Chinese, course titles matching the University of Oxford 200█-█ year Computational Biology MSc course. Many references and criticisms made relating to an apparently unreliable Ubuntu release titled Perky Polecat with features (none anomalous) not present in any copy of this software to date."02:49
Bluefoxicy... Perky Polecat?  37.04 is Perky Polecat?02:50
Bluefoxicysorry, 25.04 I guess02:51
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lazkararing PPA is broken: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/138911345/buildlog_ubuntu-raring-i386.quodlibet_2.9.99%2B5770-0~rev5770~ec16f96da206~ppa1~raring_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz07:32
lazkaquantal too07:33
lazkabad timing?07:33
* mlankhorst looks at excuse calendar07:35
mlankhorstfrom the log it looks like /home/buildd/.sbuildrc is broken, so most likely everything fails :)07:36
rbasakHas something change in schroot or mk-sbuild recently? My new saucy schroot doesn't seem to overlay my existing /tmp or ~ directories, which used to be handy for transferring stuff across the environments.07:37
lazkaok, some went through, it only fails on this build slave: https://launchpad.net/builders/wani0507:41
rbasak/etc/schroot/default/fstab does contain bind entries for /home and /tmp, but they don't seem to work now.07:42
rbasakI found a workaround - I copied the /home and /tmp lines from /etc/schroot/default/fstab to /etc/schroot/sbuild/fstab07:44
lazkalamont, your slave is broken ^07:45
lazkaCan someone please disable https://launchpad.net/builders/wani0508:32
lazkaIt's driving me crazy that I have to rebuild until I get another builder randomly08:32
christofferanyone here knows if "locs" is short for "lines of code"? ...just curious about the added added "s" at the end of the abbreviation08:38
zygadiwic: ping08:41
diwiczyga, hi08:41
zygadiwic: do you know how to generate a file like the one here: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/138752234/AlsaInfo.txt08:41
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diwiczyga, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/AlsaInfo08:42
diwiczyga, on 12.10+ you don't need to download it, we ship the script in /usr/lib/alsa-base somewhere IIRC08:43
zygadiwic: thanks, I'm trying to update the bug on precise08:43
zygaand after dpkg -S a bit I could not find anything08:43
diwiczyga, alsa-base: /usr/share/alsa-base/alsa-info.sh08:46
zygadiwic: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/1174696 I've updated that bug, it seems that kernel fails to validate EDID on raring but either ignores or validates okay on precise08:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1174696 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Regression in sound quality on 13.04 as compared to 12.04 (HDMI over DP) on Thinkpad W510" [Undecided,New]08:47
diwiczyga, I have a hard time believing EDID reads have anything to do with sound quality08:49
diwiczyga, also, Raymond has a tendency to bring up irrelevant stuff; but he's sometimes right, too.08:49
zygadiwic: well, it's an interesting difference non the less08:51
zygadiwic: I wonder if the adapter is doing some tricks, it's a bit large so it might be a active adapter, it's hard to say08:51
diwiczyga, if you do direct playback ( speaker-test -c 2 -D hdmi:x,y -t sine ) in 13.04, is there still metallic sound?09:01
diwiczyga, where x and y is probably 1 and 1 ( hdmi:1,1 )09:02
zygadiwic: let's check09:07
zygadiwic: yes09:09
zygadiwic: it's very strange09:09
zygadiwic: how can I use speaker test to play through the built-in speakers for comparison?09:11
mwhudsoni think a dp->hdmi adapter more or less has to be active09:12
* mwhudson shouldn't be trying to think any more today09:12
zygamwhudson: hi09:13
zygamwhudson: not really, there is dual mode09:13
mwhudsonzyga: oh yes, i have the dual mode dp icon on my thinkpad09:14
zygamwhudson: interesting, where is it?09:18
zygamwhudson: I just checked, this unit has the same icon09:18
zygamwhudson: right above the dp port09:18
diwiczyga, speaker-test -D plughw:MID -c 2 -t sine09:39
diwiczyga, and for hdmi: speaker-test -D hdmi:NVidia,1 -c 2 -t sine09:40
diwiczyga, and through pulseaudio: speaker-test -D pulse -c 2 -t sine09:46
zygathanks that works09:46
diwiczyga, you can also try -t wav or leave it out if you want white noise. Not sure which one's best for testing metallic sounds.09:46
zygadiwic: noise is very different on left vs right speaker09:47
diwiczyga, are you talking HDMI now or analog output?09:47
zygadiwic: analog09:47
zygadiwic: btw, the nvidia part does not work09:47
diwiczyga, so you're having audio distortions on analog audio now?09:47
zygadiwic: well, no, it's just different, the wav playback is really okay09:48
zygadiwic: I would assume noise to sound the same09:48
zygadiwic: if you want to jump to a hangout and listen for yourself just say so09:49
zygadiwic: hdmi just went silent09:50
diwiczyga, well, some notebooks don't put too much quality into their speakers; or things around them resonate, etc...so it's not unusual for the left and right speakers to sound slightly different, unfortunately09:50
zygaI was playing sine, it was very corrupted, then went silent, detaching and re-attaching the cable made it work again though so no burned out speakers :)09:51
diwiczyga, make sure you wait 5-10 seconds between trying with pulse and without09:51
zygahrw: ^^ ;-)09:51
zygadiwic: pulse is the same09:51
diwiczyga, or one of them might fail with -EBUSY09:52
* zyga recalls esd years ago ;)09:52
Davieycjwatson: Hey, would you have expected "base-installer/kernel/altmeta string virtual" to install the linux-virtual kernel in precise?10:11
anonymous_Opinions: Is Quickly worth learning? I've never used Python and GTK together. I've seen the developer.ubuntu site say all three are recommended. I've never heard Quickly before today, so is it just promoting a new way forward??10:32
vibhavanonymous_: I find qucikly easy to use10:33
vibhavThough it is a matter of opinion10:33
vibhavanonymous_: Also, if you any other questions on quickly, try #ubuntu-app-devel10:34
anonymous_vibhav: Thanks, I thought I posted it in that channel; not good with mornings sorry :)10:38
vibhavnever mind10:39
albttashiwant start develop on Ubuntu , any guideline10:59
albttashiwhats preferred  languages on ubuntu ?10:59
ionThe distro isn’t relevant. Any language you prefer.11:00
sladenalbttashi: what do you want *to make* ?11:03
albttashiion, what's language is better ? which had good ide in ubuntu11:04
albttashisalden: for now I want to learn , then I wanna make small desktop or web app11:05
albttashiwhat about java ??11:05
huluwho can help me with custom livecd11:10
hului want to change /etc/skel,but the livecd create default user without /etc/skel11:10
huluwho can help me11:10
apacheloggerhulu: you'll want to use casper for that11:12
huluapachelogger: how to do11:13
apacheloggeradd a script11:13
huluapachelogger: where to add11:13
apacheloggerI don't know11:13
apacheloggerdpkg -L casper might help11:13
huluapachelogger: let's try11:14
apacheloggerjust have a look for 25add-user or somesuch file, it is the one that actually adds the user11:14
apacheloggerso in the same folder you want to have 9000add-additional-plunder for example11:14
huluapachelogger: why 12.10 needn't11:15
huluapachelogger: are you there?11:39
huluapachelogger: are you there11:53
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huluwho can help me11:58
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tkamppeterbryce, ^^12:36
tkamppetersorry, ignore this, typo12:36
mzazaI got this error while trying to decrept message using gpg gpg: decrypt_message failed: eof12:43
rbasakIs there a tool that will easily verify for me that all my build-depends and depends are in main? Right now I'm manually checking using rmadison.12:44
lamontapt-get --print-uris crossed with apt-cache, I expect?12:46
geserrbasak: 404main - check if all build dependencies of a package are in main (in ubuntu-dev-tools)12:47
huluwho can help me on livecd12:49
rbasakgeser: thanks, that looks promising! But it looks like it operates out of the archive, rather than out of my package source tree. This is for a merge from Debian where some dependencies have been not in main in the past. I'd like to make sure I've covered everything before sponsorshipupload.12:49
geserrbasak: not sure if "check-mir" helps you there. An other option is to try to build it a pbuilder/sbuild with only main enabled12:51
rbasakgeser: check-mir is exactly what I wanted. Thanks! I was hoping not to have to fiddle with my schroots :)12:57
OdyXtkamppeter: your cups patch for the USB backend apparently make the cups build more sensitive to USB backends presence, see  https://buildd.debian.org/status/package.php?p=cups&suite=experimental12:58
huluapachelogger: are you there?13:08
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tkamppeterOdyX, before, on a system without USB (or with USB turned off in the BIOS) the USB backend crashed, and so exited with some error status and a crash message in syslog, now the backend exits gracefully. Or is the problem that it issues a warning in error_log?13:19
mzazaI have followed the Ubuntu beginners developer guid and while I was creating a gpg key I got a email to verify my key which I should decrypt however I get that error while trying to decrepy.13:24
mzazagpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.13:24
mzazagpg: decrypt_message failed: eof13:24
mzazaI have an error while I try to gpg --list-key13:26
mzazaI fixed the error when I try to list keys but I still get the error explained above13:28
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OdyXtkamppeter: well, it issues a warning in the error_log, which is unexpected by the test-suite, which should then be amended. :)15:01
OdyXtkamppeter: as you maybe saw, I amended your "depends on avahi-daemon" change to have that only be true in Ubuntu.15:01
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mzazaIf I can program in C++ but still a newbie, could I start by fixing bugs in Unity. Or do you recommend anything else?15:11
mzazaI tried reading the guides in the Ubuntu wiki but after reading each page I feel more lost. I did setup my enviroment and installed necessary tools. And got little bit familiar with getting the code of packages.15:13
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chilicuilmzaza: I'd start with bitesize bugs, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity/Bitesize , I've never worked with unity, though, so I don't really know how hard they are15:18
tkamppeterOdyX, perhaps we simply remove the warning from the patch, to make the number of warnings in the test run not dependent of the presence of USB support in the build system?15:18
mzazachilicuil: What about harvest?15:18
OdyXtkamppeter: that or "also" patch the test-suite to ignore those, which is probably better.15:19
chilicuilmzaza: yeah, harvest should be able to provide some easy to fix bugs15:19
OdyXtkamppeter: also, DEP-3 headers to your patch would be greate15:19
mzazachilicuil: I was looking for any project written in C++, that's why I choose Unity.15:21
evbdmurray, mpt: https://errors.staging.ubuntu.com/ - we're getting closer (prodstack)15:37
mptev, 13.10 in the legend, but "No Data Available". Is that what I'm supposed to be seeing?15:46
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evmpt: there's only a single error report in there15:49
evit's using a fresh cassandra database15:49
evmpt: assuming you're talking about errors.staging.u.c15:49
mptI see15:51
pittipsusi: hey Phillip16:15
pittipsusi: do you plan to merge util-linux, or shall I steal this from you?16:16
pittiI need to make a change to it16:16
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mitya57hi doko, can you please comment on debian bug 675008?16:49
ubottuDebian bug 675008 in bash "bash: should handle /etc/bashrc.d (or similar) for non-login interactive shell" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/67500816:49
mitya57this is blocking new gnome-terminal 3.816:49
mitya57see gnome bug 697475 for the background16:49
ubottuGnome bug 697475 in general "New tab is not opened in same directory as previous tab" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=69747516:49
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bdmurraymterry: there is an issue with update-manager -c -d not showing saucy however do-release-upgrade -d works.  I haven't quite found the issue yet.17:00
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psusipitti: sorry, what?17:08
pittipsusi: you are TIL, so your name appears on merges.u.c.17:09
pittibut I just noticed that I don't have to change it after all, so nevermind17:09
Laneytouched it last17:14
bdmurraymterry: the same thing may be true for Q to R see bug 117424217:15
ubottubug 1174242 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "Update Manager doesn't let me upgrade from 12.04 to 13.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117424217:15
mterrybdmurray, I thought that was a bug we already fixed?17:16
bdmurraymterry: there is no message shown about a new release being available its not the import error17:17
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blitzkrieg3does anyone have some spare time to sponsor bug 8877446?17:29
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 8877446 could not be found17:29
blitzkrieg3sorry ubottu17:30
blitzkrieg3bug 88744617:30
ubottubug 887446 in mtools (Ubuntu) "mlabel: renaming USB stick appends "nA" to name" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88744617:30
mterrybdmurray, I can look into this17:32
bdmurraymterry: that'd be great, thanks!17:32
cjwatsonDaviey: All other things being equal, yes, I think so.  However there are some overrides that might be looked at first, so if it's going wrong I'd need to see a full log.17:34
dokoapw, ogasawara: how do I enable a verbose kernel build? and why isn't this the default? I think we had this discussion in the past ...17:56
ogra_cjwatson, hnmm, for-project doesnt really like ubuntu-touch, is there a way to directly trigger the livefs build without involving for-project in the new cdimage world ?18:04
slangasekogra_: you should be able to just set PROJECT=$foo cron.daily-$which $opts18:07
ogra_ah, cool18:07
infinitydoko: V=118:07
apwwhat he said18:08
slangasekapw: fwiw, +1 for doko to have V=1 set for the kernel builds by default18:09
slangasekapw: always better for debugging to see exactly what commands were running on the buildd at the time it went wrong...18:10
mitya57doko: any comment on my message? resolving that is listed in the gnome-3.8 blueprint ...18:11
dokomitya57, didn't look at it yet18:12
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mitya57doko: so please comment there when you get to it, thanks!18:13
ogra_sergiusens, so my build fails on super-friends  and the sdk PPA ... were these the two you said that could go ?18:19
ogra_(funnily it doesnt fail in my chroot)18:20
mitya57shadeslayer: I've tried to look at okular abi change, it doesn't exist in clean raring but exists on clean saucy (i.e. without my poppler)18:23
shadeslayerthat's quite odd18:23
shadeslayermayeb it's because of gcc?18:23
mitya57yes, I think so18:23
shadeslayertry building it on Raring + gcc 4.8 ?18:24
mitya57will try now18:24
shadeslayerack, and thanks for taking care of that :)18:24
shadeslayermitya57: and it should be trivial enough to bump the ABI using X-Debian-ABI18:26
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mitya57I still want to know what caused it :)18:26
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cjwatsonogra_: It might take a whole two minutes to add ubuntu-touch support to cdimage.project :)18:37
ogra_well, it worked with setting PROJECT18:37
cjwatsonFeel free18:37
ogra_yeah, will do ... i have to wait for a new livecd-rootfs anyway18:38
shadeslayermitya57_: :)18:41
ogra_cjwatson, adding it to lib/cdimage/project.py and default-arches should be enough, right ?18:46
cjwatsonogra_: Yes.  Note that ubuntu-touch-preview is already there though18:48
ogra_yeah, just a copy paste job :)18:48
cjwatsonYou should grep for all existing references to ubuntu-touch-preview18:48
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ogra_cjwatson, hmm, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/CDImageSetup seems pretty outdated, how /where do i push/pull nowadays ?19:17
ogra_bfiller, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/saucy/ubuntu-touch/19:19
mitya57_shadeslayer: raring+4.8 builds fine19:20
ogra_bfiller, https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.saucy19:20
cjwatsonogra_: I forgot about that page; I'll update19:20
ogra_cjwatson, thx19:20
cjwatsonogra_: I did send you personal e-mail about it :P19:20
ogra_i actually havent pushed since you redesigned the setup ...19:20
ogra_oops !19:20
seb128ev, do you know what could make whoopsie not report issues to the server? chrisccoulson's issues seem to go only to launchpad19:21
seb128they don't show up on whoopsie's page and he only has .upload files (not .uploaded ones)19:22
seb128ev, the config in /etc/default/whoopsie has = true19:22
ahoneybunogra_: do you have new images of Kubuntu Active?19:22
ogra_ahoneybun, only the ones that we built for you recently19:22
evseb128: he could try running it in foreground mode: sudo stop whoopsie; sudo CRASH_DB_URL=https://daisy.ubuntu.com whoopsie -f19:22
cjwatsonogra_: updated now, but see "Subject: ubuntu-cdimage private branch decommissioned" from me on Mon, 18 Mar 2013 15:41:18 +000019:23
evseb128: let me know if you want me to come over and investigate some time after lunch19:23
ogra_cjwatson, yeah, thanks19:23
ahoneybunogra_:  in the ones for Feb?19:23
seb128ev, ok, thanks19:24
ogra_ahoneybun, nope, the onse tou asked for a few days ago19:24
seb128ev, is whoopsie having any log on disk?19:24
ogra_*the ones you19:24
ahoneybunogra_: I don't see them up19:24
ogra_ahoneybun, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu-active/raring/daily-preinstalled/... iirc cjwatson pointed you to it back then19:25
evseb128: not by default, no19:25
ahoneybunOh my bad I must have been away19:25
ahoneybunogra_: thanks!19:25
seb128ev, ok19:26
evother than the upstart job log /var/log/upstart/whoopsie*19:26
ahoneybunogra_: now for the debugging, I could not get the last ones to work right on my n719:26
seb128ev, files got uploaded after running that command by hand, weir19:28
evvery strange19:28
evI wonder if whoopsie wasn't running?19:28
evand so that stop was a no-op19:28
seb128ev, it was running, we checked that first19:29
seb128those logs just have one line about the lock file19:29
evwow, yeah, very strange19:30
seb128ev, ok, going for lunch, thanks19:31
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ahoneybunogra_: your awesome downloading them now20:27
mzazaIf I want to discuss development related issues to Unity Next, which channel should I go to?20:55
ogra_mzaza, try #ubuntu-unity20:57
mzazaogra_: thanks20:57
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Davieycjwatson: All i have is, knowing it failed - and produced, http://bit.ly/ZCA8LB . I'll dig out a log, I just wanted to check that was the expected method.21:20
cjwatsonDaviey: according to my memory anyway :)21:22
slangasekcjwatson: hey, so I'm doing the merge on kexec-tools and am confused about why we're calling update-grub here... because I don't see anything that changes the grub config21:27
Davieycjwatson: With -virtual going away, not sure how much it matters anymore.21:27
slangasekcjwatson: can you spot something I'm missing?21:27
cjwatsonslangasek: grub2/util/grub.d/10_linux.in:92:if [ -x "/usr/bin/makedumpfile" ] && [ -x "/sbin/kexec" ]; then21:30
cjwatsonslangasek: that is, update-grub behaves differently all by itself depending on whether kexec is installed21:31
slangasekcjwatson: aha, thanks21:32
slangasekcjwatson: should that logic arguably be shipped in kexec-tools itself?21:33
slangasek(not that I'm going to take on refactoring this right now)21:33
slangasekcjwatson: slightly related, kexec-tools is calling 'dpkg-trigger update-initramfs'... where I think the right interface nowadays is 'update-initramfs -u', no?21:33
cjwatsonslangasek: aaaarguably21:36
cjwatsonslangasek: I think that probably predated update-initramfs doing its self-triggering trick, yeah21:36
* slangasek nods21:36
cjwatsonI certainly wouldn't object to dropping the grub2 patch that does the kexec crashkernel thing if it were found to be possible to do it in kexec-tools instead21:37
slangasekcjwatson: well, if I got this upstreamed to Debian in the kexec-tools side (with e.g. the makedumpfile package dep), it seems like it could be dropped from grub221:40
cjwatsonslangasek: Yep, sounds likely21:41
evbdmurray, pitti: http://people.canonical.com/~evand/tmp/024acb70-836a-11e2-9a69-e4115b0f8a4a.crash21:58
mterrybdmurray, I can't reproduce that update-manager R->S bug22:05
mterrybdmurray, I should be running "update-manager -c -d" ?22:06
bdmurraymterry: yes, or update-manager -d22:10
mterrybdmurray, (yah, -c doesn't seem relevant anymore)22:10
mterrybdmurray, I do that and I get prompted to upgrade22:10
mterrybdmurray, (in R)22:11
mterrybdmurray, will try 12.10 next, which was OP's problem22:11
bdmurraymterry: i was able to recreate it from R to S22:11
mterrybdmurray, that's why I've come to you  :)  what magic is this?22:11
bdmurraymterry: well, I was going to try again but update-manager tells me I have to reboot ;-)22:12
ogra_cjwatson, ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers-daily.list.chroot22:26
ogra_cjwatson, http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/daily/ubuntu22:27
cjwatsonogra_: that doesn't contain any of the packages being complained about in the log22:28
cjwatsonso, where's camera-app meant to come from?22:29
bdmurraymterry: after rebooting I see the upgrade message. Does your system need to be up to date before the message appears?22:29
mterrybdmurray, yes22:29
bdmurrayah, that must be a new feature.  thanks for looking into it22:31
ogra_cjwatson, just FYI http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-unity/daily-build-next/ubuntu/dists/saucy/main/binary-armhf/Packages22:31
ogra_(not really any content in there)22:32
cjwatsonogra_: perhaps somebody forgot to copy with binaries22:35
ogra_cjwatson, right22:35
cjwatsonit might be possible to re-copy - I forget22:35
ogra_yeah, i'll talk to didrocks22:36
ogra_oh, seems i can even do that myself22:36
didrocksogra_: cjwatson: IIRC, I copied this morning this arch: all22:37
ogra_didrocks, well, i want to build images from it :)22:37
didrocksbinary only22:37
ogra_so i need a little bit more than a placeholder22:37
ogra_i.e. all armhf22:37
didrocksogra_: hum, sergiusens asked me to only copy one package "whatever" :)22:37
ogra_i can do it myself apparently22:38
didrocksogra_: yeah, you should be in the team :)22:38
ogra_just want to know if i could break any of your automation doing it22:38
didrocksogra_: no no, that's fine22:38
didrocksogra_: take libhybris maybe?22:38
ogra_i want them all ... :)22:39
ogra_(well, all armhf)22:39
didrocksogra_: hum? it wasn't what was told to me22:39
didrocksogra_: ok, copy everything, it will be overriden when we activate it22:39
ogra_thats fine22:40
ogra_i just want to make sure the image building in saucy workss ... and for that i need the packages indeed :)22:40
ogra_no worries22:40
didrocksgood luck! ;)22:40

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