
=== markthomas1 is now known as markthomas
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=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
gipsyhnhcommunity member is right now or what time can i know?10:51
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* cprofitt waves17:00
czajkowskibest timezone greeting :)17:00
meetingologyMeeting started Thu May  2 17:01:28 2013 UTC.  The chair is czajkowski. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.17:01
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired17:01
czajkowskianyone from the forums council about17:01
czajkowskihmm cant really tackle their request without knowing what the issue is.17:02
czajkowskiah cool17:03
cprofittjust pinged the forum irc channel17:03
elfy2 ticks17:03
czajkowski#topic Forums council request17:03
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Forums council request
elfywe'd just like a bit of help getting this moved along - it's been left since they checked the security aspects17:04
czajkowskielfy: ok and as a first port of call have ye asked for an update in #canonical-sysadmin ?17:05
elfyon the 26th - when it got taken and then given to nobody17:05
czajkowskiright that was the week before last and before release week17:06
elfyaas far as we are aware they have the plugins - or at least we assume so as they vetted them17:06
beunoright, release week probably got in the way17:06
elfyso I'll wait 2 weeks and come back and ask again them17:06
dholbachmight be worth just asking in #canonical-sysadmin again17:07
czajkowskiI dont mind chasing up on tickets, but I do think we need to give the folks in sysadmin a bit of a chance to deal with tickets and allowing for release week and sprint/work :)17:07
elfythe ticket was raised a while back - at the behest of sysadmin to look at them17:07
czajkowskihave just asked in the channel now so hopefully get an update on that17:07
czajkowskihow else can we help?17:08
elfythat's all thanks17:08
elfyshall wait and see ;)17:08
cprofittthanks elfy17:08
czajkowski#topic AOB17:09
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
czajkowskiCC folks any thing else we need to look at17:09
dholbachthere are a few open threads we should reply to17:09
dholbachthe trello is up to date AFAICS17:09
dholbachI don't have anything apart from that to discuss17:10
cprofittI do not have anything else to discuss17:11
beunoI haven't fully woken up yet17:11
czajkowskiI'm all good here17:11
czajkowskimailed all the teams today and updated our wiki17:11
czajkowskithough I think translations are down twice17:11
cprofittthanks for doing that czajkowski17:11
czajkowskiso need to redit that17:11
czajkowskime and the wiki never see eye to eye :)17:11
czajkowskidoes anyone else here wish to bring something to the CC ?17:12
czajkowski#action beuno to update the wiki with the mins of the meeting17:13
meetingologyACTION: beuno to update the wiki with the mins of the meeting17:13
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu May  2 17:13:23 2013 UTC.17:13
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-05-02-17.01.moin.txt17:13
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-05-02-17.01.html17:13
beunoczajkowski, sneaky17:13
cprofittthanks for coming everyone!17:13
czajkowskibeuno: hehehe :)17:13
dholbachthanks a lot!17:13
zequenceczajkowski: Sorry I missed the meeting. Is it every thursday?18:34
* zequence == Kaj Ailomaa / project lead for Ubuntu Studio18:34
czajkowskizequence: hey so you'll see the invitation was for a certain date. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommunityCouncilAgenda  lists the dates for each group to attend18:37
czajkowskizequence: stuido is due on the 4th July18:37
czajkowskiso ages away18:37
zequenceczajkowski: Alright, thanks18:38
acoleman1981has anyone else had the issue of a usb keyboard and mouse working but when removing the usb devices and trying to use the installed touchpad and keyboard (laptop) it only works every other reboot?  Please private message me with any help available or links to instructions. Thanks!18:59
me4oslavsnwh - ping me19:51
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== jono is now known as Guest36860
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=== fmartins is now known as xhaker
* s-fox was here all along, honest22:01
snwhhello all22:01
iulian#startmeeting 2200 UTC Ubuntu Membership Board22:02
meetingologyMeeting started Thu May  2 22:02:13 2013 UTC.  The chair is iulian. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.22:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired22:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 2200 UTC Ubuntu Membership Board Meeting | Current topic:
iulianHello and welcome to the Ubuntu Membership Review Board for the 2200 UTC meeting for May 2, 2013.22:02
iulianWe will attempt to get through all of the applicants that have added themselves to that list before today's meeting. If we are unable to make it through the entire list due to time constraints, then at the next meeting we will pick up where we left off.22:02
iulianThe format for the meeting is as follows: We will go through the list of applicants one by one, by date of application (FIFO).22:02
iulianEach applicant should introduce themselves (1-5 sentences) and provide links to their Ubuntu Wiki page. After the introduction the members of the Membership Review Board will review the pages and, if needed, ask the applicant further questions.22:03
iulianDuring this time it is encouraged for other members of the community to show their support for the applicant. Do not be alarmed if the members of the Membership Review Board are quiet during this time; they are most likely reading wiki/launchpad/forum/other pages and deciding how they are going to vote.22:03
iulianWhen the board is ready to vote, they will publicly vote in the channel with either +1, 0, or -1 (for membership, abstain, and against membership, respectively). If the sum of those numbers is positive, then the applicant is now an official Ubuntu member! (feel free congratulate them!)22:03
iulian#voter s-fox bkerensa micahg hggdh PabloRubianes iulian22:05
iulian#voters s-fox bkerensa micahg hggdh PabloRubianes iulian22:05
meetingologyCurrent voters: PabloRubianes bkerensa hggdh iulian micahg s-fox22:05
iulianNoskcaj: Hi. You're the first one, so please go ahead.22:05
NoskcajMy name is Jackson Doak, my wiki page is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Noskcaj .  I started using Ubuntu in 10.10 and started helping the community shortly after alpha 3 12.10. I have since ran ~300 iso tests, helped make testdrive active again and am co-head of testing for xubuntu (i share the possition with elfy).22:05
Noskcaji ran for xubuntu project lead but lost 22-222:06
Noskcaji didn't have time to put that result onto the wiki22:07
hggdhNoskcaj: no problem there :-)22:07
iulianNoskcaj: That's alright. We are ready to vote.22:07
iulian#vote Noskcaj for Ubuntu membership22:08
meetingologyPlease vote on: Noskcaj for Ubuntu membership22:08
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)22:08
meetingology+1 received from bkerensa22:08
iulian+1 - good work.22:08
meetingology+1 - good work. received from iulian22:08
hggdh+1 testimonials *do* help!22:08
meetingology+1 testimonials *do* help! received from hggdh22:08
s-fox+1 - nice to see all the support22:08
meetingology+1 - nice to see all the support received from s-fox22:08
meetingology+1 received from PabloRubianes22:08
* SergioMeneses hugs Noskcaj 22:08
meetingologyVoting ended on: Noskcaj for Ubuntu membership22:08
meetingologyVotes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:022:08
meetingologyMotion carried22:08
iulianNoskcaj: Congratulations.22:08
nik90congrats Noskcaj :)22:08
Noskcajyay, thank you22:08
hggdhNoskcaj: welcome! And thank you for all your work :-)22:08
SergioMenesescongrats Noskcaj and welcome on board!22:08
bkerensacongrats and keep up the good work!22:08
snwhwell done sir22:08
iulianIt seems that Amir Eldor is not here at the moment so we shall go on to the next one.22:09
iuliansachy: Go ahead.22:09
sachyHi, my name is Martin Sacha https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MartinSacha and Im using Ubuntu as primary OS since 2009. Im working in Czech community as main translator and on czech forum, as you can see on wiki page.22:09
iulian#voters IdleOne22:10
meetingologyCurrent voters: IdleOne PabloRubianes bkerensa hggdh iulian micahg s-fox22:10
sachyNow we are preparing Raring release party in Prague22:11
TadeasParikFrom my side there is big support to sachy , our Czech LoCo is not so big and he is really big contributor...22:12
iuliansachy: Thank you.22:12
iulianAny questions?22:12
s-foxis anyone here in support of sachy ?22:13
hggdhanyone more to vouch for sachy?22:13
sachySadly VojtechTrefny cannot be here22:13
TadeasParikif you have any questions, just ask me22:13
hggdhTadeasParik: what we -- at least I -- would like to see is more testimonials22:14
iulian#vote sachy for Ubuntu membership.22:14
meetingologyPlease vote on: sachy for Ubuntu membership.22:14
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)22:14
meetingology+0 received from iulian22:14
s-fox+1 - i would prefer you to reapply in 6 months with more support from the community22:14
meetingology+1 - i would prefer you to reapply in 6 months with more support from the community received from s-fox22:14
hggdh+0 -- testimonials are really important22:15
meetingology+0 -- testimonials are really important received from hggdh22:15
IdleOne+0 , needs more testimonials from the greater ubuntu community22:15
meetingology+0 , needs more testimonials from the greater ubuntu community received from IdleOne22:15
bkerensa0+ - Increase contributions and improve testimonials22:15
meetingology0+ - Increase contributions and improve testimonials received from bkerensa22:15
meetingology+0 received from PabloRubianes22:15
iulians-fox: Did you mean -1 or +1?22:15
s-foxi mistyped. i am a firm -122:15
TadeasParikhggdh, did you see his personal page on wiki?22:15
meetingology-1 received from iulian22:15
meetingologyVoting ended on: sachy for Ubuntu membership.22:16
meetingologyVotes for:1 Votes against:1 Abstentions:422:16
meetingologyDeadlock, casting vote may be used22:16
IdleOnesachy: You are doing great work and we want you to continue. Please don't be discouraged by this outcome.22:16
sachyok, thank you22:16
iuliansachy: And please do come back!22:16
iulianChauncellor: You're up next.22:17
bkerensasachy:  Look forward to seeing you re-apply in six months!22:17
ChauncellorMy name is Brett Cornwall. My wiki page is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChauncellorUbuntuApplication. I started using Ubuntu in 7.04 and most of my contributions are mostly in bug work (and in previous years I maily gave support in IRC). I now work a lot on Compiz bug triaging/cleanup and go on AskUbuntu every so often to help with questions.22:17
PabloRubianesMe too sachy22:17
ChauncellorIf Omer Akram is here I would be confident that he would endorse me22:18
iulianOK, thanks very much Chauncellor.22:18
iulianAny questions for Brett?22:18
s-foxChauncellor:  you have a soulful history on ubuntu forums. can you please explain your infractions ?22:19
ChauncellorSure :)22:19
ChauncellorThe first infraction was merely a playful code snippet that I was naive enough to publish - 'rm -rf'22:20
ChauncellorI used that to prove a point22:20
IdleOneyou consider that "playful" ?22:20
Chauncellorill-advised, of course22:20
Chauncellorit was meant as sarcasm, and not at all was a direction22:20
Chauncellorit was used as a poor example22:20
ChauncellorAs for the second, I had a small squabble with a forum member on the ubuntu+1 development boards - I rose to his taunt, something I certainly should not have done22:21
Chauncellorif I do hit that rare occasion upon which I feel heated, I normally turn the monitor off and simmer for an hour before returning22:22
ChauncellorI am extremely unfortunate to have not done so at that point22:22
ChauncellorI do hope this can be looked past as a good deal of time has passed22:22
ChauncellorA regretful decision22:23
IdleOneHow long ago was this?22:23
* s-fox is checking dates.22:23
ChauncellorA few years - 2010? I can go check22:23
ChauncellorI have a slow internet connection presently22:24
IdleOnes-fox: is looking it up22:24
IdleOneAnybody else have any questions while we wait?22:25
s-foxadvising a member to remove /boot was may 19th 201022:25
lousygaruaAHHH I'M LATE SORRY22:25
ChauncellorI would like to once again claim that I did not advise any member to actually run that command22:25
s-foxusing foul language towards a community member was july 20th 201022:25
iulianThanks for your comments, Chauncellor. We appreciate your honesty.22:26
ChauncellorI take full responsibility for both and have sent apologies22:26
ChauncellorWe are on good terms now22:26
iulian#vote Chauncellor for Ubuntu membership.22:26
meetingologyPlease vote on: Chauncellor for Ubuntu membership.22:26
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)22:26
meetingology-1 received from iulian22:26
meetingology-1 received from PabloRubianes22:26
s-fox-1 - i am sorry but no. i cannot support this application.   if you can get ranch hand to support your application i would be willing to re-evaluate22:26
meetingology-1 - i am sorry but no. i cannot support this application.   if you can get ranch hand to support your application i would be willing to re-evaluate received from s-fox22:26
hggdh-1 looking at some bugs you worked on, aggressive comments and responses22:26
bkerensa-1 - I'm discouraged by the infractions on Ubuntu Forums.22:26
meetingology-1 looking at some bugs you worked on, aggressive comments and responses received from hggdh22:26
meetingology-1 - I'm discouraged by the infractions on Ubuntu Forums. received from bkerensa22:26
IdleOneChauncellor: you are aware that forum posts are public, the user it was directed at may not have run the command but who knows if some unsuspecting user could have. Our actions affect more than the person we are speaking to.22:27
meetingology-1 received from IdleOne22:27
meetingologyVoting ended on: Chauncellor for Ubuntu membership.22:27
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:6 Abstentions:022:27
meetingologyMotion denied22:27
ChauncellorHow kind22:27
s-foxChauncellor:  contact ranch hand would be my advice.22:27
IdleOneI would encourage you to continue doing good work and come back at a future date, this won't be held against you forever.22:28
hggdhChauncellor: this is the type of response that made us stop and -1 you...22:28
iulianlousygarua: Hello. Could you please introduce yourself?22:28
lousygaruaI'm Amir from Israel22:28
lousygaruaCurrently acting as the leader of the LoCo team, as no one else would take the lead22:28
lousygaruaI've been Linuxing since 2006 and Ubuntuing since 2008. I've been an active member in the Israeli community for quite some time22:29
lousygaruahelping in forums, drupaling on our websites, supporting on our IRC channel22:29
IdleOnelousygarua: could you link to your wiki page please22:29
lousygaruaIdleOne, here, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AmirEldor22:30
bkerensalousygarua: Is your LoCo been pretty active since you have led it? I'm trying to get a idea of how big your contribution is there22:30
lousygaruabkerensa, it's a small country, and we don't have many volunteers22:31
iulianlousygarua: When did you guys have the last LoCo meeting?22:31
lousygaruaiulian, we don't have people to do effective LoCo meeting. We mainly communicate over the internet and coordinate tasks. Tomorrow I'm going to have some kind of 'LoCo' meeting with a guy who wants to help develop the loco22:32
lousygaruawe will also advocate Ubuntu on an upcoming annucal Linux convention in August22:32
IdleOneloco meetings can be on irc, they don't have to be in person.22:32
lousygaruaI do everything I can to keep the blood streaming throupgh our communities22:33
lousygaruaWhen it's just one or two people, we prefer using the phone or our mailing list for decisions and discussions22:33
lousygaruaOur LoCo is in bad shape22:33
iulianlousygarua: What are your future plans to fix that?22:33
lousygaruaWe plan to translate and contribute to the Ubuntu Advocacy Kit (by Jono Bacon if I'm not mistaken?)22:34
lousygaruacontinue support in our forums and site22:34
lousygaruawe get a lot of hits from Windows users on our /download page22:34
iulianlousygarua: i see.22:34
lousygaruathrough analytics I've recently installed22:35
lousygaruawith some effort and help we can help raise more awareness to FOSS in Israel22:35
iulianAny other questions?22:35
lousygaruaAlso, we need to make a better impression of Ubuntu Israel as well. Back on 2008 we had a bad LoCo lead which gave a bad impression on the Ubuntu LoCo to other LUGs22:35
lousygaruaok I will stop now :)22:36
iulian#vote lousygarua for Ubuntu membership.22:36
meetingologyPlease vote on: lousygarua for Ubuntu membership.22:36
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)22:36
meetingology+1 received from IdleOne22:36
hggdh+1 -- persistence is appreciated. But I really, really would love to see more testimonials22:36
meetingology+1 -- persistence is appreciated. But I really, really would love to see more testimonials received from hggdh22:36
bkerensa+0 - I would like to see more work maybe in Translations or LoCo growth.22:37
IdleOnelousygarua: I hope to see you continue doing good work and more of it :)22:37
meetingology+0 - I would like to see more work maybe in Translations or LoCo growth. received from bkerensa22:37
iulian+0 at the moment. You are on the right track though. Please do keep it up. I'd also like to see more testimonials and more people involved in the LoCo team that you are leading.22:37
meetingology+0 at the moment. You are on the right track though. Please do keep it up. I'd also like to see more testimonials and more people involved in the LoCo team that you are leading. received from iulian22:37
s-fox+0 more testimonials would be nice, as would more translations22:37
meetingology+0 more testimonials would be nice, as would more translations received from s-fox22:37
meetingologyVoting ended on: lousygarua for Ubuntu membership.22:37
meetingologyVotes for:2 Votes against:0 Abstentions:322:37
meetingologyMotion carried22:37
lousygaruaThank you all22:37
lousygaruaEven if I did get through the motion I would have continue my work22:38
lousygaruaIdleOne, I am here22:38
IdleOneok, give us a moment please22:38
=== PabloRubianes_ is now known as PabloRubianes
iulianlousygarua: Unfortunately you have been unsuccessful this time but like we have said above please do keep up the good work and do reapply in a couple of months.22:39
iuliansnwh: You're up next.22:40
snwhWell, my name is Sam Hewitt and I'm primarily an open-source designer. I've been using Ubuntu since 7.10 (if memory serves). In 2012, I helped found the open source development team: Freyja Development, where we work on projects for Ubuntu. The most familiar one being Unity Tweak Tool. Prior to that, I contributed to various smaller projects, where I could. Currently, I and the rest of the team are working on our next project; also,22:40
snwhI'm personally working on an open source icon and theme set. Wiki Page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/snwh22:40
lousygaruaiulian, alright22:40
iulianlousygarua: Feel free to /query me if you have any questions or anything.22:40
hggdhlousygarua: we need 4 +1s to approve22:40
snwhI could throw in that I write for OMG Ubuntu I guess22:41
bkerensasnwh: that wont help here much ;)22:41
snwhbkerensa, worth a shot ;)22:42
IdleOnethat isn't true.22:42
lousygaruahggdh, It's ok, I see :)22:42
IdleOneour personal opinions of a website doesn't deminish the fact that you still do write about ubuntu22:42
iulianAny questions for snwh?22:42
PabloRubianeslousygarua: and if you need help with your loco you can ask to the lococouncil for ideas22:42
snwhI have personal opinions about the site as well :)22:43
iulian#vote snwh for Ubuntu membership22:43
meetingologyPlease vote on: snwh for Ubuntu membership22:43
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)22:43
meetingology+1 received from iulian22:44
meetingology+1 received from hggdh22:44
meetingology+1 received from IdleOne22:44
meetingology+1 received from PabloRubianes22:44
bkerensa+1 - I think your work on various apps used on Ubuntu Desktop improve the value to the Community.22:44
meetingology+1 - I think your work on various apps used on Ubuntu Desktop improve the value to the Community. received from bkerensa22:44
meetingology+1 received from s-fox22:44
meetingologyVoting ended on: snwh for Ubuntu membership22:44
meetingologyVotes for:6 Votes against:0 Abstentions:022:44
meetingologyMotion carried22:44
snwhWow, thanks :D22:44
nik90congrats sam :)22:44
iuliansnwh: Congratulations.22:44
me4oslavgrats Sam!22:44
IdleOnecongrats snwh :)22:44
hggdhsnwh: welcome!22:44
* snwh feels appreciated :)22:44
iuliannik90: Shoot!22:44
nik90Hello everyone, I am Nekhelesh Ramananthan. My wiki page is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Nekhelesh%20Ramananthan.22:44
nik90I have been using Ubuntu since 8.04. My first real inspirations to contribute started with quicklist support for applications in 12.04 and also the Muktware Ubuntu Manual 12.04. I then expanded to other areas like blogging, helping new users and coding for the Ubuntu Touch Clock app project.22:44
nik90I have been helped by Michael Hall, and now I am trying to return some of that back to the Ubuntu Community.22:45
lousygaruaPabloRubianes, how should I message the council? By email or in an IRC channel?22:46
IdleOnelousygarua: email would be best22:47
iulian#vote nik90 for Ubuntu membership22:49
meetingologyPlease vote on: nik90 for Ubuntu membership22:49
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)22:49
meetingology+0 received from iulian22:50
hggdh+0 -- we need more testimonials about your work for Ubuntu, we cannot judge it otherwise22:50
meetingology+0 -- we need more testimonials about your work for Ubuntu, we cannot judge it otherwise received from hggdh22:50
s-fox+0 same reason as hggdh22:50
meetingology+0 same reason as hggdh received from s-fox22:50
meetingology+0 received from PabloRubianes22:50
meetingology+0 received from bkerensa22:50
IdleOne+0 for now. I would like to see more testimonials from current members22:50
meetingology+0 for now. I would like to see more testimonials from current members received from IdleOne22:50
meetingologyVoting ended on: nik90 for Ubuntu membership22:50
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:0 Abstentions:622:50
meetingologyDeadlock, casting vote may be used22:50
iuliannik90: Unfortunately you have been unsuccessful. Please get more testimonials and reapply in a few months time. I'm pretty certain that you will get through next time.22:52
iulianme4oslav: You're up next. Please introduce yourself.22:52
nik90iulian: sure I will do that next time. Thanks for your time22:53
me4oslavHello there folks, my name is Georgi Karavasilev, my wiki page is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/me4oslav . I am Ubuntu user since 6.06 and started contributing to during the 12.10 cycle and since then I've been "full steam ahead" with (mostly design) contributions.22:53
me4oslavAs written in the wiki I am all around design guy and have redesigned and designed a bunch of applicatiosn already.22:53
me4oslavYou could say I'm most famous for my work with Freyja development team with Unity Tweak Tool and Synaptic and working with mpt on Kazam and I'm also the chied designer for Smuxi irc cleint.22:53
iuliannik90: Keep up the good work!22:53
me4oslavI've also contributed to the design of System Testing, Qreator, Ubuntu Software Centre and helped a numerous community chaps with their applications designs.22:53
me4oslavApart from the design work I've also written some articles on OMG! Ubuntu, answered a nadful of AskUbuntu questions, helped Kazam with a few bugfixes, contributed with some icons design work for OneHundredScopes project.22:53
me4oslavand that will be all :) ... oh and I love Doctor Who (not that this counts for anything :>)22:54
TadeasParikiulian,  I do not understand why do you use only few minutes for each "next" member?22:54
TadeasParikin the past it was different22:55
TadeasParikthere are no questions from your side22:55
TadeasParikdo not you have time?22:55
iulianTadeasParik: We have limited time, we cannot go on forever. And please don't disturb the meeting. Wait till it's finished.22:56
s-foxWe have quite a number of applicants and a limited time period.22:56
lousygaruaGoodbye guys, thank you, off to install Ubuntu Studio22:56
iulian#vote me4oslav for Ubuntu membership.22:57
meetingologyPlease vote on: me4oslav for Ubuntu membership.22:57
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)22:57
meetingology+1 received from IdleOne22:57
meetingology+1 received from s-fox22:57
hggdh+1 thank you for your work, and please do keep on :-)22:57
meetingology+1 thank you for your work, and please do keep on :-) received from hggdh22:57
meetingology+1 received from iulian22:57
meetingology+1 received from PabloRubianes22:57
bkerensa+1 - I think your work brings great value to the Community.22:57
meetingology+1 - I think your work brings great value to the Community. received from bkerensa22:57
meetingologyVoting ended on: me4oslav for Ubuntu membership.22:57
meetingologyVotes for:6 Votes against:0 Abstentions:022:57
meetingologyMotion carried22:57
iulianme4oslav: Congrats.22:58
me4oslavThanks you so much22:58
nik90me4oslav: congrats :)22:58
* me4oslav will try a huge IRC party22:58
iulianPyae Sone cannot make it today.22:58
iulianafigueiras: You're up next, please fire away.22:58
afigueirasHi everyone, my name is Ana Figueiras and my wiki page is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AnaFigueiras22:58
afigueiras I'm from Portugal and I'm an Ubuntu user since Ubuntu 5.04. I'm a member  an active member of the Portuguese LoCo team, lately involved in organising the Portuguese community and its activities (such as meetings, release parties, etc.). Our latest event was the 13.04 release party.22:58
afigueirasI also started a Ubuntu Portugal facebook page where we share news and information about the community's activity https://www.facebook.com/ubuntuportugal Since its creation we've had more people coming to us and asking us about Ubuntu.22:58
afigueirasNow I'm currently trying to improve our translation team by creating a smaller team in charge of translations and bilding our own term base for the translations.22:59
xhakerafigueiras has been devoting a lot of time to the Portugal LoCo team and with great outcomes. I wrote a testimonial on her page +122:59
tcarrondoafigueiras, just write you my small testimonial @ the wiki23:01
iulianafigueiras: Thank you.23:01
iulianWe shall vote now.23:01
iulian#vote afigueiras for Ubuntu membership.23:01
meetingologyPlease vote on: afigueiras for Ubuntu membership.23:01
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me)23:01
s-fox+1 Good to see the pics from ubuntu events23:01
meetingology+1 Good to see the pics from ubuntu events received from s-fox23:01
PabloRubianes+1 keep working hard!23:01
meetingology+1 keep working hard! received from PabloRubianes23:01
meetingology+1 received from iulian23:01
bkerensa+1 I think your participation in Ubuntu Women brings value to the Community and your photos show your advocacy work!23:01
meetingology+1 I think your participation in Ubuntu Women brings value to the Community and your photos show your advocacy work! received from bkerensa23:01
meetingology+1 received from IdleOne23:02
hggdh+1 pois... obrigado por tua ajuda! E fico feliz de ver mais pessoas de PT por cá!23:02
meetingology+1 pois... obrigado por tua ajuda! E fico feliz de ver mais pessoas de PT por cá! received from hggdh23:02
iulianHeh. :)23:02
meetingologyVoting ended on: afigueiras for Ubuntu membership.23:02
meetingologyVotes for:6 Votes against:0 Abstentions:023:02
meetingologyMotion carried23:02
IdleOneCongrats afigueiras !!!23:02
bkerensawhat he said ^23:02
iulianCongratulations, afigueiras.23:02
afigueirasThank you :)23:02
s-foxExcellent, really good to see :)23:02
tcarrondoparabéns ana!23:02
snwhAwesome possum!23:02
s-foxWell done23:02
xhakerCongrats afigueiras23:02
afigueirasI'll keep up the good work23:02
hggdhafigueiras: bem vinda, e parabéns23:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu May  2 23:03:09 2013 UTC.23:03
meetingologyMinutes (wiki):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-05-02-22.02.moin.txt23:03
meetingologyMinutes (html):        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2013/ubuntu-meeting.2013-05-02-22.02.html23:03
s-foxThank you for chairing iulian23:03
iulianThanks everyone!23:03
snwhno, thank you23:03
TadeasParikCould you, please, explain me the different between this vote and between the votes in the past?23:03
TadeasParikyou have few minutes for each person23:04
TadeasParikon your wiki is written:23:04
TadeasParik "Add yourself to the list early, the board meetings usually take about an hour and if there are many applicants some may get postponed until the next meeting.23:04
TadeasParikIs this really normal? I was asked for 20 minutes, and today? You are able to refuse someone and also accept within 2 minutes?23:05
sachyIt is written directly under the table of applicatnts23:05
hggdhTadeasParik: we look at the wiki, at LP, and other places as needed. We discuss internally. If there are questions from us, we ask them.23:06
IdleOneTadeasParik: We had a lot of applicants today and we wanted to make sure we got them all done.23:06
TadeasPariksorry, but you did not ask23:06
sachyand you did not ask me *anythink... why?23:06
IdleOneTadeasParik: If we did not ask any qyestions it is because we did not have any for you23:06
TadeasPariknot for me23:06
TadeasParikI am already a member23:07
IdleOneor for sachy23:07
TadeasParikbusy...  :) ok, just try to change... ;23:08
nik90IdleOne: do I need to wait for 6 months before I reapply for membership again?23:08
IdleOnesachy: if you feel we did not come to the correct decision I recommend you email the membership board and we will be happy to look at your application again.23:08
TadeasParik IdleOne , we will do it23:08
IdleOnenik90: We usually say 6 months but if you feel you are ready before that time and have followed our suggestions please do reapply earlier.23:09
TadeasParik2 minutes without questions? sorry...23:09
sachyIdleOne: sure, thanks for tip23:09
IdleOneok, I am off for now. thank you all for your time23:09
snwhI guess i can stop lurking now. :)23:14

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