
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
=== thumper-afk is now known as thumper
hadsSo are we going to create #ubuntu-nz-morning-coordination and if so do we need to say morning in there too?02:10
* chilts wonders if we need a new channel to just say 'morning'02:47
ajmitchthen what would we say in here?02:47
ojwbwe could discuss where we should say morning02:48
chiltsI meant, I wonder about the idea of having one - I'm in your camp02:48
ibeardsleewe could comment in here that we said morning in the other channel, and tell people off when they do that in here.02:51
ibeardsleeof course that does make me think about the idea of having a channel that is just for morning .. and a bot that kicks anyone who says anything different in there02:52
ojwbwe could just have a channel where we all run bots to say "morning" for us and leave them to it03:13
chiltsor we just don't say morning here either, but that wouldn't be any fun03:15
ibeardsleesaying morning in here is a nice way to keep track of people, if they disappear for a couple of days, it's a way to track who could be disappearing overseas forajob interview orsome such ;)03:27
ibeardslee.. stoopid Ultralap keyboard03:27
ajmitchibeardslee: still loving that spacebar? :)03:27
ibeardsleeNot really.  I'm no longer recommending the UltraLap to anyone.03:29
ibeardsleethe Alto has a better keyboard03:29
ajmitchthe ultralap is still a convenient laptop to carry around03:30
ajmitchespecially when travelling & carrying it in a backpack each day :)03:31
ibeardsleeyeah a bit less convenient when you also have to carry and external keyboard03:31
ajmitchyeah, I use it with a wireless keyboard & x2x when at home & work03:32
Gis ZaReason still doing much in this part of the world, their Twitter appears silent, and they've stopped talking about the Tab except on their site which says out of stock03:32
* ojwb bought a workstation from them recently03:34
* ajmitch saw in #zareason a couple of weeks ago that they nearly had a new model of the zatab ready03:34
ajmitchnot sure how active the NZ operation is, don't hear much from them03:34
ojwbseems to be a guy based in masterton  now03:34
ajmitchprobably a bit cheaper than retail space in wellington :)03:35
Gyeah, they were thinking big for a while, and then went completely silent03:35
ojwbhe seems to have a shop there, so i suspect he does the zareason stuff part time03:35
ojwbmachine seems well put together - only gripe is swap << main memory so it won't hibernate if lots of memory is in use03:37
* chilts is happy with his System7603:40
chiltsyeah, Zareason went pretty quiet pretty sharpish03:41
ibeardsleeyeah I wonder if they just didn't get as much happening here as they expected.03:44
ajmitchpossibly, it's not a large market03:47
ojwbi think the idea was they'd sell to oz and pacific places from here03:54
chiltsstill, they completely disappeared, no comments, no warning03:56
Gyeah, can't help but think they would've been better off in somewhere like Brisbane and ship to here03:56
chiltsare they back in the US?03:56
Gchilts: well they are still in the fact that their website still works, and ojwb obviously got a order filled, it's just the radio silence03:57
Gerrr still here, based on the fact that...03:57
chiltsyeah, from Masterton, I was just thinking about the founders03:57
* chilts can't remember the lady's name03:57
chiltsshe's presumably back in the States03:58
ajmitchthey were only able to be here for up to 3 months at a time, the usual visa limits03:58
chiltswell, at least not in NZ : https://twitter.com/zareasonnz03:59
ojwbShaun Minifie is the guy in masterton (features in that twitter feed)04:00
Atamirawhy does that name ring a bell04:01
Atamirahas he been on the news lately?04:02
hadsI talked with Cathy quite a bit, she is a big thinker, I tried to give her the realities of the size of the NZ market without being too much of a downer.04:42
hadsShe was wanting to nicegear to do fulfilment for Zareason in NZ but nothing eventuated and then as you all know they disappeared.04:44
ajmitchhopefully zareason in NZ doesn't get neglected04:45
ajmitchcurrently it's going to be just word of mouth for advertising04:45
hadsThe ZaTab appears to be neglected.04:46
ibeardsleethere is another in the works04:46
hadsAt least mine hasn't locked up and needed a hard reset for a while.04:46
ibeardsleebut they really need to keep the hype, the info flowing04:47
ajmitchtouchscreen on mine's gone a bit funny, likely to be a hardware issue due to getting thrown in & out of my backpack quite often :)04:47
ajmitchyes, total silence from them doesn't help04:47
Ghads: ahhh interesting04:51
Gyeah, I gave up on the ZaTab, mine is sitting on the floor under an unused computer desk, unused in a while, disappointing considering with Customs/MAF taking their cut, that it wasn't 'cheap'04:53
hadsAnd you can get the same thing (minus the average silkscreen on the back) from DX etc.04:54
Ghads: that too, although I must admit, I nearly turned mine in to whoever does electrical safety after getting a small zap from it a couple times with DC+USB plugged in04:55
ajmitchyou don't even need DC plugged in to feel that04:55
Gbut, couldn't be bothered, and it's a pretty minor thing to go to the safety crowds about04:55
Gajmitch: yeah, I think one of the times it might've been just USB too, but it's so long ago, that I can't remember04:56
ibeardsleeI would have pushed at ZaReason about that04:56
ibeardsleeI mean I think there was an element of wanting to see them succeed about, but they have to succeed with quality gear that people will want .. not because there are a bunch of 'zealots' about.04:57
Gibeardslee: a fair point04:58
ibeardsleeI think they sold (alomst all they could) to the zealots, next step was to hit the people with the 'this is better than what I can get elsewhere'04:59
ajmitchpeople also want cheaper, which is hard to get at that scale04:59
GAt the end of the day I'm happy to forget price OR the odd feature or two, but not quality, which is why I'm currently using an iPad instead of the ZaTab (sure it misses one or two things which makes Android tablet's open, but the quality and price for me won me over, especially when compared to what was on the market at the time from the likes of Samsung05:04
hadsI use a Nexus 7. The ZaTab is mounted on the fridge and is used every day as a shopping list and calendar. It has served is purpose but I wouldn't buy one again.05:10
ojwbwe have a piece of paper on the fridge05:15
ojwbafter use, it becomes fire lighting material05:16
ibeardsleeand unfortunately HP will now only do one model without the legacy OS05:18
ibeardsleeone model laptop05:18
Gojwb: you arsonist.. you  ;)05:38
=== thumper is now known as thumper-cooking
=== liz__ is now known as Atamira

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