
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
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smartboyhw_Noskcaj: Ping07:13
smartboyhw_OK guessing time: Who's interview will be posted today?07:18
smartboyhwNoskcaj10: Still here?09:48
Noskcaj10smartboyhw, yup, i was at soccer training before09:49
smartboyhwNoskcaj: Nervous?09:49
smartboyhwNoskcaj10: ^09:49
Noskcaj10smartboyhw, no, why?09:50
smartboyhwNoskcaj: Erm your membership application is today 22:00UTC (tmr for you)09:51
smartboyhwAnd the Xubuntu Project Lead results will come out today 15:00 UTC09:52
Noskcajsmartboyhw, XPL: knome will win. Membership: i keep forgetting, i just hope it's finished before i have to go to school09:53
smartboyhwNoskcaj: You will be the first one. It doesn't take more than 15 minutes (unless the board is under-quorum, like what I almost experienced in my application)09:53
Noskcajok, good. should be all good09:54
smartboyhwNoskcaj: :) Just remember to wake up:P09:56
Noskcajsmartboyhw, i get up a 6am most days, membership is at 8am, school at 8:3009:56
Noskcaji should be fine09:56
smartboyhwNoskcaj: You should ask knome and elfy for testimonials09:56
Noskcajyes, i should. i hope they're online09:57
smartboyhwNoskcaj: Your home is close to your school?09:57
Noskcaj10km from it09:57
smartboyhwNoskcaj: Eh, you mean you LEAVE for school at 8:30?09:58
smartboyhwNoskcaj: Damn09:58
smartboyhwI start school in 7:55 now (starting from today)09:58
smartboyhwSummer timetable:O09:58
* vibhav leaves for school at 6:3009:59
Noskcaj:( at least it's summer for you09:59
vibhavTake that!09:59
Noskcajvibhav, yay?09:59
smartboyhwvibhav:We have people at 5:30;P09:59
vibhavNo yay09:59
vibhavI have some classes before school that I attend09:59
Noskcajand everyone in australia stats at ~9am goes to ~3pm09:59
smartboyhwNoskcaj: Oh10:00
Noskcajat least you guys don't have frosts every morning, i expect we'll get -10 soon10:01
Noskcajmaybe vibhav does, i have no idea where he lives10:01
Noskcajoh, so no cold weather10:06
smartboyhwNoskcaj: Guessing game: Who's interview will come out today?;P10:06
Noskcajsmartboyhw, i really need to work on mine, i had mostly one line answers10:07
smartboyhwNoskcaj: ;O I have sent mine already10:07
vibhavWhich interviews are these?10:07
smartboyhwAnd for the first time ever you guys will see my face;P10:07
smartboyhwActually me in a fencing suit in Form 1:P10:08
Noskcajsmartboyhw, you mean you're not steve jobs?10:08
vibhavsmartboyhw: Which interview?10:08
smartboyhwNoskcaj: Em I just used Steve Jobs for sometime10:08
smartboyhwThen some people told me off…10:08
Noskcajsmartboyhw, because you had that pic it actually took me many months to realize you weren't as old as phill10:12
Noskcajvibhav, a thing nicholas is running on his blog10:12
smartboyhwNoskcaj: Damn I'm the same age as you and you don't realize it?10:13
* smartboyhw cries10:13
Noskcajsmartboyhw, not till about a month ago, i also though you had been in the community for ~2 years10:14
* Noskcaj laughs at smartboyhw for no real reason10:14
smartboyhwNoskcaj: … Poor me10:14
Noskcajgoodnight everyone10:16
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smartboyhwHello chilicuil15:10
chilicuilhello smartboyhw =)15:10
smartboyhwHello SergioMeneses15:31
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, hey!15:32
smartboyhwSergioMeneses: Guessing game: Who's interview will come out next?15:33
smartboyhwchilicuil: ^15:34
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, I have no idea15:35
* smartboyhw blank stares at balloons:P15:37
chilicuilsmartboyhw: I'd say it will someone we don't see usually in the channels, probably an ubuntu forum user (from the +1 team), someone which have made some iso testing but still have not been specially noticed15:38
smartboyhwchilicuil: Let's see what happens. The user in your case might be effenberg0x0.15:40
chilicuilyep, that would be a nice interview, I'm also specially curious about yours smartboyhw =)15:41
SergioMeneseschilicuil, lol15:41
chilicuilSergioMeneses: =P15:42
* SergioMeneses remembers when we talked only test15:42
smartboyhwchilicuil: LOL. It will feature me in a fencing suit in Form 1:P15:42
smartboyhwSergioMeneses: :)15:42
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, chilicuil I dont know, maybe you dont talked a lot about yourself in the interview15:44
smartboyhwSergioMeneses: What do you mean?15:45
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, perhaps you didnt say a lot about yourself15:46
smartboyhwSergioMeneses: Maybe15:47
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
balloonsgout morgen!16:13
SergioMenesesubuntu-server "saucy" is available today16:13
balloonsI see the surprise aspect is continuing :-)16:15
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=== _salem is now known as salem_
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=== _salem is now known as salem_
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=== _salem is now known as salem_
=== francisco is now known as Guest56549
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=== _salem is now known as salem_
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
SergioMenesescongrats Noskcaj you're an official ubuntu member now22:09
Noskcajyay, that was rather fast22:10
SergioMenesesNoskcaj, ;)22:10
NoskcajSergioMeneses, do i have to do anything to now have a @ubuntu.com email or do i now just have one?22:12
SergioMenesesNoskcaj, take a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership22:15
SergioMenesesand remember get your cloak22:15
Noskcajwill do22:15
balloonsNoskcaj, congrats!22:16
Noskcajthanks balloons, i think the huge, and huge number of, testimonials helped a lot22:16
balloonsNoskcaj, that just speaks well for you and your work22:17
SergioMenesesI dont have business card jeje22:17
* SergioMeneses is reading the membership wiki as well22:17
phillwis there a somewhat set of instructions to use gdb? I have an OP where when they launch synaptic package manager it quietly closes. I've used gdb in the past, but not enough to be able to explain the steps.22:24
phillwNoskcaj: congrats on your approval, I don't think it was ever in doubt :)22:25
phillwNoskcaj: your new cloak should be automatically applied, if it is not, ask on #ubuntu-irc22:28
phillwthey set mine back, when I wanted it.22:28
phillwballoons: how familiar are you with gdb?22:30
SergioMenesesphillw, what is gdb?22:33
phillwSergioMeneses it is a debugging tool that can give a trace of an application that starts and then fails before fully launching.22:34
phillwI've used it in the past... but only with clear instructions :)22:35
phillwI understand the instructions, but could not write a set for a new test case :/22:37
SergioMenesesphillw, I see and where can I get it? to read about it, sounds fun22:39
chilicuilNoskcaj: wow, congrats!, It seems I lost the track @_@, I'd had love to vote plus one in your approval, I'm happy it hasn't affected, welcome abroad =)!22:40
SergioMenesesballoons, are you still in oakland?22:41
phillwSergioMeneses https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash#Debug_Symbol_Packages22:43
phillwit is mentioned on there, but as always (for me), it is not too clear who to launch it for a specific case22:44
* SergioMeneses reading phillw link22:46
balloonsSergioMeneses, indeed22:48
balloonsphillw, mm.. i don't use gdb much22:48
balloonsI'm in Oakland still and then i'll be taking a long trip back towards home22:49
SergioMenesesballoons, I found a bug about ubuntu-touch guide yesterday and dpm fixed it22:49
balloonsit'll be 2 more weeks22:49
balloonsSergioMeneses, nice.. I was wondering what you had found22:49
SergioMenesesballoons, but canonical sprint is over?22:49
balloonsnot till tomorrow SergioMeneses22:49
SergioMenesesballoons, the issue was: $ qmlscene ~/CurrencyConverter/CurrencyConverter.qml22:51
SergioMenesesthis command didnt work22:51
balloonsyes, the ~ in there isn't good :-)22:51
balloonsunless you unpacked in your home/22:52
SergioMenesesballoons, that was not the issue, dpm told me that it was a issue about sdk ...the issue is fixed updating the sdk22:53
SergioMenesesok I'm going out to home, see you later guys!23:04

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