
sil2100kenvandine: also, another small one: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/libunity-webapps/packaging_review00:11
sil2100kenvandine: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/libunity-webapps/raring_vcs_switch/+merge/161972 <- this as well!00:23
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kenvandineMirv, https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/kubuntu-packaging/qtsensors-opensource-src_arches/+merge/16213615:56
fgintherdidrocks, please ping me when you have a minute16:14
sil2100cyphermox: hi! Since I don't remember if you guys already expained that - what happened to indicators?16:23
cyphermoxsil2100: you mean in head?16:24
cyphermoxsil2100: if so, various bad things16:24
sil2100cyphermox: yes, I see bamf being red there and many other jobs ;)16:24
cyphermoxsome packages are behind because we did land them with the /raring branch; but that didn't get synced with the /trunk branch, and we are missing a saucy pbuilder for bamf, etc.16:25
sil2100cyphermox: ah, ok, thanks16:25
cyphermoxsil2100: I'm taking care of this16:26
sil2100We'll poke this probably anyway during daily16:26
sil2100cyphermox: thanks ;)16:26
cyphermoxI'll give you the details soon16:26
didrocksMirv: hey, around?16:34
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Mirvdidrocks: yes!16:46
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sil2100cyphermox: can you review some branches then? Since it seems those got missed16:48
sil2100cyphermox: I'll paste you the links in priv16:48
Mirvkenvandine: done16:50
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ronald_dollaranyone have a fix for the keyboard only working on reboots? please private message me with help!17:00
ronald_dollaranyone have a fix for the keyboard only working on reboots? please private message me with help!17:15
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sil2100cyphermox: thanks for the reviews!17:28
kenvandinesil2100, all redeployed except unity head and raring17:51
kenvandinebecause they are still running17:51
sil2100kenvandine: thanks!17:53
kenvandinesil2100, np, if you notice the unity jobs finish, ping me17:53
kenvandinei'll try to watch them too17:53
sil2100kenvandine: would be good to redeploy unity later on, since it seems to cause problems because of that right now17:54
cyphermoxsil2100: have time for some review?18:04
sil2100cyphermox: approved!18:08
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cyphermoxrobru: kenvandine: reviews? https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/indicator-messages/saucy-changes/+merge/16220118:15
cyphermoxrobru: also https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/indicator-datetime/saucy-changes/+merge/16219818:18
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sil2100kenvandine, cyphermox: https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/cupstream2distro-config/add_nux_to_100scopes/+merge/162217 <- can any of you guys review, get it merged and redeploy the experimental/100scopes stack?18:48
kenvandinesil2100, sure18:49
sil2100The scopes guys asked us to add that18:49
sil2100kenvandine: thanks!18:49
cyphermoxsil2100: kenvandine: https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/indicator-sound/saucy-changes/+merge/16221518:53
cyphermox^ more syncing changelog between 13.04 and trunk branches ^18:53
sil2100cyphermox: just love those branch names18:53
sil2100Mmmm saucy changes18:53
cyphermoxyeah ;)18:53
cyphermoxbrings a whole new meaning to the kernel team's SAUCE commits ;)18:54
kenvandinesil2100, approved and deployed19:02
sil2100cyphermox: piiing!19:08
sil2100cyphermox: piing!19:08
cyphermoxsil2100: and the last one: https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/libindicator/saucy-changes/+merge/16222319:14
sil2100cyphermox: the libappindicator one after your changes finally looks sane19:21
sil2100kenvandine: thanks!19:23
sil2100cyphermox: all good and approved19:23
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veeberssil2100: I notice that the release-job failed again with that error message20:43
veeberssil2100: who would you suggest we ping about that?20:44
sil2100veebers: that's a good question20:45
sil2100veebers: the only thing that I can think of right now is going to the QA guys and asking globally20:45
sil2100I'll do that in a moment20:46
veeberssil2100: awesome, thank you. I'm just in a meeting ATM20:46
sil2100fginther: ping20:58
sil2100fginther: I'm in the QA room actually asking about the same problem here, but maybe you know something more20:59
mzazaI have followed the guid in http://unity.ubuntu.com/getinvolved/development/unitynext/ to setup development environment and I am downloading now QTCreator to start developing for Unity Next. However the guid doesn't mention how should I get tasks/bugs from to start working on and how to submit the code.20:59
sil2100fginther: all the generic jobs for autopilot on jenkins are failing because of an error with installing a kernel package20:59
fginthersil2100, I know of nothing specific to this issue20:59
sil2100fginther: ok, thanks, will be poking further21:00
mzazaIf I am a newbie, which is easier project to start working on. Unity or Unity Next?21:06
nik90mzaza: Unity Next is the future. From Ubuntu 14.04 it will be used as default21:10
nik90mzaza: so you should be looking to work on Unity Next rather than Unity. Unity Next uses QML so if you are familiar with that you can start right away21:11
veeberssil2100: ChrisGagnon has seen this issue in the past:21:13
veeberssil2100: <ChrisGagnon> veebers: let me give you a test, the fix is to move the distupgrade as a test case in the test suite21:13
veebers<ChrisGagnon> veebers:
veeberssil2100: I'm not sure how this would work with us as we're not always going a dist-upgrade or we do 2 one at the start, one maybe at the end21:14
veeberssil2100: that being said, I have seen this issue before, but as I mentioned it aways went away for me21:15
sil2100veebers: oh, good to know - I've been at the QA guys and one of them actually ran the thing on a different machine to check what's going on21:15
mzazanik90: If I am not familiar could you point to me what should I read?21:15
sil2100veebers: I wonder what's wrong then actually, since theoretically there has been a kernel update today in the morning21:15
sil2100veebers: so maybe that's related?21:15
nik90mzaza: I am guessing you mean not familiar with qml..well you can find qml documentation at http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtqml/qtqml-index.html21:16
nik90mzaza: QML has extensive documentation, and I am sure you can find many videos, tutorials if you search for them in google21:17
sil2100veebers: actually, I think it was Chris I was talking with ;)21:17
nik90mzaza: that's how I am learning qml as well21:17
veeberssil2100: correct me if I'm wrong. The kernel update will be in the next iso to be rolled out?21:17
sil2100veebers: not sure, I just know it's in -security right now21:18
mzazanik90: I prefer reading than watching. How could I push changes I made?21:18
nik90mzaza: you need to become familiar with Launchpad and bzr. These are the tools which we use for development21:19
mzazanik90: I'm still learning little about them, lost in the Ubuntu wiki pages :D21:20
veeberssil2100: I'm wondering if that's why I've seen it fix itself in the past (an updated iso comes out and hence no need to do an update during install)21:20
mzazaa PDF would be better though.21:20
nik90mzaza: agree :)...the best way is to read, try stuff out and then come here to this irc room and ask questions if you are stuck somewhere21:21
nik90mzaza: I would really recommend you start of with your own project, get acquainted with launchpad and bzr and then start on a big project like Unity next21:21
mzazanik90: Right, that would help.21:23
sil2100veebers: oh, this is certainly a possibility, hm21:24
sil2100didrocks: when will you be more-or-less free?21:25
didrockssil2100: hum, in ~1h I guess21:45
didrockssil2100: any emergency?21:45
sil2100didrocks: no, I think we're resolving it ;)21:56
didrocksswet ;)21:56
veebersdidrocks, sil2100: are you able to remind me why we have the variable dist-upgrade at the end of the preseed (for the daily-release)?23:01
veebersdidrocks, sil2100: not all of the jobs in the generic job have the dist-upgrade appended to the end of the preseed correct?23:01
fgintherrobru, approved!23:03
robrufginther, excellent!!23:04
sil2100veebers: no idea23:06
veeberssil2100: ok thanks. I think it might have something to do with the 'extra packages installed during install' check, will ask didrocks when he's back on23:07
cyphermoxsil2100: ^23:33
cyphermoxrobru: https://code.launchpad.net/~mathieu-tl/appmenu-gtk/saucy-changes/+merge/16227323:39
fginthermterry, do you still need this approved? https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/cupstream2distro-config/camera-arches/+merge/16174423:45
mterryfginther, ye23:46

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