[04:32] This is relevant to Ubuntu : https://plus.google.com/u/1/105095769731159704550/posts/TND43Gib6rg [04:32] [R: plus.google.com] Title: [Mark Terranova - Google+ - #ubuntu is ponderiing having the  #Community #deprecated .…] === jono is now known as Guest36860 [22:12] waiting for an ubuntu cd torrent to finally catch some high bandwidth peers is always fun [22:13] it's like, 3 hours left to download? hmmm, not as soon as we find a good peer... [22:17] heh [22:17] I am seeding [22:18] server 12.04.2? [22:18] amd64? [22:54] oh no [22:54] just desktop [22:56] bah