[15:03] paultag, is there a way to get actual firefox in debian, or am i stuck with iceweasel? [15:03] http://superuser.com/questions/322376/how-to-install-real-firefox-on-debian | i see this, but i don't like the idea of adding the mint repo [15:07] jrgifford: the commands are on there [15:07] For some reason they left out sudo [15:07] * MarkDude will try it and see :) [15:08] MarkDude, i'm asking if there is a better way of doing it that is more inline with the "debian way", if you will. [15:09] Oh [15:09] http://www.fandigital.com/2012/09/install-real-firefox-in-debian.html [15:09] The link I have is NOt as smooth as Deb :) [18:30] jrgifford: I think you can rebuild it if you change the changelog source entry or something [18:31] jrgifford: someone invented some magical hack [18:41] that's the way i run firefox on most of my machines [22:38] paultag, ok. [23:36] I wish I could use this as album art for the Burning Circle: https://plus.google.com/116015965439782966698/posts/9tgTjvLK6Fh [23:46] By Launchpad user name, here is the current roster of members of the LoCo who hold status as "Ubuntu Member" that were looking to increase: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5627575/