
Sarvattcan't believe debian might not go libjpeg-turbo, will be fun wrt wayland :)01:06
Sarvattoh nice, Sven did mesa-demos 8.1, i was waiting till wheezy released to update all this crap01:10
Sarvattjcristau: is it safe to update debian-unstable branches with new versions now given its so close to release, or hold off?01:12
Sarvattmostly thinking apps01:12
Sarvattphew, saved by KiBi's mesa README.source changes for mesa-demos02:30
jcristauSarvatt: i'd say go ahead06:59
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Sarvattricotz: finally fixed up mesa in xorg-pkg-tools for 9.2, sorry it took so long :)19:39
ricotzSarvatt, hey, haha, absolutely no need to be sorry here :)19:45
Sarvatttjaalton: starting up a ppa for https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63701 with just the single pci id added so taipei can check if it actually works before going and adding the motherload of new ones.. do you have the source for your i915 dkms anywhere?19:46
ubottuFreedesktop bug 63701 in DRM/Intel "[HSW] intel VGA driver i915 doesn't support new haswell graphics [8086:0a2e] Core i5-4258U(5100, GT3)" [Critical,Assigned]19:46
Sarvattgood time to finally SRU the crystalwell changes at the same time :)19:48
Sarvatti'm just shoving lts-quantal equivalents in the ppa since thats what they're testing on19:49
tjaaltonSarvatt: yep, git://kernel.ubuntu.com/tjaalton/i915-dkms.git20:16
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bjsniderhas haswell hardware been released yet?21:26

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