
Len-nbzequence, I expect that by 14.04 (for sure) but hopefully for 13.10, we will be including ardour 3. One of the changes from a2 to a3 is midi style.03:37
Len-nbI understand that a2 did not record midi, but it did use it for timing and sync purposes.03:37
Len-nbHowever, a2 used alsa midi ports but a3 uses jack midi ports.03:38
Len-nbThe reason sited as stability time wise.03:38
Len-nbMany of the applications we ship can create alsa. jack or both styles of midi ports.03:39
Len-nbHowever, most default to alsa.03:40
Len-nbI would like to know how the team here fells about defaulting to jack style midi ports for our applications.03:41
Len-nbI would like to try to have at least our whole audio workflow for music production use applications that talk jack-midi.03:44
zequenceLen-nb: Debian Wheezy will be released some time this week, and after that, things will start to move along, as far as Debian packaging goes, so A3 will appearn shortly. I will need to start working on syncing that stuff09:37
DarkEraheya zequence and smartboyhw 09:58
smartboyhwDarkEra: Hey10:00
DarkErahow are you doing buddy?10:00
smartboyhwDarkEra: :)10:00
zequenceHello guys10:16
smartboyhwHello zequence:)10:16
smartboyhwHello madeinkobaia:)11:30
madeinkobaiaHi smartboyhw :)11:30
smartboyhw_zequence: Is there a necessity of kubotu in here? It feels rather awkward12:21
smartboyhw_astraljava: ^12:22
zequencesmartboyhw_: You seem to be the person using it most. You don't like him?12:25
zequence..or, it12:25
smartboyhw_zequence: I don't see any necessity. I only use it for s/a/b/ purposes12:26
smartboyhw_jussi reported that it was astraljava who wanted the bot.12:26
jussino, astraljava has been around long enough he might remember...12:27
zequenceI don't see why we should bother removing it. Doesn't bother anyone, I don't think12:27
zequencejussi: Do you know who made the Ubuntu Studio COF?12:29
zequencejussi: Circle of Friends. The symbol12:30
zequenceSome guy is using a wallpaper with it for his Ubuntu based distro, and that got me wondering, what is the legal status of that symbol anyway. First, I'd just like to know who made it :P12:31
smartboyhwzequence: What did I miss? 13:08
smartboyhwI heard about the COF but missed a big part of it13:08
zequencesmartboyhw: Check out the screenshot for this http://distrowatch.com/?newsid=0783413:09
smartboyhwzequence: I do know the original story:P13:15
zequencesmartboyhw: Then I don't think you have missed anything13:15
smartboyhwzequence: I thought you are asking jussi about who drawn it 13:16
smartboyhwBut I can't hear the answer13:16
zequenceI haven't got any answer to that yet13:17
zequenceAs soon as I do, I will document it on our wiki13:17
zequenceAnd work out something with madeinkobaia on how to do this in the future too13:17
smartboyhwzequence: Oh13:21
zequenceMy email filter is almost ready. But, I'm too much of a wimp to try it out without testing a debug version first :P13:22
smartboyhwzequence: :) BTW how are we going to document the hist of Ubuntu Studio? That requires going through logs and mailing lists' archives o_O13:23
zequencesmartboyhw: It would be nice to do taht13:24
zequencesmartboyhw: You are free to start doing it, if you want13:25
DarkErabbl :)14:04
jussismartboyhw_: consider talking to luisbg, _mma_ joejaxx, ttoine et al who were here before14:06
smartboyhw_jussi: Heh only ttoine is here nowadays14:14
smartboyhw_doing merchandise stuff14:14
jussismartboyhw_: just because they are *here* doesnt mean they don't exist...14:15
jussirather *aren't*14:15
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
=== JTa is now known as JTa_aFK
=== JTa_aFK is now known as JTa
zequenceThe Ext* guy is going to change his wallpaper in a month or so18:48
DarkErazequence, that's good to 'hear'18:54
* DarkEra is feeling bored18:55
zequenceI decided to try and fix my email filtering today, as I have time to do it, but the tools are too stupid19:03
zequenceI'll need to learn IMAP, and how the library is coded in order to get my filtering to work the way I want it to19:04
madeinkobaiaHi all, zequence, about witch wallpaper you're talkin' ?19:04
zequencemadeinkobaia: http://distrowatch.com/?newsid=0783419:05
zequenceCheck the screenshot19:05
madeinkobaiaDon't see the interestet to do that, any dumb can create his own wallpaper, that takes few minutes... :P19:09
zequencemadeinkobaia: He thought the symbol was the Ubuntu COF, and had never heard of Ubuntu Studio19:12
madeinkobaiaOk, I understand now ; )19:12
DarkErakinda weird he never heard of ubuntu studio looking at how long his project is active. I mean 5 years is long enough and i'm sure he watches DW too.19:14
madeinkobaiaWell no big deal anyway...the COF is a peace and universal symbol, no ?19:16
zequenceI suggested he should join Ubuntu Gnome, as he's clearly into Gnome, but the response was, he works alone, as he always had19:16
zequenceSome people are like that, for one reason or another19:17
DarkEramadeinkobaia, yeah, i think so too but we still try to figure out if the logo is protected by copyright and who created it19:18
madeinkobaiaI already search on that, maybe its in my bookmarks. Will take a look...19:20
zequenceI was unable to find anything about it on google. Dry as the Sahara desert19:22
DarkEralol... yeah19:22
madeinkobaiaYep the detailed about Ubuntu license are here http://www.ubuntu.com/trademark-policy, few years ago I already searched about the author of the COF without success, its a classified information :D , so the license for COF and Ubuntu branding is for (be simple) a CC BY-SA license...19:26
zequenceYes, but that's the Ubuntu version19:27
madeinkobaiaSA = Share a like, so the derivative ahve the same license ; )19:27
zequenceThe Ubuntu Studio is clearly derived from the Ubuntu COF, but is it actually a derivative?19:28
zequenceWhile you can see the similarities, I doubt one could make a court case of plagiarism19:29
zequenceBy that I mean, it's different enough to have it's own license19:29
madeinkobaiaThat have sense. Do we know who have created the Ubuntu Studio logo ? He could answer better than me.19:29
zequenceI was going to ask ttoine, if he happened to drop by. Once I fix my email filtering, I'll send him an email19:30
madeinkobaiaYep, with have some work to do on that to. I mean, it would be great to have an historical of the team and main contributors (also for graphics). Also we need to have a clear vision of the licenses we will apply.19:33
madeinkobaiaMore info on the Ubuntu COF here : http://design.ubuntu.com/brand/ubuntu-logo19:34
zequenceOk, finally, my filter is doing some actual filtering20:07
zequenceI've got 2000+ undread mail20:08
DarkEracool :)20:08
DarkEraah, finally some more room to type20:18
DarkEra2000+ unread mails is a lot20:19
zequenceMost of it is just bug reports, changes in repos, etc20:26
zequenceAll though, it's not the full story20:27
zequenceI've already made stuff read that I don't need to read. keywords decide whether something from a mark_read_list should be marked unread20:28
zequenceAnd, I've filtered mail from 1st of January this way20:28
zequenceSo, 2000+ mail that I need to go through once20:28
zequenceBut, some days I do get 200-300 mails. And might even get more in the future, as with this filter in place, it won't be too much work to adjust things20:29
DarkErathat's awesome20:30
zequence..which will let me be brave enough to subscribe to more mail lists20:30
DarkEralol :D20:30
zequenceI will test it with gmail too later20:30
zequenceIf things work out ok, I'll publish it20:30
zequenceShould be usable as a work mail filter system20:30
zequenceFor developers20:31
DarkErathat would be great20:31
len-1304zequence, the application menu icon is copyright by Scott, but I don't know if that applies to the COF itself22:11
zequencelen-1304: That's strange. I kind of thought it was older than that22:15
zequenceI mean, before Scott became involved22:16
len-1304I was looking at it when we moved it to the icon meta22:16
len-1304It may be that he didn't know who it was and felt it needed something22:16
len-1304But I would have put ubuntustudio rather than my name if it was me.22:16
zequenceWell, we don't know yet who made it. I'll ask Scott too, if ttoine doesn't know22:17
DarkErathe logo itself is indeed older than that, i know it since 2007 when i first tried the 7.04 release22:18
len-1304Also that is just the icon, not the design22:18
len-1304I have only been around since 11.04 ish22:19
DarkEraah, i see. To be honest i have been distro hopping around for many years and used Ubuntu for to most of the time though. Then after the 11.04 release i kinda moved on to various distro's but now i'm back home. The circle is complete. :)22:25
len-1304Looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/Artwork/OfficialFeisty shows the same COF as far back as that... Including an icon so I don't know why we needed to remake one.22:27
zequenceI've been somewhat involved since 10.10, or before22:27
zequenceRemake one?22:28
DarkEraTo tell you the truth... all the negative vibes on the web and the people who complain a lot about Ubuntu (flaming/bashing) drove me back here. And of course my interest in music did this too22:28
len-1304zequence, Ya, I think Scott had to remake the icon... I am assuming it was lost?22:29
DarkErai believe they remade the logo to let it fit in better with Xfce... could be possible22:29
len-1304Icon should work with any DE22:30
zequencelen-1304: I don't think that was the reason. I'm sure it was just an update of it. It's still the same COF22:30
DarkErawe could ask Scott maybe22:30
zequenceMy filtering is processing one mail at the time. Up at 90'00022:31
len-1304zequence, could be... I personally can't see any difference :), but I just see thge form I am not a detail person.22:31
DarkEragetting the pieces together for documentation will be a long process i believe :D22:32
zequencelen-1304: Actually, I'm not sure it's that new either. The icon theme might have had it for longer than that22:32
DarkErazequence, 90.000?22:32
zequenceI was away for 11.04, and I remember Cory was around for a little while22:32
len-1304Ya he was.22:33
zequenceHe might be responsible for some art work as well22:33
zequenceMail nr. 100'000 now22:33
zequenceI have all my mail in the INBOX, since 1st of January22:33
len-1304Our artwork wiki only goes back to Feisty22:33
zequenceYeah, I've gone through pretty much everything that one can find there22:34
zequenceThe wiki hasn't been well looked after for many years22:34
len-1304man power22:34
zequenceLack of organization22:34
len-1304that too, but it is hard to organize without the people to do it.22:35
zequenceWell, you only need one apparently22:35
* zequence is referring to himself22:35
zequenceBut, it's a lot of work for one person22:37
zequenceThe biggest work is in the beginning though, creating a form for it22:37
zequenceThen you just need to update, and add22:38

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