
Unit193seronis: Is it in Debian by chance?00:22
seronisUnit193, i dont know how to check random repos that arent already in the package managers settingbs00:36
seronisbut its probably a non-issue.  I only reinstalled from win7 to xubuntu today and noticed the new version but i guess its REALLY new and isnt likely to be anywhere00:37
seronisim installing from source00:38
skellatAnd the release schedule for milestones is up: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SaucySalamander/ReleaseSchedule01:31
Unit193Reminder about a meeting the 2nd of May! - http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?iso=20130502T1505:08
NoskcajUnit193, Does the meeting time ever change? it has to be after 2000 UTC for me to attend08:31
Unit193Recently it's been this.08:51
Unit193I'll be reading scrollback of the meeting. :)08:56
lderani'll be "working" during the meeting :P08:59
Noskcajcan some more people add testimonials to wiki.ubuntu.com/Noskcaj ?09:58
Noskcajelfy, ^10:04
Noskcaji'm going for membership tomorrow10:06
bluesabreI should try to do that soon10:17
smartboyhwbluesabre: You failed?10:18
bluesabreyeah, not enough sustained contribution last time10:18
smartboyhwbluesabre: :(10:18
smartboyhwYou should have now10:18
bluesabreI would hope so10:18
smartboyhwbluesabre: :D10:21
elfyI know it was possibly 3 years or so before I went for it 10:30
smartboyhwelfy: Heh some people never ran:)10:32
smartboyhwSo, who of you people will attend the meeting today? :P (just asking)10:47
knomebeing a pit nitpicky, but we should s/XFCE/Xfce/ at http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/derivatives11:41
GridCubewhats the ETA for the meeting?13:32
smartboyhw_GridCube: 1:28 hours later13:33
GridCubeok :)13:33
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
smartboyhwMeeting in 30 minutes!14:31
* smartboyhw is willing to see the results14:32
smartboyhwskellat, knome: How will the results be announced?14:50
skellatsmartboyhw: Once the poll closes, the LP page for the poll will give the result14:51
skellatAnd I presume we'll discuss it in the meeting14:51
skellatsmartboyhw: This is what a results page would look like, for example: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-us-ohio/+poll/active--2013-04-1214:52
elfyskellat: afaik that's what the meeting is for 14:53
skellat4 minutes or so until meeting time14:56
* smartboyhw will refresh the page once his phone reaches 23:0014:58
smartboyhwA.K.A. 15:00 UTC14:58
smartboyhwCongrats knome!!!!!15:00
smartboyhwThe results are out now;)15:00
elfyyou just don't stop do you 15:01
maddernickyes, gz knome 15:01
smartboyhwelfy: Stop what?15:01
* maddernick looks around15:03
micahg-workhrm, 3% vote turnout15:04
GridCube:) 15:04
genii-around3% is probably 2% more than most elections...15:06
micahg-workpersonally, I think xubuntu-team should've been the electing body (- ubuntu-core-dev)15:06
* skellat notes that what Howard Chan was referring to can be seen here: https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-users/+poll/xubuntu-xpl-2013/15:06
smartboyhwI might be the only non ~xubuntu-team voter :P15:07
elfyshouldn't have been able to then 15:08
smartboyhwNo worries, I have KC election to be headache aboyt.15:08
skellatAs long as you were ~xubuntu--users you could vote.15:08
micahg-workelfy, you're in xubuntu-team15:09
elfyI know :)15:09
micahg-workoh, you were referring to smartboyhw 15:09
elfyyea lol 15:09
smartboyhwmicahg-work: LOL15:09
elfybut heyho 15:09
skellatWhere is knome?15:10
drctook the treasury and left?15:12
skellatdrc: Mothballs are currency now?15:12
drcIn Motheria, yes15:13
smartboyhwskellat: Everything can be a currency (like in ancient times) :P15:13
elfydebt seems the be the current global currency 15:14
* smartboyhw +1s elfy15:14
drcHe's probably taking the concession phone call form Noskcaj15:14
smartboyhwdrc: Noskcaj is presumably asleep15:14
smartboyhwIt's early 1-3 AM there15:15
GridCubeso... meeting?15:21
drcWithout Our Dearest Leader?15:21
smartboyhwGridCube: knome needs to be here......15:21
micahg-worknah, but I'm in no position to run a meeting15:22
maddernickmight be useful to announce winner in meeting logs15:24
maddernickstart -> winner -> end15:24
elfyneed to "community meetings will start after that once the elected project lead sets a schedule." as well 15:27
GridCubeyep well15:27
* skellat has to head out to The Farm so he's going to have to miss the meeting now15:28
GridCube:/ 15:46
knomewell, i'm sorry i wasn't available earlier, i was talking about xubuntu in a linux event16:18
knomegot to know about the results during a Q&A -session about (x)ubuntu, is there a better way to find out? :P16:19
drcThat's all right, we met anyway and voted you Dear Leader For Life...all the work now belongs to you :)16:19
knomemicahg-work, i couldn't agree more (re: xubuntu-team as the electing body)16:20
knomeheh, thanks thanks16:20
knomegosh i'm tired and wet.16:21
knomeit wasn't too cool at times at the event16:21
elfywb boss16:28
knomeheh, ta ta16:29
lderanwoo for knome16:36
* knome bows16:36
elfyknome: so - scheduling team meets :)16:37
knomeelfy, yes... i will probably look at that tomorrow16:37
knomeand then take a week off FOSS16:37
seronisnew here and dont even know what you got elected leader OF.. but anyone whose first job as leader is to declare a vacation cant be all bad in my book16:40
knomeseronis, xubuntu project lead, eg. the dictator of all xubuntu issues :P16:41
knomebeginning of the cycle is the best spot to have time off though16:41
lderanmakes sense16:41
seronisjokes aside I completely agree.  yesterday I had asked who to talk to or where to go to suggest getting either a new package added to the repos, or an updated version of a package.  i was referred to the sponsorship page but reading over that looks like its referring to submitting patches, not suggesting software16:45
knomeseronis, i'd imagine the same process applies to new software as well16:45
micahg-workseronis, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages17:22
seronismicahg-work,  thank you17:22
=== hobgoblin is now known as elfy
NoskcajIs anyone online able to add a testimonial to wiki.ubuntu.com/Noskcaj ? my membership meeting is soon19:51
elfyNoskcaj: I've not known you long enough to do it - nothing personal, but I don't just add my name 19:58
Noskcajelfy, ok. 19:59
Noskcajskellat, thanks for the membership testimonial, i hadn't realized you had wrote one22:10

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