
David-Axubuntu611: to get flash, java and other useful things, install the package xubuntu-restricted-extras (or ubuntu-restricted-extras on ubuntu)00:00
ntzrmtthihu777xubuntu611: most likely flashplugin-installer will be all you need for most online things.00:00
David-Axubuntu611: what is the name of the plugin the game site asks about? or what site is it?00:00
ntzrmtthihu777new_xu: yeah, 2.0 is the latest stable, but its not quite ready for a ppa, methinks. I'm a member on the forums, and there is an irc channel as well :P00:01
new_xuumm i just installed xubuntu today and that website isnt asking me for plugins when using firefox00:01
xubuntu611Where do i find these flash plug ins?00:01
new_xuntzrmtthihu777:  ah thanks for the info00:01
xubuntu611Let me check the website real quick i will tell you what it asks for00:01
David-Axubuntu611: (xubuntu-restricted-extras is a meta-package that will install flashplugin-installer, among other things)00:01
ntzrmtthihu777new_xu: besides, if you're looking to use it you likly have the chops to compile it yourself :P00:02
seronisntzrmtthihu777,  switching to xchat.  and yes.   been awhile since i used linux build systems but i never had too much difficulty00:03
seronisoh much better than web interface00:03
ntzrmtthihu777seronis: == new_xu ?00:04
xubuntu611It says flash player Adobe is downloadeable, but i dont know which one to download for my operating system00:04
xubuntu611where do i download XUBUNTU-Restricted-extras?00:04
seronisubuntu software center will do it00:05
seronisbtw what do we call the 'start' menu in xubuntu?  (since its not a start icon)00:05
ntzrmtthihu777seronis: should check out irssi :300:05
ntzrmtthihu777xubuntu611: just open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras"; it will handle the heavy lifting00:05
ntzrmtthihu777xubuntu611: without the quotes, mind you.00:05
xubuntu611I feel like a computer dummy with this sys.00:05
ntzrmtthihu777xubuntu611: no need to download anything. press your windows key + t00:06
seronisoh.. new shortcut learned00:06
David-Axubuntu611: you almost never "download things from the internet" (plugins/drivers/programs) you use the package manager of the operating system. the most user friendly interface to it is "Software Center", other interfaces are Synaptic and in the terminal apt-get.00:06
seronisxubuntu611, benifit of using the package managers (all 3 interfaces david mentioned go to the same place) means when an update exists its automatically handled00:07
seronisno seperate updaters like spammy windows00:07
xubuntu611Crap, now i dont know the password00:08
seronissame password you logged onto the computer with  (dont tell us)00:08
xubuntu611I dont use a password to get in00:09
ntzrmtthihu777seronis: and to answer your earlier question the command that opens the "start menu" is "xfce3-popup-applicationsmenu"00:09
xubuntu611I might not know how to use ubuntu but i do know better than to give out PW's   LOL00:09
seronisntzrmtthihu777,  not the command.. just the 'name' of it00:09
seronisie.. its not a start menu00:09
seronisoh.. but  'app menu'00:10
ntzrmtthihu777xubuntu611: who set this system up for you?00:10
ntzrmtthihu777seronis: I set it to have the keyboard shortcut of the gnome menu, alt+f100:10
xubuntu611my friends husband, he is really good with computers, i only know what is necessary lol00:11
ntzrmtthihu777xubuntu611: and he did not give you the pass?00:11
seronisxubuntu611,  well you dont use a password so he set it up to login without a pass (to auto use the pass)00:11
seronisyou'll need to get the actual pass from him00:11
David-Axubuntu611: if you want to set a new password for you, you either need to know your current pw, or the admin pw which is your current pw, so you are kind of in a hard place. do you know how to use a live-cd for fixing files on the harddisk?00:11
David-Axubuntu611: or does the kid know their pw and have admin privileges?00:12
seronis((probably single user login))00:13
xubuntu611I dont know, i sent him a text asking what it is00:13
xubuntu611do i need the PW to install the plug in?00:13
seroniswell.. try  'password'  as the password for starters00:13
ntzrmtthihu777David-A: lol, judging by his/her responce I doubt it (no offense meant)00:14
xubuntu611can i get it in the app center?00:14
seronisyou'll need PW for that00:14
ntzrmtthihu777xubuntu611: yes, you need the password to make any major changes to the system, including but not limited to: installing/uninstalling software, updating and upgrading, and changing system settings.00:14
seronisntzrmtthihu777,  you type inhumanly fast..  you have failed my turing test00:14
ntzrmtthihu777I am not human, so it should not surprise you.00:15
seronisok.  you're good then00:15
seronisthank god you DONT need a password to log into wireless routers anymore00:16
* ntzrmtthihu777 is taking a screenshot as that is likely the most amusing comment he's heard about himself ever :P00:16
xubuntu611this sucks00:16
seronisxubuntu611,  the Software Center, Synaptic Manager and Apt-get on the command line all use the exact same installation methods.  so no matter which you use you'll need your password00:17
seronisand i have no clue how to install plugins into your local user home directory (that doesnt require a password, i think)00:18
* ntzrmtthihu777 should like to note that that is actually far harder :P00:18
seronisbut my answer is still correct with modern linux right ?00:19
seronis(i hate giving bad info because it _used_ to be true)00:19
David-Axubuntu611: unix have a reputation about being secure. and it is a good thing. don't be dissapointed at the system if it won't let you admin it in without a pw.00:19
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, it always sucks when your info goes outta date XD00:20
seronisok..  and for MY issue.. deleting the binary download and grabbing sfml source00:20
David-Axubuntu611: the solution is to manipulate the system on the harddisk while it is not running. that is, run a live-cd. but you need to be a little familiar with the terminal.00:20
seronisor load IRC while booting from a livecd and keep using -us-  (aka, not me but those other guys) for info00:21
xubuntu611could anyone give me a good website my son could play some math games without plug ins?00:21
seronisif its interactive.. its gonna use flash in MOST cases00:21
seronisie:  every case i know00:21
xubuntu611OK Well thank you for the support, i guess i just have to wait until i get the PW00:22
seronisbefore you leave...00:23
David-Axubuntu611: it is still possible to install the flash player for the local user, not in the system. you download a zip file, extract a .so file and copies into the right place.00:23
ntzrmtthihu777quite frankly thats just dodging the issue.00:23
xubuntu611when you say terminal, what do you mean?00:24
seroniscommand line window00:24
ntzrmtthihu777yeah. on xubuntu you open it with windows key + t00:24
seronisits the 'dos like' window that shows up when you hold the Windows key and press t00:24
seronisdamn psychic aliens00:24
xubuntu611terminal is asking for PW00:26
ntzrmtthihu777lol. I do almost all the heavy lifting with terminal, so I gotta type fast :P00:26
ntzrmtthihu777xubuntu611: yes, you need it regardless of how you attempt to install00:26
David-Axubuntu611: if you have to ask what a terminal is, the live-cd solution to fix the pw would be too complicated a project. downloading a zip, extracting a .so and copy it to the right place can be done with the mouse, i think.00:26
xubuntu611I just dont know this operating system, sorry... Windows i can handle, i used DOS as a kid00:27
ntzrmtthihu777xubuntu611: hell you may be up to it.00:28
ntzrmtthihu777David-A: actually could he/she not just reboot, enter the recovery mode, and use the root account to set the password?00:28
ntzrmtthihu777xubuntu611: do you have another machine you can talk to us with while we guide you?00:29
David-AI dont remember, will the recovery mode drop into root without a pw?00:29
xubuntu611I have a laptop, with windows.... How do i get back in this forum?00:30
ntzrmtthihu777David-A: I believe so :P00:30
ntzrmtthihu777xubuntu611: not a forum, irc channel. but this is besides the point. you can install an irc client on windows and join us here, or you can use an in-browser application like mibbit00:31
seronismibbit is ugly for someone who LIKES irc but its perfectly functional and simple00:31
ntzrmtthihu777seronis: anything other than irssi is ugly for an irc pro :P00:33
seronismeh.. i like icechat / xchat00:33
xubuntu611I will just wait for my friend to call me back, maybe he can talk me through it......Thank you so much for all your help00:34
xubuntu611have a good night00:34
seronisif he forgets the pw come back.. we can help you get around that too00:34
seronisits just..  longer process00:34
xubuntu611Ok thank you00:34
David-Axubuntu611: with the recovery mode it should not be complicated00:35
ntzrmtthihu777yup. just passwd <username>00:38
seronisonly thing you lose when doing that is contents of encrypted directories, right ?00:39
ntzrmtthihu777seronis: no clue. I've seen far too many people in #ubuntu locked outta their encrypted directories fo wanna try.00:40
seronisthankfully my level of paranoia only requires me to use things like peerblock..  not into deepweb and directory encryption yet00:41
ntzrmtthihu777I am quite pleased with xubuntu's level of customization: http://imagebin.org/25613300:43
seronisnice replacement macro00:47
seronismind sharing?  cause it looks like what i was disappointed with today00:47
ntzrmtthihu777seronis: no macro.00:47
seronisie:  not having a puu.sh alternative00:47
ntzrmtthihu777irssi magic, it is.00:47
ntzrmtthihu777with irssi you can run any program within it, eg:00:48
ntzrmtthihu777CPU~Dual core AMD Athlon II X2 240e (-MCP-) clocked at 800.000 Mhz Kernel~3.2.0-40-generic x86_64 Up~23:20 Mem~1552.8/3447.5MB HDD~500.1GB(29.1% used) Procs~182 Client~Irssi 0.8.15 inxi~1.8.400:48
seronisyes.. but your irssi config is calling something that is doing a window specific screen capture and upload00:48
seronisTHAT is what im interested in00:48
seronison windows i used  puush00:48
ntzrmtthihu777I have an external curl script, which I call imagebinit, stored in $HOME/.bin (added to my path); it does one of two things.00:49
ntzrmtthihu777without an arg it uses scrot to screenshot the entire desktop and push it to image bin, with a file arguement it pushes said file to imagebin00:49
ntzrmtthihu777to use it in the above manner I did /exec -o echo "message $(imagebinit)"00:50
* seronis takes notes00:51
ntzrmtthihu777The imagebin script is here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5624542/00:52
ntzrmtthihu777note I used the exact same trick; subistituting pastebinit for imagebinit.00:54
David-Antzrmtthihu777: my customization (not using the scrot/upload script) http://imagebin.org/25613500:56
ntzrmtthihu777David-A: purply :300:57
David-Antzrmtthihu777: absolutly, but more importantly, obey the Fitts' law00:59
ntzrmtthihu777fitss law? never heard of it.01:00
ntzrmtthihu777seronis: congratulations, you have been forever immortalized in a forum signature01:02
David-Antzrmtthihu777: it's in wikipedia, the Mac interface obeys it more than most desktops, further, see the Mezzo desktop (also in wiki)01:03
ntzrmtthihu777I must be a lawbreaker then, lol. I do most everything possible with the keyboard XD01:05
David-Antzrmtthihu777: no, you just circumvent the law. breaking Fitts' law would be using the mouse but sizing and placing the buttons wrong.01:07
ntzrmtthihu777like I don't break the law of aerodynamics by not being able to fly, no?01:09
David-Antzrmtthihu777: you don't see a program menu, nor a places menu, on my desktop, the (un-hidden) panel is mostly things that I want to easly SEE, with my eyes, not so often click on)01:10
ntzrmtthihu777this is so. I usually use the alt+f2 run prompt, but if I no not the actual command to launch a program I use my alt+f1 hotkey to open the menu and scroll to it.01:11
ntzrmtthihu777*know not01:12
David-Antzrmtthihu777: in the 4 corners are the common things I'd click on, often or quickly. 1) Window List 2) Volume (w mouse wheel) 3) Terminal launcher menu (normal and root) (hidden) 4) Program menu (hidden)01:12
ntzrmtthihu777hmm. sounds nice, lol. although I now have tilda set up for easy term access.01:13
ntzrmtthihu777f1-4 opens one in each quarter of my (fairly large) screen.01:14
ntzrmtthihu777and I have the compiz style desktop grid effect keyed to super left/right with another custom script.01:15
David-Antzrmtthihu777: what would the world become if everyone was like you (or me)? not using f1 for help, but map your own function01:16
ntzrmtthihu777dunno *shrug*01:17
ntzrmtthihu777I'm more interested in knowing what happens if the world adopts the gnu/foss philosophy01:18
David-Antzrmtthihu777: I could tell you what I think, but that would start a massive offtopic01:20
David-Antzrmtthihu777: pm01:20
ntzrmtthihu777seronis: still looking to compile sfml?01:21
MeXTuXInstalled Xubuntu 13.04 (64 bit) and after choosing Ubuntu on Grub menu all I see is a black screen and Grub shows up again. Removed quiet and splash from the boot parameters and nothing happens. The kernel is 3.8.0-19 and the machine is a Lenovo laptop 3000-G530.01:24
seronisntzrmtthihu777,  yeah.   right now swapping between catching up on reddit and making dinner01:30
seronisgot the src downloaded01:30
ntzrmtthihu777seronis: aight, just name spam me when you're ready.01:30
seronisntzrmtthihu777,  well if its not more than 5 minutes i can do it now01:31
seronisreddit will be here tomorrow (and forever)01:31
seronisfirst question..  does xubuntu support any feature to open a terminal from a specific directory window to set it as the PWD ?01:32
seronisdidnt notice anything like that when doing a quick browse of the settings earlier01:32
seronisthings that are easily googlable i dont mind  'google it' as an answer =-)01:33
seronisntzrmtthihu777,  btw i downloaded both the sfml2.0 tarball and the sfml-master.zip linked to from the source download page01:35
ntzrmtthihu777you could hotkey the command to it.01:35
seronisthe source download doesnt mention 2.0,  so i assume thats just a nightly release ?01:36
ntzrmtthihu777eg "gnome-terminal ~/Pictures" in ubuntu01:36
ntzrmtthihu777seronis: what is the name of the tarball?01:37
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, that should be the one you want.01:38
ntzrmtthihu777my question is, if ubufox is for the unity panel, why does xubuntu come with it?01:39
* seronis shrugs01:39
seronishmm..  the tarball has a completely different layout than the unversioned zip01:40
ntzrmtthihu777whats the layout01:41
seronisnvm.. it doesnt have the source at all, just the headers01:42
seronisit has    ./include  ./lib and  ./share at the root level01:43
seronisthere is a cmake folder in the ./share01:43
ntzrmtthihu777is there a src folder at all?01:43
seronisthere is one in the unversioned source download01:44
seronisits just the source download didnt specify a version on the url or in the zip name01:44
ntzrmtthihu777I see a sfml-2.0-sources.zip01:44
ntzrmtthihu777brb, soda01:44
seronisand.. nvm..  i should have read the beginning of the url name01:45
seronisits listed directly to the master branch in github01:45
* seronis facepalms01:45
seronisi dont use github much but still should have realized which version it would refer to01:45
seronisso its the latest on the master branch,  you said you're in the forums a lot..  would that be best or manually grab the 2.0 tagged zip ?01:47
seronis(sorry for confusion, i dont use any revision control often)01:48
ntzrmtthihu777I like to git clone myself, but its a matter of prefernce.01:53
seronisntzrmtthihu777,  sorry back too.  chicken out of oven so im free now02:19
ntzrmtthihu777alrighty :D02:20
seronishavent used git outside a gui.. so i dont mind using whatever method you deem best (or just preferred)02:21
seronisalready installed git packages anyways02:21
seronisi think my biggest problem is just a lack of intimate knowledge of the directory layout of linux02:22
seronisso im not confident putting something somewhere wont cause issues down the road02:22
ntzrmtthihu777I place all my source code in ~/.src02:23
ntzrmtthihu777the make install command should do all the placing for you.02:23
seronishidden folder ?02:23
ntzrmtthihu777yup. its nearby when I open a terminal, but it does not bug my eyes when I use thunar02:24
seronisntzrmtthihu777, your preference to run me through the repo clone or just grab the 2.0 branch from github and untar it ?02:26
ntzrmtthihu777I usually git clone, but like I said I operate most heavy duty stuff in terminal02:26
seronisi have no fear of the terminal and would prefer to get more used to it anyways02:27
ntzrmtthihu777do so, it has a high payout02:28
seronisntzrmtthihu777,  ok..  you recommend master branch or 2.0 tag then (since you said you're a forum user there)02:28
ntzrmtthihu777either or. I used the master tarball the first time.02:29
ntzrmtthihu777I would suggest you use the windows rc if you want to set up a cross-to-win32 compilation environment.02:30
ntzrmtthihu777it has all the headers and such precompiled; you can easily copy them to the mingw include and lib directories.02:31
seronisnaw.. for now windows is completely purged from my laptop02:32
ntzrmtthihu777true, but perhaps you should like to dev for windows.02:35
seronisgit clone https://github.com/LaurentGomila/SFML.git02:36
seronishmm..  http request failed error02:37
seronistrying git:// syntax02:37
seronisnow i get a better error02:37
seronis"gethub is offline for maintenance"02:37
* seronis facepalms02:37
seronisguess i'll try again later =-)02:38
seronisstatus.github.com says it will be down under 10 minutes02:39
ntzrmtthihu777gotta hate dat, but it happens.02:43
seronisyup.  but cloning now02:45
seronisntzrmtthihu777,  so. next step (if you're still around)02:47
ntzrmtthihu777do you have cmake installed? if not, do so.02:48
ntzrmtthihu777cd into the git dir.02:49
seronisa cmake dir is visible from here02:49
seronisand all the others02:49
ntzrmtthihu777sorry, hadda go make a sammich :303:02
ntzrmtthihu777run cmake . just inside the git dir, do not cd into the src or any others.03:02
seronisntzrmtthihu777,  there was a couple errors on running cmake.  posted them via PM03:07
seronissudo apt-get install libglew-dev03:16
seronisdidnt work without -dev03:16
seronisand its bringing in a lot of other dependancies03:17
seronisstill going03:19
seronishad to pull in xrandr and its deps03:19
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, part of the game. and you need -dev in most cases; these packages include the developement headers needed for compilation.03:19
seronisok..  half dozen others and now cmake worked03:23
seronisfreetype  openal  sndfile ... ....03:23
seronisfound all the package names though03:23
ntzrmtthihu777k, if cmake worked run make.03:23
seroniswhats the point of  '.'  in cmake?    isnt that just the  'this directory' marker ?03:24
ntzrmtthihu777yup, but cmake has no common sense XD03:24
seroniskk.  make  done03:24
ntzrmtthihu777ok, now you have 2 options. one make install and not be able to uninstall, or two install checkinstall so it builds you a .deb you can remove if you like.03:25
seronissudo make install03:25
seronissudo install checkinstall03:26
ntzrmtthihu777yeah, that will do it; although I heartily reccommend you install checkinstall and run sudo checkinstall -D make install03:26
seronisand then just doubleclick the generated .deb03:26
ntzrmtthihu777no, sudo apt-get install checkinstall03:26
seronis"install checkinstall" first, and no other arguments?   sorry but not familiar with creating my own packages so just being careful03:27
ntzrmtthihu777No. checkinstall is a package via apt-get/etc; you need to install it first.03:31
seronisoh.. heh03:31
seronisand now   "sudo checkinstall -D make install"03:32
seronisand sorry..  the first time i was reading  'install checkinstall' as a command.. not a suggestion03:34
seronisim.. very literal sometimes03:34
ntzrmtthihu777heh, it happens.03:35
ntzrmtthihu777yes, run that, then you can rename the deb if you like. I named it sfml2.0-dev03:36
seronis"Some of the files created by the installation are inside the home directory: /home"03:38
seronis"you probably dont want to include them.  want to list them? [n]"03:38
seronisjust press enter and ignore ?03:38
ntzrmtthihu777then it shall ask if you want to exclude some files, choose y03:43
seronisthen same answers for those in the 'build directory' ?03:43
seronislooks like it succeeded fine. help is much appreciated and now im at least a tiny familiar with making a deb03:47
ntzrmtthihu777:3 yeah, I learned too. but on buntu you are better of learning how to build a ppa :P03:51
seronisntzrmtthihu777,  thanks again.   got polyvox library setup and a deb to be able to remove it too04:12
seronisif i can repeat it once i prob have it retained well.04:14
ntzrmtthihu777yep :D04:15
mohsen-rashidihello everyone05:39
mohsen-rashidiI`m using xubuntu 12.0405:39
mohsen-rashidiand i have two layouts for keyboard.05:40
mohsen-rashidinow i wanna know how can i switch between my layouts via keyboard?05:40
InboxTakenHello, world.06:26
InboxTakenI'm looking for quick advice on how to uninstall software on Xubuntu. I can't find synaptic or any kind of interface to uninstall programs/apps...06:27
[uzver]InboxTaken: u can install synaptic, or use ubuntu software center06:28
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)06:28
InboxTaken[uzver] & bazhang: Thanks, I'll try this out. :)06:29
aienaInboxTaken: run sudp apt-get install synaptic06:29
aienathen you will find synaptic06:29
aienaotherwise remove from commmand line but synaptic is less tedious :)06:29
aiena*sudo apt-get06:29
aienanot sudp - sorry06:29
aienayo ubottu06:30
aienahi ubottu06:30
InboxTakenaiena: Thanks, trying that right now06:30
aienayour welcome06:30
aienaon 13.0.4 its not installed by default06:31
aienaon 12.0.4 its there by default.06:31
InboxTakenaiena: Interesting. I'm using synaptic right now, is there an easy way to isolate which packages go with which software?06:32
aienawait you have synpatic06:33
aienathe dependencies are automatically installed06:33
aienaInboxTaken: which software do you want to install ?06:33
InboxTakenaiena: I'm trying to uninstall actually lol06:33
aienasynaptics heps you install packages of software but is a package itself06:33
aienaok which one do you want to uninstal06:34
aienathe procedure is almost the same06:34
InboxTakenMinecraft amongst other things06:34
aienaopen synaptics06:34
aienaok on the top right there is a search box06:34
aienatype minecraft there06:34
InboxTakenYep, there are a few packages that show up.06:35
InboxTakenShould I assume that's the way to go for each software?06:35
InboxTakenAnd delete each package that comes up in a search of the software's name?06:35
aienayes except for certain unusual cases06:35
aienalike PPA's or custom installs06:35
aienabut mostly yes06:35
InboxTakenAwesome, thanks a ton06:35
aienaas long as you use direct methods.06:36
aienaif you are compiling from source too you can uninstall with synaptics06:36
InboxTakenEh, it's not letting me mark it for uninstallation... o.O06:36
aienaprovided you use checkinstall as a replacement for makeinstall in the instructiobns online06:36
aienaInboxTaken: hmm06:36
aienaprintscreen please06:36
aienaI mean print screen without the error06:37
elfyit's likely that when you've finished installing what you think you should - you'll finish up with a new list of things to uninstall in autoremovable06:37
aienain that case you can run sudo apt-get autoremove06:38
aienabut thats not needed to remove minecraft elfy right06:38
aienait just removes the superfluos extra stuff06:38
aienalets find out why InboxTaken can't remove mi9necraft06:39
InboxTakenstrange... all four of those packages show up in the "not installed" section06:39
aienaInboxTaken: can you post a screenshot of your search results in synaptic on imagebin ?06:39
aienaInboxTaken: they are not ticked06:39
aienain synpatic06:39
InboxTakenBut Minecraft is still installed which makes little sense06:40
aienaand is mark of installation option available in the menu ?06:40
InboxTakenaiena: yes06:40
aienaBah captials06:40
aienabut there is no package created for uninstallation06:40
aienathis is one of the exceptional cases06:40
aienaInboxTaken: do you have the site from which you installed minecraft ?06:41
aienaI am guessing you must have compiled it yourself06:41
InboxTakenaiena: not off the top of my head :/ I believe I must have06:41
aienajust check browser history06:41
aienaand show me the page06:41
InboxTakentwas a while back06:42
aienaand I'll give you some tips for next time.06:42
InboxTakenhold on though i'm figuring out how to link you that screenshot06:42
aienahmm screenshot06:42
aienais not needed06:42
aienasynpatics wont help in this case06:42
aienanow that I understand your issue06:42
aienajust see if you can find the site06:42
InboxTakenaiena: I'll start looking06:43
aienathats the only way I can help you (hopefully) in this case.06:43
InboxTakenBut in the mean time, I gather installing is significantly easier than uninstalling?06:43
aienaits how you install06:44
aienain the future06:44
aienaif you are buiding fropm source06:44
aienaor using not standard pacckages e.g. you want the latest version 4.2 of xxx but the default packages in xubuntu  are 3.4 xxx and you build from source.06:45
aienathe instruction typically say to use make install after make06:45
InboxTakenIs the java script I used to update useful at all?06:45
aienabut dont use make install06:45
aienayou used a javascript ???06:45
InboxTakenyeah Minecraft runs on java06:46
InboxTakentrying to get rid of the fucker is harder than imagined lol06:46
aienain your case06:46
aienasince you did the other install06:46
aienayou will have to delete minecraft files06:46
aienainduvidually which is a pain06:46
aienafrom all directories06:46
aienaI feel sorry06:47
aienaanyways in the future this all can be avoided06:47
InboxTakenlol definitely06:47
aienaInboxTaken: do you have too many apllications etc on your comp customised conky scripts and bla bla bla06:47
InboxTakenaiena: so how exactly do I brute force the deletion? If it's a simple routine I'm down with manual labor06:47
aienano brute force06:47
aienathe brute force was synaptics06:48
InboxTakenoh shit06:48
aienaone sec06:48
aienadid you unzip minecraft ?06:48
aienainto one folder and run the script from there ?06:48
aienaor is it all over the place.06:48
elfy!language | InboxTaken06:49
ubottuInboxTaken: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.06:49
ondrashi there06:49
InboxTakenI honestly couldn't tell you... I remember trying various things to install it on linux and it turned out that it didn't work out. I've waited a bit too long to uninstall the thing if you ask me.06:49
ondrasthere is one thing that irritates me a lot about xubuntu06:49
ondrasthat every half a year06:49
ondrasduring a release upgrade06:49
ondrasall the software that I removed06:49
ondrasgets installed again06:49
ondrassuch as abiword and a bazillion of other packages06:49
aienaInboxTaken: Oopsy06:50
ondrasbecause abiword is a basic xubuntu component06:50
ondrasbut I normally replace it with libreoffice06:50
aienaondras: thats because you update the distro06:50
ondrasand I am not happy about it06:50
aienabut in general dont remove the default software06:50
aienaits not so good for the system.06:50
ondraswell I do not like my hard drive to host hundreds of packages I do not want06:50
ondrasI am pretty sure about stuff that I can safely remove06:51
aienathere arent hundreds06:51
ondrasthe only way I can do is to upgrade via editing of /etc/apt/sources.list06:51
ondrasbut I am not sure if it does not break something06:51
aienadont know06:51
InboxTakenaiena: so how would I go about deleting the files manually?06:51
ondrasaiena: for instance, all the *gir* packages06:52
aienaOK not that advanced yet06:54
aienayou probably know best ondras06:54
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aienaIs there a way to make xubuntu automatically hibernate when a particular battery threshold level is reached ?09:04
[uzver]aiena: maybe Settings manager>Power manager ?09:05
aienaYup something similar is there !! THanks !! :)09:06
aienais there a way to make the conky background  semi opaque rather than pure trnasparent ?09:16
cfhowlettHerrLarsson, greetings09:17
HerrLarssoni have a question09:17
ubottuHerrLarsson,: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:18
HerrLarssonIs Linux communism?09:20
Noskcaj10HerrLarsson, lolwut?09:20
aienaWhat ? HerrLarsson09:24
aienacommunism of all things09:24
aienano way09:24
aienaHerrLarsson: As your question ! Apart from "Is linux communism?" of course09:25
KeyboardNotFoundHello, today I upgrade my xubuntu from 12.10 to 13.04 , how to change user photo ?09:25
aienayou mena wallpaper ?09:25
KeyboardNotFoundno, the photo when i login09:25
aienaAh ok !!09:25
KeyboardNotFoundphoto over username09:26
HerrLarssonGNU/Linux is Communism! There are huge correlations between the two. There isn't one particular company that owns GNU/Linux. The GNU/Linux community is giving its software away for free.09:26
koegs!ot | HerrLarsson09:27
ubottuHerrLarsson: #xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!09:27
KeyboardNotFoundaiena, can i change that photo ?09:28
aienaI am not sure - I dont know KeyboardNotFound09:28
aienaI am checking for you !!09:28
aienaEven I want to know.09:28
aienaKeyboardNotFound: http://askubuntu.com/questions/47186/is-there-a-way-to-change-user-picture-in-xubuntu-and-actually-display-it-on-log09:29
aienathat will help !!09:29
aienaKeyboardNotFound: fopund it !!09:30
aienaGO to applications_> System -> Users and groups09:30
aienaand then edit your profile pic there09:30
aienahmm wait no09:30
aienayou cant change it there for some reason09:31
Unit193rename a jpg to ~/.face09:31
aienathats whats mentioned in the link I provided09:31
aienaKeyboardNotFound: forllow the link http://askubuntu.com/questions/47186/is-there-a-way-to-change-user-picture-in-xubuntu-and-actually-display-it-on-log09:32
KeyboardNotFoundThank you09:33
aienayou are most welcome !!09:34
recon_laphi, just want to report that firefox bookmarks are broken for me again!! I know it's nothing to do with xubuntu but just want to vent11:49
knomerecon_lap, please file a bug11:54
knomerecon_lap, or if you did that last time, extend the old bug11:54
nyuszika7hhi, IDLE is using a bigger icon ("Development" under the menu) and it looks ugly. is there any way to fix that?12:14
baizonnyuszika7h: you can change the icon :)12:15
nyuszika7herr, how do I find out where is it?12:15
baizonnyuszika7h: "main menu" in settings12:16
nyuszika7hah, thanks12:16
baizonthere go properties and you will see the icon, click on it and it will show the location12:16
knomenyuszika7h, please file a bug against the IDLE package. it's not shipping a suitable sized icon.12:17
nyuszika7hknome: both idle and idle3?12:17
knomenyuszika7h, any software/package that doesn't ship the suitable icons12:18
InokiYo knome, did you manage with the article? back then I when you mentioned I didn't really have time, It just came out of the blue and I was busy with projects of mine.12:28
knomeInoki, i did :) the articles are now being reviewed by the magazine editor and i will get back to you all when i hear anything new12:29
Inokiknome: cool, I'll be around.12:30
qwertz_i have a small problem here: with both 12.10 and 13.04 xfwm4 is sometimes not started with my session. what could go wrong?12:33
baizonqwertz_: you could try cleaning the content of ~/.cache12:34
qwertz_baizon, specifically .cache/sessions?12:52
baizonqwertz_: well i would remove the whole content12:53
baizonbut you can try removing this dir first12:53
qwertz_baizon, thanks. i removed all of it. unfortunately, i cannot report back whether this worked out immediately as the problem only happens occasionally12:54
baizonqwertz_: ok12:54
baizonreport back when its still there :)12:55
qwertz_baizon, first log out/log in was successful though12:55
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R3creat3dCan anyone tell me a good text editor other than geany15:48
holsteinR3creat3d: "good" is really a matter of opinion.. what are you looking for? i use gedit. or libreoffice for that matter..15:49
kRushno vim vs. emacs flamewar? what has the world come to..15:59
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors.16:00
xubuntu653hello folks16:54
xubuntu653how are you today16:54
xubuntu653can i get a little help16:54
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:55
bettchenchenjust booked a ryanair flight16:56
bettchenchenIm trying to print the ticket, but printer doesnt do anything16:56
bettchenchenink cartridges are new16:56
bettchenchenit has printed from xubuntu before16:56
bettchenchenany tips?16:56
xubuntu653i try to install skype on my xubuntu 12.1016:56
xubuntu653i used this code : sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype -y16:57
xubuntu653and  i get this message error16:57
xubuntu653E: Malformed line 57 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse) E: The list of sources could not be read.16:57
elfyxubuntu653: can you open a terminal and run this command - then give us the url you get17:00
elfycat /etc/apt/sources.list |pastebinit17:00
elfyfrom a terminal run this   gksudo mousepad /etc/apt/sources.list17:02
genii-aroundIf files are just text, you can do: pastebinit filename    ;)17:02
elfythen line 57 and 58 edit cannonical so they are canonical - close save and that should do it17:02
elfygenii-around: thanks17:02
genii-aroundxubuntu653: Also your last two lines of your sources.list have both quantal and precise specified in the same lines17:03
genii-aroundeg: deb http://archive.canonical.com/ quantal precise partner         <-- should remove one of the dist names17:04
Kamal_xubuntu653: what does lsb_release -c output?17:04
Kamal_Get rid of precise then17:05
xubuntu653No command 'deb' found, did you mean:  Command 'debc' from package 'devscripts' (main)  Command 'derb' from package 'libicu-dev' (main)  Command 'dab' from package 'bsdgames' (universe)  Command 'debi' from package 'devscripts' (main)  Command 'xdeb' from package 'xdeb' (universe)  Command 'dwb' from package 'dwb' (universe) deb: command not found17:05
Kamal_What are you doing17:06
Kamal_run this17:06
xubuntu653deb http://archive.canonical.com/ quantal precise partner17:06
Kamal_gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list17:06
genii-aroundxubuntu653: That is one of the last two lines in your sources.list file you need to remove the word "precise" from. It's not a command.17:07
xubuntu653gksudo gedit... nothing happens17:07
genii-aroundTry putting mousepad instead of gedit17:08
xubuntu653still nothing17:10
GridCubeits default in xubuntu17:10
* genii-around ponders just giving a sed command instead17:10
xubuntu653leafpad opens17:10
elfybah - forgot mousepad is new default - sorry xubuntu65317:11
GridCubeexo-open should do17:11
xubuntu653ok ,i had open a sourcelist in leafpad17:12
xubuntu653and there is a quantal precise partner17:12
GridCubewhat are you even trying to do?17:13
xubuntu653install skype17:13
xubuntu653and now is every thing brken17:14
Kamal_oh leafpad sorry17:14
Kamal_xubuntu653: delete 'precise'17:14
Kamal_keep 'quantal'17:14
Kamal_save the file17:14
Kamal_exit leafpad and run sudo apt-get update17:14
GridCubewhat are you doing? stop doing this things manually17:14
GridCubeyou are going to break things up17:15
mongyou're tearing us apart17:15
xubuntu653the same message eror17:15
xubuntu653after deleting precise17:15
elfydid you change cannonical17:16
GridCubexubuntu653, see this http://www.webupd8.org/2013/04/fix-skype-not-working-in-ubuntu-1304.html17:16
GridCubeand dont change your sources.list17:16
GridCubedo not touch your sources list manually unless you know what you are doing17:17
elfywell they'll have to now17:17
xubuntu653i have just change it17:17
* GridCube gives up, he doesnt take any responsibility from now on17:17
brainwashit's not about running skype... he can't install it due to some error in the sources list, right?17:19
brainwashso we have to fix the list first i guess :D17:19
xubuntu653E: Malformed line 57 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list (dist parse) E: The list of sources could not be read.17:21
GridCubethats a completely different problem than skype17:21
xubuntu653i have 12.10 xubuntu17:23
elfyyou still have the 2 lines with cannonical in17:24
GridCubexubuntu653, open the software sources manager, in synaptic its at >settings >software sources(or similar)17:24
GridCubeor repositories i could be, there you can see all the sources you got, untick or tick the ones you see the problem with17:25
GridCubedo not, i repeat, do not, edit sources.list by hand17:25
xubuntu653i cant open17:25
xubuntu653i have the same message on everything17:26
elfy<elfy> then line 57 and 58 edit cannonical so they are canonical - close save and that should do it17:26
xubuntu653on the software updater17:26
xubuntu653ok i will try it17:26
xubuntu653it work s17:27
GridCube:) eggcellent17:27
xubuntu653but i dont know where is my skype now17:28
GridCubetype skype in a terminal17:28
GridCubeif its installed it should run17:29
xubuntu653he is not17:30
xubuntu653he just updated some quantal resources17:30
xubuntu653i have some updates waiting17:32
xubuntu653maybe i should update it17:32
GridCubeyou should update your list17:32
GridCubesudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get install skype17:33
xubuntu653now is working my ubuntu software center17:33
xubuntu653i did it17:33
xubuntu653but this second is not working17:33
xubuntu653Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package skype17:34
xubuntu653i was update my list17:35
xubuntu653but still cannot install skype17:35
mohsen_rashidihello every one17:35
mohsen_rashidiI`m using Xubuntu 12.04 and have two keyboard layouts.17:36
elfyxubuntu653: check you have partners enabled please - settings manager - software & updates - other software tab - see if Canonical PArtners is ticked17:36
mohsen_rashidiThe problem is i don`t know how to switch between them via keyboard shortcuts17:37
xubuntu653no is is not added cannonical17:37
elfytick it - you should then have to supply your password17:38
xubuntu653he ask me for apt line17:38
xubuntu653i tick it and eneter password17:38
xubuntu653but if i want to add he asks me apt line17:39
elfyyou're not adding anything - you need to just enable it17:39
elfyand if it asked you to add last time in the same place - you need to spell canonical correctly17:40
[uzver]mohsen_rashidi: do u use xfce-xkb-plugin?17:40
xubuntu653i tick it and now installatio is done17:41
xubuntu653but still the same message17:41
elfyyou need to update so that your system know that skype is there17:41
mohsen_rashidii don`t know.I have install xubuntu today and have no experience with Xfce before17:42
GridCubemohsen_rashidi, add the keyboard switcher plugin to the panel17:42
elfyxubuntu653: if you've got a terminal open sudo apt-get update or do it with software centre17:43
xubuntu653i will wait17:43
xubuntu653he is working some installation now17:43
[uzver]mohsen_rashidi: select Change layout option17:43
xubuntu653i did it17:44
xubuntu653and i am waiting now17:44
[uzver]mohsen_rashidi: it will be your switch layouts key17:44
xubuntu653he is downloading skype now17:44
elfyxubuntu653: please take care if you are typing things that you get the spelling right17:45
mohsen_rashidiyes...it worked...Thanks a lot my friends :)17:46
mohsen_rashidiبسیار متشکرم17:46
elfyxubuntu653: where did you get the information from to run the add-apt-repository line ?17:46
xubuntu653yeah man17:47
xubuntu653you solved it17:47
elfyyea - but where did you find the information in the first place ?17:47
xubuntu653do you have any better suggestion for future17:48
elfyright - copy and paste things, instead of typing it :)17:49
elfyuntil you get used to how things are anyway17:49
elfytry and use official sources of information if possible17:49
xubuntu653i try it17:50
xubuntu653but there is nothing on official website17:50
xubuntu653for the skype17:50
xubuntu653do you know how can i install my camera driver17:51
[uzver]xubuntu653: u can test webcam with cheese or vlc17:56
=== hobgoblin is now known as elfy
seronisis there any Peer Guardian/Block esque software in the repos for xubuntu?18:16
seronisI used PeerBlock on windows and i see PG on sourceforge but not available via software center18:16
seronisi've looked through the  Internet->FileSharing and  System categories already and not found anything that sounds the same18:23
well_laid_lawn!info moblock18:25
ubottuPackage moblock does not exist in raring18:25
seronisyeah i saw that mentioned by google but its not in repo either18:26
well_laid_lawnsee if this thread helps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=501610218:28
seronisthank you, reading now18:28
Sangitohi there19:31
lderanSangito, hi :D19:31
Sangitoi have crossing strang behavore with xubuntu and i want to know if i'm the only one!19:32
well_laid_lawnyes no maybe19:32
Sangitolet<s find out :-)19:33
SangitoI have done a update through the update manager and after than the kernel doesn't want to finish the boot because of a segmentation fault.19:34
well_laid_lawnyou have an older kernel to use?19:35
Sangitowhat ever the kernel i choose 3.2.0-38, 3.2.0-40 or 3.2.0-41 the same segmentation fault happen19:36
Sangitoi boot from a cdlive done a chroot, but even in this condition lot of programme ( ex aptitude ) doesn't work because of the same segmentation fault19:37
Sangitoin deed19:38
well_laid_lawnwhat is happening just before the segmentation fault? loading udev or ?19:38
Sangitoloding the module e1000 of the ethernet card first and the firewire module, but is the friendly-recovery pre-start and post-start the make the segmentation fault19:42
SangitoNo one see this before?19:49
well_laid_lawntried the recovery mode?19:50
Sangitoyes and i found the the cron service haven start yet so no log19:50
Sangitolike something in the initramfs is corrupt19:51
Sangitothe only ting near my probleme in the internet seem to be relate to a software call plymouth.19:54
well_laid_lawnthat's the boot splash screen20:02
SangitoThanks for the help, but it seem to be a too deep probleme to be solve, so like windows, i'll format and reconfigure the hold thing.20:02
Skaparethe Ubuntu ISO does not recognize my PS/2 to USB mouse adapter ... the Xubuntu ISO does recognize it ... is Xubuntu built better or something?20:24
xubuntu078Hi, how do I upgrade from xubuntu 12.10 to 13.04 via the command line? TIA.20:46
lderanxubuntu078, http://blog.innodh.com/update-from-ubuntu-12-10-to-ubuntu-13-04-from-command-line/ has a guide :)20:48
xubuntu078@lderan, thanks20:50
xubuntu078I am on my way to upgrading xubuntu. Could someone point me to a definitive resource for the annoying wireless issues with xubuntu? TIA.20:52
Unit193https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs ?20:54
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
xubuntu999I am trying to install Xunbuntu 12.1 on a Gigabyte GA-990FXA-23:20
xubuntu999UD3 mother board23:21
xubuntu999It is not recognizing the netowrk or mouse. How can I resolve that? Would 13.04 maybe have better support for the board?23:21
[deXter]Hi all23:59
[deXter]How easy is it , for an average home user, to upgrade to the next version of Xubuntu?23:59
[deXter]Ie, without running dist-upgrade manually23:59

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