
=== jalcine is now known as jackyalcine
ahoneybunRiddell: ?00:33
txwikingerIs there something broken with the ubuntu mail server?01:00
ahoneybunsmartboyhw: do you know anything about who is handling the kubuntu-docs?01:15
smartboyhwahoneybun: Heh I don't know. kubuntu-docs was thrown out of our metas and seeds since nobody's working on it.01:18
ahoneybunI'm updating the images and seeing about putting it in a wiki01:19
ScottKvalorie: There's an updated package in raring-proposed that should fix the bootsplash thing.01:49
ScottKYou'll get it as a regular update next week.01:49
ScottKtxwikinger: Not that I'm aware of.01:49
txwikingerthanks ScottK.. it seems to have lost a couple of my e-mail :-)01:50
smartboyhwkubotu: newversion digikam 3.2.0-beta202:07
smartboyhwThat's a lot of tasks for murthy to play with:P02:11
ScottKJontheEchidna: Muon SRU is released, so if you've got more fixes ready, the way is clear.03:01
smartboyhw_Sorry ScottK, I just thought this election was rather difficult to choose who to vote:P03:11
ScottKsmartboyhw_: OK.03:11
ahoneybunScottK: can you get me volkan's email?03:13
ScottKahoneybun: No public email address, but you can use the LP "Contact this user" feature at https://launchpad.net/~volkan and LP will email it.03:14
ahoneybunwas not sure which was him/her03:16
ahoneybunmessage sent03:17
ScottKI recall the he (I don't know which either) was in Europe, so probably sleeping now.03:39
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=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
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BluesKajHowdy all13:03
kubotu::runtime-bugs:: [1176023] Clock applet problem, unable to connect to ntp servers @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1176023 (by HÃ¥ken Hveem)13:58
QuintasanJontheEchidna: ping16:11
JontheEchidnaQuintasan: pong17:06
ScottKAny objection to us doing a "Congratulations to Debian on the release of Wheezy" post on kubuntu.org tomorrow?17:23
* yofel is all for it17:24
ScottKshadeslayer: ping on getting feedback from upstream about the imap resource crash.17:51
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kubotu::workspace-bugs:: [1176149] battery monitor does not detect battery after wake @ https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1176149 (by Alvin)19:05
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apacheloggerScottK: why don't I get a highlight? :(19:57
ScottKapachelogger: For what?19:57
apacheloggershadeslayer got one 19:57
ScottKI can't think of anything you told me you were doing that isn't done and I'm waiting on it.19:58
ScottKshadeslayer apparently needs more reminding.19:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: I didn't realize you managed to find that19:58
shadeslayeri.e. ScottK highlighting me :P19:58
shadeslayerScottK: was travelling19:58
ScottKshadeslayer: OK.  Still crashing here, so it'd be nice to see about that patch.20:03
shadeslayerScottK: aaannddd fixed in KDE 4.1020:25
shadeslayerthe 4.10 branch20:26
shadeslayerc51ee21200de693bea9608fcffe18eeffdf3e082 < commit id20:27
ScottKshadeslayer: Excellent.20:28
shadeslayerScottK: this should be fixed in 4.10.220:28
ScottKshadeslayer: Since it will be a bit before 4.10.3 gets to proposed, would you mind doing a cherry pick upload for a raring SRU.   20:28
apacheloggerI fixed it btw20:28
apacheloggerin theory20:28
ScottKshadeslayer: Don't you mean .3?20:29
ScottKIf it's fixed in 4.10.2, it's not the same problem as that's what we released with.20:29
apacheloggerit's definitely in .220:30
apacheloggerif you are having a crash with .2 it's not the same one20:30
apacheloggerthe presented on is a from a recurisve call chain that caused a stack exhaustion which was fixed in .2 (as seen in the appropriate git tag)20:30
ScottKI am.20:30
apacheloggernew backtrace plz20:31
ScottKThe problem is the crashes all go off to errors.ubuntu.com, so I don't know.20:31
ScottKLet me see if I can find one.20:31
apacheloggererrors.ubuntu ftw :P20:31
ScottKNews item for the Debian release (supposed to happen tomorrow or Sunday) is written, but not published.  If I'm not around when they release, someone please publish it.20:47
ScottKRiddell: ^^^20:47
RiddellScottK: cool, where do we watch to sere the debian announce?22:03
valorieRiddell: http://release.debian.org/ >22:08
ScottKI'd guess #debian-devel on OFTC, debian-announce, debian-devel-announce ML, or on www.debian.org22:09
ScottKvalorie: That's often a bit behind.22:09
Riddellkubotu: newpackage kdev-python 1.522:29
ScottKapachelogger: ^^^ now if it would only auto add to the trello too.22:31
apacheloggerScottK: if someone wrote a script for that...22:31
yofelCan some c++ expert please tell me what the hell is wrong with kate master?22:49
yofel/build/buildd/project-neon-kate-2+git20130503+r2406/part/view/kateview.cpp: In member function 'virtual KTextEditor::View::EditMode KateView::viewEditMode() const':22:49
yofel/build/buildd/project-neon-kate-2+git20130503+r2406/part/view/kateview.cpp:1128:12: error: 'EditViMode' was not declared in this scope22:49
yofel     return EditViMode;22:49
yofel            ^22:49
yofelit's defined as part of enum EditMode, and the other values work fine...22:49
danttiyofel: and where is the enum declared? is it on the same scope?22:50
yofelit's defined in KTextEditor::View::EditMode, see line 205: 22:51
yofelwhich is used in line 1128 of 22:52
yofeland ktexteditor/view.h is included in kateview.h which is included in kateview.cpp22:52
danttiyofel: they are not in same class 22:53
danttido return KTextEditor::View::EditViMode;22:54
yofelbut gcc doesn't complain about EditOverwrite and EditInsert which are used only 2 lines below22:54
yofeldantti: that doesn't work either btw: 22:54
yofel/home/yofel/src/kate/part/view/kateview.cpp:1128:31: error: no member named 'EditViMode' in 'KTextEditor::View'; did you mean 'EditMode'?22:54
danttiyofel: because it's the same error22:54
danttiso gcc suppress the ones below22:55
yofeldantti: no, if I comment the EditViMode line out, then ktextview.cpp compiles fine22:55
debfxdantti: class KATEPART_TESTS_EXPORT KateView : public KTextEditor::View22:56
danttidebfx: that's then not the same class yofel showed me which is22:57
dantticlass KTEXTEDITOR_EXPORT View :  public QWidget, public KXMLGUIClient22:57
danttiah ok22:57
danttiwell in this case I'd worry about conficts?22:58
danttiyofel: maybe a clean build perhaps ...23:00
yofelthat was a clean build on a buildd23:00
danttiah ok23:00
yofeland it only has 2 cases where it appears23:00
yofelktexteditor/view.h:      EditViMode = 2     /**< Vi mode. The view will behave like the editor vi(m) @since 4.11 */23:00
yofelpart/view/kateview.cpp:    return EditViMode;23:00
danttiyofel: all it seems is like it is using outdated headers... as the enum is since 4.1123:01
yofellet me check something...23:02
debfxyofel: http://kde.6490.n7.nabble.com/Kate-Spring-Cleaning-td1525904.html23:03
yofeldebfx: good find, thanks23:05
yofelmeh, kdelibs was really still on 4.1023:08
* yofel seems to have missed the point when master was being used again o.O23:10
yofelanyway, thanks for the help debfx and dantti, I'll see if this will help23:15

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