
James_EppIn Ubuntu 12.04's nautilus, I can go file - connect to server. Using lubuntu 12.04, is there a way to accomplish this same task using a GUI?01:14
Unit193Go > Network drives.01:14
James_EppFTP server01:14
Unit193Might if you install gigolo.01:15
James_EppUnit193: I'm not crazy about using Gigolo, as The goal is to be able to open files off an ftp server into libreoffice01:20
Unit193I saw.  Just type it into the URL bar (In libreoffice or pcmanfm)01:21
James_EppThanks for the help.01:21
James_EppYeah, as you can tell, I'm debating which one I am going to pick xD01:23
Unit193Nah, I hadn't noticed at all. ;)   Try both as a liveUSB, see what you like best.01:24
James_EppI'm in virtual machines. The thing I have going on right now is ubuntu on a portable hard drive with all my programs on it. I have a clonezilla image of this on a dvd I carry around with me for backups. At home, I have my FTP server with all my schoolwork. I love it, but ubuntu can be slow.01:25
James_EppI think xubuntu won, however.01:27
Unit193Why is that?01:28
James_EppMore familiar01:28
Unit193Alright.  And you may not want to use FTP, at least go with sftp.01:28
James_EppI'm not too concerned, tbh01:29
Unit193Well, good luck!01:33
James_EppThank you!01:34
thedoctarhow do I get cpufreq to work06:53
thedoctarit's a pannel applet06:53
user09390Audio stuck on mute.  Chipset:   Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)07:34
user09390Alsamixer shows a master volume setting but I'm unable to increase volume.07:36
qwertymnhi, i upgraded to 13.04, and now after logging in, my desktop won't start anymore. It just shows a blue screen , that's it. Anyone an idea howto fix?08:07
Lubuntenricohi ,my lubuntu doesn't save keyboard keys speed settings10:23
Lubuntenriconot even editing desktop.conf using gksudo leafpad /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/desktop.conf10:27
Lubuntenriconot even rebooting after that10:27
Lubuntenricothe settings keyboard delay and interval10:27
Lubuntenricoand the same thing for mouse settings10:27
Lubuntenricoplease help me10:28
Lubuntenricohi ,my lubuntu doesn't save keyboard keys speed settings12:25
Lubuntenriconot even editing desktop.conf using gksudo leafpad /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/desktop.conf12:25
Lubuntenriconot even rebooting after that12:25
Lubuntenricothe settings keyboard delay and interval12:25
Lubuntenricoand the same thing for mouse settings12:26
Lubuntenricoplease help me12:26
Bad_Dreamhi. im having problems with sudo and su. getting authentication failures12:33
Bad_Dreamlooked for help online but it was vague and im not sure wat the heck is going on12:34
Bad_Dreamnvm i fixed it i think12:44
Lubuntenricohi ,my lubuntu doesn't save keyboard keys speed settings12:47
Lubuntenriconot even editing desktop.conf using gksudo leafpad /etc/xdg/lxsession/Lubuntu/desktop.conf12:47
Lubuntenriconot even rebooting after that12:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 989430 in lxinput (Ubuntu) "lxinput does not save character repeat values" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:51
LubuntenricoReported by Jonas Hellström on 2012-04-2712:51
Lubuntenrico1  year ago and12:52
Lubuntenriconothing had been fixed since12:52
Lubuntenricowell is written also how to _How to circumvent the problem_12:54
thor1phillw dont have a off day;-)13:05
Lubuntenricoi like lubuntu15:33
Lubuntenricomore than others ,much better than kubuntu15:33
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:54
holsteinLubuntenrico: glad you like it!15:54
BenBEI have a small issue on my Notebook with Lubuntu 13.04: When I mute the sound it is properly muted, but when I try to unmute it via keyboard there's no reaction.17:55
holsteinBenBE: but, you can get it unmuted, correct?17:55
BenBEYes, but only when clicking the tray icon with the mouse.17:56
BenBEGetting it muted works with the keyboard.17:56
holsteinBenBE: i have seen that as well.. though, i had found a bug with xubuntu for pulse and xfce that did that..17:57
BenBEIt worked previously, thus I'm wondering ...17:57
holsteinlooking for and following up on a proper bug report, or making one is the way to go17:57
BenBEI'm not yet convinced this actually is a bug - and even if I still don't know which package to file it against.17:58
holsteinBenBE: alsa17:59
holsteinBenBE: or at least, thats where i would start looking17:59
BenBESeems to be known ... https://encrypted.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=amixer%20set%20master%20toggle%20not%20working&source=web&cd=2&cad=rja&sqi=2&ved=0CDUQFjAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fbugs.launchpad.net%2Fbugs%2F1026331&ei=dPyDUfb2G4iPtQag7ICABg&usg=AFQjCNGS4mkEz0J-UXFGr5NiCs2YUMWXEw&bvm=bv.45960087,d.Yms18:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 878986 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1026331 amixer -q sset Master toggle does mute, but does not unmute!" [Wishlist,Triaged]18:06
holsteinBenBE: thats the pulseaudio one.. are you using pulseaudio?18:07
BenBELXDE default configuration.18:16
holsteinBenBE: lubuntu wasnt shipping with pulse.. if it is, you'll get that bug as well18:16
BenBE(System installed with 12.10 discs)18:16
zacariasHi. I've been trying to load live cd's with 13.04 on my PowerPC mac. I've tried with Kubuntu and Lubuntu lice cd's. However, after the splash screen, booting freezes on a black screen with some messages, where the last one states "Stoping mount network filesystems". The only thing I can do is to enter a terminal prompt with Ctrl+Alt+F1. I currently have Kubuntu 12.04 installed on the machine, and that works well. I should add that the same problem has h18:32
BenBEFound a workaround for the issue: Had to manually set the toggle for Master Headphone and Speaker in lubuntu-rc.xml for the XF86AudioMute command key.18:38
BenBE    <keybind key="XF86AudioMute">18:38
BenBE        <action name="Execute">18:38
BenBE            <command>amixer -q -D pulse sset Master toggle</command>18:38
BenBE            <command>amixer -q -D pulse sset Headphone toggle</command>18:38
BenBE            <command>amixer -q -D pulse sset Speaker toggle</command>18:38
BenBE        </action>18:38
BenBE    </keybind>18:38
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:41
n-iCehello guys18:53

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