
holsteinearthling_: what are you trying to do?00:31
holsteinyou should just be able to upgrade the kernel you have.. and not need to bother with the details much00:31
aragornI'm new to Ubuntu, running 12.04 on a Dell XPS M1330.  I did something to one of my user accounts that caused the panels to disappear from that desktop.  I can't start any programs because there's nothing to click on.00:39
JoseeAntonioRaragorn: Try opening a terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T, and then write 'unity' (without quotes) and press enter.00:40
aragornDid that; got a series of error msgs?00:41
holsteinaragorn: its just that one user?00:41
aragornYes; other users are fine.  Including my admin, thank goodness.00:42
holsteinaragorn: if it were me, i would just blow out all the configs, and test again.. and put back just what i need/want carefully testing as i go00:42
aragornWish I knew how and where to do that...00:43
TheNewGuyHi guys00:47
TheNewGuyI'm the new guy00:47
phillw!patience | TheNewGuy00:48
ubot93TheNewGuy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/00:48
TheNewGuyso... how does this work?00:50
phillw!ask | TheNewGuy00:52
ubot93TheNewGuy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience00:52
TheNewGuyok i gotcha... Ill get back in a little bit... Just messing around with ubunto for now00:53
phillwTheNewGuy: then come back and ask!00:53
TheNewGuyhere is a quick i had earlier... whenever I config my ip address with ifconfig eth0 192.168..... netma....00:55
TheNewGuyIll lose connection to the outside world00:55
TheNewGuyI can still ping the ubuntu vm from my host machine00:55
TheNewGuyso if i restarted my vm, the eth0 grabs from my at&t router, but everytime I try to change it to something else, ill lose connection00:56
TheNewGuyeven if I try to change it to the exact same ip addr of .8700:56
earthling_holstein, just doing recommended security update01:18
seriously_randomhi, how to use tracker-needle? I think it doesn't index even though I did select folders in tracker-preferences13:49
holstein!info tracker-needle14:06
ubot93Package tracker-needle does not exist in raring14:06
holsteinseriously_random: what are you trying to do? search files?14:07
seriously_randomholstein, search /code folder14:22
holsteinseriously_random: you want to search for a directory named /code ?14:22
seriously_randominside code folder there are .py files, lots of them. I want search within these files14:22
seriously_randomI installed tracker-gui14:23
seriously_randombut it seems that indexing did not start14:23
holsteinseriously_random: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FindingFiles is what i would refer too ?14:24
holstein!info beagle14:25
ubot93Package beagle does not exist in raring14:25
seriously_randomyou are behind times14:25
holsteinseems beagle has been pulled.. what are you using?14:25
holsteinseriously_random: ?14:25
seriously_randomtracker is same as beagle14:25
holsteinseriously_random: i am using the LTS mostly14:25
holsteinseriously_random: would you prefer talking with a different volunteer? if you feel i am "behind times" i dont have to bother with searching for information if you prefer14:26
Unit193!info catfish14:27
ubot93catfish (source: catfish): a versatile file searching tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.3-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 71 kB, installed size 585 kB14:27
seriously_randomactually, it would be cool if you installed it let me know how to get it to index14:27
seriously_randomI can't log out at the moment. I am in a little race against the time14:27
holsteinyeah, catfish is what i go to.. since i found it a few years back14:27
holsteinseriously_random: how does catfish suit you?14:28
holsteinUnit193: should we update that wiki?14:28
seriously_randomholstein, I will promise to take a look. first I will have to finish something14:29
Unit193apt-file, and dpkg listed first?  That wiki is confused...14:30
holsteinUnit193: seems like its a bit odd and out dated14:30
Unit193holstein: Yeah, my go to is normally locate, but need find at times for a different use case.  I have no idea other than those two, and catfish though.  (Not counting apt-file, dpkg -S and -L, which I wouldn't personally list.)14:32
holsteinUnit193: catfish is not even on the list.. and i think it should be14:33
Unit193holstein: Yeah, it may not have been so awesome before, but been nicely updated.14:34
seriously_randomholstein, I actually had it installed already. Reporting that it works and finds nicely text in files15:30

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