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hallyndoes 'addgroup --system' mean that no nis/yp group will be created?12:38
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rbasakhallyn: I was under the impression that adduser/group are completely incapable of doing anything with nis/yp. Unless I'm missing something big.12:59
hallynoh, yeah, sorry, too early in the morning, i wasn't thinking right13:00
psusidid we ever reach a decision on the changes to the release cadence?13:19
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rbasakpsusi: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/technical-board/2013-March/001566.html14:02
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qenghojasoncwarner: do you know if the webkit plenary will be broadcast somehow?14:57
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pittiGood morning15:39
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hallynI'm trying to fix lp:ubuntu/lxc, starting with lp:ubuntu/raring/lxc.  I could bzr import-dsc ../lxc_0.9.0~alpha3-0ubuntu2.dsc just fine, but (a) I can't push the result (read-only transport), and I get a backtrace when I try to import-dsc ../lxc_0.9.0~alpha3-0ubuntu3.dsc17:41
wgranthallyn: What's broken about it?17:42
wgrant(ie. what are you trying to fix)17:42
hallynwgrant: the saucy tree wont' pull at all, the raring tree is out of date17:42
hallynWhen i try to push to raring's version, I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/5629811/17:42
wgranthallyn: raring's release pocket is frozen17:43
wgrantYou might mean -updates or -security17:43
hallynI don't, I'm trying ot make it uptodate wrt the archive17:43
hallynWhen I try to import-dsc the current upstream raring version, I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/5629814/17:44
hallynThat presumably being the bigger problem17:44
hallynIf that were fixed I could ignore raring being out of data and at least push something to saucy17:44
hallynSo let's ignore the push failure17:44
wgranthallyn: That error sounds like it's already imported.17:47
hallynwgrant: yeah, it does (but it isn't).  weird.17:48
hallyndobey: that is from 2012 though?  it seems to be past that, as bzr was at a version from 201317:48
dobeyhallyn: weird. maybe someone previously did a manual import, and it broke things worse? seems like fixing that issue would be the place to start though17:49
dobeyi'm not even sure who to bug about UDD issues any more, though :(17:50
hallynooooh. wait17:51
hallynwgrant: haha, yeah, that *was* already imported, wrong dsc17:52
* hallyn slap17:52
hallynhm, so the right .dsc does apply.  now when i try to push to saucy's tree, I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/5629858/17:58
hallynjust a dup of bug 888615 perhaps18:00
ubottubug 888615 in Bazaar "UDD branch freshness checker breaks on incomplete history" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88861518:00
hallynah, bzr -Olaunchpad.packaging_verbosity=off push ubuntu:lxc worked18:01
hallynphew, now i can get back to figuring out why aufs breaks my builds /me off18:02
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wgranthallyn: package-import has only been switched back on for a couple of hours, and it only just fixed saucy's branch up18:24
wgrantThere's still 20000 branches to go18:24
wgrantYou just caught it at a bad time18:24
hallynwgrant: oh, ok.  (technically psivaa/utah caught it at a bad time then :)18:26
psivaahallyn: ack :), do you want me to wait before running it again?18:27
hallynpsivaa: no, i manually pushed it, so it should now pull fine18:30
psivaahallyn: ok, running it18:31
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Laneycjwatson: MoM probably shouldn't mail the Debian maintainer for no-change rebuilds20:26
ScottKev: e.u.c is having an error when trying to load reports for kdepim-runtime.  Would you please have a look and see if there and crash reports that occur with 4:4.10.2 or higher?20:33
evScottK: on it20:37
ScottKev: Thanks.20:38
ScottKapachelogger: ^^^ new backtrace (hopefully) on the way.20:38
evScottK: 4:4.10.2-0ubuntu1~ubuntu12.04~ppa2would that version suffice?20:39
apacheloggerev: yeah20:40
evScottK, apachelogger: something is going wrong here and it's not showing a Stacktrace for those crashes, despite having successfully retraced them. Digging.20:46
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ScottKev: Is there an easy way for me to turn regular apport reports back on?  The particular crash we're after, I'm having regularly.  Maybe that would go better.21:00
evScottK: yes, add "Crash" to problem_types in /etc/apport/crashdb.conf21:01
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pmcgowanseb128, on my raring Super-D is hiding all windows, in addition to tl-super-d, any idea why?21:17
seb128pmcgowan, does "gsettings list-recursively  | grep '<Control>d'" return anything?21:20
pmcgowanseb128, no21:21
pmcgowanseb128, oh Super D does21:21
pmcgowanseb128, org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings show-desktop ['<Primary><Super>d']21:21
pmcgowanhow do I change that?21:22
desrtpmcgowan: in the keyboard shortcuts panel21:22
pmcgowanseb128, well that says ctl-super-d but the above is just super d21:22
pmcgowancan t fix it there for some reason21:22
desrt'primary' is an alias for 'super'21:22
desrti mean for 'ctrl'21:23
seb128pmcgowan, not sure, seems like a compiz configuration thing...21:23
highvoltagedconf write/ org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings/show-desktop '<Primary><Super>d'21:23
desrtand if you have a mac then it means 'command key'21:23
highvoltagedconf write /org.gnome.desktop.wm.keybindings/show-desktop '<Primary><Super>d'21:23
seb128it's already the value he has set21:23
desrti wonder if compiz takes 'primary' i mean 'super' or ignores it21:23
pmcgowanother systems seem ok21:23
desrtthat would mean that <primary><super>d could be interpreted the same as just '<super>d'21:24
pmcgowansomething unique on my system21:24
pmcgowanI have super-d mapped to a lens but it gets eaten before the dash gets it21:25
seb128pmcgowan, my guess is that it's something in your compiz config21:26
sladenpmcgowan: wasn't that bound to the canonical LDAP lens?21:26
pmcgowansladen, right21:27
seb128pmcgowan, what I would do is install ccsm (if you don't have it), run it, go to advanced search, check the 3 boxes on the left and search for <Super>d21:27
pmcgowanseb128, it has show desktop and minim all windows set to ctrl-super-d, I disabled both and it still happens21:33
seb128didrocks, ^ do you have any idea?21:34
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didrocksdesrt: compiz is supposed to take primary as control21:35
sergiusensinfinity: ^^21:35
didrocksit's an ubuntu distro patch21:35
xnoxsergiusens: thanks.21:35
ogra_infinity, http://phablet.ubuntu.com/gitweb?p=CyanogenMod/android_bionic.git;a=summary21:35
didrockspmcgowan: are you close to the main plenary room?21:35
didrockspmcgowan: I can have a look in 10/15 minutes21:36
pmcgowandidrocks, I will stop by later21:36
didrockssure, just poke me whenever you want :)21:36
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nuclearbobxnox: ping?21:53
xnoxnuclearbob: heya21:53
nuclearbobxnox: I see you have an old work item to investigate the status of porting libvirt to python3.  Do you have any interesting information to share on that?21:54
nuclearbobxnox: if you're in a room somewhere I can come there21:54
xnoxnuclearbob: well I am in the foundations room (last one on the right, down the corridor which is next to plenaries)21:59
xnoxnuclearbob: it's hard.21:59
xnoxnuclearbob: they autogenerate python bindings from C and that essentially needs CPython porting from 2 to 3, which I never done.22:00
xnoxnuclearbob: i guess I can poke people about it.22:00
infinityogra_: Thanks.22:00
Riddellxnox: at a UDS?22:02
slangasekRiddell: canonical engineering sprint22:03
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xnoxpitti: supported_versions: WARNING: Unknown Ubuntu release: 13.10 when setting up postgresql common.23:26
xnoxsomething familiar?23:26
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