
=== CripperZ is now known as CripperZ-
=== drdran_ is now known as drdran
wallagoCan anyone help. I am trying to configure the Terminal to change the tab name whenever i ssh to a another machine.10:46
wallagoThe only method i have found is editing the .bashrc on the remote server10:46
wallagobut it is not practical as i have over 100 servers to configure10:46
wallagoIm using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS with the default terminal10:47
darkxstlol, we really need a bot, to tell people to be !patient11:52
tommie-lieto be not patient?11:58
darkxsttommie-lie, no, I thought that might trigger ubot, but  apparently not12:22
ubot5Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/12:29
tommie-liedarkxst: I thought it was clear that it was a pun :-P12:30
darkxsttommie-lie, that was just a test ;)12:33
darkxstbut it is quite annoying when people ask questions, and you try to answer but they are gone12:34
darkxstit seems the average life-span of a newbie on IRC is about 2mins12:34
tommie-lieyes, because in times where "the Internet" is only inside the Firefox window, IRC has become too difficult for most12:35
crwgood morning13:01
crwwhat's the best way to reinitialize your environment, without losing any application states or logging out, after gnome-shell crashes?13:01
crwsometimes it relaunches itself, sometimes it doesn't and i have to switch over to a terminal, log-in and run gnome-shell manually or restart the gdm service13:02
crweither way, sometimes i'm left without shell extensions, which is a bummer13:03
crwtweak-tool says the shell extensions are on, but they're not working13:03
camelinahatcrw, try Alt+F2 and type in 'r' or 'restart' (see: https://live.gnome.org/GnomeShell/CheatSheet)13:29
crwrighty-o, thanks13:30
crwgnome-shell restarted, one shell extension loaded, another didn't, another has never worked and still isn't :P13:31
crwlet me investigate that link a bit13:31
crwalso; sometime when gnome-shell crashes, alt-f2 doesn't work and i've gotta ctrl-alt-f1 or whatever to get to a shell to restart it13:32
crwerr, sometimes*13:32
crwaha, looking glass looks cool, will have to explore that a bit13:33
crwhaha yeeeeah, so Places extension is giving me an error and Systemmonitor just isn't doing anything. gonna log out and back in and see what's up13:36
souravhelloo guys how to install gnome 3.8 ?13:52
crweh, looks like problems with the shell extensions themselves, i've submitted bug reports14:05
ddIs it possible to install Cinnamon on Gnome 3.8 ?15:31

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