
=== azend is now known as DGNP_
=== DGNP_ is now known as azend
czajkowskiYoBoY: the idea of the DVD wallet is to get the design team involved and for them to give you feedback 20:04
YoBoYsure, I tried that on the #ubuntu-design channel. No feedback. I Tried also on the loco mailing list too… well same result… do you have any advice ?20:16
czajkowskiah I dont idle in the design channel 20:18
czajkowskiis there a design mailing list I wonder 20:18
czajkowskilet me go and see 20:18
YoBoYYou can't idle evrywhere :)20:18
YoBoYthe mailing list archives are… not really full of participations ^^"20:19
=== MosquitoOo is now known as MaWaLe
locodir-userHi, anybody from the German LoCo-Team here?21:11

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