
chrisccoulsondoes anyone know why the latest tests here are showing as failing: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/raring-ppa-adt-ubuntu_mozilla_daily_ppa-firefox-trunk/ ?00:31
chrisccoulsoni can't see any reason for it, as none of the actual tests seem to fail00:31
balloonsi shared00:33
smartboyhwCongratulations Noskcaj!01:13
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smartboyhwSergioMeneses: Damn we guessed it wrong balloons didn't post anything today ~LOL01:14
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, jejeje01:14
SergioMenesesI guess he was busy01:14
smartboyhwSergioMeneses: Heh Noskcaj's board meeting has a really low success rate.01:16
smartboyhwchilicuil: ^01:16
smartboyhwWhy don't people evaluate themselves before applying?01:17
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, jejeje I dont know, maybe it is their first time in a real meeting01:19
SergioMenesesor something like that01:19
TheDrumsI wouldn't call IRC meetings like that "real meetings."01:19
SergioMenesesbut Noskcaj did really well01:19
smartboyhwTheDrums: +101:19
SergioMenesesTheDrums, perhaps01:20
smartboyhwSergioMeneses: Hell Noskcaj's application took 3 minutes01:21
smartboyhwI took 15 (due to many live supporters) Grrr01:21
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, I was hopping for more questions01:23
TheDrumsThey seem to pass pretty much everyone, somehow.01:31
smartboyhwTheDrums: 601:34
smartboyhwThey approved 4 and denied 501:35
smartboyhwSorry I typed 6, a mistakr01:35
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smartboyhw_wb SergioMeneses03:26
smartboyhw_SergioMeneses: Welcome back:)03:30
SergioMenesessmartboyhw_, aaaah03:30
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Noskcajsmartboyhw, i got membership! :)05:42
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Noskcajis anyone online able to run a raring or saucy is for me?07:40
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smartboyhwNoskcaj: Congrats!08:56
Noskcajsmartboyhw, thanks08:56
smartboyhwNoskcaj: Go get your Ubuntu IRC Cloak08:57
Noskcajsmartboyhw, i will tomorrow. hopefully my new email will be ready then too08:57
Noskcajhave you heard from dustin and andres yet? i would like to get the hangout done soon.08:59
smartboyhwNoskcaj: Nope09:02
smartboyhwNoskcaj: Getting that cloak doesn't need too much time. Pop up in #ubuntu-irc and ask them to give you the cloak and give your LP page,that's enough;P09:03
Noskcajoh, ok09:04
knomehey, can somebody shed some light on what are all the meanings for the term "QA contact" (context: flavor QA contacts)11:20
knomepreferably compared/in context with "(flavor) release manager", if those two aren't just two different terms for the same thing11:22
smartboyhw_Meh, that's the difficult part11:24
knomeguess what? that's why i'm asking11:24
smartboyhw_Normally the Release Manager (and the flavour's release team) have specific privileges in the ISO QA Tracker11:25
smartboyhw_They can mark images ready11:25
smartboyhw_stgraber is better in these11:25
smartboyhw_And normally, Release Managers are experienced QA people11:27
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smartboyhwHey chilicuil14:31
chilicuilhey smartboyhw, good morning14:31
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stgraberknome: the QA contact is simply the irc nickname(s) of who the release team needs to ping to get answers for that product during milestone testing14:52
stgraberknome: it may or may not be the same thing as the flavour's release team (which the Ubuntu Release team doesn't necessarily keep track of)14:53
knomestgraber, ok, what about marking the images ready; is that something we can do ourselves?14:56
stgraberknome: yes. If you have a Launchpad team for the xubuntu release managers, I can delegate those rights14:58
knomestgraber, we don't... yet. is there any requirements how exclusive that team should be?15:00
knomeapparently moderated...15:00
stgraberknome: needs to be invite-only and people that we can trust with things like doing image rebuilds and deciding what to release for milestones15:02
knomestgraber, okay. :)15:02
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smartboyhw_knome: Normally that team consists of 2-3 people15:04
smartboyhw_Lubuntu: 2 Ubuntu Studio: 3 Ubuntu GNOME: 215:04
knomestgraber, https://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-release15:06
smartboyhw_Hey SergioMeneses, new day?15:07
SergioMenesessmartboyhw_, yes! it is 10:07am here15:08
smartboyhw_SergioMeneses: :)15:08
stgraberknome: thanks, I'll setup the ACLs a bit later today15:10
knomestgraber, sure, no problem. thank *you* :)15:11
knomestgraber, i'll be in touch with you about possible additions to our qa contacts later when things have settled15:12
SergioMenesessmartboyhw_, jajaja look http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2013/05/people-behind-ubuntu-quality-sergio.html15:15
smartboyhw_SergioMeneses: Congrats!15:15
smartboyhw_balloons: When's mine?15:16
smartboyhw_So it's Carla, Sergio, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???, ???:P15:17
smartboyhw_SergioMeneses: ^15:17
smartboyhw_chilicuil: Your guess is wrong. Pay me $10015:18
SergioMenesessmartboyhw_, lol15:18
smartboyhw_SergioMeneses: Share it on G+!15:20
chilicuilsmartboyhw_: how do you know there are 9 interviews?15:23
smartboyhw_chilicuil: Guesswork15:23
chilicuilsmartboyhw_: haha, I'll give you 10 hugs instead =)15:24
stgraberknome: ACLs should be good now, you'll just have to logout and login again15:27
knomestgraber, cheers!15:27
stgraberknome: I "think" the ACL also allows you to change QA contact. If it does, you'll need to go to http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/admin/config/services/qatracker/series/37/manifest, remove your two entries and add them again with the new contact15:29
knomelet's se...15:29
knomelooks like i can - at least i can access that page15:30
smartboyhw_stgraber: Then the Studio "contact" should include me (since I have the ACL)…15:30
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, look Pythonmonk http://pythonmonk.com/15:37
balloonsgood morning all!15:49
balloonssmartboyhw, yours is in the queue :-) but you've spoiled the fact you have one eh? :-p15:49
smartboyhwballoons: jajajajajaja15:57
smartboyhwHey dholbach15:58
dholbachhey smartboyhw15:59
smartboyhwHaven't seen you for a while15:59
* smartboyhw hugs dholbach15:59
* dholbach hugs smartboyhw back :)15:59
SergioMenesesdholbach, was here! :O16:00
dholbachhey sergioMeneses16:00
SergioMenesesdholbach, are you in oakland?16:01
smartboyhwSergioMeneses: balloons: Speaking of Laptop testing, do we have desktop testing?16:01
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, it is the regular testing, isnt it?16:01
SergioMenesesholbach, nice! I hope that USD in person back soon16:02
SergioMenesesdholbach, ↑↑↑16:02
dholbachyeah, I miss UDS too16:03
smartboyhwdholbach: Heh jono won't like that sentence16:04
smartboyhwAnd mhall11916:04
smartboyhwdholbach: They like vUDS16:04
dholbachI'm quite certain they liked UDS too16:05
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njinballoons, hallo, i'm locked by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bug/1175277 do you think is better write down the testcase and modify it later or wait and start write down email client ?16:44
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ubot5Launchpad bug 1175277 in Ubuntu Clock App "[Clock App] Restart from last function selected" [Low,Confirmed]16:44
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SergioMenesesballoons, Saucy's isos are available for testing, right?17:12
balloonsnjin, let me look at the bug17:48
balloonsahh.. nekhelesh will fix it probably17:49
balloonswrite the test assuming everything is working17:49
balloonsdon't write it knowing the bug exists (even if it will fail)17:49
balloonsdoes that make sense?17:49
balloonsis the test almost ready?17:50
* balloons is exicited :-)17:50
njinballons, don't worry, now i'm really tired I'll write down tomorrow assuming it works presenting the clock at every start, and yes it is already at a good stage and it looks very nice18:04
balloonsnjin, wonderful to hear18:04
balloonsgood work!18:05
njinthanks, good weeken to you too18:05
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Noskcajcan someone run an ISO test for me? either rring or saucy20:31
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* SergioMeneses is downloading ubuntu-server - saucy21:44
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