
redtapeOT | Just realised that I am not missing anything on USA-TV then, Look at this bunch-o-balls :: http://getglue.com/stickers ,for some clue of what's on . Feel sorry for the popey-miester on his travels. (dunno if returned, or not).01:59
redtapebit random, but it's 3am and the clock too cantankerous to talk to. Nite 'all.02:02
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MooDoohello all07:52
JamesTaitGood morning all, happy Friday and happy World Press Freedom Day! :-D08:02
MooDoolol JamesTait don't ever stop these, they do make me chuckle :D08:11
JamesTaitMooDoo, glad to be of service. :)08:12
JamesTaitMooDoo, a lot of them make me smirk as well. There's some absolute nonsense, really, but I think it's less boring than just "Good morning".08:13
=== adam___ is now known as kabads
TheOpenSourcererI thought World Press Freedom day was yesterday?08:23
TheOpenSourcererNope - my bad.08:24
TheOpenSourcererJust saw some stuff about it on twitter yesterday08:24
JamesTaitDisappointed that I won't be able to hail Star Wars Day this year.08:25
brobostigongood morning everyone,08:29
BigRedSI intend to punch anybody saying "May the fourth be with you" tomorrow08:30
BigRedSI might just not go out08:30
MooDooyou know it's going to happen08:31
brobostigonit was my dads birthday yesterday, so i bought him nice food and beer etc last night, i asked him this morning how he was, he said and i quote "i feel terrible, and i blame you." lol08:31
brobostigonquite, yes.08:32
diddledan_when all else fails, pass the buck onto shauno08:41
diddledan_he loves it08:42
brobostigonor in my case, onto me.08:42
diddledan_nah, you sidestep and reblame shauno :-p08:42
diddledan_obviously if shauno fails, then it's all on canada08:50
* diddledan_ sings08:50
brobostigonoh canada, etc. woopsie.08:50
shrikanyone know why my wireless would work in KDE but not in Unity?08:56
bigcalmGood morning peeps08:57
bigcalmSo, who is working and who are playing Portal instead?08:58
brobostigonmorning bigcalm08:58
MooDooI'm working08:58
bigcalmI'm working as well :(09:00
bigcalmBut steam is grabbing Portal at 7.5MB/s, so I don't know if I'll be working for much longer09:00
brobostigonmy dad just asked me, what sky'd broadband and customer service is like, as he wants to switch from talktalk, i said to him, i dont know, any advice?09:00
shriksky is pretty good where i'm at09:01
shrik(west london)09:01
bigcalmshrik: the customer service?09:01
shrikyep, they're extremely helpful, and escalate to proper techs if the script doesn't work09:02
shrik(having said that, i'm just switching to plusnet as it saves about 8 quid a month)09:02
brobostigonok, thank you shrik09:02
shrikalso, I believe Sky is the only broadband provider that don't do traffic management09:03
bigcalmVirginMedia's service is great, it's their customer service that lets them down sadly09:03
shriknp, brobostigon09:05
shrikwhy would my wireless work only in KDE and not in Unity..? bug in NetworkManager?09:05
brobostigoni do beleieve they both use different network management utilities.09:06
BigRedSthey use different applets, but both use NM underneath09:10
BigRedSso, perhaps a bug in nm-applet (as used by Gnome & Unity)? What doesn't work shrik09:12
shrikthe wireless networks are listed, but I'm unable to connect to any of them09:12
shrik(in Unity)09:12
shrikthe /var/log/syslog output looks fine up to a point, when it just says "Authentication timed out"09:12
BigRedSooh, odd09:14
shrikit was actually fine till last night, only was a problem today morning09:14
shrikand literally nothing changed (that I know of) since then09:15
mungbeanwhy is my centos 6 server networking not coming up on boot? i have disabled ownership by networkmanager. when i do service network restart it comes up?09:15
mungbean(also system-config-network doesn't show the new style devices :( )09:16
diddledan_try chkconfig network on?09:17
mungbeanbah, lost connection, gonna have to go over :(09:21
mungbeanunless drac express gives me console?09:21
shaunodiddledan_: didn't do it!09:30
bigcalmDo I really need more O'Reilly books?09:39
mgdmin eBook form, sure09:39
mgdmin dead tree? Probably not09:39
bigcalm50% off today with the code DRM201309:39
mgdmis that for any book or a specific section?09:40
bigcalmYeah, I don't really get on with eBooks for technical material. I like to be able to flick back09:40
bigcalmlornajane's book is in there for instance. Might get that09:42
mgdmYeah, that was what I was thinking09:42
mgdmI suppose if I get it on dead tree I can get it signed :-)09:42
mgdmGPG signing an ebook just isn't the same09:42
bigcalmWhat else might be worth picking up? Git maybe?09:49
mgdmI've got a bunch of the JavaScript ones09:52
mgdm(The Good Parts, JavaScript Patterns, a couple more)09:52
bigcalmAlready have JavaScript and AJAX definitive guides09:55
mgdmI'd recommend having a look at JS: The Good Parts09:56
mgdmWhile the Definitive Guide book tells you all about everything, TGP is more about good patterns and conventions to follow10:02
mgdmit's also quite short :)10:02
bigcalmGrrr. Laptop on 13.04 occasionally drops its wifi connection and the ap it was connected to disappears from the list. Other wifi devices remain connected though10:17
bigcalmI wonder if 13.04 is a coincidence and it's due to running a xbee wireless mesh network that's causing weirdness10:17
mungbeandiddledan_: yes, network service was not on!!10:22
mungbeanthanks , how strange10:22
diddledan_I think because they expect networkmanager to handle it instead10:26
davmor2morning all10:29
bigcalmNo books on qml :(10:29
bigcalmMorning davmor210:29
MooDoomorning davmor210:29
mungbeananyone tried redirecting console output to idrac express?10:31
bigcalm^w does different things in different windows :)10:43
diddledan_you thought you were using nano?10:43
mungbeangenerally closes stuff dunnit?10:43
BigRedS^-L in10:43
BigRedS^L in Pidgin is the one that gets me10:44
diddledan_nano is the culprit for most of my ^w mistakes10:44
mungbeani get peeved if using unity and alt-E to switch to channel 13 in irrssi10:44
BigRedSI think I'm getting to firefox's address bar, but instead I clear the chat history that I didn't realise was focussed...10:44
directhex^W is close tab in everything except nano10:50
directhexyay nano10:50
BigRedSIt doesn't seem to do anything in the One True Editor11:15
MooDoooooo watching the election results is exciting lol11:16
brobostigonlib-con backlash evidant.11:17
MooDootoo early where i am to tell, but yes i'm expecting that11:17
brobostigonin the seat here, ;abour got it by atleast over 200 votes, over second , which is conservative.11:19
MooDoolabour gained one seat from the conservatives11:19
funkyHat^W is also "delete a word", which leads to endless fun for me when I'm using a browser-based terminal emulator. ^W...aw crap I closed the tab again11:19
brobostigon24% turnout, ohdear.11:20
* funkyHat didn't know there were elections11:21
brobostigonexactly, thats why there was a such a low turnout.11:21
brobostigonno one seems to read the newspapers nor watch the news on the tv.11:22
brobostigonfunkyHat: out of curiosity how old are you? as statistics show, you are more likely to be interested and vote if you are older.11:24
funkyHatbrobostigon: 2511:25
brobostigonfunkyHat: there you go, you are within the young disinterested bracket, being that age.11:25
MooDoobrobostigon: that explains why I voted lol11:26
brobostigonMooDoo: yes, maybe,11:26
funkyHatI'm not totally disinterested. I would have made an effort if I'd known there were elections... I usually vote11:26
funkyHatHm, maybe I forgot to register when I moved11:26
brobostigonbut the facts are, more older people vote, generally, than the young,11:26
shaunoI can't seem to get registered, which is a nuisance11:27
brobostigonfunkyHat: ah, i see.11:27
MooDoobrobostigon: yum labour seems to be taking a few conservative seats11:33
MooDooyup i meant11:33
brobostigonMooDoo: yes.11:33
davmor2so bigcalm how you getting on with raring?11:44
diploHi all11:59
diploAny cups people here ?11:59
diploGot a printer that will only print duplex11:59
diploCan't work out how to disable via cli, any ideas ?11:59
diploAll online stuff is people wanting the opposite, both Canon printers12:00
bigcalmdavmor2: it's on my laptop, but I haven't done much with it yet. There's an issue with wifi buggering off, but I think that might be my network12:22
* bigcalm treats himself to a wee bit of Portal12:22
Myrttinew glasses today whee wheeeeeeeeee wheeee wheee12:26
directhexfrom google?12:26
MyrttiI haven't robbed anyone.12:26
Myrttiso no. from Tesco.12:26
neurooh my $deity12:29
neurotoday could be expensive12:29
neuro50% off all ora e-books12:29
Myrttimust not buy all Craft:12:39
Myrttialthough I seem to already have most of them12:42
czajkowskihmmm skype is being an arse on raring12:47
czajkowskiI make one call and it freezes12:47
czajkowskirestart it and it's fine12:48
czajkowskimost annoying12:48
neuroCart Subtotal $69.5912:49
Myrtticzajkowski: that's considerably better than some of the apps I've got on my Debian Wheezy. Keepass2 crashes silently to a state where nothing else helps than relogging into session.12:51
czajkowskiMyrtti: just annoying as I've to use it on my phone for reliability12:53
MyrttiI had to install Skype on Wednesday because my sister uses it still12:54
neurosee, this is why I use a Mac ;)12:54
czajkowskiyeah I talk to my folks back on it12:54
* neuro awaits the inevitable slappage12:55
neurono slappage? woot!12:55
neurohaving to deal with hassles as you mention outweighs, *for me* personally, the benefits of a fully open source desktop, unfortunately12:57
neurobut i appreciate things are getting better12:57
Davieyneuro: As long as you are not implying that Mac is hassle free :)12:58
neurojeez, not at all12:58
BigRedSneuro: I maintain that it's an inevitable path12:58
BigRedScertainly for sysadmins12:58
neurojust that for me, it's less hassle than ubuntu desktop12:58
neuroBigRedS: i can't sing the praises of Server enough12:58
neuroi don't deploy anything else these days12:59
Davieyneuro: Ubuntu Server?12:59
neuroand it was a nice surprise to see the quantal kernel in 12.04.2 when installing fresh :)12:59
neuroDaviey: course!12:59
BigRedSyou start off all enthusiastic and build you own kernels and write your own DE. Then you move to Slack or Gentoo, then to Arch or something, then Debian, then Ubuntu or Fedora and finally you go "sack it, I'll get something that's finished" and buy a mac12:59
Davieyneuro: I just pee'd a little.  Care to write a blog post about what you do with it?12:59
czajkowskiand in BigRedS case he has an issue with online services and breaks things :p12:59
neuroDaviey: um12:59
BigRedSczajkowski: *I* didn't break them :)13:00
czajkowskiBigRedS: I think you'll find you did :)13:00
neuroDaviey: i'm not doing much exciting at the moment13:00
BigRedSIt all seems to work in Debian :)13:00
neuroinfra for my house and my folks file storage, and currently replacing win+centos with 12.04.2 for work13:00
neurothe latter being a paaaaaaaaaaaain13:01
neurobatch scripts for the lose13:01
Davieyneuro: I'd like to read about your work stuff FWIW.  How well we do (or not) to replace other options.13:02
neuroboth me and my boss like it13:02
neuro</body></html> :)13:02
* mgdm hopes to sack CentOS in favour of Ubuntu Server some time soon13:03
Davieymgdm: Do write about it. :)13:03
neuroDaviey: i'm only 3.5wks into the job, not sure how appropriate it really is for me to start waffling about it13:03
neuroespecially when time spent waffling at length about it is time spent not working or resting :)13:04
Davieyneuro: fair point.  I didn't know you switched gigs.13:04
neuroswitched gigs for funemployment about 10 months ago13:04
neurosigned on at the end of march and then lo and behold a wild job appeared13:05
mungbeanknow anyone else out of work atm looking for job?13:06
neurome? no13:06
neurowell, not in the uk13:06
MooDoonot out of work lol13:06
Davieymungbean: I think most people here would consider for the right £lol.amount. :)13:07
neuroalthough in saying that, if anyone groks php dev and lives near oxford, there might, *might* be a gig at my new place13:07
mungbeanyeah Daviey i wouldn't say its big bucks or worth leaving somewhere for13:08
neurowe lost a contractor last week, he came up for renewal and got a better paying gig in nodnol13:08
directhexfor enough money i'd work in nodnol13:08
mungbeanhow much directhex13:08
mungbeani currently work in the wasteland beyonf the city wall, but used to work in nodnol for 35% more ££13:09
mungbeandecamped to spawn twice13:09
directhexgiven the hassle of commuting... i'd be expecting closer to 80% more13:09
directhexwhich ins't unreasonable if i started working in finance13:09
* neuro hugs his telecommute job13:10
* mungbean glares13:10
directhexi work from home 4 days a week13:10
* mungbean glares at everybody13:10
DavieyI feel like i work from home 8 days a week.13:10
mgdmNo pyjamas?13:10
* mgdm shudders13:10
mungbeanhowever i did just go to pub for lunch in the sunshien13:10
neurofully clothed, my friend, fully clothed13:11
mungbeandoesn't make up for sharing an office and toilet with 40 animals13:11
* Daviey pictures neuro half naked, on his computer. irccop.jpg style13:11
directhexi've worked naked before.13:11
directhexdepends on the day13:11
neurojust stop13:11
directhextoday i need to take the boy back to the hospital, so clothes will be needed13:11
mgdmthe thought of neuro half naked is making even neuro wince...13:11
neuro##ifeelthebreezeofmypsufansovermygentlemansarea is over that way ->13:12
neurooh by the way13:12
neuronon-ubuntu thing:13:12
mungbeanlost my hayfever pills13:13
neuroJeff Hanneman has died13:13
mgdmI dunno, my laptop has no fan.13:13
neuroso you must all be listening to Slayer a lot today13:13
mgdmI never got into Slayer13:13
neuromungbean: founding member of Slayer13:13
mungbeanGod killed him for all the devil music?13:13
neuroanother benefit of working from home13:13
neuromacbook pro + itunes + 28" apple display + slayer + volume up button pressed many many times13:14
mungbeansome jerk wearing a jumper has just turned off the ac13:14
neuroand i can be a total idiot and airplay it simultaneously to my surround system in the lounge and hassle my neighbours13:14
mgdmmy weekend project is to make my Raspberry Pi be an airplay endpoint13:15
mgdmit was last weekend's, but stuff13:15
neurostuff wins13:15
mgdmnot in this case :)13:15
* neuro tickles ec213:16
mgdmneuro: what's your current gig again?13:17
neuroSenior Systems Engineer at www.angloinfo.com13:18
mgdmah ha13:18
BigRedSWhoever it was I was ranting to about a /var-on-separate-volume bug, it was 52515413:20
neuroi gave up mounting usr and var on separate partitions years ago13:22
mgdmI put /var on one, never really bothered with /usr though13:23
neuro /usr/share can get pretty gnarly if you install particular packages with lots of docs or support files13:23
neurobut it's not worth the hassle imho13:23
neuroand i don't like race conditions :)13:23
BigRedS /var and /home in lvs is our default server install13:24
BigRedSbut, yeah, that was what got us talking about dropping ubuntu for centos13:25
neuroi always put /home on another partition, or another disk if possible13:25
neuroin fact i move it to /data/home13:26
neuroi always do that now, have additional disks and the like mounted under /data13:26
neuromakes it easier in my head to manage13:26
BigRedSthat reminds me of windows drive letters...13:26
BigRedSone of the things an OS is supposed to do is be an abstraction layer above the hardware. IMO that involves not forcing me to care about how many disks are there and where they're used13:27
neurowell, i don't care once i've mounted them13:27
neurothen i just care about the data underneath13:27
BigRedSif you don't care that it's on a separate disk, why put it under /data?13:28
neurobecause it's where my data lives13:28
BigRedSwell, your home dir13:29
neurono, i mean everything13:29
BigRedSmv / /data ?13:30
neuro*all* *my* *data* :)13:30
neuroyeah, probably13:31
BigRedSI've a far higher opinion of some of the servers I look after now :)13:31
BigRedSstill, if I don't have to use it, I can't really claim to care too much :)13:31
BigRedSI've been getting annoyed recently that when mysql gets its own volume, everyone here seems to feel the need to mount it at /mysql and change its data_dir for no apparent benefit13:32
neuroisn't that the point though?13:32
BigRedSthe point of what?13:33
neuropunting the data to another storage location13:34
BigRedSno, the point is to get it on its own volume13:34
BigRedSand there's no reason to not mount that volume at /var/lib/mysql and stop surprising everyone13:34
neurooh, you're mounting on top of /var/lib/mysql13:34
BigRedSwell, I'm advocating that13:34
neurototally valid13:34
BigRedSbut everyone else just mounts at /mysql13:34
neuroi'd do /data/mysql ;)13:35
BigRedSso I ls /var/lib/mysql/ see nothing and wonder what's happened...13:35
BigRedSyeah, you would! :)13:35
diddledan_I would follow convention as far as possible - if mysql usually lives under /var/lib then that's where I'd mount any volume that is supposed to house it13:35
BigRedSyeah, exactly. There's is an attempted filesystem hierarchy standard, and it seems a bit sensible to stay close to it13:36
diddledan_I agree with BigRedS on this. changing locations for no benefit is pointless13:36
neurowell convention is one thing, but as long as any production changes made are fully documented, then in theory the mysql data could live anywhere13:36
BigRedSneuro: it *could*. But there's no benefit, and there's a loss in thaat you now have an additional thing that you need to document13:36
diddledan_yes, it _can_ live anywhere, but everyone expects it in /var/lib/mysql13:36
BigRedSit's like switchign the keymap on a server to azerty just because, and noting that down somewhere13:37
BigRedSdocumentation is good, but not needing it is better13:37
diddledan_please, if you do that, give me a graphic of the keylayout! :-p13:37
diddledan_it's a good way to avoid shoulder password watchers however13:38
neuroi'm not getting drawn any more into this argument this close to beer o'clock on a friday :D13:38
shaunoI love bind mounts for that kinda mess13:42
MooDooneuro: well your no fun i was about to start an ubuntu sucks argument ;)13:43
BigRedSshauno: creating it or resolving it? :)13:43
shaunoBigRedS: yes :)13:43
shaunomove mysql onto the array, and then bind-mount it to /var/lib.  so the files are where I want them, and they're accessible where they're expected13:44
diddledan_or jsut symlink13:44
diddledan_I have spaghetti symlinks all over the shop13:44
diddledan_I <3 symlinks!13:45
neurohardlinks are cooler13:59
shaunohardlinks don't traverse physical, which I thought was the topic14:04
BigRedSno, but I guess you could hardlink to the mountpoint14:06
directhexthey traverse the *metaphysical*. which is even better14:07
BigRedSI've already typed the '-s' before I'm aware of having typed the 'ln' so it's always a moot point for me. Every link is symbolic14:07
MooDoomorning alan15:43
Seeker`woo, think I'm going to SIGGRAPH15:54
diddledan_Gentoo for servers is not fun16:04
diddledan_or rather it's fun, but tedious16:05
diddledan_you're constantly battling against the elements to get anything done, especially on systems as outdated as my workplace ones are16:05
neurobeen there, got the brain embolism16:06
diddledan_I've got 40 machines to go through fixing stuff before we can even consider ensuring they're security patched16:06
funkyHat40 gentoo boxes?16:06
neuroare you having to hand hack stuff individually or can you automate it a bit?16:07
neuro(dsh is your friend)16:07
diddledan_well 10 boxes, and 30 VMs16:07
diddledan_unfortunately because they're all so unaligned with each other in terms of what's installed etc I'm having to do it individually16:08
diddledan_they _should_ be fairly uniform, but they're not16:08
neuroi've been there before, albeit with about 10 servers and a slew of workstations; i feel your pain, sir16:10
redtapeOT | GAME News | Looks like after the steam portal announcement, "The 39 Steps" is in the works , a linux game actually about London (finally !) ::::::: http://news.softpedia.com/news/quot-The-39-Steps-quot-Unique-Game-Will-Combine-Film-and-Literature-349091.shtml   ::16:24
popeyaquarius: good trip home16:28
diddledan_I'm off home, toodles16:30
kvarleyDoes anybody here own L4D2 on Steam?16:35
kvarleyMartijnVdS: Has the linux beta gone live yet?16:36
kvarleyWas meant to be  this week16:36
MartijnVdSPOrtal 1 is though16:36
kvarleyThink they may have had setbacks and released that instead then16:36
=== alexis is now known as Guest11073
MartijnVdSPortal 1 on intel graphics = all textures are grey black/white and very grainy :)16:37
kvarleyIt's only a beta tho remember16:38
kvarleyI'm just itching to get my hands on L4D2 and CS:Go16:38
MartijnVdSsure, and I have a shitty old intel cpu/gpu :)16:38
MartijnVdSI can installa CS:S16:38
MartijnVdSwhat is CS:Go?16:40
kvarleyCounterStrike: Global Offensive16:43
MartijnVdSI hope the current set of games will run on Haswell16:48
MartijnVdS(so buying a new CPU next month will be worth it ;)))16:48
brobostigonjohn paul jones, is drumming with seasick steve on jools holland later, cool18:07
brobostigonnot drumming, scrub that.18:08
MartijnVdSjust.. slacking around then? :)18:14
brobostigonlol :)18:15
brobostigoni had john bonham's son, jason bonham in my mind.18:18
shaunojohn paul jones is an odd name, I know it from US independence era18:19
MartijnVdSshauno: when you were just a lad? ;)18:19
shaunolol.  actually, that's close to the truth.  I know most my US history from Sid Meyer's Civilization18:19
shaunono, Colonization18:19
MartijnVdShah, not Colonization?18:19
MartijnVdSah :)18:19
shaunoelse I wouldn't have prefixed with his name, because everyone remembers civ18:20
MartijnVdSI still have colonization on cd-rom here somewhere18:21
shaunoI have it on three 770k floppies :/18:21
dwatkinsciv was great18:21
MartijnVdSshauno: I think that's what's on the CD.. floppy images or similar18:21
MartijnVdSshauno: + an installer18:21
MartijnVdSdwatkins: colonization kind of glossed over slavery a little bit18:22
* brobostigon waves prince of persia floppies around.18:22
MartijnVdS(it didn't mention it at all)18:22
shaunoiirc the dos version you could mush the floppies together just by putting the contents in the same folder18:22
MartijnVdSooh! I still have my dosbox dir with it installed!18:22
shaunoI have the amiga version, which is vastly superior, but I can't remember why anymore18:23
diddledanergh, why am I playing with kernel stuff?!18:25
MartijnVdSdiddledan: "diddling with the kernel"18:25
diddledanI need to figure out where it's searching for war.h when compiling for mips in the openwrt tree because.. it says it can't find it when clearly it's blind18:26
MartijnVdSdiddledan: which branch of openwrt, and which target?18:26
MartijnVdSdiddledan: use "make V=99" for verbosity .. it should show compiler output, which should help a lot18:26
diddledanaah, well that's the thing - it's a custom target for mikrotik's "metarouter" which I have bastardised an old patch for linux-2.6.smth onto linux-3.718:27
MartijnVdSalso, which package18:27
diddledanas for branch18:27
MartijnVdSstill, V=99 should do things18:27
diddledanlooks like it's trunk from a couple weeks ago18:28
diddledanand package - it's linux itself18:29
diddledanthe kernel18:29
MartijnVdScool :)18:29
diddledanlooks like the make v=99 doesn't help for the kernel compile18:30
MartijnVdScapital V18:30
diddledanyeah, that too :-p18:30
diddledanopenwrt have their own makefile layer on top of the kernel makefiles18:31
MartijnVdSI know.. but usually this works18:32
diddledanlet me pastebin the output18:32
diddledanI'm not sure why it asks me for the system type every time, but that's bearable18:36
MartijnVdSwow.. in bounds.s18:36
MartijnVdSthat's asm18:36
MartijnVdSdiddledan: what happens if you move the stuff in build_dir aside, and restart the entire compile?18:37
MartijnVdSdiddledan: it should rebuild the toolchain18:37
diddledanexactly the same error18:38
MartijnVdSthat's quick18:39
diddledanI thought so too18:39
MartijnVdSrebuilding the toolchain (gcc etc.) should take a while..18:39
diddledanit can't have rebuild the toolchain in that time18:39
MartijnVdSmaybe that's in staging_dir/18:39
diddledanaah, yes, there's a toolchain in staging_dir18:39
diddledanI'll blow away both for now and rerun from scratch18:40
diddledanthe kernel is very much a dark art for me18:42
diddledanI know nussing18:42
diddledan</bad italian>18:42
diddledanI think the metarouter patch that mikrotik produced is from kamikaze?!18:43
MartijnVdSthat's _old_18:43
diddledanhence it's need to be updated18:43
MartijnVdSwhat's metarouter anyway?18:43
diddledannobody still have packages for it18:43
diddledanmetarouter is a proprietary virtualisation that runs on mikrotik's routeros18:43
diddledanI say proprietary - the kernel is gpl so they might have published their sources?18:44
MartijnVdSit's a "special" one then?18:45
diddledantheir website is evil18:45
MartijnVdSyeah.. routeros itself seems OK though18:45
diddledanit doesn't conform to the qemu-style I don't believe18:45
diddledani.e. kvm and xen18:45
diddledanlooks like the company were gpl violators in 200918:48
diddledanI can't find much more recent about gpl vs mikrotik tho18:48
diddledancompile is still running18:58
MartijnVdSyeah it's recompiling the whole toolchain (gcc, etc.)18:59
diddledanrandom: why do I feel the need for at least three monitors? surely my dual head system should be enough, right?!19:07
diddledanI need MOAR19:07
diddledanI totally want three 24inchers19:08
diddledanI totally can't afford to tho19:08
diddledanand I totally sound chav by using "totally" in this manner19:09
diddledanho hum19:09
MartijnVdSlike, totally19:09
diddledaninit guv19:10
MartijnVdSu wot m819:10
diddledansorry, sysvinit :-p19:10
MartijnVdSdiddledan: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/u-wot-m8 (maybe not safe for anyone)19:13
DJonesAww, Jeff Hanneman has passed away19:22
diddledanok, it got to the end of the compile - same error as before19:39
MartijnVdSdiddledan: I don't know then, sorry19:41
MartijnVdSother than "google it"19:41
diddledan/home/dllewellyn/openwrt-trunk/build_dir/target-mips_uClibc- fatal error: war.h: No such file or directory19:41
diddledanthe first war.h exists19:41
diddledanthe second is referenced by an #include <war.h> line19:41
diddledaninside the first19:41
MartijnVdSthat's how it should work19:42
MartijnVdSbut the -I should be set properly19:42
diddledanI can't seem to get it to print the commandline it uses at all using V=9919:46
diddledanthere's a line in arch/mips/Makefile that says:19:53
diddledancflags-$(CONFIG_METAROUTER) += -I$(srctree)/arch/mips/include/asm/mach-metarouter19:53
MartijnVdSdoes that dir exist?19:53
diddledanyes, and there's a war.h in there19:54
diddledanI think the patch didn't apply cleanly20:05
diddledanit looks like the metarouter bits are in the wrong place in that makefile20:05
diddledanmaybe not, I'm not good at reading makefiles20:07
czajkowskiLaney: is there an ubuntu design mailing list ?20:19
Laneyczajkowski: there's a unity-design one on launchpad20:24
Laneythat's all i know about20:24
czajkowskiwe foud mpt20:25
czajkowskiall is good20:25
Laneyso is there one?20:26
diddledanok, I've got make outputting verbosely now20:34
diddledanit looks to NOT be including the extra -I argument for the war.h directory20:35
diddledaneww @ no linewrapping20:39
AlanBellpro tip http://paste.ubuntu.com/5630318/plain/20:41
AlanBell(with launchpad login for some reason)20:42
Laneyyeah ubuntu pastebin misfeature20:43
=== adam___ is now known as kabads
diddledanomg it's building!!!21:16
diddledanand another failure21:16
diddledanthis time symtab.h is missing21:16
diddledanfind says it's at ./security/selinux/ss/symtab.h21:19
diddledanno mention of selinux at all in my .config21:20
mungbeanwow i never have build iissues anymore21:24
mungbeansince 21st century21:24
diddledanyeah, I'm playing with openwrt21:24
diddledantrying to build it on an unsupported platform21:25
diddledanusing a patch that's like 5 years out of date21:25
diddledanthe patch is against kernel - the latest in openwrt's trunk is 3.721:27
shaunosome things never change .. you really don't like yourself, do you :p21:31
diddledanshauno, just because I'm playing with Gentoo, also :-p21:31
diddledanGentoo's work, however, this is personal21:32
shaunofriday night and I'm trying to convert a pre-built vmware appliance to something kvm can boot.  so self-flagellation all 'round I guess21:32
diddledanyes, we all suck21:33
diddledanobviously I'm not quite as sucky as everyone else21:33
mungbeanwatching another manlab as i cant move off sofa21:33
diddledanmostly becauase I'm me21:33
diddledangoogle's never heard of symtab.h21:35
diddledanI seem to be making progress21:54
mungbeanguys: https://github.com/Athou/commafeed21:54
diddledanOMG, THE KERNEL COMPILED!!!21:59
diddledanI amaze myself at my own awesomeness21:59
diddledanI'm so glad doctors aren't like IRC clients.. having an operation time out when you're the patient doesn't sound fun22:01
* mgdm was writing C but didn't manage to make it segfault22:02
mgdmI call that a  win22:02
diddledanmgdm, that's impressive22:03
diddledanwriting C that compiles is good. writing C that compiles AND doesn't segfault is amazing22:04
mgdmalso, it actually works22:05
* diddledan bows before God22:06
* AlanBell is compiling c++ stuffs22:06
diddledanerm.. s/God/mgdm/22:06
AlanBellwoot it built and installs and runs22:16
AlanBelljust added some extra logging to wvdial, hardly rocket science, but it all worked first time22:16
shaunoholy blast from the past batman22:19
diddledanshauno, what's in the vmware image you're trying to run?22:37
shaunoin-house 'appliance'22:38
shaunocentos 6.3 underlying though22:38
diddledanit should be as simple as running it through qemu-img then?22:39
diddledanalthough, latter kvm - such as in 13.04 as far as I've tested support booting directly from vmdks22:39
shaunosort of.  that's got me bootable.  playing nice with openstack/ec2 requires a few more refinements22:39
diddledanopenstack is evil22:40
diddledangreat when it's running, but getting it there is a horror film22:40
shaunoI've got it going as far as I need it, for now  (I need to investigate Quantum later though, because I need more tricks on the network front)22:47
shaunocrash course in yum, I haven't used anything redhat based since RH5.222:50
diddledanmy knowledge of yum extends to `yum search foo` and `yum install foo`22:51
diddledanoh and `yum update`22:51
shaunoheh, pretty much.  except it's not finding any repos22:51
diddledanthere should be a repo.conf or similar name22:52
diddledanmaybe repos.conf?22:52
diddledanor reponame.repo?22:53
shaunoyeah, I'm getting there :)  I found some suspicious looking enabled=0 lines in the entries in /etc/yum.repos.d/22:53
mungbeanyou can also enable one-yime22:58
diddledannew error - much further in the compile tho - kernel related again: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5630639/22:58
mungbeanyum --enablerepo=extras install gedit22:58
diddledanline 5 is the actual error22:59
mungbeanyum provides is useful22:59
mungbeandiddledan: you are goinf down a rabbithole od doom23:00
mungbeanfarage looks like a simpsons cgaracter23:00
diddledanjust remembered to put the washing on - hopefully my neighbours won't mind the spin cycle at 1am23:04
shaunooh yes.  this is the rpm I know and love from 1997.        libyaml-0.so.2()(64bit) is needed by PyYAML-3.10-3.el6.x86_6423:05
diddledanwho was first with packages, redhat or debian?23:07
diddledanthat weren't just tarballs, I mean23:07
diddledan'cos slackware would beat everyone if we were counting those23:08
diddledanafaik slack is the oldest still running distro available23:08
shaunoohhhh.  fantastic.  they have yaml for i686 but not x86_6423:09
diddledanhow did they compile pyYAML then?!23:09
shaunopretty sure I'm doing something wrong here23:11
shaunobesides keep typing rm -i instead of rpm -i23:11
mungbeando yum localinstall23:13
mungbeansince it piulls in deps23:13
shaunoit's not finding most these packages so far, which is why I've been trying to add them manually23:15
shaunoit's easy enough just to faceplant it a few times, I'll be starting over once I've figured out what I need where23:17
shaunothe first run is to get it working, the second is to add a little grace to the proceedings so I don't grow the qcow image any more than I need to23:18
redtapeshauno: still hammering ?23:41
shaunoeh.  I'll keep pushing the gas as long as you keep screaming23:41
redtapeyep, it's pretty late .. I have to set up a new netbook tomorrow ..23:42
diddledanthat's what a mustachiod bloke said in the 40s23:42
shaunopushing the petrol just doesn't seem to work.23:42
redtapeany-howser ...23:42
redtapeI'm deep in bootstrap territory .. anyone used it before ?23:43
diddledanI need to do some of that, too23:43
shaunothe webby stuff?23:43
redtapenot sure 'boutthat .. not without the monster jar of coffe that keeps seducing me .. saw this vidz , but really want to get to know the program 'bootstrap' more  | OT | :: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKwWPQ1Orzs :: BTWay.23:46
redtape**about that  .23:47
redtapeshauno: See the vidz ? Prob.ly best for Caturday-afternoon thou .23:48
shaunoI can't tell if it's the hour, but I'm oddly distracted by trying to figure out if that 'tache+glasses combo is a $2 disguise set :/23:51
diddledanspin cycle just kicked in23:55
diddledansorry people next-door :-p23:57

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