[00:47] http://glossolaliarecords.bandcamp.com/album/zehn-schritte-in-richtung-der-leere [00:47] "A new experimental, guitar-driven piece by the ever-productive K. Holte" [00:48] I think I could play this, and I don't know guitar [00:49] Something tells me this was also "done in one take" [00:50] as though that is a badge of honor [00:52] I'm sure it's also artisinal [06:04] Been feeling like cr** all day. Tired but can't get any sleep. Decided to be somewhat productive so I am flashing multirom onto my N7 and installing Ubuntu. [12:03] Good morning [12:05] yessir [12:25] howdy [12:25] morning [12:47] rick_h_ Did you ever get awesome working in 13.04? [12:48] mathomastech: yea, found a bug that had a chack around [12:48] an no config file bork-ness so guess I'll be using it for the next 6mo :) [12:50] rick_h_: Cool. Was that in the link on your G+ post? [12:50] mathomastech: yep [12:51] rick_h_: Alright, thanks. Ill take a look at that tonight. [12:52] snap-l: craig [12:52] craig [12:52] craig [12:52] uh oh [13:24] Hello? [13:25] Hello? [13:25] Hello? [13:25] Hello? [13:25] jcastro: ^^ [13:25] snap-l: I'm going to go out on a limb and say check G+ snap-l [13:26] Gigantour [13:27] snap-l: gigantour [13:27] Hm, so one band I really like, [13:27] one band I'm curious about (Newsted) [13:28] One band I can't stand (Black Label Society) [13:28] and two bands I haven't heard yet. (Device and Death Division) [13:28] That leaves Hellyeah, which... eh. :) [13:29] Will need to think abou this. [13:30] And no ticket prices [13:42] newsted is ok [13:42] one great song [13:42] 3 meh ones on the EP [14:10] 1/4 of slayer died :| [14:10] At least it was something cool sounding, complications of a spider bite. They could write a song about it. [14:16] oooooo http://mobile.slashdot.org/story/13/05/03/1222220/barnes-noble-adds-google-play-store-to-the-nook [15:11] brousch: wait, what? [15:12] Nooks have Google Play now [15:12] Instead of just their worthless B&N app store [15:12] My hacked nook always has :) [15:12] flipsidecreation: Mine too, but that's not reall the point ;) [15:12] I'll be uber pissed if it's just a HD update [15:17] Well, it's just a HD update [15:25] * brousch opens his umbrella to deflect the uber-piss [15:25] heh [15:25] Hoping it's a temp oversight [15:25] Honestly, I like the Nook eco system, but their app store is atrocious [15:33] I have the original nook color, its been good but I never used the nook ecosystem. I hacked it an hour after I bought it [15:43] flipsidecreation: I have the same and used it stock for about a month [15:43] My son still uses it with CM nearly every day [15:45] I am finally retiring my nook [15:48] Some games are just a bit too slow [15:49] I've upgraded to an Asus Transformer Infinity [15:50] I have the samsung Note 2 phone and a chinese tablet for the kids [15:52] They can read Chinese?! [15:52] I hope they never have to...lol [16:04] heh [16:05] I updated my laptop from 12.10 to 13.04. Smoothest update ever. [16:06] going to do my office computer soon, hopefully 12.04 to 13.04 goes as smooth [17:01] https://speakerdeck.com/nickbruun/lessons-learned-defying-joel-spolsky-with-django <- I'm sorry, but when you say ORMs are Stupid, you mean Django's bastardization of an ORM is stupid. [17:02] Django ORM is the bizomb [17:03] I hate it when people say "ORMs are stupid" and when pressed on which ORM, it's the one that has braindamage [17:04] It's like saying horseriding is stupid after riding the beginner horse at a stable. [17:08] Or saying "Racing is stupid" after betting bored on lap three of a go-kart track [17:08] s/betting/being. [18:41] notice he runs after saying how awesome django orm is before I get back [18:41] django orm is not stupid. [18:43] oh. [18:43] s/stupid/not mind readers. [18:43] yes, no shit, ORM are not mind readers. ffs, know what they are doing. [18:43] same old shit, just said in the same old harsh way. [18:44] yea, but still...if your idea of an ORM is Django, or rails AR, then you are not qualified to speak about ORMS as a whole [18:44] bullshit. [18:44] rails AR or any AR [18:44] "I used django, they had a module named ORM, therefore ORMs suck because it wasn't as good as raw SQL when I typed this..." [18:45] django orm is a data mapper impl. [18:45] hate seeing that crap [18:45] yes, I hate seeing that crap too. [18:45] that is what I mean. [18:45] i hate ORM abuse too. [18:45] so stop the abuse! [18:45] i'd love to see it profiled without abusing the orm. [18:46] jrwren: oh come as, as far as ORMs go, the django ORM is a mountain of pita. [18:46] that said, at the volume they claim, orm is probably not the right choice. [18:46] jrwren: does it support combo pkey yet? [18:46] rick_h_: hahaha, you haven't used a lot of the .net orm [18:46] jrwren: my understanding was that they had a hibernate rip-off that was decent? [18:47] nhibernate is far from decent [18:47] although its probably 1000X faster than python :) [18:47] i like the 91ms -> 29ms ->20ms jinja2 claim. that is cool. [18:48] yea, armin and mike have had a lot of back/forth on perf with jinja2 and mako [18:48] sounds like it might have been a good talk, with annoying slides :) [18:48] speed is equiv, just pick if you want lots of plugins to write or just write python [19:43] bwuhahaha, more usb3 ports. hub arrived [19:50] rick_h_: Yeah, I knew that would be a hot button for you. :) [19:54] yea, well have 2 usb3 external drives and 2 usb3 thumb drives [19:54] but only one port on the laptop and even the desktop only comes iwth 2, none on the front of it [19:55] moar usb3 ports! [19:57] I meant the Django ORM. ;) [19:58] snap-l: oh, gotcha [19:58] yea, brousch ran away from my django ORM rant :p [19:58] Heh [19:58] :P [19:58] We had to shut down all the power to replace a window [20:00] * rick_h_ is trying to think that one through. [20:05] Um... [20:05] Alarm system? [20:06] otherwise I got nothin [20:10] It was right below the power cables going into the building [20:10] I'm doing a ginormous update of my Django work application right now [20:35] just chuckled at the tought of Westboro Baptist Church pickleting Jeff Hanneman's funeral [20:35] Wow, i can type. [20:36] http://garywarnett.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/slayerselfharm.jpg [20:36] This will not end well [20:37] a legit looking tattoo is in that mix, which seems stupid [20:38] <_stink_> something about that jpg seems stupid? [20:38] greg-g: Blame the person who compiled those images [20:39] http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Dp8j9Gw8Tvk/TxYSaYUJQHI/AAAAAAAABgk/3hc-u3tbVlk/s1600/slayer+carving.jpg [20:39] http://www.carveslayer.com/ [20:53] this fucking peice of shit dell [20:53] now the battery is not charging past 30% [20:53] Sounds like it's time to invoke the lemon law [20:53] jcastro: rick_h_ tell mark to quit the deal with dell, they're fucking shit up [20:54] why not choose a vendor that does linux decently, like lenovo [20:54] system76! [20:54] not a fan of their built quality, they use the same barebones supplier that dell does [20:54] s/t/d/ [20:55] greg-g: Probably because Dell is in the business of selling machines, and they likely approached Canonical [20:55] * greg-g stops self from ranting any more [20:58] greg-g: unfortunately all the lenovo stuff is non-US. [20:58] I feel your pain [20:59] and our stupid IT department is like "the wifi antennas in the lenovos don't get as good of a signal as the dells, so we're only buying these shitty macbook air knockoffs from dell now. enjoy!" [20:59] * greg-g failed at stopping himself [20:59] hah that sucks [21:00] snap-l: so, the lineup for gigantour. THAT is what it's supposed to look like [21:00] not this orion stuff [21:13] Meh, there's some good bands on Orion as well [23:51] greg-g: :( [23:55] jcastro: I have that same water system [23:55] yeah fuck that thing [23:56] yea, I'm tempted to get the rain sensor gauge for it but didn't want to spend another hundreds on top of it