
bjsniderthe new nvidia blob has a new file, a daemon. i checked and it has its own install script with a procedure for sysv, upstart, or systemd, depending on what the script finds on the target system.01:15
bjsniderno idea how tseliot wants to deal with that, but that is now the latest stable driver01:16
tjaaltonbjsnider: no not released yet04:25
tjaaltonbjsnider: this is the latest 319 driver?04:26
tjaaltona new touch fix branch up06:29
mlankhorstRAOF_: do you still use your nexus 7?06:40
bjsnidertjaalton, 319.1714:32
bjsniderthey promoted it to stable14:40
tjaaltonbjsnider: right14:57
ricotzwill be in edgers in asap14:59
=== Prf_Jako1 is now known as Prf_Jakob
bjsniderricotz, how do you intend to deal with that new daemon and the install script and whatnot?16:48
tjaaltonright, please work with tseliot on those to avoid unnecessary conflicts16:50
tseliotbjsnider, ricotz: I'm working on it but I'm waiting for Nvidia to get back on some questions on backwards compatibility first16:51
tseliot(as I'm packaging it separately)16:51
bjsnidertseliot, i checked your git repo last night looking for the latest scripts, but it's still 304 and hasn't been updated for 6 months16:57
tseliotbjsnider: maybe have a look at the different branches?16:58
tseliotmy 319 branch is not there yet, it's only local for now16:58
ricotzbjsnider, tseliot, i don't have an optimus setup here and i can't really test these new things in this direction17:06
tseliotricotz: fortunately I can and I'm working on a package to make prime a little easier17:07
ricotztseliot, i guess it isn't much trouble when file conflicts happening17:07
ricotztseliot, alright :)17:08
ricotz(i am happy to run the plain driver so far)17:09
bjsnidertseliot, so the daemon will  be a separate optional package?17:16
bjsnideri didn't know nvidia was having so much trouble starting up fast that they felt the need to install a daemon to do it17:16
tseliotbjsnider: yes, unless nvidia decides that each driver version needs to have its own daemon with the same version17:17
Sarvattbjsnider: looks like its just for cuda on a secondary card not being used as a gpu from the discription17:22

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