
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
=== kbmonkey_ is now known as kbmonkey
Trixar_zaMorning Squirm05:41
=== Kilos is now known as squ
squoh my05:42
=== squ is now known as Kilos
=== Kilos is now known as squ
=== squ is now known as Kilos
Kilosmorning Trixar_za Squirm 05:43
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
Kiloshi superhow are you feeling today07:06
Kilosive fixed my kubuntu. ty for reminding about the purge thingie07:07
Kilospurged all i could find on nvidia kdm xserver xorg then installed xserver xorg kdm and everything worked again, even startx07:08
Kilosnow installed nvidia-current so all good07:09
Kilosthat gdm i saw musta been in maverick because i tried to purge it too but not found hehe07:10
Kiloshi morgs07:10
morgsMorning Kilos and *07:11
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:17
ThatGraemeGuymorning peeps07:19
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 07:20
Kilosoh my i read back and got a superhow not superfly07:22
Kilossorry konversation does differnt things to xchat07:23
superflyKilos: glad you came right Kilos07:26
Kilosthats all i see funny now07:27
Kilosonly here it also says /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libpoppler.so.19 is not an ELF file - it has the wrong magic bytes at the start07:28
Kiloswhatever that might mean07:28
zerefhey guys07:29
Kiloswill have to get harry potter to come fix that cause i dunno magic stuff07:29
Kiloshi zeref 07:29
inetprogood morning 07:30
inetprooh and good morning Kilos07:30
Kiloshello goosie07:30
* inetpro is baie boos07:30
Kilosstill cheeky i see07:30
inetprothat monkey07:30
* Kilos forgets boos07:30
inetprokilled another 5 chickens07:30
inetprothis time he got inside the closed coup07:31
Kilosyou havent got sleeping pills yet??07:31
inetprolooks like he killed for the fun07:31
inetprotook one of them out into the tree07:31
zerefI've got a program that uses sqlite, is it better to open the db connection at the start ot the program and close the connection when I close the connection, or open close conneciton per sql query?07:32
Kilosidoesnt it open on its own07:38
Kilosi know ibid uses sqlite and does its own work with it07:38
charlgood morning07:46
charlMaaz: coffee on07:46
* Maaz washes some mugs07:46
charlapparently i was right to not upgrade to ubuntu 13.04 and the linux 3.8 kernel07:47
charli would have had problems: http://mergy.org/2013/03/three-tips-to-get-vmware-workstation-9-going-on-kernel-3-8-0/07:47
KilosMaaz: coffee please07:48
MaazKilos: Yessir07:48
Kilosai! charl ya lucky07:49
charlnah just careful :)07:50
Kilosi always try new releases on a spare drive first07:50
charlthat's a good idea07:50
MaazCoffee's ready for charl and Kilos!07:50
charlMaaz: thanks07:50
Maazcharl: No problem07:50
Kiloslol but 13.04 looked good here07:50
KilosMaaz: dankie07:51
MaazGroot plesier Kilos my vriend07:51
Kilosonly too much eye candy with unity07:51
Kilosmade for modern pc's methinks07:52
Kilosfast with lotsa ram07:52
trender  _07:55
superflyzeref: always hold the connection open for as long as possible07:56
Kiloshi trender 07:57
trenderyo dude07:57
magespawngood morning all08:02
Kiloshi magespawn 08:03
Kilosfixed kde08:04
magespawncool beans08:04
Kilosbut something is lying to me08:04
charlguten morgen meine leute08:04
Kilosremastersys says the iso is saved at /home/remastersys/remastersys/custom-backup.iso 08:05
Kilosbut i cant find it anywhere08:05
Kilosand its 3.8 gig so woulda made a lekker live dvd08:07
magespawnhey charl08:10
magespawnKilos: you still there?09:20
Kilosi dont split09:20
magespawnman the power is like a yo yo here today09:20
Kilosoh my 8ta speed hit 275 KiB/s09:37
magespawncool Kilos, wonder what they did to change it?09:40
Kilosthey just gotta make sure everything is as it should be09:41
magespawnsad that they wait till somebody kicks up a fuss before doing something09:42
Kilosi think they just need a bit of pushing now and again magespawn 09:43
Kilosyeah but thats human nature09:43
Kilosdont do today what you can leave till tomorrow09:43
Kilosmodern human nature that is09:43
magespawni try to stay away from that sort of behaviour09:45
Kilosyeah bad news09:47
Kilosold was was other way around09:47
Kilosyou see the thing is they still get paid if they work hard or slack so why worry09:48
magespawnindeed, i need to find a job like that for myself10:14
magespawnthen i can play with my computer all day long10:15
Kilosfunny hey magespawn they told me they had upgraded this tower to 12 meg10:45
Kilos12 meg is nothing10:45
magespawnmaybe they made a mistake10:46
Kilosmaybe its something in the tower that had maybe 6 meg before10:49
tonberryE352mbit/s of data uplink perhaps?10:52
tonberryE352maybe they gave the tower a faster internet connection10:55
Kilosi really dont know but since they did the upgrade my connection sucked10:57
Kilosonly now its getting better again 10:58
Kiloswell http://speedtest.mybroadband.co.za/ shows its 1 mb/s faster than yesterday11:08
Kilosbut nm still showing only 2 bars11:09
Kilosmaybe a coupla more fone calls can boost that too11:13
Kiloswb drussell 11:13
charlwow that speed test service on mybroadband.co.za is terribly slow, even the international one11:40
Kiloshi jma11:41
charlit's interesting to watch http://www.ookla.com/ and see where speed tests are being performed in real time11:43
Kilosmy speed shows as 2.34mb/s11:44
Kiloswas down to 1.211:44
charli keep the map open for a while and you start seeing the best connected countries in orange11:44
charli am surprised at how well europe is doing compared to north america11:45
charlthe "last 24 hours" option ia also interesting11:47
charli'm off, have a good weekend all!12:10
Kiloshey magespawn you still here?13:56
magespawnbusy getting some software14:02
Kilosi just wanted support to try remastersys on kde again14:10
Kilosif i crash them you to blame 14:10
Kilosworked so lekker on unity, i dunno what could be wrong14:10
magespawni have never used remastersys14:12
Kilosit make a full system backup on a dvd14:13
Kilosmakes and installable iso14:13
Kilosi tried it when maverick was young but didnt have a dvdwriter yet so gave up14:14
Kiloscd is always too small for a working ubntu\14:15
Kilosbut now im bang it crashes my kde again14:15
magespawndo you know what happened last time?14:16
Kilosthe xserver and xorg an nvidia stuff stopped working14:17
Kiloswas a major purge operation and renstall of them14:18
Kilosbut luckily with the nm script it goes online before gui starts14:18
Kilosso its like working on a server14:19
Kilosremastersys runs as root methinks so can get in everywhere14:20
magespawnwhy did they stop working? any idea?14:45
magespawnsorry for the lonf wait in replies, i am working on some machines the local spar want to donate to a school14:46
magespawnmaybe have the remastersys create an iso image rather than write it to a dvd14:52
Kilosya it creates the iso then you burn it to cd. but here on kde i cant even find it14:57
Kilosand it says its in home14:57
Kilosno rush lad14:57
Kiloskde gets stroppy at times15:01
magespawnwhat did you call the iso?15:01
Kilosit calls itself custom-backup.iso15:02
Kilosmaybe if i run it again it will popup15:02
magespawnor search for that file name15:03
magespawnyou can open dolphin and click the binocs, type in the file name to search for it15:06
magespawnbrb just going to restart15:06
Kilosi tried it dont find it15:07
Kilosit also gives a full log of what it does magespawn 15:13
Kilosthere is an example15:16
Kilosalso you need to apt-get clean  so you cache does make the iso too big for the dvd15:16
Kilosand remove large files/folders from desktop15:17
Kilosor home. like movies etc15:17
Kilosotherwise it tells you there isnt enough space on the device15:18
Kilosbut it makes a lovely live dvd15:19
Kilosi spose you can put it on  a stick as well15:20
Kilosif you find it that is. wasnt a prob on unity. maybe the crash had something to do with it15:22
magespawnlets have a google15:22
Kilosfor what?15:23
Kilosi tried but only found kbuntu installer crashed not remastersys crashed kubuntu15:24
Kilosoh by google you mean look15:24
Kilosoh superfly i think this kde start looking different because i have installed kubuntu-full here15:28
magespawncan not find anything usuful on the net15:31
Kilosmaybe its only by me as usual15:32
magespawni am out of here for now, later Kilos.15:55
Kilosgo safe magespawn 15:56
Cantidehello everyone! '-'/16:15
Kiloshi Cantide 16:22
Cantidehello :)16:22
superflytumbleweed: any idea how to get a wireless card to connect without networkmanager (nm bombs because dbus is not installed, apparently the upgrade process did not complete properly despite it telling me it did)16:29
tumbleweedsuperfly: what kind of security?16:41
* superfly has figured out how to get wpa_supplicant supposedly working16:41
superflytumbleweed: not 100% sure16:41
superflyWPA something or other16:41
tumbleweedok, you need wpa_supplicant then16:42
tumbleweedif it's WEP or open, then you only need iwconfig16:42
superflyyup, I've got wpa_supplicant16:42
superflyI think I've got it configured correctly16:42
superflyI followed this: http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch13_:_Linux_Wireless_Networking#Further_WPA_Configuration_Steps_-_Debian_.2F_Ubuntu16:43
superflyah, WPA-PSK16:43
superflysame as in that guide16:43
tumbleweedthat sounds likely16:43
tumbleweedbut I wouldn't bother trying to build a permenant setup, like that16:44
superflythe interface starts up, but dhcp never gets an IP address16:44
tumbleweedjust get yourself online and fix your system16:44
superflyno, not at all16:44
tumbleweedso, run wpa_supplicant with debugging on, and see what it says16:44
tumbleweedit'll know if it authenticated successfully or not16:45
superflyI don't think it is...16:48
tumbleweedright, so figure that out16:50
tumbleweedthere are some example configurations in /usr/share/doc/wpa_supplicant/examples/16:51
tumbleweedif it's a home router, it'll be some flavour of WPA-PSK16:51
superflyactually, it's an Apple "AirHub" or something16:53
superflyI just checked on my netbook, it's using WPA-PSK16:54
tumbleweedso, the question is whether it's TKIP or CCMP16:55
tumbleweedthat's about it, if it's still not working, you forgot to bring the interface up, your passphrase is wrong, or you aren't pointing at the right config file16:55
tumbleweederr, and I suppose, whether it's WPA or WPA216:56
tumbleweedsounds likely, if it's using TKIP16:56
superflythat's what my netbook says, and since it's the same network, I would think it is correct16:57
tumbleweeddoes it look like it's trying, at least?16:58
superflyyes, it looks like it's trying, but I don't see a success message16:59
tumbleweedI assume you already checked rfkill?17:00
tumbleweed(on some cards, only transmit is disabled by rfkill)17:01
superflynever heard of rfkill, but it says that my card is neither softblocked nor hardblocked17:04
tumbleweedyou compared the logs with the happy machine? to figure out how much progress it actually made?17:08
superflyno, I can look for logs17:16
superflyI'm seeing an error that might be related though... "Driver did not support SIOCSIWENCODEEXT"17:17
superflybusy googling to see if I can find a solution17:17
tumbleweedyou sure you pointing it at the right device?17:18
superflyyes, but I'm wondering if the driver is wrong17:22
superflyI had to compile a driver for the nic pre-quantal17:22
superflythen in quantal it magically worked with the driver in the repos (a slightly different driver)17:22
tumbleweedwhat card is it?17:23
superflyRalink RT306017:23
superflythe driver that is loaded is the rt280017:23
superflythis is a desktop machine with a PCI wireless card17:26
superflylooks like that's the right driver17:30
tumbleweedah, never used one of those17:31
superflytumbleweed: does the alternate cd no longer exist?17:36
tumbleweednope. But given network connectivity, the mini iso is equivalent17:36
tumbleweedsounds like you want a USB ethernet adaptor, though (I'm assuming the problem is the lack of ethernet)17:37
superflyyeah. KDE is not working due to a lack of dbus, therefore no GUI17:39
superflyI need to get dbus installed somehow17:39
tumbleweedand your only connectivity option is wifi?17:39
superflyin essence, yes17:40
tumbleweedwhy in essence?17:40
superflyI have my networking stuff upstairs, and we don't have a cable long enough to reach downstairs17:40
superflyhence the wireless17:40
superflyI might be able to get something working though17:41
tumbleweedbridge from a laptop17:41
tumbleweedor, I think one can use an android phone as a bridge17:41
superflyhrm, i had briefly thought of that, but i wasn't sure if i'd be able to do it17:42
superflylet me see17:42
Tonberrywith an android phone?17:42
tumbleweedthey support USB tethering17:42
superflyoh wow, that was easy17:42
* superfly smacks his forehead17:43
tumbleweedand when the phone's wifi is on, you can tether to your wireless AP17:43
superflyshould have tried that in the beginning17:43
tumbleweedsuccess :)17:43
TonberryIt will NAT wifi?17:43
tumbleweedstill, figuring out wpa_supplicant pays off in emergencies17:43
tumbleweedTonberry: can't remember if it NATs or bridges in that situation17:44
Tonberrywhichever, pretty useful17:44
superflyit puts my wife's computer on my network, and stuff works17:44
superflythat is all i need17:44
superflyyay, got the GUI back17:51
superflyhad to reinstall qdbus, for some reason the binary was missing/corrupted/something17:52
superflyand now the wireless network magically works too17:57
magespawngood evening all18:39
Kiloslo magespawn 18:40
magespawnwhat up?18:40
Kilosram remaster again but cant find the iso again'hehe18:41
Kiloskde makes me gray18:41
Kilosmost likely wont boot to gui again18:43
magespawnKilos: at least you know what to do to fix it18:50
Kilosfound it yay18:52
Kiloswill first burn the dvd before i try a reboot18:52
Kiloshi georgelappies 18:52
georgelappieshi Kilos18:55
Kilosit worked magespawn got my dvd19:23
Kilosnight all sleep tight19:23
magespawngood night all19:46
Vince-0ag look at the time20:42
Vince-0downloading makululinux from mega at max line speed20:43
kbmonkeymakululinux? that's new to me :)20:43
kbmonkeybusy setting up my android development environment20:43
kbmonkeygot a test app running on the emulator, and on my phone so far :)20:44
Vince-0do we see you at the meet tomorrow?20:44
Vince-0ya some guy in Joburg, Jaque Reymer rolled his own distro with like 4 desktop environments20:45
Vince-0do you run the latest eclipse and android SDK ?20:45
kbmonkeyI just got the ADT bundle from developer.android.com it includes eclipse and all the tools20:46
Vince-0I'd like to see that, cooler as eke20:46
Vince-0im out! 20:46
kbmonkeycheers man!20:46
superflykbmonkey: Have you looked at Google App Engine at all?21:04
kbmonkeyI've read through it superfly but never built anything using it21:11
superflykbmonkey: it's pretty cool. it's like Amazon EC2 but without all the sysadmin21:12
superflyyou just deploy your app, and you don't care about servers or load balancing or anything else like that21:12
kbmonkeyI was impressed with all the API's they offer through it too21:15

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