
zequencelousygarua: Have you used that device on Linux before?00:01
lousygaruazequence, no, I only recently got it it back at my apartment and back then it wasn't fully supported. I saw that it's now supported so I said let's give it a try, and what do you know, it works!00:03
lousygaruaI wonder if my MIDI keyboard will work as well00:03
zequencemost midi keyboards do00:03
zequenceas long as they use generic drivers00:04
zequenceWell, many, anyway00:04
lousygaruazequence, good to know, i will check tomorrow, it's 3 am here00:04
zequenceI'm assuming it's a usb midi keyboard00:04
lousygaruazequence, yeah it's a regular USB keyboard00:18
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Guest95268jack freezing can anybody help thanks15:42
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devtekbetaim looking to create a live usb of ubuntuStudio to test my hardware, the live image i want to download is the same image you use to install the os on a system right?17:54
holsteindevtekbeta: the live installer17:55
holsteinwe dont have an official alternate anymore AFAIK17:55
devtekbetaso after i test it and if it works via usb with my hardware, i can restart and use that same usb stick/image ot install it on my disk?17:55
holsteindevtekbeta: no restart needed.. there will be "install" options from that live environment.. but, yes, bascially17:56
devtekbetai see. thanks17:56
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antonio__Hallo! This is my first time in this chat and in ubuntu, and i dont know at all what Im doing.19:33
antonio__Bien. Y luego?19:34
ArkhanosOk Antonio, what do you want to know?19:34
ArkhanaKeenan, how did you invite me?19:40
keenanmean u in twitter, or?19:41
ArkhanaNo in IRC19:41
keenani dont know!19:42
ArkhanaOk, I gonna check it out on google19:42
devtekbetai booted the live usb. and it worked, but it took a while to load the os from usb19:44
devtekbetais it usually faster to load/boot once installed on the internal drive19:44
zequenceusb is a bit slower than a hard disk19:44
ArkhanaCd slower than USB19:45
ArkhanaDVD slower than CD19:45
ArkhanaFloppy slower than CD19:45
zequenceI would say CD is slower than DVD19:45
zequenceAnyway, it has to do with read speed of the medium.19:45
devtekbetait should work well then19:46
devtekbetaeven the internet works right away19:46
devtekbetajust shame the laptop is pink20:10
Temukanohelp needed here20:15
Temukanosome 1?20:15
TemukanoI have just installed this thing in my laptop20:17
Temukanobut there is no wifi device detected20:18
TemukanoI have this HP pavilion crap.. cannot find drivers for wifi20:18
SunStarcheck launcher menu -> settings - software updater -> additional drivers to see if it sees missing drivers it needs (will need ethernet connection)20:19
Temukanobut the shit is.. there is no such problem like this in any other laptop i have20:20
SunStarif that doesnt work install ndis wrapper and wicd from software center. ndis wrapper can use the windows driver20:20
Temukanohaaa ok20:20
Temukanommm wisedom...20:20
Temukanoi am going to write it down20:21
Temukanonow... another dubt20:25
Temukanothere is a fine app to fix the hd partitions?20:26
Unit193What's wrong with 'em?20:26
SunStartestdisk and photorec20:26
Unit193(Testdisk is pretty awesome, but if you're going for a resize, wrong tool.)20:27
Unit193Was an example, but you may need a live cd for that.20:27
Temukanoi just want to re organize the partitions20:31
Temukanothere is more than nesesesary - escuse my english, but it is not my native language---20:31
wheeler_oh hehe... da bin ich... geschafft moin moin... ist jeman da?!23:56
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!23:56

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