
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
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bluesabreknome, what are some things (documented or not) that we want to see in the saucy cycle?09:14
bluesabrecatfish is more or less in maintenance mode now, I can't add more features until python-gobject gets more API calls09:16
bluesabreI'll be working on getting menulibre to be a full-fledged replacement for alacarte09:17
bluesabreand parole will continue to get updates09:17
bluesabreare we still interested in something like this?  https://launchpad.net/xfce4-keyboard-overlay09:18
ochosibluesabre: i am09:19
ochosiquestion is whether we should try to upstream that to xfce09:21
ochosimake it an extension of either notifyd or settingsd09:21
ochosi(probably best to talk to e.g. jeromeg)09:21
bluesabreI'm going to try to redo it in vala again09:22
bluesabreor maybe just C09:22
ochosiyeah, i guess that'd be best09:24
bluesabrethe color feels a little old-greybird now: http://imagebin.org/25627209:25
lderanooo that would be cool09:27
bluesabreochosi, do you remember where the wiki page is/was for this?09:29
ochosibluesabre: wait, i thought it's semi-transparent?09:30
bluesabreit is09:30
bluesabreyou can kinda see the background through it09:30
bluesabrea different, more black base color would help09:31
ochosithen it's not dark enough09:31
ochosii'd suggest at least 0.7 as opacity09:31
ochosihere's the wiki-page btw: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Quantal/KeyboardShortcutsOverlay09:31
knomebluesabre, have you seen skellat's blueprints?09:31
bluesabreI think so09:31
ochosibluesabre: what it needs imo is a bit more padding at the borders09:31
knomebluesabre, add anything you want to discuss there :)09:32
bluesabrenot sure if I have anything to add to those yet09:33
bluesabreI'm basically throwing my thoughts onto this channel so people can give me an idea of what to suggest09:33
ochosihm, i think the question is in how far e.g. parole and keyboard-shortcuts-overlay are xubuntu-specific09:35
ochosiwe can decide whether we want to make them xubuntu-driven, but to me they seem to be xfce projects rather09:35
ochosi(in fact they are xubuntu-driven to some extent ofc)09:36
bluesabreif we're the only developers, they are xubuntu-driven xfce projects09:36
ochosiyeah, i guess that was my point09:37
ochosiso it's kinda up to us to decide where to discuss them09:37
knomewell yes, as the SD says, we strive to work upstream09:37
knomeit's ok to discuss them in the xubuntu blueprints, especially if you want feedback, but not necessary09:38
knome(that was mostly about parole)09:39
knomeotoh keyboard shortuts are something that might be better discussed inside xubuntu first09:39
knomethere might be the argument that we should stick close to upstream with those as well09:39
ochosiare you referring to default shortcuts?09:40
knomethere might be the argument that we should stick close to upstream with those as wellyes09:40
knomeoops. :)09:40
knomeoh, -overlay09:40
knomewell, same with that really09:40
ochosiright, well we weren't talking about that, we were only talking bout the overlay09:40
knomewe should do that first with xubuntu (especially if upstream isn't sure if they want it, or don't want to use time in that)09:40
ochosiyeah, that's why i meant, for us it's mostly: where do we _want_ to discuss this09:41
knomewith parole it's more clear that improvements are welcome09:41
knome(to upstream directly)09:41
knomeyup, sure09:41
ochosiyeah, i guess with the -overlay the question is whether we even want it in general in xubuntu09:41
ochosii personally think it's a nice small improvement, but not everyone might see it that way09:41
knomeof course. but then again somebody might raise the question if xfce wants it in general ;)09:42
knome...and then we have the question if it then becomes essentially a shimmer project09:42
ochosithen we can make it a xubuntu project09:42
ochosiimo if xubuntu doesn't ship it by default, it doesn't make much sense developing it09:43
ochosiit's one of those things that should be "under the hood"09:43
knomesure. but you saying that makes it a xubuntu project definitely.09:43
knomeno reason/argument to not discuss it inside xubuntu09:43
ochosiif you have to install an extra package by hand, then it's just ridiculous09:43
ochosiyeah sure09:43
ochosiit is then _at least_ a xubuntu project09:43
knomei agree, one wouldn't (want to) install that package manually09:43
ochosiand then we can try to upstream it (cause it makes more sense in general)09:44
knomeof course09:44
ochosior maybe even try to upstream it in the first place09:44
ochosi(after we've decided whether we want it in xubuntu, i mean)09:44
ochosibluesabre: long speech, short meaning: please add "do we want the overlay in xubuntu?" to the blueprint ;)09:44
knomebut since it's definitely a xubuntu project, and there's no information on upstream's opinion yet, i think it would make most sense if it was considered a xubuntu project and thoroughly discussed inside xubuntu09:45
knome...until upstream decides they want it for good09:45
bluesabremake sense to me09:45
ochosiyup, sounds good09:46
knomei would consider that a standard procedure for anything that's not clearly adopted by upstream09:49
knome(maximum certainty that things roll forward, minimal maintenance work for xubuntu)09:50
bluesabreless fun for developers when we have to rebase all of our bzr commits to git09:53
knomeand, tbh09:53
knomebeing a xubuntu project doesn't mean it has to be in bzr/lp09:53
knomei know that's generally suggested, but i'm not going to enforce09:54
bluesabrepersonally I prefer bzr at this point09:54
bluesabreI used to be a mercurial fanboy09:54
bluesabrestill not sure why I liked it09:55
knomehg isn't bad09:55
knomei don't think they have much differences to my use09:55
knomeUnit193, http://xubuntu.org/news/booting-the-xubuntu-usb-image-from-a-cd/09:55
bluesabreknome, what format were we thinking about converting the xubuntu help to?09:58
knomei can't remember the suggested one09:58
knomeit only popped up quickly since we had no time to do that anyway09:58
bluesabremallard uses yelp09:58
bluesabrewhich is what the standard ubuntu help uses, as well as gedit/menulibre/ and probably other gtk apps09:59
lderanaye hg isn't bad09:59
knomebluesabre, if that means we can have translations... i suppose that's fine.10:00
knomei just hope it's not too much work to migrate10:00
bluesabreI might experiment with that in the next few days10:00
bluesabreI want to get a head start10:00
bluesabresince we always run out of time10:00
knomethat would be cool10:00
knomewant to add that to the blueprints?10:01
bluesabrenot sure which one10:01
knomedunno. dev?10:01
smartboyhwknome: Hmm amjjawad changed his project to "Start Ubuntu" now. What do you think?10:05
knomesmartboyhw, it's better, but i would still expect a small group review and build the idea until it's easy for others to jump in and start doing "real" things (eg. not brainstorming)10:06
knomebrainstorming is fine, but if you have 20 people doing that, you'll never get to agree on anything10:07
Unit193knome: Thanks.14:15
smartboyhwknome: I like that mail:)15:37
smartboyhwknome: Noskcaj received his Ubuntu membership BTW:)15:39
knomei heard15:39
knome(and congratulated)15:39
Unit193So we really need 3 hours to talk about Xubuntu?20:47
NoskcajUnit193, if it's that long, i might be there for part of it20:50
skellatUnit193: Considering the pacing of how panels went at the last vUDS, we might actually cover everything on the three separate blueprints.  On the old one...we'd get through maybe the first two topics20:51
knomebetter schedule too much than too little20:52
Unit193knome: And if you don't mind, still planning on doing some sort of team audio/video session?20:54
knomeyes, i was just thinking about it...20:57
knomei would prefer anything else than G+20:58
knomeeven skype is okay, because i have a skype account but not G+20:58
Noskcajknome, if you have a gmail email, you have G+20:59
knomeNoskcaj, no, you're wrong. i have google emails, but i have not signed to G+, thus i don't have a G+ account.20:59
knomeNoskcaj, or in other words, good luck finding me on G+20:59
Noskcajknome, ok. making an account takes about a minute though21:00
knomeNoskcaj, yes, i know. but i don't want to.21:00
Noskcaji'm not sure why i care so much, i'm not going to be able to make it anyway21:00
skellatNoskcaj: We don't even have time slots for the blueprints yet.  No schedule has been laid out yet.  If we used Jitsi for video conferencing, we could operate on a different schedule from vUDS if we really wanted to.21:01
Noskcajskellat, ok. someone let me know if it's between 2000 and 220021:02
skellatYour local time or UTC?21:02
Noskcajthat's the only time everyone else seems to be on21:02
skellatCheck summit.ubuntu.com to see what the scheduler is running on21:03
knomeskellat, scheduling parallel to vUDS can prove very beneficial, but i don't see any reason why we should at any cost try to fit our sessions "in" vUDS21:03
skellatI know21:04
knomeso yes, let's definitely schedule things when and how we like21:04
skellatThe vUDS day ends at 2000 UTC21:04
Noskcajskellat, i noticed, so no UDS for me21:05
skellat2000 UTC would be 4 PM local time for me in Ashtabula21:06
knomea video/audio conference at that time might prove semi-hard for me at that time, but is doable21:06
knome(that's 11pm here, and wife has morning shifts on those days)21:07
skellatI have no problem going sidebar to vUDS to use what tech we prefer to use.  As long as we make records of what we discuss and it becomes available we're fine.21:07
skellatTimeanddate.com has a meeting planner type tool for picking blocks21:08
knomeideal days for me would be 10 and 11 actually21:08
knomebut meh, pleia2 isn't even back then21:08
skellatThe tool is here: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meeting.html21:09
knomelet's just pick a bad day for me and good for others. i'll adapt.21:09
knomeanything starting pre-23UTC is fine by me.21:09
knomeor after 9UTC too.21:09
knomeand i can adapt.21:10
knomebased on the few polls we had, 15UTC+ seems to be good for most of us on weekdays21:10
Noskcaj2000-2200 and 0600-0900 for me21:12
knomewe could schedule at least one session around the 20-22 timeslot21:13
skellatknome: When does pleia2 get back?  Do we want to wait for her?21:21
knomeshe's back on 13th or so, and yes, i'd really love her to be able to join us21:22
knomeso back for vUDS anyway21:22
Unit193s/to.*// :---D21:24
knomei do love pleia2!21:25
* skellat notes https://launchpad.net/sprints/xubuntusaucy is available to group the blueprints separate from vUDS if we do our own "vUDS After Hours" thing each day in the 2000-2200 UTC time slot21:26
Unit193!find jitsi | skellat21:27
ubottuskellat: Package/file jitsi does not exist in raring21:27
knomeoh cool.21:27
knomeskellat, feel free to set xubuntu-team as the driver21:27
skellatUnit193: Yeah, they're building their own nightly debs and haven't gotten into archives yet21:27
knomeskellat, thanks :)21:28
skellatknome: With that sprint scheduled we can do our own thing after vUDS is done for the day too21:29
knomei wonder if we can move the existing blueprints21:29
skellatI'm gonna try to do that21:29
knomeskellat, i suppose you still have more permissions than me on the sprint. would you please add me as a driver well? :)21:30
skellatHunh.  That's not good.  Apparently I can add drivers infinitely.21:31
skellatOr not21:32
skellatApparently the person who set up the Sprint and one delegate can be drivers21:32
knomeyeah. and apparently only you can control the sprint21:33
knome(i don't see any more things i can do there)21:33
skellatOh well, the big part is that the blueprints are now separate from vUDS-130521:33
knomethough they are still "proposed" to uds-130521:34
knomeand apparently, one can't "unpropose"21:34
knomei'm thinking we might be overthinking this.21:34
skellatThat part will just fall off21:35
skellatThey've been proposed to uds-1305 for a while and nobody's touched them21:35
knomehaving an own LP sprint doesn't seem to offer us anything new21:35
knomei'm sure we can get them approved by poking correct people21:35
knomei also imagine community is a better track for them, or as skaet hoped in UDS-R, we should have a flavors track, or even one track per flavor...21:36
knomebut seriously, all this might be overkill. including our own sprint :)21:36
skellatThey're running tight on overhead for keeping tracks straight21:36
skellatI know21:36
skellatBut, 3 nights, 3 separate Xubuntu discussions at a leisurely pace...we can do that21:37
skellatPlus we get the added benefit of keeping Noskcaj in the loop21:37
knomeand others21:37
scottbombQuestion about testing... about when are testers needed for dailies now that you guys are starting on the new release (saucy)?21:38
knomei'm fine with anything, as long as it's not G+ ;)21:38
knomefirst alpha is June 2021:38
Noskcajscottbomb, any testing from this point on is helpful21:39
knomeand feature definition freeze May 3021:39
scottbombok thanks21:39
knomei would imagine we will start dropping actual new things to xubuntu after that21:39
knomebut of course, there's the debian syncing done and all that21:40
Noskcajand existing bugs21:40
Unit193I'm wondering if we can use XMPP generally, then people can use several different clients.21:40
Noskcajscottbomb, if you run an iso test, please change your timezone to sydney temporarily, it seems to point to the wrong place21:40
scottbombinteresting, will do21:41
skellatUnit193: XMPP can carry audio 21:41
Noskcajbug 117201521:41
ubottubug 1172015 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Sydney timezone is in the wrong location" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117201521:41
Unit193Indeed, that's what I'm referring to.21:41
knomeUnit193, we have more than a week to set up anything we want!21:41
Unit193Do either of you have an XMPP client and account somewhere?  Gmail should work.21:42
Unit193(And willing to test, of course.)21:42
knomei can test on sunday21:42
skellatI actually have XMPP accounts listed on my LP profile21:44
skellatThey're listed under Jabber, though21:46
skellatThere we go, I'm logged back in to my alpacaherder@jabber.org XMPP account21:48
Unit193Don't think that worked.21:52
skellatPidgin said I was pushing something downstream21:52
skellatsflphone is another client supposedly useful in such cases21:52
bluesabresomebody should log a bug for knome avoiding G+22:10
* knome will mark wontfix22:10
knomeand veto disagreeing voices22:10
Unit193knome: Understandable, I avoid GitHub.22:13
lderancan't blame you for doing that22:14
bluesabrebut we can blame him for lots of other things22:14
* Unit193 is on LP and bitbucket, though he hardly uses the second.22:14
Unit193(Bitbucket so I have a backup {have selfhosted git} for private projects.)22:16
bluesabreBitBucket was for when I was addicted to mercurial and couldn't figure out bzr22:18
bluesabrethose were the days22:18
Unit193LP doesn't have private repos, that you don't have to buy.  (Also, git is faster.)22:19
knomebluesabre, oops: http://shimmerproject.org/about/22:19
bluesabreoh crap, now I'm important22:20
knomei'll make sure you get an account on the new site, but until that, if you want changes to your intro text, poke me.22:20
bluesabresure thing22:22
lderannight all22:49

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