
=== clay_doh is now known as claydoh
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest71273
=== monkeyjuice is now known as mydogsname_isrud
=== mydogsname_isrud is now known as rudy_is_my_dog
thermoI am having an issue with connecting to wireless01:44
thermoit connects to my network, but the internet doesn't work01:45
thermohowever, I have 4 other computers which all are working with internet01:45
thermoI'm stumped, I've gone through for 2 hours of forum posts01:46
thermoi think its nameserver issues01:46
thermobut i am new to this and lost01:46
dundeekubuntu 13.04 dolphin starting too slow + context menu takes long to appear. Any help please.01:49
dundeeanyone experience slow startup for dolphin in kubuntu 13.04?01:55
smartboyhwHi lier02:02
lier= =02:04
liersmartboyhw: T T02:05
smartboyhwlier: I speak Chinese02:09
smartboyhwI am Chinese (AFAIK from Hong Kong)02:09
smartboyhwHello mustafa02:11
mustafawhat is this chat room about, do people talk about here?02:12
smartboyhwmustafa: Kubuntu User Support02:12
mustafaoh thanks02:13
=== DouglasKAway is now known as DouglasK
nova_with Kubuntu 13.04 am I supposed to have Kscreen, or kde-workspace-randr?  I've somehow screwed up my ability to use multiple monitors correctly with Kscreen.  I think it started when I used Muon package manager to remove "residual configuration" that included kde-workspace-randr.02:38
nova_Now I've restored some function by installing randr and removing kscreen...but now im bothered with prompts when i enable to disable another monitor.02:39
=== root is now known as Guest14488
dundeeanyone experience slow startup for dolphin in kubuntu 13.04?02:58
dundeeTrying to get some help for quite some time now.02:58
ToPhEr0613no issues with dolphin here02:59
ToPhEr0613actually 13.04 has been running pretty quick on my machines02:59
dundeeToPhEr0613: Everything is very quick except for dolphin.03:00
ToPhEr0613I do however have an overheating issue on my laptop...threw together some parts to   make a cooling platform..5 cooling fans03:01
dundeeToPhEr0613: The context menu for dolphin is also slow.03:02
ToPhEr0613maybe on your system!03:02
dundeeToPhEr0613: Dolphin has always been speedy for me. It was fast in 12:1003:03
ToPhEr0613ok..not slow here...Im an ex windows user so anything thaats faster than windows is quick for me03:04
ToPhEr061313.04 is definately quiicker than 12.1003:05
dundeeDefinately. That is why I can't understand dolphin's performance.03:05
nova_does the speed of dolphin have anything to do with devices you have connected?03:06
dundeeBecause of this I spend most time on my ubuntu unity partition.03:06
dundeenova_: I don't have any devices connected.03:07
nova_mine starts in <2 seconds03:07
ToPhEr0613as long as  it runs quick once its open ..for me thats ok i am running 9 devices on my network, I just fgured it was a bit of network lag03:07
dundeenova_:  Mine starts in about 5 secs03:07
ToPhEr0613about right03:08
nova_yeah i would suspect any devices, mounted drives, network devices..whatever needs to be listed in "Places" as soon as it opens03:08
dundeeBefore when I had 12.10 installed, it started in <2 seconds. Almost immediately03:09
ToPhEr0613everything else running quick? might want to disable some animations and the indexing03:10
ToPhEr0613gnome runs slow if installed on 13.0403:13
dundeeToPhEr0613: Everything else runs fast. So I know its dolphin. Konqueror starts fast too.03:14
ToPhEr0613i get the same speed for konqueror and dolphin..(initial launch takes a few seconds..Still faster than explorer)03:16
=== CQ_ is now known as CQ
nova_would starting it from a console tell you antying maybe?03:19
dundeeI know its not the effects as I disabled everthing and its still slow.03:20
dundeeWhen I start from the terminal I see this: QPixmap::scaled: Pixmap is a null pixmap03:20
nova_yeah i get a few of those03:23
nova_YOu said you have several network devices?03:23
dundeenova_:  No, I have no networked devices.03:24
nova_I would disconnect from the LAN completely and try it out03:26
nova_pull the plug or disable the network adapter..maybe reboot..and give it a try03:26
nova_one post im reading says "the cause is an useless (IMO) call to DNS service during startup process. So, the slowdown is the waiting time for DNS response. "03:27
fbc_I had never really given KDE a shot before, but now since they've removed/disabled(however unintencional)  SAMBA CREDENTIALS in UBUNTU, I'm discovering how really awesome KDE is especially for us techy folks.03:45
BluesKajfbc_, KDE is very versatile and configurable , that's why i chose it over gnome many years ago.03:51
BluesKajand it was more familiar looking to us old windows guys03:52
fbc_It's not as bloated as I thought it was going to be. Gnome feels more sluggish than KDE does.03:52
fbc_Yeah, it is a bit more familiar.03:52
fbc_I started with Windows 3.1.. Whew.. Almost can't remember what it looks like.03:53
BluesKajone can bloat kde very easily if autoremove and autoclean aren't run periodically03:54
BluesKajyeah , old W 3.1 was my first experience with pcs on the job03:55
BluesKajwe were a bit behind the curve technology-wise03:57
fbc_Yeah, I can almost remember having to instal IPX, NETX for the novell servers that usd to be in fashion at the time. Connecting to BBSes on my 2400 baud modem with Telex(?), and using debug  to low level format my MFM and RLL controller with debug g=c800:5. Boy those were the days.03:57
BluesKajtoo many short forms ...you lost me :)03:58
nova_yeah I tried Ubuntu...never liked gnome..and don't much care for Unity either04:00
fbc_I'm sure there are people here that know what I'm talking about. We can't be all 15 year olds.04:00
nova_yeah I remember those terrible days too04:00
BluesKajdidn't take long to find ljnux/kubuntu after buying a home desktop type pc after retirement and then it became my hobby04:01
BluesKajunity is probly a good desktop if one takes the time to figure out it;s quirks , but Ican't br bothered . KDE is much more straight forward04:03
fbc_I use mine everyday for work. I love being able to do things in linux that just confound the average windows user.04:03
* BluesKaj stares at the KB04:04
fbc_I had someone the other day that was amazed I could connect to an Active Directory Windows share and pull all the files. hehehe04:04
BluesKajwindows is more of a tool for those who don't want to involve themselves in OSs04:05
nova_I'm optimistic that MS will entirely destroy windows and their grasop on desktop PCs04:05
BluesKajandroid is a game changer I think ...doubt we'll ever see anything from it for the desktop tho04:07
fbc_nova_: Yeah, I believe that eventually they will deminish their market share in the personal pc market, but retain corporate marketshare.04:07
nova_not sure id want a pc that works like a phone04:09
fbc_nova_: The PC marketshare will be retained by gamers and warcraft users.04:09
nova_yeah the gaming industry is goign to kill that though04:10
ToPhEr0613thats called windows 8...(stay away) Thats what caused me to switch to linux completely04:10
nova_I stopped play wow...no one plays..you can't fill raids..the peopel that do play are SO BAD most of the time04:11
ToPhEr0613gamesare for xbox or ps pc's do work and require knowledge04:11
nova_on linux?04:11
nova_I'm hoping Steam for linux does well04:12
BluesKajmanaged to get extfsd to work on W7 with read/write access04:14
ToPhEr0613this will help you fix everything!   http://nedmartin.org/v3/amused/engineering-flowchart04:14
fbc_nova_: I stopped playing a while ago, but I'm thinking of getting back into it. My kids are starting to want to be with friends more.04:14
fbc_nova_: Yeah steam really ticked off Richard Stallman. I really don't get his issue with it. I think more people jumping on the linux band wagon is good.04:15
BluesKajI mean access to the liinux partitions on this pc04:15
fbc_BluesKaj:  You mean EXT3/4 right?04:16
valorierichard stallman is about GNU, not linux as such04:17
BluesKajno EXTFSD, fbc_ o...it works with ext4 if you use the force read/write option04:17
ToPhEr0613anyone ever hear anymore on the unix linux lawsuit??what ever happened?04:18
BluesKajToPhEr0613,  never heard a thing about that04:18
fbc_ToPhEr0613: Nope I haven't.04:19
fbc_ToPhEr0613: The last one I heard about ws this one: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/technology/2011/04/google-loses-linux-patent-lawsuit-implications-for-android.html04:19
ToPhEr0613unix was suing linux for using unix code..is that cleared up?04:20
fbc_ToPhEr0613: Who owns the rights to unix now? SCO? Did ATT labs sell it?04:20
ToPhEr0613i thought it was sco04:21
audiowhats the trick to installing xp on my 2nd HD with kubu raring on first? i formatted 2nd to ntfs. and the installer still wouldnt take it04:22
nova_how can one sue linux...does someone run "linux"?04:22
valorieI thought sco was dead in all but name04:22
ToPhEr0613last i heard!04:22
fbc_audio: You will need to make a grub entry.04:22
nova_oh like redhat04:22
audiofbc_ well i'm not really worried about booting win .. it just won't install, and never ran into this before04:23
ToPhEr0613audio: just use virtualbox04:23
audiohm, i'll give that a shot , thx04:24
fbc_ToPhEr0613: Yeah, that's going to affect redhat and such. I don't think it will affect our community.04:24
nova_did you partition and format with the xp installer?04:24
audioi did04:24
audioand also tried with gpart04:24
nova_hdd or ssd?04:25
audioit still didn't meet wins requirements for some reason04:25
ToPhEr0613hope not , cause i have no intentions of giving up kubuntu04:25
nova_or ide?04:25
nova_configured in bios as such too?04:26
audioive had win 8 and kubu, win 7.. just can't get xp to work04:26
nova_yeah i cant imagine why...ive had tons of issues with te 7 installer but not xp04:26
audioi tried with a default boot partition , ive tried with whole disk.. i donno04:26
audioya exactly04:26
nova_it formats ok but fails when copying?04:26
audiolol.. never had this one before04:26
fbc_Anyone having problems with 13.04? I'm still on LTS and I'm considering going to 13.04. Any problems?04:26
audionope, all is successful04:26
audioso it says04:26
nova_could it be the media?04:26
BluesKajWindows likes to be the first OS on amy HDD , because it looks to install mbr on the first 512bytes  on the hdd04:27
audioit just gets to the option to pick the partition i want04:27
ToPhEr0613as far as I can see it runs perfect on all my pc's, now I they need to rrelease a vversion for tablet and smartphone to the public04:27
BluesKajusually on /dev/sda04:27
audioit says its good to go, but when i hit next it says doesnt meet the requirements04:27
audiobut it's plenty big enough,, it says it only needs 17k or so04:27
audioim tryin 150g04:27
nova_yeah xp isnt very big04:28
audionah the disk is fine.. its a legit copy..  works on my desktop04:28
audioand the hd im adding to is empty04:28
audiodon't make no sense ;\04:28
nova_well empty..but theres a MBR on it right?04:28
audioi meant no other os04:28
BluesKajjust put Windows on the first partition and you should be ok04:29
nova_i know in the past ive put linux on a drive...and had a hell of a time tryign to get windows to accept its use afterwards04:29
audioyea but even without an MBR on a drive.. it should still install fine04:29
audiothats just booting it afterwards04:29
audioi had a nice lesson with that on efi n dual booting win 8 awhile back lol04:30
audiotwas fun04:30
fbc_Anyone having problems with 13.04? I'm still on LTS and I'm considering going to 13.04. Any problems?04:30
audionone that i've ran into..04:30
fbc_I might do the release upgrade tonight then.04:31
BluesKajfbc_, 13.04 is running fine here , finally04:31
nova_there was a problem with the plasma panels..something bad happened with the default bar at the bottom04:31
audioi'd do a fresh install , but thats just me04:31
nova_i didnt notice as mine is on the left side04:31
nova_thats what i heard anyway.....no problems with 13.04 here04:32
nova_and i did a dist upgrade and it went ok04:32
nova_audio: im wondering if windows wants the mbr and boot secotrs and what not to look right ebfore itll install04:33
audiopossible.. i'm trying to look up default partition requirements now04:33
BluesKajI'm actually on 13.10 atm ,and theonly issue I have is FF freezing the odd time04:34
BluesKajkeeping the 13,04 install as my fallback of course04:35
ToPhEr0613oooh the saucy salamander04:35
audioyou have your drivers installed?04:35
ToPhEr0613alot of changes?04:36
nova_audio: is the disk youre installing to setup as the boot disk?04:36
BluesKajnot too mkuch yet , but's early days still04:36
fbc_I was gonna use 13.10 because 13.04 did not have a amd64+mac installer.04:36
nova_in bios04:37
ToPhEr0613they need to add features so you can attach files from a network drive and save to a network drive04:37
nova_also..speakign of drivers....xp didnt include sata drivers04:37
nova_did you press f8 to insert your floppy disk04:38
audioi did not04:38
nova_do you have a floppy drive04:38
audioright after the license agree screenr ight?04:38
audiolaptop xD04:38
nova_you need to grab nlite and slipstream an install disk with sata drivers04:38
nova_its not hard04:38
audiooutta disks04:39
nova_head the to pc manufacturers site and look for sata drivers, specifically the...i think its F6 floppy actually04:39
nova_slipstream it to a bootbale usb driver perhaps04:39
audioi think i got a vista disk floatin around here somewhere04:39
audiobut im not gonna install it04:40
audiogonna use the disk xD04:40
nova_once you have the f6 floppy drivers..you use nlite to make a copy of the xp install disk..you tell it about the drivers..set whatever options you like and tell it to make an iso04:40
nova_i assume you can drop that iso on a fat32 formatted usb drive04:41
nova_and boot from it04:41
nova_though there might be more to doing that04:41
nova_the alternative is set the HD controller to IDE mode in bios and lose performance04:41
nova_you could also use this method to test to see if the drivers is indeed the problem04:42
nova_nlite = win though04:42
nova_you can slip in any other drives you want too..latest nvidia drivers..whatever04:42
audioeven for linux?04:42
nova_no nlite is specifically for xp04:43
audioah ok04:43
nova_not sure if it has to be run on xp to make a disk or not04:43
nova_probably any windows04:43
audioi gotta make an iso off this disk04:43
audiohey what do ya know04:44
audiothis lil readme / instructions on here says sata ready04:45
audioit has both 32 n 64 also04:45
nova_oh on the installer?04:45
nova_xp disk i mean04:45
nova_its not one of those terrible "black edition" releases is it?04:46
audiopc store's burnt disk04:46
audiohas boot repair n shit too04:46
audiooops "crap*04:46
FloodBotK1audio: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:46
nova_OH NOW YOU DID IT04:46
nova_so its a legit retail style copy?04:47
nova_ok then...install virtualbox or vmware for linux..install an XP virtual machine..good time to verify the media does work..use said VM to install nlite and create your own custom xp disk04:48
ToPhEr0613ubcd might help out04:48
nova_there is some generic sata drivers i think..but i know they didnt help me any when isntalling windows 7...i had to use a f floppy driver even on 704:49
nova_f6 floppy*04:49
audioi've never had that prob04:49
nova_so whatever has been slipped into your still might not be good enough04:49
nova_yeah 7 has given me lots of trouble04:50
nova_it didnt like my new ssd right out of the box..until i booted off another drive and repartitioned it and reformatted it04:50
audiooh ya04:51
ToPhEr0613nova was this a bare bones build system? most manufacturers are using a hidden boot partition for emergency rrecovery04:51
nova_like i said easy way to verify that its a sata driver issue is to switch the controller to IDE mode in the bios temporarily04:51
nova_yeah custom built04:51
nova_brand new sandisk ssd04:51
audiobrb ima try installin04:52
ToPhEr0613and xp runs on ssd? never tried jus wondeerring04:56
nova_it should though its not optimized for how ssd words04:59
nova_i wouldnt recommend it04:59
nova_you would have to make sure to disable prefetching and defragging and whatever else kills a ssd04:59
ToPhEr0613i wouldnt attempt it xp is outdated...fine for virtualbox but as a side by side install?05:00
ToPhEr0613then again microsoft would have to pay me to use their os now!05:01
nova_im not sold on this ssd thing anyway...random acces is stellar but sequential reads are slower than my fake raid 005:01
nova_i run 7 with vmware running kubuntu05:02
nova_overall i like 7..but it has its quirks05:02
ToPhEr0613xp in vpc ( i rarely use it though ...for phone roms)05:02
nova_the free xp mode?05:03
ToPhEr06137 was ok 8 disappointed me...wasted my $ then switched to kubuntu05:03
nova_yeah im not going near 8..sounds like a disaster05:03
ToPhEr0613it is05:03
nova_but ms has a pattern05:03
ToPhEr0613its a cellphone os05:04
nova_windows millenium, vista, now 805:04
nova_they screw up in between good releases05:04
ToPhEr0613yep maybe next version will be ok05:04
nova_just sit on 7 for 8-10 years like you did xp05:04
ToPhEr0613thats why all these companies are just now getting off xp and going to 705:05
nova_they probably still sell XP05:05
nova_and hate that they do05:05
ToPhEr0613i still get updates on vpc05:05
nova_yeah until 201405:05
smartboyhwnova_: That's why I switched to Ubuntu/Kubuntu. 8 is a conplete crap05:06
ToPhEr0613i thought they stopped supporting xp?05:06
smartboyhwToPhEr0613: Soon, March/April 201405:06
smartboyhw8th April, 2014: End of Windows XP05:07
nova_i tried that xp mode vpc thing....its such a dinosaur....then i found you can jsut install xpmode without vpc and then import it into vmware....works like a champ now05:07
nova_vbox probably does the same thing05:08
ToPhEr0613im not licensed for vmware...if its free its for me05:08
nova_vmware is free05:08
nova_vmware player05:08
nova_confusing a bit because it used to only "play" a vm not create one..but now it does both05:09
ToPhEr0613o i was looking at the vmware desktop client on their site...was a trial05:09
nova_vmware workstation is their premium version...its a bit different05:09
nova_but player does quite a bit and is free05:09
ToPhEr0613looking for it now05:09
nova_ive used both..i decided i liked vmware more than vbox05:10
nova_it had alot to do with the drivers supporting opengl05:10
ToPhEr0613gotta  love that its always opengl junk05:10
nova_without opengl you lose alot of the kde eyecandy05:12
nova_if my windows dont wobble im taking my ball and going home05:12
ToPhEr0613i know but its always an issue with opengl05:13
nova_yeah..i think now both vbox and vmware have it fixed on their end05:13
nova_kde 4.10 screwed it up again..but theres a way to foce it back on05:13
nova_by setting an environment variable05:13
nova_here's how to get "xp mode" working in vmware http://blog.zeltser.com/post/15781390680/windows-xp-mode-for-vmware-virtualization.05:16
nova_the example is vmware workstation but the principles are the same05:17
valoriefolks, can we keep the discussion here on kubuntu?05:18
nova_sorry we drifed from kubuntu05:18
valorieyou are welcome to discuss windows etc. on #kubuntu-offtopic05:18
nova_if it helps we were discussing how much cooler kubuntu is than windows : D05:19
AudioFound the serv n chan first time on phone lol05:19
AudioXps installin ;D05:19
AudioFound there drivers in the cd nova05:20
nova_oh cool05:20
AudioOh well ofc05:23
nova_so i had a question hours ago..about kubuntu even.  I was screwing around again and i used muon package manager to remove "residual configurations", which sounded like leftover junk I didnt need.  one of the things removed was "kde-workstation-randr"...i recently dist upgraded from 12.10 and it makes sense that randr wouldnt be necessary now as theres a new "kscreen" doodad.  Yet somehow I screwed up my ability to enable a05:23
nova_second monitor with vmware05:23
AudioIm only installing to Fox some nvidia drivrr probs on this monster lap top05:24
AudioNo clue about vm nevrr use out05:24
nova_I've managed to restore the ability to enable a second monitor as it existed in 12.10..which wasnt ideal as it pops up a windows asking me if i want to configure stuff.05:24
AudioI dual n tri monitor on kde tho05:25
nova_this would be equal to plugging in or unplugging a monitor05:25
nova_kscreen was supposedly added to make it seamless and easy05:25
AudioKde was the only distro I could ever get true dual monitors with diff desktops n multi panels on stable05:26
AudioOn top of that was using nouveou drivers05:26
nova_i think it was working out after the dist upgrade...I only noticed it having problems after removing randr completely05:26
AudioWas dope05:26
smartboyhwAudio: Kde is a desktop environment, not a distro. Kubuntu is a distro05:27
valorieyou might try running kde-jockey and see what is available to you05:27
AudioYa I gave up on up upgrades long ago.. always clean install 4 me05:27
valorieKDE is actually a community which makes the software05:27
AudioYa u know embassy I meant.. I'm on a phone and smoking some amazing hash. Forgive me05:28
nova_i dont think my problem is a driver problem...as it is a VM..but i did try both vmware proprietary drivers and open-vm-tools from the ubuntu servers05:29
Audio68 percent woot05:30
nova_i know kscreen is a bit new05:30
AudioYa its def not driver related05:30
AudioIts you deleting stuff xD05:30
nova_ive tried remving ranr and installing kscreen..installing both...removing both...05:30
nova_yeah im sure it was me being reckless05:30
AudioHave you tried fresh install?05:31
nova_but comeon..."residual configuration"...its even sounds grimey05:31
AudioIma have to crash course myself in using vm.. never had A reason to05:32
nova_im pretty sure a fresh install would fix it..but id have so many other things to tweak to get back to where i am05:32
nova_just jump in and try it..youll like it05:32
AudioCopy ur home settings folders05:33
nova_using both 7 and kubuntu on the same pc at the same time..sharing folders and files no problem...using either monitor..or both monitors05:33
nova_copy and paste works between oses05:33
AudioYa I got droid air and quite a few comp s05:34
nova_you can run all your comps on one comp at the same time : D05:35
AudioS beam man05:35
AudioI can slkide or Swype a file or what ever from one monitor top the other and wala05:36
AudioBut ya I wanna play with it anyway05:37
AudioSounds good if ur not on a network05:37
nova_i had messed with linux on and off for many years..but when i discovered virtualization I realized I can actually use linux and its not a pain05:38
nova_what do you mean if youre not on a network05:38
AudioWell all mine n wifeys computers ate all shared thru out network05:39
AudioSo if I wanna share or send files I just click/send to name05:40
AudioShare screens.. stream w/e05:40
nova_i recall seeing something like that...but it relies on netwrok transmissions to send the screen from pc to pc right?...like VNC or a remote control program05:41
AudioKinda.. and some times05:41
AudioI can share that way.. go google android air and kies air05:42
AudioAirdroid I mean05:43
AudioIts also set up like s cloud/ server.. I can be in town at the bar or some thing and access my pcs05:44
AudioAnd stream musoc from home.. or share n take videos n pixs05:45
ToPhEr0613Audio I just setup a 3tb nas that works thaat way05:45
ToPhEr0613take a pic and it will auto upload05:45
AudioYa.. if im in my house or close it uses blutooth kinda..05:46
AudioMakes xfering a lil faster05:47
ToPhEr0613hp officejet printers work similar to that too hpeprint05:47
AudioWe had a few old school gate ways and just turned them into a big server05:47
AudioYa same thing05:47
nova_the last mobile phone I owned was a StarTak : /05:47
AudioGalaxy s3 n htc one here05:48
ToPhEr0613same here audio05:48
AudioLove my s305:48
valorieagain: #kubuntu-offtopic please05:49
ToPhEr0613yep did you mood it05:49
AudioIm shovin the wide thru an eclipse n java crash course for droid dev05:49
AudioRoot ya05:50
AudioSry val05:50
AudioNice install was successful.. ty for the driver reminder nova05:51
valoriedon't be sorry; move the conversation05:51
punit9462_hey...is it possible to have ubuntu/kubuntu on samsubg galaxy ace  ? ...05:51
valoriepunit9462_: we're working on phones and tablets05:52
nova_theres an ubuntu for android in the works05:52
AudioTheir still workin on the os05:52
valorietesters and developers welcome05:52
valoriesee #plasma-active for the KDE bits05:52
valorieand #kubuntu-devel for getting kub on devices05:53
AudioHope does that kde on win 8 coming along val?05:53
AudioId it stable yet05:53
ToPhEr0613waas asking about that before val, I saw it on the page, will it be open to hoome users and will we need root access05:53
valoriethat I don't know05:53
valorieI just know where the experts and testers hang out05:53
AudioI'm edition on my s4 to arrive .. then I'll test n help out05:54
AudioHeh lucky u05:54
AudioWaiting +05:55
ToPhEr0613anyone know if netflix or hhulu supports kubuntu?05:55
nova_hulu works...05:56
AudioHulu desktop n tv?05:56
ToPhEr0613hulu plus?05:56
nova_though there are some drm issues with a couple shows that i know of05:56
valoriehmmm, I thought there was a kde-win channel, but I guess not05:56
AudioDisnt they stop supporting desktop ?05:56
ToPhEr0613i have the hulu plugin for xbmc05:56
AudioO nice05:57
nova_I just use the site itself05:57
ToPhEr0613but its not the plus plugin05:57
AudioIm always breakin my xmbc lol05:57
ToPhEr0613lol that needs fixing, xbmc is slow in kubuntu 1305:58
AudioYa.. and I switch from touch screen to non and their themes are one or the other05:58
AudioSo it tends to mess up on me05:59
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AudioI keep veerin off topic my bad06:00
AudioI'm a go get a drink I'll be back06:01
nova_you have to add "in kubuntu" to the and of everything..just like you add "in bed" to the end of every fortune cookie fortune, in kubuntu.06:01
AudioCrap. Whats ghe grub update cmd06:05
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub206:05
AudioAudio update-grub o06:05
ToPhEr0613wow look it's chuck norris...in kubuntu06:11
valoriehe needs some duct tape06:12
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ToPhEr0613..watching traffic..in kubuntu06:15
AudioDang forgot how xp ran with 8gb tam lol06:26
ToPhEr0613audio ur gonna get scolded iin kubuntu06:27
AudioIm on kubuntu lol06:27
valorienot scolding, just asking to keep this to kubuntu support06:27
AudioThey was  just helpin me dual boot xd06:27
valoriewe have #kubuntu-offtopic for everything else06:27
ToPhEr0613im dual booted to offtopic in kubuntu06:28
AudioWhat's thr chan name06:31
ToPhEr0613Kubuntu Off-Topic06:32
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nova_join #kubuntu-offtopic06:37
nova_how do i join another channel06:37
audio_fmim in there06:38
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dishantphi, i have a doubt related to inheritance in c++!09:56
dishantp, i want to access an object of ,say class1 defined in class 2, from class 3, any way to do it?09:56
tsimpsondishantp: ##c++ is a better place to ask10:05
dishantpi know, c++ redirects me to ##overflow10:05
tsimpsonyou need to be registered and identified with NickServ to join it10:06
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode10:06
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ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode10:08
bazhang /join #freenode dishantp10:09
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Whiskey`Wonkawxl: if i run muon in cli, i get this error QDBusConnection: session D-Bus connection created before QCoreApplication. Application may misbehave.12:49
bassehi, i am running Raring, and i have laptop with external monitor plugged into it. so it's dual monitor setup. i've set the big external monitor as "primary" because i want programs to pop into that primarily ..12:52
basseproblem is, next time i boot the computer without the monitor plugged in, after login the laptop goes black. as if "only one monitor detected, let's use what is set as primary". .12:53
bassecan this be? or do i have something wronly set.12:53
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
Whiskey`Wonkabasse: yea that can happen. shouldnt but does. try your monitor switch buttons (Fn + F5 often but check for your laptops)13:04
basseWhiskey`Wonka: i tried.. everything13:14
Whiskey`Wonkabasse: then you will need to remember to reconfigure every time13:15
basseWhiskey`Wonka: sadly i only managed to log into kde after getting to home to my extra monitor.. this used to work just fine before, it's new behavior.. but i just have to live with it for now.. so i set laptops display as primary for now13:15
Whiskey`Wonkaim trying to remember if i have had that issue but i always keep my laptop as primary13:16
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basseWhiskey`Wonka: well i have these extra sessions thingys now that i'm working with.. so in log in i don't choose "plasma desktop" but i have "dual setup" and "single setup" just incase..13:16
bassei managed the day at work with fluxbox.. but you know.. it's not the same :)13:17
fbc_Hi guys how can I remove the transparent back ground on my calendar? I recently upgraded to 13.04.  Can't seem to locate where to remove this.14:14
BluesKajHiyas all14:34
lordievaderGood afternoon15:12
zebedee__afternoon all15:14
lordievaderHey zebedee__, how are you?15:14
zebedee__I am good thank you for asking15:14
zebedee__hope your well too15:14
lordievaderzebedee__: I am doing good :)15:15
zebedee__glad to hear it15:15
zebedee__just going through my usual weekend punishment of learnig linux - lol15:15
lordievaderLearning Linux ain't punishment, it is fun :)15:16
zebedee__lol depends on your outlook - I just get frustrated  but keep coming back15:16
zebedee__but the good news is kubuntu seems to have now cracked my three screen problem15:17
lordievaderzebedee__: With what are you having problems?15:17
zebedee__all I need to do now is get the change permanent15:17
zebedee__using xrandr I have set vga2 to be 1920x120015:18
zebedee__but each time I log in I have to redo it15:18
zebedee__reading through the forums (and not speaking geek well enough) I just get lost and nothing seems to apply to my setup when I go looking round the directories15:19
lordievaderzebedee__: Going through the SystemSettings program doesn't work?15:19
zebedee__no because when I first start kubuntu it does not know my TV/Monitor can display such a high resolution15:20
zebedee__and I get given 1204x76815:20
lordievaderzebedee__: Thats an odd resolution. Anyhow what video-card are you using?15:20
zebedee__1st screen is fine at 1920x1080  2nd screen is fine at 1680x1050  they both run off my nvidia card fitted in a slot   tv/monitor runs off onboard intel chip15:22
lordievaderzebedee__: Ah yes that is quite tricky. What you could do is put the xrandr commands in a script and let that script run when you login to your KDE desktop.15:23
zebedee__and yet I cant find a simple tutorial to show me that15:23
zebedee__I know the xrand r commands to run15:23
lordievaderzebedee__: Could you pastebin those for me?15:25
lordievader!paste | zebedee__15:25
ubottuzebedee__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:25
zebedee__ok two ticks please15:27
zebedee__http://paste.ubuntu.com/5632557/  << I think I did it right15:28
zebedee__http://paste.ubuntu.com/5632565/  <<<< and that is xrandr  output15:30
lordievaderHaven't done xrandr in a while, but your missing the line where you set your tv to the resolution.15:30
zebedee__its the --addmode vga 2 line15:31
zebedee__that bit makes it work15:31
zebedee__--newmode tell it screen res to use15:32
lordievaderzebedee__: This script should setup your tv/monitor correctly. Add it to the login scripts I'd say: http://paste.kde.org/737606/15:35
zebedee__thank you for the info lordievader - I will now go and read up how to do that :D15:36
zebedee__its the one think I love about kubuntu - the community is awesome15:37
zebedee__its one of the things - lol15:37
lordievaderzebedee__: Systemsettings -> Startup and Shutdown15:37
zebedee__there are plenty more :)15:37
zebedee__ok - lets see if I did it right - back soon I hope :)15:39
rosco_ywhenever I access one of my hard drives, it goes to sleep and one CPU 1 pegs up to 100%, does anyone know what is happening here?15:54
rosco_yI'm using LTS, and it feels like this happened after the most recent kernel  updates15:55
rosco_yI don't know what they were15:55
rosco_yand I'm only guessing15:55
rosco_ythere are two kworkers,  kworker/0:1 and kworker/1:0, in the Process Table whos CPU % (in System Monitor) reports "disk sleep"16:00
rosco_yIt happens even when I do an find . or a du on it16:00
zebedee|2Hi Lordievader16:04
zebedee|2I am back but not on kubuntu16:04
zebedee|2the script worked great - thank you16:04
zebedee|2but I was having problems with usb  mouse would not work16:04
rosco_ydoes anyone know what "kworker" is?16:04
zebedee|2so I could not click in this screen to type16:04
zebedee|2annoyingly all usb working fine here16:05
lordievaderzebedee|2: Welcome back, is that related to a wrong placement of desktops?16:05
zebedee|2not that I was aware of - none oe the use hubs lit up and whilst keyboard worked - plugged into main machine - mouse did not16:06
zebedee|2good excuse to buy new usb hub   these ones are 7/8 years old now16:07
lordievaderzebedee|2: Ah yes that does point in the direction of the hub ;)16:10
zebedee|2but the screen worked superb - thank you16:11
lordievaderzebedee|2: No problem, glad I could help.16:11
zebedee|2and it must be intermittent problem as working fine now here in the W place16:11
zebedee|2will have a nother session tomorrow - thanks again16:12
lordievaderzebedee|2: :)16:12
zebedee|2bye for now16:12
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RamchandraAptehello, sound isn't working (it's using dummy output). (I think a restart might fix it but I want to fix the root of the problem) alsamixer says cannot open mixer: no such file or directory16:25
RamchandraApte(when I run alsamixer, it outputs "cannot open mixer: no such file or directory")16:25
=== bastien_ is now known as NePk_
anonymityhey guys i need your help ... i installed kubuntu 13.04 on my notebook i just bought ... so everything is working except sound on my inbuild boxes16:39
NePk_I've a problem too, I can't execute .sh files, it executes with "gedit".16:42
NePk_But yesterday, i could16:42
anonymityopen it in a terminal and type sh ./whatever.sh   for example16:43
NePk_I can't16:43
NePk_I've already do it. It isn't work. (Sorry for my english, i'm french).16:44
anonymityok is the file set   chmod u+x  ?16:45
anonymityis the first line simliar to #!/bin/bash ?16:45
NePk_Yes, and yes16:46
anonymitywhat have u changes since yesterday?16:47
anonymitytried to execute it as root ?16:47
NePk_I've installed Ubuntu 13.04 and PlayOnLinux (wine).16:48
anonymitytype  the word bash into a terminal  and then try again to execute16:49
yahyaajust installed Evolution, and for some reason it wont connect to my gmail account16:49
anonymitywhat does your terminal say ?16:49
yahyaacan someone help please16:49
NePk_bash: ./home/bastien/Bureau/monfichier.sh: Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type16:50
NePk_Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type = Any files found16:50
Artakhanot ./home16:50
Artakha./home would imply a directory named home in the current directory16:51
NePk_ah !16:51
anonymityyes :)16:51
NePk_if i just write /home/bastien/Bureau/monfichier.sh16:51
NePk_nothing happens16:52
NePk_but if i write '/home/bastien/Bureau/monfichier.sh'16:52
NePk_monfichier.sh is launch on gedit.16:53
Artakhathen it probably executed and printed nothing16:53
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Artakhafurther you shouldn't enclose commands with quotes anyway, and finally, you said you installed ubuntu 13.04, did you install kde on it or should you be using #ubuntu instead?16:54
NePk_I was on Ubuntu 12.10, and I accept the update to 13.0416:56
NePk_If i17:25
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anonymityhi guys :)  i bought a dell r17 se  some days ago and well .. sound was not working @ all .. because of several config changes in /etc/modprobe.d/*  files  and /etc/pulse/* files i could at least make the subwoofer work ... can anyone tell me how to make the frontboxes work too ?17:47
=== FReaper-PC is now known as FlameReaper-PC
pillarI need help18:43
pillarI have a tar ball to install driver using ubuntu 12 and don't know what to do18:44
pillarfirst time here18:45
andresrtmsame for me18:45
andresrtmi'm exploring and maybe can resolving questions18:46
BluesKajpillar, why a tarball ?18:53
BluesKajpillar, where did the driver come from ?18:54
BluesKajpillar, check the kmenu>apps>system>additional drivers for installing the recommended driver for your kubuntu version18:56
pillarusing ubuntu 12.04 am I in wrong channel19:00
anonymityhi everyone ... i have some serious problems with my soundoutput on dell r17  .. well i first i had no sound at all over the inbuild soundboxes and after some configuring with snd-intel modell=alc269-dmic    and some other stuff i got the subwoofer working19:00
anonymitybut the front speakers arent working19:00
anonymitycan anyone help me pls19:01
anonymitydont wanna go back to windows :D19:01
BluesKajpillar, this is the right channel for kubuntu support of all versions19:01
BluesKajanonymity, did you run, sudo modprobe snd-hda-intel , in the terminal19:03
pillarany idea what I need to do to install  HD100C_12.10.tar.gz19:03
BluesKajpillar, first of all what is that driver for, graphics card or ?19:04
anonymityBluesKaj   modprobe says nothing19:08
BluesKaj anonymity , good that means the driver/ module loaded prperly19:09
anonymityBluesKaj  do you have a clue what i could do about it ?19:11
BluesKajopen alsamixer and turn all nthe output ctls up to at least 90%19:12
anonymitydid it19:12
BluesKajanonymity, what output are you using to feed your speaker system in system settings>multimedia>phonon>device preference19:16
BluesKajuse the test button to check which soundcard settings work19:17
BluesKajoutput settings that is'19:17
anonymitydue to my changes on the configs i use simultaneous output to internes Audio Analog Stereo19:18
anonymityit works for the subwoofer19:18
anonymityall other devices dont work19:18
BluesKajpillar, install unp , then do unp /path/to tarball file  in the terminal19:19
BluesKajanonymity, which configs .../etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.conf ?19:20
anonymityi added options snd-hda-intel model=alc269-dmic    and  options snd-hda-intel model=ref19:22
anonymitywell im not really sure if those are the ones i need , at least they got the subwoofer working properly19:22
anonymityi tried   model=dell    aswell  but no soundoutput with that19:23
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BluesKajanonymity, the first setting is for a microphone input , the second isn't proven to work , try changing it to , options snd-hda-intel index=0 , to make the soundcard default for all devices19:24
anonymitychange model=ref    to index=0 ?19:32
anonymityok i test that and i will come back soon19:34
BluesKajpillar, install unp , then do unp /path/to tarball file  in the terminal19:39
pillarplease explain unp19:40
BluesKajunp extracts mostr compressed files like tarballs etc19:41
anonymityok nothing changed :)19:41
pillari just found the unp cmd line19:41
BluesKajanonymity, how are you speakers connected to the soiund card ?19:42
anonymitywhat do you mean by that ? they are inbuild speakers19:42
BluesKajoh a laptop19:43
pillardoes unp do the same as winrar19:43
BluesKajanonymity, did you try the phonon settings again ?19:44
pillarI have a folsed19:45
BluesKajalso , anonymity , install pavucontrol , it helps make you sound output settings stick19:45
pillarnamed XI100XE19:46
pillarno what19:47
BluesKajpillar, ok look for a file that ends in  .run19:47
BluesKajfile extension  .run19:47
pillarin the XI100XE folder are three folders  Bin, include, Source19:47
pillarwhere do I look19:48
BluesKajpillar the .bin file is the install file for the driver , is there a readme file ?19:49
anonymityhmm well i guess i need to try more thinks.... thank u BluesKaj so far :)19:50
pillarin the "include" folder are 3 more folders common Drivers OSAbstract19:50
pillar5 files ending in .o19:50
pillarin the source folder their are 3 folders and a Makefile file19:52
pillarDIRS = OSAbstract 19:53
pillarfor d in $(DIRS); do (echo Building $$d; cd $$d; $(MAKE) all; cd .. ); done19:53
BluesKajpillar , open a terminal , chmod +x nameoffile.bin , then, ./nameoffile.bin ..the fist command is to make it executable , the second should install it19:54
pillarI will try19:54
BluesKajthe terminal has to be in the file location path19:55
sithlord48im currenly upgrading from 9.10->13.04 on a 600Mhz athlon w/ 192MB of ram.. can't wait to see if kde4.10 runs better.19:59
pillarthe name of the extracted tar ball is XI100XE in that folder are Bin  include Source is the correct command  chmod +x XI100XE.bin  ?20:00
BluesKajsithlord48, doubt it , not enough memory20:00
sithlord48BluesKaj: oh yea it should be fun.20:00
BluesKajpillar, yes20:01
BluesKajpillar, then ./XI100XE.bin20:01
pillar chmod +x XI100XE.bin resulted in chmod: cannot access `XI100XE.bin': No such file or directory20:02
BluesKajpillar you have to cd to the file location folder20:02
pillarI thought I was in it20:03
BluesKajor open a terminal in the file location20:03
BluesKajthe default location in terminal prrompt is /home/user20:04
pillarin the gui?20:04
pillarwhat I do because I am new to this is drag the bin folder into a terminal window and it shows me the path20:05
BluesKajright click where folder is located , choose actions >open terminal here20:05
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pillarno actions20:07
pillarterninal in gary@UB-Linux:~/Downloads/XI100XE/Bin$20:08
BluesKajyes , now, ./XI100XE.bin20:09
pillarnot working20:11
BluesKajwhich means?20:12
pillarchmod +x XI100XE.bin resulted in chmod: cannot access `XI100XE.bin': No such file or directory20:12
anonymityBluesKaj  im back again :) ....  setting   snd-hdn-intel index=0  instead of  model=ref  mutes subwoofer  = no sound at all20:13
BluesKajpillar, did you run that in the folder terminal ?20:14
pillari am in /home/gary/Downloads/XI100XE20:14
pillarthe ls command displays  Bin, Include, Source folders20:14
pillarcd Bin20:14
BluesKajanonymity, did you set you your soundard output devices in phonon yet?20:15
BluesKajand pavucontrol ?20:16
anonymityset everything to high  and tested it ... subwoofer works fine20:17
BluesKajwhat's everything/ where ,20:17
anonymity@ pavucontrol  every speaker is set to max volume20:18
pillarit is not working20:19
BluesKajsorry anonymity you have to tell exactly what settings , "everything" means nothing to me20:19
pillargary@UB-Linux:~$ cd /home/gary/Downloads/XI100XE20:19
pillargary@UB-Linux:~/Downloads/XI100XE$ ls20:19
pillarBin  Include  Source20:19
pillargary@UB-Linux:~/Downloads/XI100XE$ chmod +x XI100XE.bin20:19
pillarchmod: cannot access `XI100XE.bin': No such file or directory20:19
FloodBotK1pillar: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:19
pillargary@UB-Linux:~/Downloads/XI100XE$ ls20:19
BluesKajpillar, then just look in the XI100XE properties and make the file executable , then run the .//XI100XE,bin file in the terminal as I posted above20:21
BluesKajanon , well i'm out of ideas , do some more research on your particular laptop , most of the ideas I've tried usually work ...reboot after setting pavucontrol usually works20:24
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