
devilboyZeitgeist Datahub is set by default on Lubuntu 13.04 ? I just saw it in Desktop Session Settings.01:01
mijkhey, nub question here: what are the boot options to install in failsafe video mode?01:40
Lubuntenricocan i move the programs icons in the bottom bar?11:15
Lubuntenricoto left and right11:15
Lubuntenricohow to move them?11:15
rayzerhave a quick lubuntu question if anyones around..14:27
Xtremeno one14:31
Xtremei asked a question14:31
Xtremeand i never got reply14:31
rayzerprob bad time of the day so14:32
rayzeri was just wondering is drag and drop disabled in 13.04, was trying to move files from desktop into a folder and nothing happened. only works in pcmanfm14:33
cerebratei need to use multiple key layouts :'s16:19
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josh___Im haveing a problem linux guys.18:45
josh___my mouse click doesnt work sometimes18:45
josh___Anyone here?18:46
TJAvengerHas anyone tried LXLE?19:13
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Lubuntenricohow to move programs icons below ?20:01
Lubuntenricoin the bar20:01
Lubuntenricoleft and right20:02
jivvirahi, which version of lubuntu is suitable for 256 MB RAM, 160 GB HDD PC?20:34
Noskcajjivvira, any, although i recommend you install via the alternate image20:37
jivvirawithout graphical interface?20:39
Noskcajjivvira, yeah, the GUI would work, but it would be a slow install20:39
Lubuntenricogo to a dumping/landfill  and search for old pcs ,and remove ram from computers there20:40
Lubuntenricoand add to your pc20:40
Noskcajdo that20:40
Lubuntenricoi have 4gb ram for lubuntu20:40
Noskcaji even found an XboX and an Asus Xonar DS20:41
jivviraI see. You mean command line installation is better? Ya, I should try to add more memory20:41
Lubuntenricobut also windows 7 in internal hard disk20:41
Noskcajjivvira, the CLI install uses less RAM during the nstall20:41

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