
deneliusi need assistance with a .desktop file exec path, the .sh file is in usr/local bin04:05
deneliusany ideas why this does not work?04:08
ger-bananecan someone help me? i have no start bar15:53
=== Unit193 is now known as TheMaster
mustmodifyJust installed 13.04. On login, screen is having some kind of rendering issue:  https://url.odesk.com/g1toqf21:26
mustmodifyCan someone suggest a channel on which I might find help?21:26
mustmodifyI'm thinking about putting in another graphics card.21:27
mustmodifyputting in a graphics card. Current one is on-board.21:27
JoseeAntonioRmustmodify: maybe #ubuntu can help21:53
daddioiohow hard would it be to turn ubuntu into an ipcop kind of thing?  Impossible?  I guess the hard thing would be figureing out DNS, DHCP etc to manage the network?  I just keep finding thesdfree solutions that always need like 3 more projects to be useful, but you break the whole tool adding the one more package and it cuts off ability to update anything22:33
daddioiogrrr...sorry to vent...just curious22:33
wilee-nileedaddioio, Are you checking the repos for what you need or just randomly installing?22:35
daddioiowell when I try these solutions, they are never ubuntu based.  So, the install process is always something completely different.  One was debian, but just openig the repos in sources and adding new software updated a ton of software in the firewall and basically broke everything there...LOL22:37
daddioioI have not tried to fix using ubuntu as start22:38
wilee-nileedaddioio, I would stick to searching ubuntu repos to begin with, chances are they are there if in debian.22:39
daddioionot sure if I am network guru enough to configure everything. Dns bind really looks scary ;)22:40
wilee-nilee100's of linux distros not all will allow a install from another and just run, in spite of there being little differences22:40
wilee-nileeI know nothing about dns bind, just general advice. ;)22:41
daddioioI may try it.  what ufw or iptables on wanlink.  dhcp server, dns, transparent proxy on lanside?22:42
daddioiowill miss the web control panels though and dashboards....LOL22:43
daddioioive tried pfsense, untangle, endian, and now clearos22:45
daddioiowonder if webmin would help...something to google22:47
daddioioso if ubuntu 12 is sarge, what is 13?22:53
daddioiosaw this on webmin22:54
daddioiothey are useing the debian name for ubuntu22:54

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