
=== jtrucks is now known as jtrucksnode
=== jtrucksnode is now known as jtrucks
ubottuIn #ubuntustudio-devel, smartboyhw said: !testers-ubuntustudio-devel is <reply> That item needs testing! zequence, len-1304, Len-nb, smartboyhw, DarkEra please do some testing!02:09
ubottuIn #ubuntustudio-devel, smartboyhw said: !testers-#ubuntustudio-devel is <reply> That item needs testing! zequence, len-1304, Len-nb, smartboyhw, DarkEra please do some testing!02:10
bazhang"need help ubutnu plz"  yields 5trillion results, did you mean to search for "help ubuntu"?09:49
bazhangit changed some things in kernel??09:58
bazhangtsimpson, he's crossposting that in #ubuntu as well and we informed him to register earlier10:08
bazhanglolipop seems to be extremely ill informed, or just deliberately making things up10:35
bazhang@mark #ubuntu [lolipop] (~joel@ joel   cursing , ill-informed rants/complaints offtopic10:37
ubottuThe operation succeeded.10:37
=== Unit193 is now known as TheMaster
bazhang<phenom> wilee-nilee: I'd appreciate if you would RTFM22:27
bazhangnot seen that for a while22:27

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