
shaunohm, cloud-init isn't doing its magic.  I wonder if it's bedtime yet00:00
redtapeshauno. I seem to spend half my time informing yanks that their youtube videos dont work with /that/ type-a music license on it , over here .  [!! gruff gruff]00:16
shaunomy biggest gripe with youtube is that I get adverts in french.  even when I'm logged in00:19
redtapeshauno: My biggest problem is a flirting lance every month of videos from 'nixie pixel'. who ccould be in an old ipod advert or perhaps one of these : http://bit.ly/17CrxKA00:25
redtapeOT | OK so the question of the night is : If I were to pimp this [ http://bit.ly/18j1Y2L ] out (replacing & upgrading all components incl. 3d printed keyboard etc) with everything modern - except keeping the clam-shell. What components would you use (that fit obviously) to get this up-to , say, a dell-netbook standard ? & don't just say that's comparing apple with i-oranges, because that's not the point.00:37
redtapeOK, goodluck, good-night, and happy spiral dreams !00:37
diddledanI'll just leave that there01:01
brobostigongood morning everyone,08:59
dwatkinsallo allo09:44
brobostigonmorning dwatkins09:47
dwatkinsI have successfully posted a care package to a friend for her birthday, so I can sit back and relax and potter around fixing things at home for the rest of the day now.09:48
dwatkinsOne day, there will be a Star Wars game for Ubuntu that they can put on offer for May the Fourth.09:49
SuperMattso... whose up for a game of l4d2?10:08
dwatkinsyeah, SuperMatt10:18
* dwatkins is 'glymph' on Steam10:19
SuperMattdwatkins: steam://friends/joinchat/103582791434248589 <- click that10:24
dwatkinsmy IRC session is on another machine and it doesn't seem to work in the browser on Win810:28
SuperMattoh right10:28
dwatkinssilly windows10:29
* dwatkins reboots as he's lost his mouse on the first display having alt-tabbed out of the game10:29
SuperMattdoes your picture have a mullet?10:29
dwatkinsno, it's the blue one from Bubble Bobble10:29
SuperMattinvite sent10:29
dwatkinsta, now grub has decided to ruin my day...10:30
dwatkinsthere we go, restarting10:31
dwatkinshooray for not having to use windows10:35
SuperMattI should have said that earlier10:35
dwatkinsno worries, today I learned something awesome :D10:36
dwatkinsSteam appears to be entirely 32-bit.10:37
dwatkinsHopefully this will be fine, it's busy installing stuff now, updating.10:38
SuperMattit will be :)10:38
SuperMattso, you've not upgraded to raring?10:38
dwatkinsnot yet, is it relatively painless?10:38
SuperMattit's the most painless release yet10:38
SuperMattI might move my laptop over to saucy10:39
dwatkinscool, will pencil that in for tomorrow morning10:39
dwatkinsif the wifi driver worked booting from USB, I'd put Ubuntu on my Macbook Pro, I assume there's some kind of licensing thing there.10:39
dwatkinsheh, Steam's progress windows change theme every time10:40
dwatkins<Doc Brown>Eighteen Gigabytes! </Doc Brown>10:41
dwatkins<Doc Brown>Eighteen Gigabytes?!</Doc Brown>10:42
SuperMattis that how big it is?10:42
dwatkinsI appear to be required to wait between 6 and 10 hours to download the beta of l4d2, yes.10:42
SuperMattcripes, yeah it is10:42
dwatkinsAh, it's decreasing as it finds more peers to download from. 2 hours now.10:43
SuperMattright, new plan for my laptop, 5 partitions: raring 32 (for work vpn purposes), saucy 64, arch, magia and finally a partition for any os that I wanna test10:45
dwatkinsyou must reboot a lot ;)10:46
SuperMattmy laptop, yes, because it's not used for anything because messing around10:46
dwatkinsaha cool, I have a netbook that I use for that sort of thing10:46
SuperMattmy desktop is the one machine that I don't upgrade until release10:47
dwatkinsI tend to mostly use my desktop for gaming, so it doesn't make a gigantic difference what it's running.10:47
dwatkinsIt's neat that I can throw a text file at Festival and have it read it out whilst I do other stuff.10:51
SuperMattthat's cool10:52
dwatkinshttp://www.xenocafe.com/tutorials/php/festival_text_to_speech/ for the curious (I didn't follow this, but it might be all you need)10:52
dwatkinsNot sure how you select voices, I changed the config file.10:54
Nafallodwatkins: I tried that with an IRClog back in 2005. didn't work very well ;-)10:54
Nafalloit kept saying < > :-P10:54
dwatkinshaha, yeah - it doesn't do too well with things like that - I'm listening to it read out the history of usenet, and it keeps saying the section numbers like they're part of a sentence.10:58
dwatkinsfor the curious: http://www.columbia.edu/~rh120/ch106.x1011:00
dwatkinsSuperMatt: the game failed to start, so I'm trying an upgrade to Raring.13:51
dwatkinsello popey13:51
dwatkinsI trust all goes well.13:51
popey\o/ home13:51
AlanBello/ popey13:52
dwatkinsWelcome back to the land of semi-skimmed milk and slightly concerned beekepers.13:52
SuperMattdwatkins: D:13:56
popeyalso, no buffalo wings13:58
popeyi had buffalo wings almost every day while out there13:58
MartijnVdSflying buffalo?13:58
* dwatkins notes that xscreensaver has been removed14:00
dwatkinsHow will I get my GLMatrix now? :'(14:00
popey!info xscreensaver14:04
lubotu3xscreensaver (source: xscreensaver): Automatic screensaver for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 5.15-2ubuntu1 (quantal), package size 261 kB, installed size 852 kB14:04
popeythat bot probably should be updated to raring14:04
ali1234unity screen corruption14:11
SuperMattnow x-screensaver has been removed, does that mean that a more thematically consistant unlock screen can be made?14:11
ali1234raring seems to be the worst version yet14:11
ali1234SuperMatt: no, because that was never xscreensaver in the first place14:11
SuperMattI couldn't disagree more14:11
brobostigonnew dr who tonight, bbc1 6.30pm, :)14:11
SuperMattali1234: sure, but I think that x-screensaver was then calling a different library for unlocking14:12
SuperMattor something14:12
dwatkinsfrom what I understood, the unlock screen was simple for security reasons14:12
dwatkinsI'm not bothered about the password entry box, I just want to have GLMatrix as my screensaver :D14:12
ali1234also, in what sense has xscreensaver been removed? it is still in the repositories like always14:15
ali1234it hasn't been installed by default since about 200714:16
dwatkinsoh, I got the impression from the upgrade that it was going to be removed from my system14:18
ali1234probably, upgrading often does weird things14:19
dwatkinsfair enough, I'll have a look assuming the upgrade completes ok second time around14:19
ali1234bug 117634814:19
lubotu3bug 1176348 in unity (Ubuntu) "title bar pop up menus corrupt display" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117634814:19
ali1234may or may not be related to 117405414:20
popeysurely xscreensaver has been unmaintained upstream for _years_ ? http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=xscreensaver14:21
dwatkinsI'll screenshot any further messages about it.14:23
dwatkinsPerhaps because the default is to use gnome-screensaver, it removes xscreensaver when upgrading.14:24
dwatkinsdiscussed in bug 77536914:24
lubotu3bug 775369 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Update manager removes xscreensaver and replaces with gnome-screensaver" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77536914:24
ali12345.2104-Feb-2013 - so unless by upstream you mean "debian"14:26
popeyi thought it was abandoned upstream (not debian). maybe not.14:33
popeydoesn't look heavily maintained14:36
MartijnVdSjwz moved on to mac stuff, didn't he?14:38
popeyyes, and the DNA Lounge14:39
dwatkinsa 24/7 pizza place, nice14:47
dwatkins(next door to the DNA Lounge)14:47
MartijnVdSL4D2 Beta for Linux!15:04
MartijnVdSon Steam15:04
MartijnVdS"Preparing Left 4 Dead 2 Beta files for install..."15:04
dwatkinsIt's a bit of a big download.15:06
MartijnVdSonly 11.5GB15:06
MartijnVdS"Time remaining: 25 minutes"15:06
MartijnVdS\o/ fibre15:06
SuperMatt18... it's 18 gig15:06
MartijnVdSoh.. it's 11 if you have the other HL2 engine stuff installed15:06
SuperMattah right15:06
SuperMattmakes sense15:07
MartijnVdS"5.3 MB/s current rate"15:07
SuperMattI'm so jealous15:07
MartijnVdSSuperMatt: 100/100 fibre, with a gbit media converter (so I can upgrade to 500/500 or 1000/1000 when $ISP allows it)15:08
MartijnVdSSuperMatt: come to the Netherlands, most homes will have this kind of connectivity by 201515:11
MartijnVdSSuperMatt: stating in smaller towns, then later the bigger cities15:11
ali1234how do i hide users from the login screen?15:16
SuperMattin /etc/lightdm/users.conf or something15:16
ali1234no, that is broken15:19
ali1234you have to give them uid < 100015:19
SuperMattthat sucks15:19
SuperMattI had no idea15:19
ali1234then they are "system" accounts15:19
ali1234which is what i actually wanted anyway15:20
MartijnVdShow hard can it be to have tests that make sure things like this don't break?15:20
ali1234it never "broke"15:20
ali1234it's never worked15:20
ali1234i'm now back on gnome-fallback because of the screen corruption and blank windows in unity15:21
=== sam_nazarko is now known as Guest72543
brobostigon3 minute warning, to new dr who, bbc1.17:27
SuperMattI'm already seated and waiting17:27
brobostigon:) beer in hand.17:27
SuperMattI'm off alcohol at the moment17:28
* dwatkins begins streaming17:29
redtapeWhy is doing group calls on skype such a clusterfaq every Weekend ?17:29
zleapdunno,  i take it you mean it isn't working properly17:33
SuperMattI do so love that sontaran17:37
dwatkinshis misunderstandings are the best17:38
shrikhello all17:40
Myrttiredtape: "use Google Hangouts"17:42
brobostigonno spoilers chaps and gals, for those that have to record and not watch now.17:43
SuperMattok, we shan't17:44
SuperMattbut that thing with the chiken was awesome17:44
Myrttiyeah, I'm watching ice hockey *now* (because it's delayed 30mins on youtube already) and Dr. Who later17:45
SuperMattdang, I'm now going to have to watch it later to >.<17:49
SuperMattmy mum's partner has switched the over to golf, and tbh, I wasn't fully paying attention :/17:50
brobostigonoh dear :(17:50
penguin42hmm interesting - 1st time I plugged in the Nook it ID'd as an OMAP, only now after a first boot/register is it showing up as a Nook17:50
SuperMattnm, I'll just download an HD copy tomorrow and watch it on monday17:51
brobostigonget_iplayer :)17:51
SuperMatteztv.it works well for me17:52
* popey grabbed it via get_iplayer last week and watched it on the plane on the way back today17:53
dwatkinshaha, I knew that kid was going to be called that17:54
dwatkinssomething about the way he spoke17:54
popeyno spoilers!18:04
=== GentileBen is now known as D[o]
dwatkinsof course, it was a great episode though.18:15
brobostigonit was good, yes.18:23
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=== D[ is now known as GentileBen
meetI am using ubuntu gnome 13.04. I upgraded the gnome 3.6 to 3.8. But many of the features i listed on the gnome site are missing. for example search settings or clock or even classic mode. How do I get those?18:58
brobostigonmeet: ok, between 3.6 and 3.8 fall back mode was removed, and uses gnome extensions to emulate something more traditional.19:06
meetbrobostigon: but the privacy or search settings and the clock app? those are also not there19:19
brobostigonmeet: i havemt tried 3.8 yet, so cant be of much help, sorry.19:20
brobostigonanyways i run gnome in full mode, not fallback etc, so those things are alittle difefrent.19:21
meetbrobostigon: ya i also don't want the fallback mode. i was just saying that these features are missing19:21
brobostigonmeet: so you dont have clock and date in top-centre? and when you press it, calendar doesnt appear?19:22
brobostigonand or*19:24
meetsome features are there. clock and date are there. In 3.8 they have got something clocked clock app. or the privacy and search settings are provided for what is searched in the overview search.19:24
brobostigonclocked clock app?19:25
meetsorry.. *called clock app19:25
brobostigonmeet: what happens if you reinstall gnome-shell and wipe it settings, does it go back to normal?19:26
meetdid not try that. I mean I am using ubuntu gnome so don't know what will happen if i remove gnome-shell itself19:27
brobostigoni dont see why it shouldnt be a problem, but some inside the upgrade might have screwed the settings, i am wondering what will happen, if you take it back to standard.19:28
meetso do you mean i remove 3.8 and downgrade to 3.6?19:29
brobostigonas long as for example, you remove gdm3 then reboot without a login manager.19:29
brobostigonmeet: no, just reinstall 3.8 and wipe its settings on remove.19:29
brobostigonmeet: so it starts as standard with standard settings.19:30
meetbut if i do apt-get install gnome-shell it says nothing to install or upgrade19:30
brobostigonbecause, that is trying to install something that is already there, and a version that is already there.19:30
brobostigonapt-get purge - then apt-get install19:31
brobostigonmeet: it works here, but please ask other for advice, it can go wrong.19:31
meetbrobostigon: so at the end of purge.. will i have to restart?19:32
brobostigonmeet: dont, as it might remove gdm3, and that will mean if it might throw you into cli on reboot, insted of gui login.19:33
meetok.. and after removing do i add the same ppa?19:33
meetand same packages?19:33
brobostigonmeet: apt-get install gnome-shell. :)19:33
brobostigonmeet: but pleaee hang out, and ask other for their opinion, i have managed to break it several times in many ways.19:34
stevepdphey folks19:46
=== sam_nazarko is now known as Guest49455
penguin42hmph raring's file's what kernel 2.6.32 at least; a bit new to stuff onto a random ARM device, wheezy's armhf is happy with 2.6.2623:35

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