
Mirvthomi: 1.3daily13.05.03ubuntu.unity.next-0ubuntu100:01
thomiMirv: that seems legit00:01
thomiMirv: what are you trying to run?00:01
MirvI must be on the right track.. ssh:d into the nexus4, autopilot run phone_app00:02
Mirv(phablet-test-run from desktop-to-nexus same result)00:02
Mirvpython import error on QtIntrospectionTestMixin00:02
thomiMirv: you need om26er's branch00:06
thomiMirv: which makes the tests compatible with autopilot 1.300:06
thomiMirv: He needs to merge those into trunk ASAP, but he's on a plane, so...00:07
Mirvah, https://code.launchpad.net/~om26er/phone-app/port_autopilot_1.3 and so on00:07
thomithat sounds correct00:07
Mirvgood to bookmark, I can check how to port tests00:08
thomiMirv: right - there's also a porting guide in the autopilot docs, although those are not quite uploaded to unity.ubuntu.com yet, but check out /usr/share/doc/python-autopilot/00:08
Mirvthomi: ok, thanks00:08
thomiMirv: any issues, let me know, although I'll be on a plane soon too00:11
thomiemail, I guess00:11
Mirvthomi: yeah, sleep would be good, I'll investigate later00:14
MirvI started porting a bit by hand just to see what happens00:14
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smspillazslangasek: see my comments on the cherry-pick MR15:38
smspillazit *might* be correct, however the unreverted bits about the staticgravity handling in placement code are not15:39
mzanettiSaviq: around?17:59
maxbHas something changed recently (and by recently I mean post raring release) to cause Unity to start intercepting touchpad triple-click for "open dash" ?21:56
maxbI used to have it set up as a middle click, but somehow its behaviour has changed21:57
maxbBafflingly the behaviour has changed back without me doing anything right now :-/21:58
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