
jrgiffordpaultag, YAY DEBIAN PARTY DAY!13:56
jrgiffordi will celebrate by mowing the lawn, taking down a (dead) small tree, and then coming home and torrenting the latest debian, and seeding until i'm at a 1:6 downloaded:uploaded ratio..13:57
jrgiffordhow is #ubuntu-us-oh celebrating our upstream release? :D13:58
skellatjrgifford: I have no clue.  I was on the phone with the Director at the Ashtabula County Board of Elections getting my marching orders to a new precinct where I will be serving as a substitute poll judge Tuesday.  At least it wasn't night before this time.14:09
skellatWasn't what I expected to wake up to on a Saturday either.14:10
jrgiffordskellat, oh nice!14:29
jrgiffordglad you're serving. :)14:29
jrgiffordbut it's probably a bit of a hike, isn't it?14:29
skellatI have transportation available14:30
skellatSecond election as a poll judge and this is the second precinct I'll be attached to14:30
skellatMy own precinct does not have a live election contest on May 7th so I've got no worries on that front14:30
skellatI just pulled the vitals on the precinct and this one is going to be smaller headcount-wise compared to my last one.  Turnout may not necessarily be that high, either.14:31
skellatTheir ballot will be interesting, though: http://voterfind.tzo.org/ashtabulaoh/data/20130507S/009%20%20%201X.pdf14:32
skellatSo Tuesday I'm going to be effectively unreachable until after 8:30 PM at the utmost earliest14:34
paultagjrgifford: \o/15:22
skellatNo new installments of Burning Circle until May 20th: http://ohio.ubuntu-us.org/node/14616:58
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