
Kilosmorning all, early hey magespawn 06:20
Kiloshows your hotel fix stanfing up06:20
Kilosquick reboot afte upgrading06:36
Kiloshmm... reboots much faster with sudo reboot than via the shutdown way06:40
Kiloshi Cantide everyone else is still sleeping07:05
Kilosor gone shopping07:06
Cantidei'm going shopping soon :)07:08
Cantidegood morning :p07:08
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:24
Vince-0bbl! Ubuntu launch time - I'll get on IRC on the mobile07:32
=== Trix[a]r_za is now known as Trixar_za
Trixar_zaCome on 8ta, show me those wifi locations. I know it's free from the site08:44
KilosTrixar_za, hows your 8ta speed now? mine is much better08:46
Kiloshelps to fone and complain08:46
Trixar_zaYeah mine too08:46
Trixar_zaSince around yesterday08:46
Trixar_zaYou're kidding me08:49
Trixar_zaI'm not IN the block of coverage08:49
Trixar_zaBut if I'm in the middle of Brackenfell, then I am08:50
Trixar_za8ta keeps giving me free wifi data, but I can't use it :/08:54
Trixar_zaWell, at least this is an excuse to go to Cape Gate08:54
Trixar_zaEven if it's just to use Wifi :P08:54
Kilosya that sucks08:54
Kilosive lost a few free 2g ones08:55
georgelappieshi Kilos, how are doing on this Saterday morning? ;)08:58
Kiloshi georgelappies good ty and you?08:59
georgelappiesgood thanks, need to studying but yeah, difficult to get the wheel in motion as they say09:00
Kilosstudy all you can lad. its the rest of your life you are studying for09:02
georgelappiesthanks Kilos, is true what you say, spoken like a sage ;)09:03
Kilosknowledge is power09:04
Kilosremastersys makes a lekker livedvd same as booting from your drive just slower09:45
SymmetriaUllo all10:06
* Symmetria got himself a new phone :)10:06
Kiloshi Symmetria 10:06
Symmetriaheh went and bought an S4 this morning, am happy, coupla hours into it and can already see a noticeable improvement on S3 battery life10:06
Symmetriawhich was primary reason for buying the thing10:06
=== Trixar_za is now known as Trix[a]r_za
inetprogood morning, err is it afternoon already?10:57
Kiloslo inetpro 10:57
inetproKilos: why you still keep breaking your system?10:58
Kilosnot me man but its fixed without a clean install and working kiff10:58
inetpro03/05 20:41:24 <Kilos> kde makes me gray10:59
Kilosoh because it first lost its gui when i tried to make a remastersys dvd10:59
Kilosunity just worked10:59
Kilosbut now kde is fixed11:00
Kiloslots purging and stuff11:00
Kilosthen installs of the x stuff11:00
inetprowhat is this remastersys all about and why you even doing that?11:00
inetproit's not even in the repos11:00
Kilosbecause it works11:01
Kilostired of doing installs and having no 3g11:01
Kilosit makes a live dvd of you working system man11:01
inetproand then?11:02
inetproaccording to his website the guy ".. decided to stop development of remastersys and it will no longer be available"11:05
inetprothe guy called Tony11:08
Kilosits been carried on and works well11:08
Kilosi have kde and unity dvd's working11:08
inetproyep looks like Roberto is porting it and it will in future be called System Imager11:09
inetproon his own distro called OS411:10
Kilossee you always fight me first11:13
Kilosi may be stupid but im not a fool11:13
inetproI still don't see why you would really want a live dvd of your system11:20
inetprothings change all the time11:20
Kilosso if necessary i can install 12.04 without the 3g hassles11:20
inetprobut surely by now your system should be running stable11:21
Kilosyes three of them11:21
Kilosmaverick 12.04 kde and unity11:22
Kiloscrashes do happen with our power  probs and mistakes we make and drives packing up11:24
Kilosso good to have a quick dvd install of you working OS11:26
Kilosdont you think?11:26
KilosMaaz, hmm...11:27
Maazhmm... is often used to try make others believe one is actually thinking11:27
inetproa fresh install should take less than 20 minutes11:27
inetprounlike the 5 hours on Windows11:27
Kilosyes then updating upgrading11:28
Kilosthen rsyncing packages11:28
Kilosmuch quicker to install the working os and then it bypasses any probs you had with a clean install11:29
inetprook maybe you have a point, but I haven't had even 5% of the trouble that you seem to have had11:30
Kilosya i know11:30
Kilosmine was only 3g with 12.0411:30
Kilosmodem even works with 13.0411:30
Kilosonly 12.04  has probs with this modem and nm11:31
inetproso have you dealt with the privacy stuff on 13.04 yet?11:31
Kilosmy kde remastersys dvd is 3.8g big11:31
Kilosnope dont like it too much so will stay with 12.04 till 14.0411:32
Kilosmaybe just look at 13.1011:32
Kilosi actually enjoy 12.04 in both flavours11:35
Kilosbut unity is faster thasn kde11:36
* inetpro doesn't care about faster as much as about functionality11:45
inetpromy kde is more than fast enough11:45
Kiloshehe i dunno how to use that functioanilty to its best11:46
Kilosbut i like kde so stop nagging11:46
* inetpro nagging? Never!11:47
Kilosgo catch your chicken eater11:47
inetproKilos: perhaps all you actually need is a modern wifi router11:50
Kilosya maybe11:51
Kilosbut would prefer a faster pc then i wont look for faster flavours11:52
inetproanyway I see superfly also had some troubles yesterday and I would love to know more about what he actually did there 11:53
Kilosyeah i read that as it was happening. very interesting11:53
inetprosuperfly: would be nice if you could give a slight bit of more detail11:54
Kilosused the fone as a bridge11:54
inetprothese android phones of ours are truely amazing these days11:55
Kiloslooks like11:55
inetprothe tethering functionality has been a life saver on many occasions11:56
Kiloslol half or more of what they said i dint understand11:57
inetpromy best experience was when I was able to help American friends to get online during a conference last year11:57
Kilosbut was lekker to see them work their way around the prob11:57
Kilosyou okes are too clever11:58
Kiloscant be good for the head methinks11:58
inetproit really is just a press of a single button11:59
inetproI have it as a shortcut on my homescreen11:59
inetproall you need is a data bundle and a good signal12:01
Kilosis your 8ta better too?12:02
inetproa wifi router in your pocket12:02
Kilosmine is going well again and they contacted me and are sending a technician to the tower to get a better signal to me12:03
inetprohaven't noticed a difference really12:03
Kilosi got up to 195 mB/s i think it was12:04
inetprobut wow! Just did a speedtest and it's 4.9Mbps at the moment12:04
Kilosthats lekker12:04
Kiloswhat speetest do you use12:04
inetpronormally is just under 1Mbps in the evening12:04
inetproI used yours now12:05
inetpronormally use http://www.speedtest.net/12:05
Kilosmine went up from 1mb/s to 2.3 mb/s12:05
Kilosoh ya thats what they told me to use12:05
inetprojust tried my vodacom hotspot speed.... getting less than 0.1Mbps at the moment12:18
Kiloseek mine is down to .83 mb/s12:21
Kilosmore fone calls monday12:22
zereftumbleweed: 13:15
zerefanybody done some .deb packaging?13:32
* inetpro just tested tethering via USB cable for the first time13:57
inetprojust plugged in the cable, enabled USB tethering and voila... pc connected to the interwebs via interface usb0 automagically13:57
inetprothis is magic!13:57
inetprothought I would have to do some configuration13:58
inetproand it even looks like the cable improves the signal on the phone13:59
inetprothis will be my preferred fallback option from here onwards14:00
Kiloswhats tetherning inetpro 14:02
inetproKilos: Tethering refers to connecting one device to another14:05
inetproIn the context of mobile phones or Internet tablets, tethering allows sharing the Internet connection of the phone or tablet with other devices such as laptops.14:05
Kilosoh not just the normal connect to internet option on the older fones when you plugin the usb cable14:06
Kilossomething more advanced14:06
zerefinetpro: ever done .deb packaging?14:07
inetprozeref: not really14:07
inetprozeref: tumbleweed and superfly are the big guns here re packaging but what is your question14:08
Kilosoh zeref there was a whole class on that one night on ubntu-classroom14:09
zerefk, I'd like to package an program from 13.04 and backport for the othere release14:09
inetproUbuntu Packaging Guide http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/14:09
zerefI'vei've packaged before14:09
zerefjust need to ask about backporting14:10
Kiloskoud ne inetpro ?14:11
zerefyeah been there14:11
zerefdoes not really tell me what i need14:11
tumbleweedzeref: what do you need?14:11
Kilosthen wait for tumbleweed zeref thats his game14:11
Kilosspeak of the devil14:12
inetprozeref: perhaps you should to ask at #ubuntu-packaging14:12
tumbleweedbackporting is just a matter of building for the older release, and using a sligtly lower version (to smoothly upgrade away from the backport)14:12
tumbleweedfor easy packages, backportpackage in ubuntu-dev-tools can do it all automatically14:13
inetpros/perhaps you should to ask at/perhaps you could ask at/14:13
zerefso tumbleweed do I change that in debian/changelog?14:14
tumbleweedzeref: yes14:15
zerefso eesentially packaging 1 application twice?14:16
zerefjust change changelog from precise to say raring?14:16
tumbleweedthat's the opposite of a backport14:17
tumbleweedraring is newer than precise14:17
zerefsoz, i meant raring to the lower releases14:18
tumbleweedso, yes14:18
tumbleweedand put something like ~precise1 at the end of the version14:18
zerefcool, thanks tumbleweed 14:19
Kiloshi Mezenir hubx 15:00
Mezenirhi kilos15:04
charlgood evening17:26
charlMaaz: coffee on17:26
* Maaz starts grinding coffee17:26
MaazCoffee's ready for charl!17:30
charlMaaz: dankeschon17:30
Maazcharl: Excuse me?17:30
Kiloshi charl 17:30
charlhi Kilos 17:31
charlhow's it going17:31
Kilosgood ty and you17:31
charlgood good17:31
charljust came back from a little anime convention in my region17:32
charlwas watching some of the newer anime series on a projector screen17:32
charland good sound, but it's all stuff i've already seen17:32
Symmetriaany whisky fans here?17:33
charlnot here, i only drink beer17:34
Kilosthat stink stuff17:34
* Symmetria is trying this new whisky and cant decide if he loves it or hates it lol17:34
charlhe how difficult can it be :)17:34
charlthat looks like fancy stuff17:34
Symmetriaheh charl difficult :) when you drink a fair number of fine whiskys you get kinda particular 17:35
Kilosif one can aquire a taste for that one can aquire a taste for dog droppings too17:35
Kilossave on food bill17:35
Kilosoh sorry Symmetria 17:35
charllol!!! am watching http://youtu.be/wJETdagRMuk17:37
charlthe guy has a funny twitch in his left eye17:37
Kiloswb georgelappies 17:38
georgelappiesthanks Kilos17:38
Kilosdid you study lots?17:39
magespawngood evening all17:42
charlhi magespawn 17:42
Kiloshi magespawn 17:43
magespawnhey charl Kilos 17:43
magespawnhow do we ask Maaz if a site is up?17:44
Kilosoh my17:45
Kilosis it down17:45
Kilosis link down17:45
magespawntrying that now17:45
Kilosor up17:45
Kilosi forget17:45
Symmetriahttp://valhalla.clue.be/~vort/wildlife/monkey1.jpg <=== so awesome (be warned, that photo is *large*)17:46
trenderyo Symmetria dude take some chick photos man17:47
magespawnMaaz help17:47
Maazmagespawn: I can help you with: looking things up, remembering things, delivering messages, decisions, games, monitoring things, browsing the internet, conversions, silly fun stuff, calculations, system administration, software development and south african stuff.17:47
MaazAsk me "help me with ..." for more details.17:47
magespawnMaaz help me with looking things up17:47
Maazmagespawn: I use the following features for looking things up: apt-file, aptitude, bash, bible, dict, distance, dns, factoid, feeds, fml, fortune, google, help, imdb, lastfm, lotto, mac, man, microblog, mlia, oeis, ports, rfc, seen, tfln, tinyurl, tld, translate, tvshow, unicode, weather and youtube17:47
MaazAsk me "how do I use ..." for more details.17:47
Kilosmagespawn, whats the link17:48
Symmetriahttp://valhalla.clue.be/~vort/wildlife/monkey3.jpg <=== thats another awesome (huge) photo17:49
magespawnthe website isitdown says the site i need is down17:49
Kilosyou can try QA too hey17:49
Kilossometimes maaz gets a bit sick17:49
magespawnSymmetria: i'll look on the morrow when back on incapped adsl17:50
Symmetrialol, yeah smart move, those photos are 12 or 15 meg big each17:52
Symmetriaonly reason I didnt scale em down before uploading em, is when you zoom in the detail and stuff is so awesome to look at17:52
Symmetrialol, you can see the reflection of things in its eyes its so clear17:52
Kilosmagespawn, the command is maaz is "link" down17:54
Kilosif not he says no its just you17:54
magespawnMaaz is my.unisa.ac.za down17:55
magespawnor maybe17:56
magespawnMaaz is my.unisa.ac.za down ?17:56
Kilos<QA> Yes, http://my.unisa.ac.za/ is down (Server is not responding)17:57
charlmagespawn: http://www.isup.me/17:57
Kilosno ? after17:57
charlor http://www.isup.me/my.unisa.ac.za in this case17:57
Symmetriahrm is unisa's internet link up by their graphs?17:58
magespawnthanks guys17:58
charlseems like it http://protea.tenet.ac.za/mrtg-new/unisa-mc-ipnet-bb.html17:58
Symmetriawow, unisa been down for 12 hours 17:58
Symmetriacharl that graph is ancient17:59
Symmetrialook at graphs.tenet.ac.za17:59
Symmetriatenet 7717:59
charloh sorry only saw now17:59
Symmetriatsn 77 I mean17:59
charlthe main campus?18:00
charllooks very down18:00
Symmetriayeah its down18:02
Symmetrialooks like multiple fiber breaks on the pretoria north fiber ring18:02
magespawnhow do you tell Symmetria ?18:06
Symmetriamagespawn because its constructed on a ring, mpls ring18:11
Symmetriaand since the provider edge router is up by the graphs18:11
Symmetriaeither unisa has lost power entirely (unlikely, that stuff is heavily ups backed up)18:11
Symmetriaor there is a dual break on the ring18:11
Symmetrialol most people wouldnt be able to tell that stuff just from graphs, I have the advantage of the fact that I designed that network and deployed it18:13
Symmetriaso its easy to tell from a glance whats likely broken18:14
magespawnsomebody stealing the fiber?18:18
Symmetriacould be, or road works or something18:24
Kilosnight all . sleep tight19:18
voyager_zaKilos: thanks for trying to get in touch with me about the release party20:03
Vince-0Kilos is away20:10
voyager_zaI realised that afterwards... no matter20:22
superflyinetpro: http://christianoss.org/blog/2013/05/04/quick-easy-workaround-broken-networking-linux21:27
inetprosuperfly: nice posting21:29
inetprosuperfly: but just to be sure, you just enabled tethering via USB?21:30
inetproand the other uncertainty I had, did you have no GUI at all?21:30
inetproin other words USB tethering works perfectly even in the most basic cli mode?21:31
inetprosuperfly: ^^21:32
superflyinetpro: no, I got to lightdm, KDE didn't want to start up21:32
superflyinetpro: networkmanager is a service, doesn't need a GUI21:32
superflyeven if you don't have a GUI on Ubuntu/Kubuntu, you'll still have nm running21:33
inetprosounds like something I would need to test21:33
Tonberry_does ubuntu server actually run network manager?21:33
superflythen normally you can use nmcli to connect, but because my dbus installation was messed up, and nm uses dbus, nothing worked21:33
superflyTonberry_: I'm not sure21:34
inetproalways good to know that you can get to the interwebs in a worst case scenario21:34
Tonberry_i usually just configure everything in /etc/network/interfaces so even if network manager is there it would not do much21:34
superflyTonberry_: on my desktop I'm happy to let nm do its thing21:35
voyager_zasuperfly: interesting... I've had to resort to nmcli to get my 3g modem working without gui.21:41
superflyvoyager_za: nmcli wasn't working for me at all due to afforementioned dbus issue21:42
voyager_zaah... missed that.21:44
superflynight all21:50

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