
=== rhg135|gone is now known as rhg135
ChuckNorrisInmorzipace: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5630772/00:01
zipaceJordan_U: slight correction though, just issuing "mount" usually does the trick, no need to fiddle in /proc :-)00:01
yofunhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/5630771/ zipace  and Jordan_U00:01
ChuckNorrisInmormore python 2.7 errors -.-00:01
zipaceChuckNorrisInmor: did you install imagemagick first? because it looks like uniconverter alias'd "convert" to "uniconverter" (the command "convert" is used by imagemagick otherwise)00:02
Jordan_Uzipace: mount's output depends on /etc/mtab whereas /proc/mounts comes straight from the kernel. They usually match, but there are odd instances when /etc/mtab is out of sync.00:02
ChuckNorrisInmorzipace: yes i did00:02
zipaceJordan_U: ah, good to know00:02
zipaceChuckNorrisInmor: assuming you already filed the bug for uniconverter, you can uninstall it, which would clear the alias as well00:02
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ChuckNorrisInmorzipace: yes just gonna write that00:03
ChuckNorrisInmori'll uninstall it00:03
yofunzipace:  or Jordan_U  anything?00:03
zipaceyofun: according to the paste /dev/sda is indeed unused, not sure where the error comes from00:04
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yofunhmmmm :/ anything else?00:05
Cogyneed help here00:05
Cogyi have ubuntu 12.0400:06
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Cogyand i want to change the desktop to KDE00:06
Cogyi try to get it fromterminal00:06
donvito2Graphic Intel 82915G/GV/910GL has no driver for ubuntu 12.04 ?00:06
ChuckNorrisInmorzipace: yep, definetily "convert" calls "uniconvertor"  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5630780/00:06
Jordan_Uyofun: Please post (or pastebin if it's more than one line) the output of "sudo fuser /dev/sda".00:06
zipaceyofun: sorry, no clue, but maybe other may know, just stick around00:06
ChuckNorrisInmorthis time i uninstalled it :P00:07
Cogywhere can i get the kde??00:07
Cogyi can't find it00:07
mopperscogy does 'sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' then relog and change to KDE at the login screen work?00:07
zipaceChuckNorrisInmor: wow, ok, uniconverter is in dire need of fixing00:07
yofun /dev/sda:             4667 Jordan_U00:08
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Jordan_Uyofun: ps aux | grep 4667 | grep -v grep00:08
Jordan_Uyofun: I'll bet you're already running badblocks.00:08
yofunroot      4667  0.3  0.0  17880   812 pts/0    D+   May03   0:05 badblocks -v /dev/sda00:08
CogySome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming. The following information may help to resolve the situation:00:09
CHubU_Hi folks00:09
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donvito2Graphic Intel 82915G/GV/910GL has no driver for ubuntu 12.04 ?00:09
yofunlol i didnt think i couldnt run two different badblocks at the same time00:09
Cogywhen i type the command00:09
johnjohn1011is there a seperate channel for kde on winders?00:09
CogySome packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming. The following information may help to resolve the situation:00:10
ChuckNorrisInmorzipace: when i tryed to file the bug "launchpad" web page said "No valid Open ID" or something like that00:10
johnjohn1011wrong window00:10
CogyUnable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.00:10
zipaceChuckNorrisInmor: yeah, you need to register an account for launchpad.net00:10
Cogythe tutorial onyoutube not help00:10
yofunok Jordan_U  i closed it but now its still showing the error00:10
zipaceChuckNorrisInmor: it's quick and easy, and you can later use it as OpenID login for sites that support it00:10
Jordan_Uyofun: How did you close it?00:11
yofunJordan_U:  i closed the other termial00:11
ChuckNorrisInmorlo) i think i had one, but... i don't remember my crdentials :P00:11
johnjohn1011entering ubuntu bugs is fun!  better get an id00:11
zipaceChuckNorrisInmor: if you remember your email address, you can recover your credentials00:11
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ChuckNorrisInmorok, ill try00:12
yofunJordan_U:  now sudo fuser /dev/sda shows nothing00:12
ChuckNorrisInmorzipace: and i did read somthing like opening .cdr files with gimp :P but i didn't read enough :Pç00:13
zipaceChuckNorrisInmor: it's always worth a try though00:13
zipaceChuckNorrisInmor: you might want to save the file as svg though, so you can access it with other image editors as well00:14
yofunJordan_U:  let me guess restarting the livecd is the best way to fix it?00:14
Jordan_Uyofun: What is the exact output of your badblocks command if you run it again now?00:15
yofunJordan_U: /dev/sda is apparently in use by the system; it's not safe to run badblocks!00:16
ChuckNorrisInmorzipace: yep i know, the guy i am helping said that he managed .cdr files with photoshop, but then they loss the vectorisation00:16
ChuckNorrisInmorso... idk if gimp could do it better idk, maybe i will try00:17
yofunJordan_U:  im going to restart the livecd00:18
jaishriraamFolks how do you rate the new ringtail?00:20
MonkeyDust!poll | jaishriraam00:20
ubottujaishriraam: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:20
jaishriraamNope. Just on the process of upgrading from 12.1000:21
jaishriraamWas curious if anyone tried and found any major issues00:21
ddssswhat the difference between nvidia 173, 304, 304-updates, 310, 313-updates nvidia drivers? i'm super confused.00:21
ChuckNorrisInmoranyway thx zipace, i use ubuntu from 8.10 xD i know enough, but this .cdr won me xD i am pretty thankful with ubuntu 13.04:  this is my 12.10:  http://i.imgur.com/1MNiUdb.jpg00:21
johnjohn1011jaishriraam: i love the new 13.0500:21
donvito2how to install only kde without that kubuntu stuffs00:22
moppers13.04 seems better except for nautilus. unity finally has a working task switcher - that was the last thing i needed00:22
jaishriraamdonvito: use the KDE installer after u install vanilla ubuntu00:22
zipaceChuckNorrisInmor: ubuntu 8.10 is veeeeeeery old though ;-)00:22
moppersnautilus is better now for random users, worse for power users00:22
* zipace remembers 6.04... good times00:23
moppersbut that'snot a problem, a power user can install a different file manager or something00:23
donvito2im right now on ubuntu 12.04 with gnome classic no effects00:23
ChuckNorrisInmorxD some old school guy, good for all of you :D00:23
MonkeyDustdonvito2  install plasma-desktop00:23
johnjohn1011there are different file mgrs for unity?00:23
donvito2MonkeyDust can i run plasma desktop with 128 mb graphic card?00:28
ChuckNorrisInmorwell cya all have fun great comunity00:28
MonkeyDustdonvito2  that, my friend, I do not know, try it to find out00:28
donvito2trying :)00:29
ubuntuaddictedoff to play Portal BETA in linux. WHOOT WHOOT00:29
captinehi all.  Really trying to figure this out with ubuntu 13.04 (had similar issue on 12.04 and 12.10).  http://imgur.com/T1yVG0G has a picture showing pavucontrol and the ubuntu volume control.  I can see my USB mic input under Pavucontrol, but cannot select it using the ubuntu volume control thing.  anyone able to assist00:31
donvito2MonkeyDust how to install QtCurve and KWIN window man ?00:34
rrspin!info htop00:36
ubottuhtop (source: htop): interactive processes viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-1 (raring), package size 66 kB, installed size 185 kB00:36
MonkeyDustdonvito2  both are in the repos, so as you would install any other package00:36
anewif i flush my ip tables in ubuntu will that make them try to look up the dns again ?00:39
anewiptables -t nat -F is that bad to run ?00:40
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johnjohn1011my brother is on 10.04 LTS.  he doesn't care about updates, basically uses just firefox. If he never does a thing do you think his os will run as long as his hardware lasts?00:45
SonikkuAmericajohnjohn1011: Ubuntu 5.10 will run as long as there are electrons; why shouldn't 10.04? The big thing, though, is security issues.00:45
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zykotick9johnjohn1011: that's a terrible way to use a computer...  no security = bad for others as well.00:46
johnjohn1011realistically does he have to worry about security issues?  he's behind a cable modem firewall00:46
SonikkuAmericajohnjohn1011: I've seen the darndest things come through those...00:46
SonikkuAmericaUsing the Internet is like signaling turns while driving: where you click is where you'll go.00:47
johnjohn1011do you really think someone could hijack his computer?00:47
moppershe should be worried about cross platform browser exploits, java exploits etc ... apart form that, should be OK00:47
johnjohn1011so just keep him up on the lastest firefox?00:48
johnjohn1011he doesn't want unity at all.  i had him on kde 3.x on mepis for six years00:48
SonikkuAmericajohnjohn1011: Then send him to Kubuntu then.00:49
mopperssomeone i know got hacked like this: they got his IP address from bittorrent, or because he visited their forum, we don't know. then his router had UPNP on (LOL) and they just got in via that00:50
johnjohn1011probably the best solution for him is 12.04 and MATE00:50
moppersso ya, there's no reason to trust your cable router00:50
johnjohn1011what is upnp?00:51
ubottuTo stream media to other UPNP aware devices (such as the Xbox, PS3, or iRadio) you need a UPNP server. See !info mediatomb for information regarding the MediaTomb package00:52
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johnjohn1011i guess mate is pretty ez to install.  it's just not supported though00:52
SonikkuAmericajohnjohn1011: o?00:52
eddievanhoyHey anyone on here avalible to help with a ubuntu issue?00:52
MonkeyDustmate is a mint thingy00:52
SonikkuAmerica!anyone | eddievanhoy00:52
johnjohn1011i mean officially by this board00:52
ubottueddievanhoy: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:52
johnjohn1011mint support isn't as good as this channel.00:53
SonikkuAmericaBut we don't support Mint here, as !mint says00:53
johnjohn1011he's been running 3 years with zero issues00:54
moppersif mint doesnt tell you how to install mint/mate, what;s the point of it?00:54
eddievanhoyI tried to load vitalsource (windows app) by using wine. It loaded without errors but will not work. I have tried to delete it but its icon still shows up00:54
johnjohn1011the "ubuntu" way is my motto00:54
eddievanhoyHow can I make sure it is completely gone.00:55
mopperseddievanhoy, there is an uninstaller in the wine control panels00:55
eddievanhoyIt does not show up in it00:55
moppersi think wine stores its stuff in inside your user folder, hidden file. try ~/.wine00:56
MonkeyDusteddievanhoy  ask the people in #winehq00:56
eddievanhoybut when i click on the ubuntu button top left of screen it still shows icon00:56
eddievanhoyIt took me 20 mins just to figure out how to get here. How do I get to the wine room??? Thank you00:56
MonkeyDusteddievanhoy  type /join #winehq00:57
johnjohn1011would be nice if there was a one click desktop share program like join.me that would would with ubuntu.00:57
moppersactually i hitnk its not wine00:57
donvito2how to remove kde sources from source list please?00:57
moppersi htink he just needs to remove it form ubuntu dash but i could be wrong00:57
eddievanhoyhow do you remove it from dash??00:57
moppersdonvito, open software updater, do it from there00:58
moppersdonvito, sources tab of settings00:58
jerry_hello everbody, can I ask a question?00:58
zykotick9jerry_: you just did.  perhaps asking an ubuntu-related question would get better answers ;)00:59
jerry_thank you, I cannot run a window program in Wine00:59
mopperswhich one01:00
zykotick9jerry_: i'd suggest #winehq myself01:00
iuriHi there, IT has been a while my ubuntu suddenly changes entirely to reado-only mode nothing more work. To fix that I always need to reboot the machine and it does a filesystem check every rebootI01:00
iuriI am trying to find the cause of that, but nothing shows up within syslog01:00
dr_willisiuri:  i would be making some backups.. if the system detects harddrive failure/filesystem issues - it kicks into read-only mode..01:01
iuriI suspect that has somthing related with vsftpd01:01
iuriwould that be ṕssible?01:01
dr_willisiuri:  look at the output of dmesg. I DOUBT if it has anything to do with ftp01:01
jerry_well, it's a dictionary. An iso file. In windows it would normally run as a cdrom or mounted in a virtual cd drive01:01
dr_willisjerry_:  mount the iso file. acces its contents01:01
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.01:01
iuridr_willis, how would I check dmesg per tme and date01:02
dr_willistheres some gui - iso mounting tools also. but i never use them01:02
jerry_yes I have mounted it already an can access the exe file inside. But when I run it, it says: no disc inserted01:02
iuridmesg command doesn't show time and date. That makes it impossible to investigate01:03
dr_willisiuri:  when it happens look at the end of dmesg. Id bet theres some info about Hard drive I/O errors01:03
dr_willisand i think the first part of each dmesg line is a datestamp01:03
iuridr_willis, most of the times happens when people are wokrinmore in it and I am sleeping01:03
iurithe first part ???01:04
dr_willisjerry_:  so you may need to use the wine config tools to make that directory you mounted the iso TO - appear as a virtual cdrom drive for winme then01:04
dr_willisiuri:  if they accessing the part of the HD that is failing, that would make sence01:04
devilboyZeitgeist Datahub is set by default on Lubuntu 13.04 ? I just saw it in Desktop Session Settings.01:05
iuridr_willis,  I'd rather go to /var/log/kern.log01:05
dr_willisif this is a critical machine. I would be making backups, and planing on replaceing that hd iuri .01:05
iuriit is a human readable version of dmesg01:05
kairos^21:05 * Channel #ubuntu created Sun Nov 26 01:42:41 2006 [21:05] [kairos] [5:irc.freenode.net/#ubuntu] [Act: 1]01:05
moppersmaking and *testing* backups :)01:05
iuridr_willis, thanks for the suggestions01:06
moppersthe number of times i have seen restore fail ... BRR01:06
dr_willisthats why i just backup my imorntant files to a external hd. i can access.. i dont use any fancy full system backup methods01:06
kairoshttp://i.imgur.com/q1vZJtv.png Anyone care to help solve this?01:06
dr_williskairos:  you might want to summarize  a bit about what the issue is.. most people wont just go to every URL posted to read about the actual issue...01:08
kairosdr_willis: Y'know, that's probably a good idea.01:08
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dr_willisit also sucks when some troll posts some nasty image then refers to it as a support question.... ;P01:09
kairosRandom pixels keep dropping from my screen and displaying the default Ubuntu background. They go away if that portion of the screen is refresh (moving a window over it, etc) but they reappear in a few seconds01:09
dr_willissounds like some odd driver quirk.01:09
kairosI'm using nVidia's01:10
kairosI wouldn't be surprised01:10
dr_willisnvidia makes a lot of things.. ;)  so thats still rather broad.01:10
kairosnVidia's driver? :P01:10
dr_willistheres not a chipset maker out.. that i havent seen people have issues with in one way or another.01:10
dr_willisive had very few issues with my  nvidia systems. but they are all getting to be a year+ old now.01:11
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dr_willisyou are using the nvidia's .run driver instgaller?01:11
jerry_I have tried to config wine Wine for the drive path. I set it as the same as where the iso is mounted. Still it says: no disc inserted01:14
dr_willisjerry_:  it would best to ask for wine help in #winehq01:14
jerry_ok thanks I will01:14
dr_willisi normally just copy eveyrthing from the cd image to a directory , then run the apps from that directory.   Not a lot of apps these days need the cdroms in the drive..01:14
MerisHow can I work with Shift-JIS encoded filenames in GUI-programs, such as Fileroller on Ubuntu with an English UI? Those programs can't seem to cope with the weird symbols these filenames contain.01:15
jerry_it's an old app. I have tried it though. Even in windows it absolutely requires the cdrom inside (or an image on a virtual drive)01:18
Merisjerry_, which app are you talking about? Is there known solution to be found in the Wine AppDB?01:22
jerry_I haven't found anything on the internet so far, not even on the Wine support forum. It's an old dictionary. The ISO only contains a small .EXE and a huge .DAT01:23
Merisjerry_, from which year is it? From what you tell us, there is a copy protection on that disk, which may not be supported by Wine.01:25
eddievanhoyHey does anyone know if there is a pidgin room like this?01:26
Merisjerry_, hang on, a small .EXE you say, are all files in uppercase and limited to 8.3 names? perhaps? In that case it might be a DOS version version.01:27
jerry_the iso perfectly runs on windows. I think it has been published in 2001. But also in windows needs to be either on the CD or on an image file. It doesn't run if everything is copied on a directory01:28
x1nuxi have problems with Stunnel on Ubuntu 12.10, i have a simple configuration, but i connect to port .. print this in stunnel log:  SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol01:28
Merisjerry_, sorry about the typos, I'm a bit woozy from lack of sleep.01:28
x1nuxany ideas ?01:28
jerry_don't worry meris .. thanks for helping01:29
eddievanhoyanyone know if there is a pidgin help room like this???01:29
Merisx1nux, it looks like the server the program is talking to doesn't understand the protocol (at least not on the port you are using)01:30
jerry_it's not a dos version, I used to run it smoothly on XP and Vista01:30
RobertBColtonhey guys i need help installing proprietary network drivers01:31
RobertBColtondon gime no open source speech :P just tell me how i find em01:31
Merisjerry_, do you see any libraries or programs with names that do not look like they would have anything to do with the dictionary itself?, things like clokspl.exe perhaps?01:31
madpropsis it normal to have dnsmasq running?01:32
eddievanhoyDoes anyone see me?? DOes anyone know of a room to help with pidgin?01:32
MerisRobertBColton, *if* they are available, they can be had on the website of the hardware manufacturer.01:33
Meris!patience | eddievanhoy01:33
ubottueddievanhoy: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/01:33
RobertBColtonMeris, how i find manufacturer?01:34
RobertBColtonthats what im trying to do01:34
eddievanhoyGreat. I am new. Just wanted to make sure I was doing it right. Thank you01:34
MerisRobertBColton, please pastebin the output of lspci.01:34
riddribHow can put more security at ubuntu01:34
Meriseddievanhoy, it might help to know that the base of pidgin is actually libpurple. Maybe there is a chat channel called #purple, or #libpurple.01:35
jerry_nope ... only the .exe file (1 MB) and the .dat file (500MB) ... ok there is also a README file, but it doesn't say much01:35
eddievanhoyok thank you01:35
riddribHow can put more security at ubuntu?01:37
Merisriddrib, you'll have to be a bit more specific than that, what kind of security do you require?01:37
brian____Is there another file that would record an Xorg crash?  It crashes immedialy and halts the computer, I have to hard restart it and the log Xorg.log is empty.01:38
diamondsI updated packages and now my wireless NIC is not recognized :/01:39
Merisbrian____, you might look up /var/log/messages to see if there is any hardware issue with the current settings.01:39
riddribto my internet connection01:39
diamonds03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 2200 (rev c4)01:39
diamonds(lspci | grep Centrino)01:40
diamondsifconfig shows only eth0 and lo01:40
Merisriddrib, well, there are firewalls, vpn's, proxies, TOR, so much really.01:40
anewhow the heck do i upgrade phpmyadmin in ubuntu01:41
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riddribto my internet connection01:41
diamondsI have this card it looks like http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog/component/pci/8086:0891/01:42
brian____Meris,  I don't have that file, I'm on 12.0401:42
diamondsanew, probably using apt-get01:42
diamondsanew, try `apt-cache search phpmyadmin` and see what comes up01:42
anewok let me see01:42
Merisdiamonds, and you do have a wired NIC as well, hmm...01:42
brian____It's strange, I see the occurance of the xorg crashing but the it shows the startup information, like starting and stopping services on boot.  So it basically makes the screen its locked on worthless.01:43
anewdiamonds phpmyadmin - MySQL web administration tool01:43
Merisbrian____, so am I, I also run 12.0401:43
diamondsMeris, yeah... it worked 'til I clicked "update" on software manager & rebooted01:43
anewthat's all i get, what's that mean ?01:43
diamondsanew, that means that package is available01:43
diamondsanew, now use apt-get to install/update01:43
diamondsI think sudo apt-get update will do it...01:43
diamondsbut it depends on the version in your repo01:44
anewsudo apt-get update.  that's it ?01:44
diamondsI think so01:44
Merisbrian____, Indeed, no more /var/log/messages. Well try /var/log/syslog and/var/log/ boot.log01:45
anewno still seems to be on, but there is version 4 out hmmm01:45
jerry_what do I need to do after mounting the ISO file ?01:45
OerHeks!info phpmyadmin01:45
ubottuphpmyadmin (source: phpmyadmin): MySQL web administration tool. In component universe, is extra. Version 4: (raring), package size 6050 kB, installed size 18522 kB01:45
minimecbrian____: Would you be able to connect to that machine via 'ssh' and check the log files before you reboot?01:46
diamondsMeris, how would you describe my problem?01:46
brian____Meris,  restarting.  I removed my xorg.conf and tried it, crashed.01:46
anewoerheks how do i get that version ?01:46
diamondsI'm having trouble googling it because I don't know how to describe it01:46
diamonds"NIC totally disabled"01:46
diamonds"no nic recognized"01:46
OerHeksanew upgrade to raring i guess01:46
brian____minimec, I can check, I think it halts the machine though, most likely the sshd wont allow me in, i'll try though.01:46
anewi can get it if i add a ppa to my system, is that bad ?01:47
diamondshttp://hastebin.com/sikivayecu.sm < is the output of from lshw helpful?01:47
Merisdiamonds, well, your NIC is detected on PCI level, just not as a NIC it has drivers for. Strange, indeed.01:47
diamondsMeris, so perhaps I don't have the drivers?01:48
Merisdiamonds, it appears to be that way, unless the driver is supposed to be included in the kernel itself...01:48
diamondsMeris, I did screw up all my kernels earlier today01:49
diamondsI had too much space taken up by old kernals & I ran `sudo apt-get remove linux-image-3.2.0-3*`01:49
diamondsand for some reason (I'd love to know why if you know) it remove ...-4101:50
OerHeksanew ppa's are not supported here, we like to blaim te ppa-owner when something funny happens.01:50
diamonds(NOT 3*)01:50
diamondsanyway that was my current kernel01:50
atmanhello. who can help disable disk check size in ubiquity to install on less than 5.3 gb?01:50
diamondsso I reinstalled it with apt-get and rebooted01:50
atmanprepary py doesnt work01:50
Merisdiamonds, that might have something to do with it. To test this, pop in a freshly baked Live CDROM of the version of Ubuntu you are running. If it detects the Centrino as your NIC, then it is almost certain to be kernel related.01:51
diamondsI don't have one on hand :(01:51
brian____Meris, minimec, boot.log looks cleared on boot, so its only the most recent boot, and syslog was 12,000 lines, so I removed it and going to restart X, while trying to SSH into the box before I hard reset it.01:51
diamondsI can do the boot to usb thing I guess... need to get a usb and set it up01:51
diamondsMeris, I may try the driver solution before going down that path01:51
OerHeksanew uhh that ubuntu number looks like version 3.5.8 , as 4.0 is out 3 may 2013. > http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/downloads.php  so wait for it to appear in updates.01:52
Merisbrian____, you *removed* your syslog? That is daring. You could have piped it through grep, searching for the date of today, oh well...01:53
diamondsMeris, if it is kernel related (probably is) how would I go about fixing it?01:53
anewyeah i hope soon01:53
atmanhello. how do you disable install size check01:53
anewhow can i clear my dns cache in ubuntu ?01:53
thermoanew:  I am having the same issue I think01:53
anewthermo with internet cache ?01:53
thermoare you unable to use the internet01:53
thermoim not sure if its cache or not01:53
anewno, i just keep hitting a site that changed ip addresses of their server01:53
anewi need to flush the dns01:53
diamondsanew, http://superuser.com/questions/134762/how-to-clear-dns-cache-in-ubuntu01:53
thermoim connected to my network01:53
thermobut I am unable to use the internet01:54
Merisdiamonds, by reinstalling your kernel I suppose, It's just a bunch of packages (kernel and associated modules) in Synaptic, or aptitude...01:54
brian____Meris, I assumed syslogd would just recreate it, hah, its a fresh install, so if its unrecoverable, oh well :)01:54
diamondsMeris, like this? sudo apt-get install linux-image-3.2.0-4101:54
atmanplease help01:55
thermoanew: i was not here when you started this01:55
thermowhat was your original issue01:55
anewthermo i am trying to go to site.com but they changed their server address and their dns changed.  but ubuntu goes to their old server ip instead of their new one01:55
Merisdiamonds, yes, that might help, but be sure to includeany extra modules that you might need as well, so search for that kernel version and install all kernel modules that might look relevant to your system as well.01:56
rmarkeri have Xubuntu and lost my audio. what should i do?01:56
thermosorry i guess we dont have the same issue anew01:56
brian____Meris, minimec, Well, I was able to stay logged in and the server remains up, but Xorg shows no actual errors, a couple warnings, but nothing that would make it lock01:56
diamondsMeris, I did that before, second try yields this: http://hastebin.com/qedawoxosa.vhdl01:56
anewdamn i just ran this command sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart now i cant connect via ssh ...01:57
diamondsthank you for your help btw01:57
Merisrmarker, try opening up your sound preferences, switch from analog to digital output and back again. That might help01:57
Merisdiamonds, are you running ARM, or PowerPC architecture? if you don't don't select those kernels.01:58
rmarkerit's not reading my card01:58
minimecbrian____: So you say, that you have a running xserver that is blank, but still running? How do you start that server? Do you expect a graphical login via lightdm login manager, or are you starting it from the command line?01:59
Merisdiamonds, np, I like to help people if I can.01:59
brian____minimec, cmdline, its just X server with nodm01:59
atmanhello. can someone tell me how to change min disk size check to smaller or off in installer for 13.04 pleaase02:00
brian____minimec, and its not actually blank.. I see the 'boot' screen of it starting and stopping services..02:00
Merisdiamonds, omap is also a type of ARM architecture...02:00
diamondsMeris, intel core i502:00
thermoI've tried this but it hasn't worked for me02:00
minimecbrian____: What do you mean by 'boot' screen?02:01
wilee-nileeatman, That's a hack no one here knows I would suspect.02:01
diamondsMeris, what does it mean "selecting" is it installing them or no?02:01
Merisbrian____, did you try dropping to terminal and simply try to run startx &2> ~/xservererrors.log ?02:02
atmanwilee-nilee: i read you can change prepary.py but it is not there in 13.04. please help02:02
qualiawell well well. Ubuntu update ?? What's new02:03
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brian____Meris, I'll try that02:03
wilee-nileeatman, Never seen that don't know how, what you read is not necessarily true.02:03
atmanwell i cannot use ubuntu wihout it02:03
Merisdiamonds, I'd abort that apt-get install and go for the -generic kernel,02:04
thermohas anyone ever had ubuntu be connected to a network02:04
thermobut the internet wont work?02:05
wilee-nilee!anyone > thermo02:05
ubottuthermo, please see my private message02:05
diamondsMeris, they're all already installed02:05
Merisdiamonds, the *selection* you see won't be installed, because your query was ambiguous.02:05
diamondsshould I remove them?02:05
diamondsit installed generic, virtual, and lowlatency02:05
diamondsI'm working off this now http://kennethray.hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Repair-Wireless-Network-After-Ubuntu-Update02:06
lier_ /join #ubuntu-cn02:06
Merisdiamonds, in that case, you have nothing to worry about.02:06
lier_ /join #ubuntu-cn02:06
diamondsMeris, what does that mean :(02:06
brian____Meris, minimec - this is what it does when I startx on the computer, http://troll.ws/image/83dc2d5a02:07
Merisdiamonds, it means that apt-get has installed only those kernels which are compatible to your system architecture.02:07
diamondshow do I find out which wireless driver-name to install here? http://hastebin.com/fenekujebu.xml02:07
diamonds(doing the driver install thing)02:07
asteriskandyi have no idea what i'm doing it but i'm trying to compile csipsimple now. http://code.google.com/p/csipsimple/wiki/HowToBuild#With_a_virtual_machine02:08
anewsudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart i ran this command, now i cant connect to my box? small panic, what did i do ?02:08
asteriskandypaws on the keyboard over here.02:08
minimecbrian____: Could it be that you have an old .Xauthority file in your /home directory? But that would would send you back to the console I think... Try to 'rm' or 'mv .Xauthority' before starting the Xserver02:09
Merisbrian____, hmm, that fsck on /boot with exit code 1 does not look good.02:09
diamondsI think I have broadcom.... :/02:09
brian____Meris, its becuase I have to hold the power button in for 3 seconds to get it to do anything, so its always seeing it.02:09
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx02:09
onrman, why the hell xubuntu doesn't fit in a cd anymore?02:11
brian____minimec, i'll remove it.  Basically, I built this box up a few days ago and had trouble with the USB wifi adapters I was trying to use.  Bought a supported one, installed and formatted.  Right before that, I backed up my .xsession and my xorg.conf.  Everything was working, the major difference is, I wasnt running the 3.5 kernel02:11
anew sudo /etc/init.d/nscd restart can anyone help me what i did with this command now i cant connect to my server02:11
onrthey could opt out some stuff02:11
vexed_anyone know how to fix a ipV6 issue on Ubuntu ?  When I use ssh to the remote server, the IPV6 address it uses is wrong, that address is actually the server's IP02:11
Merisbrian____, Well, it does mean that fsck has detected errors on your /boot partition or directory during startup.02:12
diamondsI cannot believe how difficult this is...02:12
diamondsI know my device name, I have a driver install tool02:12
rmarkerhow can i get my soundcard to be reconized again02:13
Merisbrian____, did you try to boot from a Live CD? or even a slightly older kernel that has not been "tainted" yet?  They should show up in your GRUB startup screen.02:13
minimecbrian____: .Xauthority would be in /home/brian____ to be clear...02:13
brian____minimec, yeah, doubting that would be it though, I have tried a few accounts, each having their own .Xauthority02:14
Merisbrian____, my using a LiveCD you can rule out hardware problems.02:14
brian____Meris, that is what I am trying now, after I try one more thing since its already booted, might as well amke it crash one moe time02:15
Merisbrian____, sure enough, won't hurt to try, but try to get it to spew it's errors at a file on a non-volatile memory location, like a USB stick or so.02:16
Merisbrian____, the &2> in my suggested line redirects any error messages of that process to a separate file.02:17
brian____Meris, yeah, I tried the suggestion earlier to output it, and the file is empty02:17
rmarkerGuess i will just reboot yet again to see if it works02:17
Merisbrian____, in that case the XServer doesn't yield any errors, or even crashes before it can even produce any log. :-/02:18
A1ReconHello! I am currently running a dual boot Win7-Ubuntu PC, and the monitor is a HDMI television. How do I transfer audio over to the HDMI? Currently the audio is comes from my headphones...02:19
brian____Meris, that would also explain the Xorg.log being empty.  I don't have any previous versions to boot.  I do know that desktop version boots fine and I get the full gui.  This is 12.04 server02:20
minimecA1Recon: You should be able to do so in the 'preferences' of the volume panel applet.02:20
brian____3 days prior, it worked, minus a format and a PCIE wifi adapter02:21
minimecA1Recon: There should be a HDMI Audio device in 'output'.02:21
brian____I'll put a live cd in real quick just to confirm that it is still working with X02:22
diamondshow do I figure out what driver this thing uses? http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog/component/pci/8086:0891/02:22
diamondsI need to install driver but there is no info there02:22
diamondsit currently does not work02:22
Merisbrian____, I see... Did you check if any of the hardware you are using has overlapping resources? Memory addresses, IRQ levels, DMA or similar resources?02:22
A1Reconminimec: In Play sound through, there's S/PDIF Headphones and Analog Output but no HDMI. The HDMI is connected through my GPU02:23
Merisdiamonds, you could try  to modprobe with the driver, though that might hang your syste,02:23
diamondsjesus christ :(02:23
diamondsgiven the OS version & device name there's no simple map to a driver?02:24
A1ReconIn Play sound through, there's S/PDIF Headphones and Analog Output but no HDMI. The HDMI is connected to my GPU!02:24
Merisdiamonds, did you check for resources that might overlap? You can see that in /proc, which is a direct interface to your kernel.02:24
diamondsMeris, can you break that down for me?02:25
Kernel|PanicI've got Ubuntu 12.04 , and I think I have a bug to report. When I click on "Connection Information" or "Edit Connections..." in the drop down menu of the network management widget, nothing happens now. It used to open a window for these earlier.02:25
diamondsI'm afraid I don't know what you mean02:25
dr_willisA1Recon:  theres some known issues with hdmi audio not getting detected - it was working for me in beta. but not in the final release of 13.04 ;(02:25
minimecA1Recon: And you don't have the HDMI output listed in 'hardware'?02:25
Merisdiamonds, sure, please check if there are any asterisks in the "files" /proc/dma and /proc/iomem. Asterisks in those files usually mean a resource conflict.02:26
Alan_Excuse me, does anyone know of a good screen recorder for Ubuntu 13.04?02:26
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dr_willis!info gtkrecordmydesktop02:27
ubottuPackage gtkrecordmydesktop does not exist in raring02:27
A1Reconminimec: No it's not listed in Hardware!!02:27
brian____Meris, I hadn't but I always thought the messages appear at boot time, in dmesg02:27
dr_willisTheres a gtk-record-my-desktop package in the repos that works ok.02:27
Alan2sorry my nickname was in use :/02:28
Alan2I tried RecordMyDesktop, but02:28
julian_cGood for recording the screen, somewhat passable for audio as well.02:28
Merisbrian____, not all of them, some iomem resources are rather obscure and won't normally be mentioned, unless you order your kernel to log verbosely.02:28
Alan2it wasn't nearly keeping up with the frame-rates I was moving at.02:28
Alan2It was basically half the screen full of pixels..02:28
diamondsMeris, no none02:29
Alan2I also tried Kazam which didn't turn out that good. I'm used to something similar to Camstudio in Windows, if they is a close alternative..02:29
Alan2*there is a close alternative02:29
diamondsthere is really no way to map device + OS to driver?02:29
julian_cAlan2: What was your screen resolution when you were recording?02:29
dr_willisAlan2:  so what are you recording exactly thats high fps?02:29
Merisdiamonds, no asterisks you mean?02:29
diamondsI swear I've done exactly that with windows02:29
diamondsMeris, correct02:29
Alan2Let me check, 1 minute.02:29
brian____Meris, ok, makes sense.  I will try that in a second, booting a live disc to make sure I have graphics and wifi.  Might aswell check the disk also.02:30
Alan2I am at the highest video quality for RecordMyDesktop, however the frame-rate is 15. Should I try adjusting that?02:30
diamondsI have, like, 10 options: http://hastebin.com/fenekujebu.xml02:30
Merisdiamonds, that is actually what modprobe tries to do. Normally it's harmless, unless you are modprobing for really low level stuff.02:30
Alan222050 is the frequency02:30
dr_willisAlan2:  i imagine theres going to be a trade off btween quality and fps02:30
diamondsMeris, all right I'm happy to try02:30
Alan2Let me look for FPS..02:31
Alan2I,  I honestly do not know how to figure that out, I really apologize. FPS, my frames per second is 15 if that's helpful..02:32
Merisdiamonds, you do need to know the name of the driver that you are trying to load. If modprobe detects it, the next step would be insmod, which will not only test the driver but load and attch it to your kernel.02:32
diamondshoooly ffuuuuuuuu02:32
diamondsI have to know the name before I start looking?02:32
* diamonds weeps02:32
dr_willisAlan2:  if you want more FPS - then you may have to reduce the res of your display, or the quality of the video recorded02:32
Merisdiamonds, don't worry, it's just a modular system, you actual; kernel won't be altered in any way.02:33
Alan2I'll try quality of 85, if that sounds okay..02:33
diamondsMeris, how do I find the driver name...02:33
diamondsI thought modprobe would tell ME the driver name, not vice versa :(02:33
dr_willismodprobe = module probe.  (load the module and any needed moduls into the kernel)02:33
Alan2Okay, i'm recording a test right now. Thank you.02:34
diamondsdr_willis, how might I use this to get a missing wireless NIC driver installed?02:34
brian____Meris, well, it boots and startX with using a live disk, also have wifi and using kernel 3.7.602:34
dr_willisdiamonds:  you need to determins its chipset. then figure what module/drivers  it needs.02:35
Merisdiamonds, try this please: lspci -vv | grep -i network   and pastebin the results02:35
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Alan2God, this recorder is crap02:36
brian____I think at this point, I am going to reinstall 12.04, and systematically install X, test it, install fglrx, test it, etc.. etc..02:37
b3ngreetings !02:37
Alan2let me show you a screenshot of my problem..02:37
Alan2if only ubuntu came with a recorder by default..02:37
b3nhey i would like to ask how to install webapps in 13.04 ?02:37
diamondsdr_willis, Meris does that help?02:37
diamondsdr_willis, how do I determine the chipset?02:37
Merisdiamonds, allright :-) Now you at least have the exact name of your controller: Intel 82579LM02:38
dr_willisb3n:  the webap stuff is installed by default. or should be at least02:38
dr_willisdiamonds:  you look at the output of that command you pastebined..02:38
diamondsMeris, that's the ethernet nick02:38
diamondsdr_willis, I am on my knees begging for help02:38
minimecbrian____: Consider 13.04 instead of a 'patched' 12.04. It's an amazing release.02:38
diamondsi'm going in circles googling the output of these commands :(02:38
diamondsI've found this page: http://www.ubuntu.com/certification/catalog/component/pci/8086:0891/02:39
Merisdiamonds, 03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 2200 (rev c4) <= That is the description of the chipset itself02:39
diamonds"congratulations, it's supported!!" ...ok... now what?02:39
Alan2My project will be due soon, & I'm thinking I might just need to use a regular camera to record my screen.02:39
dr_willisdiamonds:  the lines that says 'product' i belive is your chipsets02:39
b3nyes it is (maybe your talking about the webapps-runner dr willis02:39
brian____minimec, its meant as a dualscreen kiosk, so I was hoping for a set and forget type system with no features, but able to view a web app.  I just assumed the LTS was nicer for that purpose02:39
diamondsdr_willis, Meris ok.  which of these is that? http://hastebin.com/fenekujebu.xml02:40
diamondswhich driver-name02:40
diamondsor... there's another step (?)02:40
diamondsthanks for your hlep02:40
dr_willismost intel wifi should be supported from the beginning.02:40
minimecbrian____: I see...02:40
A1ReconHow do i set a password to the Terminal?02:40
diamondsdr_willis, but it's not in my case02:40
dr_willisA1Recon:  what do you mean?02:41
Merisdr_willis, true, but it is a bit suspicious to see only Lenovo products mentioned and no other lappies...02:41
diamondsdr_willis, my kernel is messed up maybe, I've tried reinstaling it02:41
Alan2If you're typing in a password, you do not see the letters if that's what you're talking about. Maybe I'm mis-understanding that, sorry..02:41
b3nmy question would be how to install the facebook webapp? it's not showing in Software center when i search it ? anyone ?02:42
Alan2Probably the browser is the best, let me look for you though02:42
A1Recondr_willis: When I use Ctrl+Alt+T, it brings up the terminal, but in a video i saw the user was prompted for a password to access the terminal! How do i do that?02:43
diamondsplease please...02:43
diamondsI know the device, I know the OS...02:43
diamondswhy why can't I find the driver :(02:43
dr_willis!find  ipw220002:43
dinb3n: maybe install gwibber?02:43
ubottuFile ipw2200 found in linux-doc, linux-firmware, linux-headers-3.8.0-19-generic, linux-headers-3.8.0-19-lowlatency, linux-image-3.8.0-19-lowlatency, linux-image-extra-3.8.0-19-generic02:43
diamonds"The Intel Corporation Centrino Wireless-N 2200 is under the Wireless category and is contained in the certified systems below."02:43
dr_willisdiamonds:  google tells me that the module name should be the ipw220002:43
diamondsdr_willis, how did you find that out of curiosity?02:44
b3nA1Recon, maybe the user typed in gksudo02:44
Merisdr_willis, ninja's just found it myself... ;-)02:44
dr_willisdiamonds i googled for 'intel 2200 ubuntu module'02:44
Merisdr_willis, that would be ninja'd.02:44
A1Reconb3n: I dunno. I will check02:44
diamondsdr_willis, and how do I install that?02:44
dinb3n: also chrome has the ability to make facebook a webapp.02:45
diamondsI didn't know to look for the word "module" i was searching "driver" :(02:45
Merisdiamonds, by issuing modprobe ipw220002:45
dr_willisdiamonds -  does a 'lsmod '  show it loaded?02:45
Bray90820Anyone use the applacation drawers02:45
dr_willislsmod | grep ipw02:45
diamondshttp://hastebin.com/cenefareji.hs < dr_willis02:45
Bray90820i can't figure out how to remove a drawer02:45
b3ndin , are you also using 13.04 ?02:45
dr_willisbbl.. gotta get some work done.02:46
dinb3n: yes.02:46
diamondsok i'm going to run modprobe...02:46
diamondsmodprobe ip220002:46
Merisdiamonds, no!02:46
Merisdiamonds, its ipw220002:46
dinin chrome, settings, tools, create application shortcuts02:46
diamondsMeris, FATAL: Module ipw2200 not found.02:46
b3nhmmm, i use firefox 20 (the preinstalled) but no options shows on the address bar to add it ? do i need to add repository or something ?02:47
dinvisit the page you want and find those options to make it a "webapp"02:47
Merisdiamonds, that would mean it is not supported or included in your current kernel...Hmm, strange.02:47
dinb3n: http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=9534602:47
RobertBColtonod news everybody!02:47
anewi'm trying to mail -v but it says invalid option?02:47
Alan2I hate to bring all this crap up again, but I do remember that Skype can show my screen pretty good, I'm just not sure what it uses to capture it. I wish I could record Ubuntu 13.04 with the same tool it uses.02:47
RobertBColtonwhoops wrong channel02:47
RobertBColtonMeris, hey thaks for your help i got this thing working02:48
RobertBColtonyou guys are great! :)02:48
brian____modinfo ipw220002:48
diamondsMeris, so it sounds like I'm basically fucked02:48
b3ndin, and that is using chrome ? how about firefox?02:48
MerisRobertBColton, great to hear, Happy to help you helping yourself ;-)02:48
wilee-nilee!language > diamonds02:48
ubottudiamonds, please see my private message02:48
diamondsmy kernel is messed up, can't figure out why, wireless doesn't work and there's no way to install the driver02:48
dinb3n: not sure tha firefox can do that. i use chrome for everything.02:48
diamondsbecause that would be too easy :)02:48
Alan2I use Opera..02:49
feloni use firefox02:49
diamondswhat did I even do I wonder...02:49
diamondshow did I break this...02:49
Merisdiamonds, no, not so glum yet, you might have to install another kernel module, which is just a package just like any other.02:49
transit441how do i zip a file02:49
diamondsMeris, ah!02:49
transit441er folder02:49
diamondshow... I don't know what the next step is02:49
diamondsI am way over my head basically :)02:49
brian____Diamondcite, , you could use compat-wireless and compile them and install them, so you shouldn't say you 'cant'...02:49
diamondsbrian____, do you actually think that's helpful or are you trolling? ;)02:50
b3ndin let me try it02:50
transit441how do i zip a folder02:51
transit441or even tar it02:51
ballsubuntu server is taking ages to insall02:51
diamondstransit441, man tar02:51
diamondstransit441, man gzip02:51
transit441is it tar -xvf?02:51
wilee-nilee!patience > transit44102:51
ubottutransit441, please see my private message02:51
diamondstransit441, man tar and you will see :)02:51
Merisdiamonds, you might try baking your own kernel, but that is probably not necessary, it might be though. Have you ever done that yourself? It's a lot of work, but you learn a *lot* in the process of doing so, plus, it's well documented.02:51
ballsim using 512mb of ram02:51
dintransit441: tar czvf file.tar.gz /path/to/folder02:51
brian____diamonds, You have to start somewhere, and broken things are the best time to learn.  But there are easier ways to get it work.02:51
diamondsMeris, unfortunately I have work to do beyond just futzing with my drivers & kernel :(02:52
ballsthis is the THIRD version of ubuntu ive tried02:52
Merisdiamonds, you might try (...gasp...) ndiswrapper.02:52
transit441din: root@ks3099630:/home/morph# tar czvr openvpn.tar.gz /home/morph/openvpn02:52
transit441tar: You may not specify more than one `-Acdtrux' or `--test-label' option02:52
transit441Try `tar --help' or `tar --usage' for more information.02:52
ballswhat to do02:52
Bray90820how would i recursively search a directory02:52
diamondsI picked ubuntu because it's advertised as a more "user friendly" distro... I'm not an eleet linux hacker02:52
dintransit441: you typoed my command.02:52
brian____transit441, for the love of god man... tar -xzvf filename.tar.gz02:52
diamondsand basically I don't want to leanr to compile the kernel (right now)02:52
transit441i got it din02:52
diamondsbrian____, what's the easier way?02:53
ballsI need a linux os that can run reasoably on 512 mb of ram02:53
ballseven the installer was slow02:53
julian_cballs: The installer is just really slow with that much RAM or less.02:53
transit441din:  morph@ks3099630:~$ ifconfig02:53
transit441Warning: cannot open /proc/net/dev (No such file or directory). Limited output.02:53
Merisdiamonds, I see. Well, try to reinstall the newest stable kernel then and perform a reboot, it just *might* pick up your "new" hardware.02:53
Bray90820how would i recursively search02:53
transit441any idea why ifconfig wont work02:53
dintransit441: try sudo ifconfig02:54
ballswhat do ai get02:54
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dinballs: http://www.damnsmalllinux.org/02:54
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transit441my tun still isnt thre02:54
BobJonkman1Hi all:  What's the name of the utility that lets me use one keyboard and mouse to control two or more Linux computers?02:54
Merisballs, try Puppy Linux, Vector Linux or Bodhi Linux. None of them are supported here btw.02:54
diamondsMeris, I did that once, I'll try again02:54
antitauBobJonkman1: synergy02:55
BobJonkman1antitau: That's the one!  Thanx, had a bit of a brainfreeze02:55
antitauBobJonkman1: I had to set something up yesterday with it so it was fresh in my mind :) np02:55
johnjohn1011balls, i ran puppy for a number of weeks.  hard to believe is all fit in 256 MG machine!02:56
Meris!language | transit44102:56
ubottutransit441: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:56
brian____diamonds, you can download compat-wiress, ./scripts/driver-select ipw2200; make; make install -- ofcourse that is if you are to use ipw2200 which I assume you should based on others input02:57
diamondsok I'm back02:57
diamondsMeris, I'm afraid that didn't seem to work02:57
transit441Warning: cannot open /proc/net/dev (No such file or directory). Limited output.02:57
Merisdiamonds, did it work? Try brian____ 's suggestion02:57
Bray90820Does anyone know how to recursively search for a directory02:57
transit441morph@ks3099630:~$ sudo mkdir /proc/net/dev02:57
transit441mkdir: cannot create directory `/proc/net/dev': File exists02:57
transit441morph@ks3099630:~$ ifconfig02:57
transit441Warning: cannot open /proc/net/dev (No such file or directory). Limited output.02:57
transit441morph@ks3099630:~$ sudo chmod 777 /proc/net/dev02:57
transit441morph@ks3099630:~$ ifconfig02:57
transit441Warning: cannot open /proc/net/dev (No such file or directory). Limited output.02:57
FloodBot1transit441: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.02:57
A1ReconA Text editor for editing code(HTNL,CSS,Python,Jquery) like Notepad++02:58
MerisAh, if we didn't have FloodBots, Great to see that work so impeccably. :-)02:58
johnjohn1011Bray90820:  used the find command02:58
Bray90820is that recursive02:58
Bray90820don't i need to put -R02:58
Bray90820or something like that02:59
MerisBray90820, try man find     first, it's a tool with a lot of options03:00
diamondsMeris, I may have missed it, what was it?03:00
transit441can someone help me with this03:00
transit441im trying to set up a VPN03:00
Merisdiamonds, <brian____> diamonds, you can download compat-wiress, ./scripts/driver-select ipw2200; make; make install -- ofcourse that is if you are to use ipw2200 which I assume you should based on others input03:00
x1nuxSSL_accept: 1408F10B: error:1408F10B:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_RECORD:wrong version number03:00
Bray90820Meris: don't i need to put something like -R to make it recursive03:00
johnjohn1011find . -name "*.pl"   for instance  the . is the current directory.   add 2 > /dev/null to reduce directories you can't seek03:00
x1nuxStunnel4 - ubuntu-12.1003:00
x1nuxany ideas ?03:01
MerisBray90820, no you don't find doesn't work like that, it works by search depths03:01
diamondsbrian____, where do I get that compat-wireless?  the one I have shows this: http://hastebin.com/fenekujebu.xml03:01
johnjohn1011Bray90820: no use the command as i've typed..  what are you looking for?  I will give you the command line.03:01
diamondsgot it from the link here: http://kennethray.hubpages.com/hub/How-to-Repair-Wireless-Network-After-Ubuntu-Update03:01
Bray90820i wanted to search ti was looking for a folder called .local03:02
diamondshow do I figure out which one to use? http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Download/stable/03:02
Bray90820johnjohn1011: i was looking for a folder called .local03:03
johnjohn1011Bray90820: find / -name ".local" -type d03:03
wilee-nileeBray90820, ctrl-h home03:03
MerisBray90820, that is in your homedir.03:03
brian____diamonds, I guess it is technically backports, what ubuntu are you using?03:03
diamondsLinux diamonds-T530 3.2.0-41-virtual #66-Ubuntu SMP Thu Apr 25 03:47:17 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux03:03
johnjohn1011Bray90820: http://superuser.com/questions/327762/how-to-find-a-directory-on-linux03:04
=== Kyzz_ is now known as Kyzz
Bray90820Meris: is it hidden03:04
Merisdiamonds, that kernel is a bit old, I use: 3.5.0-1803:04
MerisBray90820, yes, every file starting with a . is hidden in *nix03:04
diamondsMeris, I thought it was the newest listed...03:05
TXRoadkillanybody had problems with 13.04?03:05
Bray90820so does that mean i can't cd to it in the terminal03:05
brian____3.5. is available for 12.04 im pretty sure03:05
johnjohn1011brian____: i'm using 3.5 in 12.0403:05
Merisdiamonds, here's my output of uname -a: uname -a03:05
MerisLinux linblk 3.5.0-18-generic #29-Ubuntu SMP Thu Oct 25 07:26:14 UTC 2012 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux (I run 12.04 64 Bits BTW)03:05
diamondsMeris, where are you looking I don't see that version (0-18)03:05
brian____yah, has to be, just ran update on the server I broke with X, and it is 3.5 something03:06
brian____triple confirmed.03:06
Bray90820never mind i got it03:06
Bray90820thanks anyways03:06
diamondsso which compat wireless do I use03:06
brian____well, first upgrade your kernel03:06
diamondsthe 3.2.5 one?03:06
diamondsbrian____, how do I do that :(03:06
diamondsI think that's what got me into this mess03:06
Merisdiamonds, I didn't do anything funky, just updated to the latest Ubuntu supported kernel as soon as it showed up in Updates03:06
diamondsI've tried over and over to upgrade it03:07
ChogyDandiamonds: pastebin the output of `apt-cache policy linux-generic`03:07
johnjohn1011Linux bubba-MS-7529 3.5.0-27-generic #46~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Tue Mar 26 19:33:56 UTC 2013 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux03:07
Merisdiamonds, just try sudo apt-get update03:08
diamondsChogyDan, http://hastebin.com/defafatori.avrasm03:08
mojtabaHi, I upgraded my ubuntu 12.10 to 13.04, but my system's screen seems not working when booting up with kernel 3.8. I used kernel 3.5 and I could log in to my computer. Does anybody know what could be the problem, and how can I resolve it?03:09
Merisdiamonds, it seems your Ubuntu mirror is lightly out of date.03:09
Merisdiamonds, it seems your Ubuntu mirror is slightly out of date then03:09
brian____are you using a virtual kernel?03:09
diamondsbrian____, I think so...?03:09
diamondsthat's what it says in grub03:09
diamondsMeris, how do I fix that03:09
ChogyDandiamonds: no, that is fine actually.  If you are on 12.04, that makes sense, it isn't broken03:10
diamondswhenever I apt-get update it complains about spotify repos I added03:11
diamondshow to undo that03:11
diamondsI can't find spotify in /etc/apt/sources.list03:11
mojtabaHi, I upgraded my ubuntu 12.10 to 13.04, but my system's screen seems not working when booting up with kernel 3.8. I used kernel 3.5 and I could log in to my computer. Does anybody know what could be the problem, and how can I resolve it?03:11
diamondsI just want to see apt-get update run w/ no errors03:11
brian____diamonds, I'm no expert but I think the -virtual is intended on being ran with virtualization and has far less drivers available, not that you can't install them.  That might explain why you don't have that wireless driver.03:11
ChogyDanmojtaba: what graphics card?03:11
diamondsbrian____, oh cool!03:11
diamondshow can i switch that in grub?03:12
mojtabaI have Dell Studio 1555.03:12
Litecoin_Messiahhow do i open port 333303:12
mojtabaChogyDan: I have Dell Studio 1555.03:12
ChogyDanbrian____: yeah, that is my understanding as well.03:12
ChogyDandiamonds: try installing linux-generic03:12
Merisdiamonds, are you running a server or a virtual server?03:12
diamondsMeris, desktop03:12
diamondsChogyDan, I have a couple times in the past couple hours03:12
diamondsI can try again...03:12
Merisdiamonds, in that case, go with ChogyDan's advice03:13
ChogyDandiamonds: pastebin the output of your errors03:13
mojtabaChogyDan: Do you know what should I do?03:13
wilee-nileemojtaba, you know the graphic card, and have looked i the additional drivers tab in software updates?03:13
Merisdiamonds, brian____ ,  I'll have to sleep now, it's already O_o 5:15 AM here...03:13
diamondsChogyDan, this is the install command: http://hastebin.com/xeparekase.vhdl03:13
diamondsMeris, ty so much!03:13
brian____Meris, I would be dead already, heh03:14
diamondsChogyDan, I was installing a specific version03:14
Merisdiamonds, don't mention it, I really hope you will get your NIC working.03:14
johnjohn1011dell studio 1555 has intel graphis btw  mojtaba03:14
diamondsbecause the OS has been filling up /lib/modules with every version of the linux kernel since moses for some reason03:14
ChogyDandiamonds: hmmm, it looks like you already had the kernel installed03:14
Khaleel78hey guys, quick question if I wanted to install a program from launchpad named blueman and it's ppa address was "http://ppa.launchpad.net/blueman/ppa/ubuntu"03:14
ChogyDandiamonds: yeah, you need to uninstall old kernels03:15
diamondsChogyDan, oh I did ;)03:15
Khaleel78do I type in term "sudo apt-get-repository ppa:blueman/ppa"03:15
diamondsI think my issue was from OVER uninstalling03:15
Khaleel78to add the repo?03:15
Khaleel78for 12.10?03:15
mojtabajohnjohn1011: I have latest drivers I guess.03:15
brian____diamonds, Well, every system I have, desktops and servers, none of them run a -virtual kernel, my aws EC2 instances all do though, heh03:15
Merisbrian____, I have a weakness for sitting behind my screen for too long. I will be dead, yes, but that will hopefully not be before another 50-60 years from now :-P03:15
wilee-nileeKhaleel78, Make sure it has your release and that is the ppa name03:15
mojtabajohnjohn1011: I have no problem with kernel 3.5, but It is not working with kernel 3.8!03:16
diamondsChogyDan, http://hastebin.com/cukivoroji.mel03:16
diamondsI keep getting errors on update03:16
ChogyDanKhaleel78: https://launchpad.net/~blueman/+archive/ppa  see that page03:16
diamondsbrian____, so maybe I follow this advice and it will help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=153577903:16
Khaleel78alright thanks03:16
wilee-nileeKhaleel78, only supports up to 11.1003:16
Khaleel78ah ok03:17
ChogyDandiamonds: that error is more of a warning.  Don't worry about that03:17
diamonds"change GRUB_DEFAULT to a number that is the position of your selected entry (counting from 0)" What does this mean (from grub config)?03:17
MerisAnyhow, good day, night, wherever. zzzZZZzzzz (.。.)03:17
=== CQ_ is now known as CQ
brian____diamonds, if you have multiple kernels instead, you can just choose other options at the grub screen and pick a different kernel and try it.. but do this, take a live cd, and see if you get wireless when its booted03:18
diamondshow do I determine "the position of my selected entry?"03:18
diamondsbrian____, I don't have live on hand03:18
diamondslet me reboot & try to pick another kernel03:18
brian____If only there were websites with live cd's to download...03:18
diamondsthe only linux kernel options at the top are virtual03:19
johnjohn1011mojtaba, do you know if you have intel, ati or nvidia graphics?03:19
diamondsshould I uninstall the virtual kernel?03:19
diamondsI feel like I'm getting close here...03:20
mojtabajohnjohn1011: I think it is ATI graphic card03:20
mojtabajohnjohn1011: I found this, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/113308703:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1133087 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu shows grains like screen after the splash from kernel (3.8.0-5)" [High,Incomplete]03:20
mojtabajohnjohn1011: I have the same problem.03:20
diamondssudo apt-get remove linux-virtual03:20
diamondsdoes this seem like a good idea?03:21
brian____well no.03:21
brian____Do you have linux-generic ?03:21
ballshow to rename the rubbish bin03:21
diamondsbrian____, yes03:21
diamondslinux-generic is already the newest version.03:21
diamonds0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.03:21
diamondsbrian____, I wonder why the -generics aren't presented as options in grub (?)03:22
brian____what does your /boot look like?03:22
mojtabajohnjohn1011: Do you know what should I do?03:22
diamondsbrian____, http://hastebin.com/hikudoqedo.cpp03:22
Litecoin_Messiahany idea how i could open port 333 in ubuntu 12?03:22
ChogyDan!iptables > Litecoin_Messiah03:23
ubottuLitecoin_Messiah, please see my private message03:23
brian____diamonds, I don't want to be the person to tell you to uninstall linux-virtual and your system not boot.03:23
diamondsbrian____, how can I get grub to see linux-generic03:24
brian____The 3rd option down in your selection screen, is it other options, or something like that, older choices perhaps?03:24
Litecoin_MessiahChogyDan, sudo ufw status verbose03:24
Litecoin_MessiahStatus: inactive03:24
mojtabaAny idea?03:24
diamondsbrian____, correct03:24
diamonds"older kernels"03:24
diamondsor something03:24
brian____And there isnt anything in there?03:24
brian____well, I guess they're not older...03:24
diamondsI didn't check03:24
brian____oh, well check there.03:25
researcher123is there a channel where I can discuss about the performance of Ubuntu 13.04 ? I want 2 understand before upgrading from 12.1003:25
diamondsbrian____, ok trying again03:25
johnjohn1011mojtaba: maybe someone get get you back to 12.10  or get you an eariier kernel.  beyond what i know.03:25
diamondsdid htis: http://hastebin.com/kuqanejuhi.sm03:25
ChogyDanLitecoin_Messiah: I don't really know.  have you tried ufw allow 330?03:25
mojtabajohnjohn1011: Thanks.03:26
Litecoin_Messiahim trying things now thanks03:26
mojtabaIs there somebody who can help me?03:26
ballsdiff between bash and unix03:27
johnjohn1011mojtaba: i would get a launchpad acct and add some activity as the issue might expire03:27
brian____mojtaba, try to reword your original question, I just read it and I don't full understand what you mean03:27
mojtabajohnjohn1011: I really appreciate it.03:27
diamondspraise god it wors!03:27
ChogyDanLitecoin_Messiah: fyi, iptables is the underlying interface that is provided by linux.  UFW is an interface to iptables03:28
diamondsnow to set it as default, not "older version"...03:28
ballsdiff between bash and unix03:28
johnjohn1011brian____: mojtaba has this bug. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1133087.   he needs to get to an earlier kernel if possible.03:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1133087 in linux (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu shows grains like screen after the splash from kernel (3.8.0-5)" [High,Incomplete]03:28
MeXTuXI have a laptop with a graphic card 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller [8086:126] The driver is i915 and the laptop is an Aspire V3-471. With Quantal it freezes randomly specially when I am browsing the web. Shoud I upgrade to Ubuntu 13.04?03:28
mojtababrian____: I just upgrade from ubuntu 12.10 to 13.04, but when I use kernel 3.8, I got splash TV like screen.03:28
diamondsyay, sort of03:29
brian____do you have hdmi?03:29
ChogyDanmojtaba: subscribe to that bug, and wait for it to be fixed.  That's one strategy.03:29
mojtabaChogyDan: Thanks.03:29
johnjohn1011mojtaba: here is a repo for some of the earlier 3.8 kernels.  i would try to install one of them http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/03:30
johnjohn1011subscribe to that issue so it doesn't go away03:30
ballsdiff between bash and unix?03:30
ChogyDandiamonds: you can remove the linux-virtual now that you have a different kernel working03:31
ChogyDanballs: you will get a better answer on wikipedia, try looking them up there03:31
diamondsChogyDan, sudo apt-get remove linux-virtual?03:32
johnjohn1011mojtaba: if it was me i would load everyone one of them, then use grub to pick up to where the bug occured03:33
ChogyDandiamonds: that's just the meta package.  You would need to remove the linux-image-<version>-virtual package  (I think that's the name)03:33
johnjohn1011that is ever 3.8 kernel rc  -> revisions03:33
diamondshow do I find the version?03:33
etfbWhere is the option in System Settings to change the hotkey that calls up the Dash?  I use the Super (Windows) key as a key modifier, but any time I press it the bloody Dash appears.  I want to change that, but there's nothing I can find that will do it.  Any ideas?03:33
diamonds--installed doesn't work with apt-cache search...03:33
ChogyDanmojtaba: if you are going johnjohn1011's route, you might as well pick out the kernels listed on the bug report03:34
brian____uname-r in the cmdline03:34
ChogyDandiamonds: I use tab completion myself, so sudo apt-get remove linux-image-<tab><tab>03:35
diamondsChogyDan, no work :(03:35
diamondsbrian____, 3.2.0-41-generic03:35
johnjohn1011ChogyDan: how do u find out which ubuntu version matches to the kernel version?03:36
brian____sudo apt-get remove linux-image-($uname -r)03:36
JediKnitehi, anyone here able to help me with a Ubuntu install problem?03:36
ChogyDandiamonds: nothing comes up?03:36
brian____err no!03:36
brian____don't type that..03:36
brian____that would remove generic, my bad03:36
ChogyDanbrian____: that removes the kernel you are currently running03:36
diamondsChogyDan, no but removing the uname-r (not generic but)-virtual worked03:36
diamondsI will run grub-update now03:37
wilee-nileeJediKnite, Probably describe the problem to the channel.03:37
brian____sudo apt-get remove linux-image-3.2.0-41-virtual03:37
diamondsbrian____, ChogyDan http://hastebin.com/leqicigato.pas03:37
JediKniteJust trying to do an install for 12.04 LTS, have it loaded to a USB drive via unetbootin03:38
JediKniteI select install, but it just goes to the splash screen03:38
diamondsI don't see linux-virtual there.....03:38
diamondssorry, linux-generic03:38
JediKnitewith the 5 little red dots turning white03:38
JediKniteseems to hang there with no further progress03:38
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter03:38
etfbI press the Windows key; the Dash comes up.  This is the Wrong Thing.  I don't want it to happen.  Is it really true that I have no option?03:38
brian____diamonds, in that screenshot I see generic03:39
diamondsbrian____, well vmlinuz03:39
diamondsis that what I'm looking for?03:39
ChogyDanJediKnite: try hitting esc03:39
* diamonds wonders if he's safe to reboot....03:40
JediKniteChogyDan: okay, booting it up again, let me try03:40
ChogyDandiamonds: everything looked fine03:40
diamondsok rebooting03:40
JediKniteokay, esc gives me a blank screen now03:40
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JediKniteoh wait.....03:41
JediKnitespitting out stuff now03:41
ChogyDanJediKnite: it just removes the splash screen.  hitting esc again will bring it back03:42
JediKniteudevd[113]: timeout: killing '/sbin/blkid -o udev -p /dev/sdb' [296]03:42
JediKnitethat's looping over and over03:42
JediKnitesomething to do with my mounted HDD?03:42
diamondsremoved lowlatency as well, now grub picks -generic03:43
brian____yea, was going to say that, are you using ubuntu studio?03:44
ChogyDanJediKnite: yeah, i dunno.  There is some sort of issue with sdb it looks like03:44
diamondsbrian____, I don't think so...03:44
diamondswell all's well that ends well I guess :)03:44
brian____Where did you even get these kernels?03:44
diamondsbrian____, probably apt-get install linux-generic03:44
diamondsit installed all 303:44
diamonds"just in case" (?)03:44
diamondsbig thanks to ChogyDan brian____ meris03:45
johnjohn1011i can't wait to compile my own kernel..03:45
brian____I've never had that happen to me, but all good.  Glad that it's set.  So you know, the original thought installing compat-drivers would have worked as well, but way more convoluted and troublesome upgrades.03:45
brian____I remember not too long ago, being required to build the kernel for most anything.03:47
brian____You did get a a sense of customization though, not this simple, oh, new module, i'll type modprobe...03:47
shysoft(Let me know if this isn't the best place to ask this question)   I have a ubuntu vps server through rackspace.com and cat-ing my /var/log/auth.log file today, I noticed that i have about 10,000 failed ssh login attempts per day (for all sorts of usernames but 'test' 'user' 'postgres' 'webmaster' and 'root' are popular ones). Are these attempts to compromise my server?03:54
ubuntuaddictedshysoft, yes they are but nothing out of the ordinary03:55
balls 03:55
shysofthow many tries does ssh allow per minute?03:56
ballslets try that again03:56
zykotick9shysoft: yes, that's people trying to get in.  you might want to check out fail2ban.03:56
ubuntuaddictedshysoft, install fail2ban or something similiar that puts the intruding IP address into a ban list. i only have a small home server and the only port open to the outside world is my ssh port, i get tons of failed ssh connect attempts03:56
ubuntuaddictedshysoft, you could also consider changing the port from the non-standard port number03:57
shysoftwhere do they primarily come from? Is it some guy sitting on his pc just trying out random ip addresses, or is it usually bots?03:57
zykotick9shysoft: script-kiddies mainly ;)03:58
TXRoadkillAnyone having problems with Ubuntu 13.04 and media applications?  I installed 13 last night, and now VLC won't launch, and Rhythmbox won't play internet streams03:58
TXRoadkillHey China03:58
wilee-nilee!cn > jiangfuqiao03:58
ubottujiangfuqiao, please see my private message03:58
jiangfuqiaoi from china03:58
TXRoadkillThe English language has 26 characters.  The Chinese language has over 300003:59
TXRoadkillIt's interesting03:59
jiangfuqiao 我英文不好啊03:59
TXRoadkilljiangfuqiao> i from china < hello04:00
TXRoadkillSo, what are you going to do with North Korea?04:00
TXRoadkillAssholes want to start a nuclear war04:01
TXRoadkilla lot of South East China would be gone04:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:02
TXRoadkillpeace, and free trade04:02
=== Sleepy_I is now known as sleepyIE
TXRoadkillAnyone having problems with Ubuntu 13.04 and media applications?  I installed 13 last night, and now VLC won't launch, and Rhythmbox won't play internet streams04:04
=== sleepyIE is now known as sleepy_I
xeni want to install covergloobus on my 12.04 box04:07
xenanyhere ?04:09
wilee-nileexen, use with caution. http://iamfuss.deviantart.com/journal/Install-covergloobus-for-Ubuntu-12-04-29857429604:09
xensir i get error in this04:10
RajviHi all04:10
RajviNewbie here04:10
Rajviwhere shall i send a screen shot04:11
johnjohn1011rajvi: paste.ubuntu.com04:11
=== rhg135|gone is now known as rhg135
debacleHey guys, so I tried moving my home dir to another partition on another hdd using "sudo mv /home /media/usr/sdb1". Now I knew something went wrong when it moved 856gb(and was continuing) when my home dir only has around 680gb. I ran "sudo diff -r /media/usr/sdb1/home ~" and there was an error in almost every folder. I created a second root user in case I messed up my home dir, but I havnt logged out yet.04:11
ChogyDandebacle: yeah, that isn't the correct command.  First off, you should use a copy command, not a move command!  you can always do the delete after04:12
ChogyDandebacle: I think the correct command is rsync -Sa04:13
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving04:13
debacleChogyDan, whoops. And that would explain why they arnt the same. Doyou know why the second was larger?04:13
Skaparedebacle: got an external backup or two?04:13
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debacleubottu, I was following that, but that assumes that my main hdd is big enough to fit two coppies on it. Skapre, I might be able to get ahold of one.04:14
ubottudebacle: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:14
debacleoh, sorry mr roboto04:14
debacle*the more ou know*04:14
RajviI don't know how to use ubuntu.pastebin.com04:14
RajviI need to show you guys a screenshot04:15
dr_willisRajvi:  the pastebinit command makes it easy04:15
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.04:15
Skaparedebacle: your source and destination hard drive die ... where's your backup?04:15
debacleSkapare, is there any way I could do it without one? Id have to get it tomorow, and im on a time crunch.. and I didnt use one... :/04:16
debaclemistake no.104:16
xensir i get error bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/xen/Downloads/recipe-1.7/".04:17
peepsalotubuntu 13.04 just installed some updates on my thinkpad w510 laptop and prompted for restart.  now that I have restarted i have no access to wifi or even wired ethernet04:17
debacleSkapare, I might actually be able to get one tonight...04:17
DeathKnighta really basic/general question: Can ubuntu iso be called ubuntu setup file?04:17
dr_willisDeathKnight:  'setup file' is a rather meaningless term04:17
xenwilee-nilee: sir i get rerror bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/xen/Downloads/recipe-1.7/04:18
RajviPlease look that this!04:18
DeathKnightdr_willis, why?04:18
dr_willisDeathKnight:  because what does 'file' really mean.. of course its a file... but so is setup.exe04:18
xenanyone  ?04:18
dr_willisDeathKnight:  its a live-dvd  image.04:18
wilee-nileexen, Launchpad has a different tar, ou might try pointing at that, otherwise I'm not sure.04:19
Rajvii can use Unity & any appliations. But the damn login screen won't disappear04:19
DeathKnightdr_willis, ok. I guess I understood04:19
elkngbash, perl, lisp, emacs, vim04:20
debacle_Im sorry, i had to change clients, what was the correct command to sync home dir?04:20
elkngthings that unrelated to ubuntu04:20
peepsalotnevermind, rebooted again and its back04:20
johnjohn1011rajvi, are you sure that's not the background jpg?  can you try to change the background?04:20
RajviYes I did04:21
Rajviit des not work04:21
RajviI upgraded from 12.10 to Raring,  I also have Gnome DE,, it works fine04:21
Rajvisomething wrong with Ubuntu ldm, i GUESS04:22
elkngI mean if people fluent in: "bash, perl, lisp, emacs, vim", is there a reasone they choose ubuntu ?04:22
RajviSome one else have also expreicnece the same issue04:22
=== rhg135 is now known as rhg135|gone
debacle_rsync right?04:23
johnjohn1011rajvi what about if you don't require login, login automatically04:23
RajviThat's a turnaround04:23
xenwilee-nilee: whats difference between covergloobus v i.6 and v 1.7 ?04:24
RajviI haven't tried04:24
jribelkng: release schedule and stable release update policy?  Also, the community...04:24
wilee-nileexen, No idea, I have never used it.04:24
ghost__hey is there a channell for qt ubuntu sdK?04:24
elkngjrib: there is always debian, with its "stability" all over the place04:25
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etfbI press the Windows key; the Dash comes up.  This is the Wrong Thing.  I don't want it to happen.  Is it really true that I have no option?04:32
Ben64etfb: you don't have to use unity04:32
dr_willisetfb:  thats how its designed... so whats wrong with it.04:32
dr_willisalt key brings up the hud.  windows key brings up dash04:32
ashman2what does this have to do with freenode?04:33
ashman2Keep the channel clear.04:33
dr_williswin+ other things  gives other features.04:33
ashman2Move along.04:33
ashman2(you're in #freenode, not #ubuntu)04:33
elkng"you're in #freenode", what did you just said ?04:33
etfbdr_willis: The Windows key is a modifier.  It's not appropriate for it to also have another action.  Imagine if the Ctrl key also switched turned your audio volume up.04:33
etfbashman2: This is #ubuntu.04:34
ashman2enough, really.04:34
ashman2Please, this is #freenode.04:34
dr_willislooks like #ubuntu to me.04:34
etfb(Read that like "THIS! IS! SPARTAAAA!!!")04:34
ashman2Hearts in atlantis.04:34
Ben64protip - don't feed the trolls04:34
ashman2enough. please just stop04:34
ashman2Keep the channel clear.04:34
ashman2Move along.04:34
etfbDamn. Need the IRC command to mute individual trolls.04:35
Ben64depends on client04:35
dr_willisetfb:  /ignore nickname04:35
dr_willisis common04:35
ashman2like that one.04:35
etfbdr_willis: Thanks.04:35
ashman2 /ignore <nick> ALL04:35
etfbSo is there really no way to stop the Windows key triggering the Dash?  because that's seriously a bug.04:36
Ben64etfb: did you still want unity just without that?04:36
dr_willisetfb:  its not a bug. its a feature.04:36
etfbI don't mind, say, remapping it to Windows+Space.04:36
m1chaeli just installed xubuntu. my touchpad left/right button both "left" click- it's a bug- i see discussions about it but nothing concrete yet. anyone know about this?04:36
dr_willisetfb:  it works as  meta key and a action key. I have no issues with it working that way04:36
cantrellnope jk04:36
etfbWhen I press Windows+Right Arrow, for example, which I set up as the "go to next track" in Clementine, it also pops up the Dash.  Do you get that sort of behaviour, dr_willis?04:37
Ben64then use ctrl+right arrow?04:37
dr_willisetfb:    sounds like clementine is the bug.04:37
dr_willisand i dont recall seeing any conflicts with windows key in any other apps ive sued.04:38
etfbIt's not happening consistently. But if I could remap the hotkey for the Dash, it wouldn't happen at all.04:38
dr_willisif you press and hold the windows key - it shows you the common shortcuts used. if some other app decides to use the same shortcuts.. thats not really a bug in unity04:38
etfbOh fuck it. You people are obtuse. I give up.04:38
dr_willisthe window key is used by a great many features of the desktop/dash.  press and hold windows to see a list of the common shortcuts04:38
maglinkHow do I make deluge my default torrent client, such that clicking magnet links within chromium launches deluge instead of transmission?04:39
* dr_willis closes the ticket04:39
Ben64apparently the other multitude of modifiers aren't enough04:39
dr_willisseriously - what app would use windows + left/right?04:39
Ben64or just... buy a keyboard with multimedia keys, might set you back like $10 though04:39
john_doe_jrWhere is a "white list" set up on a ubuntu box?04:39
Ben64dr_willis: i bet he set it himself04:39
dr_willisjohn_doe_jr:  a whitelist of what?04:40
john_doe_jrdr_willis: of IP addresses not allowed to connect to the box04:40
maglinkdr_willis: hardware that's compatible, i'd assume04:40
Ben64john_doe_jr: you can do that with ufw04:40
maglinkdr_willis: lol, nvm, no context04:40
dr_willisjohn_doe_jr:  there is no such thing by deffault. unless you work on firewall rules. or the services in question04:41
RainbowWnote to self: md5sum on 450 gig takes a while.04:42
* statik_ slaps steeve1 around a bit with a large trout04:42
Safa_[A_boy]Hi, How can I contact Ubuntu Fonts?04:43
john_doe_jrhow can I determine if a server is exposed to the internet?  The ping has been turned off on this server..04:43
Ben64!info nmap | john_doe_jr04:43
elkngwhy slapping someone with a "large trout" is so popular on IRC ? why not to use huge banana or hand or dead hamster ?04:43
ubottujohn_doe_jr: nmap (source: nmap): The Network Mapper. In component main, is extra. Version 6.00-0.3 (raring), package size 3407 kB, installed size 14862 kB04:43
dr_williselkng:  as the mIRC users04:43
dr_willisask the mIRC users04:43
RainbowWelkng, it's a default /action in mirc context menus04:44
ball0firei use a sock full of old cheese and tomatos for slapping04:44
elkngRainbowW: now it clears a bit04:44
RainbowWwindows people, you know04:44
dr_williselkng:  because the mackrel wasent fresh.04:44
elkngis there some slapping command for "irssi" ?04:44
dr_williselkng:  just a silly alias they have by default04:45
john_doe_jrBen64: well nmap isn't installed04:45
elkng"/action" not working right04:45
BlackeyWhere the fuck am I04:45
IdleOne!language | Blackey04:45
ball0fireat your puter04:45
ubottuBlackey: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:45
joshuadanyone familiar with installing ms components via winetricks? having trouble after doing winetricks jet40 it just brings me to a nautilus window of a chache folder. nothing gets installed and i'm stuck :\04:45
BlackeyNo I last remember I was wacking off at my computer to some harcore porn now I'm here. Where am I.04:45
dr_willisjoshuad:  perhaps ask in #winehq04:46
joshuaddr_willis: will do thanks :)04:46
SeanTheTechso this is a help chat room?04:46
maglinkHow do I make deluge my default torrent client, such that clicking magnet links within chromium launches deluge instead of transmission?04:46
maglinkSeanTheTech: yes04:47
SeanTheTechok because im a tech04:47
dr_willismaglink:  askubuntu.com may have some info on that.04:47
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )04:49
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Guest4680hello all04:57
Captain_Crowmy firefox broke the internet, it says "server not found" when i click on it04:57
Captain_Crowdo i need a driver or something?04:58
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* dr_willis bets its 'or somthing'04:59
Captain_Crowwillis, how do i fix it?05:01
dr_willisCaptain_Crow:  determine wht the actual problem is...  No idea why you would think its a 'driver' issue05:01
[deXter]Captain_Crow, are you chatting from the same computer right now?05:01
[deXter]does the computer even have a network connection?05:02
dr_willisstart by  by trying to 'ping  google.com'  and see if it returns any info05:02
dr_willisthen try to  'ping' see if that returns any ping requests05:02
Captain_Crowthe internet icon is off in the taskbar thing05:03
Captain_Crowit worked before though05:04
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dr_willisdetermine if your network card is working. see if you are connected.. then decide which way to go from there..05:05
ndhakaragoodmorning all05:05
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Captain_Crowi had ubuntu installed and the internet worked fine, then i reinstalled ubuntu and now it aint working05:06
dr_willisCaptain_Crow:   run the addational-drivers tool and see if it suggests any drivers..  You keep changveing your story..05:06
ndhakaraI have a problem with online accounts, when I click to add twttier account, there is an error notification; "Applications can no longer access some of your Online Accounts. Choose Online Accounts from the user menu to reinstate access to this account"05:07
dr_willisin 12.10+ i  addational-drivers is a tab under the software-sources tool.05:07
john_doe_jrhow do I determine what ports are open on an ubuntu machine?05:08
dr_willisjohn_doe_jr:  theres no services by default. so nothing is listening by default normally. so every port is 'open' but nothing is running on them.05:09
smwjohn_doe_jr, netstat -ltpu05:09
Vyom|LiveGood morning / evening / night everyone. I am having a disabled option when I boot from dvd of 13.10, to upgrade from 12.10. ! :( Anyone know the reason?05:09
Vyom|LiveDisabled option of "Upgrade"05:09
Vyom|LiveGood day everyone. I am having a disabled option of "Upgrade" when I boot from dvd of 13.10, to upgrade from 12.10. ! Anyone know any probable reason?05:11
wilee-nileeVyom|Live, 13.10 saucy?05:12
Vyom|LiveI dunno05:12
Vyom|LiveI downloaded 64 bit version from canonical05:13
wilee-nileeVyom|Live 13.0405:13
Vyom|Liveno, 13.1005:13
wilee-nileeVyom|Live, Two things that would be #ubuntu+1 and is a just started development.05:13
Vyom|Liveok my bad, its 13.04.. shown by About05:14
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wilee-nileenot sure why it is grayed out, I did not know it was possible.05:14
andi_selamat siang05:15
nicekiwihey, I have a nividia card in my PC that I want to use. but ive installed ubuntu with the onboard graphics, when i boot with nvidia card i get a blank screen. can I install the nvidia drivers with jockey without the nvidia card being enaled?05:15
SwedeMikeVyom|Live: what are you trying to do? you have an existing 12.10 on hdd, you're bootin from 13.04 dvd and you want to use that one to upgrade the hdd installation?05:15
andi_hy jg05:15
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Vyom|LiveSwedeMike: Exactly05:15
Vyom|Livebut its grayed out05:15
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SwedeMikeVyom|Live: why do you want to do it this way instead of upgrading the existing one when booted from hdd?05:15
john_doe_jrI have a Ubuntu server that is mapped to an internet network IP address but I want to know if there is a public IP address for the server as well..how do I find this?05:16
AaruniVyom|Live: http://db.tt/1t2FYuN005:16
Vyom|LiveSwedeMike: saving bandwidth.. I already have iso05:16
Vyom|Livedont have much speed where I live :P05:16
ndhakaraI have a problem with online accounts, when I click to add twttier account, there is an error notification; "Applications can no longer access some of your Online Accounts. Choose Online Accounts from the user menu to reinstate access to this account"05:17
SwedeMikeVyom|Live: you might be able to use this method instead: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Apt-Cacher-Server05:18
Vyom|LiveOk, let me ask another question. Can I upgrade existing 12.10 to 13.04 using the DVD, from command line or something?05:18
SwedeMikeVyom|Live: basically tell ubuntu to look into the dvd for packages instead of downloading them05:18
Vyom|LiveI was able to add the dvd in software source, but dont know how to use it to update05:19
Vyom|LiveI think "Load Packages on Server from CD" is the stuff I was looking at. Thanks. I will try that.05:19
Biomechdso my unity seems to have partially crashed after booting twice (first time would let me log in then just said i'm logged in), and i keep getting popups about a "gsettings data conversion" crashing.05:20
Biomechdi can do stuff, but there's no dash or panel.05:21
SeanTheTechgoodnight :)05:22
Vyom|LiveThanks.. for helping. See you.. bye.05:22
dakotawulfyVyom|Live: after u have that working in synaptic  go to the update manager05:23
dakotawulfygo to settings05:23
ChogyDanBiomechd: I had that issue, and I reset my unity settings to fix it05:23
TXRoadkillYou are using 1304?05:24
TXRoadkillseems to be many problems05:24
TXRoadkillbrike VLC and Rythmbox05:24
Biomechdi'm on 12.10 if you're talking to me, TXRoadkill05:24
TXRoadkillYeah, wish I'd stayed there "/05:25
TXRoadkillbuggy as hell, but the speed improvement is astounding05:25
dakotawulfyVyom|Live: then go to updates set up  notify me of a new ubuntu version  set for log-term support versions05:25
TXRoadkillboots with the screen 'kubuntu'05:25
TonnyNerdWhere can I find disk erros messages on ubuntu? I migrated recently from OpenSuse, and this kind of thing showed in /var/log/messages, but this file doesn't seem to exist in ubuntu (I'm using 12.10)05:26
dr_willisoddest bug ive got with 13.04 is my hdmi audio worked during beta.. but not since final. ;)05:26
Biomechd"13.04 is gonna be AWESOME!!! (for us to watch you rage over annoying bugs, that is.)" lol05:26
TXRoadkillyeah, big problem with multimedia05:26
TXRoadkillVLC won;t even boot05:26
dr_willisTonnyNerd:  dmesg might show some info.05:26
dr_willisVLC works fine for me.05:26
TXRoadkillI hate beta testing05:26
ChogyDanBiomechd: http://askubuntu.com/questions/204428/unity-missing-cant-see-top-or-side-panels05:26
TXRoadkillHow about Rhythmbox?05:27
dr_willisive seen people with  the 'unity missing' issue in 12.04 12.10 and 13.04 with all sorts of differnt video cards and drivers. ;()05:27
dr_willishavent used a music player app in ages..05:28
TXRoadkillYeah, I've got very old hardware.  Maybe that's the issue05:28
TXRoadkillOld Dell dimension P405:28
TonnyNerddr_willis, on opensuse it showed msgs about IO erros, from badblocks. Now, I correct those, so it might not be showing anything because theresn't anything to show, but I want to be sure I am looking in the right place05:28
Captain_Crowdr_willis, it works now, i think my router was acting up05:28
TXRoadkillIt's not like Apple where they can control the hardware05:29
dakotawulfyTXRoadkill u need alight weight system05:29
TXRoadkilland I understand that05:29
dakotawulfyTXRoadkill os05:29
unstableWhat laptop does Mark Shuttleworth use?05:29
dr_willisTonnyNerd:  i imagine  most disrtos log stuff to the same files for that info.  Ive not used suse in years however.05:29
TXRoadkillWell, if 13.04 wouldn't install properly on an old P4 system, they should have said so and blocked the installation05:30
TXRoadkillI'm pissed05:30
dr_willis12.10+ needs pae hardware. i belive.05:30
lovethecodewhat is pae hardware, dr_willis?05:31
Biomechdthanks TXRoadkill05:31
dr_willisother then that.. im not sure 13.04 differs in its hw needs from 12.10 much at all05:31
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info05:31
dr_willispae enabled kernel is the default on 12.10+  i think.05:31
dr_willisi get version #'s confused at times05:31
ipunchhit this with power05:32
FloodBot1ipunch: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:32
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Bray90820why can't i see my mounted Android SD card on ubuntu05:32
dr_willisBray90820:  mounted how?05:32
Bray90820i mounted usb storage on my android phone05:33
Bray90820but it won't show up on 13,0405:33
dr_willisYou mean a android phone plugged into the pc? or the sd card FROM a phone? or whate exactly05:33
ipunchflood bot are you trying to hit me?05:33
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dr_willisBray90820:  i started using 'airdroid' on android to move stuff back and forth between my pcs.. i wont ever go back to using a cable to the pc again. ;)05:34
Bray90820the phone plugged into the computer05:34
ipunch99.239.192.0 slap this ip with ecatels and net routing05:34
ipunch(Ping timeout: 256 seco05:34
Bray90820i prefer the cable05:34
bazhangipunch, stop that05:34
dr_willisBray90820:   the MTP drivers stuff with newer phones can be problematic05:34
bazhang!ot | ipunch05:35
ubottuipunch: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:35
Bray90820it's not mtp05:35
Bray90820it's mass storage05:35
Bray90820from clockwork recovery05:35
john_doe_jrHow do I ssh into one computer and then forward to another in 1 command?05:35
dr_willisBray90820:  Try mounting it by hand then, could show some usefull error messages05:36
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Bray90820i can't even see it in gparted05:38
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* Aaruni is away: AFK05:38
bazhangAaruni, disable that05:38
john_doe_jrHow do I ssh into one computer and then forward to another in 1 command?05:40
dr_willisjohn_doe_jr:  might be best to look up some tutorials on usiing ssh. I know it can be done. but id have to look it up again.05:40
john_doe_jrdr_willis: I'm looking now05:41
Bray90820dr_willis: i can't see it in gparted05:41
Pilot_ausHi all. I have a samba server i could connect to through a router, but now it's through a switch/hub and i cant connect. any ideas?05:41
dr_willisBray90820:  try the 'sudo blkid' and 'dmesg' output to see if its mentioned... could be why its not auto mounting if the system is not seeing it at all.05:42
john_doe_jrdr_willis: I found this: http://superuser.com/questions/96489/ssh-tunnel-via-multiple-hops but can't figure it out05:42
dr_willisPilot_aus:  can you ping the server? ping it by its ip?   try connecting to its   smb://ip.add.ress.###/ sharename   instead of its hostname?05:43
Pilot_ausdr_willis: I have not tried to ping it. I am trying to connect by ip address and not hostname....its a win 7 client, let me see if i can ping the samba server05:44
Bray90820dr_willis: it is not listed05:44
dr_willisBray90820:  monitor dmesg otuput  or tail -f /var/log/kernel (i think) and unplug/plug it back in and see if anything says anything about the device05:45
dr_willisits amazeing the # of cruddy usb data cables ive found  in the last 2 years.05:46
Pilot_ausdr_willis: it appears to have timed out :(05:46
dr_willisid try a differnt cable if you hyave any05:46
dr_willisPilot_aus:  looks like you got some networking issues.05:46
Pilot_ausdr_willis: ive been at this all day. Im having trouble setting a static ip on the linux samba server. Could you guide me through it?05:47
dr_willisPilot_aus:  i just set my router to assign a static ip based on mac.05:48
huluwhat diff between linux-signed-image and linux-image05:48
Pilot_ausdr_willis: I have it connected though a switch05:48
dr_willisPilot_aus:  you got a router on the network somewhere working as a dhcp server?05:49
Pilot_ausyes, but it only has 1 ethernet connection :(05:49
dr_willisPilot_aus:  err..   you got pc --> switch --> router ?05:50
Bray90820that was odd05:50
Bray90820it said journal is not empty replay the transactions before opening the file system05:50
Pilot_ausdr_willis: yes...its ugly05:50
Bray90820and then it worked05:50
dr_willisPilot_aus:  the router is still working as a dhcp server for the lan.. the switch dosent really matter as far as i know.05:50
dr_willisPilot_aus:  can you ping the router?05:50
Bray90820dr_willis: it said journal is not empty replay the transactions before opening the file system05:51
Bray90820and then it worked05:51
Pilot_ausdr_willis: yes, can ping router, just tried.05:51
dr_willisPilot_aus:  and what ip is the problem server using?05:51
xenhey i want to install gnome tweak tool with gnome shell any way to it >05:52
Pilot_ausdr_willis: well i tried to set it too, but it hates it and i loose interent connection. so nows its at which is what it gets assigned automatically05:52
dr_willisPilot_aus:  so other pcs on the lan cant ping ?05:53
Pilot_ausdr_willis: no..when i run ifconfig it always says regardless of what i set it at05:54
dr_williscan that server ping the pther pcs on the lan?05:55
bzm3rhey guys. jockey is not detecting my nvidia graphics card automatically, and thus not suggesting a driver for download -- i am using wubi05:58
bzm3rwhat can i do?05:58
dr_williswell.. we will suggest you stop using wubi  - since its going to be dead in the near future. ::)   for the short term. You could just try insgtalling the nvidia-current package and see if it works05:59
dr_williswhat is your video card? and is it an  optimus setup05:59
bzm3rthanks for suggesting that i stop using wubi, but i have to use wubi out of necessity. the nvidia-current package doesn't work properly for me for some reason06:00
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bzm3ri don't have an optimus setup06:00
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bzm3rmy graphics card is old06:00
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bzm3rnever mind, something is downloading now.06:01
dr_williswubi will be gone inn the next  release i belive.  (i think it just barely made it into 13.04)06:01
bzm3rwubi has the great advantage of not needing a USB drive, an external hard drive, or a DVD drive for installation06:01
bzm3rand i can use LPVT to make it a permanent install06:01
bzm3rthis really isn't a wubi issue, and i am not sure why you are focusing on it?06:02
Captain_Crowhow do i move the taskbar from the side to the bottom?06:02
dr_willisCaptain_Crow:  basically you dont.06:02
Captain_Crowso, theres no customization?06:02
dr_willisif you want a bottom panel. thees various docks you can use.06:02
BodsdaCaptain_Crow: welcome to unity06:02
dr_willisthe panel is not designed to be moved.06:03
bzm3rwhere everything makes you want to shoot yourself in the head06:03
Captain_Crowdoes cinnamon work with ubuntu?06:03
dr_williswe dont support cunnamon here  - but i imagine theres ppas for it06:04
1JTAAONM3Dist upgrade gone horribly wrong from gnome 3 to gnome fallback system settings won't close and vmware has 2 failed items06:04
punit9462hey..is it possible to have ubuntu on samsung galaxy ace ?06:04
dr_williswith gnome-shell 3.8 having its own native gnome-2 theme/mode - i imagine cinnamon may  fall  off the radar soon06:04
1JTAAONM3Need help fixing this06:04
Captain_Crowthere any way to get a traditional desktop on ubuntu?06:04
BodsdaCaptain_Crow: sure, install gnome3 or kde or fluxbox or lxde or xfce etc.06:05
dr_willisif you mean a 'gnome-2' look Captain_Crow   as i said..  gnome-shell is getting its own  gnome-2 look.   and theres other fallback gnome-2 look alikes06:05
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 and higher use GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, from 12.10 an up install the "ubuntu-gnome-desktop" package. From 11.04 to 12.04, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic06:05
scarrscan anyone help me with quake3-server? I have the game installed and the GAME itself runs fine but when I try to run quake3-server it complains of not having pak0.pak... anyone?06:05
dr_willisor use Lubuntu for an old skool type desktop06:06
1JTAAONM3(1JTAAONM3) Dist upgrade gone horribly wrong from gnome 3 to gnome fallback system settings won't close and vmware has 2 failed items help pc crippled06:06
ra-fihi i have try to install gentoo as guest os using virtualbox when i start the gentoo it shows http://pastebin.com/xu5Fb3LC can you tell me what is the problem06:07
Bodsdara-fi: is that from ubuntu or gentoo?06:07
1JTAAONM3It seems like y'all are as helpful as a bull in an elephant stampede cause every time i come here i never getnana06:09
1JTAAONM3*get an answer06:09
penoshow to install linux from dos06:09
Bodsda1JTAAONM3: that will have something to do with your posting style - have fun moaning and do it somewhere else06:10
penoshow to install linux in dos06:10
Bodsdapenos: you can't, you installing linux from a live cd/usb environment generally06:11
1JTAAONM3Sorry bout the typo like i said pc crippled tryin ta restore but usin irc frlm phone as precaution06:11
Captain_Crowdoes linux run on dos?06:12
Bodsda... no06:12
bzm3rwow, some questions.06:12
bzm3rtruly wow worthy.06:12
1JTAAONM3Its doin a buncha configurin right now after clickin software updater what does this mean?06:13
Bodsdabzm3r: dunno whats wrong with this channel this morning06:13
tachyons<Captain_Crow> : via vm? no there is no such vm06:13
Bodsda1JTAAONM3: I think it's configurin06:13
tachyons<1JTAAONM3> : configuring06:14
LifeIsPainDoes Lexus run on Peterbilt?06:14
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1JTAAONM3No i mean a lot of configuring like its beeen for the pas 12 minutes and not even 25% done06:14
Captain_Crowwhat is a peterbilt?06:15
gold_nickserv -?06:15
Bodsda1JTAAONM3: http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html06:15
tachyons<1JTAAONM3> :which sw06:15
ra-fiBodsda my machine is  ubuntu06:15
1JTAAONM3A high end semi google has the answers yo seek since this query is off-topic06:15
Bodsdara-fi: yeah, guessed that. But is that error coming from the terminal on ubuntu when you launched vbox or is it from the gentoo guest?06:16
ra-fiBodsda i launched vbox on ubuntu not from gentoo06:18
1JTAAONM3(tachyons) everything seen dkms ktux totem python xchat etc06:18
Bodsdara-fi: have you tried running the fix it suggests?   sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup06:19
1JTAAONM3Oh shiz thats not good if it configurin software-center06:19
ra-fiBodsda yes it shows sudo: /etc/init.d/vboxdrv: command not found06:20
Bodsdara-fi: what version of ubuntu?06:20
1JTAAONM3And bunches of lib... packages too fast to tell06:20
ra-fiBodsda ubuntu 3.5.0-28-generic06:21
john_doe_jrfrom bash ..how do you execute one comman and then wait for the first to execute and then run another computer?06:21
1JTAAONM3Does anyone have any idea of what has happened here to get my pc to this point06:21
Bodsdara-fi: install the dkms first as it suggests    sudo apt-get install virtualbox-dkms06:22
ra-fiBodsda yes it already installed eventhough it shows the same issues06:24
Bodsdara-fi: then run   modprobe vboxdrv06:24
john_doe_jrfrom bash ..how do you execute one comman and then wait for the first to execute and then run another computer?...I'm using the & but this is not working from the command line06:24
Bodsdajohn_doe_jr: command; command206:25
=== Termana is now known as Guest79237
Bodsdajohn_doe_jr: if you only want it to continue if the first command is successful then use && -- successful meaning exit code 006:26
ra-fiBodsda please see http://pastebin.com/7JC75zHK06:27
Bodsdara-fi: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) && sudo dpkg-reconfigure virtualbox-dkms && modprobe vboxdrv06:29
john_doe_jrBodsda: this is what I'm trying to do:  ssh -A -t user1@remote1.com && svn co svn+ssh://user2@remote2/svn/project ...is is not working...any idea why not?06:29
Bodsdajohn_doe_jr: yeah, the svn will only run after the ssh exits06:30
john_doe_jrBodsda: how can I correct that?06:30
Bodsdajohn_doe_jr: what are you trying to achieve?06:30
john_doe_jrBodsda: I'm trying to check out an svn project @ my home outside my companies network06:31
john_doe_jrBodsda: I know I can ssh into the remote1.com b/c I do it all the itme06:31
john_doe_jrBodsda: any ideas or anyone here?06:33
Bodsdajohn_doe_jr: john_doe_jr gimme a sec06:33
john_doe_jrBodsda: no problem I really appreciate the help06:33
john_doe_jrBodsda: see this works: ssh -A -t user1@remote1.com ssh -A -t user2@remote2.com...I can ssh into remote2 computer from my house06:34
Bodsdajohn_doe_jr: try this   ssh -A -t user1@remote1.com 'svn co svn+ssh://user2@remote2/svn/project...'06:35
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
scarrshello, installed 13.04 a few weeks ago and now some of my scripts in /etc/init/d are not loading at boot... a little help?06:36
vadi2searhorse broke: it's thinking that my login keyring password changed, when it has not, and I can still use it for login and sudo. I can't unlock the 'login' keyring however, and that's an issue because Chrome stores it's passwords in there. How can I fix this?06:39
=== cjae is now known as robotdevil
john_doe_jrBodsda: Alright...just a sec...I'm trying that06:44
ra-fiBodsda please see this log,got when i execute the above command http://pastebin.com/r8xaK8Cg06:45
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
Bodsdara-fi: it seems that virtualbox doesn't want to build on your kernel - try the package from their site instead -- https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads06:47
lotuspsychje!info vortualbox-ose | ra-fi06:48
ubottura-fi: Package vortualbox-ose does not exist in raring06:48
lotuspsychje!info virtualbox-ose |ra-fi06:48
ubottura-fi None: Package virtualbox-ose does not exist in raring06:48
l057c0d3rvirtual box is in the repository already..06:48
l057c0d3rand there is a ppa for virtualbox 406:49
lotuspsychje!info virtualbox-ose > lotuspsychje06:49
john_doe_jrBodsda: didn't work06:49
Bodsdal057c0d3r: did you even read his patebin?06:49
Bodsdajohn_doe_jr: what did it do?06:49
auronandacelotuspsychje: it hasn't been called ose for a while now06:49
john_doe_jrBodsda: bash: svn: command not found06:49
lotuspsychjeauronandace: tnx first i hear06:49
l057c0d3ryeah..  he updated his headers..  then recofigured virtualbox and tried to load a module that is missing06:49
Bodsdal057c0d3r: right.. from the repo's06:50
l057c0d3rmissed that part06:50
Bodsdajohn_doe_jr: any idea if thats from the host or from your ssh target?06:50
john_doe_jrBodsda: how would I tell?06:51
Bodsdajohn_doe_jr: to confirm use 'touch testfile' instead of the svn stuff after the ssh and then see if the file is created on your local or remote machine06:51
john_doe_jrBodsda: still in the 'touch textfile' quotes right?06:52
Bodsdajohn_doe_jr: yeah, I think the command needs to be quoted - although you could also use   'hostname'   which may tell you quicker which machine it is on06:53
john_doe_jrssh -A -t user1@remote1.com && touch textfile worked...06:54
john_doe_jrthis is the command I used: "ssh -A -t user1@remote1.com && touch textfile"06:54
Bodsdajohn_doe_jr: no - ssh -A -t user1@remote1.com 'touch testfile'06:54
john_doe_jrBodsda: just closed my connection06:55
Bodsdajohn_doe_jr: unfortunately I've got to go - hopefully someone else can help, or maybe try #ssh - sorry06:55
john_doe_jrBodsda: no problem06:56
lucidothe non LTS releases are now considered to be like debians unstable releases?06:56
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
l057c0d3rlucido,  i don't believe so..  they are just making the support duration less on them from what i understand06:57
hxmi only wanted to install roundcube and i got it, but now i need a imap server and there are too many07:04
hxmi just want it for self use so i dont need too much power07:05
hxmis there a simple and easy to configure smtp and imap?07:05
vadi2What are the side-effects of deleting the 'login' keyring?07:05
vadi2Mine has broken down.07:05
yashhcan i cahnge the colour if my launcher??07:05
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
KidBetawhere would I put headers i want to be able to access from a c program with just #include<headername.h>07:06
bumbari'd like to create an alias with custom argument names, how can i go about this?07:10
aeon-ltdbumbar: by writing it in bashrc ?07:12
bumbaraeon-ltd, yeah, unless there's a better place for it07:12
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
sudhiHi, I am facing strange connectivity issues on wireless, especially the wpa_supplicant component is creating loads of trouble07:19
sudhiany recommended channel for debug/help?07:19
k1l_if its ubuntu ask here07:19
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."07:19
sudhiok, Ubuntu 13.04 (dist upgraded from 12.10), problem with wireless connectivity, when I try to connect to wireless AP, it does not connect. I expect it to connect but in the /var/log/syslog, I can see wpa_supplicant doing something crazy07:21
korubiiI'm trying to change my keybindings to shortcut some things. What is the syntax for the Super(windows/logo) key? EX <Alt><Control>, but what is the Super key?07:23
sudhihave a look at this pastie for relevant log http://pastie.org/private/q4pj6v3eopb5hlatlfa07:23
sudhik1l_: ^07:23
lucidohow can I find out if my os is 32 or 64bit?07:23
sudhilucido: do you have /lib64 ?07:24
icerootlucido: uname -m07:24
jbesclapezhi guys!07:24
sudhimy internet is not working, please help ! see the pastie above07:25
jbesclapezI need help on a thing. I am trying to compile a kernel but I face an error. I already googled it but i see no obvious solution so far...07:25
jbesclapezmake ARCH=x86_64 CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/local/x86_64-linux-gnu/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu- menuconfig07:25
jbesclapezmake ARCH=x86_64 CROSS_COMPILE=/usr/local/x86_64-linux-gnu/bin/x86_64-linux-gnu- menuconfig07:25
icerootjbesclapez: ##linux07:25
icerootjbesclapez: i would ask in the linux xhannel instead07:26
jbesclapezicerrot, please could07:26
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
jbesclapezsorry...I dont know if you guys are the creators of Ubuntu, I am following you for few years and it is brilliant now...07:27
korubiisudhi, are you positive you've entered the correct key and have it set to the correct key type (WEP, WPA, etc)07:27
icerootjbesclapez: this is the official ubuntu channel yes07:27
jbesclapezI love your work guys! Keep it up!07:27
sudhikorubii: yep, I am quite positive, if the key is wrong, it does (and has) asked for password again07:27
uwjbesclapez, the "brilliantness" ended in about 2010 with 10.0407:27
korubiiuw, AMEN! I don't like Unity, either.07:28
jbesclapezkorubii, try to disable the network key and test it like that first.07:28
jbesclapezinovations are not liked... at first :-)07:28
k1l_hey guys. keep the "i dont like ..." please in the offtopic channel. this is a technical support channel07:28
korubiilol, jbesclapez I think you meant that for sudhi07:28
korubiisudhi, try to disable the network key and test it like that first.07:29
sudhisudo /usr/share/checkbox/scripts/create_connection -S wpa -K 'my_secret_secret_key' 'DLink-7210'07:29
jbesclapezOK got to go... have a good week end. Thanks07:29
sudhikorubii: this is what I am using to test out the connectivity07:29
korubiisudhi, I'm sorry but you're over my head with that stuff. I usually find a different network manager if I'm having problems after a distr-upgrade07:30
sudhikorubii: the strange part is that, NM records another entry with 'DLink-7210 1' , and if I keep trying I will see more SSIDs like 'DLink-7210 2' , 'Dlink-7210 3' and so on07:30
sudhikorubii: suggest me alternative, stock NM is good, but in this case it's not working for me anymore (it used to work just fine till day before yesterday)07:31
korubiisudhi, i've used gnome-network-manager a few years ago. I can't garauntee that it will work for you07:32
korubiisudhi, that was when there were tons of issues with BCM 43xx drivers. it was ndiswrapper or another overlay. I just used gnome network manager07:34
korubiiI'm trying to change my keybindings to shortcut some things. What is the syntax for the Super(windows/logo) key? EX <Alt><Control>, but what is the Super key07:35
savioHi all07:36
korubiimushi mush07:36
sudhikorubii: super key is the windows key on most PC keyboards07:36
korubiisudhi, yes. I'm editing shortcut keys via gconf-editor07:36
sudhiit is usually sitting right to the function key, or sometimes to the left of 'right-click/options' key07:36
dr_willisi thought  the syntax was 'super/alt/ctrl'07:36
korubiidr_willis, I tried <Super> but to no avail07:37
dr_willisaskubuntu.com  might clarify what you are wanting to know.07:37
korubiihere is exactly what I'm trying to do:07:37
korubiiI'm in gconf-editor, apps > metacity > global_keybindings. I'm trying to change the show_desktop from default <Control><Alt>d to <super>d07:38
korubiibut <super> won't work07:38
=== Zeev_i is now known as Zeev
korubiiis there an interface where I can press a key and see what the key is named?07:39
korubiiI'm using 10.0407:39
sudhikorubii: if the editor allows you to type in the keys, instead of typing literal values, try that?07:39
sudhii.e. instead of typing <Super> , just press the windows key07:40
sudhidoes it take as valid input?07:40
BlueEaglekorubii: Are you thinkig of xev?07:40
korubiisudhi, no, it only takes a text input.07:40
BlueEagle!info xev07:41
ubottuPackage xev does not exist in raring07:41
BlueEaglehmm... apparently it's not the right name *digging*07:41
dr_willis!find xev07:41
ubottuFound: libxcb-xevie0, libxcb-xevie0-dbg, libxcb-xevie0-dev, xevil07:41
korubiiBlueEagle, dr_willis I did a google search for xev on usage. lookking at it now07:42
dr_willistheres been some bugs in the past with defining shortcut keys. not sure if they have all been fixed. I tend to just use the defaults07:42
yashhwhat happens to a non-LTS version after expiry date??07:43
korubiiBlueEagle, that does sound like what I need. but how do I use it to find the output after pressing the Super key?07:43
korubiiyashh, no longer officially supported. you can still use it, but may have dependency problems07:43
savioyashh:  no support from community07:43
yashhthat s not so bad right?07:44
savioyashh: no security update07:44
korubiidr_willis, all I need is the syntax for that silly key... it's a simple request but difficult to search for07:44
korubiiBlueEagle, I just used "xev" in terminal and hit the Super key. it said "Super_L" so lets try that ;-).07:45
yashhwhat are non-LTS versions called?07:45
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
korubiino such luck :(07:46
savioNo long term support07:46
savioOnly for 2 years but LTS has 4 year support I guess07:47
korubiilol from "LTS" to "NLTS"07:47
yashh12.04 vs 13.04 which one?07:47
dr_willisyashh:  flip a coin? if its a new install use 13.0407:48
savio12.04 is LTS07:48
unstableWhen I add printer.. I have a Brother HL2270DW, brother has LPR and Cups deb files on their website. Though why doesn't ubuntu find this mdoel pritner automatically?07:48
yashhok im gonna download 1307:48
dr_willisunstable:  most likely theres packages in the repos that allready include those deb files.07:48
dr_willisunstable:  you may just need to install them07:48
savioBut 13.04 have only 8 month support up to next jan07:48
unstabledr_willis: In what repos?07:48
dr_willisunstable:  theres a dozen or so brother printer driver packages in the default repos for various printers07:53
dr_willisapt-cache search brother07:53
KidBetais there autoconf 2.69 in the repos yet07:55
devslashis there anything in ubuntu 13.04 that is a big improvement over 12.04 which has LTS support ?07:56
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
devslashI'm planning on installing it on a headless server if that makes a difference07:56
dr_willisnewer drivers, newer packages for most everything.. newer gnome-shell07:56
dr_willisfor a server - i doubt if theres much differanccse that will matter07:57
unstableWhy doesn't the add printer dialog automatically find the printer though?07:57
elkng"LTS support", isn't it redundant ?07:57
MonkeyDustdevslash  especially for server, stick with LTS07:57
devslashwhen i install server, how do i do a manual install so i can install it without xorg ?07:58
dr_willisdevslash:  the server install does not install X07:58
devslashok good thanks07:59
dr_willisthats sort of the major differance btween a server and desktop install.07:59
dr_willisactually theres only a few other differances i belive07:59
dr_willisserver and desktop may use the same kernel these days also.07:59
bumbarhow can i display with notify-send something that that grep returns?08:01
dr_willisnotify-send  options $(grep options)08:02
dr_willisor somting like that. :)08:02
dr_willis $() anything inside the () get ran and the output is returned to the parent.08:03
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:03
svennwhere do I find the hardware requirements for kvm?08:06
lezUsing Brasero trying to burn mp3 audio compilation and the program sits there normalising and the progress bar doesn't move. Any ideas please?08:10
lotuspsychje!cn | jiangfuqiao08:11
ubottujiangfuqiao: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:12
lotuspsychje!kvm | svenn08:12
ubottusvenn: kvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM08:12
bumbardr_willis, thanks altough i'm getting "Invalid number of options." error, if you wouldn't mind taking a look http://paste.ubuntu.com/5631573/08:12
lezUsing Brasero trying to burn mp3 audio compilation and the program sits there normalising and the progress bar doesn't move. Any ideas please?08:12
dr_willislez:  run it from a terminal. look for error messages08:12
lezdr_willis,  Dont know how to run in terminal? I can du sudo and I'm lost from there?08:13
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
dr_willislez:  err.. just  type 'brasero' in a terminal and hit enter....08:14
dr_willisI dont think sudo is needed...08:14
SKBXWhat's lez trying to figure out?08:14
lezoK I'll try08:14
MonkeyDustlez  now's the time to start learn using the terminal08:15
lezMonkeyDust, I got to go earn money soon so am in rush!08:15
SKBXBest way to learn the terminal is by using ArchLinux, my opinion.08:15
MonkeyDustlez  watch how fast the terminal is08:15
dr_willisbest way to learn the terminal is to read a good book on it...08:16
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
SKBXThat too, or diving straight in.08:16
dr_willisthen start using it.. and refer back to the book as needed.08:16
MonkeyDustbooks are for geeks08:16
dr_willisdiving straight in = frustrating08:16
lezOk Thanks.08:16
SKBXNot if you print out a list of commands.08:16
dr_willisand people miss the fundamentals of stuff.. like why  ./command and /command diffe08:16
dr_willismemorizing commands is not learning the terminal.08:17
SKBXThat's not what I said.08:17
lez(brasero:3637): WARNING **: Failed to inhibit the system from suspending: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files08:18
SKBXWhen you print off a list, then you can learn commands from experience.08:18
dr_willislez:  warnings are normally not fatal. so  try to make your music cd and see if any other messages appear08:18
MonkeyDustlez  suspending, like in suspending the pc?08:19
lezdr_willis, Will do.08:19
ndhakaraI have a problem with online accounts, when I click to add twttier account, there is an error notification; "Applications can no longer access some of your Online Accounts. Choose Online Accounts from the user menu to reinstate access to this account"08:21
dr_willisSo 'online accounts' is telling you to use 'online accounts' ? ;)08:21
MonkeyDustit's like needing your glasses to find out where you left your glasses08:22
[deXter]Ugh, that happens to me all the time.08:22
brauleinchendoes any of you use a ymail account with thunderbird? I cannot get mail08:23
=== Reina is now known as Guest22624
sudhihow do I 'dist-downgrade'08:29
MonkeyDustsudhi  there's no such thing08:30
sudhifor better or worse, 12.04 LTS (or even the 12.10) was much better, I am neither liking 13.04 and more importantly, it's not working for me08:30
MonkeyDustsudhi  if you prefer an earlier release, backup and reinstall08:30
sudhiMonkeyDust: hmm, how about selective downgrade of network (especially wireless) related stuff?08:31
ubottuAttempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported and may break your system.08:31
dr_willissounds like a way to break things very badly08:31
dr_willisand then you reinstall the older version...08:31
sudhiI am not talking about downgrading the entire Ubuntu version, just network related stuff08:32
dr_willisand just what parts of 'network related stuff' do you mean? the kernel?08:32
voltagexhey, I used the partition method mentioned on the wiki - how do I know if the persistent storage casper-rw partition is working?08:32
dr_willisvoltagex:  try saveing some image files to your home. change your wallpaper.. reboot.. see if it sticks08:33
keshavhi michael08:35
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:36
michael_irchi keshav08:36
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/08:37
keshav!ask I need help to create a live usb of freedos to flash my BIOS on HP Pavilion dv5 1106 ax of which the bios s/w was provided as exe from companies website08:37
ubottukeshav: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:37
keshavI need help to create a live usb of freedos to flash my BIOS on HP Pavilion dv5 1106 ax of which the bios s/w was provided as exe from companies website08:38
iaarcee!ask Hi08:38
dr_williskeshav:  the pendrivelinux site has numerous tools to make a bootable usb with freedox08:38
michael_ircsorry i don't know08:38
dr_williskeshav:  or you might be able to just use 'dd' to image the freedos iso straight to a usb08:38
keshavi tried ubnetbootin failed gave me following error as Invalid or corrupt kernel08:38
dr_willispendrivelinux site has other tools then just unetbootin08:39
keshavHi :) dr_willis08:39
keshavi tried disk creator it wont open the iso08:39
keshav2nd i tried ubnetbootin08:40
keshavit failed08:40
keshavi found rufus but i couldnt install it on ubuntu08:40
michael_ircpoweriso in windows08:40
keshav3rd my hdd is not getting detected so i can not go to windows08:40
keshav4th i need to update my BIOS so that it could detect my hdd08:40
devslashhow much space does a standard 12.04 server install use ?08:41
keshavit was maliciously made ahci which the BIOS couldn't detect08:41
michael_irccan you use another pc08:41
dr_willisyou MIGHT be able to use 'dd' to Image the freedos.iso straight to a usb.08:41
keshavI have one08:41
keshavpoor guy from india08:41
keshavI am just a newbie to computers08:42
keshavand I kind of hate windows08:42
dr_willisdevslash:  id say  10gb for a 'useable' system.   but i imagine you can get by with 4 for a 'running' system. ;)08:42
keshavand can not use ubuntu very well08:42
voltagexdr_willis: no dice, no data saved08:42
dr_willisvoltagex:  im not even clear on what you are doing,08:42
voltagexdr_willis: 4GB persistent storage is a little silly on a 64GB USB drive so I created an ext4 partition labelled casper-rw as suggested in the wiki08:43
voltagexsorry, back one step, I was using live-usb-creator08:43
devslashdr_willis: if you use a desktop (a P4 2.4 ghz with 1 gb ram) as a server running 24/7 do you think 1 GB will cut it ?08:43
keshavhow can I install rufus on ubuntu?08:43
devslasherr media server08:43
ndhakaraI have a problem with online accounts, when I click to add twttier account, there is an error notification; "Applications can no longer access some of your Online Accounts. Choose Online Accounts from the user menu to reinstate access to this account"08:44
voltagexdevslash: I think your main issue with that will be power use and ability to decode video08:44
dr_willisdevslash:  installing to a 1gb hd? i doubt if thats going to happen08:44
devslash1 gb ram08:44
devslash160gb hard drive08:44
dr_willisdepends on what all its doing if its enough ram or not08:44
devslashlike i said. i use it to stream through a web interface that i created08:45
devslashmusic only. no videos08:45
voltagexdevslash: would be cheaper to run a raspberry pi, but I digress08:46
voltagexdepends on how much you pay for power, really.08:46
voltagexdevslash: in that case, I'd run ubuntu-server headless08:46
devslashi will08:46
devslashi i always do using public key ssh08:46
Ben64p4 running 24/7 just for music :|08:48
devslashi know....08:48
devslashit really sucks but thats all i have08:48
Ben64raspberry pi, they're fantastic08:48
devslashbut id have to do everything as far as building it right ?08:49
devslashdon't you buy it as a pcb without a case ?08:49
Ben64well yeah... but you can buy a case if you wanted08:49
Ben64i made mine out of legos08:49
devslashbut what about storage  ?08:49
devslashjust ssd08:49
devslashwhich is small….08:50
Ben64sd, usb08:50
devslashi don't think the raspberry pi would be powerful enough for my home server08:50
dr_willisI got a 3TB usb HD on my Pi. ;)08:50
Ben64it is08:50
Ben64i stream 1080p over the network with it08:51
dr_williserr. My Pi works as a XBMC video server with UPNP server08:51
devslashwhat processor does it use08:51
dr_willisit can do mp3 streams  just fine08:51
dr_willisARm 6 or arm5. i forget.08:51
Ben64yeah 1080p is much harder than any mp308:51
dr_willisI imagine a Pi may have more powar then your old pc. ;)08:52
dr_willisat least for many tasks.08:52
Ben64definitely has more gpu power if you ever decide to do video08:52
MonkeyDusta mobile phone has more power than the moon rockets from the 1960's08:53
voltagexsorry, I forget that not everyone pays 30c/kwH for power.08:53
devslashthe site to buy the pi is the worst site ever08:53
keshavcan i flash BIOS from ubuntu?08:54
Ben64devjustforfun: you should have seen it at launch08:54
keshavof HP laptop08:54
Ben64keshav: very unlikely08:54
voltagexkeshav: probably not, look for a guide on building a FreeDOS USB stick08:54
ndhakaraI have a problem with online accounts, when I click to add twttier account, there is an error notification; "Applications can no longer access some of your Online Accounts. Choose Online Accounts from the user menu to reinstate access to this account"08:54
dr_williskeshav:  ive seen lapptops thaat can read/flash their bios from their bios08:54
dr_willisfrom just a file on a usb08:55
keshavok how to install rufus on ubuntu08:55
dr_willisand whats rufus?08:55
voltagexso, starting again, I've created a liveUSB but I can't enable persistence08:55
keshavits a bootable disk creater08:55
dr_willisvoltagex:  created with what tools? most have the option to make a perisstant save file08:55
dr_williskeshav:  have you tried just a straight dd image to the usb? checked what tools the freedos web site reccomends?08:56
MonkeyDustkeshav  what's wrong with ubuntu's disk creator?08:56
voltagexdr_willis: I don't want the file, it's limited to 4GB and this will be my primary OS until my PC gets repaired08:56
voltagexdr_willis: I'm trying to use a partition labelled casper-rw08:56
keshavMonkeyDust,  its not detecting the ISO file i am trying to08:56
dr_willisi rcall the multios tools at the pendrivelinux site had some that could auto make a freedos usb08:57
keshavdr_willis,  i did not, cause i am newbie dd seems dangerous to me08:57
devslashdr willis do you have the latest raspberry pi model b Rev 2  ?08:57
dr_willisvoltagex:  you can resize that file.   cant say ive used a partion for casper-rw08:57
keshavi have two usb pendrive08:57
voltagexdr_willis: yes but it can't go over FAT32's 4GB limit...08:57
dr_willisdevslash:  not sure. got mine  about when they switched to the 512mb ram models08:58
keshavnice i will check pendrivelinus site will be back08:58
devslashi think thats it..08:58
devslashdid you get the case directly from the maker ?08:58
dr_willisi got some little white case on amazon for $10 for one pi... then made one out of plexiglass  for my other pi.08:59
dr_willisdident steal the kids letos...08:59
keshavdr_willis,  i am on ubuntu and the site is giving me windows apps09:00
dr_williskeshav:  look closer..09:00
dr_willisi think one called 'multisystem' or 'multios' is a decent linux tool. but i forget its exact name09:01
Yllii got this problem09:03
keshavdr_willis,  got it ,multisystem!!09:03
Ylliwith mounting a 2TB hard drive09:03
devslashdr_willis: one more question. can you boot the pi over usb ?09:03
YlliWhenever i try to mount it (Before it has worked perfectl), it shows me an error:09:04
YlliError mounting /dev/sdb1 at /media/yllisalihu/Volume: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000,dmask=0077,fmask=0177" "/dev/sdb1" "/media/yllisalihu/Volume"' exited with non-zero exit status 16: Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened. The volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which could be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' co09:04
dr_willisdevslash:  nope. but  with 'berryboot' you can make it boot from sd.. then switch over to usb.09:04
devslashare there 2 different models of pi ?09:05
dr_willisdevslash:  the Model A and  the B - yes.09:05
dr_willisB came out first. ;)09:05
dr_willisA has less hardware. and uses less power.09:06
devslashreally ?09:06
YlliAnd they're categorized as 256mb and 512mb09:06
devslashwhich one has an ethernet port09:06
devslashthe 256 or 512 mb model09:06
dr_willisB has the ethernet port.09:06
devslashok i don't care or need wifi09:06
dr_willisall the New B's hae 512mb. the old B's have the 25609:06
dr_willisBhas 2 USb ports.. A's have 1 i belive09:06
devslashthis looks like it could be perfect09:07
devslashhow fast is the processor09:07
dr_willis700 to 1 ghz i think.09:07
devslashwhich one ?09:08
devslashyou can adjust it  ?09:08
dr_willisdepends on how you adjust it. ;)09:08
devslasherr overclockl09:08
devslashcool… this sounds awesome09:08
devslashdr_willis: and how do you power it ?09:09
dr_willisdevslash:  its powered via a usb cable just like your android phone09:09
devslashmicro usb ?09:09
devslashoh i have one of those outlet -> usb square plugs that can charge it09:10
devslashit uses 5V over usb right ?09:10
dr_willisyou want a GOOD decent powered usb adapter..09:10
Ben64yeah... don't use a cheapo chinese one09:10
dr_willisnot some cheap $3 one09:10
Ben64the one that came with your phone should be fine09:10
dr_willisi power mine from the powered usb hub. ;)09:10
devslashyea its form my samsung android phone.09:11
dr_williswith the Pi.   you want to be sure to use a decent power dongle...09:12
devslashits not a cheap chinese one. its a mediocre korean one09:12
dr_willis90% of the issues ive heard of with it. are from  power or cheap wires..09:12
Ben64and use the shortest cable you have09:12
Ben64the ethernet doesn't like dropping much below 5v09:12
devslashi read you can get one for $5 on amazon09:12
Ben64i get all my cables from monoprice09:13
dr_willisi use  one of those Cellphone-battery packs. for a 'UPS' for my Pi. ;)09:13
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
voltagexdr_willis: fixed my liveusb09:14
voltagexdr_willis: added 'persistent' as part of grub's boot cmdline09:14
devslashover usb ?09:14
OzeraCan anyone help me with this problem I am having with running Minecraft on Ubuntu 12.04 ? http://pastebin.com/02BuZ4Pf09:14
dr_williswall charger -> battery pack -> pi09:15
dr_willisif i unplug the wallcharger. the pi can still run for a week09:15
devslashholy shit09:15
devslashthat is so cool09:15
=== Jikan is now known as Jikai
voltagexdr_willis: how many mAh in the pack?09:16
voltagexdr_willis: 5000mAh only ran for 2 hours for me09:16
dr_willisBiggesti could find on amazon. ;)   it can recahrge my cellphone like 4 times09:17
dr_willisweights like a pound.09:17
voltagexdr_willis: 10 000 is the biggest I think.09:17
voltagexlaptop battery with a stepdown might also do it09:17
lucidoI can't download the latest desktop iso, it always stops at 99 percent09:17
saviolucido:  use torrent09:18
dr_willislucido:  start a torrent. stop it.. copy that 99% iso over the torrented iso.. then restart the torrent ;P09:18
lucidosavio, is there a magnet link?09:18
ubottuRaring can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/raring/desktop/ubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/raring/server/ubuntu-13.04-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your needs. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com:696909:18
lucidotorrents are filtered here09:18
voltagexlucido: you're behind a proxy then?09:19
lucidovoltagex, I guess09:19
dr_willisuse wget to grab the iso perhaps09:20
Ozeraanyone have tips for my problem :/ ?09:20
voltagexdr_willis: my thought too, but then you have to teach wget ;)09:20
MonkeyDustOzera  what problem would that be?09:21
dr_willisim still trying to figure out how  'torrents are filtered' but magic links to torrents are not...09:21
lucidodr_willis, I am with -c from mirror.as29550.net/releases.ubuntu.com09:21
dr_williswget has a resume option i belive.. actually you can use rsync to get the iso files as well ive seen09:21
devslashdr_willis: how many mah is your battery pack09:22
DaVinciIT2hi all. Ubuntu 13.04. How to add an .sh link to the left bar (unity) ? thank you09:22
dr_willisdevslash:  no idea. i was thinking it was 120,000  ;) but  ie not used it in months09:22
dr_willisits about 3x the size of my phone09:22
devslashjesus christ09:23
=== DaVinciIT2 is now known as DaVinciIT
elkngdevslash: want something ?09:23
dr_willisgot a fancy batrey pack for work.. then they moved us.. so i got a power outlet now. ;)09:23
elkng"3x the size of my phone", and 0.2 the size of my dick09:23
OzeraMonkeyDust, i'm trying to make minecraft run on Ubuntu 12.04. I get this error: http://pastebin.com/98xsuhnN upon running the command "java -jar minecraft.jar".09:23
dr_willisOzera:  i belive the minecraft docs tell the proper command to use to run it. i think it needs extra options09:24
Ozerai've tried that as well09:24
dr_willistheres also a minecraft installer script i saw at webupd8 or omgubuntu09:24
shiznixDaVinciIT: create a .desktop file for it that Exec's the .sh file, search in Dash for .desktop file name, drag 'n drop to launcher09:24
dr_willisand you need to be using the right java for it.09:24
dr_willisand thats about all i know about minecraft.. i cant stand the game'09:25
Ozerawillis, I've tried the openjdk version 609:25
Ozeraand oracle09:25
dr_willisOzera:  i suggest using the minecraft installer script.09:25
devslashas far as usb 2 goes, do you have any issues with a bug hard drive connected 24/7 and power ?09:25
DaVinciITshihan: thank you I try.09:25
Ozeraiirc the script did not run09:26
Ozeraunless I grabbed the wrong script09:26
shiznixDaVinciIT: .desktop file should reside in /usr/share/applications/09:26
voltagexOzera: define did not run09:26
dr_willisdevslash:  i  cloned a 3tb usb to a 2nd  3tb usb with my pi....  took it several days09:26
dr_willisbut it did it. ;)09:27
devslashnot surprised. I'm surprised it worked09:27
Ben64well usb is slow09:27
shapedr_willis: check pm!09:27
Lancehi everyone09:27
=== Lance is now known as Guest16799
devslashsomething that takes several days can have a lot go wrong. one power hiccup09:27
Ozeravoltagex, http://pastebin.com/sAhGCi1809:27
Ozera^ that is what I meant by did not run09:27
Guest16799anyone here know to setup epoptes on 12.04?09:28
Ozerai've tried updating lwjgl, but I i've just made the situation worse09:30
Ben64Ozera: are you on 64 bit?09:30
Captain_Crowi tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs and it worked once, then i reinstalled ubuntu and tried it again and it said "E: Unable to locate package libdvdread4", is there some prerequired step for this to work that i've overlooked?09:31
voltagexOzera: where did you get that script?09:31
Ben64Captain_Crow: you may need to enable some extra repositories09:31
OzeraBen64, yes.09:31
Ozeravoltagex, iirc the minecraft forums via googling.09:32
Ben64Ozera: ok, theres a workaround for that but i have not had enough sleep today to remember09:32
OzeraWrong script?09:32
dr_willis!find libdvdread09:32
ubottuFound: libdvdread-dbg, libdvdread-dev, libdvdread409:32
Guest16799Anyone know how to configure epoptes?09:32
Captain_Crowwhat am i not doing correctly?09:32
dr_willis!info libdvdread409:32
ubottulibdvdread4 (source: libdvdread): library for reading DVDs. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.2.0+20121016-1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 48 kB, installed size 175 kB09:32
dr_willisCaptain_Crow:  done a 'sudo apt-get update' recently?09:32
Guest16799I installed in an ltsp environment but don't see any clients...09:32
OzeraBen64, awh :(09:33
Captain_Crowso i need to run the updates first?09:33
devslashdr_willis: what does the backorder allowed/ship order complete mean ? do you happen to know if they're out of stock ?09:33
MonkeyDustGuest16799  after what I read, I guess you better ask in #ubuntu-server09:33
dr_willisupdate does not  'run updates' it Updates the list of packages that exist09:33
Guest16799thanks monkeydust09:34
dr_willisdevslash:  no idea. I got mine from an american company. and it took like 6 mo. ;P09:34
devslashoh shit09:34
devslashare you serious… wow....09:34
voltagexOzera: I reckon there's a blank line on the first line of your copy of that script09:34
dr_willisbut that was like 9+ mo ago09:34
devslashi need one now09:34
bazhang!ot | devslash09:34
ubottudevslash: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:34
dr_willistheres dozens of other mini-arm pcs out there. many run ubuntu.  decent  tools for home networks09:35
Ozeravoltagex, I don't think so. I mean when I hit enter there is obviously a \n09:35
Ozerao in the script09:36
DaVinciITbest launcher application ?09:36
bazhangDaVinciIT, for what? choose from the list and decide09:37
OzeraI don't know anythng about the script. I didn't really expect it to work. I've been trying at this for about 2 hours now. i'm going to stop because fuck java09:37
bazhangOzera, no cursing here Please09:37
DaVinciITI would like create a link ("foo.sh") and add it to the left menù. on google I see that I need to create a link and drag it, but does not works. how to? how to create a "foo.sh.desktop" file ?09:38
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest833
bazhangDaVinciIT, you want a launcher link to a script you made?09:39
dr_willisDaVinciIT:  find gedit.desktop and copy it.. then edit it..09:39
Ben64Ozera: download 32 bit java and use that!09:39
DaVinciITbazbell: yes.09:39
OzeraBen64, O.o why?09:39
Ben64then you can play it09:39
Ozerai'm...on a 64 bit sys though09:39
devslashdr_willis: thanks for the help . i just placed the order.09:40
Ozerawhy would 64bit not work09:40
devslashbazhang:  no more talking about this...09:40
=== ubuntu__ is now known as kurumba
Guest16799no one in ubuntu-server channel to help me.09:44
jgjghi, i'm using wicd to connect to my wireless network, but each time i connect my wired interface eth0 looses configuration. Currently i have eth0 configured in interfaces as auto with static ip. Can wicd ignore eth0 and just connect wlan0?09:44
OzeraBen64, do you know the apt-get cmd for a 32 bit version? All i can find are 6409:44
Guest16799still would like help with Epoptes....09:45
bazhang!details | Guest1679909:45
ubottuGuest16799: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:45
Guest16799any help would be appreciated...09:46
bazhangGuest16799, simply repeating "want help epoptes" will yield zero help09:46
Guest16799ok then I just try google it hopefully I wont crash the server09:47
Ozera@ Ben64 http://pastebin.com/r52wj0Jr09:47
Guest16799that i have here09:47
bazhangor you could ask with more detailed info09:47
Guest16799Basically  I installed Epoptes with Apt-get and can't see any computer09:49
bazhanghttp://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/raring/man8/epoptes-client.8.html     Guest1679909:51
raldno sound in ubuntu 13.0409:51
ubottuGuest33725,: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)09:54
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: he's french :p09:54
=== Guest33725 is now known as Valentin09
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, D'OH!09:55
=== joel is now known as Guest47380
bazhanghttps://answers.launchpad.net/epoptes/+question/197285   Guest1679909:55
Guest47380Hi guys, I have a serious issue. Yesterday you/Ubuntu oushed out some updates. Somehow it break my network in kernel or something, so my school project is not working at all. Worked before the update, but not anymore. How do I revert yesterdays crappy Ubuntu updates?09:56
cfhowlettGuest47380, reboot and use the earlier kernel will get you back online.09:56
bazhangGuest47380, any evidence it was the updates, and not some PPA on your system09:56
Guest47380cfhowlett, How do I do that? Grub meny is not appear?09:56
MokkujinWhat is your school project ?09:57
Guest47380bazhang, Yes I am certain. The problem appear ONLY after the ubuntu official release. It changed some things in kernel etc.09:57
bazhangGuest47380, pastebin your sources.list please, and the output of sudo apt-get update09:57
Guest47380Mokkujin, A RPG game over network ...09:57
cfhowlettGuest47380, to get grub you have to hit the ESC key (I think) immediately after the POST completes09:57
bazhang!paste | Guest4738009:57
ubottuGuest47380: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:57
Guest47380cfhowlett, Okay, does grub save last kernel? I thought it remove them.09:57
cfhowlettGuest47380, nope.  all kernels are there.  use "older verison of ubuntu" and you'll see them09:58
Guest47380bazhang, It is a clean install of ubuntu, I havent added any extra sources.09:58
MokkujinGuest47380 : If you change something in the Kernel you have do do your changes again afer updating09:58
Guest47380cfhowlett, Okay thanks, will try that.09:58
Mokkujinor not ?09:58
Guest47380Mokkujin, What?09:58
bazhangGuest47380, please provide the output of sudo apt-get update to a pastebin09:59
cfhowlettMokkujin, depends on the specific package.  for instance, my guest enabled virtualbox automatically picks up kernel updates ...09:59
b14ck5n0wHi. New to Ubuntu IRC. I'm have a bit of an issue installing RR on My I7. When I install.. I09:59
Mokkujinoh my fail i read the other post and think you have change something in the kernel but you write the update was changing something09:59
b14ck5n0wI'm prompted to choose language.. it loads.. and hangs09:59
Guest47380bazhang, Yes, one sec09:59
b14ck5n0wlast couple of lines show ATA Bus error?09:59
dishantphi, i have a doubt related to inheritance in c++!09:59
bazhangb14ck5n0w, md5 the iso yet?10:00
dishantp, i want to access an object of ,say class1 defined in class 2, from class 3, any way to do it?10:00
MokkujinRR ?10:00
Guest47380bazhang, http://pastebin.com/xYkkbHJW10:00
bazhangdishantp, try a c++ channel10:00
b14ck5n0wRaring Ringtail.10:00
b14ck5n0wbaz: I'm not sure how to answer your question.10:00
bazhang##c++ dishantp10:00
bazhang!md5 | b14ck5n0w10:01
ubottub14ck5n0w: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows10:01
dishantpbazhang: i always get connected to overflow if i try to do c++10:01
Guest47380Mokkujin, Yes, it was official ubuntu update. Its strange, my app worked flawless yesterday. Now when I try to connect to my server locally, it does not send anything through TCP AT ALL. It is so strange. I tried to disable firewall, but not the issue either.10:01
bazhangb14ck5n0w, its a check to ensure the integrity of the iso before burning to dvd or usb10:01
sburjanHello. I have recently upgeraded to Ubuntu 13.04 and now when I click on the xchat from the message tray (envelope icon) a new xchat instance is started instead of maximizing the existing one. Could someone help me fix this ?10:01
b14ck5n0wI see.10:01
bazhangdishantp, then register, this is not the channel for it10:01
bazhang!register | dishantp10:01
ubottudishantp: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode10:01
b14ck5n0wbazhang: I can tell you the USB drive works with another system10:02
BlueEagle!ot | dishantp: That doesn't make it any more on-topic here. Perhaps try !ot?10:02
ubottudishantp: That doesn't make it any more on-topic here. Perhaps try !ot?: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:02
Rand1I just did an update on my server over ssh, for the first time.  Something went wrong, I got an error message.  The guy who runs my vps is in the hospital, and I'm worried.  Errors were encountered while processing: bind9     E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1).   Im not a new at ubuntu, but this is high stakes.   I also got this message during the update process Configuration file `/etc/mysql/my.cnf'10:02
Rand1 ==> Modified (by you or by a script) since installation.  ===> Package distributor has shipped an updated version. What would you like to do about it ?   Thanks anyone for the help!10:02
bazhangb14ck5n0w, that seems to rule out the iso as being corrupt then10:02
bazhangdishantp, /join #freenode for help with registration10:03
BlueEagleRand1: The last question is if you want to reset the changes made to my.conf. In most cases you do not want these changes overwritten.10:03
b14ck5n0wsweet! I'm just curious if it needs to be installed without all of my peripherals (BT adapter, video card, etc)10:03
dishantpthank you so  much10:03
BlueEagleRand1: As for the issue with bind9 that is something wrong with your name server. Should not be fatal.10:03
bazhangb14ck5n0w, you could try the nomodeset option when booting10:04
bazhang!nomodeset | b14ck5n0w10:04
ubottub14ck5n0w: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter10:04
Rand1My name server?   Its on a separate server10:04
Rand1Is this something I should email the guy about and just go about my business?10:04
b14ck5n0wI will be right back guys.. I'm going to duplicate the error on this system for you. I'm currently on Windows 8, but have to switch hard drives around and boot again10:05
BlueEagleRand1: The following may seem a little unhelpful, but it is important that you know which services you run on your server and what those services do. This is especially true for mail servers and to a big degree, web servers. Unless you are actively runnign a nameserver you should most likely disable the service alltogether.10:06
Rand1Thanks for the heads up10:07
Rand1its totally helpful10:07
lolipopcfhowlett, Hi, well the press ESC didnt work. Only thing that happen is that ubuntu started computer with non-functional pad and keyboard, lol :D10:09
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJFreeman
lolipopcfhowlett, To choose another kernel as you said.10:09
cortexA9hello, what about the daily of saucy salamander. Anyone tried it ?10:09
lolipopI really do not have time with this. Fastest fix to revert Ubuntu updates please? I want to rollback into yesterday working Ubuntu installation.10:10
b14ck5n0wok.. I'm back10:10
ubottucortex,: Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) will be the 19th release of Ubuntu. Announcement: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1252 - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+110:10
cortexA9ok thanks10:10
b14ck5n0wSo I put in my hard disk.. USB with Ubuntu.. and booted. Its stuck on a DOS-like screen and its last line says, "hard resetting link"10:11
Noskcajcortex, if you want to help test it, let me know10:11
Ben64lolipop: it's shift to get to the grub menu, not escape10:11
cfhowlettlolipop, might need to edit your grub time out option so you see it ... http://askubuntu.com/questions/87409/i-cant-get-grub-menu-to-show-up-during-boot10:11
lolipopBen64, lol, okay thanks :D10:11
cortexA9Noskcaj, yes i want to test it10:12
cortexA9in vm.10:12
NoskcajcortexA9, join #ubuntu-quality10:12
cfhowlettlolipop, also, seems the LEFT shift key is the one to hit during boot ...10:12
DaVinciITubuntu-gnome: hi all. I've a problem. Windows does not have the 'min, max, restore' buttons. I need close it with F4 Key. how to?10:13
bazhangDaVinciIT, for gnome-shell you need to install the tweak tool10:13
bazhang!find tweak10:13
ubottuFound: mousetweaks, freqtweak, gnome-tweak-tool, tweak, unity-tweak-tool10:13
bazhangDaVinciIT, gnome-tweak-tool10:14
lolipopcfhowlett, :)10:14
b14ck5n0whey bazhang? This dos-like screen before the ubuntu splash screen: what is that?10:14
Noggohi, ist it possible to hiude the icon for munted drives in the unity launche on ubuntu 13.04 because i want to show only ob the desktop?10:14
DaVinciITbazbell: thank you very much.10:15
lolipopcfhowlett, Ben64: This is the packages which Ubuntu update yesterday: http://pastebin.com/ZMQeZQRP wich broke my distro network. Possible to revert them back?10:15
ZadYreeHey, I'm having a suspend problem on my Ubuntu 13.04 laptop, I'm looking for a guide to troobleshot that kind of issue10:15
ZadYree(fyi it simply does not suspend at all, and make some of my processes crash)10:16
Ben64lolipop: what is the actual problem?10:16
cfhowlettlolipop, great firewall of china is blocking so I can't see your paste.  Can't see the package.  Ask in the channel ...10:16
lolipopBen64, not sure exactly what. I guess the network stack somehow in kernel. My RPG game stopped working after I updated yesterday. It is not able to send anything over network, not even on loopback address ...10:17
lolipopcfhowlett, Hahaha lol :D10:17
Ben64lolipop: try booting into a previous kernel and see if that changes anything10:18
lolipopcfhowlett, I did update-grub now. and it found the latest kernel. Could it be the updates didnt run the grub-update to include the new kernel update?10:18
lolipopBen64, yes, will try. I just think it sucks, devs do not seem to test kernel properly before push out the updates. They need to make sure it works with post-triggers for all system libraries, like grub ...10:19
cfhowlettlolipop, could be although that behavior is supposed to kick in.  My latest kernel upgrades went off just fine ...10:19
lolipopcfhowlett, I can boot and use Internet, and use the desktop as usual. But internally when running my Mono GTK desktop app, the network do not seem to work. And I havent updates any mono packages or something like that.10:20
Ben64lolipop: it may be something else, i haven't seen anyone else have a network problem on the new kernel10:20
Ben64sounds more like its a problem with the application10:21
lolipopcfhowlett, I would like to disable the blockage somehow. I tried to disable ufw/firewall, but didnt change anything. Also added ports and servers I use, didnt make any change.10:21
b14ck5n0wJust in case you didn't see my post: I'm having installation issues on my i7 computer. It runs through the process of identifying items.. then freezes. The Ubuntu splash screen does not appear and I cannot proceed to install Ubuntu OR load from the USB drive. Any ideas?10:21
lolipopBen64, Well no, the application worked flawlessy yesterday JUST BEFORE I update plymouth and latest Linux kernel. Now it doesnt work anymore. So no, not my app.10:22
Ben64its the only thing not working on the network10:22
lolipopBen64, I can start the app and everything. But when I login over TCP, it doesnt able to send anything through port 2003 to localhost.10:22
wendicohello, if i want to have both debian and ubuntu, may i have only one swap partition for both?10:23
lolipopBen64, I guess maybe some kind of security fix in Kernel? But Then i Want to disable it, if it is.10:23
lotuspsychjeis there a package that can reduce the size of a serie photo's?10:23
lotuspsychjelike the whole folder of pictures10:23
lolipopBen64, I Guess best thing todo is try to reboot now again, after I manually did grub-update, and if not that work, I press left shift to change kernel. if that not fix it, fuck ubuntu.10:24
lotuspsychje!language | lolipop10:24
ubottulolipop: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.10:24
Ben64calm down10:24
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, you mean as in resize a folder full of photos?10:24
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: resize each photo inside the folder yes10:25
cfhowlettwendico, pretty sure it's safer to quarantine both OS's.10:25
wendicoi had windows 8, i installed ubuntu, then devian. all 3 OS boot ok but ubuntu has a kernell panic and freeze after login, any help? i configured the same swap space 8gb for both ubuntu and debian10:25
wendicocfhowlett: "quarantine"?10:25
cfhowlettwendico, don't share resources between OS's... but I could be wrong10:26
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, imagemagick10:26
Ben64its a swap partition, it doesn't matter at all10:26
lolipopBen64, I am truly sorry :/ I just get frustrated, I have not time to fix Ubuntu because other devs implemented some shitty things, when I am myself a developer. It is not the first time ubuntu make things unworkable. It bricks audio, video, graphics, grub, network and all kind of things. Happen every single time a new release, even if I do clean install. Really, how can devs push out new Ubuntu release without make sure graphics, boot, kernel and audio work10:26
lolipop. Its a unusable distro if those things do not work.10:26
lotuspsychjecfhowlett: tnx alot mate, ill try the package10:26
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, http://www.howtogeek.com/109369/how-to-quickly-resize-convert-modify-images-from-the-linux-terminal/10:27
wendicocfhowlett: do you mean i should have 2 different partitions for each os swap space?10:27
Ben64lolipop: maybe stick to LTS versions then?10:27
cfhowlettwendico, as I understand it, that's a "best practice"10:27
Ben64cfhowlett, wendico: no... swap space can be shared10:27
Noggohi, is it possible to hide the icon for mounted drives in the unity launche on ubuntu 13.04 because i want to show it only on the desktop?10:28
cfhowlettlotuspsychje, http://forum.linuxcareer.com/threads/1644-Batch-image-resize-using-linux-command-line10:28
wendicoben64: then what could be the problem in my instalation so that ubuntu has a kernel panic? im writing from devian and windows also boots ok10:28
lolipopBen64, I guess so. But I usuallt assume stable versions is stable versions, even if not LTS. Ubuntu if any distro, should be the one stable. Do not release a new version if its not working properly, even if it is April or October. Wait until next release date, if ANYTHING critical is buggy or anything.10:28
Ben64lolipop: its impossible to have software work on every possible variation of hardware10:29
wendicodevian was the last system wich formated the swap space and used it clean, thats why i though maybe ubuntu is krashing because of the swap space being used my debian10:29
lolipopThen I also do not understand why ubuntu should abandon Unity, Gnome and everything, kick out Kubuntu, then reimplement Ubuntu in QT as KDE already have, and abandon Wayland and use another windows manager. Really?10:29
Ben64wendico: nope, swap is just like extra ram. you don't need a different ram stick for each os :)10:29
Ben64lolipop: ask the ubuntu devs?10:30
cfhowlettlolipop, think of it this way: non-LTS are stable but cutting edge.  LTS is designed for the long haul.  Choose your poison.10:30
wendicoben64: ok, i will boot ubuntu again and see if i can read any errors before freeze and i will be back with my findings10:30
wendicothank you10:31
lolipopBen64, yes, but if something work ONE time, it should not break later on. Issued come up, is being fixed, then maybe one year later on next release SAME bug/issue is appearing again. One thing is audio, which over and over again breaks in both Ubuntu and Kubuntu. No change in HDMI output whatsoever in 5 years, and graphics suck ass. Make your own graphic drivers, if Nvidia and AMD cannot provide proper binaries.10:31
robotdevili dont need a ppa to install jdk and jre do I ? are those not in repos10:32
Ben64!java | robotdevil10:33
ubotturobotdevil: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.10:33
lolipopcfhowlett, Yeah. Problem is that Linux distros is USALLY more stable to use when programming than Windows environment. But the one time Ubuntu update break something, it is usually critical and I have to reinstall ubuntu and loose more programmign time. Anyway, thanks for help. I should not wine anymore, Wine does it already.10:33
Ben64or stop using mono :P10:33
lolipopBen64, Well Mono is stable. But yeah I will not develop in GTKSharp never EVER again. C# is the worst piece of shit ever, after GTK library. I will use QML or QT next time, if I want platform independent code. Also C++ instead of C#.10:35
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
cfhowlettlolipop, if you're a developer there IS that Dell sputnik ubunut spin ...10:36
cfhowletthallucinations, greetings10:36
bazhanglolipop, stop cursing here10:36
hallucinationshow are you cfhowlett?10:37
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robotdevilBen64: yeesh. enough choice10:39
wendicohello, im back from my ubuntu! u r right, i can have the same swap space, now both debian and ubuntu works ok. here is what happend...10:39
lolipopbazhang, sorry.10:40
lolipopcfhowlett, Waht you mean, Dell sputnik? And press shift on boot worked. But um, the only available kernel was, which is the latest one I presume.10:40
wendicoi dont like to have the different partitions mounted on its own so on install i use the other partitions as /windows /Debian and /Data somehow, ubuntu cant mount /Debian. On boot i skipped with the S the mounting of /debian and booted ok10:41
cfhowlettlolipop, sputnik is Dell's customized laptop/ubuntu distro for developers.  http://www.dell.com/Learn/us/en/555/campaigns/xps-linux-laptop10:42
wendiconow, my debian partition sows as a drive Icon on de ubuntu bar, how can i solve so the debian partition will be a folder on my filesystem?10:42
lolipopcfhowlett, coolt :)10:42
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=== karbowiak is now known as Karbowiak
lolipopcfhowlett, Do you know if there is something else I can do. I really cannot code anything on my software as at the moment. In this stage the app is dependent on network.10:44
cfhowlettlolipop, sorry, but I don't know enough about the internal guts of ubuntu to fix .. thus I suggested booting an old kernel as a way to get your system back up ...10:45
lolipopcfhowlett, I tried to disable ufw. But is there any other security check kernel does, when send to localhost, that I can disable temporarly?10:45
Gavrisimohey people, sorry for offtopic, what channel can be used for apache2?10:45
bazhang#httpd Gavrisimo10:46
MonkeyDustGavrisimo  try here, for a start10:46
lolipopcfhowlett, I could not find any old kernel :P I only have They just updated that kernel, not replaced with a new one. That update broke or fixed some security block.10:46
lolipopDo I need to fix something to make localhost work again? Like hosts.allow or something?10:47
Gavrisimothanks bazhang10:47
cfhowlettlolipop, understood.  Still ... over my head.  stay in channel and ask.  Most of the folks here are smarter than I about such matters10:47
lolipopcfhowlett, Alright I try to ask bazhang :)10:47
lolipopbazhang, You know what they fixed in latest kernel update?10:48
wendicoHello, I have 2 partitions mounted automaticly and showing the icon in my unity bar. how can I, in ubuntu, automount those partitions as /Debian and /Windows? I forgot to choose to use one of the partitions on install and the other one /Debian even though i choosed to use it as /Debian it can be mounted on startup and i have to Skip (S) the mounting on every boot.10:48
lolipopPossible to rollback linux-headers-3.8.0-19:i386 (3.8.0-19.29, 3.8.0-19.30) commit? from 30 back to 29?10:48
ae86-drifterwendico, open terminal, type "vim /etc/fstab" and observe your answer10:49
transit441i had my VPN set up on a kimsufi using 12.0410:49
transit441worked fine10:49
transit441now it wont connecr10:49
minimecCan someone give some help with installing 'portal (beta)' for linux on steam. I am too stupid to do so. I don't even find the game in the library...10:49
wendicoae86-drifter: installing vim..10:50
ae86-drifterwendico, have you used vim?10:50
wendicoae86-drifter: im just reading the output, it says /debian was mounted on start up10:51
wendicobut i had to skip (S) the mounting in order to boot10:51
ae86-drifterwendico, vim is a text editor, maybe nano would be easier if you havent used vim before10:51
ae86-drifterwendico, try instead; nano /etc/fstab10:51
ae86-drifteras root10:51
MonkeyDustwendico  or sudo -e /etc/fstab10:52
wendicook ok hehe, i have it, so im reading the file, one partition wich is shows does not mount correctly and one other partition does not show, should i edit that file to solve it?10:54
wendicoshould i pastebin the output of the file?10:54
ae86-drifterwendico, this file defines mount points. if you would like another mount point on boot define it in the file10:54
ae86-drifterwendico, sure10:55
wendicook, so if one of the mount points fails, it should mean the identifier of the partition is incorrect?10:55
ae86-drifterbut probably not10:55
tickyboosaw linux action show and decided to take on there recommendation to go from 12.04 to 13.04. However when attempting a clean install, I was unable to boot with 13.04 although it worked fine with 12.04, Just to see if something had changed, I reinstalled 12.04.02 and everything worked fine including UEFI. what has changed?10:56
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wendicoand how do i find the identifiers of the partitions? may i use gparted wich i know the tool?10:56
MonkeyDusttickyboo  what happens when you try to boot?10:56
Linus123hello my name is linus and i come frome germany10:56
Linus123i have aquestion10:56
ae86-drifterwendico, I think gparted should show you the UUID of each disk. This is what you will need to use in fstab10:57
DJonesLinus123: Welcome to the channel, just ask your question, if anybody knows and is around, they normally respond10:57
Linus123when i start nautilus over terminal sudo nautilus im not able to add blank documents i can just add folders here in 13.0410:57
tickyboowithout UEFI using the boot usb it simply flashes with with underline character, thats all. With legacy it boots OK and I am able to do an install although it seems to clag up during the install process10:57
=== Fruh919 is now known as Guest48083
tickyboosorry with UEFI using boot usb stick it flashes10:58
wendicoae86-drifter: thank you very much for your help, i will try to find the uuid of each partition and edit the file to set my automount points.10:58
Linus123sudo nautilus no option to add blank text files just folders in 13.04 bug?10:59
MonkeyDust!nomodeset | tickyboo try this10:59
ae86-drifterwendico, sounds like you know exactly what to do now :)10:59
ubottutickyboo try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter10:59
tickyboothanks, I will try that. do you recommend unetbootin or something else10:59
MonkeyDustLinus123  nautilus as root is not a good idea; if you want to create a blank file, use 'touch foo'   without the quotes11:00
wheeler_hey. i need pacasa 4my girlfriend. its only over wine run? or alternativ way to run this under ubuntu?!11:00
lolipopWhat kind of network security in ubuntu  it uses? Possible to disable some of them?11:00
Linus123touch foo?11:00
tickybooactually I cant even get grub to run, so I cant enter the boot parameter11:00
ae86-drifterthere is picasa for linux11:00
DJones!gksudo | Linus123 Something to be aware of, you shouldn't run nautilus using sudo,11:00
ubottuLinus123 Something to be aware of, you shouldn't run nautilus using sudo,: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)11:00
lucidoI can't download the current 64bit iso from any of the mirrors, I've tried aida2 and wget, it always stops 7.7MB short, this is the wget output http://pastebin.com/xwy9WCdM11:01
Linus123ok ok but with gksudo nautilus the same problem i cannot add blank document files when i righclick into the white i can just add folders!!!!!!!!!11:02
lucidotried on two different machines11:02
ae86-drifterLinus123, that still runs it as root. You are not supposed to do this11:02
wendicooh, im learning more, i see the partitions showing in unity is because they are outomounted as media/user/partitionlabel11:02
Linus123anyone who understand my problem?11:03
ae86-drifterLinus123, I understand, buit it seems like you dont.11:03
Linus123i think more you11:03
ae86-drifternope. Linus123 u obviously a noob.11:04
MonkeyDustLinus123  what we are sayibg i11:04
Linus123i will add an blank document files but theres no option to do this  i can just when i rightclick add folders11:04
ae86-drifterlisten or u will not learn11:04
MonkeyDustLinus123  what we are saying is: don't use nautilus as root11:04
Linus123but what is when i must add files into etc or so?11:04
ae86-drifterdon't use nautilus11:05
bloodaxeAs i am new to python,which is the best  IDE for python programming???11:05
Linus123whats your alternative?11:05
ae86-drifterit is not designed to do that.11:05
Ben64Linus123: sudo touch /etc/new_file11:05
ae86-drifterterminal use sudo vim.11:05
MonkeyDustLinus123  if you're skilled enough to know what files to /etc, you should be skilled enough to use the terminal -- but i guess you don't know what you are doing11:05
MonkeyDustwhat files to add*11:06
ae86-drifterhe bailed lol.11:06
wendicoae86-drifter: wow, actually the uuid of the /debian partition does NOT much the one defined in fstab. i edited and saved, im rebooting now to see if now /Debian is automounting and ubuntu boots ok without having to Skip (S). Ill be back!11:08
diverdudehello. can i upgrade gcc version 4.6.3 to gcc version 4.7.2 on my Ubuntu 12.04 precise pangolin machine?11:10
NeverHerediverdude, have you tried apt-get install gcc11:11
diverdudeNeverHere, yeah it just says gcc is already the newest version.11:12
ranjeetHey Guys, Does anyone know on how to reduce the fan speed in the Desktop PC running 13.04?11:12
NeverHerediverdude, try apt-get update && apt-get install gcc11:12
th0rNeverHere: according to my synaptic 4.6 is the latest available in the repos11:13
Analisaranjeet: do not do it - the fan speed is set to protect from over heating11:13
MonkeyDustdiverdude  raring has gcc 4.7.3 , maybe you can try the !backports <-- makes sense?11:13
wendicobeautiful problem solved! learned the fstab leson. thank you!11:14
minimecranjeet: You probably can't. On the other hand, there may be some settings in the BIOS to control fan speed. If you have a dedocated GPU (one of these Intel/ATI INtel/NVIDIA) combos, deactivating the dedicated GPU may help.11:14
auronandaceNeverHere: that would only install what is in the repo11:14
auronandace!info gcc precise | NeverHere11:14
ubottuNeverHere: gcc (source: gcc-defaults (1.112ubuntu5)): GNU C compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.6.3-1ubuntu5 (precise), package size 4 kB, installed size 41 kB11:14
ae86-drifterwendico, glad you got it fixed :)11:15
ranjeetthanks all, I dont want to mess up things. I'll leave it alone it just happens when I run multiple VM's in workstation :-)11:15
NeverHerei was assuming that the newest verson was already in the repo11:15
Gavrisimoany idea what to do when you run11:16
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Gavrisimo"dist-upgrade" and it breaks php install on ubuntu 10.4?11:16
diverdudeNeverHere, that did not help :( stil 4.6.311:17
Ben64diverdude: do you actually _need_ a newer version?11:17
diverdudeBen64, yes i do11:17
Ben64why? they don't change stuff very often11:17
diverdudeBen64, because i need to compile with -std=c++11 flag11:18
diverdudeon my 12.10 machine i have the right gcc version11:19
HTC-DZhey guys/galz11:19
auronandacediverdude: then listen to MonkeyDust and check backports11:19
diverdudewhy on earth is 12.04 not updated....its the same with php5.4, thats also not supported in 12.04 why do they make this old shitty versions on the lts distro :(11:20
minimecdiverdude: There is an update to gcc-4.7 in the precise-updates repo... http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=gcc&searchon=names&suite=precise-updates&section=all11:20
Ben64lts doesn't get the newest stuff11:20
diverdudeminimec, hmm how do i install that?11:20
MonkeyDustdiverdude  they were new when they got there, patches of a version are applied to a release, but no new version11:21
auronandacediverdude: lts is designed for stability, not latest and greatest11:21
HTC-DZhaving an update problem on ubuntu 12.04LTS. if i go on the power gear and select software up to date, it open the update manager but no updates are found. but in the update manager, only when i click "check" then it finds updates. any ideas?11:21
Ben64!info gcc-4.7-base precise | diverdude11:21
ubottudiverdude: gcc-4.7-base (source: gccgo-4.7): GCC, the GNU Compiler Collection (base package). In component universe, is optional. Version 4.7.2-0ubuntu3 (precise), package size 16 kB, installed size 198 kB11:21
minimecdiverdude: You have to activate the precise-updates repo in the software sources and do a software update. That should do it.11:22
diverdudeminimec, ok...how do i activate that?11:23
Sagitthow i can fix this W: Impossibile recuperare http://it.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring/Release.gpg  Si è verificato qualcosa di anormale nella risoluzione di "it.archive.ubuntu.com:http" (-11 - Errore di sistema)11:23
Sagittduring sudo apt-get update?11:24
minimecdiverdude: softeare-center, --> menu edit --> software sources11:24
diverdudeminimec, its a server ed.11:25
diverdudeminimec, or actually its not but i only have access via ssh11:25
minimecdiverdude: ok. 'sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list'11:26
minimecdiverdude: Something like that... deb http://ch.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ precise-updates restricted main multiverse universe11:27
diverdudeminimec, nothing :(11:33
diverdudeminimec, i added i, updated and upgraded11:33
diverdudeminimec, but no new gcc11:33
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bluehillshi i have used vnc with qt application in at91sam9g35 board by executing ./qtapps -qws -display VNC:0 , i have created a UI in qt which is used to authentication,is there any possibilities to run vnc without application?11:35
minimecdiverdude: IS the package available? 'apt-cache search gcc-4.7' in a console11:37
diverdudenow i added a ppa instead11:37
diverdudeahh gcc version 4.7.311:38
=== Fruh919 is now known as Guest74116
iamwhoiamhello people, i dont know if there is a specific channel for apt-get, but my question is how to stop an installation of a package without "locking" apt-get11:40
auronandace!pinning | iamwhoiam11:41
ubottuiamwhoiam: pinning is an advanced feature that APT can use to prefer particular packages over others. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto11:41
iamwhoiammaybe i did not make myself clear: the installation of the package begun, and I want to stop it :)11:42
iamwhoiamauronandace: though the link is really useful for future reference, thanx!11:42
NeverHerehow bout ctrl+c11:42
iamwhoiamNeverHere: wont ctrl-c 'break' apt-get? meaning afterwards wont run due to the 'lock' issue?11:43
NeverHerenot sure11:43
gwefferhellow, how can i make the live usb im currently using into a persistant one?11:43
iamwhoiamgweffer: i think unetbootin is what you need11:44
iamwhoiamNeverHere: i was hoping to avoid the locking thing11:44
NeverHereit shouldn't, i have never had it break anything and then you can use apt-get remove "package" to remove what has already been done11:44
MonkeyDust!persistent | gweffer11:45
ubottugweffer: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:45
Rad-Hey is there any reason that after I boot ubuntu I get a black screen that doesn't say "login" but I can login as if I logged into a VT?11:46
Rad-I also can't use the VT1-6 for some reason11:46
iamwhoiamNeverHere: lol, it seems that since the last time i tried to stop apt-get, there was an improvement... there is no locking now! thanx11:47
NeverHereglad it worked for you11:47
diverdudewtf. gcc4-7 is installed but not g++4-711:47
diverdudethis is amazing11:48
NeverHerediverdude, i thought gcc and g++ where the same?11:48
Rad-Any idea?11:48
iamwhoiamNeverHere: gcc is 'Gnu Compiler Collection'. If you pass it a C++ file, it will invoke the C++ compiler ('g++') behind the scenes.11:48
diverdudeNeverHere, apparently not. ofc gcc is for c and g++ is for c++, but i thought they were the same program anyway11:48
iamwhoiamgcc is essentially the frontend for several compilers and the linker too.11:48
iamwhoiamfrom a stackoverflow answer...11:49
NeverHerewell you learn something new everyday11:49
diverdudeiamwhoiam, so how do i install g++4-7?11:49
MonkeyDustTri  it works, you're in11:50
wendicohello, after few hours of using my clean installation of ubuntu 13.04 on a toshiba satellite i realized that im missing my battery status indicator. It is never there nor plugged or unpluged. i realiced after rebooting that my brightness settings is always reset to minimum. Any help? I googled and checked that indicator-power is correctly installed and up to date.11:50
iamwhoiamg++ and .c file, will return a C++ executable..11:50
MonkeyDustwendico  system settings, power11:50
NeverHereiamwhoiam, that depends on how you use it by default it will give you a.out11:51
wendicomonkeydust: system settings, power, looks normal, settings are set to show the icon when battery is present11:51
iamwhoiamNeverHere: yea, but the a.out will be compiled with c++11:52
iamwhoiamat least thats what it does for me11:52
iamwhoiamdiverdude: i thought 4.7 is installed, no?11:52
diverdudeneed to install gcc and g++ seperatly11:52
gwefferthanks, but i want to setup the current one im using to become persistant because ive installed too much to start again, how do i do it from within the live instance?11:53
wendicomonkeydust, acutally it does not look normal, i have not many options in system settings power, just "supend when inactive" "when the lid is closed..." and "show battery status in the menu bar". is it normal to have only those options?11:53
theoshi! is gma3600 supported yet? 64bit11:54
MonkeyDustgweffer  did you install alot inside a live session?11:54
MonkeyDusttheos  what's gma3600?11:54
T|ASKAnyone played L4D2? I experience an Error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5631937/ Seems like the path is wrong in hl2.sh. Any idea?11:54
theosMonkeyDust https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intel_GMA#GMA_360011:55
gweffermonkeydust yes i did11:56
gwefferin the middle of a data rescue too11:56
wendicoups i forgot to say, beside the options on the power settings panel i dont have the colums for "on battery" "when pluged" neither i see the charging state at the bottom of the window11:57
iamwhoiamgweffer: just to be sure, you used a live usb for data rescue, and the data were saved in the usb?11:57
transit441how can i search within files11:57
transit441for a common word11:57
FloodBot1transit441: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:57
transit441like say i want to find the word "nexus" how do i search through a directory for it11:57
transit441inside the documents in the dir11:57
MonkeyDustgweffer  a live session is meant to try ubuntu or trouble shoot a computer, not for production11:58
gwefferim currently using a live usb nd im trying to rescue a harddisk11:58
ubuntunewb9how do i execute .bin files? i already tried "./file.bin", it's not working11:58
gwefferyeah, im going to have to restart and install everything11:58
gwefferi know ubuntu removes installed programs on shutdown, just need to stop that11:58
minimectransit441: http://askubuntu.com/questions/39200/how-to-search-for-files-containing-specific-word11:58
iamwhoiamtransit441: use grep11:59
MonkeyDustgweffer  it's because a live session is loaded into ram11:59
wendicou have to do it before creating the usb dirve gweffer, just mark some free space for persistance11:59
transit441i never understand how to use grep11:59
NeverHeresudo find /dir -iname <filename>11:59
Rad-Anybody know why I don't get a login prompt when I boot ubuntu/11:59
theosMonkeyDust any idea about intel gma3600 support?11:59
transit441NeverHere: im not looking for file name11:59
transit441im looking for words in the files11:59
NeverHereRad-, do you have automatica login enabled?12:00
transit441iamwhoiam how do i use grep to search for a word within a file12:00
transit441can u give me an example?12:00
Rad-NeverHere, text login on new kernel. no automatic login. no login manager either.12:00
MonkeyDusttheos  no, i'm sure someone else can help, repeat your question, with details, every 10 minutes or so12:00
iamwhoiamtransit441: http://askubuntu.com/questions/55325/how-to-use-grep-command-to-find-text-including-subdirectories12:00
Rad-all my virtual terminals are blacked out, no login prompt12:00
MonkeyDusttransit441  try     grep -r "some_text" *12:01
NeverHereRad-, im not sure then, sorry12:01
Rad-Thanks for trying NeverHere12:01
Rad-Although I might add this doesn't happen for 3.2.0-40-pae only 3.2.012:01
wendicoim missing my battery status indicator. And, in the power settings i cant see the status of the battery either neither the columns "on battery" "when plugged in". any help?12:02
transit441its telling me to find this12:03
transit441i cant find it though12:03
ubuntunewb9i'm trying to install adobe reader, and i can't execute .bin file, can anybody help? i already made it executable by "chmod +x", yet it still write this when i try to execute it "bash: ./reader.bin: No such file or directory"12:04
iamwhoiamtransit441: what?12:04
MonkeyDustwendico  tip: use dconf-editor, click 'find' and enter 'battery'12:04
betraydubuntunewb9: echo $PATH in a terminal12:05
betraydcopy the .bin into one of those dirs listed12:05
betraydubuntunewb9: as sudo12:05
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ktosiekIs it possible to have app menus accessible by dbus outside of Unity?12:06
ktosiekI want to implement something like HUD for i3 (a simple tiling manager)12:07
hxmplease, how to install a imap/smtp server on ubuntu tls 12.04 server? i have multiple domains and i want to use roundcube, but i dont find the way to make dovecot or postfix work12:08
MonkeyDusthxm  better ask in #ubuntu-server12:08
wendicoMonkeyDust: thank u, i browsed the dconf-editor and all the configuration looks ok, i even have the configuration missing in the control panel correctly configured (when to suspend etc...) nevertheless im missing the icon and i belive that configuration is not taking effect, i'will change the configuration to try to blank screen or suspend in few minutes to see if the configuration takes effect12:09
MonkeyDustwendico  best of luck (y)12:09
ubuntuaddictedvalve released Portal for Linux. I'm really enjoying this natively in Ubuntu12:11
betraydwendico: idk how old your system is, but some HW have a BIOS setting 'allow power management to be handled by OS' set to YES12:11
wendicobetrayd: yes it looks like some kind of that acpi bios problem but i have no seettings to play with on the bios. i have a not old toshiba satellite L750-EN i3 6gb ram12:13
dusfi have a 500gb hdd on my laptop, and i want to dual boot with windows 8 which i use for playing a lot of games, and i would also like to be able to access media from both os. please can you tell me how i should best partition my drive (possibly with a storage partition for media and windows games if that is the best option) and what size to make each partion, including / /home and /boot?12:13
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MonkeyDust!partition | dusf start here12:14
ubottudusf start here: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PartitioningSchemes l - For partitioning programs see !GParted, or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap12:14
wendicoi just changed the dim optios in dconf-editor to dim the screen in one minute, it doent seem to take effect... i will wait 2 minutes without tiping to make sure :)12:14
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dusfMonkeyDust: hi, that will not give me advice on my particular situation and requirements12:15
dusfit will just tell me how to dual boot, which i know already :)12:15
MonkeyDustdusf  better ask advice in #ubuntu-offtopic, as this channel is for support12:16
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ra-fihi when i try to install gentoo on my ubuntu host using virtulbox it shows http://pastebin.com/dUPtJiK0 can you tell me what is that issue12:16
ubuntuaddicteddusf, IMO you don't need a seperate /boot/ partition. as far as sharing a partition between windows and linux, what's the largest file you'll have on that partition?12:17
dusfMonkeyDust: this is a support issue12:17
dusfubuntuaddicted: some games could be 8gb+12:18
dusfso FAT32 will not do i guess12:18
ubuntuaddicteddusf, you can't share games between linux and windows though12:19
dusfubuntuaddicted: this i know, apart from wine installed games but lets leave that out12:19
dusfubuntuaddicted: the reason i am thinking of installing windows games/programs on the shared partition is so that i won't run out of space on the win partition12:20
dusfand i won't waste any space on it either12:20
ubuntuaddicteddusf, windows can write to an ext3 partition with a driver installed but I think writing to NTFS from linux is more stable so you may want to go with that.12:20
lotuspsychjera-fi: did you install that dkms?12:20
dusfi could use the storage partition for media and windows programs/games12:20
dwarderi use xshell to connect to my ssh box, when i run my mc command everything becomes unreadable, is there a way to use mc over ssh?12:20
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ubuntuaddicteddusf, personally I would keep your windows partition which has games and programs on a seperate partition from linux.12:21
dusfubuntuaddicted: yes, that's what i said :)12:21
dusfwin partition, linux partition ( / and home ) and the an NTFS partition where i can install windows games/programs and media?12:21
ubuntuaddicteddusf,  no, you said you wanted to have a partition with media and games on a shared partition between linux and windows12:21
dusfubuntuaddicted: shared as in they can both access it12:22
dusfwhich NTFS will allow, right?12:22
T|ASKis Left4Dead2 running for you?12:22
auronandacedusf: i wouldn't share games between wine and windows12:22
ubuntuaddicteddusf, you can write to NTFS with linux but I would suggest seperating your media and programs partition12:23
lotuspsychjedusf: or you can loose windows for good12:23
ubuntuaddicteddusf, make a NTFS OS partition, a NTFS programs/games partition, a shared NTFS media partition for windows and linux and a seperate /home/ partition. that's what I would do12:24
ra-filotuspsychje yes it shows already installed but shows the same issues12:25
lotuspsychjera-fi: did you install over terminal or software centre?12:25
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ubuntuaddictedwell, i'm off to play portal natively in linux. bye12:27
ajithovercurrent on port 2or port 312:28
duryhi all :-)12:29
ra-filotuspsychje installed only using terminal12:29
lotuspsychjera-fi: can you tell us what packagename exactlty you installed?12:30
dury#1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server  using phpmyadmin12:30
duryeverything installed mysql-server, php512:31
durycan someone assist me please12:32
lotuspsychje!info virtualbox-qt > lotuspsychje12:32
lotuspsychjera-fi: is this the packagename you installed?12:33
ajithcan any body told that one12:33
ra-filotuspsychje i used virtulbox only12:33
lotuspsychjedury: you running mysql on ubuntu?12:33
lotuspsychje!info virtualbox-qt | ra-fi12:34
ubottura-fi: virtualbox-qt (source: virtualbox): x86 virtualization solution - Qt based user interface. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.2.10-dfsg-0ubuntu2 (raring), package size 4490 kB, installed size 20433 kB12:34
mizifihHi there. I need help with two things. 1st. is the HDMI sound on my ATI card, I have set the drivers with catalyst and all that, the one from ATI.com, but HDMI output is not give as an option, only fictional or something like that (mine is in pt_BR). 2nd thing is my MCE remote controller. How do I enable it.12:35
ra-fiubottu is i need to install virtulbox-qt?12:35
ubottura-fi: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:35
durylotuspsychje: yes12:35
lotuspsychjera-fi: yes try that one from terminal: sudo apt-get install virtualbox-qt12:35
lotuspsychje!mysql | dury12:36
ubottudury: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.12:36
ajithovercurrent on port2 in ubutnu12:40
lotuspsychje!details ajith12:40
lotuspsychje!details | ajith12:41
ubottuajith: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:41
ra-filotuspsychje i am trying to install above package suddenly a window prompt in that shows, sorry,a problem occured while installing software package:virtulbox-dkms send an error report to help fix this problem12:41
ra-filotuspsychje what to do with that12:41
lotuspsychjera-fi: can you install virtualbox from software centre?12:42
bekksra-fi: Actually, you dont need that package. Use the official vbox package from their official site.12:42
jayproanyone lose the window manager on ubuntu 13?12:42
ra-filotuspsychje please see http://pastebin.com/dbCCLcDX12:43
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ra-filotuspsychje i searched in softercenter but it shows no matches found even for vbox12:45
subz3r0how do I list a directory recursive without the files included inside of the directories? tried "ls -laRD /" but that shows me nothing12:46
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subz3r0checked the man page of ls but cant find anything specific.. or am i blind?12:48
mizifihHALP! no HDMI audio output using ATI APU12:49
cf16hi, nothing ; p12:51
A1ReconIs there any way to add HDMI audio??12:54
mizifihA1Recon: same problem here! Using ATI12:54
mizifihA1Recon: Ubuntu doesn't even mention it's existence, LOL12:54
A1Reconmizifih: What card do u use??12:55
mizifihA1Recon: it's an APU E-350 with Radeon HD 630012:55
tortikHi all. Any debugger like OllyDBG for ubuntu?12:55
mizifihA1Recon: AMD Radeon HD 6310 Graphics says Catalyst12:56
mizifihA1Recon: graphics looks like done, I mean, it's working I believe, XBMC is running, now I only need sound12:56
A1Reconmizifih: What do u run??12:57
mizifihA1Recon: yours?12:57
mizifihA1Recon: what do you mean by what do I run?12:57
mizifihSoftware I use?12:57
A1Reconmizifih: I mean dual boot or ubuntu only??12:58
mizifihA1Recon: trying to kick windows12:58
mizifihA1Recon: but I have a second machine to run Windows and games12:58
A1Reconmizifih: Ever run into overscan/underscan problem  in windows??12:58
mizifihA1Recon: on this machine I'm willing to run ubuntu only12:59
mizifihA1Recon: don't even know what that mean ;)12:59
mizifihA1Recon: it actually make more sense using ubuntu on this machine13:00
mizifihA1Recon: it's for SABnzbd+Sickbeard+Couchpotato+XBMC13:01
mizifihAnd sharing, coz it means caring ;)13:01
m1chaellast night i installed xubuntu 12.04 on a new asus netbook with UEFI (what a nightmare that was.) -- now i've got 12.04 running, and my touchpad's right button does not work (it works in windows) .. right click is just like left click. i believe this is due to this "modern" touchpad where the right/left click buttons feel like the same "connection" --- i see a lot of workarounds for this- but13:02
m1chaelnone seem to either work- or are way too complex for me to take on. i'm currently downloading version 13.04 and hoping it works. any ideas on this?13:02
T|ASKAnyone successfully runs L4D2 with primusrun?13:02
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mizifihT|ASK: primus really worth the trouble?13:03
A1Reconmizifih: I run two systems. One laptop Win7 for everyday use... while my desktop is dual boot13:04
haysis there a way to remove this message once i've upgraded: New release '13.04' available. Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.13:05
haysi ran do-release-upgrade :)13:05
mizifihoh, wait...13:05
A1Reconmizifih: But the desktop is connected to a 32inch HDTV13:05
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mizifihA1Recon: see, that's what's going on here. I mean, I have this HTPC/Server machine hooked on my TV, so I can enjoy some lazy myself, but this HDMI sound output is a deal breaker13:06
m1chaeli tried connecting to a HDMI HDtv last night, but some areas of the screen weren't visible13:06
adamkhays: Known bug for some people.  Remove /var/lib/ubuntu-release-upgrader/release-upgrade-available13:06
minimecm1chael: You would have to configure the area, you want to use as 'button' area. Just a question. If you tap the touchpad with two fingers, would that generate a 'right click'?13:06
haysadamk: thanks.13:07
anewi'm trying to use mail, but i never recieve the email ?13:07
A1Reconmizifih: yup every time i switch between headphones and TV audio is one royal pain!!13:07
m1chaelminimec: good question, i'll have to get back to you guys on that13:07
mizifihA1Recon: at least you're getting sound13:08
mizifihA1Recon: I mean, I probably can use the soundcard, but I want HDMI only13:08
betraydanew: i use getmail works with gmail13:08
A1Reconmizifih: if you want HDMI only use the DVI cable with a 3.5mm audio jack13:09
mizifihA1Recon: that's being used with another computer, LOL13:11
mizifihA1Recon: actually, wait... I can switch them... but that's not as hard, LOL13:12
betraydsure your neighbor won't mind?13:13
A1Reconmizifih: Here's what I do, I plug in the HDMI cable to the DVI port of the TV and run a 3.5mm audio cable from the soundcard to audio input of the TV. Does ur TV have an audio input??13:13
mizifihA1Recon: I actually have this set you suggested being used by another system, but it also have HDMI output, I can just trade places between them13:14
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mizifihA1Recon: If everything fails, I'll just do that13:15
anewbetrayd yeah but i want to use smtp for an application13:15
anewso i need to test it first with ubuntu13:15
anewand nothing is being sent with mail command13:15
betraydanew oh for that part i use msmtp...13:16
betraydto send, that is13:16
anewi am just trying 'mail me@yahoo.com' but it's not working13:16
anewhow can i debug ?13:16
TheLordOfTimeanew, are you on a residential internet?13:17
TheLordOfTimeor better, have you configured msmtp or some kind of smtp sender?13:17
anewthelordoftime residential yes13:17
anewerm no13:18
anewi'm sending from my server which is on linode13:18
anewi installed smtp, i think13:18
CapprenticeWhich photo uploaders are available for ubuntu Linux ?13:19
diverdudehow do i upgrade boost 1.46 to 1.49 on ubuntu 12.04?13:21
ThinkT510!backports | diverdude13:22
ubottudiverdude: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging13:22
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diverdudeThinkT510, well its 12.04 so backports should automatically be enabled13:23
diverdudeand still its not working13:23
T|ASKmiztic: I use Bumblebee, therefore, primusrun or optirun is the way to play13:24
lukecarrierdiverdude, software-properties-gtk can confirm this13:24
diverdudelukecarrier, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5632239/13:25
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lukecarrierdiverdude, don't run it as root, it uses PolKit13:26
T|ASKFunny thing, L4D2 runs with Intel HD, but not with Primusrun/optirun13:26
negreanany one can tell me plz how to install the driver for nvidia video card i try some methods but dont work13:26
diverdudelukecarrier, that makes no difference if i run it as normal user13:26
diverdudenegrean, dont go there :S its a lost cause13:27
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Nothing_MuchThe latest 319.xx drivers from Nvidia have Optimus support (beta)13:27
lukecarrierdiverdude, you're not running under X then?13:27
Nothing_Much319.12 to be exact13:27
diverdudelukecarrier, no, im via ssh13:27
lukecarrierdiverdude, apologies! Then you need to edit the sources.list files in /etc/apt13:28
negreani am using an gt 540m i try to install driver for the main site but cant and also i try the bunblebee but same13:28
lukecarrierbackports should be in sources.list13:28
Guest1614Any drivers for NVIDIA 5200 FX for 13.04 ?13:29
diverdudelukecarrier, yeah its there13:29
diverdudelukecarrier, and not commented out13:29
Nothing_Muchnegrean, try this: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux-display-ia32-319.12-driver.html13:29
lukecarrierdiverdude, apt-get update to download the package lists, then13:29
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diverdudelukecarrier, i have tried that but i can try again13:29
Nothing_MuchGuest1614, Geforce FX is now considered EOL13:30
diverdudelukecarrier, ok done :)13:30
lukecarrierapt-get would throw errors if downloading those package lists failed13:30
diverdudelukecarrier, no errors are thrown13:30
Nothing_MuchThe earliest card that Nvidia support are Geforce 6 series and up13:30
lukecarrierdiverdude, then if libboost is in backports, you'll be able to upgrade it now13:31
mizifihA1Recon: Sup?13:31
diverdudelukecarrier, by doing apt-get upgrade right?13:31
mizifihA1Recon: I gave up and just did that, trading places on the TV13:31
A1Reconmizifih: Im here13:32
cfhowlettdiverdude, or perhaps try apt-get dist-upgrade13:32
mizifihA1Recon: The other PC using the DVI is now using HDMI, since it's windows, it's easier13:32
diverdudecfhowlett, uhhh i dare not do dist upgrade....thats mad13:32
lukecarrierdiverdude, yep13:32
A1Reconmizifih: hmmm13:32
mizifihA1Recon: And this using ubuntu is now using DVI (HDMI input) + P213:32
lukecarrierI did a couple of dist upgrades this week13:32
lukecarrierboth worked13:33
diverdudelukecarrier, it just says 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded. :(13:33
cfhowlettdiverdude, dist-upgrade will NOT bring you to 13.04.  It brings in all upgraded packages for the current distro.13:33
luis_hi all13:33
Guest1614NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.36-pkg1 works great on 12.04 LTS but I cant get  it to work on 13.0413:33
diverdudecfhowlett, ohhh okay13:33
mizifihA1Recon: something I didn't noticed before, the DVI input makes image better on the TV13:33
ThinkT510diverdude: dist-upgrade will upgrade those 4 packages13:33
mizifihA1Recon: Doesn't matter it's windows or ubuntu13:33
diverdudeis that risk free?13:33
luis_i need  help with epoptes13:33
ThinkT510!dist-upgrade | diverdude13:34
ubottudiverdude: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. This will not bring you to a new release of Ubuntu, see !upgrade if that is your intention.13:34
luis_im using in a ltsp enviroment13:34
mizifihA1Recon: thanks for your tip. And I have installed LIRC and my MCE remote "magically" start working. Looks like I'm all set13:34
diverdudedoing dist-upgrade now13:34
mizifihlater folks! carry on!13:35
* cfhowlett ... runs apt-get update && apt-get uprade && apt-get dist-upgrade every week with no progblems13:35
A1Reconmizfih: K13:36
diverdudecfhowlett, i still have BOOST_LIB_VERSION "1_46_1" :(13:36
diverdudecfhowlett, i need 1.4913:36
diverdudeor newer13:36
lukecarrierdiverdude, look for a PPA then13:36
lucidoI simply can't download the 13.04 desktop amd64 iso from anywhere, it always stops at 99 percent13:36
A1Reconmizifih: . is this your first time with ubuntu??13:36
lukecarrierdiverdude, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas?name_filter=boost13:36
diverdudelukecarrier, well i actually afdded this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~jkeiren/+archive/ppa13:37
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diverdudelukecarrier, and did apt-get install libboost-dev-all but also did not help13:37
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diverdudelukecarrier, this is the libboost i have available: http://imagebin.org/25640513:39
diverdudeby tab-completion13:39
lukecarrierdiverdude, :s13:39
diverdudelukecarrier, what could i be missing?13:40
A1Reconmizifih: where did u get info about XBMC??13:40
lukecarrierdiverdude, check $ apt-cache search boost13:40
ThinkT510A1Recon: he left about 10 mins ago13:41
lukecarrierdiverdude, you'll need some grepfu to get relevant lines, but I'm wondering if the package is libboost1.49 or sth13:41
diverdudelukecarrier, that gives me this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5632274/13:41
anewwhat was the command to search all files within a folder for some text ?13:41
lukecarrierdiverdude, line 14613:42
lukecarrierdiverdude, $ sudo apt-get install libboost1.4913:42
diverdudeahhh 314mb13:43
diverdude50% done now13:43
lukecarrierdiverdude, have fun13:43
diverdudethats done now13:43
diverdudelets see if it works13:43
udhayarajhi any body der13:44
diverdudeudhayaraj, oh yes everybody is here13:44
Belialis there anyone using a patched nautilus 3.4.2 in 13.04?13:44
Belialwhen i installed it i lost my quicklists in the launcher13:44
udhayarajhmm , can any one sa wt kid of chat is this13:45
diverdudelukecarrier, version.hpp looks great now :) lemme check compile status :D13:45
ThinkT510udhayaraj: ubuntu support channel13:45
diverdudelukecarrier, halleluja - your my saviour man :)13:45
lukecarrierdiverdude, glad it works :)13:45
udhayarajhmm  super :)13:46
diverdudelukecarrier, thanks13:46
lukecarrierdiverdude, yw13:46
nascentmindHi. When ubuntu starts it resets my cmos clock to 12:30 everytime.. Why is this? How can I fix this?13:46
luis_i like  help with Epoptes13:47
luis_Basically I cant view the clients any ideas?13:47
kimirAfter upgrade from 12.10->13.04 I got only 1 workspace. How can I fix this?13:48
yeehiIs there a package that monitors one's VPN connection and immediately halts traffic if the VPN connection is lost?13:49
Analisayeehi: if you loose the connection traffic will stop13:51
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lukecarrierAnyone know how to shut Skype's incessant static up? Every notification sound is garbled :/13:54
cerv0_hello evrybody need help, I have an executable with the following permitions:13:54
cerv0_-rwxrwxr-x 1 root root 7411 mai    4 11:51 getuid13:54
cerv0_and i'm having two user with the following id13:54
cerv0_USER1{uid=1000(cerv0) gid=1000(cerv0) groups=1000(cerv0),13:54
cerv0_USER2:uid=1001(testeur) gid=1001(testeur) groups=1001(testeur)13:54
FloodBot1cerv0_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:54
ctxmenpraise him13:55
cerv0_sorry for flooding but realy need help13:55
lukecarriercerv0_, pastebin loves you13:56
cerv0_lol yes i know13:56
ubottucerv0_,: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:56
cerv0_ok ok ok ok i got it13:57
cerv0_you blame me it's ok but i hope i'll have an answer13:58
A1Reconwhen i run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"   it says [sudo] password for user:    What  do I enter here13:58
ThinkT510cerv0_: we haven't seen your question yet13:59
cfhowlettA1Recon, the password you created for the first account13:59
Sagittwhere are icon resources in ubuntu?13:59
lukecarrierSagitt, /usr/share/icons13:59
cerv0_ok ThinKT510 this is my question http://paste.ubuntu.com/5632321/14:00
anewis there some special package i need to download in ubuntu to be able to upload images to my website ?14:01
A1Reconcfhowlett: i am typing the password but nothing is being displayed as in the cursor stays where it is......14:02
lukecarrierA1Recon, that's normal; it's a security feature14:02
cerv0_ubottu http://paste.ubuntu.com/5632321/14:02
varun_cerv0_, try "sudo adduser testeur cerv0"14:03
cerv0_cfhowlett //paste.ubuntu.com/5632321/14:03
anew sudo apt-get install php-gd14:03
anew when i run this it says unable to locate package14:03
lukecarrieranew, sudo apt-get install php5-gd14:04
cerv0_varun Permission denied14:05
oryhi everyone,14:05
oryhow can i create a really limited user account?14:05
koko_zkjoin ubuntu14:05
varun_cerv0_, did you try the adduser command? From which user account?14:05
orythat cannot change wallpaper open settings14:06
oryor do other things14:06
ctxmenubuntu is commercial fuck it has amazon link!! better use linux mint14:06
orylike that14:06
cerv0_varun i did it from cerv014:06
petanhi can someone help me fix my webcam14:06
cerv0_it's the main account14:06
varun_cerv0_, I see the problem. The file is owned by 'root'14:07
petanit is integrated in laptop and since I reinstalled ubuntu it doesn't work14:07
Sagitthow i can give an icon to a folder withouth the square around it?14:07
CiSensehi just installed 13.04 - two basic questions: where should ppa packages be located? How can a shell script with execute perms inside that ppa folder be started without opening a terminal each time?14:07
cerv0_varun yeah i'm the one who did it14:07
GodsFlawsilly install question.14:08
varun_Change its owner to cerv0_ with "sudo chown cerv0_ <the name of file>14:08
cerv0_but normaly with those permition if cerv0 can execute the programm why not testeur14:08
GodsFlawwill I have any problems with dule boot if I install ubuntu on a new drive.14:08
petanok, so if there was someone who can tell me how to fix webcam, please ping me, because this channel is hard to read14:08
varun_cerv0_, because the current permissions of the file allow only the owner and the 'owner's group' to execute the file.14:09
cerv0_you are not geting me my purpose is not to make testeur execute the program but it's to undestand how the permition on file is working14:09
cerv0_<varun_> cerv0_, because the current permissions of the file allow only the owner and the 'owner's group' to execute the file.14:09
CiSensepetran hi, i'm trying to fix mine too .. did you read this? http://www.matthartley.com/webcam-drivers-for-ubuntu/14:09
cerv0_but this is the problem14:09
ThinkT510GodsFlaw: dual booting is easy and can be easier if you are using more than 1 harddrive14:09
cerv0_normaly if it was only to owner who is able to execute the program why cerv0 to is able to do it14:10
cerv0_and not testeur14:10
ttltwhy does dash application menue is so unstable???14:10
johnjohn1011is there a decent gui to working with fstab?14:10
cerv0_because cerv0 is not the owner of the file and he doesn't bellong to the group of the owner14:11
ThinkT510johnjohn1011: its just a text file, you don't need a gui14:11
petanCiSense my nick is petan, but I will read it, thanks14:11
betraydGodsFlaw: your problem will be like, how much/what size for media and data14:11
ThinkT510!fstab | johnjohn101114:11
ubottujohnjohn1011: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions14:11
GodsFlawThanks ThinkT510.14:12
GodsFlawinstalling new 256 ssd have windows on a 128.  Have other media drives ntfs for media but my understandig is ntfs can be mounted from ubuntu.14:12
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ThinkT510GodsFlaw: yes, ubuntu reads and writes ntfs just fine14:13
varun_cerv0_, not sure, but I believe the membership of the adm group may be the reason here.14:13
petanCiSense it isn't really helpful article :/ both commands don't work as the kernel modules aren't present in my system, also it's not usb camera14:13
Kurzahello, does anyone know a PPA, source or something to get PHP 5.3.3 or PHP 5.4.x on ubuntu 10.04 LTS as a package, because I'm unable to build it from its source right now14:14
cerv0_yeah this may be the reason14:14
johnjohn1011ThinkT510: well I want to put another partition on my hard drive to mount instead of expanding my existing partiion.14:14
johnjohn1011fstab looks tricky.14:14
cerv0_varun_ but normaly when i add the bit set- uid  testeur should be able to execute the programm isn't it14:15
CiSensepetan, sorry about your nick ... well you now have more information, i have the modules and my cam doesn't work14:15
lucidoFor the love of god, why can I only download 99 percent of the iso??? wget output: http://pastebin.com/xwy9WCdM14:16
varun_cerv0_, If you can, try adding the second user to the adm group - "sudo adduser testeur adm". Haven't played with UIDs much, so not sure what you mean with that14:17
CiSenselucido, maybe it's that evil 1% :)14:17
lucidoCiSense, I've tried everything14:18
caelanHello, I'm having a problem with the Audio in Ubuntu 13.04. Basically, when sound is playing, no matter what application, the volume level will randomly fluctuate every now and then, causing the sound to pop. I have watched the volume slider blink very quickly first hand. I am unsure of why this is happening. I have looked on Google, but gotten no definitive answer. Thanks, Caelan.14:18
betrayd lucido, run the chksum now14:19
betraydmight be a 'no time to say goodbye' thing14:19
lucidobetrayd, it says it doesnt match14:19
lucidofile size is smaller too14:19
betraydwell it did sound romantic there for a moment14:19
CiSenselucido, how long did you wait for it to complete?14:19
cerv0_varun thks14:19
cerv0_but the problem is still there14:20
cfhowlettlucido, garbage in, garbage out is still true14:20
cfhowlettlucido, and use torrents to get the complete iso.14:20
lucidoCiSense, hours, on two machines, using aria, wget and firefoxs' built in dl manager, what garbage?14:20
lucidocfhowlett, I cant use torrents on my connection, filtered14:21
petanCiSense is there a way to recognize which camera I have and which driver I need?14:21
varun_cerv0_, are you just trying to learn the basics or need something done?14:21
CiSenselucido, can you ftp other binary files ok?14:21
lucidoCiSense, yes, for example the md5sum files14:22
lucidotried multiple mirrors14:22
lucidoI'm in the twilight zone...14:23
cerv0_varun_ i'm not trying to learn the basic i was doing a system programming in c on ubuntu and i faced this problem14:23
CiSenselucido, as cfhowlett says use a torrent, i got my 13.04 iso thatway, no probs14:23
cfhowlettlucido, take a laptop off campus.  go to a coffee shop and torrent that beast14:23
betraydlucido: try this get 2 files, first the ISO, then say the md5sum text, it will finish the iso14:23
betraydin one shot14:23
betraydnot 2 separate attempts14:24
lucidobetrayd, what's the rationale?14:24
betraydlucido it will still cut at the end, but not the important part14:25
betraydyou already would have the ISO14:25
XtremeHey Guys.14:25
Xtremei have a core  i5 processor.14:25
Xtremewhich has that turbo boost and all.14:25
Xtremecurrently i am using Ubuntu Ldxe.14:25
FloodBot1Xtreme: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:25
Xtreme1) Is there any driver/app to enable turbo boost.14:25
CiSensepetran hook it up to a win box, also check that it's working14:25
akashj87betrayd, wont a download manager help in these situations for lucido ?14:25
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Xtremei got blocked by floodbot :(14:26
lucidoakashj87, no, I tried 3 of them14:26
betraydakashj87: sure, then he can use it to get 2 files14:26
XtremeHey Guys. i have a core  i5 processor. which has that turbo boost and all. currently i am using Ubuntu Ldxe. so14:26
Xtreme1) Is there any driver/app to enable turbo boost. 2) is there any app where i can set the frequecy and14:26
betraydXtreme: we saw it the first time14:26
varun_lucido, why don't you try the torrent? Usually faster and integrity is guaranteed : http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/alternative-downloads14:27
Xtremebetrayd.. opps sorry, i though i was blocked14:27
lucidovarun_, I cant use torrents, filtered14:27
cerv0_varun : the bit set-uid is a specific permition gave by the owner of a program or file which allow temporary other users to execute the program him self no matter if they have permition or not14:28
cerv0_this is where the problem is coming from14:28
akashj87lucido, filtered as in ? you cant use even with encryption enabled ?14:28
cerv0_normaly when i give the bitsuid to the executable every other users should be able to execute it but it's not the case14:29
michealPWHi, everybody!14:30
michealPWFiddle sticks! Installed XChat and logged in, forgot what I was going to ask haha :(14:31
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varun_cerv0_, I believe the last x in the file permission makes it 'world executable'?14:31
ThinkT510michealPW: glad we could help :)14:31
cerv0_varun_ yes14:32
betraydsenior moment14:32
michealPWOh yea! My Synaptics Trackpad.14:32
betrayd 'Memory is usually the first to go'14:32
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cerv0_varun_ but the permition of bit set-uid is represent not by x but by s14:33
michealPW I customized my Xorg config by adding a copy of 50-synaptics.conf (/usr/ ... /xorg.conf.d/) and changing a whole bunch of settings using synclient to fiddle-around first, then copy-pasted the entire output of synclient -l into the config file (Edited for syntax) and viola!14:33
michealPWNow I've got.. A touchpad with touch disabled, so I click to select.. Disabled all the right/left corner stuff. Then I lost 2 finger scrolling :(14:33
snowveilI made a launcher for the game "Don't Starve" on my launcher panel, and it launches then immediately closes.  If I double click the executable in nautilus it works fine...any ideas? (ubuntu 12.04 64 bit)14:33
michealPWAnyone know how to correct this? In the config, I do indeed have VerticalTwoFingerScroll=1, or whatever the property is. Yet still no scrolling :(14:33
varun_cerv0_, where is the file located? Does the 2nd user even see or read it?14:34
michealPWSynaptics is very confusing. Is anybody good with this config? It seems that turning certain settings on turn others off, regardless of how I approach this.14:34
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BluesKajHiyas all14:34
michealPWWhat I wanted is touch tapping disabled... I can't for the life of me type on the keyboard, even with palmdetect enabled, if touch is enabled. It always screws me up. So I disable it and instead like to Click all the way down, 'cause my TouchPad is *also* a ClickPad.14:35
cerv0_varun_ the file location is /home/cerv0/getuid14:35
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lucidoakashj87, seems not, tranmission has encryption enabled by default?14:35
michealPWIt's also multi-touch. How can I setup Synaptics like this? It seems to want to be one or the other... Either multi-touch with tap gestures... ClickPad with no gestures, etc.14:35
A1Reconkeeping the start button pressed for a small amount of time brings on the Keyboard Shortcut List!! YAY!!14:36
cerv0_varun_ it's an executable14:36
varun_By permissions of the 2nd user, I don't think he can read the contents in cerv0_'s home. Can you 'ls' the file from that account?14:36
cerv0_varun_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/5632416/14:38
michealPWbecause of the umask, I find sharing files between ~/ directories clumsy on Linux. I'm sure it has to do with me being a linux newbie, though. I usually make a /storage directory and a new group called 'Storage' I add all the local users to on the system. Then set the group owner on /storage to 'Storage' and it's generally good to go. It's clumsy 'cause the umask marks everything local users create as username:username :\14:39
michealPWSo unless you set Others to read/write, effectively letting *anyone* write there, dunno how sharing is supposed to work with this umask :\14:40
caelanHello, I'm having a problem with the Audio in Ubuntu 13.04. Basically, when sound is playing, no matter what application, the volume level will randomly fluctuate every now and then, causing the sound to pop. I have watched the volume slider blink very quickly first hand. I am unsure of why this is happening. I have looked on Google, but gotten no definitive answer. Thanks, Caelan.14:40
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varun_cerv0_, that is from cerv0 account. What about the testeur account? Can he see the file in cerv0's home?14:40
VoltaireJOIN #ghg14:41
michealPW2 questions: 1) How do I enable 2-finger scrolling *without* enabling Tap-Clicking? and 2) How do I enable 3 finger grab gesture? So that 3 fingers can move windows, select text etc.14:41
akashj87lucido, no idea about transmission. normally encryption is not enabled by default. see http://www.transmissionbt.com/help/gtk/2.3x/html/preferences.html14:41
michealPWI'm currently using Synaptics.14:42
akashj87lucido, privacy section of that guide14:42
varun_cerv0_, how about placing the file outside cerv0's home, in a directory which has permission 777, or 775?14:42
caelanAnyone have any idea?14:42
cerv0_varun_  cannot open the directory14:43
michealPWIt's odd.. I had 2 finger scrolling on and touch-clicking disabled... I installed the proprietary fglrx drivers and now 2 fingerScroll doesn't work.. What is the connection? :\14:43
cerv0_varun_ ok let me try that one14:43
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varun_cerv0_, I'm sure that's the problem. The permissions on the file itself look all good to me.14:44
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cerv0_varun_ yeah you may be right just one second14:44
snowveilI made a launcher for the game "Don't Starve" on my launcher panel, and it launches then immediately closes.  If I double click the executable in nautilus it works fine...any ideas? (ubuntu 12.04 64 bit)14:45
lucidocan someone please upload the last 7.1MB of the amd64 desktop iso (I'll give you the exact byte number)14:45
lucidoso I caoncatenate it14:45
varun_elapsed ;) (one second..)14:45
pfcodehello, I have a little problem, I can't change UEFI Boot Order by bcfg (Intel's UEFI Shell v2.0) and by efibootmgr. I tried to change BootNext variable and it worked. What may be the problem?14:45
michealPWI can't believe how awesome this UEFI (ASUS NoteBook, K75DE) is..14:45
lucido7402868 bytes remaining14:46
michealPWMy EFI setup acts as the boot manager, in a way. LOL I can literally select either Windows Boot Loader or Ubuntu from the EFI Setup's Boot Order tab. How crazytown is that?!\14:46
caelanCan anyone help me? "Hello, I'm having a problem with the Audio in Ubuntu 13.04. Basically, when sound is playing, no matter what application, the volume level will randomly fluctuate every now and then, causing the sound to pop. I have watched the volume slider blink very quickly first hand. I am unsure of why this is happening. I have looked on Google, but gotten no definitive answer. Thanks, Caelan."14:46
pfcodemichealPW, it's not simple as should be14:46
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pfcodei have no method to change order in BIOS menu14:47
pfcode(BIOS on UEFI ;p)14:47
minimecmichealPW: On my laptop with 13.04 I am able to use two finger scrolling without 'tap to click' enabled. I use easystroke mouse gestures with 'right click' fpr gesture initiation.14:47
the_drowHello I'm trying to login using my password. The screen blinks but it goes back to the login screen. The password is correct (and it doesn't report it is the wrong password). When I login from safemode and open the root console and type passwd myuser and type the a new password it says it can't lock /etc/shadow/.14:47
michealPWpfcode: Yea, I agree man... It was a brutal process to get this system setup. The process 'caused a massive loss of data14:47
michealPWminimec: mm, that sounds interesting!14:48
caelanthe_drow, I have exactly the same problem a little while ago, I can't remember for the life of me what fixed it though.14:48
the_drowI also tried to delete my password and the result was the same. "Can't lock /etc/shadow"14:48
pfcodemichealPW, i am able to do anything to not load GRUB manually every time i start my notebook14:48
betraydthe_drow: safemode won't matter here, its for other type of recovery14:48
lucidois there anyone here who has this file ubuntu-13.04-desktop-amd64.iso  ?14:48
michealPWminimec: I'm new to laptops, so I'm still trying to find a system that works well for me. The MacBook Pro was very elegantly setup. 2 finger vertical and horizontal scrolling, 3 finger grab (Selecting text, moving windows) and 1 finger to move curser.. You can also click the entire pad down with 1 finger or 2 fingers.14:49
michealPWWas so perfect, because you never get mis-interpreted gestures...14:49
the_drowShould I attempt to delete it?14:49
caelanI will ask one more time before I leave, because this problem is really annoying me now: "Hello, I'm having a problem with the Audio in Ubuntu 13.04. Basically, when sound is playing, no matter what application, the volume level will randomly fluctuate every now and then, causing the sound to pop. I have watched the volume slider blink very quickly first hand. I am unsure of why this is happening. I have looked on Google, but gotten no definitive answer.14:49
caelanThanks, Caelan."14:49
michealPW2 finger scroll, 3 finger grab I mean. With these touch gestures it accidently clicks things all the time when I'm dragging and just moving the cursor around the screen. Drives me bat-poop-crazy14:49
betraydthe_drow: not while in safe mode, you may want to create anotehr user amd copy over critical data from that old one14:50
lezWhat would be the best most compatible laser multifunction printer that I can buy for a Ubuntu system?14:50
the_drowFirst I should probably check if shadow.lock exists and delete it14:50
lucidocaelan, do u have skype running?14:50
michealPWcaelan: Sorry, I'm not sure what could cause that. I've used Ubuntu 13.04 and Kubuntu 13.04 and the only audio problem I have is Skype.. Which I blame entirely on Microsoft.14:50
lucidoor a mic connected?14:50
varun_lucido, I do have the file14:50
betraydthe_drow: you can do more damage, why not cut your losses now14:50
minimecmichealPW: Well easystroke is probably not that confortable, but still rather interesting. Have a look at this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CagAEgXAAzA14:50
the_drowbetrayd: why? what could be the problem?14:50
caelanYes, I do. But the problem also happens when skype is not being running. I did think of that too.14:50
michealPWminimec: I'll check it out, thx very much for the tip!14:51
lucidovarun_, thank god, do you know how to cut off the last 7402868 bytes?14:51
cerv0_varun_ it's impossible to change the executable location14:51
cerv0_i changed the owner into cerv014:51
cerv0_but nothing can be done14:51
the_drowok, brb14:51
varun_lucido, I downloaded via torrent ;)14:51
michealPWThat is so neat, minimec!14:51
minimecmichealPW: Once you have your configuratioin, you cannot live without it anymore... ;)14:52
varun_cerv0_, then try adding the 2nd user to cerv0 group14:52
lucidovarun_, I need u to split it so that the second part is 7402868 byte and upload it somewhere so I can have a full iso14:52
caelanI remember this also happening to me on the same computer a year ago. On another version of Ubuntu 12.04 I think. Or 11.10 either one.14:53
caelanAnd I didn't use skype at all back then.14:53
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lucidovarun_, I think the command is: split --bytes=823132160 path/to/iso  ./out14:54
lucidothen it will be the second out file that I need14:54
varun_lucido, will try in a moment :), but are you sure the bits are downloaded in straight sequence?14:55
michealPWcaelan: I'm not sure. As I said, though, I've noticed extensive audio issues with Skype on Ubuntu 13.04 and Kubuntu 13.04. Have you tried rebooting the machine and ensuring Skype does *not* run, then testing the audio?14:56
lucidovarun_, pretty sure14:56
prjkthi.  I'm trying to 'image' a microsd card into a perfect copy onto a second one.  (it actually has two partitions that pop up in ubuntu when i put the card into the reader)14:56
michealPWTo see if it is not Skype wrecking the audio, giving false impression the entire system's audio is broken.14:56
prjkthow could I do that?  Also I only have one reader so in between I would have to copy the image onto a usb drive14:56
lucidocaelan, ps aux|grep skype would do instead of a reboot14:56
caelanI'd rather not reboot, but I will kill all running skype processes, would that work.14:56
michealPWhehe lucido. Touche (y)14:56
michealPWMe and my shoddy Windows-like advice hehe.14:56
michealPWsudo killall skype14:57
caelanHmm, I just quit skype normally, and now it's saying skype: no process found, so I'm gussing the normal quit, did quit it.14:58
caelanI will see how it goes. But I remember this happening without skype installed too14:58
michealPWprjkt: I generally make images with dd. In a terminal, just type a command like this (man dd): dd if=/dev/sda5 of=~/Downloads/diskImage.iso14:58
michealPWWhere /dev/sda5 is the location of your sd card14:58
michealPWIt should work, you can create an image for each partition on the disk?14:59
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varun_lucido, looks like you gave me the full size. lol14:59
lucidovarun_, no way14:59
lucidovarun_, did that iso work, or was it checksummed?15:00
NeozonzCan someone help me with ufw?15:00
michealPWdd, split and openssl are the most handy utilities ever (giggle)15:00
lucidovarun_, sorry you're right15:00
NeozonzI've got alot of ddos connections coming in from 54.232.*.*15:00
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NeozonzI've run the following command on ufw : ufw insert 1 deny from
Neozonzbut i still see the connections in netstat15:01
michealPWSo many backup solutions from those simple yet awesome utilities15:01
varun_lucido, I am continuously using it on a VM. And I "checked the disk for deffects" in the very first run.15:01
lucidovarun_, yes, I made a mistake, the value is 81572929215:02
MonkeyDust!ufw | Neozonz start here15:02
ubottuNeozonz start here: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.15:02
michealPWSorry Neozonz. I'm not familiar with ufw. If you wait, maybe somebody will be around that knows how to help.15:02
mguyWhat's the fastest way to add a whole folder of true type fonts to my Ubuntu 13.04 system15:02
varun_lucido, already did the maths, finished..15:02
MonkeyDustmguy  add from where?15:03
mguy/Downloads/Foobarfonts directory15:03
MonkeyDustmguy  rsync is fast and flexible15:04
jakeyhow do i convert.svg to gif and png to .gif?15:04
michealPWjakey: I use GIMP.15:04
mguyI selected them all in the file manager and clicked 'open in font viewer' but I don't get the 'add font button'15:04
varun_lucido, compressed the 2nd part with p7zip, the file is now 1.5 MB, how do you wish me to upload it?15:04
michealPWjakey: Maybe a huge, rocket-launcher of a solution for *that* problem, but it certainly will do it! :D15:04
A1Reconis there a good text editor for editing code like HTML,CSS and jQuery??15:04
mguyjakey: You can automate it with something like ImageMagick15:04
mguyA1Recon: Sublime, Geany...15:04
jakeymichealPW, i find the gif quality sucks afterwards15:04
michealPWA1Recon: I use BlueFish for HTML, CSS and JScript. Also checkout Geany.15:05
michealPWGeany is awesome..15:05
ubuntu__I  do not remember my login password. How I can recover my password15:05
caelanSublime Text 2 is god compared to Geany IMO.15:05
mguyjakey: quality sucks as in?15:05
jakeyopeing a png in gimp and saving it as a gif15:05
mguyjakey: Well GIF is 256 color for one15:05
michealPWjakey: Ah, you'll have to play around with the Colour Depth and Resolution settings. If I recall, the colour depth is a huge factor in quality/size. I'm not an image expert, though. Just a web developer, I use GIMP to transcode and shrink images.15:05
mguyAnd it's compressed15:05
A1ReconmichealPW: when I was in Win7 I used Notepad ++15:06
CrashOR /join #fataca15:06
lukecarrierSublime Text all the way15:06
mguy'up to 256 color' I shoud say15:06
michealPWA1Recon: Indeed. BlueFish is better than Notepadd++ as it's built specifically for web-design/development.15:06
ubuntu__Please help me  as I do not know my login password15:06
michealPWA1Recon: Geany is vastly superior to Notepadd++ in that you can integrate compilers, debuggers even make into Geany, just by pointing Geany to their binaries and Geany will become much like a full-blown IDE.15:07
caelanThe thing is with Bluefish, sometimes when I'm really in the flow, I end up typing too fast for it, and it won't auto indent. This seems to be because there is a slight delay between the enter key down and the auto indent.15:07
ubuntu__I do not know my login password how  I can recover it15:07
A1ReconmichealPW: Thanks. You see I am taking these course at codecademy.com , so I need this15:07
michealPWubuntu__: If you did not create a password recovery disk, you're kind of out of luck. You can download a very small boot-loader called KonBoot and use it to bypass the log-in screen, allowing you to reset the passwords.15:08
minimecubuntu__: boot the computer in recovery mode (left shift key) before the grub menu stsrts and drop to a root schell. then 'passwd yourusername'15:08
caelanNo other text editor I've seen does this.15:08
michealPWKonBoot works for Windows, Linux and a bunch of other systems. It temporarily patches the kernel in memory, allowing the validation to silently succeed.15:08
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th0ris it that easy to learn how to break into a stolen linux system?15:08
A1Reconth0r: Same question here.....15:09
michealPWcaelan: Jah, that's weird. I use Geany more than BlueFish, mainly out of habit. Geany is just so awesome (rofl)15:09
michealPWKonBoot makes it trivial... KonBoot is the reason UEFI and SecureBoot exist.15:09
michealPWIt will defeat *any* Operating System like child's play.15:09
michealPWIt cheats...15:09
prjktmichealPW:  can you help me a bit15:09
minimecA1Recon: th0r: If no root password was set, it is that easy. Start in recovery mode and drop to a root shell.15:09
caelanYeah, passwords are really just so your mates don't get in and be stupid.15:10
th0rminimec: you missed the point15:10
minimecth0r: Did I?15:10
prjktmichealPW: when I right-click in 'explorer' (ubuntu's version) to figure out where the files are mounted15:10
prjktI see they are all in /media15:10
prjktbut the microsd card has two different names under /media15:10
michealPWIt boots the machine and modifies the kernel in memory, ripping out the actual routines that do the checks.. Breaking it, allowing any password to log-in to any account. It's handy for recovery.15:10
varun_lucido, I think you got the file.15:10
prjkthow can I dd the physical media, if it is mounted in two different partitions in /media?15:10
michealPWI've fixed many a grandmother's Windows PC when they forgot their PW :P15:10
CKLMNhey guys i need help  , i just installed the proprietory drivers and now unity is lost15:11
CKLMNi cant even drag and drop the windows15:11
caelanFor which device, CKLMN?15:11
CKLMNubuntu 13.0415:11
michealPWHow did you install them?15:11
caelanI use Nvidia, so I would't know.15:11
michealPWOh goodness, nVidia? Nothing but nightmares in my nVidia experiences :(15:12
A1Reconminimec: I typed in "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" to update and it asked for a [sudo] password. I never set a sudo password...15:12
michealPWCKLMN: Did you install the proprietary AMD drivers from amd.com?15:12
|Slacker|for some wicked reason, I'm unable to remove sources on my update config15:12
=== Blonde is now known as Tux
|Slacker|any hints??15:12
michealPWCKLMN: When the computer boots, does it throw you into a single-user command-prompt or does it just freeze at the Ubuntu splashscreen?15:13
lucidovarun_, thanks a bunch, I'll try it now!15:13
CKLMNit doesnt freeze , im in right now15:13
minimecA1Recon: The user you configured during initial install is a user with 'admin rights'. You could call it a 'sudoer' ... ;) Use the password of the user you configured during install..15:13
CKLMNbut unity is lost15:13
varun_lucido, only if it works :D15:14
michealPWOh. I see, so it boots, you log-in and you just have a background picture and a cursor?15:14
michealPWNo Unit/Gnome-Shell ?15:14
michealPWOh that's not that bad then :P15:14
CKLMNno tollbar15:14
CKLMN*toolbar , no x - and maximize15:14
CKLMNjust the desktop with the icons15:14
caelanPress CTRL+ALT+T and type into the terminal "unity" without the quotes. Any errors will show when it is starting.15:14
CKLMNif i do that , then it just freezes15:15
CKLMNand then i need to open new tty15:15
CKLMNand startx15:15
caelanHmm, strange.15:15
CKLMNi had this prob with 12.10 too , and i thought it would fix on 13.0415:15
CKLMNbut still the same15:15
michealPWCan you open a term, type cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit15:15
lucidovarun_, The md5sum is matching :)15:16
michealPWMaybe you have to install pastebinit hehe15:16
betrayd startx doesn't call unity but your x session will be bare, that's why you're missing buttons15:16
A1Reconminimec: I did that....but when i type the cursor does not move......my keyboard's fine though.....it just wont take my password. Any particular reason its working this way??15:16
varun_lucido, That's great!! And I learned something new too... (split)15:16
betraydlucido was able to complete the ISO? Kewl!15:17
hylianwhat other option besides unetbootin and usb-creator is there for making a live usb key? I want to put slax on a usb drive, but unetbootin fails everytime even if i format it to 32 bit and add flag boot.15:17
CKLMNinstalling pastebin w815:17
michealPWWould you start unity with just the unity binary or with an init script, like lightdm?15:17
akashj87varun_ and lucido : cool to know this stuff !15:17
davico_hola !15:17
lucidobetrayd, yes, md5 doesn't lie ;)15:17
CKLMNto start unity i tried unity in the command line15:17
betraydlucido: unless you messed with his sister =)15:18
|Slacker|nevermind...I've just fixed it15:18
minimecA1Recon: I can confirm that it works like that... and you probably don't want to display your password on the console...15:18
zvx10hey guys! im thinking about switching to proprietary AMD driver for my videocard, because the free one doesnt work properly. So the question is do i need to uninstall the free driver in order to let the proprietary work?15:18
betraydCKLMN: not on a grpahical terminal?15:18
ubuntu__explain the easy method to recover the password for ubutu operating system for authentication15:18
minimecA1Recon: th0r: If no root password was set, it is that easy. Start in recovery mode and drop to a root shell.15:19
CKLMNim on a graphical15:19
betraydwhere did you type unity15:19
michealPWOh hey CKLMN..15:19
minimecubuntu__: boot the computer in recovery mode (left shift key) before the grub menu stsrts and drop to a root schell. then 'passwd yourusername'15:19
OerHekszvx10, no, just select your driver in additional drivers and reboot.15:19
michealPWIn a terminal type sudo amdconfig --initial15:19
davico_Hi ! i have a problem, i want install SDL , i download package of the website and unpackage15:19
A1Reconis sudo password and root password the same??15:19
the_drowSo I tried to add a user but it still says it can't lock /etc/shadow. There are no *.lock files.15:19
michealPWI don't think you're even running with AMD's xorg.conf15:19
davico_i type ./configure15:19
michealPWI think you're running with no xorg.conf at all?15:19
CKLMNyeah ichanged it to open source for a fix15:19
IszakDo I need to have both hard drives unmounted to use mdadm?15:19
michealPWOh I see15:20
CKLMNbut it didnt , even when the propretory was enabled same problem15:20
michealPWTry to just delete it all together, the entire xorg.conf15:20
the_drowI tried to mount my encrypted home folder from safe mode but it says it hasn't been loaded properly.15:20
betraydthe_drow: sis you try it while in safe mode or recovery15:20
the_drowbetrayd: YUP15:20
minimecA1Recon: No. There can be multiple users with 'sudo' rights, but only one root account.15:20
caelanlucido: OK, I just tried playing some music again with Skype completely closed, and the problem persists. And I forgot to say it pops sometimes too.15:20
the_drowsafe mode15:20
betraydthe_drow: the disks are protected read only15:20
hylianwhat other option besides unetbootin and usb-creator is there for making a live usb key? I waquit15:20
michealPWCKLMN: I had good luck installing from the Ubuntu repos..15:20
the_drowbetrayd: Ok so what do I do?15:20
betraydthe_drow: i was going to tell you but you had left15:20
betraydcan you get into regular session isntead the_drow15:21
the_drowbetrayd: I used the safe mode once to delete my password and type a new one15:21
the_drowbetrayd: only guest session will log in15:21
michealPWCKLMN: Here's what you can do: Completely delete your xorg.conf (sudo rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf, rm -R /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/) and then install synaptic (sudo apt-get install synaptic) and then run synaptic, search for fglrx-updates15:21
CKLMNthis is so annoying ..15:21
michealPWInstall that package. fglrx-updates and fglrx-updates-dev.15:21
A1Reconminimec: I type the login password(configured during install) --while the cursor does not move-- and hit enter... It says "Sorry, try again."15:21
michealPWYou'll also need build-essential, fakeroot, execstack I think, maybe synaptic will mark them all for you though I cant' remember.15:22
caelanAlso, while I'm here, does anyone know why this happens to me sometimes when booting: fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed. Then I reboot and everything is fine, then next time it happens again. (13.04)15:22
michealPWThen let it install, open a terminal, type sudo amdconfig --initial one more time and cross your fingers and reboot :P15:22
CKLMNrm: cannot remove ‘/etc/X11/xorg.conf’: No such file or directory15:22
lucidocaelan, which control is moving?15:22
zvx10OerHeks, additional drivers? the thing is that i downloaded the driver from AMD's website (its not .deb) and i dont have unity installed, so im not sure how to configure it. is there an official deb for the prop driver?15:22
michealPWSometimes the fglrx in the Ubuntu repos will work when the one on AMD's website simply will not15:22
anewhow to search for a string inside a folder15:23
michealPWCKLMN: Oh right, so you already got rid of it then? That's fine too :P15:23
CKLMNhahaha , i didnt do anything ;p15:23
caelanThe "Output volume" control in Sound settings sometimes flickers. And at the same time it pops.15:23
caelanlucido: ^15:23
OerHekszvx10, go into softwarecenter > sources > last [tab]  drivers. do not use the one from amd website, you won't get updates15:23
michealPWCKLMN: That's weird! haha amdconfig should have created an xorg.conf file in your /etc/X1115:23
michealPWWhich instructs X to load the fglrx driver15:23
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest83663
CKLMNseems it didnt15:24
Guest83663please explain the steps to recover the password of login15:24
varun_anew, grep -R "string" <folder>15:24
michealPWlet me read your Xorg.0.log again haha just a second15:24
minimecA1Recon: You have to be logged in as that user, you created first. Example: You configured user A1Recon during install... S o you have to login in a session as that user, and then use it with sudo rights on a console.15:24
anewvarun_ if i'm in the folder i want to search do i leave out <folder> ?15:24
zvx10OerHeks, i dont have software center (long story short: i got an ubuntu server running with icewm)15:24
betraydmichealPW: i think scan for ==15:24
varun_anew, replace it with ./15:25
anewthanks man15:25
michealPWOh right,15:25
A1Reconminimec: i have logged in as A1Recon15:25
lucidocaelan, I'm not sure about the current ubuntu audio architecture but it's probably dbus based, you should find out what calls have to be made to change the volume and then run a monitor on it see whats messing with it15:25
Guest83663I do not know my password for authentication15:25
OerHekszvx10, can't help you there with icewm15:26
michealPWSo you're running totaly without a xorg.conf, except the few in /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d, which sets up your Touchpad and stuff. So that's good! You should be able to just install synaptic, use it to install fglrx-updates and then in a terminal run sudo amdconfig --initial15:26
A1ReconGuest83663: its the same as the current user's login password15:26
caelanlucido: So, how would I do that?15:26
bigbadbenOk so I have traced my kernel panic to my usb bluetooth device, it is a cambridge silicon usb dongle. I can connect to my bluetooth mouse then when I restart the computer I get a kernel panic, what could be causing this it does not happen when I am snycing the mouse with my archLinux machine15:26
CKLMNmok i will try15:26
michealPWReboot and you *should* be running the AMD drivers. However, your Xorg.0.log says you have an Intel Integrated Graphics chip? Are you using a core i# ? Like core i5 or core i7?15:26
CKLMNi have i715:27
lucidocaelan, don't know, first find out the mechanisms invoolving changing the volume, if it's RPC or something else, then go from there, google it up15:27
CKLMNgpu:amd radeon 6900 or 670015:27
michealPWSo you have a corei7 *and* a Radeon 6000 series?15:27
zvx10OerHeks, the winmanager doesnt matter, all i need is to get the prop driver running, could find it in the repository, do you know if i can install it thru apt-get?15:27
michealPWInteresting combination. Can you go into your BIOS and disable the Intel GPU?15:27
lucidocaelan, I think is pulseaudio on top of alsa?15:27
minimecA1Recon: I don not know, if you are make fun of me or not, as you gave Guest83663 the same answer I gave you... ;) If you do so, I don't think it's funny, as we all try to give a hand to people...15:27
CKLMNmy gpu is dual15:28
davico_Hola alguien habla español?15:28
CKLMNon windows has options to15:28
davico_no soy muy bueno en el ingles15:28
the_drowbetrayd: so how do I resolve this issue?15:28
mamedhello. i have upgraded to ubuntu 12.04 lts and i cannot hear sound from my hdmi soun driver i have tried some solutions like pulse audio , adding a52.conf file but it did not work15:28
CKLMNbetween 2 states15:28
caelanlucido: I know it uses ALSA, but I'm not sure about Pulse Audio.15:28
michealPWIf you can do that, hehe, I think it will make everything so much simpler for you. I see in your xorg log, the Intel graphics drivers are being loaded. This maybe why fglrx cannot load. On Linux multi-GPUs when the GPUs are not the same is brutual, in my experience. Maybe somebody else here knows how to help.15:28
davico_hola a todos!!!15:28
michealPWI have gotten nothing but horrible, horrible experiences though. Intel+nVidia and Intel+AMD.15:28
mamedin alsamixer s/pid is mute15:29
davico_jaja holaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa15:29
michealPWAt the end of the day, the Intel graphics chips are complete garbage...15:29
michealPWYou lose nothing by disabling them.15:29
CKLMNso i need to disable from bios ?15:29
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.15:29
michealPWNo, but with my limited knowledge that would make it very easy for you..15:29
michealPWTo disable the Intel IGP and just run the AMD Radeon GPU. Will save battery power and make the system much more stable.15:29
mamedmichealPW, i only hear analog output when i set the digital dhmi i hear nothig15:29
CKLMNok i wil try now and get back if it wont fix15:29
michealPWWell wait15:30
betraydthe_drow: http://is.gd/xt9k7M15:30
michealPWActually yea. Without a xorg.conf, if you disable the Intel GPU it should automatically see the Radeon and load the open source Gallium drivers (Spelling?)15:30
betraydthe_drow: not in safe mode/recovery15:30
michealPWThat should get you booted to Unity, allowing you to easily install the AMD fglrx drivers to get full potential out of the Radeon gpu. Again.. This isn't ideal, I know..15:31
CKLMNok thnx , i will try and get back if doesnt fix15:31
the_drowthen how?15:31
michealPWBut maybe somebody else knows a better solution.15:31
betraydthe link above the_drow15:31
the_drowbetrayd: I can't log in to my own account and I can't do it from a guest account. There are no other accounts.15:31
betraydthe_drow: there is *ALWAYS sudo read the link15:31
A1Reconminimec: I am not making fun of u. I have installed a few softwares from software center so i know......but as far as my problem goes, I'm simply asking "Why the cursor wont move" and "even when i type in the password (while the cursor does not move) and hit enter. Why does it say Sorry try again?" Peace out...I'm not making fun of you.15:31
the_drowbetrayd: but you can't use it from a guest account no?15:32
michealPWI know with Intel+nVidia you can install something called Bumblebee. I personally had no luck with my MacBook (Core i7 + nVidia) using Bumblebee, though. I had to give up and just disable the damned intel chip ultimately, LOL. Only way I could get the kernel to stop panicing :\15:32
betraydyou may need to give root a password...15:32
betraydand log him in15:32
betraydroot i mean15:32
the_drowbetrayd: How do I do it from the guest account?15:33
lucidocaelan, I think I remember seeing something similar being a driver issue15:33
the_drowbetrayd: Or should I attempt to do so from safe mode? (It probably won't work)15:33
caelanlucido: OK, I'm just trying to monitor the dbus messages with dbus-monitor.15:33
A1Reconminimec: you there??15:34
minimecA1Recon: Ok. The cursor is not moving per default, so don't worry.15:35
davico_hi to everybody!15:35
betraydthe_drow: can you get to a virtaul console and see a login prompt there ctl-alt-f1 thru f715:35
davico_help with SDL , please!15:35
the_drowbetrayd: virtual console?15:35
minimecA1Recon: Yes I am here. ;) As for the wrong password. Did you accidently activate the 'caps lock' key?15:35
ubuntu__I do not know login password for authentication15:35
betraydyes, command line ctl-alt-f115:35
betraydup to f715:36
the_drowbetrayd: should I boot normally and click ctrl+alt+f1?15:36
betraydno try it now (even safe mode)15:36
w4rl0ckxnop ctrl+alt+f715:36
anevif i was to install an older version of ubuntu, is it easy to upgrade to 13.04?15:36
davico_how install SDL in xubuntu?15:37
the_drowbetrayd: what do you mean up to f7?15:37
betraydpick any15:37
the_drowbetrayd: ok, anything else?15:37
w4rl0ckxit s key  combo15:37
betraydtheres like 7 i think15:38
w4rl0ckxf7 my bro15:38
betraydok thanks w4rl0ckx15:38
betraydlol my math is shot15:38
A1Reconminimec: No caps but I somehow got the password wrong I suppose (alphanumeric with a bunch of special characters) so the command is being executed.... Thanks for your help!!15:38
minimecanev: 12.10 -> 13.04 = easy; otherwise 12.04 -> 12.10 -> 13.04. You have to upgrade following the releases.15:38
the_drowbetrayd: ok, anything else before I reboot?15:38
jhutchins_wk7 is X15:38
minimecA1Recon: No problem.15:38
betraydno the_drow restate your prob here, some guys might know a better way15:39
betraydmine's one, to add a user and start afresh15:39
the_drowI'm trying to log in with the correct password. The screen blinks and goes back to the login screen (it even deactivates numlock again). I can log in from the guest account correctly. When I try do change the password/delete/add a new user from safe mode it says that it can't lock /etc/shadow. There are no lock files to delete. I checked.15:40
=== toto is now known as Guest23345
the_drowI also can't mount my encrypted home folder from safe mode so I can recover my most important documents. It says it hasn't been loaded correctly.15:42
jayzio!ops the_drow15:42
jhutchins_wkthe_drow: permissions on your home directory or files within it may be incorrect.15:42
jayzio!fi | jhutchins_wk15:42
ubottujhutchins_wk: Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)15:42
the_drowjayzio: How do I check thay?15:42
minimecthe_drow: That sounds like having an old .Xauthority file in your /home/yourusername15:43
harristhe update information is outdated15:43
the_drowminimec: But I can't delete it since the home folder is encrypted.15:43
robottinosinohow can i, reliably and programmatically, determine whether my bash script is indeed running on an ubuntu host?15:43
minimecthe_drow: Can you login on console?15:43
the_drowminimec: I haven't tried yet. I didn't know it was possible with X11.15:44
jhutchins_wkAtually, the_drow looks like his encryption messed up on him.15:44
caelanlucido: I've realised something, when I start playing music and shake one the open windows, the volume crackles and pops.15:44
the_drowI'll try and let you guys know in a sec15:44
minimecthe_drow: <ctrl><alt>F115:44
caelan*the sound crackles and pops15:44
the_drowjhutchins_wk: oh that's bad :/15:44
the_drowminimec: lemme login using console first15:44
minimecthe_drow: <ctrl><alt>F7 ot <alt>F7 to switch back.15:44
lucidocaelan, thats EM interference15:46
harristhe update information is outdated15:46
DJones!details | harris15:46
ubottuharris: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:46
caelanDoes anyone else have any clue what's going on? Basically, my sound is cracking and popping when playing music. But i've noticed it does this when I do something on the computer, like for instance, shake around one of the open windows. Or start reloading a page in Chrome. I've had the problem since day one with ubuntu, (11.10 and onwards). Thanks.15:47
harrisi have a red error triangle15:47
caelanAnd this doesn't happen on windows.15:47
michealPWThat is the weirdest thing I've ever heard of, caelan.15:47
caelanlucido: I don't mean an actual window, I mean a window on the computer.15:47
michealPWI think it must certainly be a firmware/driver issue in Linux. No idea where to start to track it down, though :\15:47
caelanI know, this is strange, it's always happened to me when using Ubuntu, but this doesn't happen with Windows 7.15:48
johnjohn1011caelan, are they powered by usb?15:48
hirru27hi guys, have you tried any cloning software for ubuntu 10.04lts?15:48
caelanNo, it's from the jack socket in the back of the PC.15:48
caelanGoing into my PC speakers.15:48
michealPWThe unfortunate thing is, Windows 7 gets custom firmware and drivers made by the manufacturers... Most drivers and firmware on Linux are developed by volunteers :\15:48
lucidocaelan, check the hardware id with lspci and google it in conjunction with the audio driver module name15:48
caelanAnd I've also tried it with my main stereo, it happens there too.15:48
johnjohn1011speakers are usb powered or using power cord?15:49
caelanThey are using a power cord into the plug socket extension which is plugged into the wall outlet.15:49
michealPWHave you tried playing with the jack it's plugged into? Some mainboards/soundcards have different output jacks, like analog, digital etc.15:50
caelanHmm, I will try that Micheal.15:50
michealPWI haven't had any audio issues since the days of switching to PulseAudio *shudders*15:51
BluesKajmamed, here's the patch for your hdmi audio issue , but make sure your graphics driver is also up to date.15:51
robottinosinoi know of no better way than cat /etc/issue.. do people here know of a superior system?15:51
johnjohn1011i had the same popping crackling and once i bought new speakers issue went away15:51
caelan00:14.2 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) (rev 40) That is what comes up for lspci.15:51
BluesKajmamed, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/alsa-daily/+build/450236715:51
mamedBlue1, i updated my system a few minutes ago15:51
mamedBluesKaj, thank you so much i will try this15:51
ger-bananecan someone help me? i have no start bar15:52
michealPWWeird that it says both AMD and Intel in that name LMAO!15:52
Enemteenow the classic question, skype for ubuntu 13.04 64 bit :-) how can i get it working, i've tried many things, but nothing works yet15:52
michealPWEnemtee: Install it using the webupd8team PPA, I think it is. That works fine for me, no need to fix any bugs.15:53
michealPWThe one on the Skype.com website has a bug, you have to do something first in order for it to not segfault when you try and run it.15:53
EnemteemichealPW: Will try, just add the ppa and then do a sudo apt-get install skype?15:53
mamedyes skype has some bugs. when i start a video call on skype i log out15:53
michealPWEnemtee: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype15:53
johnjohn1011so skype for 64 bit ubuntu works great now?15:54
michealPWEnemtee: Even with that working Skype from that Canonical ppa... My Skype's audio is distorted and crackly.15:54
mamedi dont know i use 32 bit i think cos my system is 32 bit15:54
michealPWIt's horribly annoying. Other than that, it works fine.15:54
michealPWThere is no Skype 64-bit guys.15:54
wdonkeyhello! on 13.04, login in in gnome (not unity) theres a bottom bar that appears when i get my mouse down there, how is this bar called and how do i disable it ??15:54
michealPWIt's all 32-bit. You need to install the 32-bit libs.15:54
caelanmichealPW: I only have the 7.1 analogue out, and the SPDIF out on the back of my mobo.15:54
SonikkuAmericawdonkey: (Try #ubuntu-gnome)15:55
caelanI don't have an SPDIF cable nor a receiver that can use it.15:55
cemyccI was searching on internet hope to find an aswer, I want to install ubuntu 13.03 on my home pc but I want to install it with software raid.15:55
michealPWcaelan: Hrmm! Interesting..15:55
Enemteei have installed different 32-bit libraries, but i will get skype from the webupd8-ppa15:55
cemyccIs software raid available on the install ?15:55
lucidodo you have a good sensible "first things to do after install" link? codecs and such15:55
caelanSo, again, this happens when I move a window or reload a tab or something else that requires processing.15:55
cemyccOr I need to use the manual method with mdadm ?15:55
michealPWOh, it's not even in a ppa. It's in the Partners repo. All you have to do is add the 32-bit architecture to dpkg, so that it can see it:15:57
michealPWsudo dpkg --add-architecture i38615:57
michealPWThen a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype will get it.15:57
caelanSo, any more ideas people? "Does anyone else have any clue what's going on? Basically, my sound is cracking and popping when playing music. But i've noticed it does this when I do something on the computer, like for instance, shake around one of the open windows. Or start reloading a page in Chrome. I've had the problem since day one with ubuntu, (11.10 and onwards). Thanks."15:58
nanashiReijust curiousity: What would you chose ubuntu for, over other distros? (Server)15:58
caelanI'm getting kind of desperate now! :p15:58
michealPWSorry caelan. That's weird, I'm out of ideas accept obvious, generic troubleshooting advice (Which would not apply, since it works perfectly fine in Windows. Must be software related.)15:58
caelanYes, I know it's software related. And I've always had this problem with Ubuntu since I first started using it. It's really annoying.15:59
kimirWallpaper compiz plugin makes all my desktop icons disappear. How can I fix that?15:59
SonikkuAmericacaelan: I assume this is PulseAudio?15:59
michealPWnanashiRei: I choose Ubuntu over other distros because it is the widest supported distro right no. time is everything. (Example: www.skype.com, www.adobe.com have Ubuntu listed as a supported platform and so do the major driver manufacturers like Intel, nVidia and AMD)15:59
caelanSonikkuAmerica: How do I find out whether I'm using PulseAudio or not?16:00
cemyccAnyone have any clue if the installer from Ubuntu 13.04 have support for software raid ?16:00
michealPWnanashiRei: More importantly, though.. I choose Ubuntu because time is money. It's the most robust, ready-to-work distro I've found so far. Just boot it and get to work. Sometimes putting in the odd proprietary driver is required, but meh.16:00
nanashiReimichealPW: thanks, that counts the first not fanboyish anwer i got :)16:00
doc-donkeydid you guys see my previous msgs ?16:01
SonikkuAmericacaelan: What version of Ubuntu do you have, and did you change any sound settings?16:01
nanashiReiI saw that AWS uses either CentOS (amazon linux) or ubuntu and was confused like shit16:01
doc-donkeyim having lag problems16:01
compdoccaelan, Ive had to install these drivers for AMD sound issues. read this and try to do the steps. I might be able to guide you through it  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/UpgradingAlsa/DKMS16:01
caelan13.04 No, I didn't change any settings.16:01
nanashiReibecause the net is all "DEBIAN YOU FAGGOT!" :)16:01
michealPWnanashiRei: Well, CentOS literally stands for Community Enterprise Operating System. It's exactly what it claims to be, as well.16:01
SonikkuAmericacaelan: You have PulseAudio then...16:02
michealPWnanashiRei: Based on RedHat and meant for large enterprises, such as those, would opt for RedHat. CentOS, iunno why they would pick that since it's RedHat without support LOL.16:02
nanashiReiWell REHL based, is the keyword.16:03
michealPWIndeed :P16:03
pentesterhiiiiiiiii i am arya16:03
nanashiReiBut yes, why would amazon NOT TAKE SUPPORT ... kinda obvious :D16:03
michealPWI like CentOS. It's very nice. It's similar to Debian in that it's rock-solid... Which means it's old.16:03
michealPWTh whole software stack in Debian Stable or CentOS/RHEL is very old.16:03
michealPWYou're talking GNOME 2, Linux 2.6, etc. etc...16:04
michealPWWINE v1.0 (rofl)16:04
nanashiReiNo in all seriousness.. what you just said...16:04
michealPWGCC 4.2 and libgtk prior to 2.8 which means you're locked...16:04
betraydGNOME 2 eh maybe thats good then...16:04
michealPWYou cannot build anything, as libgtk on your system will conflict16:04
pentestercan u please tell me red hat is a secure os16:04
nanashiReiDebian always amazed me in cases of security and god damn stability16:04
michealPWWith the new libgtk software. Enterprises like this, though..16:04
michealPWThey're not into bleeding edge, they're into rock-solid and secure ;)16:04
OerHeksplease watch your language, nanashiRei16:05
nanashiReiMakes it even harder to choose16:05
SonikkuAmericabetrayd: You can forget about GNOME 2.16:05
nanashiReiOerHeks: watch what you read :)16:05
caelanOK, I just installed this driver, not rebooting, be back in a min.16:05
cemyccSo, anyone know if ubuntu 13.04 have software raid on install ? :)16:05
michealPWbetrayed: Not if you're into compiling modern software, though. Having a GNOME 2 stack locks you out of compiling new software... Unless you're down to recompile your entire stack, including the libc libraries and GCC itself (rofl)16:05
michealPWWhich, I mean c'mon.. That's crazytalk.16:06
AxoXfrench ?16:06
michealPWYou might aswell be running Gentoo, zing!16:06
michealPWAlthough Gentee.. You have emerge.. In THAT scenerio, you have nothing.16:06
michealPWYou're entirely on your own.16:06
OerHeks!fr | AxoX16:06
ubottuAxoX: Nous sommes désolés, mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.16:06
cato_I have no sound since upgrading to 13.04. Tried removing, reinstalling, and force-reloading alsa and pulseaudio. Sound card is in the Sound settings panel. It's not muted in alsamixer. any ideas?16:06
AxoXubottu y apas de français16:06
ubottuAxoX: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:06
onrcato_: what's your soundcard model?16:07
nanashiReiessayer # ubuntu-fr pour le soutien :s16:07
the_drowYou guys will be suprised to know that the only thing that was wrong somehow I mistakenly echoed a command to the .profile file. I have no idea how that happend exactly.16:07
the_drowOnce I removed it, everything worked just fine.16:07
michealPWhehe the_drow. Nice!16:07
michealPWI love those kinds of problems ;)16:07
betraydthe_drow: nice, and simple cant get better than that16:07
the_drowmichealPW: I swear I didn't do it.16:07
betraydtell that to the cops =)16:08
cato_onr: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 0: HDA Generic [HDA Generic]16:08
betraydor are you rehearsing the_drow16:08
Killershttp://itchat-gratuit.fr/flashirc/ :$16:08
shortstraw8I keep getting a promt to run a libreoffice plugin but it then says no plugin found. I am sick of jumping back and forth from desktop to laptop for school. I have checked on the software center where I installed it from and everything but clipart and turkish spellcheck is on. running 12.04 using chrome. any ideas?16:08
cato_onr: I'm on a mid-2011 macbook air16:08
caelanNo, the problem still occurs.16:08
michealPWOh god.. MacBook :(16:08
nanashiRei"I have an iPhone can i please install Windows on it?" :D *smurks badly much*16:08
the_drowNow, I have three more minor problems. When I logged in using the shell it said that a new ubuntu version is available (13.04). However I have it installed already and when I type do-release-upgrade it says that there are no new releases.16:08
michealPWI sold my MacBook Pro and got a real laptop by ASUS, with AMD hardware in it.16:08
michealPWPiece of crap MBP.16:08
MonkeyDustcato_  that's a tiny detail you didn't mention16:09
the_drowWhat the hell went wrong there? :P16:09
SonikkuAmericathe_drow: You probably have a mixed system somewhere... try [ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade ]16:09
caelanSo, any more ideas? "Does anyone else have any clue what's going on? Basically, my sound is cracking and popping when playing music. But i've noticed it does this when I do something on the computer, like for instance, shake around one of the open windows. Or start reloading a page in Chrome. I've had the problem since day one with ubuntu, (11.10 and onwards). Thanks."16:09
michealPWcato_: It's not impossible, but I will warn you that you are in for a very, very steep climb up a very tall mountain, if your MacBook Air is anything like my MacBook Pro was.16:09
OerHekscato_,  did it work before? no solution in the mactel pages?16:09
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cato_MonkeyDust: It's a pretty common Intel sound card, no?16:09
cato_OerHeks: it worked great in 12.10 right out of the box16:10
Killershttp://itchat-gratuit.fr/flashirc/ :$16:10
betraydcaelan: do pops/nosie occur with just the PC speaker (no jack)16:10
sirkhctiwcan someone help me with getting my opimus gt540m working with bumblebee16:11
ptero_hello, i've installed ubuntu 12.04 lts on virtualbox yesterday. everything was fine, but overnight i've got ram shortage on the host. so i switched do console and told VBoxManage to save-state. however, the snapshot became corrupted and i had to discard it (which means simple poweroff for the machine). after that it refused to start, i'm getting the splashscreen with 5 red dots and nothing more. i booted from the cd and ran boot-repair after 16:11
caelanAs I said before, I tried it on my main stereo setup too, the problem persists.16:11
gavinguohi all, if there is any method to build kernel without rebuilding the kernel every time if I just modified a file. Currently, I build the ubuntu kernel using command like "fakeroot debian/rules clean binary-generic"16:11
michealPWcato_: Oh really?! Wow you're lucky man! I fought with my MacBook Pro and every distribution of Linux I have, including the nightly build of 13.04. No luck. Ended up selling it :\16:11
makarahow can I make a desktop shortcut to a bash script?16:12
betraydcaelan just the PC speaker16:12
caelanAnd the fact that it only happens when I do something on the computer also says it's not the speakers.16:12
MonkeyDustgavinguo  #ubuntu-kernel16:12
michealPWmakara: A .desktop file.16:12
caelanOh, you mean the internal PC speaker?16:12
michealPWmakara: Set Terminal=true16:12
betraydcaelan: yes16:12
ubuntu__I do not remember my password how I can recover it. It needs for authentication16:12
michealPWI think, is the property.16:12
cato_michaelPW: the macbook air was fully supported in 12.10, which is why i was so shocked that 13.04 broke the audio16:12
caelanOK, I will have a go.16:12
michealPWIf you google .desktop files, you'll find the OpenDesktop page about them. They're very good to learn, very simple.16:12
the_drowSecond the IRC online account keeps unauthorizing itself. When I click grant access I get a tooltip that says that applications cannot use this online account anymore. Please grant access...16:12
michealPWEverything is a .desktop file (rofl)16:12
michealPWcato_: That's weird! I agree.16:13
ubuntu__I do not remember the password of ubuntu login16:13
betraydbut you're ubuntu__ !16:13
caelanOK, How do I make it use the internal PC speaker?16:13
mamedBluesKaj, it did not work : https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/alsa-daily/+build/450236716:13
michealPWcato_: Could you just run 12.10? Personally I can't even see much of a difference between this 13.04 and my 12.10 haha.16:13
michealPWcato_: I know, not an elegant solution...16:13
cato_michaelPW: i don't think downgrading is that simple16:13
michealPWIt wont be16:14
makaramichealPW, thanks!16:14
=== Ozera is now known as Ozera_zz
ubuntu__I am having ubuntu 12.4 but I do not know the password of my login. It needs me for authentication of every software16:14
michealPWYou'll have to replace your 13.04 with 12.10 :\16:14
sirkhctiwDoes anyone know anything about getting optimus working with 13.04? I keep breaking my system when I install bumblebee.16:14
the_drowSonikkuAmerica: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded...16:14
betraydcaelan: hmm, if you unplug the jack should be default output but irecall you mentioned pulse...16:14
umib0zuanyone here savvy on ubuntu virtual machines? mine seems to not be able to connect to the internet and I can't seem to figure out why. not sure if this is the best place to ask but I figured it would be worth a try16:14
compdocumib0zu, is it kvm?16:15
MonkeyDustumib0zu  change the network setting to 'bridged'16:15
johnjohn1011going to move my home to a new partition.  I should be able to use the same home in dual boot 12.04 and 13.04 system, correct?16:15
ubuntu__how i can recover the password of my ubuntu login16:15
betraydjohnjohn1011: watchyour /etc/fstab16:16
michealPWjohnjohn1011: Uhh, Iunno if that is correct.16:16
the_drowubuntu__: Just create a new one...16:16
MonkeyDustjohnjohn1011  /home contains config files and folders, it may be conflicting16:16
the_drowubuntu__: passwd youruser16:16
umib0zucompdoc, kvm is a filetype right? no its an ova16:16
zoktarIs there a way to automatically run a test compile on the side of regular apt-get installs (if it has a source), just to see if it "recompiles" on my system?16:16
johnjohn1011should i create a home1204 and a home1304 folder?16:16
the_drowubuntu__: it will ask you for the new password. make sure you are root.16:16
minimecubuntu__: I told you the solution. boot the machine in 'recovery mode', drop to a root shell. then change the password...16:17
michealPWjohnjohn1011: Most, if not all configuration files are stored in your home directory. Moving the whole home folder over will also move these configuration files over, things that are just not transferable from 12.04 to 13.04. That's a big leap.16:17
compdocumib0zu, no, there are several VM packages you could be using: virtualbox, qeum-kvm, vmware and others16:17
michealPWzoktar: I think there's a build-deps or build-dependencies command you can do16:17
michealPWmm, I can't remember what it is.16:18
johnjohn1011i really want to test 13.04 before i use it full time16:18
harrisanyone play clash of clans16:18
compdoc'ubuntu virtual machines' isnt telling me much16:18
umib0zucompdoc oh. sorry. its virtualbox16:18
johnjohn1011too many horror stories from what i read here.16:18
CiSense (13.04) -  where should ppa packages be located in the file system?16:18
michealPWjohnjohn1011: Oh, that's simple enough. Download and burn a copy of the Ubuntu 12.03 LiveDVD.16:18
michealPWjohnjohn1011: That way, you can start your computer from the LiveDVD and test it out on your computer, without making any physical changes to your computer (y)16:18
michealPWCiSense: PPA "packages" aren't really "packages" per se, as far as I know. They're just an easy way to add entries into your /etc/apt/sources.list16:19
johnjohn1011livecd doesn't have the latest updates nor the items i need to check out16:19
michealPWI think that's the name/path of that file. It's your apt repositories list, your sources list.16:19
michealPWjohnjohn1011: Hypothetically speaking, you can boot the liveDVD and install whatever packages you want to test out...16:19
CiSensemichealPW, hi, i mean where should a package be moved to after downloading and unpacking?16:20
michealPWCiSense: Do you mean a .deb file? What do you mean by package?16:21
michealPWCiSense: If it's a .tar.gz, .tar.bz archive, you can unpack it pretty much anywhere. Try creating a ~/src folder and put it there. (The ~/ means your home folder)16:21
michealPWCiSense: If it's a .tar.gz or the like, it's an archive of the program's source code. You'll have to compile it after unpacking it. Just unpack it and read the included README or INSTALL files.16:22
CiSensemichealPW, i mean after unpacking so the shell script can be executed16:22
ubuntuits asking me root password..and that too i didn't know16:22
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest62770
Guest62770whenever i try to install and software in ubuntu they are asking me authentication password that i didn't know at all...can you please tell me the way to recover my earlier password or to set new password...please explain in procedure if you can16:23
minimecGuest62770: That is strange, as normally, there is no root password defined by default. If you just hit the <enter> key?16:23
CiSensemichealPW, it's a folder containing the binaries and data16:24
AaruniGuest62770: its usually the password you have set on your User Account16:24
MonkeyDustGuest62770  try the password you use to login16:24
[JethroDawnfine]minimec: I think it's not asking for root password, but user password, isn't it?16:25
Aaruni[JethroDawnfine]: if there is only one user, then the root password and user password are same, no ?16:26
minimec[JethroDawnfine]: He cannot remamber his user password, because he has autolgin enabled...16:26
Guest62770can anyone help please...i didn't know any of the password of any type ...its damn urgent16:26
michealPWCiSense: Oh, in that case there should still be a README or INSTALL. Typicall you want to put the binary in /usr/bin, make sure it has the execute permission (sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/binary)16:26
michealPWThen move the icon into /usr/share/pixmaps, the .desktop shortcut file into /usr/share/applications16:26
CiSensemichealPW, ah thank you!16:26
DaVinciIThi all. I would like to write an ip address on Nautilius to access to a Windows Server (e.g. \\\sharedFodler\16:26
DaVinciIThow to ? thank you16:27
MonkeyDustGuest62770  try to remember the password you invented to login16:27
michealPWAnd double-check that the .desktop file actually points to the proper filenames. Skype, for example, does not put in the right icon filenames (Silly)16:27
[JethroDawnfine]root password is not the same as user password unless he has set it16:27
michealPWAlso most data like avatars, sounds etc. you can make a directory in /usr/share/, for example: sudo mkdir /usr/share/skype16:27
michealPWThen cp all that stuff there: sudo cp -R ./avatars /usr/share/skype/16:27
streulmaHi someone use Ubuntu on a Mac?16:27
michealPWSorry, just using Skype since it's the last thing I manually installed LOL fresh in my memory :P16:28
deadweaselhowdy folks!  I'm trying to determine how 12.04 x64 handles sound?  pulseaudio --check returns nothing...16:28
AaruniGuest62770: if you are the only user on the system, then try to remember the password you set when installing Ubuntu. If there is another admin user, he can reset your password for you (and its probably the admin password which Ubuntu is asking)16:28
streulmaI find 13.04 not stable16:28
Aarunistreulma: you can use VMs16:28
MonkeyDuststreulma  if you prefer an earlier release: backup and reinstall that older release16:29
akashj87any print to pdf option in ubuntu ? like acrobat professional in windows16:29
MonkeyDustakashj87  in whàt?16:29
ubottuThe Portable Document Format is created by Adobe; PDF files are viewable in Ubuntu with Xpdf, Okular, Evince and also Adobe Reader (free download, but closed source)16:30
anevjust installed 13.04 but under sound all i see is a dummy device16:31
Aaruniakashj87: you can print, and then in the printer select, choose save to file16:31
michealPWstreulma: Ubuintu 13.04 is the latest, bleeding edge version. It has all the latest software available.16:31
michealPWstreulma: If you want rock-solid stability and security, you should probably pick Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. LTS is Long-Term Support. This will be supported all the way up to 2017.16:32
michealPWRock sold ;)16:32
anevchecking lspic i can see the audio device: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801JI (ICH10 Family) HD Audio Controller16:32
compdoccaelan, after install the 3 files with the command:  sudo dpkg -i <file name>    , I had to:  run sudo apt-get -f install, then install them again:   sudo dpkg -i <file name>16:33
CiSensemichealPW, ok now the folder is in /usr/bin and executable, how can I run it without having to open a terminal?16:34
michealPWYou move the .desktop file (If there is one) into /usr/share/applications.16:34
=== here_ is now known as here
betraydrun it, see if it works16:34
michealPWFirst test the binary, though.16:34
michealPWRun it in a terminal, like betrayd suggests. Make sure there's no errors.16:35
betrayd and that was the last we saw of him...16:35
CiSensemichealPW, it runs fine, it's just awkward having to use a terminal each time16:35
Aaruniakashj87: http://edufor.fosspowered.com/img/image.php?di=NAH616:35
akashj87Aaruni, got it. Many thanks ! Exactly what i was looking for.16:36
akashj87poor me, i thought i would need a software install for this. But ubuntu had it already !16:36
michealPWCiSense: Excellent! So now, did the package come with a .desktop file?16:36
michealPWEasy to find if you use ls -al in a terminal to list the directory contents. I think Nautilus will hide the .desktop extension and put a pretty name on it hehe16:36
Aaruniakashj87: glad I could be of help16:36
CiSensemichealPW, no .desktop file16:38
michealPWFiddle sticks!16:38
michealPWYou'll have to make your own then :P16:38
michealPWIt's not difficult16:38
michealPWJust a couple property=value entries\16:38
CiSensemichealPW, that's one way to say it ;)16:38
michealPWFor example: name=A Pretty Name for your Program16:38
CiSensemichealPW, i'll look for an example16:39
michealPWYou can find examples in /usr/share/applications16:39
michealPWThat's *all* your shortcuts that make up your "start menu", the list of "startup applications" etc. etc. Actually wait I think startup apps are in /usr/share/xdg/autostart16:39
quistHey everybody, does anybody now if i can eject a usb-device with the "eject" -command, specified by it's UUID?16:39
michealPWAnyways, moot point :P16:39
michealPWAlso, don't be discouraged.. The .desktop files you'll find in /usr/share/applications are verbose... They have many many many options that aren't necessary.16:40
michealPWFor example, multi-language options and this 'n that ;P16:40
betraydquist: as long as its unmounted but i'm not sure of uuid to work with it16:41
OerHekslatest ubuntu tweak can do the .desktop shortcuts fine.16:41
deadweaselhow do I determine what audio system is currently running?  12.04 x6416:41
sirkhctiwDoes anyone know anything about getting optimus working with 13.04? I keep breaking my system when I install bumblebee.16:41
michealPWOerHeks: What do you mean?16:43
michealPWOerHeks: It has a nice .desktop editor, or?16:43
michealPWOr it stops nautilus from acting like a psycho when trying to view/edit .desktop files, hehe?16:44
OerHeksmichealPW, yes, it has an editor > http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-tweak-0-8-4-released-and-installation-instructions-for-ubuntu-13-04-included.html16:44
OerHekslast screenshot16:45
michealPWOh neat!16:45
nonickAnyone can help me?16:45
nonickI'm having issues with my ubuntu16:45
Enemteedon't we all :)16:45
whiskers75Ubuntu 13.04, lots of graphical bugs (Hedgewars doesn't work, fullscreen Youtube looks weird). It was about OK on 12.10...16:46
whiskers75Lenovo G570.16:46
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:46
Aaruni!help nonick16:46
nonickI lost my graphical interface. How can I get it back?16:47
whiskers75Ubuntu 13.04, lots of graphical bugs (Hedgewars doesn't work, fullscreen Youtube looks weird). It was about OK on 12.10... - Lenovo G570 with Intel Integrated Graphics (repost to follow one-line guideline)16:47
whiskers75nonick, meaning?16:47
Awwnonick, reboot?16:47
lucidoHow can I force my ubuntu (propriatery nvidia driver with VGA connector) to output to my 1366x768 LCD TV in the correct resolution?16:47
nonickI already reboot, but once I reboot I was in a blank screen16:47
michealPWnonick: Did you just install a graphics driver?16:47
Enemteenonick: open a terminal and write: "sudo restart unity" and see what happens16:47
nonickNope, I tried to work with e17 but that gave me some issues with the network interface16:48
nonickSo I moved back to gnome then removed a package that was giving me issues libe<something>116:48
whiskers75Use Ubuntu Software Centre's History of removed packages16:49
whiskers75it might just help16:49
michealPWmm, yea. Removing packages usually is not the way to fix issues.16:49
nonickAfter that I did "apt-get update / upgrade / dist-upgrade" then rebooted and got no graphical interface since then16:49
Aaruninonick: maybe you need to install proprietary graphics drivers ?16:50
makarano he doesn't16:50
nonickAlready have them16:50
nonickAti drivers16:50
michealPWdist-upgrade doesn't do what you expect? It does the same thing, essentially (safer) that upgrade does. To fix errors with apt, use: sudo apt-get -f install16:50
michealPWThe -f stands for fix :P16:50
nonickEnemtee: I will try that TY very much16:50
michealPWnonick: sudo apt-get install pastebinit && cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | pastebinit16:51
yahyaajust installed evolution, but it wont connect to my gmail account16:51
michealPWcopy/paste that, please. Then copy/paste the url it gives you.16:51
betrayd lucido was the tv detected at boot (showed similar boot up screen, etc)16:52
nonickTY michealPW16:52
nonickI will do those steps16:52
nonickgotta go coz am from irssi as got no hexchat16:52
michealPWIt will help finding the problem easier.16:52
nonickOk, TY16:52
michealPWTo switch terminals, just use Ctrl+Alt+F#16:52
michealPWLike F1 - F6.16:53
makarayahyaa, gmail account?16:53
lucidobetrayd, yes, it is16:53
makaraneeds per application passwords16:53
cemyccSomeone here can please tell me if ubuntu 13.04 have software raid installtion on partition manager ?16:54
cemyccOr i need to use the old way with mdadm ?16:54
makarayahyaa, and for that you need 2-step verification, and for that you need to give google your phone number16:55
nonickOk michealPW I already installed pastebinit16:55
nonickShould I reboot again?16:55
yahyaaalready did that16:56
whiskers75Ubuntu 13.04, lots of graphical bugs (Hedgewars doesn't work, fullscreen Youtube looks weird). It was about OK on 12.10... - Lenovo G570 with Intel Integrated Graphics (repost 2)16:56
makarawhiskers75, post a question16:57
whiskers75on AU?16:57
nonickIs there a way to leave only e17 as windows manager in ubuntu 12.04?16:57
whiskers75Ubuntu 13.04, lots of graphical bugs (Hedgewars doesn't work, fullscreen Youtube looks weird). It was about OK on 12.10... - Lenovo G570 with Intel Integrated Graphics - how to fix? Any graphics drivers? (repost 2)16:58
betraydnormally lucido there is nvidia server settings, see if you can use their tool to add a display - they have a nice GUI.16:59
minimecnonick: DO you have a running Xserver now? I am using e17, but I can choose my WM at login. I don't see a reason to remove unity.16:59
zetherooI still find Ubuntu Software Center slow with installing apps in 13.0417:00
michealPWYou never want to *remove* things like Unity. If you want to use another Window Manager or even another Display Manager, just install it and set it to run in /etc/X11/default-display-manager17:00
michealPWPurging and removing things is how you got yourself into the unstable boat you're in right now, In my opinion (As an outsider looking in, of course...)17:01
michealPWzetheroo: Slow as in compared to Software Center in 12.10?17:01
lucidobetrayd, it only offers 1360x768 resolution, when I chose that the TV changes resolution but to a different value17:02
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moppersthere's no such thing as an unstable boat, it will roll over into a stable position17:02
zetheroomichealPW: not slower ... but just as slow! Before USC there was just some little installer GUI which was MUCH faster ... IMO USC is not an improvement on Ubuntu as a whole! :P17:03
iliketocodeHi all, say I am having a bit of an issue with lm-profiler17:04
michealPWzetheroo: Oh!17:05
whiskers75Ubuntu 13.04, lots of graphical bugs (Hedgewars doesn't work, fullscreen Youtube looks weird). It was about OK on 12.10... - Lenovo G570 with Intel Integrated Graphics - how to fix? Any graphics drivers? (repost 4)17:05
iliketocodeI have disabled some programs that I need and now I cannot figure out how to reverse them17:05
michealPWzetheroo: Right you are, sir. So let me just give you the generic spheel... Those older tools, such as Synaptic Package Manager and Muon, were just graphical wrappers for apt-get. That's all they were.17:05
whiskers75iliketocode, "disabled"?17:05
zetheroomichealPW: I still use SPM for all things installed from the repos ...17:06
michealPWzetheroo: USC, on the other hand, uses a different backend and does a *lot* more work in the background to make things "easier" for new users.17:06
moppersSPM is very useful for power users, still17:06
zetheroomichealPW: but when I download a DEB package it automatically wants to use USC to install it17:06
michealPWzetheroo: Indeed! I find myself using apt-get from a terminal more than anything heehee!17:06
michealPWzetheroo: The thing is, if you load a .deb into USC, USC will actually determine and *correct* dependency problems....17:07
michealPWIt will download and install dependencies *and* handle the order correctly. Nothing else does that.17:07
iliketocodeYes whiskers75, you run lm-profiler and you can manually disable programs that are writing to that hard drive.17:07
michealPWIf you dpkg a .deb, it'll *force* it into the system even if that action completely hoses your entire package manager (rofl)17:07
michealPWUSC will not.17:07
michealPWThat's why it's so much slower..17:07
michealPWIt does much, much more in the background17:07
Aarunidoesn't apt-get also do that? (but while installing from online source, not .deb package)17:08
iliketocodeI tried it out and now I would like to undo the changers but can't find how to do it anyway17:08
minimeczetheroo: michealPW: Consider the installation of gdebi, as it would resolv dependencies too, and you can use it on console 'gdebi' and with a gui 'gdebi-gtk'.17:08
voldymanguys i built a package from source using debuild and installed it, now i want to update the package from the ppa but it doesn't, any ideas?17:08
zetheroomichealPW: I see .. but I still would like to see USC perform it's task with a little more pazzaz! LOL17:08
luis_my libreoffice doesn't work load up can any1 help me please?17:09
michealPWzetheroo: haha! Yea. As far as changing the association of a .deb file, I'm sure that shouldn't be too difficult. I think if you install SPM you can have it take Association? :\17:09
zetheroomichealPW: not sure ... never tried :P17:09
michealPWI'm not entirely sure how file associations work on Ubuntu17:09
luis_I click on libreoffice and it doesn't run at all..17:10
luis_I tried re-installing it but no luck17:10
whiskers75Ubuntu 13.04, lots of graphical bugs (Hedgewars doesn't work, fullscreen Youtube looks weird). It was about OK on 12.10... - Lenovo G570 with Intel Integrated Graphics - how to fix? Any graphics drivers? (repost 5)17:11
luis_any ideas or suggestions please?17:11
zetheroohow do I clear my system cache ... system monitor shows 2.5GB in my cache ...17:11
whiskers75luis_: run it in terminal17:11
luis_i did and it doesn't do anything i typed 'libreoffice'17:12
betraydlucido: check the Xorg.0.log usually outputs resolutions supported (also mostly comes from TV giving back edid info)17:12
iliketocodeThis is crazy I am looking everywhere and can't find anything!17:12
voldymanis there anyway to identify a package from a ppa i.e install is using sudo apt-get install ppa:\\sdfs\mypackage..17:12
minimeczetheroo: michealPW: File associations... 'right click' -> properties on a .deb file... then 'open with' ...17:12
moppershi guys, ssd user here. what is the absolute minimum disk space i can install ubuntu into (using the standard installer)17:12
DJones!requirements | moppers17:13
ubottumoppers: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu17:13
luis_so what can I do ?17:13
zetheroominimec: yes I know how to do that ... but will SPM deal with all the dependencies automatically!?17:13
michealPWminimec: Does that persist, though?17:13
lucidobetrayd, I need a way to circumvent edid because it's wrong17:13
michealPWminimec: Or would you have to open with everytime?17:13
moppersDJones, thanks for info, however that is recommended minimum, not minimum17:13
minimecmichealPW: Just once.17:14
betraydlucido: thats from the TV itself though17:14
chrisinleedsukEvening all, looking for a bit of help installing Lubuntu onto an RM laptop. Am I in the right place?17:14
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luis_All of the other applications work fine execept libre office..17:14
michealPWluis_: When you type libreoffice-writer in a terminal, what happens?17:15
minimeczetheroo: michealPW: That's why I use gdebi. Its miles faster and resolves dependencies. 'sudo apt-get install gdebi'17:15
michealPWWait, I think that's the name of it hehe17:15
DJonesmoppers: That is the official guidelines, so yes it that is the recommended minimum, if you're looking to install  in less than that, then you you need to research it more17:15
michealPWminimec: Nice! I'll check it out ;)17:15
zetheroominimec: isn't that what the old installer was before USC ?17:16
hirru27Hi guys, I am new to ubuntu and the ping backup utility, can anyone help me backup ubuntu 10.04 using the ping software...?17:16
chrisinleedsukAnyone free to give me a bit of advice please?17:16
minimeczetheroo: The software manager should handle the dependencies too without problems, genenerally.17:16
luis_command not found17:16
michealPWchrisinleedsuk, what do you mean RM laptop?17:17
luis_i did an  sudo apt-get install libreoffice-writer and it says its installed17:17
minimeczetheroo: Maybe gdebi was installed as default once. That is possible, as I always used it, but don't remember it beeing default or not.17:17
betraydnvidia notes, lucido http://is.gd/Xa3USQ17:18
chrisinleedsukRM is a brand in the UK, mainly for educational PCs. Basically Compal and aka Elonex17:18
betraydlucido: re edid17:18
michealPWluis_: No I mean, just run it from a terminal. Type: libreoffice17:18
varun_zetheroo, all the popular software managers can handle dependencies, including USC, SPM, & apt17:18
michealPWin a terminal. See what errors you get.17:18
zetheroominimec: yes, I just tried it now and this is what was used before USC ... very nice! Thanks ;)17:18
iliketocodeAnyone know how to undo lm-profiler?17:18
michealPWThat will give you a place to start troubleshooting, at least.17:18
minimeczetheroo: no problem17:19
luis_none i run the command in the terminal and doesn't output any errors17:19
chrisinleedsukI've installed using the graphical installer and on booting it gets as far as the Lubuntu splash screen before flashing/alternating between a white curos/black background, blank screen and a white cursor on a black background17:19
betraydaren't the commands in libreoffice like calc or note or something?17:19
michealPWI don't know, honestly. I hate libreoffice (blush)17:20
chrisinleedsukSorry, meant to write alternative installer.17:20
whiskers75Ubuntu 13.04, lots of graphical bugs (Hedgewars doesn't work, fullscreen Youtube looks weird). It was about OK on 12.10... - Lenovo G570 with Intel Integrated Graphics - how to fix? Any graphics drivers? (repost 6, please help)17:20
chrisinleedsukI've installed using the alternative installer and on booting it gets as far as the Lubuntu splash screen before flashing/alternating between a white curos/black background, blank screen and a white cursor on a black background17:21
rubi0001Can a guest os, installed in VBox, be run in conjunction with Ubuntu from the boot stage?17:21
Aaruni!help | whiskers7517:21
ubottuwhiskers75: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:21
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/17:21
luis_maybe openoffice may work17:21
th0rrubi0001: I don't think it would be easy. Vbox requires X and X requires a user to be logged in.17:22
th0rrubi0001: you could set up a user to be automatically logged on boot, and then invoke Vbox as an autostart function for that user17:23
wilee-nileechrisinleedsuk, Have you tried nomodeset in the grub boot?17:25
Khaleel78is 'sudo add-apt-repository ppa:"NAME OF PPA"' the right command to add a repository17:25
rubi0001th0r: I want it to be more sepecial and Secretly17:25
wilee-nileeKhaleel78, Go to the ppa the instructions are there and you cam confirm they have releases for you install.17:25
rubi0001complete describe: Is it possible that the operating system is installed into the virtualbox, be booted alongside Ubnutu (or with some delay) in order to both operating systems ready to serve after boot?17:26
MonkeyDustKhaleel78  mind: ppa's are not supported here, if they break your system, you're on your own17:26
chrisinleedsuk<wilee-nilee> I'm a Linux noob but have managed to get to Grub. Do I just try entering that anywhere in the text box?17:26
wilee-nileeKhaleel78, Never just add a ppa without checking on it directly.17:26
Khaleel78ok, I've used it before17:27
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | chrisinleedsuk17:27
ubottuchrisinleedsuk: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:27
Khaleel78I just wanted to confirm the command since I can't find the tutorial for it17:27
rubi0001On the other hand, can Ubuntu be accompanied by a geust os during boot process?17:27
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wilee-nileechrisinleedsuk, The link tells you how and where to insert nomodeset, it is a persession boot from the grub bootloader.17:28
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
MonkeyDustchrisinleedsuk  do RM laptops come without OS preinstalled?17:30
chrisinleedsukWilee-Nilee - Yeah, followed the link and tried it but still having the same problem.17:33
michealPWWow that was completely ridiculous..17:33
michealPWI got a low battery warning.. Get up to get my cord and stupid Ubuntu Power Management forced a shutdown :|17:34
michealPWWhat kinda low bat response is that LMAO17:34
wilee-nileechrisinleedsuk, Not sure then here, my first guess is usually missing graphic drivers.17:34
chrisinleedsukMonkey Dust, was running windows XP originally but after trying windows 7 and 8 on other machines xp seems so slow and dull so thought I'd try something new. Someone mentioned that if I could get Lubuntu to work it might suit me.17:34
betraydlol AI michealPW17:35
michealPWDon't know why I never seem to have Hibernate available. Is Hibernate not even supported by Ubuntu anymore? With any driver it's a grayed-out option.17:35
LucidGuy Looking to backup an entire drive with 7 pre created partitions from the vendor (Windows8 Samsung Laptop - NEW)  I want something extremely reliable.. I'm thinking simply dd if=/sda of=/storage/mybackup.iso  Would this be a good suggestion?  Will I end up with a file exactly the same size as the disk?  or Only what is used?17:35
michealPWUsing open source Gallium and proprietary fglrx. No Hibernate... No Hibernate on a laptop is pretty ridiculous :O17:36
michealPWLucidGuy: Just use Windows 7's Backup & Restore utility. You can use it to create a full image of your disk, spread out accross multiple DVDs.17:36
michealPWIt works.17:37
michealPWReliable, 'cause the DVDs are then stand-alone.17:37
minimecchrisinleedsuk: OK. Can you give me some further info? 1.) Why did you use the alternate installer? Do you know that graphics device (GPU) you have? Did you try to boot in 'recovery mode'?17:37
michealPWUnless I'm misunderstanding your question?17:37
chrisinleedsukJust given it a second try to make sure I did it right but same issue :o(17:37
michealPWYou want to backup win7 and it's pre-created partitions?17:37
AarunimichealPW: http://askubuntu.com/questions/94754/how-to-enable-hibernation17:38
michealPWThx Aaruni ;)17:38
Aarunino prob!17:38
shortstraw8Any ideas on why my libreoffice plugin would not work on chrome?17:39
chrisinleedsukTried alternate installer as the graphical one produced this flashing screen part way through. The system isn't super-duper with about 750MB RAM so thought maybe alt installer might be worth a try. The graphics card is onboard SiS 65017:39
wilee-nileeshortstraw8, what plugin?17:39
LucidGuymichealPW, I want to backup this up from a linux live cd17:39
wilee-nileeLucidGuy, I would clone it with clonezilla, not sure why you want an iso.17:40
michealPWSuccess Aaruni17:41
Aarunimichaelni: ? enabled hibernate ?17:41
shortstraw8no idea I get a promt for it through my school website on certain assignments. Acts like a java plugin and ask to run then says not plugin available. I have searched to find what it is talking about with no avail.17:42
LucidGuywilee-nilee, no need for ISO .. it wouldnt be an iso anyways.  Just want a file for a target17:42
minimecchrisinleedsuk: It's your GPU that is not well supported. You could try to configure a graphical environment via confog file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'. The experience would not be great....17:42
wilee-nileeLucidGuy, clonezilla saves it in packages, there are windows based cloners that save as is.17:42
wilee-nileeW7 has a one time imager up to the pro version which is unlimited17:43
minimecchrisinleedsuk: That's why you had the problems with the installer. There is no restricted driver for your card, and the open source driver *su.ks*17:43
chrisinleedsukminimec - The user experience on xp wasn't anything to write home about lol17:43
shortstraw8no idea I get a promt for it through my school website on certain assignments. Acts like a java plugin and ask to run then says not plugin available. I have searched to find what it is talking about with no avail.17:44
=== djones_ is now known as ramblingpirate
chrisinleedsukIsn't there an alternative to Xorg called vesa?17:44
shortstraw8wilee-nilee,  no idea I get a promt for it through my school website on certain assignments. Acts like a java plugin and ask to run then says not plugin available. I have searched to find what it is talking about with no avail.17:44
brian____chrisinleedsuk, there are a few alternatives17:45
MonkeyDust!vesa | chrisinleedsuk not much info17:45
ubottuchrisinleedsuk not much info: vesa is the default video driver if X can't find a better one. Also see !x17:45
moppersWhy does ubuntu not provide torrents for the installers? Then ask for donations for bandwidth to download? ;-)17:45
minimecchrisinleedsuk: Ok. You can give it a try. You would need to create a file named /etc/X11/xorg.conf. I try to find some example for you. There you need to set the driver of your GPU 'driver=framebuffer' or 'driver=vga'...17:45
wilee-nileeshortstraw8, You can access all the web stuff with FF then right?17:45
wilee-nileethe schools on site web pages17:46
chrisinleedsukWell what's my best option to try first guys?17:46
shortstraw8wilee-nilee, sorry what is FF?17:46
ramblingpiratechrisinleedsuk, vesa is just a driver for Xorg.17:47
ubottuvesa is the default video driver if X can't find a better one. Also see !x17:47
mopperswayland, mir are the 'replacements' for x17:47
chrisinleedsukramblingpirate Ah ok, is it like a generic one or something along those lines?17:47
AaruniI installed the propereitary drivers for my ATI, but it still shows VESA:PARK17:47
wilee-nileeshortstraw8, I ask as I had a link from my college for web classwork that would not link up with open source, I'm trying to confirm you have access at all.17:47
shortstraw8wilee-nilee,  Oh, some of it but not all. I usually try that before heading to my laptop with Win17:48
ramblingpiratehas anyone actually tried wayland or mir?17:48
michealPWWow SiS gpu17:48
ramblingpiratechrisinleedsuk, yes, it's the default driver when Xorg can't find a better one.17:48
Aaruniramblingpirate: so, if its default, then why is it still there, after installing ati drivers ?17:48
ramblingpirateeasiest way is to open ubuntu software center and hit edit ---> software sources17:49
wilee-nileeshortstraw8, You might talk with the schools IT rep for this for best service.17:49
chrisinleedsukSo how do I go about making this file? Can I access a command based user interface somewhere?17:49
minimecchrisinleedsuk: I would reboot in 'recovery mode' and then do 'sudo Xorg -configure' in a 'root' console. The output will be how the system sees the card. You would then only have to modify that file.17:49
brian____Aaruni, installing new drivers doesnt remove pre-existing ones17:50
yeehiwhere is the sha256sum for Raring 64bit? md5sum should be treated as insecure...17:50
ramblingpirateAaruni, no idea, it could be quite a few things, you'll have to be more specific.17:50
Aarunibrian____: but the existing ones should be unloaded, for the new drivers to work ?17:50
shortstraw8wilee-nilee, They are no help with linux because the rules state that we need a windows OS. Just thought I would ask though. Thanks17:50
OerHeksyeehi, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToSHA256SUM17:51
Aaruniramblingpirate: I can not possible be more specific. I just found out that VESA is something like default, and I thought it was the custom ati driver17:51
ramblingpirateAaruni, no, if you are installing AMD drivers, just install them and make sure to run 'sudo amdconfig --initial' before rebooting.17:51
yeehiThank you OerHeks...17:51
Aaruniramblingpirate: I installed them a while back, so, is it ok to run sudo amdconfig --inital now ?17:52
wilee-nileeshortstraw8, Bummer the school I just graduated from had open source labs. For me I had to just mess around with the one limited access until they got one that worked always. If you can describe your problems in detail we might be able to help better.17:52
minimecchrisinleedsuk: with 'nano Xorg.conf.new' you can edit the content of that file.17:52
ramblingpirateAaruni, here, follow this: open up ubuntu software center (windows key 'software'), edit ---> sources17:52
ramblingpiratelet me know when you get there.17:52
chrisinleedsukminimec So Hold shift > into Grub > second option > second option again (generic recovery) > then drop to root shell prompt?17:53
Aaruniramblingpirate: done17:53
minimecchrisinleedsuk: exactly17:53
Rodjacan someone help me enable java in firefox, i've been trying for an hour and just about ready to inflict serious self-harm17:53
ramblingpirateAaruni, go all the way to the right side where it says 'additional drivers'17:53
Rodjai've installed "openjdk java 7 runtime" from the software center17:53
AaruniRodja: you have java installed in your system ?17:54
Rodjai think so17:54
Rodjaon the test page it says "We are unable to verify if Java is currently installed and enabled in your browser."17:54
varun_Rodja, have you installed icedtea7 plugin?17:54
yashhguys i need help, im gonna install 13.04 from 12.04 , will this delete all my files?17:54
Rodjaprobably not - so that's what i should do then17:54
Awwyashh, not if you upgrade17:54
AaruniRodja: "sudo apt-get install icedtea-7-plugin"17:54
Rodjathe only thing i've installed is "OpenJDK Java 7 Runtime"17:54
Aaruniramblingpirate: it doesn't have any additional drivers17:55
Rodjai tried that line as well aaruni, but firefox wont let me load any java17:55
yashhaww, i didnt upgrade i downloaded seperately17:55
minimecchrisinleedsuk: Have a look here http://www.winischhofer.net/linuxsisvga.shtml17:55
Rodjaoh wait17:55
Rodjai didnt try that sorry17:55
quidnuncIs there a "replace" command? A script I'm trying to use is invoking it but I don't have it on my system17:55
Awwyashh, I'm not sure it gives you the option to upgrade from the cd17:55
BluesKajyashh, do you have separate / and  /home partitions?17:56
yashhso it will erase all the files huh?17:56
ramblingpirateAaruni, what card do you have?17:56
Aaruniramblingpirate: http://edufor.fosspowered.com/img/image.php?di=N43C17:56
yashhbluekaj, cant understand dude, sorry17:56
Awwyashh, if you have all your files on the same partitions then yes it will, unless you upgrade17:57
ramblingpirateah. Aaruni, try opening up a terminal and 'sudo gtk-jockey'17:57
Rodjaoh lord in heaven it worked, thank you17:57
ramblingpirateI never did like 12.04. I could never get jockey to work for me.17:57
yashhi have only one 1 partition "home"17:57
Aaruniramblingpirate: oh, jockey.. that;s a standalone app now17:58
BluesKajyashh, best to backup all your data , you'll need to upgrade to 12.10 then 13.0417:58
Awwyashh, pop in the cd and see if it gives you the option to upgrade17:59
ramblingpirateI'm using 13.04 and it's integrated back into the software center17:59
CKLMNmichealPW, hey man im back17:59
Aaruniramblingpirate: ok, I opened jockey, but I doubt whether it'll be of some help17:59
AaruniI tried this before, and it simply doesn't work properly17:59
yashhoh ok i ll  right now, you guys will be here right?17:59
Awwyashh, most likely :)17:59
yashhok 1 sec17:59
Aaruniso, I manually downloaded the driver from ati support site, and installed it using ./ . I never run the amd-config command after that, ramblingpirate18:00
CKLMNi have a switchable gpu and the problem is that on ubuntu it tells me i got intel graphics instead of the amd18:00
CKLMNi need to change it so it gets as gpu my amd and not the intel one18:00
ramblingpirateAaruni, that would explain why the vesa driver never got overwritten.18:00
CKLMNanyone cal help me with this ?18:00
ramblingpirateyou'll have to re-run ./, and make sure to ignore it when it finishes and says 'hey, restart.'18:01
Aaruniand, run amd-config, ramblingpirate ?18:01
ramblingpiratejust exit out, and type in 'sudo amdconfig --initial18:01
Aaruniok, thanks18:01
ramblingpirateAaruni, exactly18:01
ramblingpiratejump back on and let me know if it worked18:01
CKLMNanyone can help me with switchable graphics problem ?18:01
medflyhello. I am having trouble installing the ATI driver on 13.04. I have installed the legacy driver (and previously tried the non-legacy one with less success), and glxgears fails.18:02
noomay I ask a question about 13.10 here?18:03
betrayd!ask | noo18:04
ubottunoo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:04
BluesKajnoo, try #ubuntu+118:04
=== aaaa is now known as Guest46202
betraydoh 13.1018:04
betraydis the new +118:05
Rodjai once had an older version of ubuntu and it had an "applicaton" tab on the top of the desktop, but now i just get a task bar with random programs. is there a way to get such an application menu?18:05
Guest46202Hi! 12.04(64bit) install.  I added a 50-0Gb HD and formatted with disk utility.  If I type sudo fdisk -l in shell, i get "Disk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table "  Why?  Also, can I still add this to my fstab?18:05
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/18:05
nooon Ubuntu-Gnome-13.10, all works great without an hitch but the favorite bar on the right only shows a limited number of apps for some reason.  Any way to fix it to be able to add more apps while making all of the them visible?18:05
CKLMNi need help with switchable graphics18:06
=== Ozera_zz is now known as Ozera
mojtabaHi, Have anybody seen Parallel Desktop in Mac? Is there any counterpart for ubuntu? or Can I use parallel desktop in ubuntu?18:06
BluesKajnoo, ask in #ubuntu+118:06
varun_Rodja, try "Cairo Dock" session. You'll have to install cairo-dock metapackage from repositories.18:06
Guest46202mojtaba, vmware or virtualbox18:06
ramblingpirateGuest46202, install gparted, find the 500GB hdd, right click it and pick a new partition table. Most likely it doesn't like the factory partition table18:06
Rodjathx varun18:07
noothanks BluesKaj18:07
Guest46202ramblingpirate, do I risk losing the data on it?18:07
mojtabaGuest46202: Have you seen parallel desktop? It has an invisible mode.18:07
Guest46202mojtaba, years ago.  vbox allows a full screen integration18:07
mojtabaor something like that18:07
ramblingpirateGuest46202, yes. If you have any data on it, you definitely need to move it somewhere else.18:07
mojtabaGuest46202: I have vbox.18:07
mojtabaGuest46202: How can I use it in this mode?18:08
Guest46202ok ramblingpirate .. its disappointing canonical did that.18:08
Guest46202mojtaba, host F but rtfm for other tricks18:08
CKLMNneed help with switchable graphics18:08
mojtabaGuest46202: what is rtfm?18:08
ramblingpirateGuest46202, it's not canonical, probably just some small incompatibility between the hdd MFG and fsck.18:08
=== kiyoura`` is now known as kiyoura
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.18:09
ramblingpiratemojtaba, old school way of saying 'read the manual'18:09
chrisinleedsukminimec Just looking through the instructions on that site but it referes to versions 6 and 7 of Xorg but when I type X -version it says 1.13.3 but with a release date from this year. Am I looking at the wrong thing?18:09
mojtabaramblingpirate: thanks18:09
=== silo_ is now known as shogoot
ramblingpirateGuest46202, what is the mfg on the drive? I'll do some looking around and see if there's anything we can do to fix it without moving/losing data18:10
betraydGuest46202 did it come with windwos preinstalled?18:10
Guest46202ramblingpirate, seagate18:11
Guest46202betrayd, no out of the package18:11
ramblingpiratebetrayd, that was my initial guess as well.18:11
Guest46202betrayd, i dropped it in, fired up, ran disk utility and formatted ext418:11
sharifcan u help ubuntu 13.10 release date18:12
betraydslick Guest4620218:12
Guest46202betrayd, if i blow away the partition can someone in here guide me through doing it in the shell?18:12
minimecchrisinleedsuk: I have seen that... Still it gives you an overview of the specs of your GPU. I would take the Xorg.conf.new you created and try 'driver=fb' for the framebuffer, or 'driver=vesa' for the old vesa driver.18:12
ramblingpirateGuest46202, you don't actually have any data on it? That makes things a lot easier.18:12
Guest46202ramblingpirate, i do but i can move it off if this will make it right :)18:13
Guest46202its only 5gb18:13
ramblingpirateGuest46202, also, what are you trying partition it into?18:13
Aaruniramblingpirate: did that, but still VESA:PARK18:13
betraydGuest46202: oh ramblingpirate s got you covered18:13
ramblingpirateAaruni, let me get the AMD card model...it might be a legacy card and you're installing the newest driver or vice versa18:14
Guest46202ramblingpirate, ideally, 450 as ext4 and 50gb as swap18:14
brian____Did I miss something, fresh install of 13.04 and using a HD6450, installed fglrx, and went to run amdconfig --intial and it tells me no devices found...18:14
chrisinleedsukminimec - keeping the .new suffix when I exit?18:14
yashhwill backup restore the files after installing ubuntu 13.0418:14
Aaruniramblingpirate: Radeon Mobility HD 547018:14
ramblingpirateGuest46202, that's easy. get everything moved off it while I help Aaruni and get back to me in a second.18:14
medflyhey, another person with 13.04 that cannot install fglrx :)18:14
* medfly waves18:14
minimecchrisinleedsuk: You would have to copy that 'edited' file to /etx/X11, 'mv Xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf'18:15
ramblingpirateAaruni, give me a second, I'll brb.18:15
Guest46202sure ramblingpirate  back in 1018:15
ubottumichele130: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:15
sharifubuntu swap  size18:15
minimecchrisinleedsuk: in this command, we do not copy 'cp' but move 'mv' ;)18:15
brian____medfly, yeah, not exactly a step forward... never had a problem in any previous version.18:16
chrisinleedsukminimec - I can't write it, I'm in a read only filesystem.18:16
brian____the legacy drivers are for like hd2000 to hd4000 right?18:16
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minimecchrisinleedsuk: How comes. Did you switch to console with ctrl+alt+F1? You have to be in a 'root' shell.18:17
chrisinleedsukminimec I did this:  Hold shift > into Grub > second option > second option again (generic recovery) > then drop to root shell prompt18:18
medflybrian____: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/windows/Legacy/Pages/radeonaiw_xp.aspx18:18
minimecchrisinleedsuk: if you 'cp Xorg.conf.new Xorg.conf.edit' and then nano 'Xorg.conf.edit' ...18:19
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brian____yeah, not seeing my HD6450 on that list18:19
brian____and vesafb is in use, this is cool.18:20
AlexTheRealOneAnyone know here some good video editors like camtasia?18:20
ramblingpirateAaruni, did you get any funny errors?18:20
=== Garr2551 is now known as Garr255
A1Reconis there any command to clear the terminal screen like in BASIC there was this command "cls"18:20
Aaruniramblingpirate: no18:20
Guest65740any dual booters?18:20
Aaruniit worked all smooth18:20
AaruniGuest65740: yeah18:21
ramblingpirateand you have the kernel headers installed, I'm assuming?18:21
AlexTheRealOneA1Recon, try clear18:21
Aaruniramblingpirate: I have no idea about kernel headers..18:21
ramblingpirateAaruni, 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)18:21
Aarunik, one minute18:22
Guest65740I have a pc that needs to be rescued It was windows 7 and crashed now i need to rescue it from a backup image using Ubuntu to make the image bootable any ideas?18:22
arooni-mobile__hi everyone;  my lenovo t420 had a hangover i guess this morning, and the Wifi no longer works. i'm connected with ethernet.  the wifi light isnt on on the laptop and the networ manager shows ethernet options only.  help?18:22
voldyman_hi i update to kernel 3.8 using apt-get, now my wifi is broken, sudo modprobe wl => FATAL Module wl not found18:22
chrisinleedsukminimec - It says no such file or directory - is that because it never wrote it in the first place?18:22
arooni-mobile__ubuntu 12.1018:22
A1ReconAlexTheRealOne: Thanks!!18:22
Guest46202ramblingpirate, ready when you are.18:23
=== jack is now known as Guest9177
yashhwill installing 13.04 from 12.04 erase all the files??18:23
ramblingpiratearooni-mobile__, when booted up in a live, try installing boot-rescue18:23
chrisinleedsukminimec I just exited to recovery menu and it says filesystem state: read only.18:23
anewhttp://pastebin.com/LKyHMK7i are these firewall rules blocking port 25 ?18:23
Aaruniramblingpirate:  it says already in latest version18:23
Guest46202yashh, short answer, no.18:23
ramblingpirateGuest46202, do you have access to gparted or do you just really want to it in the term?18:23
yashhshort thanks18:23
ramblingpirateAaruni, interesting...let me do some more looking around18:23
Guest46202ramblingpirate, either way is fine with me.. sudo apt-get install gparted suffice?18:23
arooni-mobile__ramblingpirate, i dont have a live cd18:24
Aarunithanks, ramblingpirate18:24
arooni-mobile__ramblingpirate, is there anothre option?18:24
A1ReconI am currently learning the The Linux Command Line. I want to learn about the ultrabasic stuff like kernel, etc. because sometimes catch me off guard18:24
A1ReconARe there any good sources for that?? ^18:24
ramblingpirateGuest46202, perfect. gparted is just way easier to talk through.18:24
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ramblingpiratearooni-mobile__, are you using ubuntu right now?18:24
arooni-mobile__ramblingpirate, yes18:25
Guest46202ramblingpirate, installed.. ready/18:25
arooni-mobile__ramblingpirate, connected with same computer18:25
arooni-mobile__via ethernet18:25
th0rA1Recon: you might start with the Linux Documentation Projuect18:25
=== Guest46202 is now known as partitionhelp
partitionhelpramblingpirate, i changed my name easier for tab completion :)18:25
minimecchrisinleedsuk: Hmm... Why is that. Would you mind to reboot that machine once a strat over? I cannot explain the 'read only' thing.18:26
ramblingpiratepartitionhelp, word, much easier. just fire up gparted and let it find all the drives...usually takes ~3-4 seconds.18:26
chrisinleedsukminimec - and go into grub menu with shift again?18:26
partitionhelpdone. i am on the /dev/sdb too (500Gb)18:26
betraydhe might be in safe mode or livCd session18:26
ramblingpirateAaruni, try purging all the fglrx packages18:27
partitionhelpramblingpirate, interestingly enough , it says unallocated18:27
ramblingpirateand then do 'sudo apt-get install fglrx'18:27
ramblingpiratepartitionhelp, right click on that sucker and hit new18:27
Aaruniramblingpirate: I get two options, fglrx-experimental-9 and fglrx-experimental-1218:27
partitionhelpramblingpirate, AHHH!!18:27
Aaruniwhich one to purge ?18:27
=== Analisa is now known as jpmh
ramblingpirateAaruni, purge all of them18:28
minimecbetrayd: HE should be in 'recovery mode' of his alternate lubuntu install... What is 'safe mode'?18:28
partitionhelpramblingpirate, what type of partiton? only primary is available the rest are greyed out18:28
ramblingpiratepartitionhelp, ahh as in that makes sense, or ahhh as in your entire computer just died?18:28
partitionhelpramblingpirate, no this looks like a better way than disk utility18:28
betraydi use the terms interchangeably , my bad, minimec18:28
ramblingpiratepartitionhelp, you want to do primary18:28
ramblingpiratethen ext418:28
minimecchrisinleedsuk: exactly... reboot in recovery mode.18:29
deadweaselHi Folks.  Still struggling to get ubuntu to use pulseaudio instead of my gfx card as the sound system..18:29
chrisinleedsukminimec - Same thing, filsystem is read only18:29
ramblingpirateone of the options along with that should be something like "mount as: " and then you can choose if you want it as swap/main and how big.18:29
Aaruniramblingpirate: I got a system error, as soon as terminal finished processing18:29
partitionhelpI made the primary 450Gb.. however, when i click on the empty space and hit new, "It is not possible to create more than 1 primary partition"18:29
chrisinleedsukAt what point would I use ctrl, alt, f1?18:29
Aaruni"Sorry, a problem occured while installing software"18:29
minimecbetrayd: we both agree that, he should have write access in 'recovery mode'...18:29
ramblingpirateAaruni, and that was while purging or installing?18:30
arooni-mobilecan someone help me get wireless working?18:30
voldymani update to kernel 3.8 using apt-get, now my wifi is broken, sudo modprobe wl => FATAL Module wl not found18:30
minimecchrisinleedsuk: Wait a second... I have to boot my laptop...18:30
ramblingpiratearooni-mobile, do 'sudo ifconfig wlan0 up'18:31
partitionhelpvoldyman, how important is 3.8 to you?  Just asking if it is worth the time to devote fixing wifi is all..18:31
voldymanpartitionhelp, i have an overheating issue in the older kernels so i though 3.8 might help18:31
Aaruniramblingpirate: shouldn't that be sudo ipconfing wlan0 up18:31
Sagitthi all, i've an asus eeepc 1001px with ubuntu 13.04, i tapeed disable touchpad button (fn + f3) how i can re-enable it? if i press again fn + f3 it stay disabled18:31
ramblingpirateAaruni, haha, no ipconfig is windows. We're in *nix land now!18:32
arooni-mobileramblingpirate, syas "wlan0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device18:32
ramblingpirateAaruni: after you purge, restart and then do 'sudo apt-get install fglrx'...see if that does anything.18:32
ramblingpiratearooni-mobile, do 'ifconfig'18:33
Aaruniramblingpirate: reboot, or just logout, and then log back in ?18:33
partitionhelpramblingpirate, no matter what i try, i cannot make more than 1 partition on this HDD.  if I put swap first, then try to make a primary it still complains.  Is it possible the HDD is not completely "blank"?18:33
Aarunipartitionhelp: you can try creating a new partition table18:33
ramblingpirateAaruni, anytime you do graphics drivers, you have to reboot.18:34
partitionhelpAaruni, i dont follow.18:34
anewUnable to locate mail  Cannot open mail:25 i get this error when i try to send mail, what should i do ?18:34
Aarunipartitionhelp: in device menu there should be "create new partition table"18:34
ramblingpiratepartitionhelp, up at the top, click on device18:34
Aarunimaybe it will help18:34
sharifanybody help me ubuntu 13.4 blutooth problem18:35
ramblingpirateAaruni has it right on the head.18:35
partitionhelpAaruni & ramblingpirate what type should I choose?18:35
Aarunipartitionhelp: ms-dos works18:35
Aarunii think18:35
Aarunii use msdos18:35
partitionhelphaha ok. done18:35
ramblingpirateI don't remember all the options...but yeah, msdos18:35
anewanyone ?18:35
partitionhelpramblingpirate & Aaruni: so now I can make two parts(1 ext4 and 1 swap)?18:35
voldymandpkg-reconfigure bcmwl-kernel-source output => http://pastie.org/780112118:35
Aaruniramblingpirate: should I remove the driver I manually installed using ./amd* -uninstall ?18:36
minimecchrisinleedsuk: ok. I have the same problem... Boot the computer normally until you get that blinking cursor. Then hit ctrl+alt+F1 Do you get a console?18:36
Aarunipartitionhelp: you should be able to make up to 4 primary partitions18:36
ramblingpirateAaruni, yes, and then you do have to do a complete reboot.18:36
Aaruniramblingpirate: ok, doing that, will then reboot18:36
brian____Ok, well, now to remove the watermark... '[  1783.132] (II) fglrx(0): Adapter AMD Radeon HD 6450 has 3 configurable heads and 2 displays connected.'18:36
anewUnable to locate mail  Cannot open mail:25 i get this error when i try to send mail, what should i do ?18:36
chrisinleedsukminimec - Unfortunately not18:37
Sagitthi all, i've an asus eeepc 1001px with ubuntu 13.04, i tapeed disable touchpad button (fn + f3) how i can re-enable it? if i press again fn + f3 it stay disabled18:37
ramblingpirateAaruni, cool. We should be good to reinstall and amdconfig --initial after that.18:37
Aaruniramblingpirate: it is aticonfig in my case18:37
partitionhelpAaruni, that seems to have done the trick.... any idea why my HDD(out of the package) was so grouchy?18:37
Aarunipartitionhelp: maybe it used another partition table, or there were hidden partitions on it.18:37
minimecchrisinleedsuk: I got the solution. reboot in revcovery mode again and do the following command first in the 'root shell': mount -o remount,rw /18:38
minimecchrisinleedsuk: 'mount -o remount,rw /'18:38
ramblingpiratepartitionhelp, uh, yeah, it's because the MFG's ship with a hidden recovery partition on it.18:38
partitionhelpAaruni & ramblingpirate: alright.. thanks for your help. :)18:38
chrisinleedsukminimec - I do now, it says ubuntu login:18:38
Aarunianytime, partitionhelp :)18:38
minimecchrisinleedsuk: That's ok, then.18:38
ramblingpiratepart of the reason you never actually get a full TB.18:38
minimecchrisinleedsuk: You should be able to login with the user you created.18:38
voldymanguys anyone? wl not found?18:39
Aaruniramblingpirate: ok, going for a reboot now. be back18:39
chrisinleedsukminimec so su? what's the password? is it what i set during install?18:39
ramblingpiratearooni-mobile, did you ever do 'ifconfig'? if so, what were the devices it listed?18:39
makaraunity scrollbar is soooooo irritating18:39
minimecchrisinleedsuk: use the name and password of the user you created during install.18:40
makarajust to save like 5 pixels18:40
chrisinleedsukminimec - Done, how do i get to root?18:40
makarais there no way to set it to the classic, like in firefox?18:40
minimecchrisinleedsuk: NOw we create the Xorg.conf.new file... 'sudo Xorg -configure' (again use 'your password')18:41
ramblingpiratemakara, do 'gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface ubuntu-overlay-scrollbars false'18:41
voldymanwhy doesn't wl compile for kernel 3.8??18:41
voldymanis there any alternative for wl module?18:41
hazmatanyone know if there's a way to do a unity indicator with pyqt?18:42
chrisinleedsukminimec - get a fatal error, server is already active for display 018:42
ramblingpiratehazmat, I'm not sure about pyqt, but I know python has pynotifyOSD18:43
minimecchrisinleedsuk: Oh.. Yes... ;)18:43
ramblingpiratedo a google search for it...it's pretty easy to set up.18:43
doomlordbefore i start messing with installs, does anyone know if the NVidia GT640 works wih ubuntu 13.04 (have any drivers been updated etc..) - up til now my spare machine with this card (ubuntu 12.10) ran in classic gnome fallback. GL applications ran fine, but compositing window managers including unity didn't recognize it18:43
minimecchrisinleedsuk: 'sudo service lightdm stop'18:43
minimecchrisinleedsuk: We have to run the buggy xserver.18:43
hazmatramblingpirate, thanks.. but i'm definitely looking for more a unity indicator than just osd message18:43
wushuhey can someone tell me if it is normal that top shows two instances of sshd running for root? i am logging via ssh with another user. kinda new to ubuntu servers so would be nice with some advice :)18:43
minimecchrisinleedsuk: stop not run....18:44
ramblingpiratehazmat, not sure what to tell you then...I use the GNOME remix.18:44
chrisinleedsukminimec I got a fatal server error: caught signal 1118:45
michealPWIt's really weird that Ubuntu would use policykit to disable Hibernation outright. Laptops cannot really function with any practicality without Hibernation...18:45
makararamblingpirate, I logged out and back in. No difference ??18:45
Linus123hello unetbootin wont start here in 13.04...18:45
michealPWWhat is a laptop supposed to do when battery is critically low? Force a quit out of every process and shutdown? LMAO!? During a college presentation that would be *epic*18:45
michealPWAs a geek, yes I know it's easy to test and then enable. But that's me, I'm a geek... The average user, though? Hardly..18:46
michealPWThey'll just freak out and stop using Ubuntu wouldnt' you agree?18:46
ramblingpiratehazmat, you could always stop by reddit.com/r/python18:46
wilee-nileemichealPW, I use a laptop and never hibernate, it s a personal choice, yhou are looking at it from your point of view.18:46
minimecchrisinleedsuk: Can you create the Xorg.conf.new file now. I don't care if there's an error, as long as the xserver is down...18:46
Sagitthow i can re-enable touchpad in ubuntu 13.04?18:46
ramblingpiratemakara, weird...that should have done it.18:46
hazmatramblingpirate, found something that looks like it works for gnome-shell and unity.. just have to find the magic bits in the code.. https://github.com/nvbn/everpad18:46
wilee-nilee!caps | Linus12318:47
ubottuLinus123: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.18:47
chrisinleedsukminimec - yes, done18:47
ramblingpiratemakara, are you running 12.04/12.10/13.04?18:47
trismmakara: the key has changed in 12.10+: gsettings set com.canonical.desktop.interface scrollbar-mode normal;18:47
michealPWwilee-nilee: mmm, true. I suppose that is a pretty subjective view. But really, without Hibernate using a mobile is clumsy... What do you do, personally? Do you just set your low battery warning threshold much higher to give yourself time to close out and shutdown?18:47
zerowaitstatemichaelPW, I think most people who freak out about testing and enabling will get Linux preinstalled on their laptop if they use Linux at all18:47
chrisinleedsukminimec - should i edit with driver=fb?18:47
minimecchrisinleedsuk: ok. Now you can do 'sudo nano Xorg.conf.new' and try to edit it... exactly18:47
Linus123can anyone answer me please?18:47
michealPWzerowaitstate: Hah, I wish. Where would they buy these pre-installed linux systems?! All I can find is Windows 8 systems :O18:48
michealPWzerowaitstate: I'm just playing the Devil's Advocate here, by the way ;)18:48
wilee-nileemichealPW, I don't transport the laptop I have a nexus 7 and a smartphone.18:48
chrisinleedsukminimec - Done that18:48
wilee-nileeto carry stuff if needed18:48
minimecchrisinleedsuk: 'save' command in nano is ctrl+x -> y18:48
BluesKajmichealPW, check out system 7618:48
ramblingpiratehazmat, good to know, thanks. Were you talking about the notifications or the OSD?18:48
makaratrism, ramblingpirate, confirmed18:48
zerowaitstateI think HP sells em18:48
makarathank you18:48
michealPWwilee-nilee: Ah, I see. I'm a college student, studying Computer Programming/System Analysis. It's frequent that I'm stuck without the ability to charge18:48
michealPWAnd have 50 - 60 process' running that really would not be ideal if they had to stop and shutdown...18:49
ramblingpiratemakara, 'trism'?18:49
michealPWHibernate is almost essential18:49
wilee-nileemichealPW, Student as well, just not a cs major18:49
michealPWGood move with the Nexus. I'm jealous hehe :P18:49
michealPWI need a smartphone, gah18:49
wilee-nileemichealPW, enable hibernate then.18:49
chrisinleedsukminimec - Hey, I'm learning "stuff" lol. I edited it first without sudo but went back in with sudo and checked it and still says driver=fb. Saved again. Now do I move it?18:49
makararamblingpirate, see what he said18:49
michealPWwilee-nilee: Way ahead of you matey! Tested it out and then enabled it. Was just wondering about the lesser users, you know? :P18:50
michealPWI like that Ubuntu is for average users.18:50
ramblingpiratemakara, ah, gotcha. I wasn't sure which one you were using.18:50
chrisinleedsukWhat does framebuffer mean anyway?18:50
zerowaitstatemichaelPW, it's a point worth making.  I see Linux desktops in the future business world if msft doesn't get their act together18:50
minimecchrisinleedsuk: What was it saying before you changed it to 'fb'?18:50
BluesKajmichealPW,  https://www.system76.com/18:51
chrisinleedsukminimec - Was completely empty18:51
hazmatramblingpirate, its more of a systray menu.. in unity,their called indicators18:51
wilee-nileemichealPW, I suppose so, it depends are personal motivation though, and if someone wants to figure it out.18:51
ramblingpiratezerowaitstate, that would be a dream.18:51
michealPWchrisinleedsuk: It's part of video cards, at a very low-level. It's how traditional graphics rendering would happen. Programs would send data to the framebuffer, which is as literally as it's name suggest, the buffer just before display output.18:51
ramblingpiratehazmat, that would be where I was confused. What's the project you've got going on?18:51
michealPWchrisinleedsuk: Generally, you don't want to use framebuffer devices directly ;)18:51
michealPWIf you're down that road, you've taken a wrong turn somewhere (giggle)18:51
zerowaitstatewith a lot of line of business apps moving to cloud hosting, the actual platform you run the client from is becoming less relevant18:51
chrisinleedsukminimec - so what now? mv this new file to where the original file is?18:52
hazmatramblingpirate, just something to show me how much i'm spending in various cloud providers, so i don't leave around a bunch of machines accidentally on.18:52
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest75943
michealPWwilee-nilee: True. Hibernation is always touch-and-go. Even Windows 7 struggles to resume from Hibernation at times..18:52
* BluesKaj shrugs , lead a horse to water and all that18:52
minimecchrisinleedsuk: Let's try to copy that file, even though I am sceptical regarding the results.18:52
michealPWSo I can see why the decision would have been made to outright disable it... But wouldn't a blacklist be a much more elegant solution, I wonder? Or maybe even a whitelist, if things are *that* bad18:52
zerowaitstatemichaelPW, another problem is that stuff like IPMI tends to be buggy as hell at the firmware level18:53
chrisinleedsukminimec to the location you said before?18:53
minimecchrisinleedsuk: 'sudo cp Xorg.conf.new /etc/X11/xorg.conf'18:53
Linus123i will install kubuntu beside ubuntu but unetbootin wont start for me just for me or for everyone?18:54
chrisinleedsukminimec - yeah done that, reboot to test or is there some tweaking yet?18:54
minimecchrisinleedsuk: ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf Do you see the xorg.conf file?18:54
wilee-nileeLinus123, You can have both desktops in one install.18:54
ramblingpiratehazmat, that's why I love python.18:54
minimecchrisinleedsuk: or just ls /etc/X1118:54
michealPWLinus123: Are you trying to install Unetbootin just to create a USB boot-disk ?18:55
wilee-nileeLinus123, wont start is not a good description, way to vague.,18:55
michealPWLinus123: Well, could I suggest the Ubuntu Startup Disk Creator?18:55
brian____Little update to my ATI issue.  I just needed to install fglrx-updates from the repo and then aticonfig --intitial worked, and the unsupported watermark went away18:55
chrisinleedsukminimec - Think it's there in that it's name is written in white18:55
michealPWLinus123: Tap your Windows key and type Startup Disk. Your Dash should find it (y)18:55
Linus123unetbootin wont start18:55
minimecchrisinleedsuk: ok. 'sudo reboot' ... ;)18:55
wilee-nilee!details > Linus12318:56
ubottuLinus123, please see my private message18:56
michealPWSorry 'bout the (y). haha my skype habbits die hard18:56
chrisinleedsukminimec The moment of truth...18:56
=== remi is now known as Guest80252
meetI am using ubuntu gnome 13.04. I upgraded the gnome 3.6 to 3.8. But many of the features i listed on the gnome site are missing. for example search settings or clock or even classic mode. How do I get those?18:56
Linus123ubuntu 13.04 amd64 wont start after enter the password18:56
michealPWbrian____: That watermark is for AMD Beta drivers..18:56
Linus123unetbootin wont start here in ubuntu 13.04 amd 64 after enter the password18:57
ramblingpirateminimec, I'm pretty sure I sent aarui to die in the wastes of no X. :\ probably didn't apt-get --purge18:57
michealPWLinus123: Did you read what I suggested? I don't think you did.18:57
TronicWhy aren't there software upgrades for 13.04 yet? Is that some kind of freeze?18:57
jackw411hey guys, im using awesome windows manager: been configuring it: and for some reason nightly always opens fullscreen and ignores the layout - it also has some weird white little cloud icon next to it in the tabs at the top: whatdo?18:57
brian____michealPW, I installed fglrx from the repo, not specifying beta18:57
chrisinleedsukminimec - Hmmm, we're just stoped on the lubuntu splash screen. no flashing though18:58
wilee-nileeLinus123, You can install the kubuntu desktop in ubuntu and choose it from the login18:58
TronicOne would think that there'd be at least some bugs to fix after the release.18:58
michealPWbrian____: Oh, that's weird. Maybe one of the repos has the beta in it, I'm sure? It's not a big issue. The watermark is just to show it's a beta/testing release. There's a file in /var/, I can't remember the path.18:58
jackw411nevermind - answered my own question18:58
michealPWIf you delete it, the watermark goes away. Or maybe you have to *create* a file there? I can't remember. I had to do that on Gentoo all the time, 'cause the best performance I could get was their beta18:59
dsolsmanHello, is there anyone out there willing to be patient and help me install my audio interface?18:59
minimecchrisinleedsuk: I was somehow expecting that... can you switch to the console again with ctrl+alt+F1?18:59
chrisinleedsukminimec - have powered down and rebooted to try again18:59
ramblingpiratemichealPW, you have change it from UNSIGNED to some long string of ridiculousness.18:59
brian____michealPW, ya, well, the more alarming response was to the amdconfig --initial, it told me I didnt have any supported devices18:59
michealPWramblingpirate: Jah! That sounds more accurate hehe19:00
minimecramblingpirate: I don't understand. Did we chat before. I don't remember that nick.19:00
michealPWbrian____: That's weird. It's amdconfig, btw. Maybe they symlink for historical purposes? hehe19:00
chrisinleedsukminimec - Frozen on splash screen, shouldn't the 5 dots under lubuntu be flashing alternately?19:00
michealPWI don't remember seeing that one before..19:00
wilee-nileeLinus123, And when this website gets the 13.04 desktop lists posted remove full desktops and default to the one you want. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/19:00
ramblingpirateminimec, no, I was helping him with a graphics issue as well...he hasn't come back.19:00
michealPWWhat does lspci report, brian____ ?19:01
minimecramblingpirate: Oh... I see...19:01
urgodfatherdoes anyone have experience with compiling kernels?19:01
wilee-nilee!anyone > urgodfather19:01
ubottuurgodfather, please see my private message19:01
dsolsmanCan anyone help me install my audio interface? It's a tascam us-144. I need help making its usb port be seen as a usb 1 device and install a module to run in asla.19:01
michealPWurgodfather: As far as I understand, with packaged-based distros like Ubuntu you should avoid compiling a custom kernel.19:01
wilee-nileedsolsman, THe channel works with you outlining your problem.19:02
zerowaitstatei'm going to go buy me an HP moonshot19:02
urgodfathermichealPW: its not for my ubuntu box19:02
michealPWGenerally speaking, if you find yourself thinking you need to compile a custom kernel on a packaged-base distribution of Linux, you most likely took a wrong turn somewhere.19:02
michealPWurgodfather: Ah. Well generally speaking, you download the kernel source... cd into it's directory and run menuconfig19:03
dsolsman@wilee-nilee can you be more specific?19:03
minimecchrisinleedsuk: They should.... What we have now is a 'working environment' to configure your GPU. You see there are some 'options' you can choose for the 'fb' driver. All you can do now is to look for some tweaks on the internet and add (change) them with 'sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf' in that new Xserver conf file.19:03
Aaruniramblingpirate: almost ended up breaking my system19:03
wilee-nilee!details } dsolsman19:03
ubottuwilee-nilee: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:03
wilee-nilee!details | dsolsman19:03
michealPWThat's ./configure, only in a nice menu-format. In there, you select the appropriate kernel modules you need for your machine and then proceed to compile it with the make command, then make install.19:03
ubottudsolsman: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:03
urgodfathermichealPW: i have an android device that doesnt have any source avail. i know it has deice drivers that i would need to port over... the quesiton is how19:03
michealPWWait, do you make install the kernel? Double-check the readme :P19:03
ramblingpirateah! Aaruni, you survive! Sorry, I'm thinking something went terribly wrong when you rebooted19:03
minimecchrisinleedsuk: I don't know these options, but the homepage I gave you before will probably mention them.19:04
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michealPWurgodfather: Oh jeez, Android.. Well that's way out of my element, I'm afraid.19:04
Aaruniit didn't uninstall properly, and then the graphics boot was totally disabled19:04
wilee-nileeurgodfather, You are on the wrong channel for that.19:04
Aaruniso, I had to uninstall -force , and then, it let me back into graphics install. currently running on default video drivers, ramblingpirate19:04
chrisinleedsukminimec So  'mount -o remount,rw /' to get write access, stop service lightdm and try configure?19:04
urgodfathermichealPW and wilee-nilee im aware of that... but you guys could help with general knowlege19:05
Aaruni*boot, not install19:05
ramblingpirateAaruni, when I didn't see you after 5 minutes I figured that happened. Ok, so two routes we can go19:05
ramblingpiratejust the default fglrx from ubuntu19:05
michealPWurgodfather: So let me just give you a vague overview... Android is Linux, yes. However, "Linux" is a kernel. Kernel's are libraries that act as an abstraction layer for your hardware. Since Android is for certain phones, trying to compile a generic linux kernel for an Android device is way outside this realm.19:05
ramblingpirateor the proprietary drivers from AMD19:05
wilee-nileeurgodfather, Problem is this is ubuntu support, you might try #andoid-root19:05
chrisinleedsukminimec - Have to shoot off now, wifey will be feeling neglected but thanks for your help so far, much appreciated.19:05
Aaruniramblingpirate: I think installing usin ./amd* was a mistake. I didn't know there was a sudo apt-get install flgrx back when I did that19:06
ramblingpirateI usually stick to the open source ones from ubuntu...they've gotten disturbingly better than the proprietary in most cases.19:06
Aarunitryint that now19:06
Aaruniwait.. so, stick to open source drivers, you say ?19:06
urgodfathermichealPW: not a phone... its based off of the i.mx5319:06
michealPWI don't know what that is, LOL.19:06
ramblingpirateAaruni, just keep doing what you're doing.19:06
urgodfatherfreescale board19:06
minimecchrisinleedsuk: You only need the 'remount command', when booting in recovery mode. Otherwise, just switch to the console (ctrl+alt+F1), stop the xserver 'sudo service lightdm stop', edit the file 'sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf', then try to start the xserver again... 'sudo service lightdm start'.19:07
moppersandroid pc or one of those micro pi-type things?19:07
TronicWhy aren't there software updates for 13.04 yet? Is that some kind of freeze?19:07
michealPWDo you know what I meant, though? You'll be better off trying to search google for the particular make/model of whatever device you're trying to get Linux on and + linux: "i.mx53 + linux" to find a community that's doing exactly that.19:07
wilee-nileeTronic, When did you install? have you run a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:08
Bray90820does anyone know how to properly install skype on 13,0419:08
michealPWAnyone here that has compiled kernels, most likely compiled the kernels on a IBM-compatible PC (giggle)19:08
brian____michealPW, it reports fine - 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD] nee ATI Caicos [Radeon HD 6450] -- Like I said though, after installing fglrx-updates, *amdconfig worked and the watermark was removed19:08
minimecchrisinleedsuk: I see. Was a pleasure chatting with you, as I see you can 'follow' advises.19:08
Tronicwilee-nilee: Upgraded during beta, dist-upgrade is not installing anything.19:08
Aaruniramblingpirate: aticonfig: Writing to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' failed. Permission denied.19:08
moppersurgodfather, you will need a specialised channel for that; we aren't saying we hate you, just that what you are asking is not general knowledge for this channel19:08
ramblingpirateAaruni, remember to 'sudo' before that.19:09
michealPWbrian____: Interesting. Someone you wound up with a very old, beta-release of fglrx? That's the only logic I can find in that error...19:09
Bray90820Every time i try to install skype it crashes when i launch it19:09
Tronicwilee-nilee: Apparently quite many other users are seeing that same thing (no updates except for one security patch), so I believe it's not just my system.19:09
Aaruniramblingpirate: reboot now ?19:09
ramblingpirateyeah. it ----should----- be good to go now.19:09
michealPWbrian____: I'm only guessing, though. Weird stuff!19:09
moppersTronic, check on canoncial's ubuntu update pages, there's a list of every patch pushed19:09
urgodfathermoppers: sure it is... i havent even gotten to my primary question... instead.. ive been shunned away19:09
wilee-nileeTronic, Hard to tell what is going on can you give details like last upgrades that did show, and maybe a pastebin of your sources.list, the description is to vague.19:09
moppersurgodfather, what is the question btw?19:09
Tronicmoppers: Got a link?19:10
michealPWurgodfather: I'm sorry. That wasn't my intention. Was just trying to explain why you aren't getting any help here... :\19:10
moppersTronic, ubuntuupdates :)19:10
wilee-nileeTronic, The upgrades are slow on a new release in general at the beginning, I suspect you are just fine, just not familiar.19:11
urgodfathermoppers: can i decompile this kernel, upgrade it with new source, and then recompile.. keeping all the same hardware drivers, libs, and bins? or will i need to make a new one all from scratch?19:11
moppersdecompile? Ooo ... ;-)19:12
michealPWWell, I don't believe so no. It's likely, to save space, that device only have the kernel in binary form..19:12
Bray90820does anyone know how to properly install skype on 13,0419:12
Bray90820Every time i try to install skype it crashes when i launch it19:12
michealPWNo source and no config file that was used to compile it. The config file is where all the chosen modules will be.19:12
dsolsmanwhats the command for installing a .deb file which is in the current directory im at in the terminal19:12
Aaruniramblingpirate: I booted back in, alright19:12
moppersurgodfather, no but you can extract the config from the kernel, and MAYBE it will build with the same config on the new board19:12
michealPWSo, whatever modules were included in that kernel to get it to work with the device it's on, will be lost when you go to compile a fresh copy. But really, all of this is just a wild guess on my part..19:12
Aarunibut it still shows VESA:PARK in the graphics driver19:12
ramblingpirateare you using unity?19:13
michealPWThat's why I gave you the big spheel about you being in the wrong spot. It' snot 'cause I'm trying to be a bully, I'm actually looking out for you. Things we say could be completely wrong and could lead you down the wrong path, making things much harder for you.19:13
urgodfathermoppers... see... im getting somewhere. general knowlege19:13
ramblingpiratedid it make you log in to the fallback session?19:13
Aaruniramblingpirate: fallback session ?19:13
moppersurgodfather, you need to find a good guide on building the kernel; that will explain how to extract the config. as to how to build it on android hardware, i have no idea19:14
urgodfathermichealPW: what am i gonna do... get mad and de-friend you on fb? lol j/k19:14
wilee-nileeBray90820, Run in the terminal skype and look for errors19:14
ramblingpiratelog out real quick, click on your username once, and it should have a menu to pick your "login session"19:14
michealPWurgodfather: haha, touche :P19:14
ramblingpiratetake a look at those then come back.19:14
moppersurgodfather, i dont even know if exracting the config will help  you as it might need to be setup differently19:14
Aaruniok, one minute19:14
urgodfathermoppers.. got several handy.. didn't know i could extract the config file19:14
moppersurgodfather, it's probably saved in /boot19:15
dsolsmani got this error message while trying to install a .deb. Will you help me figure out what to do? You are attempting to install an initrd kernel image (version19:15
urgodfathermoppers: what if there are proprietary modules used... could i salvage them?19:15
dsolsman │ This will not work unless you have configured your boot19:15
dsolsman │ loader to use initrd. (An initrd image is a kernel image that expects to19:15
dsolsman │ use an INITial Ram Disk to mount a minimal root file system into RAM and19:15
dsolsman │ use that for booting).19:15
FloodBot1dsolsman: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:15
moppersurgodfather, assuming it's linux: /boot will have a config-xxxx file19:15
moppersurgodfather, modules will be in /lib/modules/kernelversion folder but no idea if they are binary compatible on the new hardware19:16
Aaruniramblingpirate: I get two options : ubuntu, and ubuntu - 2d19:16
ramblingpirateok, ubuntu 2D means you don't have HW acceleration, but you were able to login using the first one?19:17
AaruniI am logged in now using ubuntu19:17
ramblingpirateas far as I can tell, PARKS is just the codename they used when developing that particular card.19:17
urgodfathermoppers: it's definitely linux.. chinese product. see http://www.ebay.com/itm/Android-Car-DVD-2-Din-6-2-3G-GPS-WiFi-Bluetooth-PC-1GHz-3D-CPU-System-/221204777740?pt=US_Video_In_Dash_Units_w_GPS&hash=item3380d50b0c19:17
dsolsmanI got this error while installing a .deb file. What should I do?: You are attempting to install an initrd kernel image (version This will not work unless you have configured your boot loader to use initrd. (An initrd image is a kernel image that expects to use an INITial Ram Disk to mount a minimal root file system into RAM and use that for booting).As a reminder, in order to configure LILO, you need to add an 'initr19:18
dsolsmand=/initrd.img' to the image=/vmlinuz stanza of your /etc/lilo.conf19:18
Aaruniso, what seems to be the problem here, ramblingpirate ?19:18
urgodfathermoppers: damn chinese want to make cheep as possible. linux=free19:18
ramblingpirateopen up a terminal and do 'fglrxgears'19:18
ramblingpiratethat might not be the actual command...I don't remember.19:18
ramblingpirateor just open up your dash and type in amd19:18
moppersurgodfather, no, it's android not linux .. ;) but as i said, you know now how to extract the kernel config and wher ethe proprety modules are, but that's all i can tell you19:18
anewwhere are my php error logs in ubuntu? there are nowhere to be found19:19
malimbaragh, I have no idea why, but propriety drivers are no longer installing (they used to work fine). Here is the last block on /var/log/jockey.log if anyone can help me out. http://pastebin.com/kpAdYa7Y19:19
Aaruniramblingpirate: fgl_glxgears19:19
ramblingpirateyeah. did it pop up?19:19
AaruniI get a really nice looking cube, with rotating gears on its faces19:19
ramblingpiratemalimbar, did you update recently?19:20
ramblingpirateAaruni, congrats, you have the drivers installed!19:20
Tronicmoppers: Updates that are visible on that site do not seem to appear on my system. Tried different mirrors and apt-get update in between.19:20
Roxanne``I did not know that I installed Ubuntu Netbook edition on this machine? I could of sworn when I downloaded ubuntu 13.04 in regular that I was just downloading that? How in the hell did I suddenly just get Ubuntu Netbook from a regular install??19:20
vicwifi slow than when using windows19:20
moppersRoxanne``, how do you know its netbook edition?19:20
ramblingpirateyou can tweak settings with amdcccle19:20
michealPW5444 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1088.800 FPS19:20
malimbarramblingpirate: sort've. I've recently done a fresh install of ubuntu 12.04 (overwriting 13.04 which I had tons of problems with), and I've just been updating and installing my old software on19:21
Bray90820wilee-nilee: i typed the word skype in the terminal and it gave me this output19:21
Roxanne``moppers: I was trying to install something by the name of "Macbuntu" and suddenly it tells me that I have Netbook Edition installed.19:21
Bray90820Segmentation fault (core dumped)19:21
urgodfathermoppers: thanks for the help19:21
minimecramblingpirate: I see, that it was worth the fight... ;)19:21
michealPWSo many sefgaults from Skype :\19:21
ramblingpiratemalimbar, go through the log and see if it updated the kernel at all....if so, you have to reinstall the driver.19:22
michealPWSkype has gone nowhere good since MS bought it :(19:22
thurstylarkI'm having a hard time mounting an ntfs partition. The disk comes up in disk utility as hpfs/ntfs (0x07), but gives me no options to mount. It is connected through USB on 12.0419:22
malimbarramblingpirate: I did figure it was a problem with the 3.8.x kernel, so I deleted that and am now running on 3.2.x (x is whatever the last numbers are)19:22
moppersRoxanne``, i think that's an issue with macbuntu, there is no longer a netbook edition for 13.04 or perhaps you downloaded the wrong iso19:22
Roxanne``How so? I downloaded it directly from the site itself.19:23
malimbarramblingpirate: and that's what I was trying to do - install the driver using the "additional drivers" app19:23
HelinaiHi, is there anybody who can help me? I have a huge problem with ubuntu 13.0419:23
ramblingpirateminimec, yeah, we got it working. Woo!19:23
ramblingpiratemalimbar, what is it saying?19:23
malimbarramblingpirate: but it just says "failed, check /var/log/jockey.log"19:24
Roxanne``moppers: How so? I downloaded it directly fro the site itself.. And not only that what other versions are there on that site besides 12 and 13 in 32 and 64 bit versions.19:24
vicwhy is wifi too slow in ubuntu 13.04?19:24
ramblingpiratepaste the contents of 'cat /var/log/jockey.log'19:24
th0rRoxanne``: I'm not sure macbuntu will work with unity19:24
HelinaiI use it at work and during the 13.04 version update my coworker shut down the computer and now i turn it on but i cant do anything19:24
Aaruni|OSXramblingpirate: I suffered ACPI shutdown19:24
Helinaiwifi dont work, usb neither and the sam goes for the cd19:25
Roxanne``th0r: Is there a way to take Unity off?19:25
Tronicmoppers, wilee-nilee: http://nopaste.info/deed802bbd.html19:25
Aaruni|OSXme laptop overheats quite a bit19:25
Bray90820wilee-nilee: i also typed in sudo skype and it basically is telling me skype isn't installed19:25
malimbarramblingpirate: you want the whole thing?19:25
michealPWAaruni|OSX: What CPU and GPU are you using?19:25
th0rRoxanne``: I have no experience with unity, only know it is default in 13.19:25
ramblingpiratemalimbar, mostly i just want to know if it's complaining about linux kernel headers19:25
thurstylarkI'm having a hard time mounting an ntfs partition. The disk comes up in disk utility as hpfs/ntfs (0x07), but gives me no options to mount. It is connected through USB on 12.0419:25
Aaruni|OSXmichealPW: intel core i3, ATI mobility Radeon HD 547019:25
michealPWAaruni|OSX: Are you running the open source Gallium drivers for the Radeon card?19:26
moppersRoxanne``, type lsb_release into terminal19:26
wilee-nileeBray90820, I see install methods on the web for skype and 13.04, personally when I have used it I use windows, so any real help here on ubuntu.19:26
moppersRoxanne``, sorry: lsb-release -a19:26
Aaruni|OSXmichealPW: it used to gallium 0.4 or something like that, then I decided to install fglrx, now it shows VESA:PARK19:26
Aaruni|OSXramblingpirate: BTW, for that gears thing, I got 1000+ FPS19:27
Aaruni|OSX(and that probably caused the ACPI shutdown)19:27
rhg135server dev.dtalley11.com +6668 rhg135/freenode:h67n9619:27
Helinaiis there anybody who can help me?19:27
michealPWAaruni|OSX: Open up your Catalyst Control Center19:27
ramblingpirateAaruni|OSX, gotcha. I'm not sure about the ACPI shutdown...I've never experienced that.19:28
chutneythere are 1749 people who might be able to19:28
michealPWUnder Power, what options do you have?19:28
Aaruni|OSXmichealPW, ramblingpirate : that laptop is shutdown now. it experienced overheat, and ACPI powered it off. currently I am on my macbook19:28
Roxanne``moppers: Not working. Command not found.19:28
michealPWOh, wow. Hrmm19:28
ramblingpiratethat's just what I said.19:29
moppersRoxanne``, my apologies: lsb_release -a19:29
michealPWThat's not good..19:29
moppersRoxanne``, first one is an undersfore, second is a minus19:29
michealPWHow old is the laptop, Aaruni|OSX ?19:29
Aaruni|OSX3 years, I think19:29
=== jack is now known as Guest6784
ramblingpiratethat's going to be a hw issue if it's overheating that quickly...unless it's getting more juice than it's supposed to. MFG power brick?19:29
michealPWAaruni|OSX: Have you opened it up and cleaned all the dust off it's fans and heatsinks?19:29
michealPWAaruni|OSX: Lately, I meant to include ^19:29
malimbarramblingpirate: the whole thing is too large for pastebin. I do see a lot of <jockey.detection.LocalKernelModulesDriverDB at (blah blah)> and a bunch of DEBUG: searching for handler for driver id type: 'kernal_module',  etc.19:30
HelinaiI had trouble with the installation of the 13.04 version, and now i cant do anything... i think drivers are gone and i cant connect to internet :S19:30
Aaruni|OSXa few days back19:30
michealPWAaruni|OSX: oh, interesting. So is this a new issue under linux, or has it always been running hot like this?19:30
Aaruni|OSXno, it is my lappy problem19:30
ramblingpiratemalimbar, try 'sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)'19:30
Aaruni|OSXlinux runs abuout 10 C cooler than windows in dual boot19:31
Roxanne``moppers: Yeah, I have the regular version from what I see.19:31
michealPWAaruni|OSX: Ah, okay so that's interesting. Can you go into your BIOS and change any frequencies or voltages?19:31
Aaruni|OSXmichealPW: no, its all greyed out19:32
malimbarramblingpirate: "linux-headers-3.2.0-41-generic is already the newest version"19:32
moppersRoxanne``, you can get rid of unity by using a diferent desktop e.g. "xubuntu" BUT i dont know if that's why macbuntu isn't working: should ask their support19:32
michealPWUsing AMD's Catalyst Control Center, you can cut power to the GPU...19:32
michealPWThat will dramatically decrease the heat.19:32
ramblingpiratemalimbar, hrmmm....are you using 12.10?19:32
Aaruni|OSXok, booting into that now, michealPW19:32
michealPWLet me find wher eit is first19:33
michealPWSo you don't have to run the lappy long :P19:33
michealPWIf ACPI is shutting it down I think that means it's getting severely hot, like in the 70 - 80 degree range, close to burning out for good :|19:33
malimbarramblingpirate: 12.04. I did have 13.10 installed, but then I went through and reinstalled 12.04, and I also manually removed 3.8.whatever earlier today19:33
Roxanne``moppers: Would I be able to put KDE over Unity? Would take it off?19:33
malimbarbut the problem was there with that kernel too19:34
Roxanne``moppers: Would I be able to put KDE over Unity? Would that take it off?19:34
Aaruni|OSXmichealPW: ACPI shuts down when GPU > 87, and CPU > 9019:34
moppersRoxanne``, Unknown, never touched kde before19:34
michealPWoh my goodness19:34
Aaruni|OSXalso, I can't find the powe cut option in Catalyst19:34
michealPWThat's incredibly hot, LMAO!19:34
HelinaiGuys please help me! I need it for work and right know im in a really baaaaad position...19:34
michealPWUnder PowerPlay or Switchable Graphics?19:35
chutneyHelinai, how far does it boot?19:35
michealPWYou might have to click Preferences and set the view to Advanced19:35
Aaruniok, ramblingpirate, I am back from ubuntu19:36
Helinaichutney: i can turn it on and use it but usb dont work, wifi and any other network type neither and the same goes for cd... it awfully slow19:36
Helinaiand if i open the software center or any ubuntu software it gives me errors and closes the program19:36
[JethroDawnfine]Roxanne``: can you read portuguese? >> http://www.diolinux.com.br/2013/04/omo-remover-o-unity-completamente-do-ubuntu-sem-quebrar-o-sistema.html19:37
aarcanehow does one use the :i386 packages from ubuntu x64?19:37
minimecHelinai: Did you do some kernel update? Did you try to boot an older kernel?19:37
AarunimichealPW: in powerplay, it is for higher performance, or battery life19:37
Aaruniit is set to performance when plugged in, and battery life, when not plugged in19:37
Helinaiminimec : no i didnt... it told me to update to the 13.04 version and i did but my dumb coworker forcely shut down the computer while it was updating :S19:38
michealPWSet both to higher battery life. Maybe that's some weird abstraction of it, Iunno? It's unfamiliar for me. I remember more general settings in here :|19:38
michealPWTo set frequency ranges.19:38
michealPWMaybe just set that and power off for now19:38
michealPWWhile I try to find where the setting is exactly19:38
Jordan_UHelinai: Open a terminal and run "sudo dpkg --configure -a".19:38
Aaruniits 1:08 AM here, michealPW. If i shut down now, then I'll be back only tomorrow19:39
michealPWDoes your BIOS have temperature readings? Do you know if it's the CPU or the GPU that's reaching peak temperature?19:39
michealPWOr both, maybe?19:39
Aaruniits usually the CPU reaching peak19:39
michealPWLOL Aaruni. Alrighty, that's fine. Maybe we can figure it out tomorrow ;)19:39
AaruniI did some stress testing under windows19:39
HelinaiJordan_U : just a sec because its reaaaaly slow19:39
michealPWOh okay, interesting. So maybe we're barking up the wrong tree with the Catalyst Control.19:39
minimecHelinai: Well... you upgraded... and that broke. So you are in the middle of an update... Can you run 'sudo update-manager -d' in a console?19:39
AarunimichealPW: http://edufor.fosspowered.com/img/image.php?di=NWFQ19:39
michealPWI'll try and find out how to scale down that i3. Maybe disable it's integrated GPU if it has one?19:40
minimecHelinai: In a terminal, not a console ;)19:40
Aarunino integrated GPU in that19:40
Helinaiminimec: now i try... :) thanks in advance guys, just a sec and i tell you what it says ;)19:40
Jordan_Uminimec: 1: update-manager doesn't need to be run as root (it will bring up its own authentication dialog using policy kit) 2: For GUI apps you should never use sudo directly, always use gksudo 3: The "-d" switch for update-manager is for enabling upgrades to *Development* releases, which is certainly not what we want here.19:41
Roxanne``[JethroDawnfine]: Yes, I can.19:42
Bray90820_Is there a faster version of the flash player the official one is making my computer incredibly show19:42
ramblingpirateAaruni, which i3 is it?19:43
[JethroDawnfine]Roxanne``: well, they're showing how to remove Unity without breaking ubuntu 12.04, and installing KDE instead...maybe that would help19:43
Jordan_UBray90820_: No, but you can avoid using flash with things like http://youtube.com/html5 .19:43
moppersBray90820_, google chrome has an improved flash player19:43
michealPWAaruni: Still awake?19:43
Bray90820_i am using firefox19:43
moppersBray90820_, adobe dropped desktop linux flash support, and google took over19:43
michealPWOh nvm19:43
Aaruniyeah, one minute19:43
Helinaiim doing the "sudo dpkg --configure -a" its taking a while19:43
moppersBray90820_, with firefox, you dont get the proprietary improed flash player that chrome uses19:43
AarunimichealPW, ramblingpirate : Intel® Core™ i3 CPU M 370 @ 2.40GHz × 419:43
Jordan_UHelinai: That's expected. It will hopefully complete the upgrade.19:44
minimecJordan_U: I agree with you, but he is exactly in a 'broken upgrade' situation. That's why I consider the '-d' option. I will rembember the 'sudo thing' ;)19:44
dsolsmanis there a place i can buy linux tech support for a small problem i feel overwhelmed by?19:44
Bray90820_what about chromium19:44
Aaruniits dual core, with hyper-threading, ramblingpirate, michealPW19:44
moppersdsolsman, canonical will for ubuntu, see their website19:44
moppersBray90820_, no chromium doesn't have it, it' [the flashplayer] is not open source19:44
Jordan_Uminimec: What does allowing upgrade to a development release have to do with finishing an upgrade to a stable release?19:44
chutneydsolsman, what is the small problem?19:44
Bray90820_so the only way is to use chrome?19:45
michealPWAaruni: I found a couple topics on that, setting some grub-settings to enable advanced power management for that core i3, but it was all related to the integrated HD GPU.19:45
dsolsmanis there an alternative to canonical's plan?  its expensive and i just have one problem, and dont want to suscribe.19:45
ramblingpirateAaruni, try 'cpupower frequency -info'19:45
michealPWSo I guess it wont affect yours.19:45
chutneydsolsman, what is the small problem?19:45
HelinaiJordan_U minimec : thanks in advance guys... ill let you know soon ;)19:45
Aaruniramblingpirate: ok, one minute19:45
michealPWI'm not sure, mate. Could it just be a poorly designed laptop? Maybe there's just not good air flow or adequate cooling? :\19:45
Aaruniramblingpirate: cpupower: command not found19:45
minimecJordan_U: We will see. If he is prompted to upgrade to 13.10 he will hesitate I guess.19:45
dsolsmanI'm trying to install an audio interface but im having problems loading the module and applying the settings for Jackd in Realtime19:46
Bray90820_is there any other browser besides  chrome that has improved flash player?19:46
AarunimichealPW: that has to be it19:46
ramblingpiratemichealPW, the only other thing I can think of is the ondemand governor isn't kicking in properly.19:46
Roxanne``[JethroDawnfine]: Thankies =319:46
minimecHelinai: Consider 'gksudo update-manager' instead of my command.19:46
moppersdsolsman, you said 'audio interface' not soundcard and you said 'jackd' : is this a pro-audio sound card?19:46
chutneydsolsman, asking it here is free19:46
michealPWramblingpirate: Oh right, the cpu frequency scaling that they do? Hrmm, I'm not sure how that works on linux. I thought acpi handled that? :\19:46
Helinaiminimec : ok ;)19:47
dsolsmanit is a tascam us-144. its an interface that operates like a sound card.19:47
dsolsmanits usb19:47
ramblingpiratemichealPW, as far as I know, it's handled by the kernel AFAIK.19:47
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moppersok so live monitoring of your recordings and such?19:47
Jordan_UHelinai: minimec: For now, just wait for "sudo dpkg --configure -a" to finish before doing anything else.19:47
AarunimichealPW: its done by kernel19:47
dsolsmanyeah, but i just want to be able to play audio from it mostly19:47
dsolsmanthat way i dont have to replug everything when i dual boot to windows19:48
ramblingpirateAaruni, if I had more time, I'd help you going through tweaking the governor but I have somewhere to be unfortunately...19:48
malimbarramblingpirate: alright, I got the whole jockey log uploaded to my google drive. Hope it helps: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0BxtYyDIchB5dSF80VmVkRlRNVEE/edit?usp=sharing19:48
HelinaiJordan_U : yes :)19:48
michealPWAaruni: This is the grub parameters that supposedly turns on advanced pm features for core i3. Again though, to warn you this was for core i3's with IGPs. Maybe it will help, though?: pcie_aspm=force i915.i915_enable_rc6=1 i915.i915_enable_fbc=1 i915.lvds_downclock=119:48
Aaruniramblingpirate: its ok19:48
moppersi have motu, but i had to get it setup for me, linux pro audio is hard19:48
AarunimichealPW: its ok19:48
Aaruninot messing with that19:48
michealPWhehe yea19:49
dsolsmanthe thing is if i dont either find someone to show me how to automate it to work i probably wont stick with ubuntu long19:49
dsolsmanthere is this guide http://wiki.briata.org/doku.php19:49
moppersdsolsman, there are people who use linux for pro audio but it's not very mature on linux: your best bet is forums IMO19:49
dsolsmancan you suggest a specific forum?19:49
moppersdsolsman, for example the quality of VSTs and stuff on linux is awful19:49
Aarunimaybe, the thing is as simple as an old application of thermal paste, which needs to be replaced, ramblingpirate, michealPW19:49
Aarunianyways, good night, I can't stay up any longer19:50
dsolsmanyeah, i just want to be play to play audio from it's mixer.19:50
michealPWAaruni: True, yea.19:50
michealPWAaruni: Good luck, mate! Maybe we'll both be on again tomorrow ;)19:50
Aarunigood night, guys19:50
moppersas much as i love ubuntu, iw ill say you're in for a really hard time19:51
dsolsmani mean, i don19:51
michealPWPro audio on linux is horsepoop.19:51
dsolsmant plan on using it for audio recording on linux, just playing audio will suffice.19:51
michealPWAll the good software is for Windows. Cakewalk Pro, SONAR etc. It's all for Windows and WINE will not run them. 'course this is all from 2007 the last time I tried to build a pro audio studio powered by Linux.19:52
ramblingpiratemalimbar, it looks like it's trying to install NVIDIA drivers. do you have an nvidia or amd card?19:52
michealPWIt was such a shame.. The OS itself is so ideal. The lack of software is a no-go, though :\19:52
michealPWIt's the same with video editing, really.19:52
malimbarramblingpirate: I have an nvidia card19:52
dsolsmanalright thanks guys19:52
michealPWdsolsman: Wait, what?19:52
ramblingpirateyou weren't trying to install fglrx were you?19:53
ZehleHello! I'm having a problem with writing from python to a html doc. Can someone take a look at this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5633361/19:53
contrapunctusmichealPW : Wat19:53
michealPWdsolsman: I thought you were aiming for pro audio recording? Maybe I misunderstood the question.19:53
moppersdsolsman, see pm19:53
contrapunctus<- has been using it for pro audio for quite a while, quite satisfied.19:53
michealPWcontrapunctus: What are your requirements?19:53
contrapunctusmichealPW - *Jack Sparrow voice* Clearly you've never used KXStudio [since last year onwards].19:54
michealPWLast time I gave it an honest attempt was 2007, with Ubuntu Studio 7.04.19:54
michealPWOh last year? Nope, certainly have not!19:54
contrapunctusmichealPW, score writing, audio recording, MIDI production. Mostly do classical work and film scoring.19:54
ZehleAnyone here experienced on Python to HTML?19:55
michealPWOh. Well, what seems to be the problem?19:55
contrapunctusmichealPW, Laborejo is awesome, Musescore isn't bad for newbies, and KXstudio tools, qtractor, qsynth, qsampler and linuxsampler...bulletproof.19:56
moppersit does work, it's just not very mature19:56
HelinaiJordan_U minimec : its done, what do i do? restar?19:56
moppersZehle, #python is really good at python19:56
contrapunctusArdour3 is going pretty nice too, from what I hear. I haven't used it so far, though. Plugins are steadily developing, BitWig is coming, everyone's upbeat about Carla.19:56
contrapunctusSo...I recommend you try it out again ;)19:56
dsolsmanI'm trying to install the us-144 module. i have turned off usb2.0 and set it to run as a usb1.1 as the guide suggests. i just want to use the device to play audio from, not record, and not use in a DAW or other recording software.19:56
minimecHelinai: yes, to load the new kernel and modules.19:56
Zehlemoppers: Sorry ;)19:57
moppersi gave up with ardour19:57
moppershow many hours of fiddign with ardour? and then i did what i wanted in about 6 clicks on mixcraft :(19:57
contrapunctusmoppers: A lot of things go much faster on Linux compared to other OSes...and naturally vice versa.19:58
Bray90820so apparently the slowness wasn't just from the flash player19:58
Bray90820so apparently the slowness wasn't just from the flash player19:58
Bray90820unity is just slow all around19:58
mopperscontrapunctus, linux can do pro audio , i do not doubt that . but the leatning process is hard, and the tools are trickier to use19:58
contrapunctusmoppers, why not discuss this in #opensourcemusicians? I got music to make, I just happened to see this here ;)19:59
michealPWArdour and another was like Audacity. I tried a bunch of different things back in the day. Ultimately, nothing held a candle to Cakewalk, SONAR or ProTools for the Mac.19:59
mopperscontrapunctus, now if you like fidding with them, sure it will work for you: but if you want to just plugin a  guitar and go, becuae you're a musician not a geek, linux pro audio wont work for you19:59
michealPWIt's pretty cool that there's KXStudio, though. Will be very interesting to poke around with that.19:59
michealPWThe requirements of the guy who had me try were pretty crazy, though..19:59
contrapunctusmoppers - I get tired of saying this...on the two audio distros I used (and the one that i eventually settled for), I had to setup only...once. Eveeer.19:59
contrapunctusFrom there on it was plug and play.20:00
michealPWHe had a full-blown recording studio in his basement. A $250,000 mixing table with 64 high-definition inputs (real-time inputs....)20:00
mopperscontrapunctus, i have the time to try one this weekend, which one should i try?20:00
michealPWSo, to do that, first I needed a realtime kernel. That was the first hurdle. Next, he had Cakewalk Pro Audio setup with over 150 different audio effects plugins..20:00
michealPW*nothing* could hold a candle to that... *nothing*20:00
michealPWNot back then, anyways.20:00
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:00
michealPWHow is Ubuntu Studio off topic?20:01
michealPWMeh. Whatever.20:01
wilee-nileeget a room guys, lol20:01
HelinaiJordan_U minimec : Guys its working!!!! :D thank you so much!!! i owe you big time!20:01
wilee-nileeits not support is all20:01
contrapunctusDefinitely UbuntuStudio 12.04 + KXStudio. You can have help setting up in #kxstudio, #opensourcemusicians, and on linuxmusicians.com.20:01
snowveilI made a launcher for the game "Don't Starve" on my launcher panel, and it launches then immediately closes.  If I double click the executable in nautilus it works fine...any ideas? (ubuntu 12.04 64 bit)20:01
mopperscontrapunctus, remember if i need the help, the experiment is a failire :)20:02
contrapunctusmoppers, everyone needs help setting up. I did too.20:02
contrapunctusBut after that setup one doesn't need anything.20:02
ramblingpiratenow kiss.20:02
Bray90820i was looking at some of my unity logs and i got this error20:03
Bray90820WARN  2013-05-04 15:01:35 unity <unknown>:0 Unable to fetch children: No such interface `org.ayatana.bamf.view' on object at path /org/ayatana/bamf/application0x8c6db020:03
michealPWUnity trying to "fetch children"20:03
michealPWThat sounds so wrong. Tsk tsk :P20:03
michealPWSorry, awefull joke. I couldn't resist :(20:03
Bray90820michealPW: do you know what i should do tho20:03
malimbarwoh, they didn't say kiss with tounge20:03
betraydsnowveil: that launcher, try to run the exec part in a terminal20:04
Bray90820I actually get a bunch of errors i am going to pastebin the hole output20:04
michealPWBray90820: In general, though.. you can ignore Warnings as long as the program functions as expected.20:05
betraydBray90820: only a warning though20:05
michealPWBray90820: Is Unity functioning properly, besides that warning?20:05
Bray90820it is kinda slow20:05
michealPWSo then it's functioning perfectly fine.20:05
Vivekanandahey there20:05
moppersBray90820, linux spits out error msg and warnings like crazy, usually ignore them20:05
michealPW*ahem* sorry.20:06
streulmaanyone using ubuntu on a Mac ?20:06
Bray90820moppers: i got thoes errors when i reset unity20:06
moppersstreulma, i used to ,on an airbook, until the airbook broke. installation was a real pain20:06
michealPWstreulma: Briefly20:06
JossseHello Guys. Often when I install packages, big documentation packages are installed too. Is this really necessary, can I prevent this from happening? What do you think?20:06
Bray90820and teh reason i reset it was because it was running really showly20:06
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Bray90820and still is20:06
michealPWJossse: Documentation is always good. As far as I know, you can't override this behavior since most of the time, the package depends on the documentation.20:07
Bray90820if anyone does wanna take a look here it is20:07
mopperscentos doesnt install man by default, i dont think20:07
benzrfhey! I'm using Skype in Ubuntu, does anybody here know how to enable beeping when I get messaged?20:07
moppersso you can get rid of the docs, but no real need on ubuntu.20:07
moppersat least for home user20:08
streulmamoppers: /usr/share/man20:08
streulmaor /usr/share/doc20:08
benzrfadditionally, how can I make it so that alt-tab once always switches programs and not just the most recent window?20:08
michealPWstreulma: Honestly, I gave up. Installation was a major process.. Getting the machine to boot was another process.. Getting the fans working and regulating the temperature properly was another hassle.20:08
michealPWI beat that dead horse with a stick for 4 days... Still it was nearly unusable.20:08
streulmaI got it running :)20:09
streulmaboot from CD20:09
streulmaas Legacy mode20:09
michealPWEven with the fans running at a constant 3000 rpm it couldn't properly regulate it's temperature under any significant load.20:09
JossseThanks michealPW .20:09
michealPWThe biggest problem was the Optimus chip and the nVidia 650m GPU.20:09
Bray90820so does anyone know why unity is honorably slow20:09
moppersstreulma, i loved the airbook hardware but was too closed a platform, when it broke i was sadface until i got a chromebook. but yes ubuntu does work on macs20:10
gustavmichealPW: "Was?"20:10
moppersgustav, not any more as he junked the box :)20:10
michealPWgustav: Haha, I sold the MacBook Pro and got a PC... "was" indeed :)20:10
michealPWhar har har!20:10
gustavAah. Clever.20:10
michealPWI know, right?! LOL that's the only sane approach to dealing with an Optimus chip :D20:10
gustavI could just chuck my GPU.20:10
moppersBray90820, was it slow before or is this new?20:11
streulmaI would use Ubuntu on it and don't buy a new PC20:11
michealPWPut the POS on kijiji and pray to the gods that some sucker will buy it :D20:11
betraydBray90820: is it always that org.something seems like a bad theme20:11
moppersif gods existed those chips wouldnt20:11
streulmait's a good one the Macbook, early 2011 macbook pro 17 inch i7 quad with 16gb of mem20:11
Bray90820it has always been slow20:11
sam113101Bray90820: which version of ubuntu are you using?20:12
michealPWstreulma: Pfft. Aweful! Better value in a PC.20:12
moppersBray90820, what graphics card?20:12
Bray90820and sometime unity complacently crashes and i need to manually restart the computer20:12
sam113101unity was slow for me in 12.10, but it's fast in 13.0420:12
streulmaahhhh 13.04, some bugs not solved20:12
streulmaI solved 1 bug :)20:13
streulmain the installer20:13
michealPWBray90820: I don't think it's Unity that is slow.. But your GPU. Try: sudo apt-get install pastebinit mesa-utils && glxinfo | pastebinit20:13
Bray90820ATI Radeon 570020:13
streulmaBray90820: http://wiki.cchtml.com20:13
streulmaBray90820: to install Catalyst 13.420:14
streulmamichaelPW: what do you mean with "better value in a PC" ?20:15
Janekswell I turned windows on after half year of using only ubuntu, and I can tell some things there should be in ubuntu needed to improve20:15
streulmathat PC is better ?20:15
betraydfor less money, can be a doorstop when it's old20:15
michealPWstreulma: Yes. The MacBook Pro with Retina display that I paid $2100 for absolutely PALES in comparison to this PC-based laptop built by ASUS.20:16
Janeksfor example directory icons in windows shows whats inside of them (file type) etc20:16
michealPWLoaded with AMD hardware... A quad-core 64-bit Opteron processor and 2.. That's right, count them with me, TWO Radeon GPUs, one is discrete with 1GB of memory.20:16
streulmaI have 1 problem with Ubuntu on Mac > install opensource graphics or ATI Catalyst ?20:16
Bray90820_unity crashed again20:16
Bray90820_what did you want me to do in the terminal again20:17
michealPWstreulma: Open Source is stable... However, fglrx (ATI Catalyst) is the best power and temperature management...20:17
streulmaanother problem: use 12.04 or 13.04 with some bugs20:17
Bray90820_and i am using the proprietary driver otherwise my graphics card fan won't stop spinning20:17
streulmaor revert to 12.1020:17
michealPWstreulma: The best battery life and thermal temperatures are seen with fglrx, I find.. Although sometimes fglrx can't resume from friggin' sleeping LMAO. Open Source typically can sleep, hibernate and dim led backlights like a champ.20:17
michealPWstreulma: In my honest opinion, I recommend 12.04. It's LTS and will be fully supported right into 2017. Ubuntu 13.04 is still very new and will of course have bugs. It's not LTS.20:18
michealPWHowever.. If 13.04 works fine for you, that's fine too..20:19
michealPWIf you're having problems with 13.04 though, you might save yourself a lot of hassle and time and use 12.04.20:19
tony_how run open vpn on ubunt20:19
michealPWOh wait.. streulma. That question was related to the macbook? In that case you dont' really have much choice haha. I couldn't even get 12.04 to boot on the macbook. I had to use the nightly build of 13.04 for the 3.8 kernel.20:20
Janeksthere should be an option to switch unity sidebar to be in bottom20:20
michealPW12.04 would kernel panic, basically no matter what I did it would not even boot the liveCD successfully (rofl)20:20
theadmintony_: sudo apt-get install network-manager-openvpn{,-gnome} and you should be able to use it from the menus.20:20
michealPWWhich makes sense, I mean MacBooks are pure EFI systems using GUID Partition Tables, brand new hardware and exotic hardware like the funky Optimus chip. The latest kernel and a modern UEFI/GPT-aware installer is your only hope (rofl)20:22
theadminmichealPW: Both 12.04 and 13.04 are EFI- and GPT-aware.20:22
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theadminHowever, macs... Eh.20:23
streulmamiachelPW: no :)20:23
michealPWI just gave up. Screw it. It's not worth the money.20:23
streulmamichaelPW: boot from Live and run GParted, create a new Partition Table with MBR20:24
theadminGetting a regular OS to run on a Mac is as much of trouble as getting OS X to work on a regular computer...20:24
Bray90820_This time i got a flash player error with chrome20:24
michealPWstreulma: Yea but that's destructive haha. You'll whipe the recovery HD partition :/20:24
Bray90820_when i went full screen everything went white20:24
streulmamichaelPW :)20:24
michealPWAnd also OS X. With no CD, you can't get OS X back, it's in the recovery HD partition LOL. Well unless there's some way I'm not aware of (rofl)20:24
streulmamichaelPW: do CMD + R and you'll get Internet Recovery20:25
streulmamichaelPW: from Lion on20:25
michealPWHow would that work if you cleared the Recovery HD? :\20:25
tony_how install software on ubuntu20:25
michealPWUnless it's stored in a chip on the mainboard, I guess. Weird20:25
theadmintony_: Using the Software Center.20:25
streulmamichaelPW: from Internet :)20:25
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streulmamichaelPW: cmd +R on boot and you will get Internet Recovery (booting recovery from internet)20:26
theadminmichealPW: Netboot or something... Wouldn't be too hard to pull off DHCP and a netboot image of some sort.20:26
michealPWstreulma: Nono, I mean... Booting th emac and holding Command+R, that 'causes the Darwin bootloader to start booting from the Recovery HD partition, unless I understand the mechanism wrong?20:26
tony_how install software on ubuntu20:26
theadmintony_: I just said. Use the software centre.20:26
MonkeyDust!apt | tony_20:26
ubottutony_: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)20:26
ThinkT510!software | tony_20:26
ubottutony_: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents20:26
michealPWstreulma: It's the same thing that happened to this ASUS PC... Destroying the GPT destroyed the Recovery partition, making my F9 rescue key completely useless LOL20:26
streulmamichaelPW: if you have no recovery partition it will boot from Internet20:26
madprops!language tony20:27
Bray90820_The error i got was "chrome crashed with SIGABRT in raise()"20:27
oz6ohHello friends i am looking for people knowing something about strobe in parrallelport programming leg 1 on 25 pole20:27
MonkeyDustoz6oh  how is that ubuntu related?20:27
michealPWtheadmin: Mm, I suppose. They could just put that in the chip where EFI is I guess? :\20:28
michealPWA little rescue operating system, basically... Hrmm!20:28
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tony_Hello friends i am looking for people knowing something about ssh20:28
oz6ohmonkey because i use it on my ubuntu 13.0420:28
theadminmichealPW: Yeah. Then again I have no macs anywhere near me (thank goodness, because otherwise I'd be fined for breaking them to bits), so I'm not sure. This is just a suggestion.20:29
theadmintony_: Backtrack is not supported.20:29
oz6ohMonkeyDust i use terminal c and a program20:29
Bray90820_i am on a 12 CORE MacPro as we speak20:29
Bray90820_and have a macbook behind me20:29
tony_an one use   backtrack5r320:30
streulmaBray90820_ and use Ubuntu native ? :)20:30
streulmanice :)20:30
Bray90820_it's a triboot with windows 7, OSX, and ubuntu20:31
oz6ohMonkeyDust is my question not good here ???20:31
betrayd ubuntu with OPEN source graphics!20:31
Bray90820_i wish i could use the open grahics driver20:32
Bray90820_but if i do my video card won't shut up20:32
DJones!backtrack | tony_20:33
ubottutony_: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), kali-linux (#kali-linux), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)20:33
nyuszika7hMidori froze, I killed it with SIGTERM, then it crashed with SIGSEGV (Cannot access memory at address 0xb587941f)... is that normal?20:34
streulmaanyone interested in a opensource Java project from us ?20:34
mojtabaHi, Does anybody know, how can I move fast between workspace?20:35
DJones!pm > tony_20:35
ubottutony_, please see my private message20:35
mojtabaIs there any shortcut20:35
theadminmojtaba: Ctrl-Alt-arrow keys20:35
theadminmojtaba: Also, hold down your Super key to see a list of handy keyboard shortcuts.20:35
mojtabatheadmin: I want to go directly to the desired workspace.20:35
theadminmojtaba: Ah... Hm.20:36
mojtabatheadmin: I knew this, but I have 6 workspaces and do not want to reveal those in the middle, when switching.20:36
theadminmojtaba: Don't know of anything like that, might be possible to do though20:36
tony_Hello friends how use ssh20:37
ThinkT510!ssh | tony_20:37
ubottutony_: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)20:37
betraydmojtaba: if it's ewmh compliant wmctrl might work20:37
tony_Hello friends how use ssh20:39
johnjohn1011is compiz gtk loader viable?  or not really20:39
Gnea!ssh | tony_20:40
ubottutony_: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)20:40
DJonestony_: You've just been given the instructions on how to use SSH, please read them20:40
transit441anyone here have experience setting up openvpn on an ubuntu server20:40
transit441that can spare 5-10 minutes20:40
transit441ia lmost ogt it done but im snaggged on soimetime20:40
streulmamichaelPW: why isn't Mac OS X good ?20:40
transit441streulma: OSX is fantastic20:41
transit441im a programmera nd i use OSX20:41
ThinkT510streulma: not a discussion for this channel20:41
transit441C C++ PHP PHP java python20:41
transit441anyone wanna help me with a VPN problem?20:41
streulmatransit441: openvpn yes20:41
transit441can uhelp me20:41
michealPWI found for the price-point, OS X is not up to par. Even compared to completely free operating systems, like Ubuntu, OS X is pretty bad.20:44
DJones!ot | michealPW20:44
ubottumichealPW: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:44
g480how gadmei utv380 usb tvtuner work on ubuntu?20:45
himanshu_linuxhi , I am using ubuntu 13.04  and after logging in .. gets crash (and nothing work) . So i typed "unity" in terminal , the got even worse ..... PLease Help :(20:45
bindican I ask about Cacti on ubuntu? I just installed it using 'sudo apt-get install cacti' and configured everything, but now it gives me this error: ERROR: opening '/var/lib/cacti/rra/localhost_mem_buffers_3.rrd': No such file or directory20:45
michealPWIt's completely lacking in the field of Security. It's a wide-open system, the deeper you dig. Riddle with bugs, due to Apple's constant urge to re-invent well established wheels, such as MIME Types.20:45
himanshu_linuxhow to reset it??20:46
michealPWApologies, DJones.20:46
michealPW*zips it*20:46
DJonesmichealPW: The discussion would be fine in #ubuntu-offtopic, just not something to support in this channel20:47
michealPWI don't know why I always forget about #ubuntu-offtopic20:47
michealPWLOL I should probably be in there, not here :P20:47
himanshu_linuxMy system suddenly got crashed ... and nothing is working . I am using 13.04 . please help ..20:47
MonkeyDusthimanshu_linux  any error messages?20:48
MonkeyDust!work | himanshu_linux20:49
ubottuhimanshu_linux: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.20:49
JoshDreamlandHi; nautilus does this cool new thing wherein, instead of just selecting the first filename matching the string I type, it performs a painfully slow search for files containing that text. Is there a setting for that, or was this another executive decision I'm going to have to take or leave?20:51
himanshu_linuxMonkeyDust : when i logged in system my , it gets crash... so i typed unity in terminal thinking it will restore .. but now nothing is working. Right now i am using Guest Account of the system ..20:51
MoL0ToVhello world20:51
himanshu_linuxMonkeyDust : yesterday i have installed the system20:52
JoshDreamlandnever mind, I should have switched to XFCE when Torvalds did two years ago. Cheers.20:53
Luke23aeI got a question: can you upgrade from 12.04 to 13.04 from within ubuntu?20:53
ntzrmtthihu777Hullo. I've installed precise x32 on an acer aspire one d270-1824; the network manager sees the various ap's and attempts connection, but it does not get a real connection. the live cd connected fine-ish, but not in-install. iwconfig shows the ap mac just fine. is it working and just not connecting or is it malfunctioning.20:53
dakotawulfyLuke23ae first to 12.04 to 12.10 then 12.10 to 13.0420:54
ntzrmtthihu777Luke23ae: I would not suggest it. one 13.04 is still pretty cutting edge, and two in-install upgrades tend to be messy.20:54
Luke23aedakotawulfy: thanks20:54
Luke23aentzrmtthihu777: alright, then I guess it's too early now20:54
dakotawulfyLuke23ae I was able to get it to work on the 64 bit to work but not the 32 bit20:55
Luke23aedakotawulfy: alright. I wasn't aware it's not really stable yet. I just wanted to install the latest version20:56
ntzrmtthihu777Luke23ae: I stick to lts's myself, as 1. they are supported longer, 2. I've had better experience with them, and 3. should you want to do an in-install upgrade, you can jump straight between lts versions without having to do the intermediary versions.20:56
nsaquaticsafternoon... anybody have a second to help me with my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server? mysql server doesn't want to start because of permissions problems.. As far as I can tell, it has all the right permissions, but still does not want start telling me that it is unable to read/write to the PID file.20:57
wilee-nileensaquatics, You might check in #ubuntu-server20:57
ntzrmtthihu777!EOL | nsaquatics20:58
ubottunsaquatics: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:58
ntzrmtthihu777wilee-nilee: oh wait, lts server is 5 years, huh?20:58
nsaquaticswilee-nilee: Thanks, will do.20:58
wilee-nileentzrmtthihu777, Yes20:59
Luke23aecan you expect that the latest versions of applications will be available for 12.10 or will they usually be available for 13.10 first? (or at least are the usually released for 12.10 in a reasonable time)?21:00
michealPWLuke23ae: You might not want to hear this, but the answer is most likely 12.04... Not 12.10 *or* 13.04.21:01
michealPW12.04 is LTS and supported into 2017... Software development companies wet their pants for this kind of thing.21:01
wilee-nileeLuke23ae, expect nothing to many people involved.21:01
michealPWA garuantee that the platform will not move/change until 2017.. Brilliant :P21:01
DJonesLuke23ae: Newer version's of software generally don't get brought out once an Ubuntu version has been released21:02
Luke23aeok, thanks for your anwsers guys :)21:02
DJones!newest | Luke23ae This explains it better,21:02
ubottuLuke23ae This explains it better,: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.21:02
Luke23aeubottu: thanks21:03
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)21:03
johnjohn1011if you upgrade, you should back up just in case.21:08
Jonah_dError on update to 13.04 -> http://pastebin.com/j223usHx   HELP?21:09
=== Plinker_ is now known as Plinker
shogootAnyone to help me troubleshoot this? Forbidden You don't have permission to access /smn.php on this server. Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server at Port 80 - Seems i got the var/www direcotry messed up rightswise, and i can t mak emy web page dispaly....21:13
kkerwinStupid question: how do I figure out what version of Ubuntu I'm running? I've updated so many times I can't keep track ...21:17
shogootuname -a21:17
kkerwinshogoot: Didn't give me the info I needed.21:17
MoL0ToVbye to all21:17
kkerwinshogoot: Just got: Linux frodo 3.2.0-40-generic #64-Ubuntu SMP Mon Mar 25 21:22:10 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux21:17
adamkkkerwin: lsb_release -a21:17
shogootcat /etc/*-release21:18
kkerwinadamk: Excellent. Thank you.21:18
kkerwinI'm running 12.04; how do I upgrade again? Command line is fine.21:18
shogootsudo update, tehn upgrade21:18
kkerwinCurrent version is 13.04, if memory serves.21:18
theadminkkerwin: You can only update to 12.10 and then to 13.04.21:18
kkerwintheadmin: Sounds good. How do I go about doing that, please?21:19
mustmodifyJust installed 13.04. On login, screen is having some kind of drawing problem. Here's a screen shot of a picture from my phone. https://url.odesk.com/g1toqf21:19
theadminkkerwin: That's a tedious process and will take a few hours. If that's fine, then modify the file /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades so that Prompt=normal, after which run "sudo do-release-upgrade".21:20
gerritvkCan someone help me with zfs on 12.04. I have imported the pool but it won't mount. When I try any commands concerning zfs or zpool the console just sits there21:20
kkerwintheadmin: Better now than later. Thank you for your help.21:20
theadminkkerwin: I personally suggest waiting for 14.04 and upgrading directly to that (LTS -> LTS is possible).21:20
theadminkkerwin: 13.04 doesn't have any noticable changes, really, apart from maybe better hardware support if that's what you're looking for21:21
kkerwintheadmin: Having difficulty installing WoW under the version of Wine available to me at present.21:21
theadminkkerwin: eeeh. Upgrading for that isn't worth it.21:21
theadminkkerwin: Check winehq.org, they provide repositories with the latest WINE for supported Ubuntu releases.21:21
kkerwintheadmin: Very well; I'll try that.21:22
kkerwintheadmin: Thank you again for your help. Also, when will 14.04 be released? Don't want to fall off the bandwagon again. :D21:22
theadminkkerwin: Ubuntu release versions are year.month, so... 2014, April.21:23
mustmodifyJust installed 13.04. On login, screen is having some kind of rendering issue:  https://url.odesk.com/g1toqf21:23
kkerwintheadmin: Good to know; thanks again.21:23
gerritvkCan someone help me with zfs on 12.04. I have imported the pool but it won't mount the datasets. When I try any commands concerning zfs or zpool the console just sits there. I have gotten it to work 1 time.21:23
theadminkkerwin: So in short, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install wine21:23
kkerwintheadmin: Ooer. You just saved me about five minutes of googling; thanks!21:24
seronisrecently broke my ties to Win7 and figured out most of my essential features.  having an issue with PeerGuardian though21:25
seronisis there some hidden way to load an iplist as an ALLOW list?21:25
kkerwinseronis: Congratulations on the divorce.21:25
seronisthe gui seems to allow lists for blocking, and only individual IP/ports for whitelisting21:25
seroniskkerwin,  i noticed fully a third of my steam library is on Steam Linux,  so no reason not to give it a month as a trial run21:26
theadminseronis: They're running WoW, that has no Linux version.21:27
kkerwinseronis: Indeed. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with your problem, but good luck.21:27
seroniskkerwin,  thanks anyways =-)21:27
seronistheadmin, i've used WINE in the past.. im aware it can get a lot of stuff going but its nice to have native versions too21:27
Dr_willisYou could make up some script and use iptables directly seronis . but it will all depend on what services you are doing and trying to bock21:28
rypervencheseronis: If you want it for all services, iptables would be the best way to go about it.21:28
gerritvkCan someone help me with zfs on 12.04. I have imported the pool but it won't mount the datasets. When I try any commands concerning zfs or zpool the console just sits there. I have gotten it to work 1 time.21:28
Dr_willis!info peerguardian21:28
ubottuPackage peerguardian does not exist in raring21:28
seronisDr_willis,  im more interested in getting the same GUI features that PeerBlock had.   being able to see exact what is getting blocked as it happens and simply allow things on temp or perm basis21:28
theadminseronis: I agree. Then again, if the software runs natively, it's wine version is likely to perform just as fine. Was the case with many Source-based games for me, for instance, even those not ported yet (e.g. Portal 2)21:28
seronisand still manage the large lists21:28
SunSoulwho summons me?21:29
Dr_willisseronis,  peerblock is just for blocking torrent monitoring sites isent it?21:29
mustmodifyCan someone recommend a channel on which I might find help with my graphics issue?21:29
seronisDr_willis,  its the same thing as peer guardian.. its a massive  blacklist/whitelist manager for all traffic21:29
BHXSpecterokay googling for errors has worked a on a few errors but now I have this error and I can't find a result for it though http://pastebin.com/GJt6Ynyu21:29
theadminmustmodify: This is the right channel, but it seems nobody who can help is online. Try http://askubuntu.com21:29
seronisDr_willis, at some point it branched off FROM the PG code21:29
mustmodifytheadmin: ok thanks21:30
rypervencheseronis: Personally I would use a different torrent client that allows it from within the program, like qbittorrent.21:30
Dr_willisseronis,  I looked into it once i recall ages ago..  I just recall people thinking it made torrenting 'safe from the cops' which it definatly does not. ;)21:30
kkerwinHrm. I know that #winehq would be a better place to ask this, but they're silent: trying to install WoW, and keep getting it hanging at "Checking for Updates". Also, getting this error in the console: ". err:wininet:open_http_connection create_netconn failed: 1003621:30
seronisrypervenche, Dr_willis :   but torrents is only a small part of it.  i dont want it limited to one program.   want it system wide21:30
rypervencheseronis: Then I would use iptables.21:30
seronisbut IP tables (when i was looking it over, could be wrong) looked like its not good for feedback21:31
rypervencheseronis: Assuming you have a list of IP addresses.21:31
theadminkkerwin: Well, wine isn't supported here so you'll have better luck in #winehq regardless. Check the Wine Application Database for your app, it might have fixes for common problems with it.21:31
BHXSpecterstuck at hospital until monday morning otherwise I would just back up my code and reinstall 12.10 and install everything again, but figured I have two days...might as well try to fix it myself21:31
Dr_willisseronis,  to be honest.. i dont even see the need for it running on a linux box.   Only things i see 'comming' in on a normal basis are random port scans or people trying to ssh in. those are easially blocked by other tools21:31
rypervencheseronis: There are front-ends for iptables, such as gufw.21:31
kkerwintheadmin: Damn. Been there, done that. :(21:31
seronisrypervenche,  im  4 days into my linux experiment..  hadnt found that out yet =-)21:32
seronisguess i'll keep looking into iptables too21:32
rypervencheseronis: That's a fairly simple-to-use GUI frontend for iptables.21:32
Dr_willisseronis,  to to be honest with you - I think you are still in a 'windows mindset' where you think such things are needed.  when they really are not  needed for a typical linux setup.21:32
seroniscan it also manage downloading the various lists from the urls where they are maintained21:32
theadminrypervenche, seronis: correction: gufw is a frontend for, well, ufw. Which is a frontend for iptables, I guess.21:32
rypervencheseronis: But like they said, you probably don't even need to block all of those IP addresses.21:32
Dr_willisbut have fun ;)21:33
rypervenchetheadmin: Right right.21:33
theadminrypervenche: Eh, just saying because some might have something against ufw for one reason or another.21:33
seronispeerguardian linux installed nice.. and its 99% matching peerblock from windows.. right now the only issue im having is figuring out how to get it to load the lists as whitelists21:33
seroniswas hoping someone had familiarity with that specific program.  gonna look into IPtables more too though21:34
rypervencheseronis: For a beginner, iptables will look quite confusing, especially as it's command line only.21:34
seronisim 35..  CLI isnt difficult21:34
rypervencheAll right.21:35
Dr_willisseronis,  when  i cant find decent docs for ubuntu for a complex topic - i often look at the archwiki pages -->    https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/PeerGuardian_Linux21:35
deadweaselwhat happened to the unity launcher?  I have a 5 sec delay every time I hit it now (just did dist-upgrade)21:35
Dr_willisseronis,  it mentions --->  /etc/pgl/allow.p2p lists custom IP ranges that will not be filtered.21:35
seronisdidnt realize Arch information would apply for something derived from Debian -> Ubuntu.   thanks for the information (everyone) should probably have enough to be able to find what i need21:36
seronisunless someone knows the exact answer of course.   =-)21:37
Dr_willisservices and configs should be about the same.. but there can be differances21:37
Dr_willisthe  peerblock site/docs most likely have the definitive answer somewhere21:37
seronisthey just kept referencing the block lists and the (easily found) manual whitelisting of INDIVIDUAL ip/port combos21:38
seronisthe program has the functionality to import lists that are maintained offsite..  and the windows version lets you assign those lists as either blacklists OR whitelists21:38
Dr_willisno idea on any more really.21:38
seronispgl only seems to use them as blacklists21:38
seronisi've been browsing the sourceforge link since yesterday21:39
seronisthank you all the same21:39
rypervencheseronis: Check your private message as well.21:39
seronisoh.. didnt notice it21:39
Dr_willisi imagine the idea is that everything is 'allowed' except whats blocked...21:39
Dr_willisotherwise you are filtering out to many good sites with the bad.21:40
SrPxHey guys, a friend is installing windows + ubuntu on the same machine. He asked me the following: "should I install windows in a partition and leave 30gb free, then install ubuntu there... or install ubuntu in a 30gb partition, then install windows"? I remember installing ubuntu w/ no problems even if I had windows on 100%... so, well21:41
SrPxwhat do I say?21:41
Dr_willisSrPx,  install windows FIRST21:41
SrPxDr_willis: leaving 30gb free ?21:41
Dr_willishowever muich  space you want free... of course.21:41
sethrobodeenevery new to linux/xubuntu, browsed all the linux.org beginner stuff, as well as the xubuntu.or beginner stuff.  any other beginner guides you would suggest?21:41
SrPxDr_willis: I see, thanks!21:42
Dr_willisand you may want to try to restrict windows to just using 1 primary partion - if you can.21:42
Dr_willis!manual | sethrobodeene21:42
ubottusethrobodeene: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/21:42
The_GhostOk I used clamscan to scan a windows partion but in the scan summery it said it  found 3 infected files I would like to know were they are now ?21:42
TheLordOfTimeDr_willis, windows needs min. 2 partitions for vista and later, one for its boot and recovery sector, the other for the OS.21:43
Dr_willisThe_Ghost,  you mean it moved them?21:43
TheLordOfTimethey can't restrict it to just 121:43
Dr_willisTheLordOfTime,  actually  theres ways around that need for a boot partition from what i looked up ages ago.21:43
Dr_willisbut the issue these days is many recovery-disk sets - make 4 PRIMARY partitions - which really screws things up for linux21:43
TheLordOfTimeDr_willis, lemme guess: highly techie fix?21:43
SrPxDr_willis: hmm but.. should he leave the partition created when he install windows... or just leave as free space on hd?21:44
Dr_willisTheLordOfTime,  i dont recall it being to complex. had to do it for a friend about 3 yrs ago.21:44
Dr_willisSrPx,  leave it UNALLOCATED on the hard drive. not part of any partition.21:44
redwanhello all, I am new to this channel, I am about to wipe off ubuntu 12.10 and replace it with 13.4, do you think it's worth it?21:44
=== albert is now known as Guest46675
seronisDr_willis,  with peerblock all whitelists have higher priority than blacklists.    so if you are subscribed to a blacklist that is a little too paranoid you can allow the things you need specifically and that takes precedence21:45
SrPxDr_willis: my friend thanked you ^^21:45
sethrobodeenethx dr_willis, looks like good info21:45
Guest46675I am using ubuntu 13.04 installed on a 8GB flash drive21:45
seronisneed the whitelists mostly for gaming servers21:45
Dr_willisseronis,  on a linux box - this is getting into the 'tinfoil hat' paranoia range . just to let ya know.. ;)21:47
seronishonestly I only use the least paranoid level of the subscription lists.. but they still end up blocking a lot of Steam and educational IPs21:48
seroniswhich is why the whitelist is so important to me21:48
moppersDr_willis, gamng server blocklists can be to stop griefers, not hackers21:48
Dr_willisbiggest 'danger' i see to a typical ubuntu desktop machine these days.. is the user/admin doing things they shouldent be doing.  Not outside hackers ;P21:48
moppersDr_willis, for example the guy who yells rude words all day at other players21:49
seronisand reddit articles are getting blocked (rarely)21:49
Dr_willismoppers,  you just described  what happens in this channel... a lot. ;P21:49
seroniscant have it blocking my reddit21:49
The_GhostIs Avast any good for scanning a Linux partition ?21:50
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus21:50
moppersand cross platform java exploits21:50
Louis_1anybody else having boot problems with 13.04?21:51
moppersi do need a good firewall though for *nix21:51
moppersi want a firewall that can block applications by name so i can do stuff like prevent things updating when i am on a mobiel connection and paying for bandwidth21:51
seronisugh.. paying for bandwidth21:51
Dr_willismoppers,  linux has a  good firewall allready21:51
mopperssure i can block ports21:51
moppersbut i can't block individual applications21:52
Dr_willisbut it works diffently then how windows does its firewalling21:52
Dr_williswindows and linux take differnt approaches to firewalling21:52
moppersso how do i block an application by name?21:52
Dr_willisNo idea. never needed to or wanted to on linux.21:52
Dr_willisi rarely need any firewall features on the linux boxs i run21:52
moppersso i take your comment abot 'good' firewall with some skepticism then since you can't know the answer21:53
Dr_willisaskubuntu.com might have some info on the topic.21:53
Dr_willislinux firewalling is designed from the 'server' ussage approach. windows is from the 'dekstop user' type approach21:53
rypervenchemoppers: iptables or a frontend for it is all you really need. You don't need application-level blocks. You block or limit things coming to specific ports, which is what I believe you are talking about.21:54
Dr_williscant recall the guide i saw once that mentioned all that.. was a few years back21:54
moppersbut everything uses port 8021:54
moppersi'd have to block by individual ip address21:54
rypervenchemoppers: What are you trying to block exactly?21:55
moppersor it uses bittorrent to update and i want some bit torrents and not others21:55
moppersrypervenche, let's say i am on a mobile connection and i want to stop an app updating over bittorrent, but i dont want ot stop my other bittorrent download...21:55
moppershow do i do that with iptables?21:55
JoshDreamlandCould anyone tell me why Thunderbird can't open links in firefox?21:56
Dr_willisI wonder if theres an #iptables channel.21:56
rypervenchemoppers: I would block the IP. You want it to be automated?21:57
rypervenchemoppers: I'm sure the torrent program has a way to block by IP or other criteria as well.21:57
mopperswhich IP would you block? it's bit torrent....21:58
moppersit' a peer to peer system21:58
moppersand the app would be using its own torrent program21:58
The_Ghostany way to bypass a proxy to let me use Bittorent ?21:58
moppersgame patchers for example use their own p2p code21:58
moppers(well some of them)21:58
rypervenchemoppers: Then you need to get with the apps developers perhaps. You can block the IP of the person downloading the files from your computer.21:59
moppersyea pretty much ... that's why i want a firewall that can block apps by name21:59
moppersbasiclaly iptables can't do it22:00
Dr_willisask in #netfilter perhaps22:00
redwanwhat do you mean by app that block app by name22:00
redwanthere isnt such a thing22:00
Dr_willisredwan,  the way wiindows does it with a dialog asking 'are you sure you want to let this random game you have been running for the last 30 min  access the internet?'   perhaps?22:01
Dr_willisat least thats when i see the dialog.. after i exit the game and it has allready been on the internet. ;)22:01
seronisredwan,  thats how windows firewall works22:01
redwancheck the port it uses and block it22:01
seronisyou choose programs you want blocked.. not just ports22:01
seronisredwan,  he also said its one of the games that uses bittorrent for its updating.  no single port22:02
seronisi've played several korean rpgs that did that22:02
moppers cant block by port if it's phoning home on port 80 like most things do22:02
mopperscan block by IP address but not if it's using its own torrent client22:02
mopperseasier to just block /usr/local/crapgame from accessing network22:03
Dr_willishttp://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/12499/iptables-pf-rule-to-only-allow-xy-application-user   but its a little old.22:03
redwanif you have torrent installed and opened in your machine than there is nothing to stop it from communicating out..22:03
seronisgufw's website screen shots doesnt show anything mentioning program name or path in the settings22:03
redwanbecause you basically opened everything and anything22:03
seronisso doesnt look like it can do it22:03
moppersan application level firewall would do it22:04
Salmypra que serve isso22:04
redwanis your friend22:04
justinholm3snot needed if your sys admins are good22:04
Dr_willisredwan,  yea.. ive seen people go berzerk with selinux ;0 and lock theirselfs out22:04
Dr_willisyou just dont hear much about selinux these days22:05
moppersdoes it work on ubuntu?22:05
redwanIve seen tons of people locking them selves out with a simple firewall22:05
ubottuSELinux is available on Ubuntu, but not officially supported. Ubuntu uses another security framework by default, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppArmor22:05
moppersmaybe apparmor?22:06
Dr_willisI was into this hard core security stuff about 5 yrs back.. ;) but honestly havent even worried about it on my ubuntu boxs in years22:06
redwangive yourself time, and learn it, then apply it to your enviroment, it's the way forward22:06
justinholm3sagain not needed if you only expose port 80/44322:07
moppersare you sure selinux can do it?22:07
Dr_willisi would suggest looking into apparmour first. Not diving right into selinux..22:07
redwanif it's good enough for cia. fbi and top dogs then is good enough for you22:08
seronis"#apparmor on irc.oftc.net"22:08
moppersredwan no becuas they limit what their users can install22:08
moppersi am looking now at fedora's docs for selinux and i dont see how to block a specific binary from accessing the network22:09
eskisehirleeetürk lazým22:09
redwansorry guys got to go now22:10
DoYouKnowubuntu 13.04 froze at the end of install in a VMware VM22:10
DoYouKnowrunning post-installation trigger22:10
justinholm3sVcd or workstation?22:11
justinholm3sIm guessing vmware tools has not been updated22:12
DoYouKnowI usually install the tools after install22:12
justinholm3sok I do it during22:13
justinholm3s2 secs let me fire up my vmware cluster22:13
moppershrm ok selinux might be able to do it after all  but i;d need to script it to change permissions - checking apparmor docs now22:14
moppersah yea, appamor/selinux can do it with custom scripts22:15
DoYouKnowjustinholm3s: screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/2JjWoMF.png22:15
moppersDoYouKnow, is that win8?22:16
DoYouKnowyeah, moppers22:16
DoYouKnowI run 12.04 LTS fine in it, but not 13.0422:16
DoYouKnowhaving an issue with testing out 13.0422:17
DoYouKnowI'll reboot and try again22:17
redtape-renegadei dont kow what partitions relate to which flavour of ubuntu on my HDD .. QUESTION : How do i ascertain that info. ??22:17
moppersi odnt know vmware but vxbox does this each new ubuntu: kernel version vs vbox kernel drivers mismatch22:17
zykotick9anyone know the link to see when Lucid support ends?  I believe it's May 9th, but want to see "officially".22:18
Dr_willisredtape-renegade,  mount them and look at the files perhaps?22:18
justinholm3s@DoYouKnow have you tried server?22:18
Dr_willisredtape-renegade,  or boot to each one. and  change the label of the filesystem to differante them22:18
samthewildonehello fellas22:18
wilee-nileejustinholm3s, You can tab complete nicks @ does not inform them.22:18
mopperszykotick9, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases22:19
zykotick9moppers: thanks22:19
justinholm3swilee-nilee I know i just like @22:19
davico_somebody with experience in SDL?22:20
justinholm3sdefine sdl? context?22:20
dRagonsRagehi, n00bie here22:20
seronisgraphics library22:20
justinholm3swho knows22:20
wilee-nileejustinholm3s, Cool, however if you want people officially informed that you are talking to them it does not work.22:20
DoYouKnowjustinholm3s: no, not yet. I'd rather have the desktop, in case something breaks22:20
DoYouKnowjustinholm3s: for example, also when deleting lots of specific files, etc. I'd rather have a desktop22:21
justinholm3sDoYouKnow its virtualised though?22:22
DoYouKnowjustinholm3s: yeah22:22
seronisdavico_, context ?22:23
davico_excuse me22:23
DoYouKnowjustinholm3s: lately I've been running weather simulation software on it... GrAds+ARPS+GEMPAK22:23
DoYouKnowwith 12.0422:23
davico_first excuse me for my english22:23
davico_i want use sdl only for key events22:24
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phenomHave any of you connected to a VPN on ubuntu?22:25
davico_if  a key is pressed22:25
wilee-nilee!anyone > phenom22:25
ubottuphenom, please see my private message22:25
davico_return ie false22:25
phenomwilee-nilee: I'd appreciate if you would RTFM22:25
wilee-nileelol you will really get help now.22:26
azi`what is the easiest way to switch to the old gnome desktop style?22:26
azi`i don't like unity22:26
bazhangphenom, thats never welcome here22:26
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bazhang!guidelines > phenom22:26
ubottuphenom, please see my private message22:26
phenomwilee-nilee: I don't need help. I need to know if anyone has successfully connected to a PPTN VPN on ubuntu.22:27
wilee-nileeazi`, You can install the gnome-shell and use the fallback22:27
justinholm3sphenom yes22:27
phenomjustinholm3s: Without disabling Firestarter?22:27
maxbazi`: I've had success with installing the gnome-session-fallback package and then selecting the appropriate option in lightdm before logging in22:28
justinholm3sphenom  I used the terminal like everyone should lol22:28
phenomI can't find a way to connect to a PPTN VPN successfully with Firestarted enabled, regardless of iptables rules or user-pre config I setup.22:28
azi`wilee-nilee: maxb thanks!22:28
phenomjustinholm3s: appears firestarter doesn't support PPTN22:30
justinholm3sphenom I never used firestarter22:30
phenomSo,, how can we get Firestarter, a program packaged in ubuntu to connect to a PPTP VPN?22:35
clintonI have a updated 12.10 and I want to upgrade to 13.04.  I get a "Can not upgrade" Your python install is corrupted. Please fix the /usr/bin/python symlink.  The link is to python2.7.  I work in python all the time.  Thought it might require python3 so I changed the link and got the same error so I set it back to 2.7.  Googling hasn't helped.  Can someone point the way?22:35
th0rphenom: firestarter is a firewall, it doesn't connect to a vpn22:35
phenomSo,, how can we get Firestarter, a program packaged in ubuntu to allow a connection to a PPTP VPN?22:36
th0rphenom: you open the ports that the vpn requires22:36
phenomth0r: Not that simple unfortunately.22:36
phenomIt doesn't appear to support it.22:37
lostinconsoleWhat is the package name of the free AMD/ATI graphics driver in 13.04?22:37
[JethroDawnfine]clinton: maybe you added foreign PPAs and now you might disable them and downgrade stuff before upgrading22:37
phenomI've scoured the web for a fix and the only way to enable it in firestarter is to disable it completely.22:38
clintonThat sounds likely.  However to too sure about how to go about doing it.22:38
phenomI feel "we" need to kick up dust on this. I remember this issue years ago.22:39
phenomNot many users appear to use VPN's however.22:39
clintonGoogle search is helping with the PPAs.  I'll remove all of them and see what happends.22:41
lostinconsoleI just installed Xubuntu 13.04, and after some very brief purple flickering I am dumped into the console. I have an ATI Radeon HD4050 (something like that anyway) and I have the free driver installed. Graphics worked fine on the live USB, but not in the real installation.22:41
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:42
lostinconsoleDr_willis: Always helpful :)22:42
Dr_willistry the nomodeset option, then install the ati fglrx drivers22:42
graingertanyway to see what process is doing lots of HDD io22:42
graingertah found it22:43
graingertit was bitcoin22:43
seronisok.. getting  mailto:  to open a new gmail window was easier than expected too22:43
davico_SOMEBODY WITH EXPERIENCE IN SDL????????????????22:46
Dr_willisdavico_,   You mean the SDL  libraries?22:47
seronisdavico_,  caps loc is not your friend.  and it will make other people NOT your friend too22:48
Dr_willishttp://www.libsdl.org/   Simple DirectMedia Layer is a cross-platform multimedia library22:48
davico_the information in this web site is22:48
seronisdoes the NeHe tutorials still cover SDL ?22:48
seronisthats the only time i used it (long time ago)22:49
davico_i only need the events22:49
davico_no graphics22:49
davico_no audio22:49
bazhang!enter | davico_22:49
ubottudavico_: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:49
seronisok.. and read the tutorials till they cover events.. and use what they show22:49
yeatsdavico_: the SDL website has links to mailing lists and a support forum, FYI - it's probably beyond the scope of the #ubuntu channel22:50
Dr_willislooks like lots-o-docs to me.. ;) but i dont code.22:51
davico_yes yes! excuse me22:52
davico_an thanks22:52
deadweaselUnity3d is no longer a login option...  I've verified the plugin is selected in ccsm..  also, I have to login twice to get to the desktop for unity, gnome, any other face I put on it...22:53
deadweaselin 2d the response of the launcher/dash is 5 seconds exactly.22:54
wilee-nileedeadweasel, The history leading to this and details of what you have tried will help, if you want assistance. ;)22:57
deadweaseli have been reloding gfx drivers recently, it was borked after many xorg reinstalls..  also, I just deleted .compiz-1 as a try for a fix mentioned in the forums.22:59
mizifihis /etc/rc.local a good place to mount my disks when Ubuntu 13.04 starts?23:00
wilee-nileedeadweasel, Be careful with compiz fixes, it has changed over releases, somake sure they are in your release.23:00
betraydmizifih: you might miss one that's needed before23:00
mizifihbetrayd: meaning?23:01
betraydmizifih: as in, might be too late for the other rc's to succeed23:01
deadweaselthanks wilee-nilee, i will be more careful in the future.23:01
mizifihbetrayd: I'm a newbie ;(23:01
betraydmizifih: maybe we're missing the root of the problem23:01
mizifihbetrayd: hum...23:02
deadweaselwilee-nilee: shoudl I reinstall compiz?23:02
wilee-nileemizifih, How are you mounting? Is this partitions or other HD's?23:02
mizifihbetrayd: what's the best way to mount my disks at system startup?23:02
=== chris___ is now known as lostinconsole
wilee-nileedeadweasel, Not sure, more explanation to the channel might help, I don't use unity.23:03
mizifihwilee-nilee betrayd I just need to make this disks/partitions available so sabnzbd/sickbeard/xbmc can access it23:03
lostinconsoleDr_willis: I tried nomodeset, but now graphics is just fucked up. There's some flickering and the resolution is very low. The proprietary AMD driver does not support my graphics card.23:03
wilee-nilee!fstab | mizifih23:03
ubottumizifih: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions23:03
Dr_willismizifih,  make a fstab entry would be the normal way23:03
deadweaselwilee-nilee, a good alternative?  :)23:03
IdleOne!language | lostinconsole23:04
ubottulostinconsole: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.23:04
mizifihDr_willis: I'll give it some reading23:04
lostinconsoleIdleOne: sorry23:04
Dr_willislostinconsole,  i have exactly 1 ati video card/system.  so no idea on troubleshooting ati.23:04
wilee-nileedeadweasel, I use the gnome shell, there are a number of desktops.23:04
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lostinconsoleI suppose I'll have to reinstall 12.04.23:04
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jimi_How can I add a program to the Applications -> Programming menu?23:05
Dr_willisjimi_, make a proper .desktop launcher file for it and put it in the right location23:05
Dr_willisuse gedit.desktop as an example23:06
deadweaselwilee-nilee: I'm happy with 2d unity, but I just need this 5 second dash delay to reduce to 0.23:06
jimi_Dr_willis, thanks for the point in the right direction. I think I can get it from there! thanks!23:06
deadweaselit was fine before all my fiddlin' with gfx drivers23:06
Dr_willisjimi_,  askubuntu.com has guides on making launchers23:06
jimi_Dr_willis, nice, ill go check that out right now. you the man!23:06
jimi_Dr_willis, im laying on the praise thick today, because i sometimes see how many people come in here, get spoon fed and then /part without saying anything, or acting like you get paid to be here :P23:07
seronishe is paid in our gratitude darn it23:07
seronisdont make him expect a raise23:07
LarsNHas anyone here successfully convinced a displaylink USB monitor to work on 13.04?  If so do you have a link to where you documented the process?23:07
* jimi_ finds seronis and staples him/her to the wall so that Dr_willis can worm em over23:08
wilee-nileedeadweasel, I think the unity-tweak tool has that option to change.23:08
wilee-nileelol ignored23:09
Dr_willishalf the time im at work.. getting paid.. ;) and im here..   ;P23:10
Dr_willisgotta love a job where you get to wait around  half the day23:10
seronisDr_willis,  same but im only getting paid min wage to be here23:11
jimi_Dr_willis, haha, i hang out in other channels duing the day helping out, like php , javascript, salesforce, etc... lol23:11
pillaris this a help channel?23:11
jimi_seronis, better than nothing though :)23:11
jimi_pillar, yes, what's up?23:11
wilee-nileepillar, ubuntu support23:11
BHXSpecterwow this error has really had me baffled.....googled every error I had, found fixes, just to be lead to new errors or previous errors. I seem to keep getting errors about multiarch-support, libgcc1, and such ....actively googling each error though23:12
pillarI have a pcie hdmi capture card HD100C and the manufacturer wrote a driver for my Ubuntu 12.10 and it is a tar.gz and Ihave no idea how to install it23:13
pillarthey emailed to me23:13
wilee-nileepillar, Generally a read me in the tar23:14
mizifihDr_willis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5633827/23:14
mizifihsounds about right?23:14
pillarcould I email it to someone here to see if something is missing no install or readme I can find23:14
storminator161does it contain .c or .cpp files?23:15
pillarwho me?23:15
storminator161yes, pillar23:15
pillarI'll go look, I unzipped it and a folder was created23:16
wilee-nileepillar, Tar istalls a pretty straight forward most of the time, just be sure that the tar is the answer. http://askubuntu.com/questions/25961/how-to-install-a-tar-gz-or-tar-bz2-file23:16
pillarI have been at this all day23:17
Dr_willismizifih,  dont use spaces in filesystem label names.. and i strongly suggest NOT using them in mountpoint names either.23:17
storminator161perfect, wilee-nilee23:17
mizifihDr_willis: yeah, I was wondering that... but other then that, is that right?23:17
cerv0hi every body i'm having a problem since this morning and i couldn't find any help23:17
wushudoes anyone know what --sport in an iptables rule does?23:18
Dr_willismizifih,  try mounting it and see if it works..    sudo mount -a.  Your use of \ to escape spaces in fstab is incorredt. it does NOT escape spaces that way in that file23:18
BHXSpecterhmm...says apt-extracttemplates doesn't exist, but I see it in /usr/bin :/23:18
cerv0i have an exectube create by the main user and i have changed the owner of the executable but the new owner cannot execute it23:19
mizifihDr_willis: I'll actually remove those spaces, it was just me being lazy, I get your point.23:19
cerv0i don't undestand23:19
Dr_willismizifih,   spaces in directory/file names can be very annoying. Best to use _ if you want23:19
pillarIn the main folder "xI100E are three folders  Bin, Include, Source23:19
LarsNwell I'm getting closer23:19
mizifihDr_willis: yeah, I'll just do that23:19
cerv0i wanted to say an executable23:19
mizifihDr_willis: btw, is it possible to mount more then one disk in one "folder"?23:19
Dr_willismizifih,  the ntfs-config tool can auto-generate fstab lines. and the ntfs-3g page has examples23:19
LarsNwhen I connect my displaylink monitor I see the UDLFB driver load, and it proper detects the resolution of the monitor.23:19
mizifihlike same path23:19
Dr_willismizifih,  not really that i know of.. may be some wayt to do it. but ive never seen the need.23:20
LarsNis the gnome display properites utility in unity using xrandr, or another utility?23:20
Dr_willis  you can mount   disk2  to be /media/disk1/disk2 and have it appear under disk1..23:20
pillarfound alsa.c audio.c Makefile misc.c v4l2.c video.c in the Common folder23:20
mizifihDr_willis: like a folder inside the first mount?23:20
Dr_willismizifih,  all a mountpoint is... is a folder that shows the fs's contents after the mount23:21
Dr_willismizifih,   the system is allready doing it if you think about it...23:21
Dr_willis  /media/disk/whatever           is under the / mount ;)23:21
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions23:22
Dr_willisYou want to be using ntfs-3g instead of ntfs - if you want write support i belive.23:22
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ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )23:23
pillar./configure and make do not work23:23
Dr_willisno one ever reads what the bot says. ;)23:23
mizifihDr. Willis looks like it worked, mount -a didn't bitch23:24
storminator161first day on IRC in like 10 years, I was trying something out...23:24
donvito|2is there a way to put ubuntu 12.04 on stand by just like i put windows ?23:24
mizifihDr_willis: it did the first time, but said the directory wasn't there, I just created it and looks like it mounted23:24
cerv0someone could help me ??23:24
Dr_willismizifih,  mount point diretorys MUST exist befor you mount to them23:24
mizifihDr_willis: yeah, just learned that ;)23:25
mizifihBut it's working ;)23:25
storminator161cerv0, did you ever state your problem?23:25
wilee-nileedonvito|2, stand by/23:25
wilee-nileestand by?*23:25
mizifihDr_willis: now I need to check access permission, see if system can use that23:25
cerv0storminator161 yes since this morning23:26
donvito|2i put the pc to sleep, but the processes remain23:26
cerv0but let me resume23:26
wilee-nileedonvito|2, hibernate or suspend23:26
donvito|2suspend doesnt work.23:26
pillarif ./configure is not working what other options do I have23:26
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redtape-renegadei downloaded UneNetbootin but haven't found where my downloads folder is , downloading from firefox ...23:27
wilee-nileedonvito|2, Fr help you need to give details.23:27
donvito|2well i just tryed suspend for 5 minutes, the computer didnt suspended23:28
mizifihDr_willis: and what startup system file should I put sickbeard and sabnzbd in?23:28
lolbatWhat is the best backupservice?23:28
redtape-renegade i downloaded UneNetbootin but haven't found where my downloads folder is to install the image , downloading from firefox ...23:28
Dr_willismizifih,  i dont een know what those do.23:28
bwat47redtape-renegade, firefox's download manager has a button to open the containing folder... in any case by default it should be /home/downloads. unetbootin is in the ubuntu repos anyway so I'd just recommend installing it from the software center..23:29
mizifihDr_willis: well, it's just a software that I need to run at system startup23:29
Dr_willisredtape-renegade,  /home/username/Downloads23:29
wilee-nileedonvito|2, What release, any modifications that might affect this...etc23:29
donvito|2skype is runing23:29
Dr_willismizifih,  it depends on what they do and what user they need to run as.23:29
cerv0storminator161 i'm having an executable but the owner can not execute the programme but when i change the owner into the main owner i mean the one who have been created at the installation evrything it's ok23:30
bwat47redtape-renegade, oh, or are you already in unetbootin and just trying to browse for the image? go to home > username > Downloads23:30
s3b`guys i'm about to go nuts. mwhy does my ubuntu keep losing my internet connection23:30
cerv0<storminator161> i don't undestand why the new owner is not able to execute the file ?23:30
s3b`i always thought my other laptop's hardware was going bad, but i just put buntu on another  laptop that was working fine and now i'm losing it again23:30
s3b`my wifi signal stays there but I just can't connect to anything every 5-10 minutes23:31
wilee-nilees3b`, weak signal, ubuntu is not the best at picking up signals.23:31
s3b`wilee-nilee: Any fixes?23:32
mizifihDr_willis: hum... python for sure23:32
bwat47if its an intel wireless card it might be that wireless n driver bug that seems to affect some people but not others, the workaround is to disable wireless N mode in the driver23:32
mizifihDr_willis: they can be the last stuff system will start23:32
s3b`also my signal should be pretty strong, i'm 10 feet from the router and it reaches all the way to the sidewalk23:33
wilee-nilees3b`, Not really if the signal is dropping from ubuntu due to it being weak, can you turn up the signal in the router?23:33
mizifihDr_willis: what's confusing, and interesting and useful, is that ubuntu/linux have lots of "autoexec.bat"-like files23:33
Dr_willismizifih,  it all depends on whats running and supposed to be doing.23:33
wilee-nilee10 feet should be fine starnge.23:33
bwat47s3b`, what wireless card is it?23:33
Dr_willismizifih,  starting on user LOGIN - theres an autostart directyory in your users .config dir.23:34
s3b`bwat47: How can I look it up? I'm on a macbook pro retina23:34
wilee-nilees3b`, lspci in terminal and look for it.23:34
bwat47s3b`, lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net23:34
Dr_willismizifih,  starting at system boot BEFOR the user logs in. make a service. or add to /etc/rc.local23:34
mizifihDr_willis: well, it would be nice if they both start before user login, I'll see rc.local23:35
s3b`Broadcom Corporation BCM4331 ? using wl driver23:35
mizifihDr_willis: services also start automatically on linux?23:36
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx23:36
mizifihmake sense, LOL23:36
s3b`weird my browsers won't connect to google but I'm getting messages here easily23:36
s3b`facebook works, xchat works, nothing else does23:37
bwat47pretty strange23:38
s3b`yeah it's weird, I've never had problems when i was using 12.04. I updated to 12.10 and they started, went back to 12.04 and the problems stayed. put 13.04 on my work laptop and same issue23:38
s3b`maybe, how do I debug DNS on ubuntu?23:39
s3b`i'd love to google it, but uhh lol23:39
bwat47does it let you ping google in terminal? ping -c 4 www.google.com23:40
s3b`No I just tried that23:40
redtapeJust on the other computer now ... I am having problems with this bit of UNetbootin .. Where is my ISO. etc ? https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/55128914/Lubuntu%20docs/UNetbootin%20image%20uploading.png23:40
bwat47s3b`, can you ping (google's public dns address)23:40
th0rs3b`: try 'sudo iptables -L' and see if the firewall is on23:41
bwat47s3b`, yeah definitely sounds like something dns related is acting up23:41
s3b`this is the weirdest it's gotten before23:41
s3b`Chain INPUT, FORWARD and OUTPUT all say policy ACCEPT23:41
s3b`do you think setting my DNS to google's would work/23:42
bwat47s3b`, couldn't hurt to try23:43
s3b`How do I go about doing that?23:43
bwat47s3b`, you could also try this, probably a total long shot, but you could try disabling ipv6 in networkmanager (go to edit connections > your wireless connection > edit > ipv6 > set it to ignore). I've seen that fix weird issues before23:43
redtapeDid anyone get that ?23:43
bwat47s3b`, https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using, there's a section there on changing ubuntu's dns server to google's23:44
Dr_willisredtape,   did you look in your Downloads directory?23:44
s3b`bwat47: Can't open it :)23:44
redtapeI dont know hopw to locate my downloads directory !23:44
michealpwredtape: /home/username/Downloads23:44
Dr_willisredtape,  its right ther ein your  HOME.. called 'Downloads'  fire up the file manager and look23:44
wushuanyone up for helping me with some iptable rules?23:44
michealpwredtape: where /username/ is of course, your user name ;)23:45
s3b`Ah finally got some connection back23:45
s3b`http://i.imgur.com/ck6yk3X.png this is what i'm staring at23:45
redtapethere is no folder there.. if you look at the uimage i gave you all i have is root and the filesystem.23:45
bwat47s3b`, go to networkmanager > edit > edit your wireless connection > ipv4 tab > change it from automatic to Automatic (DHCP) addresses only, and then in the dns servers fields use and
Dr_willisredtape,   open a terminal and do a  cd /home/YOURUSERNAME/Downloads23:45
Dr_willisredtape,  and use ls to LOOK at the files23:46
mizifihlater folx23:46
s3b`bwat47: Comma inbetween, right?23:46
mizifihDr_willis: thanks for everything. I'm rebooting this thing to see if everything is working like it should23:46
s3b`DR_willis: it says "YOURUSERNAME not found" ??23:47
* s3b` jokes23:47
Dr_willisredtape,  your screenshot is loking in /usr/ that is NOT /home/23:47
redtapeyou dont understand, i have use the 'open disk image file' dialogue screen, in the png i gave yiou to locate the downloads folder .. i can only use that !!23:47
bwat47s3b`, lol, was gonna be like READ THE TOOLTIP SON23:47
redtapewhere is the homer ?23:47
Dr_willisredtape,  notice at the top it says 'usr' that is  /usr/ you want /home/23:47
s3b`why don't you guys just tell him to use ~23:48
Dr_willisredtape,  so go up a directory or 2 untill you find /home23:48
redtapeok where is /home / ??23:48
s3b`oh is he browsing manually23:48
Dr_willis  /home/ is on the root of the drive... go UP one directory and you will see it23:48
michealpwredtape: / denotes the very top of the disk. So /home is a top-level directory..23:48
Dr_willisthat little pencil icon shows you the PATH23:48
michealpwIt's like saying C:\home23:48
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bwat47s3b`, yeah unetbootin runs as root so when it opens the browse window it starts you in the root folder23:49
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s3b`ah gotcha, only caught the last half of it and i couldn't open his screenshot23:49
s3b`just restarted my connection with google's DNS and still ain't getting anything23:50
s3b`so strange23:50
netlarHow easy does Ubuntu make upgrading to a new version now?23:51
essentialzhaving some issues getting bluetooth enabled. i have a lenovo p580 laptop with onboard bluetooth. For some reason ubuntu is not recognizing it as an adapter? it shows bluetooth service running, but when i click in the bluetooth setting everything is greyed out with no adapters show. anyone can point me in the right direction?23:51
s3b`isn't it just one commnand23:51
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:51
redtapeDr_willis: & michealpw .. yur right .. im installing the iso on the pen drive using UNetbootin now. thank-you.23:51
s3b`13.04 is awesome but i fell in love with xmonad and had to say bye23:51
bwat47s3b`, did you try disabling ipv6? I've seen that solve weird issues people have sometimes lol23:51
s3b`bwat47: Yeah I did both23:51
s3b`browser's loading right now, lets see how long it lasts23:52
matriks404hi i has today kernel panic (first in my life, over 2 years of using Ubuntu) and is there a file where it is written crash log or something?23:52
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azi`i am not able to install almost anything.. ubuntu is saying archive.ubuntu.com network is unreachable..23:52
azi`is there a heavy traffic going on or something?23:53
storminator16azi, on the same machine you are chatting from?23:53
redtapeboot failed .. oh poo.23:53
azi`storminator16: correct23:53
azi`err storminator16 no23:53
storminator16wait....."yes" or "no" lol23:54
azi`storminator16: i am chatting thrugh a screen sesh on another server23:54
matriks404can i see in any file what was cause of kernel panic?23:54
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Dr_willis  /var/log/kernel*  perhaps matriks40423:54
storminator16can you ping the outside world from the problem machine?23:55
nubbyhey guys im having a little problem i got a ssoftware update yesterday and after a restart my bootsplash is the lower quality and when im booted i seem to be stuck in 4:3 aspect ratio max res 1024x768 i assume its becuase of a kernel headers getttign update i tried re isntallign bumblebee and bumblebee-nvidia but still get the issue23:55
Jordan_Umatriks404: /var/log/dmesg if you're lucky (but you're only going to get kernel messages from before the actual panic as afterward the kernel can't write to the hard drive). Is this a UEFI machine or a BIOS based one?23:55
nubbyi have this apearign in my dmesg23:55
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essentialzhaving some issues getting bluetooth enabled. i have a lenovo p580 laptop with onboard bluetooth. For some reason ubuntu is not recognizing it as an adapter? it shows bluetooth service running, but when i click in the bluetooth setting everything is greyed out with no adapters show. anyone can point me in the right direction?23:56
matriks404Jordan_U BIOS Netbook, i was playing Minecraft and i was chatting on TeamSpeak3, and kernel panic showed up23:56
nubby[  147.174456] intel ips 0000:00:1f.6: failed to disable graphis turbo23:56
nubby it spearign 7 time in the b ottom of dmesg after boot23:56
netlaris it uncommon for a new version of Ubuntu to break previous installed components?23:56
s3b`annnnnnnd it's gone23:56
wilee-nileenetlar, Not answerable as you ask, specific apps and specific installs are needed here.23:57
Jordan_Umatriks404: When booted via UEFI the kernel can save panic crash dumps to UEFI variables, but without that (or a pre setup net console) you can't really log a kernel panic.23:57
s3b`wow that's weird I can't even ping the router i'm connected to23:57
matriks404Jordan_U: OK, thanks23:58
Jordan_Us3b`: And yet you're still talking to us through said router? And you're pinging by ip?23:58
Jordan_Umatriks404: You're welcome.23:58
s3b`Yes and yes23:58
s3b`unless my router has changed IP's23:58
s3b`--- ping statistics ---23:59
s3b`30 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 28999ms23:59
donvito|2is it possible to run web portal on ubuntu 12.04?23:59
dibsIf I nmap another ubuntu box on my local netwrok should I see it's ports open if thesame box nmapping its self has them open?23:59
Jordan_Us3b`: Sounds like something is wrong with your network, not with linux.23:59
Jordan_Us3b`: Are you using a static ip address or DHCP?23:59

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