
smartboyhwGood morning JackYu02:24
ypwongJackYu, hey02:27
* ypwong will go to opensuse release party in afternoon02:27
smartboyhwypwong: Boo02:34
JackYuypwong, hi03:02
JackYuit's great. Would please take some photos and share to us?03:02
ypwongJackYu, ok03:04
ypwongJackYu, I have sent you at least two emails03:04
JackYuypwong, got it. will reply soon.03:06
=== jzheng is now known as jzheng_afk
=== smartboyhw_ is now known as smartboyhw
=== a16g_ is now known as ypwong
ypwonghttp://huati.weibo.com/k/UbuntuKylin?from=501&order=time # 最好有人参与下15:20
ypwongJackYu, 我看danica的email, 好像拿到笔记本的机会悬15:21
ypwongJackYu, 下周我们得发布 blueprints 了,碰面时候一起聊下15:23

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