
oufguys i need help00:08
oufmy xubuntu really got so much screwed after i tried00:09
oufto install ati drivers00:09
oufactually i installed them pretty fine00:09
oufaccording to http://www.noobslab.com/2013/04/install-ati-amd-catalyst-drivers-in.html00:09
oufso it asked me to make a restart after the installing finished00:09
ouffine with it00:09
oufbut boot really screwed up00:09
oufnow when i choose to load ubuntu from00:09
oufboot loader00:10
oufit throws me some checks00:10
oufand then freezes in the black screen00:10
ouflike Starting confiqure network device security OK00:10
oufStarting confiqure network device  OK00:10
oufChecking battery state OK00:11
oufStopping System V runlevel compatibility OK00:11
oufStarting OK00:11
oufStopping cold plug devices OK00:11
oufStopping log initial device creation00:12
oufStarting enable remaining boot-time encrypted block devices OK00:12
oufStarting save udev log and update rules OK00:12
oufStopping save udev log and update rules OK00:13
oufStopping Mount filesystems on boot OK00:13
oufanyone any clue?/00:14
drcboring, stupid and a waste of time00:14
kgbouf: use http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and/or http://pastebin.com/00:15
kgb*next time00:16
oufok thanks00:16
=== Guest63843 is now known as ddsss
ddssswhat the difference between nvidia 173, 304, 304-updates, 310, 313-updates nvidia drivers? i'm super confused..00:19
kgbddsss: besides those proprietary drivers, there are also the nvidia nouveau drivers that you can install; also, video drivers are (somewhat) linked to the kernel; so some will work *better* than others00:37
ddssskgb, yeha. i'm using noveau right now.00:38
ddssskgb, intel seem to be so far to have the best linux support - right?00:39
kgbSynaptic will show the updates easier, for example: nvidia-settings-313-updates (don't think they can be seen from the Software Center)00:39
kgbi suppose, Intel had (recently) come out with *nix drivers; for the on-die graphics00:40
kgboh && there's this: http://imageshack.us/a/img526/7724/screenshot0504201302430.png00:44
ddssskgb, yeha-  im just confused by all of those choices:)00:46
ddssskgb, like - what's the diference between 310 and 313?00:46
ddssskgb, just kinda weird.00:46
kgbperhaps the easiest is to use the proprietary one, from the Software Center; but if you have nouveau installed, you prolly shouldn't mess with it; for example, if you have a config file set: /etc/X11/xorg.conf and you uninstall and reboot (without installing an nvidia driver), X won't be able to start most probably00:48
kgb.. it's just teh *new and improved* drivers..:)00:49
ddssskgb, yeah. i know. i hate proprietary dirvers too. always problems with them. noveau just works.00:50
kgbfor me, on this box, it was the opposite :$00:50
kgbdual-head, 2 screens00:50
kgb^^ argh, not that X might not be able to start; but it might not get the resolution right in some cases.. i wrote that too hastily (and all wrong :))00:55
ddssskgb, i used to run arch  - but no longer have much time to configure and figure out things:( frigging work and stuff.00:57
rmarkeri lost audio how can i fix?01:51
onrhow would you fit xubuntu in a cd?02:17
Unit193onr: You can't really, but what do you need?02:19
onrUnit193: by bios is somehow screwed up and can't boot usb sticks, all i have is some empty CDs and a CD writer02:21
onri remember there was a way to customize live ubuntu isos, so opting out some packages could work02:22
Unit193onr: http://xubuntu.org/news/booting-the-xubuntu-usb-image-from-a-cd/02:23
Unit193Will that work?02:25
onrUnit193: that looks awesome. thank you!02:30
Unit193Sure thing.02:31
onrbtw, i don't get why xubuntu's size is even bigger than regular ubuntu, which has libreoffice, unity and other bloat02:50
shrimp1I'm having a bit of a problem with volume settings02:52
shrimp1Seems like the bottom half of the volume slider does nothing02:53
shrimp1And the top half is like adding a nuclear explosion for every bump up02:55
shrimp1Is there a way to adjust this?02:57
=== mike is now known as Guest82912
=== Guest82912 is now known as m1chael
m1chaeli just installed xubuntu. my touchpad left/right button both "left" click- it's a bug- i see discussions about it but nothing concrete yet. anyone know about this?04:36
holsteinm1chael: what hardware? what bug number?04:42
m1chaelits because my touchpad on this computer has a right/left area on the touchpad, but the button is essentially one button (you can feel it)04:45
m1chaelim not sure of a bug #04:46
holsteinm1chael: im not sure its a bug.. could be hardware related04:47
m1chaelright click works in windows 804:47
holsteinm1chael: then, it has nothing to do with that button being one piece of plastic04:48
holsteinm1chael: what would i do? look for touchpad settings and play around with them.. make a custom xorg.conf if i needed to support the device.. i would try other live CD's and see if any kernel supports it out of the box04:49
th0rm1chael: you might take a look at synclient...it is a command line utility for setting up the touchpad04:50
holstein!info synclient04:50
ubottuPackage synclient does not exist in raring04:50
th0rcheck 'which synclient'....it is installed by default in 12.04 and might be part of another package04:51
m1chaeli have had nothing but bad luck with this computer04:53
m1chaeli cant believe i'm troubleshooting a right click problem04:54
m1chaelit's 2013 ;/04:54
xubuntu335I installed Java 7 update 21 in software center but why is it not working in firefox ?08:05
[uzver]xubuntu335: look here http://www.webupd8.org/2011/09/how-to-install-oracle-java-7-jdk-in.html08:08
xubuntu335not help in that.. i hav allready installed java.08:10
[uzver]xubuntu335: http://pastebin.com/zA9GVxKj08:15
GrandCouillonHello guys. Since I upgraded to 13.04 lirc doesn't work anymore. The device /dev/lirc does not exist anymore. Any idea ?08:27
antisober552Hi guyz09:02
lderanhi antisober552  :D09:04
antisober552Should i update09:04
lderanup to you09:08
lderanIf you like the look of 13.04 then you can try out the live dvd / usb09:10
KeyboardNotFoundHow to disable guest user on my pc10:34
[uzver]KeyboardNotFound: http://askubuntu.com/questions/62564/how-do-i-disable-the-guest-session10:35
KeyboardNotFoundThanks *10:37
xubuntu409guys any help with this still?11:13
xubuntu409my xubuntu really got so much screwed after i tried to install ati card graphic drivers! I own a laptop.11:14
velcroanyone talkative? i need help. i ran sudo apt-get install laptop-mode-tools on Xubuntu 13.04 and it led to a kernel panic. i rebooted, and it panics on boot12:12
velcrotrying to run a repair install with a Xubuntu 13.04 live-usb stick, but now its giving me a bunch of errors statign that it cant add a lot of common packages, like passwd and plymouth, unable to correct problems, i have held broken packages12:14
velcroit seems like the reinstallation is stalled now12:14
velcrojust full re-install? or do i have any other choices?12:15
=== anonymous is now known as Guest29804
Guest29804i just got this again12:47
Guest29804what are some good programs12:47
onrGuest29804: terminator12:57
[uzver]Guest29804: deluge, mplayer, vlc, deadbeef, pidgin, gimp, inkscape12:59
Guest29804is there anything you know of to help learn languages or programming languages?13:01
m1chaellast night i installed xubuntu 12.04 on a new asus netbook with UEFI (what a nightmare that was.) -- now i've got 12.04 running, and my touchpad's right button does not work (it works in windows) .. right click is just like left click. i believe this is due to this "modern" touchpad where the right/left click buttons feel like the same "connection" --- i see a lot of workarounds for this- but13:01
m1chaelnone seem to either work- or are way too complex for me to take on. i'm currently downloading version 13.04 and hoping it works. any ideas on this?13:01
Guest29804u goofd13:02
Guest29804id use some googlefu and check out the ubuntu forums13:03
Guest29804most of my problems can be solved there13:03
onrGuest29804: what kind of programming you're into?13:03
bwat47Guest29804: raring as been great for me aside from this ridiculous bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/116998413:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1169984 in linux (Ubuntu Raring) "3.8.0-18 HDMI audio regression: Either oops or opening device fails with -ENODEV" [High,Fix committed]13:03
Guest29804well, i was thinking of learning like objective c for those phone apps13:03
Guest29804and also webdev13:04
onrGuest29804: obj-c isn't suitable for beginners13:04
Guest29804even though i know it isnt programming13:04
Guest29804ill decide that for myself13:04
Guest29804>people telling me i cant do things13:06
onrweb development is programming too. you should start with php, since it's probably the easiest to start web development13:06
m1chaeli would start with python13:07
bwat47I've been meaning to learn programming and starting with python but I'm really lazy13:07
m1chaelbeing lazy is not a good programming trait13:08
bwat47its not a great trait for anything really13:09
seronisim sorry but my google-fu is weak today and im only getting results applicable to gnome.  Can someone tell me where to assign a keyboard command to run a custom script ?13:10
bwat47seronis: in the keyboard settings in the xfce settings manager, on the "application shortcuts tab"13:11
onrseronis: "application sho13:11
onrlate :)13:11
bwat47when you click add to add a new shortcut it lets you enter a specific command or browser for a script13:11
seronisdo i have to have the directory the script is located in, in my PATH or is doing   ~/location/scriptname safe ?13:12
seronisits already chmod'd to 70013:13
bwat47seronis: it doesn't really matter where it is, you can just put the path to the script in the box, or hit "open" which lets you browse to it13:13
seronisok ty.  was just curious because none of the other examples on that tab seemed to use absolute paths13:13
bwat47seronis: because the default shortcuts just use commands and don't link to scripts13:14
=== Guest29804 is now known as LEL
=== LEL is now known as lelz
lelzhave any of you gone through and customized your desktop to the point that people would call "rice"?13:15
bwat47zomg it seems like in 13.04 docky finally doesn't randomly crash on me13:15
[uzver]seronis: easiest way to place ur custom scripts in ~/bin folder, and call like other system commands without entering location13:15
seronis'rice'  huh ?13:16
bwat47mine is fairly plain: http://i.imgur.com/gZAdSX0.png13:17
seronisok thank you again bwat..  command worked fine13:18
seronis(made a  puush.me script equivilant)13:18
lelzricing like you would a car13:18
lelzsome people spray paint their motherboards13:19
seronisdumped windows last week so setting up things13:19
lelzsome people do stuff to their desktop13:19
seronisrice = food13:19
lelzrice = allusion to customizing a japanese car13:19
seronisnever heard that expression before.  noted13:20
lelzi riced out my foobar and mpc-hc on  because people on an anime site made fun of me ;_;13:23
lelz*on windows13:23
lelzive got one for you gentlemen, my battery seems to be stuck at 50% and ont charge past about 52%. how do i fix this?13:26
lelz*and wont charge13:27
cfhowlettlelz, is this a new issue?  batteries do fail over time ...13:31
lelzits weird because i just put in new ram13:31
lelzand now this13:31
lelzthis whole laptop is like 7 years old anyway. its an hp and its pretty banged up13:32
cfhowlettlelz, same battery?  and you get 50%?  and you're complaining? Be happy!13:32
lelzits not that good13:33
lelzim going to let it hit zero to see what happens13:33
lelzon 43% i have 53minutes13:33
lelzbetter go play tf213:33
cfhowlettlelz, batteries are cheap.  just make sure it's OEM as 3rd party parts are sketchy13:34
lelzill look up newegg13:34
xubuntu681anyone help with this?13:36
xubuntu681my xubuntu really got so much screwed after i tried to install ati card graphic drivers! I own a laptop.13:36
xubuntu681Actually i installed them pretty fine according to http://www.noobslab.com/2013/04/install-ati-amd-catalyst-drivers-in.html . It found by its shelf the proper drivers and installed them.13:36
xubuntu681so it asked me to make a restart after the installing finished...fine with it!But boot really screwed up...now when i choose to load ubuntu from boot loader(linux boot loaders) it throws me some checks and then freezes in the black screen.13:37
xubuntu681like Starting confiqure network device security OK13:37
lelzati has no drivers and nvidia causes housefires13:38
lelzyou know the drill13:38
bwat47xubuntu681: does it let you switch to a tty? (try ctrl + alt + f2)13:38
xubuntu681doesnt allo me to log to ubuntu13:38
seronisid.. like to argue with that exept my nvidia can fry eggs (or my legs)13:38
xubuntu681when i am in dual boot menu to choose ubuntu or windows xp13:38
xubuntu681and i choose ubunt13:38
lelzdid you get the grub rescue mode?13:38
cfhowlettxubuntu681, did you install via windows?13:38
xubuntu681then it trhows me these checks and then freezing13:38
xubuntu681seperate install13:39
xubuntu681dual boot13:39
cfhowlettxubuntu681, good man.  wubi can't die soon enough for me ...13:39
bwat47xubuntu681: I'm saying when it stops on the black screen, try hitting ctrl + alt + f213:39
xubuntu681no dint tried13:39
bwat47xubuntu681: doing that might give you a terminal to log into13:39
xubuntu681and then?13:40
lelzif i was you, id just reinstall ubuntu13:40
seronistook me 17 minutes to install xubuntu the other day13:40
bwat47xubuntu681: login with username and pass and then run sudo aticonfig --initial --force13:40
bwat47and then reboot13:40
seronis(which actually impressed me a LOT)13:40
cfhowlettxubuntu681, windows 8 you say?  uefi issues ...13:40
xubuntu681lelz and you think that i have time to do all the time this stuff?installs and reinstalls?cause i tried to put some ati drivers?ffs13:40
xubuntu681cfhowlett no windows xp and xubuntu is my Os13:41
lelzyoull spend more time trying to fix this13:41
cfhowlettxubuntu681, ok.13:41
lelzi can pretty much guarantee it13:41
seronislelz,  im using nvidia and my drivers were available in the software manager.  is ATI really that bad for xubuntu ?13:42
seronis(useful to know as i might be getting a new comp this year)13:42
lelzits just a joke that goes around online13:43
xubuntu681ok i am in13:43
xubuntu681i used sudo aticonfig --initial --force13:43
xubuntu681but it says me no supported adapters detected13:43
bwat47xubuntu681: what amd/ati card do you have?13:45
xubuntu681i dont remember exaclyt its on my laptop something like 4360 model13:45
xubuntu681ops my bad13:46
xubuntu681mobility radeon x70013:46
xubuntu681its a bit old maybe 2006 model card13:46
[uzver]xubuntu681: The proprietary ATI driver no longer supports your card, so remove it and use the default open-source driver13:47
bwat47xubuntu681: yep thats definitely the problem, thats a very very old card13:47
xubuntu681aha interesting13:48
bwat47xubuntu681: proprietary driver has not supported that in quite a while13:48
xubuntu681so what can i do?13:48
lelzinstall gentoo13:48
[uzver]xubuntu681: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Lucid_Installation_Guide#Removing_the_Driver13:49
xubuntu681lelz gentoo isnt for noobs like me :P13:50
xubuntu681thank you so much! its so helpfull this link13:50
xubuntu681so i will using the drivers that had the xubuntu by default? :P13:50
[uzver]xubuntu681: Then, Follow instructions here: https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa13:51
xubuntu681Oh too much for me :( so from the last link what packaghe should i install?13:52
xubuntu681its so much of them13:52
xubuntu681i thouthg that its enouph If you plan on using open-source drivers, you will need to reinstall some packages because Catalyst overwrites or diverts some key 3D libraries with proprietary versions. For more information on this issue, see this Ubuntu wiki page13:53
[uzver]xubuntu681: on that ppa fresh opensource drivers13:53
[uzver]xubuntu681: remove driver, reinstall packages, add ppa update upgrade13:54
xubuntu681aha interesting so the last link about ppa update upgrade was to getting my drivers overtime updated?13:55
[uzver]xubuntu681: yes13:55
xubuntu681okie thank you so much...i hope i can make it13:56
xubuntu681so after remove driver13:56
xubuntu681should i could log normally back to ubuntu with at +f213:56
[uzver]xubuntu681: must:)13:58
xubuntu681$ sudo sh /usr/share/ati/fglrx-uninstall.sh13:58
xubuntu681it says me that cannot open it13:58
[uzver]xubuntu681: are u in console or X session?13:59
xubuntu681on console14:00
xubuntu681i runned the second command and its executed ok14:01
xubuntu681$ sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx fglrx_* fglrx-amdcccle* fglrx-dev* xorg-driver-fglrx14:01
xubuntu681163 mb will be freed after this operation it says lol so i guess i am removing the mess :P14:01
xubuntu681thank you so much guys! works like a charm now ;)14:08
[uzver]xubuntu681: np14:08
xubuntu681it asked me some updated now that i logged in gui14:09
xubuntu68195 mb14:09
xubuntu681so i think thats its ok that i am updating them14:09
[uzver]xubuntu681: what packages?14:10
xubuntu681like xserver stuff14:10
[uzver]xubuntu681: from xorg-edgers ppa?14:10
xubuntu681xserver -xorg-core14:11
xubuntu681i dint made the last step of putting ppa yet14:11
[uzver]xubuntu681: try to update14:11
xubuntu681by the way you have any idea why its a bit delay when i am pressing right click of mouse in my desktop?14:12
xubuntu681it takes 1 sec almost to show the menu after right click14:12
[uzver]xubuntu681: because it's grab application menu, i always disable apps menu on desktop click14:13
xubuntu681aha but why?it isnt usefull?14:16
xubuntu681so i should remove it14:16
xubuntu681aha got it...only applications option removed from the right click menu! now its also fast! thank you man hehe! so much hard time to adapt my shelf to linux after 10 years of windows :P14:18
[uzver]xubuntu681: i just don't use xfdesktop at all, i'he wallpaper and conky http://i.imgur.com/rPtSfo4.png14:19
xubuntu681oh interesting but it ll take me some time to start config so much hehe by the way from the screenshoot i guessed that you used on programming stuff14:21
xubuntu681what programs from ubuntu software center would you purpose me14:21
xubuntu681about sql/php developing14:22
[uzver]xubuntu681: i don't use any ide, my side python, c (vala, gtk) a little, mostly in sublime2, geany14:25
xubuntu681aha ok thanks anyway ;)14:26
seronisany syntax highlighting basic text editor should do for php14:26
seronisScite for example14:26
seronis(i like scintilla editors though)14:27
xubuntu681okie thanks for the suggestion...but i am speaking about tools...like making a server sql maybe xammp?14:28
[uzver]sudo apt-get install php5 php5-mysql mysql-server apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 :)14:29
xubuntu681wow uzver your are archangel :D hehe!  btw what about Bluefish editor? html stuff hehe14:30
[uzver]xubuntu681: just try it;-)14:33
xubuntu681yea ;) i love the software center...i mean its like apocalypse zombie came and all the stores are empty and free for loot :P lol14:34
seronisexcept it has actually useful stuff in it, and not just the scraps that would be leftover in a real apocolypse14:35
xubuntu681hehe yeap true ;)14:36
xubuntu681btw in the application menu isnt a section about developing applications14:36
seronisthe section shows up soon as you have software that uses it14:36
seronismine was hidden till i installed CodeBlocks14:37
xubuntu681so now that i am downloading Netbeans it would be make a development section or it will move netbeans in the messy Accessories section?14:37
xubuntu681as i imagined it14:37
xubuntu681cooool :D14:37
xubuntu681Geany editor for java and everything sounds also promising14:40
xubuntu681btw my xubuntu havent sound at all14:44
xubuntu681and i cant find any relating setting in setting manager menus14:44
xubuntu681so need to install something?14:45
[uzver]xubuntu681: on panel speaker applet, left click and click Sound settings14:46
xubuntu681where is this panel speaker applet?cant find it :(14:48
[uzver]xubuntu681: try Alt+F2 end run pavucontrol14:50
xubuntu681oho got it ;) but why isnt from somwehere else available?14:50
xubuntu681and even if i turned on play back from silence to 70% the sound still cant hear in youtube sound :(14:52
xubuntu681okie had to sett also on output devices the sound on....doh...thank you so much all for your patience ;)14:55
=== john__ is now known as __j0hn__
cristianovlc executado em fullscreen como eu oculto a barra superior do sistema?15:06
cristianovlc executado em fullscreen como eu oculto a barra superior do sistema?15:09
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #xubuntu-es; escriba "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro. Si nadie responde, puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.15:09
Yotson .br ;)15:12
cristianovlc executado em fullscreen como eu oculto a barra superior do sistema?15:12
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.15:12
didierThe update software tells me to update openjdk. I don't remember I have installed it. How I can verify if this package is installed ?15:55
[uzver]didier: dpkg --get-selections | grep openjdk15:56
didier[uzver]: thanks, it is installed :).15:57
didierSo I do the update :)15:57
didier[uzver]: When I select a text with the mouse in a terminal, the text is not automatically copied to the clipboard. Is there an option to have this behaviour ?15:59
onrthere are more than one clipboards16:00
didieronr: Ok, do you have any tips :) ?16:01
[uzver]didier: i'dnt know, sorry16:02
onruse middle mouse button to paste16:02
didierOh xubuntu 13.04 is out !16:02
onryup. prepare your dvd16:03
onrit doesn't fit into a cd anymore16:03
didieronr: I installed xubuntu on a usb drive.16:05
onri don't still get how xubuntu's size is bigger than ubuntu16:06
bwat47onr: does it really matter? It uses less memory, cpu, boots faster and is more responsive :p16:08
drconr: xfce4-Kitchen_Sink :)16:08
bwat47xfce is also a lot more modular than unity, you can remove pretty much whatever you want16:09
onrunity is screwed up16:10
kRushno argument there16:11
drcNo, unity is very nice, well done and getting better with each release.  It's just not for me.16:11
bwat47I switched to xubuntu not even because its lighter, just because unity gnome and compiz is so buggy (even 13.04)16:12
bwat47every corner I turned I'd run into some annoying unity, gnome, or compiz bug16:12
bwat47drove me insane16:12
bwat47its a shame cause I actually do really like unity's UI16:13
onraka ubuntu netbook remix :)16:14
onrwhich is also impossible to run smoothly on a netbook16:14
bwat47and thunar is so much better than nautilus 3.6 its not even funny16:15
xubuntu257Anyone have brightness function key problems?16:31
xubuntu388guys i am making this progress16:37
xubuntu388about some installtion open source ati drivers for my old laptop16:37
xubuntu388i was on the step16:37
xubuntu388$ sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-radeon $ sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-ati $ sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri xserver-xorg-core $ sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak16:37
xubuntu388and everything was working expect16:37
xubuntu388but when i am executing the last one command16:37
xubuntu388sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak16:38
xubuntu388it says me the error msg  cannot stat `/etc/X11/xorg.conf': No such file or directory16:38
kRushyou can't back up what does not exist16:39
xubuntu388so its ok?i mean i dont need to execute the last command?16:39
xubuntu388the others three before executed ok16:40
xubuntu388ok so now how i install the open source ati drivers?16:41
xubuntu388i know that the next step its ther16:42
xubuntu388but i would be glad to have some more guiding16:42
kRushthe commands above should have already taken care of that16:47
xubuntu388yea but i cant see any difference16:48
haysI am on perhaps makeshift xubuntu and trying to get 4.12. I've added the ppa:xubuntu-dev/xfce-4.12 and there was no effect. what do I need to do to get 4.12?17:20
haysim running raring17:20
brainwashhays: 4.12 is still in development, raring should already contain these few updated package (terminla, parole,..)17:22
haysbrainwash: i heard a rumor 4.12 had better multiple screen management17:23
brainwashhays: so did you run apt-get update and apt-get dist-upgrade after adding the ppa?17:25
haysnot dist-upgrade17:25
hayshmm dist-upgrade did nothing as well...17:26
brainwashhays: what's the output of   apt-cache policy xfce4-settings   ?17:27
haysInstalled: 4.11.0-0ubuntu1~ppa0.13.04.117:27
brainwashhays: well, you are up-to-date17:28
hayshmm.. alright then :)17:28
haysbrainwash: while I have your attention, is there a good way to "clean out" a system? I just switched from kubuntu to xubuntu but I think there is a  lot of cruft17:29
brainwashhays: press   Super + p   to open the screen configuration dialog17:29
haysfreebsd has for example pkg_cutleaves17:29
brainwashhays: you mean like orphaned packages?17:29
hayswell orphaned or just things that are not needed and can be removed17:30
hayswhat is "Super"17:30
brainwashbrainwash: so your system is not a fresh installation and contains some KDE stuff? otherwise, you can delete whatever package you want/ don't need using Synaptic Package Manager17:31
brainwashit's the windows key :)17:31
haysyes i found the improved display item.. that way and through the menu. nice.  alright I will use synaptic. i was on the commandline17:32
brainwashapt-get autoremove might remove some not needed packages, gtkorphan might be useful too17:34
[uzver]hays: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/11/how-to-use-multiple-monitors-in-xubuntu.html17:37
haysbrainwash: synaptic was a fail.. it seems to not want to let me proceed until i fix some broken packages.. not sure what that means17:51
[uzver]hays: execute "sudo apt-get -f install"17:52
haysremoving kdelibs seemed to clear a lot of cruft17:57
haysnow autoremove is getting some stuff...  then I will do what [uzver] suggested.. which i guess fixes any broken deps18:01
haysI feel like apt is doing something weird, installing a bunch of "extra" packages that are KDE stuff18:15
haysare recommendations tweaked perhaps between kubuntu and xubuntu?18:26
haysIs there a way to get the clock and certain items on the panel to be right justified instead of left?18:47
haysThe panel stretches all the way across my screen but the time ends up being kind of in the middle and moves depending on how many things are running18:48
th0rhays: make the space expanding18:51
th0rhays: add a spacer to the panel just before the clock and make the space an expanding space18:51
haysth0r: hmm ok.. that worked. but now I can't seem to get to panel properties since there is no empty space on the panel heh18:53
haysoh wait, Isee it  nevermind18:53
haysth0r: awesome. thanks.18:55
haysth0r: do you know how to center a panel?19:00
th0rhays: the whole panel or just some icons in the panel?19:00
haysth0r: hmm  I think I figured it out..  mine was dragged to the corner19:01
haysinstead of the "bottom"19:01
haysI was looking for an option in the preferences19:01
=== Unit193 is now known as TheMaster
seronisprobably odd question:    but how do i get rid of the taskbar button for Pidgen and Steam ?19:57
seronisthey have trayicons..  i dont need the clutter of a huge taskbar label19:57
seronisgoogle-fu has only revealed how to do this on Windows and KDE19:57
brauleinchenW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/twisted-dev/ppa/ubuntu/dists/raring/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found19:59
brauleinchenW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/twisted-dev/ppa/ubuntu/dists/raring/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found19:59
brauleinchena bit odd, cause I cannot find those packages in the repo19:59
brauleincheni dont understand, if I dont find those packages in the repos, why does my laptop try to download em?20:00
MrHotsaucebrauleinchen:  maybe their ppa dosent have a raring package yet20:02
brauleinchenMrHotsauce, ok, but why does my laptop try to download it? there is no twisted-dev ppa package marked for installation in synaptic20:03
heoyeado a refresh20:03
MrHotsauceive no idea im no professional myself but i know when i updated from 10.12 to 12.10 i got the same error for a while20:04
MrHotsauceit eventually fixed itself20:04
heoyeasudo apt-get update20:05
seronisbrauleinchen,  might be similar to the issue i had with chrome.  just installed xubuntu for first time this past week and the stable chrome browser has dependancies that arent in the official repos20:09
seronisthe issue was already addressed and fixed in the beta branch of chrome so i just installed that instead20:09
brauleinchenheoyea, refresh, the command you pasted, does output the same problem20:18
heoyea brauleinchen then delete ur PPA since is dead20:20
brauleinchenheoyea, which one? I dont see any "twisted ppa" anywhere20:20
heoyeabrauleinchen: try in ur synaptic package manager20:21
heoyeain the repository settings20:22
heoyeaelse u can delete it manually in /etc/apt/sources.list.d20:22
brauleinchenheoyea, its not there20:22
brauleinchenheoyea, etc/apt/sources.list.d is a directory.20:24
brauleinchenthats what geany says after trying to open it via sudo gedit20:24
heoyeals /etc/apt/sources.list.d20:25
brauleinchenheoyea, aha!! 3 results: twisted-dev-ppa-precise.list20:27
heoyeayea remove those20:27
brauleinchenheoyea, how? I cannot open "sources.list.d"20:27
heoyeatry Alt+F2, then type in gksudo thunar20:28
heoyeathen go to that place and delete the files20:29
heoyeaonly the files not the folder20:29
heoyeanow just do sudo apt-get update20:31
MichaelAHello, noob to Xubuntu and loving it. One thing I can't figure out. Is it possible to access my Ubuntu One files via Thunar? Is a panel notification available for Ubuntu One in Xfce?20:31
brauleinchenheoyea, many thanks oit works now20:33
heoyeaMichaelA: maybe this http://askubuntu.com/a/1574620:36
MichaelAheoyea: Thanks! That worked like a charm. Now the trick is to set it up so that command is run every time I start my system.20:44
MoL0ToVhello world20:51
MoL0ToVbye to all21:17
xubuntu548How can I fix brightness keys in 13.04 ?22:59
seronisnot sure.  im new too.  but make sure you leave the chat window open for when someone is around who knows the answewr23:10

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