
nubbyanyone able to help00:00
nubbyor am i been ignored again00:00
s3b`Jordan_U: The thing is, on the other partition on this laptop I have no connectivity issues whatsoever00:00
Jordan_Us3b`: Can you pastebin the output of "dmesg"?00:00
s3b`do you want anything grep'd?00:00
Jordan_Unubby: You're not being ignored. If nobody knows the answer to your question, then nobody will answer.00:01
wilee-nileenubby, If no one answers, don't default to you are being ignored, people answer if they know. ;)00:01
mizifihDr_willis: looks like everything worked fine00:01
Jordan_Us3b`: No, I'll do the grepping as I'm not sure exactly what I'm looking for yet :)00:01
nubbysorry just really anoyyed cos i cant udnerstand why its happenign00:02
nubbyseem liek my itnel cards havign a fit00:02
s3b`Future reference what does dmesg output :)?00:02
Jordan_Us3b`: Messages from the kernel.00:03
s3b`What's weirdin' me out is my xchat hasn't lost connection yet while everything else has00:03
s3b`Okay so i was wrong, i CAN ping my router. had the wrong IP00:05
Bodsdaheh, doesn't help00:05
LarsNmy kingdom for up to date information about using a displaylink usb monitor.00:06
dibscan anyone advise how to get ubuntu to open all ports on the lan?00:07
Jordan_Us3b`: IRC is surprisingly resilient, and the combination of being able to use a long lasting tcp connection and not needing to query DNS often often helps it last through a lot of networking issues.00:07
Dr_willisLarsN,  last i heard in here was they dident work with newer kernels. (not looked into them lately)00:07
Bodsdadibs: easiest method is to disable the firewall, althouth thats not recommended00:07
Jordan_Us3b`: At any point have you had trouble pinging
dibsBodsda: I have and when I nmap the machine from my laptop I get all ports closed still00:08
Jordan_Udibs: Ubuntu doesn't block any ports by default (though there are also few ports listening for anything).00:08
s3b`Jordan_U: Nope that goes through even when my browsers won't load anything00:08
Bodsdadibs: not necessarily - maybe nothing is listening on those ports - not the same thing as being blocked00:09
dibsBodsda: how can I determine if I can access a port remotely then?00:09
Jordan_Us3b`: Then everything is still pointing to DNS, and since xchat knows the ip address of the server you're connected to it doesn't ever need to do another DNS request for it.00:09
Bodsdadibs: telnet to it00:09
Jordan_Udibs: What is your end goal?00:09
dibsJust trying to get vnc, samba, daap etc working in my house00:10
Dr_willisdibs,  install the services and they should work on the local lan.00:10
Dr_willisunless you specifically have firewall rules blocking them00:11
dibsDr_willis: I orginally set everything like that, and for years it has worked but something has changed and now it's like my boxed is firewalled on everythingn but port 2200:12
mizifihJesus, just remembered, I need to set a sFTP server00:12
mizifihI'm a heavy torrent guy, what's the best torrent client for ubuntu?00:12
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.00:13
Dr_willisutorrent even has a linux port now. but it only has a web interface00:13
mizifihDr_willis: webui FTW00:14
ppcblasterwhere can I get help with tarball driver install instead if being told to read mor things online that do not work, real help00:14
s3b`Jordan_U: Ever find anything of interest in my paste?00:14
mizifihI have used rutorrent, it was actually pretty cool, but a pain to setup00:15
wilee-nileeppcblaster, This tar from someone right?00:15
dibsDr_willis: I just telnet to my vnc port 5900 and it was unable to connect, timeout, any suggestions?00:15
johnjohn1011i wonder in utorrent will work in wine.  hmmm00:15
heneusl_payPlease I want an Ubuntu kernel with ipv6 removed.00:15
Dr_willisjohnjohn1011,  it can. but it has a native linux port.00:16
seronisremoved ?  o-000:16
mizifihjohnjohn1011: it's actually not good00:16
wilee-nileeheneusl_pay, You can disable it in grub.00:16
mizifihjohnjohn1011: you rather go with linux clients00:16
johnjohn1011yeah I see it's in alpha00:16
johnjohn1011i just use transmission. works fine00:16
mizifihjohnjohn1011: alpha port would probably work better then wine00:16
wilee-nileeheneusl_pay, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-disable-ipv6-in-ubuntu.html00:17
mizifihLast time I heard you needed an old version to work with wine, like really dated00:17
rypervenchejohnjohn1011: I would use qbittorrent, it is very very similar.00:18
ppcblasteryes from pcie card pve manufacturer written for my ubuntu 12.10 and I can't find a readme or install but make is in one of the folders, it is uncompressed, tried chmos ./configure nothing works I am missing something00:18
mizifihrypervenche: similar to what?00:18
rypervenchemizifih: To utorrent, sorry.00:18
mizifihrypervenche: hum...00:18
rypervencheI made the switch and I haven't gone back.00:18
mizifihtransmission is actually good, but I don't think it's suitable for heavy use00:19
mizifihlike lots of torrents on queue00:19
mizifihYoutube was not working properly on my computer when I was using Windows00:20
mizifihNow on ubuntu I can watch 720p00:20
rypervenchemizifih: Move to Gentoo and you'll be able to watch 1080p :)00:20
mizifihrypervenche: problem with windows was flash not using the GPU, I believe00:20
s3b`NetworkManager in sys/log: Does this mean anything: http://hastebin.com/gepecagini.xml00:21
wilee-nileethe world according to rypervenche00:22
rypervenchemizifih: I'm not going to actually get into, otherwise people here won't like it, but yeah. On my little EeePC I've only been able to watch 1080p videos with Gentoo. Done talking about it though ^^00:22
mizifihrypervenche: this setting is pretty similar to a EeePC, it's one of those APU00:22
mizifihE350 with Radeon HD 630000:23
mizifihpretty decent to surf, storage and regular stuff00:23
benhelpsoin #drupal-support00:24
mizifihExcept I'm using a SSD to make things a little faster00:24
mizifihmake wonders!00:24
johnjohn1011ssd may be the best thing to happen to desktops in quite some time00:24
Litecoin_Messiahi lost my root pass but i have kvm axx can i reset it#/00:24
johnjohn1011how fast is ubuntu booting up with one?00:24
supertougheww E35000:25
Dr_willismy 13.04 box boots with ssd in less time then it takes me to walk to my chair and sit down. ;)00:25
supertoughi'm running ubuntu 12.10 on ssd00:25
mizifihsupertough: its basicaly being used for download, storage, web and watch my 720p TV with xbmc00:25
mizifihget the job done00:25
supertoughboot about the same as windows 700:25
mizifihAnd saved me some money with the electric bill, LOL00:26
wilee-nileeLitecoin_Messiah, root or user password in lsb_release -a00:26
mizifihLike a lot00:26
mizifihI still have my gaming PC00:26
nubbyarg no one is active in bumblebee00:26
nubbybut i have found sumamt else out00:26
nubbylspci -vk is saying my nvidia car has !!! Unknown header type 7f00:27
Litecoin_Messiahwilee-nilee, its a remote server i only got kvm00:27
johnjohn1011wilee-nilee:  no lsb modules are available00:27
SunStarare there network cards that require 64bit?  i upgraded a Dell Inspiron from 12.04 to 13.04 n now theres no WiFi, I installed the recommended STA driver through Software Updater but i stills gots no wifi00:28
mizifihsupertough: I'm using SSD on 13.04, boot faster then Win7 here00:28
johnjohn1011mizifih: how fast?00:28
SunStarwifi worked on 12.04 64bit, not working on 13.04 32bit00:28
mizifihjohnjohn1011: srsly, seconds LOL00:28
mizifihbios info takes like three times more00:29
mizifihand them comes grub00:29
mizifihafter grub, it takes like ten seconds00:29
azi`i still cannot make any update or significant download since it says that the network is unreachable00:29
mizifihbut my system is pretty clean00:29
wilee-nileeSunStar, 64 to 32 bit is not a upgrade but a fresh install, run lspci i  terminal and identify wifi.00:29
azi`is there any way I could debug this issue00:29
azi`or at least conclude its a day of heavy traffic for ubuntu00:29
SunStaryeah i did, wilee-nilee00:30
SunStarsemantics  >_<00:30
seroniswhy install an OS version that doesnt match your hardware ?00:30
mizifihI've been using 64-bit since I can't remember00:31
mizifiheven windows00:31
SunStarjust a test run on a thumbdrive before i commit to 13.0400:31
mizifihSunStar: I just finish setting mine00:31
johnjohn1011still running 32 bit here.  upgraded from 10.10 -> 12.0400:32
mizifihSunStar: just sFTP, sickbeard and ZNC to get it done00:32
SunStarany way i just wanna rule that possibility out. do some WNICS require 64bit drivers?00:32
azi`101 Network is Unreachable this is the error code that I am getting :/00:32
cybermanhi all00:32
wilee-nileeSunStar So you have done nothing really.00:32
cybermani need some help00:32
mizifihI don't recommend 32-bit, even if you don't have 4Gb RAM00:32
cybermanmpow im using ubuntu 12.04 from  live cd - my HDD is dead00:33
cybermanso i need to know jhow can I restart X11 server with normal configuration of Unity 3D?00:33
SunStari ran lspci say it listed, looking up the result to see if it works, internet claims its compatible with 12 (which i already know) and i installed the STA driver from Additional Drivers00:33
azi`0% [Connecting to archive.ubuntu.com (]00:33
azi`is this the proper IP00:33
azi` for ubuntu's archives?00:34
cyberman\join #ubuntu-ru00:34
johnjohn1011sunstar what is your wifi?00:34
SunStarabout to go back to working on it, just wanted to get that 1 question answered, does 32bit VS. 64bit OS matter for broadcom wifi adapter00:34
SunStarill get back to ya in a bit when im in front of the machine00:34
johnjohn1011sunstar uninstall the sta and put back the b43 driver. I had the same issue00:34
Dr_williscyberman,  see if for a newly made user - if unity3d works for them.00:36
johnjohn1011sunstar remove bcmwl-kernel-source   and then reload the firmware-b43-installer00:36
Dr_williscyberman,  if it does. then you can remove whatever .config/setting files in the problem users home may be cuasing the issues00:36
cybermanDr_willis i\m using Live CD00:37
cybermanmy HDD is dead00:37
cybermanso there is the task:00:37
cybermanrelaunch X11 after drivers installed00:37
cybermanwith workable Unity00:38
SunStari wouldnt use unity if u dont have a hard drive00:38
Dr_williscyberman,  you are installing the drivers On a Live cd?00:39
johnjohn1011cyberman, if you could boot into a terminal and do startx, that would work but i haven't done that for years.00:39
wilee-nileecyberman, Might be easier with a usb and persistence.00:39
Dr_willisor do you mean a live-USB >00:39
SunStaror install to a USB thumbdrive00:39
Dr_willisyou can do a full install to a usb flash drive and install stuff like you would to a HD installed system00:39
cybermani mean Live CD00:39
johnjohn1011is it possible to boot a live cd to the terminal and do a startx?  just curious.00:40
Dr_willisinstalling extra drivers on a live-cd i imagine are not going to work.00:40
cybermannow i have cd only00:40
Dr_willisive had a hard time getting nvidia drivers working on a Live-USB in the past.. not tried it recently.00:40
SunStaryou will need something you can format as ext2 to run as your persistence if you wanna run from CD00:41
SunStari have done it, its possble, at least with ati00:41
wilee-nileekernel changes are a bit tough on a live usb00:41
SunStaryeah i say ur better off doing a fresh install onto a thumbdrive00:42
anewanything good like top i can use for monitoring00:42
cybermani need to restart server fully00:42
anewwhat do u guys use mainly00:42
rafaelloestHi guys. I need help from you guys.00:42
johnjohn1011can't he hit some keys to stop the x session and go to terminal?00:42
cybermanjust restart x11 with unity00:42
cybermannow i installing latest nvidia drivers00:43
rafaelloestMy laptop is (from factory) Win 8. I had a BSoD loop with it and while i was waiting for my recovery disk, i decided to install ubuntu. Well, i resized the HD, installed (advanced mode) and then, installed a update. Well, after that, I had a problem. Decided to re-install Ubuntu, made the mistake to allow it to erase ALL my HD. Now i am trying to recover my personal data. Using Testdisk, i can find the partitions (all ones) but d00:43
johnjohn1011cyberman what happens in the live cd if you logout?00:43
cybermantrying to log out, then wait some time and then...00:44
cybermandrivers are installed00:44
wilee-nileerafaelloest, Call the manufactuere and get the oem reinstall discs00:44
rafaelloesti have them, but i need to recover my personal data first...00:45
cybermanthere need to restart whole x11 server00:45
Jordan_Urafaelloest: Your message was cut off at "i can find the partitions (all ones) but d".00:45
Dr_willison a live cd - he could try 'sudo service lightdm restart'00:46
rafaelloesti can find the partitions (all ones) but dont know what to do.00:46
RalliasIs there a reason my computer's webcam receives power momentarily while it's booting up on ubuntu?00:46
lolbatRallias: it is just Linus Thorvald taking a picture of you00:46
rafaelloestdont know if i can post link, but if i can, i cant take a screenshot of the screen i am and put a link here00:46
Ralliasrafaelloest, Go for it.00:47
johnjohn1011cybermon: i found this  http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/how-i-enabled-nvidias-drivers-in-ubuntu-9-10-livecd-and-restarted-x-767352/00:47
Ralliaslolbat, I don't appreciate that sort of joke.00:47
=== uno is now known as Thorby
johnjohn1011i sort of remember doing this a while back.   you to an init 3 in a command window as root and then when you get to the terminal, you do an init 500:47
Thorbyoo I missed something00:48
rafaelloestok, 1 sec. sending it to this PC and uploading it00:48
anewis there a way to top only by specific process name?00:49
rafaelloesthere: http://uploadnow.org/image/346806-ubuntu_err.jpeg00:50
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Dr_willisRallias,  i imagine its the module getting loaded00:50
BHXSpecterwhat does it mean when apt-get says apt-extracttemplates no such file or directory and can see it in /usr/bin ? o.O00:51
MonkeyDustanew  htop is more interactive00:51
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smith_wessonrafaelloest: your time is wrong00:52
rafaelloesti am using a live USB00:52
rafaelloest(i am not in the installed version)00:53
rafaelloestmy BSoD loop started before the ubuntu.00:53
betraydRallias: it does a quick chek if something is (connected) there00:55
anewif i ctl-C out of htop does that close it or is it still running ?00:55
betraydsame with keyboard + mouse Rallias00:56
betraydBut its quick though00:56
rafaelloestguys? Anybody?00:56
betraydwhat do you mean all 1's00:56
Dr_willisctrl-c normally kills a cli app00:57
CyberManim back00:58
rafaelloestStill dont knowing what to do...00:59
smith_wessonrafaelloest: about what01:00
wilee-nileerafaelloest, I would try the ##windows channel as it is a windows recovery, they may have some ideas.01:00
CyberManthere is problem: after I restart the serevr, Welcom window appeared. OK. Top bar is shown. Ok. When I trying to push "Try ubuntu" buttin - desktop loaded. But without top bar and dashboard01:01
rafaelloestWell, the windows is not the problem, the problem is the data. (and i can only acess the HD by ubuntu).01:01
wilee-nileerafaelloest, You overwrote the ntfs, how long did you run ubuntu if at all?01:01
CyberManSo there only 2 shortcuts - examples and install01:01
kavehhai guise01:02
rafaelloestwilee-nilee. I just booted it.01:02
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rafaelloestWhen i saw it i turned it off and booted the live USB01:03
Jordan_Urafaelloest: Allow testdisk to write the new parition table out and see what data you can access (but mount the ntfs partition read only).01:03
wilee-nileerafaelloest, Problem here is that nobody seems to have a fix for you here now, may not be one from linux and testdisk per-say, I would talk with windows users just to have more info is all.01:04
wilee-nileethere are recovery tools specifically for windows01:04
rafaelloestJordan_U, how i can do this?01:04
OerHeksdid you try the L option, load backup ( if there is a shadow)01:04
rafaelloestwilee, i dont have acess to windows01:04
betraydbut didn't you say you can see the data (all 1's) whatever that means01:05
rafaelloestOerHeks. None of then have backup.01:05
rafaelloesti can see the old partitions01:06
wilee-nileerafaelloest, Yes, but I suspect live a live disc to run testdisc there are windows recovery apps from a live disc or bootable disc. I would just look for more options is all.01:06
smith_wessonrafaelloest: you can download demo windows to use for few days.01:06
Jordan_Urafaelloest: Try selecting a partition that you want to recover and press 'A'.01:07
rafaelloestthe problem is that i dont have a external HD. (right now)01:07
rafaelloest[i need to put i in the HD (for some time)...01:07
betraydrafaelloest: are these files too large for a USB stick01:08
rafaelloesti need to change from D to something else or i can leave them there?01:08
rafaelloesttoo much files...01:08
rafaelloest(made the mistake of leaving to much important things together)01:08
betraydunderstood (been there)01:08
Jordan_Urafaelloest: Always have backups of important files.01:09
rafaelloestJordan. Now i know...01:09
betraydwas thinking gparted could copy the partition01:09
rafaelloestgparted dont see these partitions...01:10
rafaelloestjust the actual one...01:10
rafaelloest(the one that i made the mistake to let ubuntu make...)01:10
smith_wessonrafaelloest: you have hard drive now01:10
Jordan_Urafaelloest: The most sane way to recover these files is by copying them to another drive. Can you get another drive?01:10
rafaelloestnow i cant...01:11
Jordan_Urafaelloest: Can you wait to recover the files / use the computer (other than via LiveUSB) until you can?01:11
rafaelloestin 2 days (06/05) i will01:11
betrayd so you had begun the ubuntu install, than cancelled somewhere after partitions were created and others erased?01:11
rafaelloesti dont want to use the computer because i am afraid of fucking up (again)01:12
Jordan_Urafaelloest: Please watch your language.01:12
rafaelloestbretayd, no. I dont cancelled. I just saw this after it installed.01:12
rafaelloestJordan. Sorry.01:12
Biomechdis it possible to re-enable the shortcut keys at the top of my keyboard? the ones for adjusting brightness and sound and such? i don't want to have to keep adjusting it in the system settings.01:13
ntzrmtthihu777is there a way to check if you have any kde runtime dependent apps installed in xfce? I should like to make a clean sweep of mah system.01:13
smith_wessonrafaelloest: you claim you dont have windows how did you partitions end up ntfs01:13
rafaelloestIt came from factory with Windows 8 installed.01:13
ntzrmtthihu777Biomechd: check your bios, there is at times a setting there01:13
rafaelloestI dont have it now.01:13
Biomechdntzrmtthihu777: can i do that without rebooting my laptop?01:14
rafaelloestthe ubuntu installation erased it...01:14
wilee-nileentzrmtthihu777, In playing around are desktop lists up to 12.10 as of now. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/01:14
Jordan_Urafaelloest: Then wait until you have another drive. Testdisk has multiple options for recovering files from "deleted" partitions, some of which will just dump files and others which will change the partition table and let you try to mount it. What you choose depends on how badly corrupted the filesystem is (from having been partially overwritten by another FS) and how selective you want to be in the files you save.01:14
zackiv31anyone here familiar with ruby or FSEvent? having issues under ubuntu: https://gist.github.com/zivester/551909901:14
rafaelloestis possible to save everything possible?01:15
smith_wessonrafaelloest: what are you trying to recover then. Windows8!01:15
rafaelloestthe data. the os i can recover after...01:15
rafaelloestthe most important is the data01:15
Jordan_Urafaelloest: Yes (for a somewhat lose definition of "possible").01:16
rafaelloestnow i just care about the data. My personal data...01:16
smith_wessonrafaelloest: data like personal files.01:16
rafaelloestJordan. Everything tesdisk can.01:16
betraydso try not to touch it in the meantime?01:16
rafaelloestYes. Music, photos, projects, etc01:17
johnjohn1011rafaelloest: are you using a partition recovery program?01:17
rafaelloestbetrayd. Exact what i am doing.01:17
smith_wessonrafaelloest: can you mount the partition where data is01:17
rafaelloestJohn. Testdisk (live Ubuntu 13.04)01:17
rafaelloestno, it is a deleted partition...01:18
rafaelloest(by what Testdisk tells)01:18
Jordan_Urafaelloest: Yes. Understand that there are two ways that testdisk can try to recover files though, via restoring the parititon table and reading from the FS and by basically grepping for files byte by byte ignoring the filesystem. If you do both then you'll get duplicates of a lot of files (and with the photorec grepping stategy you might not get filenames).01:18
rafaelloestif the photos are recovered, filenames i can do it manually,01:19
johnjohn1011rafaelloest: did you try this http://www.vimxsoft.com/partition-recovery/01:19
ntzrmtthihu777wilee-nilee: I've just installed a package or two (then removed) that used kde. I just needa know if there is a way to tell if any app you have requires the kde libs01:20
rafaelloestjohn. Not yet.01:20
rafaelloestis usb/cd/dvd bootable?01:20
rafaelloestor i have to install it?01:20
Jordan_Ujohnjohn1011: rafaelloest: It looks like that tool doesn't do anything that testdisk can't, and Testdisk is Free, has a good reputation, and is available for GNU/Linux.01:21
wilee-nileentzrmtthihu777, Not sure to be honest.01:21
smith_wessonrafaelloest: you can download windows while running ubuntu live. Burn to dvd then reinstall windowz. Then like someone else said. Use windows recoveryprogrsm01:21
johnjohn1011no problem jordan_u: I will follow along01:22
rafaelloestSmith. I dont want to mess with the HD. I know that there is a limit that can be recovered.01:22
smith_wessonrafaelloest: use serial for windowd on sticker on side machine to re register windows01:22
rafaelloesti cant boot windows...01:22
betraydthe disks you got from oem, are they recovery discs that search for rescue partition?01:23
Biomechdurg. i told unsettings i want my dash to go back to autohide after resetting last night (unity decided to crash the panel and the dash after giving me some login issues) and it's not autohiding.01:23
* wilee-nilee thinks someone needs to unload the smith_wesson 01:23
johnjohn1011rafaelloest: why don't you buy another hard drive, reload windows on that and then see if that exe can find those deleted partitions01:23
rafaelloestno. i have a driver disc and a system disc.01:23
johnjohn1011rafaelloest:  did you check geek squad to see what they might say? worth a shot.01:24
rafaelloesti am more inclined to use testdisk... it sems better.01:24
rafaelloestgeek squad? who?01:24
johnjohn1011best buy or some other disk recovery professional01:25
rafaelloestin a Sunday?01:25
Biomechdrafaelloest: the geek squad is a tech support company who will come out to your house and fix your tv or other electronic if you need them to. or you can call and get help over the phone.01:25
rafaelloesti dont they can help me where i live...01:26
wilee-nileeBiomechd, Have you rebooted since the havoc?01:26
Dr_willisOr  you go find some young kid :)01:26
rafaelloesti dont think*01:26
johnjohn1011do you have any back up harddrive01:26
rafaelloesti wish i had...01:26
johnjohn1011so this is a one time shot, if you screw up, it's curtains right?01:27
shapeDr_willis: got a new 3TB HDD for storage (personal files, media, etc.) However I do use Windows to dual boot as well. I was thinking of Partitioning the entire 3TB in ext4, but I am afraid it might bite me back in the long run. Any thoughts?01:27
tocsickhey my mousewheel scrolling is jumpy. What can i do to fix this? It just started after one of the recent updates about a month ago.01:27
Dr_willisif you had a spare HD. you could 'dd' the bad hd to the spare. then try to recovery the original01:27
rafaelloestyes... this is why i want some help.01:27
Biomechdwilee-nilee: i've fixed the crashed unity panel/dash already. i just can't get the dash to autohide. and i'm still having an issue with the hotkeys at the top of my keyboard not working.01:27
Jordan_Urafaelloest: If you come back in a few days with your new HD to backup to I can walk you through using testdisk to recover your files.01:27
rafaelloesti will buy a exeternal HD.01:27
Dr_willisshape,  depends on what you are keeping on the hd. and if you want to accessit from windows.  If so. use ntfs01:27
johnjohn1011dr_willis: good advice01:28
wilee-nileeBiomechd, Compiz needs a reload at times, a reboot can do this easiest, have you done that?01:28
shapeDr_willis: yeah :(, but NTFS fragmentation for 3TB, that's why I was considering ext401:28
rafaelloestJordan_U. What are the times you are on? (in UTC ?)01:28
shapeDr_willis: imagine defragmenting that... :(01:28
wilee-nileeshape, above 2 tb is gpt01:28
tocsickhey my mousewheel scrolling is jumpy. Does anyone know what package handles mouse input so I can maybe try a backport?01:28
rafaelloestUTC 0*01:29
johnjohn1011why not partition it up and then use mount to load the partitions?  useless you need it all in one partition.01:29
Biomechdwilee-nilee: so rebooting will fix the dash issue, but i've rebooted my laptop several times since the hotkeys decided to crash again and they haven't been re-enabled.01:29
iBelieveI'm interested in running multiple linux distros and Windows in VMs. What is the fastest method that is recommended for the desktop? I don't care how easy it is to set up or use.01:29
shapewilee-nilee: Yeah but how would that affect me?01:29
andygraybeal_hey guys, i got 12.04 and a kernel dependency problem, i have a newer kernel and 'linux-generic' depends on an older kernel.  specifically: linux-generic depends on linux-image-generic ( however the version of linux-image-generic is ... how do i break out of this?  i can't install anything :(01:29
wilee-nileeshape, You have to work within that framework is all.01:30
rafaelloestjohn. This will mess with the HD.  i really dont want do that... (too scared)01:30
wilee-nileeBiomechd, Not sure of any definitive fixes.01:30
varun_tocsick, usually psmouse01:30
tocsickvarun thanks01:31
brian____rafaelloest, I'm way to late into this, but have you considered using like redobackup and making an image of the disk as it stands now, so you can always go back to it?  Ignore me, if this has been covered...01:31
johnjohn1011rafaelloest: that was for someone else.  yeah, i would follow that advice. clone to another hd and then have an expert walk you through01:31
wilee-nileeshape, I would guess that you have hd's tied together is all.01:31
wilee-nilee!cn | Varazir01:31
ubottuVarazir: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw01:31
wilee-nileevarun_, ^^^^01:31
Biomechdwilee-nilee: i can use the f1-f12 on those keys (as their secondary function), but i can't use the primary functions.01:31
rafaelloestif i can do image of 1TB disk in a 1TB external disk, i can try.01:32
brian____http://redobackup.org/ it works amazingly well, free, easy to use linux backup solution01:32
shapewilee-nilee: wait, what do you mean by that I'm not that familiar with GUID, what I thought was just fire up parted and create the 3TB NTFS parition. And then I'd be done. Is there more to that?01:32
varun_wilee-nilee, ??01:32
rafaelloest(1TB external is the one i can buy)01:33
tocsickvarun, I don't have psmouse installed, also can't find the package at all01:33
wilee-nileevarun_, sorry meant to point the foriegn language info at jiangfuqiao01:33
brian____rafaelloest, the image will only be the size of the data you're trying to backup.  1tb disk with 500gb will create a 500gb image01:33
varun_guessed that :) wilee-nilee01:33
Jordan_Urafaelloest: I'm not certain, but Monday and Tuesday likely 19:00 to 4:00 (the next "morning").01:34
johnjohn1011rafaelloest: sounds good to me.  and you get a 1tb hard drive out of it!!01:34
varun_tocsick, let's see your pastebin link to output of lsmod then..01:34
wilee-nileeshape, I would just be wary myself, however I am not familiar with gpt, and tied HD's, maybe it is as easy as you describe.01:34
rafaelloestbut brian, will this program save the "deleted" partitions too?01:34
tocsickvarun http://pastebin.com/5ByXLkke01:35
brian____rafaelloest, ahh sorry, I may have missed that part, just sat down at my computer.  I think it will only backup partitions it sees.01:35
Jordan_Urafaelloest: If you use dd you can make a full image of the drive.01:35
brian____it includes parted and some other utils that might help you01:36
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brian____or you could use it as a live cd to use dd01:36
Biomechdwell i suppose i'll reboot and see what's different01:36
varun_tocsick, you do have psmouse in there.01:37
shapewilee-nilee: yeah, I remember when installing Gentoo they talked about larger than 2TB and  all you have to do extra is mklabel gtp http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/handbook/handbook-x86.xml?chap=4&part=1#parted01:37
tocsickvarun, lol, i saw it once I had posted the pastebin link. What's the name of the package though? I can't find psmouse or ps-mouse, etc in synapitc01:37
johnjohn1011will clonezilla work for rafaelloest   i just used it to clone a drive and it was dirt simple (my kind of program)01:37
rafaelloestWhat is DD?01:38
brian____rafaelloest, it can be used for cloning, 'dd if/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb bs=32M' if is the source, of is the target01:38
Dr_willisim not sure clonezilla will work right with a drive hes trying to recovery.01:38
Dr_willishes sort of un-deleteing it ;)01:38
johnjohn1011just asking.  dd sounds like the best way01:38
OerHeksjohnjohn1011, clonezilla will work with valid partitions01:38
wangchongrafael, are you wanting to backup a parti whose parti info was deleted?01:38
varun_tocsick, it is built in kernel driver, comes with the kernel itself. You seem to be using usbhid as well, it is usually for usb mouse01:39
shapebrian____: But if you use that command and you have let's say 400GB to clone, will it show some progress bar? I'm sure that will take hours/.01:39
rafaelloestwhat is dd?01:39
johnjohn1011doesn't rafaelloest have to create the partitions on the external hdd first?01:39
wangchongrafael, brian, using dd will require all the unused space for a total of 1TB01:39
johnjohn1011dd is a way to copy partitions01:39
rafaelloestwangchong: trying to undelet it.01:39
OerHeks!info dd01:39
ubottuPackage dd does not exist in raring01:39
Jordan_Ujohnjohn1011: No, they can save the disk image as a file on another filesystem.01:40
brian____shape,  I would expect it to run over night but top could give you status, not position really... 'watch vmstat -d'01:40
tocsickvarun, yeah it's a usb mouse I've having problems with. The scroll wheel response is jumpy (rapid up and down when you're only scrolling in one direction). Consistent in every app I run. If I use e-17 the problem stops, but I don't want to use e-17 as my window manager01:40
rafaelloestwanchong, well i will have a clen 1TB external HD.01:41
wangchongrafaelloest: do you remember its old boundaries?01:41
wangchongalso use dump, dd takes forever01:42
brian____wangchong, yes, my previous recommendation was to create an image using a seperate tool, which wouldn't work in his case.01:42
wangchongdump only makes something the size of used data01:42
rafaelloestno (relatively new to ubuntu)01:42
wangchongdump probably wont work either if parti table messed up01:42
varun_tocsick, there is a command that can let you get/set every aspect of a pointer device, can't remember its name though (used only once a few days ago).01:42
Jordan_Uwangchong: This is for an ntfs filesystem, and one whose partiton has been deleted and partially overwritten, making dump not really a viable option.01:42
rafaelloesti dont care it takes forever. If it recover my personal data its ok for me.01:43
wangchongmy bad01:43
wangchongif you can remember old boundaries you can use fdisk to redefine partis01:44
tocsickvarun is it tpconfig?01:44
shapebrian____: but clonezilla would give you some progress bar correct?01:44
wangchongor you could brute force boundaries and try to mount, maybe script that01:44
Jordan_Uwangchong: We already have found the boundaries using testdisk.01:44
brian____shape, I'm not familiar with clonezilla, but redoback does, I assume clonezilla would as well.  However, I don't know what it does to create the image, it might use dump.01:45
Biomechdwilee-nilee: dash still won't autohide.01:45
shapebrian____: and why would that be bad?01:45
wilee-nileeBiomechd, I have no real answer here.01:45
wangchongthen can you plug them into fdisk and make that problem go away?01:45
wangchongthe boundary info01:46
brian____well, dump is byte by byte, and creates an image but is going to need a valid partition table, where dd isn't going to care01:46
Biomechdoh well. i'll just have to get used to having my blender workspace reduced somewhat for a while.01:46
wangchongbut you gonna have to care sometime, like when you want to use the parti01:46
varun_tocsick, recalled it - "xinput --set-prop" (already remembered xinput, lol). But take a careful look at man xinput first01:46
shapebrian____: I see :)01:47
Biomechdif anyone comes up with a solution to either of my problems, let me know. i'll be working on stuff in blender.01:47
wangchongdump is block level copy01:47
rafaelloestdump do not copy byte per byte correct?01:49
wangchongbut it still needs valid parti like you said01:49
varun_tocsick, for example, 'xinput' command gives my touchpad id as '11'. Then I can use 'xinput --list-props 11' to see its settings that I can set with '--set-prop'01:49
wangchongcan't you use fdisk to save parti boundaries like you know them, save it, check if it mounts, then use clonezilla or dump or whatever?01:50
tocsickthanks varun, I'll get this figured out. It's driving me crazy01:51
TreaverI need help01:51
scarecrow_I have a Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01) wifi adapter that worked with 12.xx, not working under 13.04. can i get some help with it? i in additional drivers there was a mention of it not working and recommended i install the STA driver. after reboot, still no WiFi01:51
wilee-nilee!Broadcom| scarecrow_ Have you looked here.01:51
ubottuscarecrow_ Have you looked here.: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx01:51
rosco_yIs anyone else experiencing extremely high CPU usage after the last 12.04.2 kernel updates?01:51
lolbatWhat is the best way to remove duplicate images?01:53
rosco_yI switched from 12.10 to LTS for the stability a while ago, and have been really pleased with that move.01:53
ntzrmtthihu777lolbat: if they are literal digital duplicates fdupes is wonderful.01:53
rosco_ylolbat: can you explain your situation a bit more?01:53
ntzrmtthihu777lolbat: if they only *look* the same, then no. Unless of course you are not talking about literal image files XD01:54
brian____rafaelloest, if it were me, I would get another 1tb drive, dd the disks, unplug one, and then try whatever someone smarter than I would recommend.  I just want you to have what you have now.  I so very often think I'm making a small change, and it causes me hours of work.  So I'm extremely pro backup at the moment...01:54
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iBelieveI'm trying to choose virtualization software for a laptop. Should I choose Xen or KVM? I'm planning on running various Linux distros and Windows.01:55
lolbatrosco_y: I have like, 50k images in random folders, some of those images are the same exact file with diffrent names01:55
compdociBelieve, what will you do with windows?01:56
ntzrmtthihu777lolbat: sudo apt-get install fdupes01:56
wilee-nileeTreaver, Outline the problem for the channel.01:56
brian____iBelieve, Do you ever plan on having a standard boot OS?01:56
lolbatntzrmtthihu777: it works on folders?01:56
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lolbatntzrmtthihu777: like recursive01:56
ntzrmtthihu777lolbat: Then run fdupes -R -dn . from the top layer folder.01:56
iBelievecompdoc, run some programming software and such. No games at all.01:57
rosco_ylolbat: check on the web, but I think digikam will search for duplicates, and allow you to delete them--although it might be a tedious, manual process (I've never actually used it--I've seen it somewhere)01:57
lolbatntzrmtthihu777: thanks, that saves me a lot of time01:57
compdociBelieve, is video speed important?01:57
iBelievebrian____, what do you mean? My main OS installed on the laptop is Ubuntu.01:57
lolbatdigikam is a pretty hoirrble piece of software except from for tagging faces01:57
ntzrmtthihu777lolbat: yup. I ran it and killed 20gb of pdf's to 1101:57
lolbatntzrmtthihu777: what does it do to the duplicates?01:58
rafaelloestthanks for the help guys. I will enter here again when i have the External HD.01:58
rosco_ylolbat: I'm not what you call a digikam user, but I've noticed that google's picassa blows digicams face recognition out of the water01:58
ntzrmtthihu777lolbat: I suppose that would be what it does, the -d flag delets and -n does it without asking permission. if you don't do -n it askes what you want to keep from each set.01:59
ntzrmtthihu777so if you have 5 identical images, you can choose which of the 5 you want to keep, 1 or more.01:59
lolbatthe point is to just have one of each, I assume it will result in empty folders tho01:59
iBelievecompdoc, Not really sure. I won't be running software that displays a lot of graphics or videos, but I would like the VM to not be jerky for regular usage.02:00
rtcg72ahi, how can I upgrade ubuntu 12.04 to 13.04 from the update manager?02:00
rosco_yI"m thinking of switching from 12.04 LTS to 12.10 or 13.04.  Does anyone have recommendations--should I clean install or upgrade?02:00
wilee-nileertcg72a, Through 12.1002:00
lolbatrosco_y: I prefer clean installs once in a while02:00
ntzrmtthihu777lolbat: yeah, it can, depending on how the images are arranged. -R -nd will delete all but one, no clue as to the choosing algorhythm02:00
iBelievecompdoc, I've run Ubuntu in VirtualBox before, and with no apps running in it, it tends to be jerky and slow, which I don't want.02:01
ntzrmtthihu777rosco_y: clean install if you must, stick with precise till raring settles a bit is my advice.02:01
rtcg72awilee-nilee: so I have to upgrade to 12.10 then upgrade to 13.04?02:01
rosco_ylolbat: I agree too, it's nice to have a clean slate.02:01
ntzrmtthihu777rtcg72a: yup. you can go directly between lts versions, however.02:01
compdociBelieve, Ive been using KVM for years. I used Xen before that. With kvm, you install doing this simple thing:   sudo apt-get install qemu-kvm qemu-system-x86 virt-manager02:01
lolbatrosco_y: copying settings is also easy02:02
rosco_yI actually backed off of 12.10 to 12.04 awhile back, for stability reasons.02:02
ntzrmtthihu777rtcg72a: so you can go lucid > precise > 14.0402:02
compdocrosco_y, I did that too. I find 13.04 is pretty good tho02:02
wilee-nileertcg72a, From the update manager yes, overall I believe as well, a fresh install though with a saved dpkg list of the 12.04 and any 3rd party repos will have you set if the 3rd parties are releasing 13.04 stuff.02:02
ntzrmtthihu777rtcg72a: (not that 14.04 exists yet)02:02
ntzrmtthihu777!cloning | rtcg72a02:03
ubotturtcg72a: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » (this may cause problems with multiarch before 12.10) - See also !automate02:03
rosco_ycompdoc: ty.  maybe I'll give that a try.  the last kernel upgrade in 12.04 is giving my CPU a workout.  I'm pretty sure they'd get it fixed if I patiently waited...but that doesn't sound much like me.02:03
tshauckhi... I'm trying to use input, however whenever I try to hit enter, it's sending ^M instead of enter.  How can I fix this?02:04
brian____iBelieve, I was just wondering on your workload, like if you planned on using the VMs for your entire workflow, or if you were planning on using it more sporadically02:04
iBelievecompdoc, Is there a significant speed difference between Xen and KVM? I don't really care how hard it is to set up, as long as it isn't too hard to screw things up and make the system unbootable.02:04
compdociBelieve, I think the speed is the same, but xen requires a modded kernel that gets installed02:04
iBelievebrian____, Mostly Ubuntu, just the VMs when I want to tinker with a different distro or run a Windows-only program.02:05
Dr_willistshauck,  clarify what you mean by 'use input'  ^m is ctrl-m which is the enter key. ;)02:05
brian____iBelieve, I rarely virtualize on my laptop, so I have virtualbox here since its dead simple and run a seperate esxi host for full time use02:05
iBelievecompdoc, So if speed is the same, is there any other major reason to choose Xen instead of KVM, since KVM is easy to set up?02:06
compdociBelieve, you'll need to ask a xen expert. Be interesting to know02:06
iBelievecompdoc, brian____ I'll probably just use KVM. Thanks for your help!02:08
zivesteranyone know how to debug being kicked back to X Login screen?02:09
brian____iBelieve, sorry, I don't have any more input.  I do know that people choose xen for stability reasons.  I have no idea if that is valid or not, but if you're not running vm's for hours on end, I wouldn't think it would matter even if it were true.02:09
andygraybeal_i think i'm in update hell ;(  i have a newer kernel than what my kernel says it depends on.. and now nothing updates, please help :)02:09
compdociBelieve, once you install, you have to log out, then back in02:10
iBelievecompdoc, Yep, I've seen the instructions on help.ubuntu.com/community.02:11
iBelievecompdoc, I've been using an LVM partition for data. Would I get better performance using LVM partions for the OS virtual storage, and is this even possible?02:12
compdociBelieve, I use a seperate, fast drive to put the VM files on02:13
TreaverHow do I remove the grub menu completely and use the Windows 8 Menu02:13
iBelievebrian____, Thanks for the info. It's nice to know stuff like that.02:13
TreaverHow do I remove the grub menu completely and use the Windows 8 Menu02:14
iBelievecompdoc, Okay, thanks.02:14
brian____Treaver, which OS did you install first?02:18
o3ui have a TP-link which works with rtl8192cu driver, lsmod, modprobe -l, lsusb, lspci all show the driver, however i cannot see the card with iwconfig, any idea what i can try?02:19
o3uit's a wireless dongle02:20
brian____Treaver, also consider that since w8 is a graphical boot loader you're loading extra stuff at boot to just throw it away.  all for the second of so of eye candy02:20
Dr_williszivester,  if you mena you login at lightdm. and it exits back to lightdm. check the permissions/ownership of your .Xauthority file in the users home (use the consoel to do this) it may be owned by root by  mistake02:20
samsonhello.every ubuntuer02:21
o3uim on ubuntu 12.1002:21
brian____o3u, does it tell you no wireless extensions, or the card isnt listed?02:21
ntzrmtthihu777samson: you.greetings02:21
o3ubrian____: its just not listed02:21
subcoolok- can someone explain why i can not transfer files greater than 4.0gb via samba02:22
subcoolseriously please02:22
subcoolthis is pissin gme off02:22
ntzrmtthihu777subcool: because they are huge?02:22
brian____o3u, whats 'lshw -C network'02:22
subcoolsamba has a file cap?02:22
Dr_willissubcool,  what filesystem is the samba shares on?02:23
brian____subcool, you're not perhaps sending to something that is fat32?02:23
subcooli am sending a .rar file..02:23
subcoolfrom one linux box to another02:24
o3ubrian____: http://pastebin.com/TQVQVAq9 it's showing my wired motherboard connector02:24
Dr_willissubcool,  for linux to linux, you could just try scp02:24
subcoolthe files are stored on a ext4 fs02:24
subcoolDr_willis: i was just thinking that02:24
Dr_willisive seen some old issues with samba and 4gb files.. but those all date to 2005 or so02:24
subcoolone of the boxes is running kubuntu 10.0402:25
Dr_willisscp souldent care what disrto. ;)02:25
brian____o3u, hmm02:25
subcoolok- ill just use that.02:25
brian____o3u, 'lspci -nn'02:28
o3ubrian____: actually its not showing on lspci02:28
subcoolthanks guys02:28
brian____o3u, what is the model of the tplink?02:28
o3ubrian____: http://pastebin.com/Up9WXXcx it's a TP-link TL-WN725N02:29
brian____I'll be honest, about 7 days ago, I had 4 usb wifi dongles, none of them truly supported, but some got them to work.  I bought one that was official supported, after a few days of tinkering.  I wish I would have avoided the tinkering02:29
brian____actually, 'lsusb'02:30
o3ubrian____: :/ i read a whole bunch of posts from people that got em working and everything seems to load the driver but it's not working http://pastebin.com/eiB94T6v02:30
Biomechdarg. i went into ccsm and told it to disable alt-lmb for moving windows around and i still can't deselect anything in blender because it's not registering that i disabled the mouse shortcut to move windows (which conflicts with blender's keyboard method of deselecting in group select)02:31
brian____o3u, I had a netgear that uses the same realtek chip, I couldn't get it to work.  Well, I got it to work, but it was so buggy, I would go to sleep with it working, wake up with no device, I wouldn't use the ndiswrapper though.02:32
o3ubrian____: did you have a similar problem to mine? dongle not showing in iwconfig?02:34
Bray90820`Is there an expose/ Mission Control replacement for ubuntu02:35
brian____o3u, honestly, I had everything single problem I could come up with.  I'm quite sure, I read every page pertaining to the netgear adapter that exists on the internet.  I kept thinking it was my wpa_supplicant.conf.  Since when I got it working, I could associate to the AP without it failing so often.  It was all the driver.02:36
fwaokda_when i try to go to "System Settings > Details" my control panel crashes each time.... anyone know how i can fix this?02:37
brian____o3u, where you might have more luck, when I installed the realtek propiertary drivers off their site, the module wouldn't associate to the card, maybe yours will easier02:38
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o3ubrian____: ya i did that right away, haven't tried ndiswrapper,02:39
johnjohn1011o3u:  did that donngle ever work?02:40
brian____o3u, yah, truthfully, new card is easiest.  I switched and bought a pcie1x put it in the machine, booted it up, everything worked within 30 seconds.02:41
Bray90820`Is there an expose/ Mission Control replacement for ubuntu02:41
o3ujohnjohn1011: i just bought it02:42
johnjohn1011o3u:  there is a guy, larry finger,  if you look him up on linux wireless, he probably can help.   what version of ubuntu are you running?02:42
o3utrying to do modprobe 8192cu gives me : FATAL: Error inserting 8192cu (/lib/modules/3.5.0-17-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/8192cu.ko): Device or resource busy02:43
brian____o3u, is rtl8192cu still loaded?02:44
MrGizmo757Has Anyone  had problems With Ubuntu Hanging on Shutdown?  Mine will frequently just get stuck on the splash screen and i have to force it to turn off.02:44
johnjohn1011do an lsmod02:44
scarecrow_how do i install this printer driver? it was a tar.gz file, i unzipped and found 2 .deb files and an install.sh file.  if i open a .deb in software center it says its missing a dependency (the other .deb file)  tried executing the install.sh file and it says "missing operand"02:46
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Dr_willisscarecrow_,  you did search the repos first? a lot of drivers are in the repos but not installed by default.02:46
Dr_willisscarecrow_,  as for the .deb   you could try 'sudo gdebi foo.deb'  and seeif it pulls in any needed dependencies02:46
brian____o3u, 'modprobe -r rtl819cu ; modprobe -r rrl8192cu_common; modprobe -r rtlwifi'02:46
Dr_willisyou may need to install gdebi first scarecrow_02:47
brian____o3u, second module is spelled incorrectly02:47
Dr_willisscarecrow_,  or if its just 2 deb files.. 'sudo dpkg -i file1.deb file2.deb'02:47
scarecrow_i installed one that claims its the right one (installed by going to launcher -> settings -> printer> add printer.  everything installed okay, after restart you print a test page, it says it printed but the printer sits idle like it never got the print job02:47
SuperLaghave any of you guys made your own pastebin site before?02:48
o3ubrian____: cool, now i have one module, still nothing in iwconfig02:50
o3uthis shows up in my syslog: http://pastebin.com/NfV3REY302:51
wilee-nileeSuperLag, No but I flew like superman once02:51
brian____o3u, well theory is, you should add those 3 modules, I mentioned to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist -- Then they wont load again, however, I wasnt able to get my realtek to associate to the 8192cu module.  I don't know if it didn't match the device id it was looking for02:52
johnjohn1011o3u: maybe you an boot up on 13.04 and see if works there02:53
o3ubrian____:  hmm ok,02:53
betraydprinter might show 'PC LOAD LETTER'02:53
o3ui could try, i'd have to reinstall many drivers though no?02:53
brian____o3u, Like I said though, I don't have any good advice.  I wasn't able to get it to work.  I tried backports as well, no go.  I was able to get it to atleast partially work with the rtl8192cu driver02:53
brian____o3u, I believe johnjohn1011 was recommending a liveCD since the rtl8192cu is loaded by default there02:54
o3ugood point i'll try livecd boot is it loaded on 12.10 by default?02:55
brian____o3u, yes, but an older version.  If you tried backports you could try the new module that is in 13.10, but just tryingt live 13.10 is easier02:56
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dakotawulfyo3u hey think that driver use to work on the old 11.04  ubuntu but i was not able to get it to work on the 12.04 lts02:56
dakotawulfyo3u or newer02:57
brian____ya, rtl8192cu although included and supported has had some rough years with devices.  When I tried a different realtek chipset, it worked like a champ, in 12.04 and 13.10.02:58
varunendrao3u, rtl8192cu is available on all supported versions. However, for some people the proprietary one downloaded and compiled from realtek works better02:58
dakotawulfyo3u i have 2 of them now and have not got them working on the 12.0402:59
Biomechdi asked this earlier but nobody has replied to it. i went into compiz and disabled both window-moving shortcuts so that a window can only be moved if i click on a window's decorations and drag it around. the default shortcut of "alt-lmb" to move a window conflicts with blender's shortcuts to de-select things while using a method of group selection. since i don't use many hotkeys outside of blender, i'd like to disable this shortcut.03:00
brian____ya, I gave it a solid 4 days of effort.  I'm not going to try to convince anyone I'm the smartest guy around, but I gave it one hell of an effort with the few abilities I have, when it finally worked, it wasnt worth the effort since it was buggy as all getout.03:01
Biomechdhow do i permanently disable all methods of moving a window except for dragging a window's title bar?03:01
scarecrow_i have installed the driver for my canon pixma mx310 all in one. its a networked printer attached to a windows PC. driver installed, print jobs claim to finish without error, but nothing prints / no reaction from the printer. any ideas?03:03
scarecrow_prints fine from other windows PCs on the network03:04
Bray90820`Is there an expose/ Mission Control replacement for ubuntu03:05
johnjohn1011o3u: it seems like that driver should be working with the current linux. it's odd03:05
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o3ujohnjohn1011: thats what it seems like and it looks like it loads well too, it just doesn't show anything in iwconfig, maybe i'm missing some configuration there?03:06
o3udo i have to manually configure iwconfig ?03:06
johnjohn1011is it not showing up in network manager?03:07
s3b`:0 I can't apt-get install anything03:07
scarecrow_whats the error03:07
o3ujohnjohn1011: no03:07
johnjohn1011o3u:  is the device name in this list?  http://wiki.debian.org/rtl819x#supported-r8192u-usb03:07
s3b`Unable to fetch03:07
mojtabaHi, I have logged in to a FTP server from browser with my username, does anybody know how can I log in to that FTP server via same browser with different account? because It automatically log me in.03:08
scarecrow_clear your history03:08
mojtabascarecrow_: I have done this, but did not solve my problem03:09
o3ujohnjohn1011: i dont think so03:09
scarecrow_did you restart the browser? was the page open when you cleared?03:09
mojtabaIs there any special command like username@ftp://servername.com?03:10
th0rmojtaba: in the security section of the browser, delete the saved password for the server03:10
o3ui can't find it in that list of supported usb devices, but i read to try the rt driver03:10
scarecrow_you can use an FTP client. that would be best03:10
Silas_Hey all. I have a brand new Ubuntu Pangolin Performance laptop from System76. I've tried absolutely everything I could find online solution-wise but I cannot get the audio drivers to work. No sound at all. Any solutions or suggestions?03:10
varunendrao3u, follow the instructions here http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=12350385 , post back the pastebin link (sorry I joined the party late, just saw rtl8192cu and jumped in..)03:10
wilee-nileeSilas_, Have you tried the system 76 support at the ubuntu forums?03:11
Silas_I have, I actually just submitted a post on there but I really need audio for tonight so I was wondering if anyone knew anything about this. And sys76 hasn't responded in a week.03:12
mojtabath0r: Thanks, I will check it.03:12
SuperBawlzHey. I changed the icon on my desktop for my Home directory and it was a mistake and I can't find one that I can live with. How do I get the old one back?03:12
johnjohn1011o3u:  mr finger is usually very prompt on emailing back information.  he helped me two weeks ago03:12
scarecrow_what do i do if my printer is installed but nothing prints?03:14
o3uvarunendra: http://pastebin.com/x3fd17u803:14
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Biomechdscarecrow_: smash it with the most humorous object you can find that you can imagine someone smashing a printer with03:14
johnjohn1011o3u:  http://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-954862-start-0.html03:15
SuperBawlzHey. I changed the icon on my desktop for my Home directory and it was a mistake and I can't find one that I can live with. How do I get the old one back?03:16
Silas_Anyone have any suggestions for the lack of sound issue?03:16
varunendrao3u, on my 12.04, doesn03:16
varunendradoesn't look like your device is supported by rtl8192cu o3u03:17
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varunendralooking for options..03:17
brian____o3u, I saw another page that states similar to the johnjohn1011 link that you should use 8188eu.ko03:17
dakotawulfyo3u  just tried it agin on my 12.04 not working  does not connect right show the router but wont connect03:17
brian____dakotawulfy, I had the same thing, I was able to get my 8192cu to work, but work is such a vague term, the comp saw it and talked to it, but the device was worthless for connecting to anything, espically at getting an IP03:18
dakotawulfyo3u check out the part with the wireless security part think it has something to do with it i know on the driver disk it does have that part  might be able to build it03:20
Biomechdwell, i'm guessing nobody's able to help me, then.03:20
brian____o3u, I'm all for you to get this to work, and I'll help as much as I can, but there are other $20 cards you could just plug in and work, if you're trying to cnnect to an unsecured AP, you'll have greater success than a WPA03:21
johnjohn1011o3u: if it was me, i'd buy another dongle  and send that one to mr. finger and let him debug it.03:21
brian____Biomechd, sorry, never seen that before and have no ideas for you03:21
johnjohn1011o3u:  in his email he says he runs  D-Link DWA-130 03:22
SuperBawlzHey. I changed the icon on my desktop for my Home directory and it was a mistake and I can't find one that I can live with. How do I get the old one back?03:22
ekWould someone here be so kind as to help me get my wifi device unblocked from RF-Kill?03:23
johnjohn1011o3u: plenty of $5-10 dongles that work seamless03:23
ekI've tried everything I could find online but no luck.03:23
brian____johnjohn1011, that was another card I couldn't get to work.  :)  apparently, revB is rather impossible, earlier cards work03:23
o3ubrian____: ya i'll get another one i guess,  probably send it to mr finger03:23
johnjohn1011i have trendnet 649UB and it works great.03:23
loofIs there a text only installer for 13.04?03:23
varunendrao3u, can you also post 'modinfo 8192cu' please?03:23
loofThe graphical installer is giving me trouble03:24
zivesterDr_willis, I'm actually getting kicked back to the lightdm login screen unexpectedly ... so I want to know where to look to figure out why I'm getting booted03:24
varunendraI can confirm that at least on kernel 3.2.0-36, the device is NOT natively supported o3u03:24
scarecrow_figured it out. was defaulting to the fax, not printer03:25
DouglasKQuassel IRC client lets you have a monitor pane that monitors traffic from all channels that you're in.  Is it possible to do this with any other GUI IRC client?03:26
phaedraek: have you tried 'sudo rfkill unblock wifi'  ?03:26
varunendrao3u, Nope, the proprietary one you have compiled also doesn't support your device, unless I overlooked an 'alias' entry03:27
ekphaedra: Yes. Many times. :( I've tried resetting my BIOS, unloading the module, running rfkill unblock [all,wifi,wlan,etc...] and reloading the module... Nothing.03:27
cappicardgood evening. anyone know a better cooler for an AMD Phenom II x4 960T? The stock one isn't up to the task. sensors is reporting 50C03:27
varunendrao3u, do you have any thread posted on ubuntuforums or anywhere else? I'm interested in this device03:28
o3ui cut out most of the "alias", you need to see them all varunendra ?03:28
ekphaedra: Also, my laptop's wifi switch (FN+F2) doesn't seem to report anything in the rfkill events, either.03:28
varunendrao3u, sure!03:28
brian____o3u,  you could try to use '8188eu.ko' same steps as it was to compule 8192cu03:28
o3uvarunendra: i havent personally but there's this; http://askubuntu.com/questions/210152/tl-wn725n-wireless-adapter03:29
dakotawulfyo3u maybe u could try the windows wrapper for it03:30
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o3uvarunendra: full list http://pastebin.com/LcTN4TUf03:30
brian____o3u, this page specifically refers to the ID of your device and says you need to use 8188eu.ko, I'd say that is an excellent plce to check.  http://pengpod.com/pengwiki/index.php?title=No_WiFi_devices,_no_wifi_networks_shown&action=edit03:30
phaedraek: have you tried anything similar to this?  sudo rmmod -f ath5k03:31
phaedrasudo rfkill unblock all03:31
phaedrasudo modprobe ath5k03:31
varunendrao3u, no dice there :( probably what dakotawulfy suggested is the only known solution (but  I haven't searched so far)03:32
ekphaedra: Yes. But, I've only tried it with ath9k as that is what is loaded.03:33
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varunendrao3u, just to make it clear for all - your device's PID is 8179 (as per lsusb). Any driver that does not have this PID in its 'alias' will almost certainly won't support it03:34
phaedraek: here's a page that may help if you haven't tried it already.  http://lkubuntu.wordpress.com/2011/09/07/how-to-fix-rfkill-issues/03:35
dakotawulfylike always worked now its broken  and wont work03:36
o3uvarunendra: thanks03:37
brian____o3u, here - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=213614003:37
ekphaedra: Thanks. I'll try that now.03:37
varunendrao3u, brian____ has pointed you to the best place it seems03:38
ekphaedra: Know what's strange? I just accidentally put my laptop to sleep hitting the wrong event key and now wireless works...03:39
ekHrm. I'm going to have to play with some things.03:39
phaedraek: well at least you got it to work ;)03:40
ekphaedra: And only after 3 hours!03:40
ekphaedra: And not actually doing anything to fix it! :)03:40
ekphaedra: I'm going to see if rebooting hard blocks it again.03:41
phaedraek: perhaps the problem is more with hibernation for you than rfkill03:41
ekphaedra: Could be. I just thought it was strange that the installation was able to use wifi without a problem at all.03:43
ekphaedra: Also, I've noticed that once wireless was enabled it disabled my wired networking...03:43
o3uhmm where can i get source for that though03:44
o3uFATAL: Error inserting 8188eu (/lib/modules/3.5.0-17-generic/kernel/drivers/net/wireless/8188eu.ko): Invalid module format03:45
phaedraek:  it does that on my toshiba laptop. it doesn't use wired once the wireless is up03:45
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brian____o3u, well, it didn't end up working for him, his best success was ndiswrapper03:45
ekphaedra: Well, that's understandable. But, once I disable the wireless, it renders my wired connection unusable. Says "network cable unplugged".03:45
ekphaedra: Yes. Just as I suspected, a reboot put phy0 back to hard blocked. Wireless is now disabled again.03:46
brian____o3u, good luck! im going to bed03:46
ekphaedra: Putting it to sleep and bringing it back brings up wireless again. Very interesting.03:47
phaedraek: try the hibernate option you acidentally did before and see if it comes up03:47
phaedraek: ok...  interesting03:48
ekphaedra: Yeah... Pretty strange.03:48
ekAnd, of course, nothing in my rfkill list is blocked now.03:49
* ek shrugs03:49
phaedraek you might want to check to see what commands are being run when coming out of hiberrnation03:49
SnapSnapHow do I submit feedback about  a particular feature- namely, the dash?03:49
ubottuPost your ideas for Ubuntu at http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com and vote for the ones you like!03:51
ekphaedra: Yeah. I'll check it out...03:51
ekphaedra: Well, thanks for the help! ;)03:51
phaedraek: np i hope you get it all worked out03:52
naknomikmoved HDD from one machine to another, grub gfx mode seems to have problem, after kernel boots everything is fine. How do I fix grub?03:52
phaedraek: find what commands/scripts are run after the nobernate and see if you can just put them in a script03:52
iceswordany news from ubuntu?03:53
huluwhere the casper create default user03:54
varunendrahulu, /home/ubuntu in casper-rw file or partition.03:56
wilee-nileenaknomik, The resolution?03:56
huluvarunendra: how can custom it03:57
varunendrahulu, that I can't help with, although it is possible (remastersys creates /home/custom, maybe look at its script). Sorry..03:59
naknomikwilee-nilee: monitor has 1920x108003:59
naknomikwilee-nilee: can I force normal 80x25 text mode while in Grub?03:59
Dr_willisthe 'nofb' and 'text' options might do that nakaori04:00
Dr_willisthe 'nofb' and 'text' options might do that naknomik04:00
wilee-nileenaknomik, You can change the boot resolution in gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub however make sure it is one that works, and run a sudo update-grub after changing.04:01
huluvarunendra: thx04:01
naknomikDr_willis: where do I add the nofb or text option? In grub config somewhere?04:02
Dr_willisyou can test it at the grub menu. hit e to edit the boot lines.  change 'quiet splash' to be like 'nofb noqiet nosplash text'04:03
Dr_willissome of these grub options/kernel options might not be valid any more.  they change every so often04:03
Dr_willisbut 'text' should get you to a text based console on the system04:03
Dr_willisthe other options may or may not be needed04:04
mojtabaHi, I just want to know, do I need to have a firewall on ubuntu? (I am a newbie)04:05
Dr_willismojtaba,  most likely no.04:05
Dr_willismojtaba,  are you behind a router? or dirctly connected to the internet?04:05
alphaEncoreIt depends on what you're doing04:05
ekphaedra: Okay. Thanks again.04:05
mojtabaDr_willis: I am behind the router04:05
Dr_willismojtaba,  then most likely - it is allready doing a decent job of stoping any bad things04:06
mojtabaDr_willis: If I need what is best and is there any necessary configuration for it?04:07
Dr_willismojtaba,  it totally depends on what you are doing with the pc.04:07
alphaEncoreHey is anyone using the Awesome WM04:07
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.04:07
mojtabaDr_willis: can you give me some examples? I am already surfing the web and sometimes web developing04:07
Dr_willismojtaba,  you are not runing any special services? then i doubt if you need to worry about much04:08
mojtabaDr_willis: actually no.04:08
Dr_willishttp://askubuntu.com/questions/3750/what-precautions-should-i-take-when-exposing-my-desktop-directly-to-the-internet/3753#3753 has some info in it about locking down your system04:08
Dr_willismost of which wont apply.04:08
betraydalphaEncore: what about it04:08
alphaEncoreI can't figure out why the bottom notifications won't show up04:09
mojtabaDr_willis: How come a firewall is not mostly needed in linux systems?04:09
Dr_willismojtaba,  theres no services listening by default normally, so theres nothing that needs to be blocked04:10
alphaEncoreI'm gonna reinstall and see if that fixes it04:11
Dr_willisA standard ubuntu install should not activate network services that are accessible via the internet.04:11
Dr_willisYou can check via (for tcp):04:11
Dr_willis      shell command ------>  netstat -lntp04:11
betraydalphaEncore: i have 3.4 =(04:11
alphaEncoreyeah me too is that the problem??04:12
mojtabaDr_willis: I see, thanks. I will take a look04:12
alphaEncoreWhen I first installed it half of my former desktop still showed up04:13
alphaEncoreIt was at the bottom then I REMOVED it and the bottom of awesome was gone too04:14
o3uwhat's one ubuntu supported usb wifi dongle?04:14
alphaEncoreI'm using xfce 4 right now04:14
Dr_williso3u,  i tend to hit up the amazon site and seearch the revies till i find one i like. Ive bought like 3 that work out of the box on ubuntu.04:14
betraydbut i see something in rc.lua needs som epreset value for notification, might be worth it to ask in #awesome04:14
betraydalphaEncore: ^04:14
o3uDr_willis: i bought a few TP-Link but i can't seem to get them to work04:15
betraydcould be a simple on/off type change in config, alphaEncore04:15
alphaEncoreI wanna use this box as a server only so I don't need all the bloat04:15
o3uDr_willis: can you suggest a model that worked out of the box for you? (cheap preferably)04:15
Dr_willisworks for me. its a mini dongle.04:15
betraydalphaEncore: but with a screen though?04:16
Dr_willislook in the reviews at amazon is all i did04:16
o3uDr_willis: thanks!04:16
Dr_willishttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B006JWMOOI/ref=oh_details_o07_s02_i02?ie=UTF8&psc=1    good range.04:16
alphaEncoreI think the path the luna file got a little screwed in the install04:17
Dr_willishttp://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B007M7RP6Q/ref=oh_details_o07_s02_i03?ie=UTF8&psc=1  Looks all wacky. seems to have really awsome range04:17
alphaEncoregonna try to reinstall04:17
o3uDr_willis: does it work on ubuntu though? that first one you posted04:17
betraydalphaEncore: k04:17
varunendrao3u, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported04:18
huluvarunendra: i don't create casper-rw04:19
varunendrahulu, what is your objective?04:19
ubuntumuudownloading ubuntu-13.04-desktop-amd64.iso...04:19
huluvarunendra: i want to custom livecd's default user's home directory04:20
Dr_williso3u,  they all 3 work on eveyr linux box ive tried04:21
Dr_williso3u,  i use them for my raspberry pi and my Linux based Settop-media player04:21
varunendrahulu, so you want the default user id to be one you want, right? Like /home/hulu04:21
ubuntumuuwill it fit (785mb) in a regular CD?04:21
o3uDr_willis: have you tried them on ubuntu?04:21
Dr_willisubuntu 12.10+ needs a dvd04:21
Dr_williso3u,  yes.. as ive said.. they are using drivers included in the normal kernel04:21
huluvarunendra: i want to chang default user's .bashrc04:22
ubuntumuuthanks Dr04:22
Dr_willisread the amazon reviews. thats how i found them04:22
o3uDr_willis: Thanks :D04:22
Dr_willisi searched amazon for 'ubuntu wifi dongle'04:22
varunendrahmm.. then it's certainly beyond what I have dealt or even thought of so far, hulu04:23
Dr_willisthey all use the rt2800 nic chipset i think.04:23
ubuntumuuDid you know 'sudo' means 'I sweat' in Spanish?04:23
huluvarunendra: can you help me?04:24
vramana_I have faced the problem mentioned in this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1660821 I tried to used pppoeconf while connecting and it is working now. I want to configure my TP-Link WR841N router to the ADSL2+ broadband modem. I tried changing its MTU value to 1492  which was the value written /etc/ppp/peers/dsl-provider. Even then some websites are not opening.. Can somebody please help??04:24
varunendrahulu, but I *think you can do so 'after' creating the cdfs using remastersys. It gives you to do modifications in it, then create the iso later. Although I know there are better ways.04:25
varunendrabut don't know or haven't tried the 'ways' myself ;) hulu04:26
huluvarunendra: i want to custom it by manual04:27
huluvarunendra: i don't user the remastersys04:28
varunendrahulu, I remember having seen some guide on doing it manually under "Tips & Tutorials" section of ubuntuforums, but can't find it now.04:29
Dr_williso3u,  that black one  ( not the fancy white one) seems to get the best range in my tests. :) its seeing more networks when i set it in the widow. then the white one. the little dongle one. is the slowest of them all. but its tiny and i use it in my Raspberry Pi.04:32
huluvarunendra: please help me04:32
huluvarunendra: find again04:32
varunendrahulu, take a look at : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization04:33
ShapeShifter499so I'm trying ubuntu on my 1GHz 15" Titanium PowerBook G4 and for whatever reason it chokes and spits a message "Fixing recursive fault but reboot is needed!"   any ideas?04:34
ezioai have a bind server and it's not resolving local addresses04:34
ShapeShifter499I run ubuntu on every other supported machine I have, figured I blow the dust off and try it on my PowerBook G404:35
huluvarunendra: i had look at this many times,but no help04:35
ezioahere's my /etc/bind/named.conf.local04:36
varunendrahulu, then you should contact someone who is already doing it. I'm not the right person I'm afraid :(04:36
varunendrabut you can find quite some on the forum itself, hulu04:37
huluvarunendra: thx04:37
ezioahere's my bb file https://gist.github.com/anonymous/ecbce0a2b9803d68141d04:37
ezioaexcuse the tildes04:37
dakotawulfyhulu i have used remastersys04:38
dakotawulfydid not see what u wanted04:38
huludakotawulfy: i want to custom the home direstory of the default user04:40
F41LHiya.. quick issue. I'm setting the autohide reveal sensitivity of the unity sidebar, but it does not appear to want to save said setting.04:40
varunendrahulu, you may also use remastersys script (/usr/bin/remastersys) as an example or guideline. (use 'locate remastersys' command to find resources it uses)04:40
dakotawulfyit does not save the stuff04:40
huluvarunendra: i havn't the remastersys04:40
huludakotawulfy: can you help me04:41
dakotawulfyu need  to write a script to do  that04:41
huludakotawulfy: i want to change the /etc/skel,but it not run04:42
dakotawulfyi can pull some of it off of my distro04:42
dakotawulfyi got script to make it all work04:43
huludakotawulfy: where the script04:43
dakotawulfyi got on my distro i built04:44
=== jack is now known as Guest14683
_mnathani_I am experiencing terribly slow performance running ubuntu desktop 13.04 64bit on a dual proc quad core machine with 16gb ram04:48
usr13_mnathani_: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade04:49
varunendra_mnathani_, most often the culprit for a slow performance is a bad driver, and most often it is graphics one.. what is your graphics card?04:50
_mnathani_there is no graphics card04:51
_mnathani_its an onboard (server) system04:51
varunendraWhich is the onboard one?04:51
_mnathani_not sure, whatever a Dell Poweredge T605 Server comes with04:51
usr13_mnathani_: lspci | pastebinit  #And send us URL04:51
cybhello, everybody.04:53
corehookhi all, pls advise software to build corporate mail server04:53
mchlbhmSo, when I'm typing things in the terminal, I'm using bash?04:53
mchlbhmSorry, got ahead of myself04:54
_mnathani_hard to pastebin, there is a line that says VGA compatible controller Advanced Micro Devices AMD ATI ES1000 (rev 02)04:54
cybdoes somebody know how to change background color on elinks? by default I get this awful light gray that doesn't let me read.04:54
mchlbhmI'm trying to learn about the terminal codes, not just what they do, but what they mean and what my computer is doing with them.04:55
varunendra_mnathani_, please post the pastebin link to : lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 vga04:56
varunendraor tell us the "kernel driver in use", _mnathani_04:56
mchlbhmI google and get  things like "to do such and such, type this" I want to go deeper than that. Can anyone point me in the right direction?04:56
F41LHiya.. quick issue. I'm setting the autohide reveal sensitivity of the unity sidebar, but it does not appear to want to save said setting.04:57
usr13_mnathani_: Is  "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" doing it's job?04:57
_mnathani_yes, update and upgrade completed04:58
_mnathani_kernel driver in use: radeon04:58
usr13_mnathani_: Did it tell you that a reboot was needed?04:58
_mnathani_it did not04:58
usr13_mnathani_: lspci | pastebinit  #And send us URL04:58
_mnathani_should I reboot anyway?04:59
Akiva-MobileHi, since upgrading to 13.04, it really has killed my intel driver, where it was working perfectly before in 12.10. Right now, I am trying to use the intel graphics installer frontend, but the only distrobution it has for me is 12.10. Is there a way to trick the frontend to just give me the 12.10 graphics?04:59
usr13_mnathani_:  lspci |grep -i vga     #And show us what it says.04:59
varunendra_mnathani_, If you just updated, then go ahead with a reboot. Also take a look at "Additional Drivers", see if there are any suggestions.05:00
Jordan_UAkiva-Mobile: What do you mean by "the intel graphics installer frontend"?05:00
Akiva-MobileJordan_U: they have an installer seperate from the ubuntu store.05:01
Akiva-MobileJordan_U: just reading on their forums, apparently 13.04's version is more recent, which means I actually just need to install an older driver of theirs I guess.05:01
Akiva-MobileAny clue as to how I can do this? Will synaptic work?05:01
Jordan_UAkiva-Mobile: What problems are you having with the default drivers specifically?05:02
varunendrausr13, I think you missed this : VGA compatible controller Advanced Micro Devices AMD ATI ES1000 (rev 02) ?? Driver in use : radeon, the native one. (for _mnathani_ )05:03
Akiva-MobileJordan_U: Well the obvious ones are the unity flickering, and the new shuttdown dialogue not displaying properly. I also suspect that it is the reason why my flash has been crashing so often lately.05:03
Akiva-Mobileas no one else seems to be having my troubles with youtube.05:03
Jordan_UAkiva-Mobile: Could you provide a screenshot of the shutdown dialog?05:03
Akiva-MobileJordan_U: Coming right up05:04
usr13varunendra: Oh, ok05:04
mchlbhmOooo... probably not the best place to ask my question. I apologize to the people who are experiencing problems and seeking help.05:05
usr13_mnathani_: lsmod |pastebinit   #Send us resulting URL05:05
_mnathani_additional drivers section said to restart05:06
usr13_mnathani_: System->Administration->Hardware Drivers    #And see if there is another .... Ok good restart05:06
usr13_mnathani_: So you *did* go to Hardware Drivers and install new one.  Right?05:07
Akiva-MobileJordan_U: Actually, apparently I can't. The printscreen button appears to be disabled while I am in the shuttdown dialogue.05:07
_mnathani_nope, there were none available in additional drivers05:07
_mnathani_but at the bottom it said I needed to restart05:07
_mnathani_restarting now05:07
usr13_mnathani_:  Ok good.  See how it goes.  Let us know if it's better05:07
_mnathani_still really slow05:09
Jordan_UAkiva-Mobile: Try using gnome-screenshot with a timer.05:09
usr13_mnathani_: lsmod |pastebinit   #Send us resulting URL05:09
_mnathani_is there a way I can disable fancy graphics to improve peformance05:09
_mnathani_pasting it now05:09
Akiva-MobileJordan_U: Okay05:09
varunendra_mnathani_, which version of Ubuntu are you using? 12.04 has the option to use Unity-2D, which is less fancy and faster05:10
aeon-ltd_mnathani_: if you want more speed you'll have to not use gnome or unity or maybe even compiz standalone05:11
=== jono is now known as Guest55286
Akiva-MobileJordan_U: http://imagebin.org/25651405:11
_mnathani_would kde be a better option?05:12
aeon-ltd_mnathani_: not by much05:12
_mnathani_is there a command I can use to enable 2d-unity?05:12
Akiva-MobileJordan_U: I gather that it is only the bottom left hand corner that is rendering properly05:12
aeon-ltd_mnathani_: no, you'll have to log out to change session05:12
varunendra_mnathani_, can you give us an example of where you are experiencing the lag ?05:12
Dr_willisthere is no unity2d after 12.10+05:13
varunendraTHis ^^05:13
GammaXevening all05:13
usr13_mnathani_: KDE would probably be somewhat faster.  You have several choices kubuntu-desktop  xubuntu-desktop or lubuntu-desktop etc.05:13
varunendraBut radeon driver is something that rings a bell to me :P05:14
usr13_mnathani_: and I would call them  faster, faster-yet,  and  faster-yet05:14
GammaXIm having an issue where my nic doesnt show up when inserting a motion controller card into my pci slot when my nic is pci-e05:14
GammaXany thoughts?05:14
varunendra_mnathani_, I think your graphics *may be supported by the proprietary fglrx driver. Not sure though. They don't support  cards that are too old.05:15
varunendraGammaX, does it show up in lspci ? The NIC05:16
GammaXvarunendra when the motion control card is not inserted yes.05:17
GammaXseems to be some kind of conflict.05:17
varunendraGammaX, have you taken a look at syslog or dmesg? Any hints?05:18
GammaXvarunendra nope05:18
_mnathani_would the server release of ubuntu work better with lower graphics/05:19
GammaXthe nic is attached to 1c.4, the pcie port 505:19
varunendraGammaX, maybe try resetting the BIOS if not a problem.05:19
usr13_mnathani_: There are those amoung us that believe your video driver is the problem.05:19
GammaXwhen I put the mesa card in, it shows up as attached to 1e.005:19
GammaXand the nic gets deactivated.05:19
usr13_mnathani_: Yes, but server release does not include GUI05:19
GammaXyeah bios is nothing to be worried about at this point05:19
varunendra_mnathani_, do you even have a GUI? Just wondering..05:20
uiuiui32Hello. I have 4 LAN ports and tried setting the IP address (ip1) on a LAN port (em4) that doest not have a cable plugged in. However, there was an IP conflict on ip1. How is that possible?05:20
uiuiui32[ip1 is live on the network though]05:20
uiuiui32[ie another machine is using it]05:20
usr13_mnathani_: What video driver are you using now?05:21
_mnathani_probably still the radeon05:21
varunendraGammaX, I'd suggest to take a close look at dmesg if you haven't05:21
GammaXvarunendra will do that now05:22
usr13_mnathani_: grep Driver /var/log/Xorg.0.log |pastebinit    #Send resulting URL05:22
varunendra_mnathani_, 'lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 vga' to confirm the driver, but have you installed a GUI after installing the server?05:23
varunendraohir, please also see what usr13 suggested, _mnathani_05:23
_mnathani_sorry for the confusion, I am running the Desktop edition of 13.04 with a GUI05:23
GammaXvarunendra unfortunately the hm2 drivers don't have useful error messages,it returns -1 on all failures so all you end up getting is "unknown symbol in module"05:24
_mnathani_usr13: http://paste.ubuntu.com/563438805:25
varunendraGammaX, anything on device detection/initialization? (in /var/log/syslog)05:25
usr13_mnathani_:  Did you try    System->Administration->Hardware Drivers      and look to see if there are additional drivers available?05:27
_mnathani_usr13: This is the gerp Driver output http://paste.ubuntu.com/563439505:27
usr13_mnathani_: lsmod |grep radeon |pastebinit  #Send us URL05:28
varunendraGammaX, NIC and a motion controller have no connection, also, the ports as you say are pci and pci-e, so I suspect if it is a BIOS setting or bug.05:28
marandihi guys , i installed ubuntu 13.04 on my old pc and i got this style for background of dashboard,ALT+Tab,Shutdown dialog ! please help ! http://oi42.tinypic.com/5mhjer.jpg05:29
usr13_mnathani_: Since you rebooted, did you try and see if updated driver is available?  System->Administration->Hardware Drivers05:30
_mnathani_couldnt find that , but software update > additonal drivers had nothing05:31
=== ubuntu__ is now known as kuruba
savioHi all05:32
usr13_mnathani_: See:  http://www.noobslab.com/2013/04/install-ati-amd-catalyst-drivers-in.html  & http://www.itworld.com/software/351745/install-ati-amd-catalyst-131-drivers-ubuntu-130405:34
ChogyDan_mnathani_: sudo lshw -C video    should show you the driver as well05:34
=== chrissy is now known as Guest95190
usr13ChogyDan: He is using  radeon05:35
ctxmenthere are no known bugs in ubuntu. its your fault05:35
usr13ctxmen: It's your fault?05:36
ctxmenyes the problem sits in front of the monitor05:36
usr13Ok, gotta go folks. ttyl05:37
varunendra_mnathani_, did a quick search for your device on AMD site (http://search.amd.com/US/Pages/NoResults.aspx?csquery=ATI+ES1000&collection=support-us), and looks like your card is not supported by their proprietary driver (probably the device is too old?). So maybe radeon is the only choice for you.05:38
_mnathani_what is the run level for a system with no graphics05:38
_mnathani_networking should work at this run level though?05:39
DRatJrI have installed Ubuntu 12.04. It was installed on a created partition, alongside windows 8. I uninstalled Ubuntu, deleted its partition, and merged it back with my C:/ drive. Now, Ubuntu will not remove from the Windows 8 boot menu in UEFI. I have tried booting into a Ubuntu USB and using efibootmgr. I have also tried /FixMbr and /Fixboot. Nothing has helped. I have JUST completely reinstalled windows 8 and it is STILL there. I was inf05:39
DRatJronly they can reinstall UEFI if I send in my laptop. I do not wish to send it in, this is my last resort. So what can I do to remove it from the boot options in UEFI?05:40
DRatJrAny help?05:40
lucidoHow can I create a custom xorg config in 13.04?05:40
Raha_mnathani_  what is your distru??05:40
lucidowhere is the conf file?05:41
Rahaits diffrenet in debian and redhat05:41
nullby7elucido: /etc/X11/xorg.conf05:42
Rahalucido /etc05:42
_mnathani_ubuntu 13.0405:42
nullby7elucido: edit there05:42
_mnathani_it is already run level 2, but graphics are enabled for now05:42
lucidothat doesn't work anymore05:42
lucidoit has been moved05:42
savioRaha: there is lot of diff in debain and redhat05:42
nullby7eDRatJr: maybe is on another partition?05:43
DRatJrThere is no other partition.05:43
wilee-nileeDRatJr, Windows 8 has a recovery back up what you need and run it.05:43
DRatJrWell there are, but they are all recovery partitions05:43
DRatJrI don't need anything backed up, and I JUST recovered windows.05:43
savioRaha: mainly your package manger red hat uses rpm and debain uses dpkg for package management05:43
DRatJrTo the day of when I bought the computer05:43
nullby7elucido: on 13.04?05:44
Raha_mnathani_ so its not 2,  because run level 2 has everything for ubuntu05:44
nullby7eDRatJr: i really don't know05:44
DRatJrWhen I run bcdedit from cmd prompt, it doesn't even show ubuntu05:44
DRatJrbut it shows it in the UEFI boot options05:44
Raha_mnathani_ u want to have network with out graphic?05:44
lucidonullby7e, yes, and befor, it ignores the monitor section (I want to force a resolution)05:44
nullby7elucido: hm i don't know where is xorg.conf maybe you need to try monitors option in system settings, why not?05:45
DRatJrThis sucks.05:45
DRatJrI legitamately hate Ubuntu now.05:45
DRatJrIt can never be easy.05:45
DRatJrAlways a freaking hassle.05:45
Jordan_UDRatJr: The problem you're having is almost certainly due to broken firmware, as I believe I explained to you before.05:46
_mnathani_Raha: yes, for running server applications network would be useful even without graphics05:46
DRatJrSamsung does not allow users to reinstall UEFI firmware.05:46
Raha _mnathani_ check runlevel 305:46
DRatJrSo I am essentially fucked.05:46
Jordan_U!language | DRatJr05:46
ubottuDRatJr: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.05:46
Dr_willisOne of the many reasons i dont plan on buying a new laptop any time soon.05:47
varunendralucido, maybe http://grenage.com/xorg.html ? I think it is the same grenage that we have on the ubuntuforums :)05:47
DRatJrI'm literally beyond angry at this point.05:47
Rahalucido i didnt ask about diff, but thanks05:47
nimblesticksI have ubuntu and linex05:47
betraydlucido: remember to include the edid options in your xorg.conf whether to accept or ignore05:49
skraitohi all05:51
skraitohi raha how are ya05:51
varunendra_mnathani_, servers are usually serious business. As such, I'd recommend to go with LTS (12.04) - the server version.05:51
Rahathanks, :)05:52
=== tor is now known as Guest16476
Guest16476how to set manual resolution for hdmi output. (the provided alternatives does not work) it is the only display i use. tha PC has ATI graphics but no properiatary driver is found in software and update.05:57
Rahadirtyhckr :)05:57
dirtyhckrwhen i type "nmap -sP"  it only show that there is 256 ip adrs ( 256 IP addresses (1 host up) scanned in 16.08 seconds ) can't i get the list of all ip addresses  ?05:59
Rahadirtyhckr you said /24 it means only 256!06:00
jribdirtyhckr: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIDR_notation06:01
Guest16476itt is an old LCD TV with 1366 x 768. resolution in ubuntu is now set to 1280*720 but the desktop exeedes the TV so i do not see the taskbar on top or the unity bar.06:03
dirtyhckrjrib : i can't get it . please tell me .06:03
jribdirtyhckr: what do you want to accomplish?06:04
dirtyhckri wana get the list of all ip adress conectect to my network06:05
dirtyhckron my address *06:05
Guest16476when i boot into Windows the size and resolution is jut fine with no effort done06:05
Rahadirtyhckr: what is your network address witch mask?06:05
Rahadirtyhckr: or /24?06:06
dirtyhckri did it but it only shows that "256 ip connected" it dosen't show me the list of all ip adrds .06:08
AuroraHello all, I am trying to install Kolab Groupware on Precise however when I try to install with apt-get install kolab I get the error that the package cannot be found. I have updated the sources and I know the files exist. Anyone have any experience with installed Kolab?06:08
Rahaadd -v to say it verbose06:08
=== Yakko is now known as yakko_zzz
jacerDoes anyone have any experience streaming sound to a remote x session with esound or something else I can pass through to cygwin?06:08
Rahadirtyhckr try  -sn instead of -sP06:09
Jordan_Ujacer: I have no direct experience, but you definitely don't want to use esound. Pulseaudio is available for Windows and can be used through a remote X session (it may even be automatic if pulseaudio is installed on the client and server).06:10
dirtyhckrstill same problem .. see .. "   dirtyhckr@bt:~$ nmap -sn
dirtyhckrStarting Nmap 5.51 ( http://nmap.org ) at 2013-05-05 11:40 IST06:11
dirtyhckrNmap scan report for
dirtyhckrHost is up (0.024s latency).Nmap done: 256 IP addresses (1 host up) scanned in 3.45 seconds"06:11
FloodBot1dirtyhckr: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:11
Jordan_U!pm | jacer06:12
ubottujacer: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.06:12
lotuspsychjeis there a way to tail -f all logs on system same time instead of /var/log/onelog ?06:14
scarecrow_Where can I find more information about ubuntu touch, TV and phone?06:22
=== blackjack is now known as nyimak
lotuspsychje!touch | scarecrow06:25
ubottuscarecrow: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch06:25
lotuspsychje!welcome > lotuspsychje06:30
wilee-nileelotuspsychje, Your job is thankless. ;)06:31
lotuspsychjewilee-nille: lol i just wanted to know if there was like a welcome trigger for new joiners06:31
wilee-nileebetter than abuse. ;)06:32
juulari think u should have used | instead of > ?????06:32
lotuspsychjewilee-nille: !chat trigger goes to that direction06:33
lotuspsychjejuular: well i wanted to try a few in query too06:33
=== wlemuel__ is now known as wlemuel
ubottuI prefer botsnacks, but thanks for the thought.06:35
tokern3 i tried to install cloudsim on my pc. but it gave me these errors : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5634471/                    what the problem is ?06:36
=== Onixs_ is now known as Onixs
juulartokern3: 0.O --> You are not subscribed to this service06:37
juulartokern3: read at the bottom06:37
tokern3 i tried to install cloudsim on my pc. but it gave me these errors : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5634471/                    what the problem is ? can anyone help me in this?06:39
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest98903
Guest98903best scanner for ubuntu?06:40
wilee-nileeGuest98903, Scanner?06:40
bazhang!hcl | Guest9890306:40
ubottuGuest98903: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection06:40
lucidoThere seems to be no xorg.conf file in 13.04, why?06:41
juulari dont have it on 12.0406:42
Dr_willislucido,  x has auto configured for the most part for like the last 3 years06:42
Dr_willisso most systems dont need an xorg.conf these days06:42
lucidoDr_willis, but it would still be taken into account if created?06:43
Dr_willisif its there.. its used.06:43
Dr_willislast xorg.conf i had.. i think enabled one setting for my nvidia cards.06:43
bepebeI am having to run "sudo iwconfig wlan0 rate 54M" every time I log in as my Wi-Fi seems to only connect 18M. How can I set this permanently?06:44
Dr_willisbepebe,  /etc/rc.local might be one place to do it at boot time..06:45
Dr_willisunless it HAS to be done after the user logs in06:45
alpha232any possible reason why, if I'm on kernel, i'm being prompted to update to 3.5.0-28?06:46
bepebeThe connection seems to be erratic even though I'm less than 2 metres away from the router, and every other device is fine06:46
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
=== zhao is now known as Guest14398
joebobjoeWhat do I need to do if I want apt-get to pull in the latest releases of software?07:05
daliGod morning, I got a strange graphic problem after updating a few things like gtk+, mesa, xorg-server, xf86-* and pixman. I get lines which are not aligned and flickers when mouse hits them. Problem is mostly in chromium, but also in the flash applications in firefox, the webpages in chromium are unusable. What could it be?07:05
aeon-ltdjoebobjoe: update? sudo apt-get install update && sudo apt-get install upgrade <-- is that what you want?07:06
joebobjoeaeon-ltd: No the latest version of software that is not in the default repos07:06
aeon-ltdjoebobjoe: add the repo?07:06
fr33r1d3joebobjoe: sudo apt-get update & sudo apt-get upgrade07:06
aeon-ltdjoebobjoe: what are you talking about? debs? compiling?07:07
llutzjoebobjoe: find a ppa and add it or get sources and build your own packages07:07
joebobjoellutz: Is building your own package hard?07:08
llutz!packaging  | joebobjoe not really, once you got the basics07:08
ubottujoebobjoe not really, once you got the basics: The packaging guide is at http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/  - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring07:08
joebobjoellutz: So is PPA a popular solution? And can I use PPAs with Debian :P ?07:08
llutzjoebobjoe: if you want to break you debian, sure. ask in #debian if you want debian-support07:09
joebobjoellutz: Thanks07:09
azi`whenever I try to download or upgrade something i hit this07:14
azi`0% [Connecting to archive.ubuntu.com (]07:14
azi`and here it stalls07:14
azi`what could be going on?07:14
FloodBot1azi`: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.07:14
=== tor is now known as Guest24126
azi`is there an alternative ubuntu archive I can try ?07:18
azi`it appears that I cannot even ping archive.canonical.com07:23
azi`what the hell07:23
=== Blkbrd is now known as Blkbrdsr71
lotuspsychjeazi: plz be polite07:24
gruffaloDoes anyone know why Ubuntu One, Firefox sync and firefox/chromium accessing https pages fails? This started for me in an update in 12.10 and has continued to 13.04. I'm guessing it is some SSL related library but have no idea how to find out.07:24
azi`lotuspsychje: sorry07:24
lotuspsychjeazi: did you try to apt-get update?07:24
azi`lotuspsychje: sure..  but it doesnt reach archive.canonical.com also it appears that the address is resolved incorrectly07:24
azi`since it says the IP address is also I cannot go to archive.canonical.com via browser07:25
daliGod morning, I got a strange graphic problem after updating a few things like gtk+, mesa, xorg-server, xf86-* and pixman. I get lines which are not aligned and flickers when mouse hits them. Problem is mostly in chromium, but also in the flash applications in firefox, the webpages in chromium are unusable. What could it be?07:25
lotuspsychjeazi: not sure mate you behind a router or provider block or something?07:25
azi`lotuspsychje: nah it worked all fine until today07:25
lotuspsychjeazi: i can browse that url07:26
lotuspsychjeazi: must be your side..07:26
azi`lotuspsychje: indeed. but I have no clue what07:26
blkbrdsr71 good day  i have problem when i try to daul boot ubunt 12.10 with Windows 8 when it starts it doesnt show the windows to choose which OS the pick, could you please support me in that07:27
lotuspsychjeazi: did you have a look inside software sources in software centre?07:27
lotuspsychjeblkbrdsr71: did you try to update grub?07:27
blkbrdsr71no to be honey and how i do that lotuspsychje  ?07:28
lotuspsychjeblkbrdsr71: from a terminal in ubuntu type: sudo update-grub07:29
TrentHHello, does anyone have experience with Aircrack? I just has a simple question.07:29
lotuspsychjeblkbrdsr71: then after try a reboot07:29
lotuspsychje!ask | TrentH07:30
ubottuTrentH: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience07:30
TrentHI'm running airdump-ng and it shows #data I need between 20k and 40k packets. I assume the #data part is the amount of packets I have?07:30
blkbrdsr71it shows me error msg lotuspsychje07:31
TrentHBecause it only show 53 and I don't see any clients I can run airplay with07:31
lotuspsychje!paste | blkbrdsr7107:31
ubottublkbrdsr71: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:31
TrentHAnd I assume you need an active client to run airplay?07:31
blkbrdsr71http://paste.ubuntu.com/5634609/  there you go lotuspsychje07:33
ctxmenheut ist wieder samstag, da mach ma immer rammtammtamm07:33
lotuspsychje!de | ctxmen07:34
ubottuctxmen: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!07:34
lotuspsychje!polite | ctxmen07:34
ubottuctxmen: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines07:34
ctxmen!stopit | lotuspsychje07:35
lotuspsychjeblkbrdsr71: not sure what that error means mate sorry07:35
blkbrdsr71it ok mate thanks for trying :)07:35
lotuspsychjeblkbrdsr71: maybe try a reboot, then tru update-grub again?07:36
azi`can I make unity look like the old gnome?07:37
azi`i don't like the window switching model and all of unity07:37
rusty0101blkbrdsr71: that looks like there is something defined in one of the grub config files pointing at a folder or directory that's no longer valid.07:37
lotuspsychje!notunity | azi07:39
ubottuazi: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.07:39
blkbrdsr71and how to fix that rusty0101 ?07:39
lotuspsychjerusty0101: could that be corrupted by his win8 dualboot?07:39
azi`lotuspsychje: so I should just install gnome-panel and thats it?07:40
azi`lotuspsychje: I like unity though I just don't like this menu thing and all .. i suppose there is no way to force it to look the old way?07:40
lotuspsychjeazi: if you dont like unity style, you can install gnome shell or lubuntu-desktop07:41
rusty0101I don't know enough about grub-update, but if there is a debug mode for getting more about what's going wrong, perhaps -d, or -dd, you might get a pointer to what file has bad info in it.07:41
lotuspsychjeazi: whatever your wish is07:41
james____Hi, i'm trying setting up fail2ban on a home server and read that I can have it e-mail me when bans happen -- neat! I want to try this as hassle-free as possible. My idea is to have a gmail account just for fail2ban to use for sending. Not sure if I've misunderstood what sendmail/postfix does... are they intended to work like this?07:41
rusty0101I haven't any experience with Win8, so I don't know if it's doing something to where Windows is keeping boot files and folders. If it is related to win8, I would suspect that '/cow' is a file or folder that normally shows up (perhaps hidden) in the windows boot partition.07:42
llutzjames____: its easier to use a simple mta like ssmtp/msmtp for that. there should be config-examples in the wiki07:43
lotuspsychje!dualboot | blkbrdsr7107:43
ubottublkbrdsr71: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot07:43
james____llutz: thanks, I'll take a look. The documentation for fail2ban seems to suggest you are restricted to either mail or sendmail...07:43
=== aeon-ltd_ is now known as aeon-ltd
blkbrdsr71thanks so much lotuspsychje  :)07:44
llutzjames____: most mailservers have an "sendmail" replacement, so do ssmtp/msmtp. so they both should do fine07:44
james____llutz: interesting... so just to I understand it, you're saying ssmtp or msmtp can masquerade as sendmail and fail2ban doesn't know otherwise?07:45
llutzjames____: basically, yes07:45
james____llutz: okay, I'll try that, thanks!07:45
LarsNI have a virtual machine running windows 7 that's joined to a corporate domain.  I have configured samba on my Ubuntu host computer.  I set sn smbpasswd for the user I would like to make a share available for.  However when I try to attach to the drive from within Windows I get "The network folder specified is currently mapped using a different username and password"07:48
LarsNany suggestions on what tiny bit of idiocy I have going on that's preventing what should be an easy project from completing?07:49
=== tor is now known as Guest99937
lotuspsychjeany packages for creating techno sounds on ubuntu or groovebox software?08:02
onrlotuspsychje: ardour, yoshimi, hydrogen08:03
lotuspsychjeonr: tnx mate lemme try those :p08:04
lotuspsychjeonr: hydrogen is looking nice tnx!08:05
onrlotuspsychje: you're welcome08:06
Guest99937i cant get the fglrx driver to work and i have a problem with over/underscanning on HDMI. how do i get things in right scale?08:07
paulens12hello, i'm trying to boot ubuntu 13 live usb on my tablet (want to test it with touch screen). so i made the live usb with unetbootin for windows, booted from it, and got to the unetbootin menu, but it doesn't recognize my keyboard08:09
zyngawowHello, can anyone help me? I have problems with my GPU. Most programs with something graphically "intense"(videos, games) stop working if I resize the window.08:09
paulens12anyone active?08:11
BACbKAhost system is 32bit ubuntu LTS 12.04.2, d/l-ed guest .iso off http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop/thank-you?distro=desktop&bits=32&release=latest which is ubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386.iso, but it doesn't boot (FATAL: No bootable media) in vbox. If I change the ISO to the Debian debian-6.0.7-i386-netinst.iso, it boots. What am I doing wrong?08:13
bekksBACbKA: Did you check the md5 sum of the iso?08:14
juularBACbKA: wrong version of vbox ?08:14
BACbKAbekks doing as we speak08:14
bekksjuular: Every vbox version since 1.x was/is able too boot from an iso :)08:15
BACbKAjuular the vbox off the stock repo08:15
juularBACbKA: that is  kinda old .08:15
juularbekks: i know but the efi thing is new08:15
bekksBACbKA: I'd use the official vbox version from their official website.08:15
bekksjuular: you dont need UEFI emulation in a vm to boot 13.0408:16
paulens12hello, i'm trying to boot ubuntu 13 live usb on my tablet (want to test it with touch screen). so i made the live usb with unetbootin for windows, booted from it, and got to the unetbootin menu, but it doesn't recognize my keyboard08:17
BACbKAbekks ouch, doesn't match the ubuntuhashes page!!!08:17
paulens12can i somehow re-bind keys so i can use vol up/down and windows keys?08:17
BACbKAgot fdb2f8df1f3061f262e231e90783a55c  ubuntu-13.04-desktop-i386.iso08:18
BACbKAofficial seems  5d5d1a7da2a0659b163d4f8bd70fbe6f08:18
BACbKAwill try to re-d/l08:19
paulens12BACbKA: you didn't finish downloading it...08:19
paulens12no caps please.08:19
juniourhi have four hd partation  windows 8,ubuntu 12.04,bt5 r3 and last one is for personal files08:19
BACbKApaulens12: I sincerely hope my browser mis-alerted me the d/l has finished rather than I've got a trojan08:19
JAF2801No cApS?08:20
juniournow i reinstalled win 8 i wont get boot ment for ubunt and bt5r308:20
juniourplz help08:20
ctxmenno known trojan modifies iso images08:20
paulens12what's boot ment?08:20
bekks!grub2 | juniour08:20
ubottujuniour: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub208:20
paulens12oh, menu...08:20
JAF2801!grub2 whats grub 208:20
ubottuJAF2801: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:20
bekksJAF2801: Read the link :)08:21
paulens12so, can someone please assist me booting ubuntu live usb without keyboard?08:22
BACbKAthanks, folks!08:24
lotuspsychjeonr: tnx again for hydrogen its most amazing package08:27
paulens12ugh... can anyone help me please?08:37
InokiFolks, anybody managed to get the Friends App working on Xubuntu?08:37
kjldfslkjcan someone tell me the difference between x86_64 and Amd64 and if say x86_64 pre-compiled apps are compatable with amd64 installation?08:41
kjldfslkjI know one is intel and supports both 32bit and 64bit apps.  I just don't know if amd64 and intel 64 are compatable with one another08:42
juularkjldfslkj: i dont think that are compatible with each other08:43
TheVoidHi. I upgraded from 10.04 to 12.04 a couple of days ago. I have no idea where all the settings are. The "system settings" app/pane;/thingy has almost nothing, like I want my ibus preferences GUI, and flash player settings gui etc, but cannot find where the hell they're listed08:43
kjldfslkjTheVoid: check the dash board apps08:44
TheVoidoo isee08:45
pers3uspers3us: Meh.08:53
Guest99937W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'archive.ubuntu.com:http' (-11 - System error)08:53
ctxmendon't talk to yourself08:53
Guest99937canonical partners ppa enabled give the above error during apt-get update08:54
ivomlotuspsychje: ah09:07
lotuspsychjeivom: :p09:07
lotuspsychjehowto migrate ufw to another host?09:12
xubuntuhello !09:13
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vicav realise wifi is slower in ubuntu 13.04.. what causes this09:14
lotuspsychje!details | vic09:14
ubottuvic: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."09:15
ctxmeneverything is slower in new versions of ubuntu because it is more bloated with advertisement09:15
lotuspsychje!ot | ctxmen09:16
ubottuctxmen: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:16
onr!xubuntu | ctxmen09:16
ctxmentrolling not allowed here?09:16
ubottuctxmen: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce as the desktop environment. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels09:16
winkyhey everyone09:16
vicin ubuntu 12.10 my wifi connection speed was 30kbs but in ubuntu 13.04 it is 10kbs, i use the same isp. even with windows 8 wifi connects at 30kbs... i want to know  why the difference09:17
lotuspsychjevic: can you tell us what network card you have?09:17
vicatheros network card09:18
lotuspsychjevic: did you check additional drivers?09:18
winkyI have a  problem booting my other machine crashing into initramfs (crypted disk, didn't get promped with passwd field). Tried googling - got to enter the crypted disk but can't run lvm vgchange -a y (/bin/sh: lvm: not found). Any ideas? :)09:19
lotuspsychje!info denyhosts | ivom09:21
ubottuivom: denyhosts (source: denyhosts): Utility to help sys admins thwart SSH crackers. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.6-10 (raring), package size 64 kB, installed size 310 kB09:21
vichow do i check the exact version of atheros network card/09:23
winkyanyone on that initramfs thing?09:24
lotuspsychje!atheros | vic09:24
ubottuvic: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:24
paulenscan someone help me with live usb?09:25
paulensi have a ubuntu live usb09:26
paulensi can boot to grub, but my keyboard doesn't work there09:27
paulensso i only have vol up/down, power, windows buttons and rotate switch. it understands vol up as "b", vol down as "c" and rotate switch as "o". it doesn't respond to the other keys at all09:28
paulensmaybe i can edit the files in the usb and re-bind the controls to those keys?09:28
paulensso my problem is basically that grub doesn't detect my usb keyboard09:32
paulensand there's no automatic option09:32
TheVoidis there any way I can make the Synaptic Package Manager use a SOCKS proxy? It only has options for a "HTTP proxy" and "FTP proxy"09:43
TheVoidnevermind, fixed it by opening synaptic in a terminal using proxychains09:43
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MonkeyDustpaulens  is that a wireless keyboard?09:46
F41LHey, I'm unable to have the setting of the unity bar's autohide reveal sensitivity to save. It continues to drop back to default, which makes it entirely too hard to unhide the unity bar with a touchpad. Any ideas?09:47
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nyuszika7h!zh | Guest9993709:50
ubottuGuest99937: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw09:50
nyuszika7hsorry, wrong one09:50
nyuszika7hthat other guest left09:51
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ctxmenwow there seems to be a channel for every fucking country09:52
MonkeyDustctxmen  mind your language09:53
anti_Can you still install new software on Ubuntu 10.10 without upgrading to a newer release?10:06
ubottuUbuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) was the thirteenth release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 10th, 2012, see http://ubottu.com/y/maverick for details.10:08
Paddy_NIIf I want to upgrade my kernel to 3.8.11 from "http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v3.8.11-raring/" should I grab the two amd64 packages (I have a 64 bit processor) and the package marked "all"?  Oh and is there anything I am missing10:08
anti_qin does End of life mean the repositories are taken down?10:08
qinanti_: What happent when you try: sudo apt-get update;10:09
AlexaZna li neko kako da onemogucim built-in tastaturu na lap topu?10:10
anti_qin I can't access it right now, the computer isn't here10:11
AlexaI am sorry, I didnt notice I entered english channel10:12
Alexaanyway, how to disable built in keyboard ?10:12
tachyonsPlease update the topic, 10.04 ,11.10 and 8.04 are no longer supported10:13
qinanti_: better upgrade... http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/10:14
FiraRunning ubuntu server, I configured interfaces w/ nameservers statically in /etc/network/interfaces, it seemed to work at first, but not anymore after a reboot. The interfaces are up, IP connectivity works, but /etc/resolv.conf is empty.10:16
FiraAny thoughts X_x' ? I'm lost10:16
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit10:17
hului want to custom /etc/skel,but the livecd create default user not with /etc/skel10:18
lukecarriergood one, freenode10:18
huluwho can help me10:18
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lukecarrierhulu, nobody, unless you ask your question! ;-)10:18
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hululukecarrier: can you help me10:30
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qinFira, did you try to set nameserver in resolv.conf10:40
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DaekdroomDoes Ubuntu 13.04 have HDMI audio for my HD5450 out-of-the-box?10:45
DaekdroomIt doesn't show up under System Settings > Sound10:45
qinThat's very interesting...10:57
bushmannhi, has anyone of you ever experienced the following error when trying to launch pulseaudio?11:00
bushmannpulseaudio: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libpulsecore-3.0.so: undefined symbol: orc_program_new_from_static_bytecode11:00
huluwhen packaging my own livecd, putting the files in /etc/skel will not copy the files to the default live user profile11:03
yashhguys the android chat room???11:03
huluwho can help me11:04
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huluwho can help me11:07
lotuspsychje!patience | hulu11:07
ubottuhulu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/11:07
huluubottu: ic sorry11:08
hululotuspsychje: sorry11:08
lotuspsychjehulu: just paste your question once in a while in the chat11:08
Ben64hulu: nobody can help you apparently. you've been here for like 5 days asking the same question and you've been given many answers, yet you still come back11:08
dRagonsRageanyone know any basic c++ project that I can get involved with?11:09
mizifihhulu: whats going on?11:09
lotuspsychje!programming | dRagonsRage11:09
ubottudRagonsRage: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:09
huluBen64: sorry! i'm finding answer11:10
lotuspsychjedRagonsRage: try ##programming sorry11:10
dRagonsRageok cool11:10
Ben64hulu: no... you're ignoring the answers and keep asking about skel11:10
66MAACJVPhello! does anybody know where Yarssr stores preferences?11:10
lotuspsychjedRagonsRage: or you want to contribute to ubuntu's dev?11:10
dRagonsRageyeah, ubuntu dev11:10
lotuspsychje!dev | dRagonsRage11:11
ubottudRagonsRage: Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment11:11
huluBen64: i had found this11:11
dRagonsRagesorry, Im quite the n00b so you may have to show some patience. hehe11:11
huluBen64: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=137395511:11
huluBen64: where i can change the default live user profile11:11
lotuspsychje66MAACJVP: do you know rss indicator, its very nice package11:12
Ben64hulu: ok? well did you read that? it says you can't add stuff to skel and have it show up for the live user11:12
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paulenssorry i got disconnected...11:12
lotuspsychjegaussblurinc: try this one mate, http://code.google.com/p/feedindicator/11:12
dRagonsRagethanks guys, gonna start reading now11:13
paulensMonkeyDust: no, it's a wired usb keyboard and seems like it doesn't even get the power from the usb port (num lock light doesn't turn on)11:13
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huluBen64: why11:13
lotuspsychjeBen64: lol you got a hard one :p11:14
gaussblurinclotuspsychje: good, thanks. But I need my feeds from Yarssr. When I added new one, Yarssr falls down and doesn't want to show gui ;\11:14
paulensand i have only 1 usb3 port, so i need to use an usb hub. it boots normally with the hub though11:14
lotuspsychjegausblurinc: define 'falls down'? crash?11:15
gaussblurinclotuspsychje: yeah, crash11:16
lotuspsychjegaussblurinc: can you try to launch yarssr from terminal, to see a usefull error?11:16
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gaussblurinclotuspsychje: yes, I do this. " Not a HASH reference at /usr/share/yarssr/Yarssr/Parser.pm line 83."11:17
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debiantoruserWhere i can get help about AMD-APP-SDK 2.8 on ubuntu 13.04?11:17
lotuspsychjegaussblurinc: did you try adding a valid rss stream?11:18
gaussblurinclotuspsychje: I think so. But if not, I can't change it, because I can't open gui window for this. Now I need a folder, where these feeds stored11:19
mizifihZNZ running!11:19
lotuspsychjegaussblurinc: its a bug mate: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/yarssr/+bug/101206511:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1012065 in yarssr (Ubuntu) "Yarssr hangs when loading some feeds" [Undecided,New]11:20
cloneGhello would you help me fixing my ubuntu 3d acceleration graphics?11:21
lotuspsychjegaussblurinc: i really reccomend feedindicator from google for ubuntu11:21
cloneGI am using a 12.04 ubuntu with nvidia geforce 8800 gt11:21
mizifihJust want to spread how happy I am with Ubuntu 13.0411:21
cloneGI found a thread with the same error but11:21
cloneGthe solution posted wont fix it11:22
gaussblurinclotuspsychje: yes, thanks. I will see it.11:22
cloneGI am in darrinh shoes11:22
mizifihLooks like Ubuntu got it's way. I believe this error handing was already implemented at 12.04, but it's nice to see its here11:22
paulenscan someone please help me with grub not recognizing my keyboard?11:22
cloneGlast post11:22
paulensand there is no countdown, so it doesn't boot automatically11:22
cloneGoh grub!11:23
paulensso i'm stuck in the grub menu11:23
cloneGI just installed grup-repair pal11:23
mizifihAnd I've been using it for like 48 hours, I have the feeling that everything was made by ubuntu and ported for windows (XBMC, SABNzbd, Sickbeard, Couchpotato)11:23
cloneGlet me search for the thread11:23
paulenscloneG: i can't get into ubuntu11:23
mizifihI mean, they're python, but...11:23
cloneGpaulens: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair11:24
cloneGpaulens: use a live cd11:24
paulenscloneG: i can't boot from the live usb because i'm stuck in grub11:24
paulenscloneG: the grub in the usb11:25
cloneGpaulens: weird config you have11:25
paulenscloneG: i'm just trying to install ubuntu11:25
cloneGpaulens: you can choose to reinstall grub where ever you like with boot-repair11:25
paulenscloneG: but for that i need to boot from the usb...11:26
paulenscloneG: you must understand that i have no access to linux11:26
paulensand sorry for caps11:26
cloneGpaulens: I see... I think I once have the same problem...11:27
cloneGpaulens: had*11:27
paulensso i have the volume, power and windows buttons, and auto-rotate switch11:27
cloneGpaulens: do you have any other Os under grub control?11:27
paulensand volume buttons are recognized as b and c11:27
paulensit's just a fresh made live usb11:28
paulenswell, i can still boot into windows, if i remove the usb...11:28
paulensbut i want ubuntu now :D11:28
cloneGpaulens: do you want to keep windows?11:28
paulenswell, basically i want to see how ubuntu works with touch screen, before installing it over windows11:29
paulensand if it's fine, i'll install windows11:29
paulensso for now, i just want to boot the live usb and test it11:29
paulensand wubi isn't a solution here, because my SSD is nearly full11:29
cloneGand you dont have cd driver11:30
paulensnope, it's a tablet and there's no cd burner in it11:30
cloneGpaulens: use a virtual machine11:31
paulensthat requires some disk space...11:31
paulensand it's VERY laggy11:31
cloneGpaulens: virtual pc or virtual box would do11:31
paulensmy CPU isn't very good, you know...11:31
paulensi tried that, but i got an ultimate lag...11:31
paulensit just can't emulate a whole machine with that CPU...11:32
cloneGpaulens: I dont see many options left..11:32
paulenswell, i thought maybe i could set it like11:32
paulensafter 10 seconds to choose the 1st option automatically11:32
cloneGpaulens: I would simply install it to test it... as long as you backup your windows data11:33
paulensi can't install it11:33
paulensbecause i can't boot the usb11:33
cloneGpaulens: I never attempted what you are trying to do... I always test OS on pc11:34
paulensoh, i can install it on an external HDD, using another computer11:34
cloneGI want ubuntu 3d acceleration back11:38
cloneGI am in darrinh 's shoes in this thread: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?s=5b5853c2dda95ce3cefef86cde8bc6f8&t=114091&page=211:39
cloneGbut that fix didnt work for me11:39
cloneGubuntu 12.04 nvidia geforce 8800 gt11:39
BluesKajHI all11:40
cloneGI want ubuntu 12.04 3D acceleration back. I am in Darrinh's shoes in this thread: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?s=5b5853c2dda95ce3cefef86cde8bc6f8&t=114091&page=2 but that fix didnt work, any suggestion? the drivers installed are nvidia-current-updates and the graphic card is a nvidia geforce 8800 gt11:42
malekhow are you??11:43
cloneGubuntu was working fine but now  its a crap11:44
malekim in xubuntu 12.1011:44
malekwhat about you???11:44
cloneGubuntu 12.0411:44
cloneG64 bit11:44
cloneGnot good11:44
cloneGnot now11:44
cloneGbecause the system is not using the graphic card cappabilities11:45
cloneGI cant run blender, I cant run second life, I cant run stellarium, I cant run videogames...11:46
cloneGits a crap11:46
* bekks runs all that since 10y, on 64bit.11:46
malekKnew the card system11:46
bekksmalek: What do you mean?11:47
malekgraphic card11:47
bekksPleas state a full sentence :)11:47
cloneGI thought that was the trouble but now I am starting to doubt it11:48
cloneGwhen starting the system the graphic environment wont appear...11:48
bekkscloneG: I'm not having problemns using a recent nvidia graphics card and the closed driver.11:48
BluesKajcloneG, strange, that card should run fine with the nvidia-current driver , run dkms status in the terminal to make sure the driver is being used11:48
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest40541
cloneGI am driven into a tty console instead..11:49
cloneGand if I startx:11:49
mizifihPuTTy FTW11:49
cloneGcould not open device file /dev/nvidia0 output/input error appears11:50
bekkscloneG: Then the driver isnt loaded.11:50
bekkscloneG: And you dont use startx nowadays.11:50
cloneGsudo service lightdm start?11:51
cloneGthat was giving more problems with a file called .Xauthority11:51
bekkscloneG: But you have to install the nvidia driver correctly, before.11:51
maleki'm fine in xubuntu 12.1011:51
cloneGI did using synaptic11:51
paulensoh, i just noticed a weird thing11:51
cloneGlinux-headers-generic --> nvidia-current-updates11:52
paulensall the commands end with "--", isn't any flag missing there?11:52
cloneGadding the ppa11:52
bekkscloneG: which ppa?11:52
paulensbtw, it's grub.cfg11:52
bekkspaulens: No, nothing is missing there.11:53
paulensbekks: ok, thanks...11:53
bekkscloneG: So did you investigate why the driver isnt loaded yet?11:53
paulensbekks: btw, is there a way to add an automatic choice to that menu? so i don't need to select it manually each time?11:54
bekks!grub2 > paulens11:54
ubottupaulens, please see my private message11:54
cloneGdkms does nothing11:54
bekkscloneG: So did you investigate why the driver isnt loaded yet?11:54
ouyeswhy I can't compile gcc 4.4.3 under ubuntu 12.04?11:55
cloneGbekks: how?11:55
BluesKajdkms status only tells you what drivers are loaded11:55
bekkscloneG: By trying to manually load it, e.g., and investigating the dmesg output11:55
cloneGbekks: would you mind being more precise?11:56
bekkscloneG: "modprobe nvidia" and "dmesg"11:57
cfhowlettdakotawulfy, greetings11:57
cloneGsudo modprobe nvidia11:58
cloneGWARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf.privNvidia, it will be ignored in a future release.11:58
cloneGFATAL: Module nvidia_current_updates not found.11:58
cloneGthe .privNvidia was a backup I made the time I installed propietary nvidia driver11:58
cloneGbut the fatal module nvidia_current_updates found might be a clue'11:59
cloneGmeaning the nvidia module isnt loaded?11:59
=== Guest40541 is now known as kuruba
BluesKajdon't think it's even installed12:00
bekksAs being told three times now :)12:00
paulens_i hate browser clients so much xD12:00
cloneGhow do I install it?12:00
bekks!nvidia | cloneG12:01
ubottucloneG: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto12:01
paulens_so, can i set the default grub entry? xD12:01
malekWhat parents program displays the hard drive partitions??12:01
bekksmalek: sudo fdisk -l12:01
paulens_the documentation says GRUB_DEFAULT= setting in /etc/default/grub;12:02
thecodethinkerWhat is a good tool for streaming to justin.tv?12:02
paulens_but i can't find that folder in my live usb...12:02
malekthanks bekks12:02
l0lh4rdany methods of accessing blocked sites in xubuntu12:03
paulens_use a proxy?12:03
thecodethinkerl0lh4rd: it depends on how the sites are blocked12:03
BluesKajcloneG, at the tty , sudp apt-get install nvidia-current , then reboot12:03
bekksl0lh4rd: Ask you administrator to unblock them?12:03
BluesKajsudo rather cloneG12:03
l0lh4rdwhat about blocked sites by the government12:04
cloneGbut nvidia-current-updates it is already installed I read somewhere nvidia-current and nvidia-current-updates are excluding12:04
cloneGif you have one installed the other one is not needed12:05
cloneGis that true?12:05
cfhowlettl0lh4rd, what gov't and what site ...12:05
bekkscloneG: They are excluding. Having installed one, you cant install the other in parallel.12:05
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cloneGI have already installed nvidia current updates12:06
cloneGdo I need nvidia current?12:06
l0lh4rdYoutube was blocked after a video posted about criticizing Islam12:06
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cloneGhow do I load the kernel module?12:07
BluesKajcloneG, installing the nvidfia driver is suppoed to remove the the installed driver in the process12:07
cloneGI am a bit confused12:07
bekkscloneG: modprobe12:07
cfhowlettl0lh4rd, such gov't don't take kindly to bypassing the YT blocks.  better perhaps that you don't tempt their wrath ...12:07
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l0lh4rdI've been using Hotspot Shield on Windows to access youtube12:09
BluesKajcloneG, whenever you install a graphics driver , a reboot is required for it to load properly12:09
cfhowlettl0lh4rd, see vpn12:09
l0lh4rdany free vpn for linux???12:10
bekksl0lh4rd: openvpn12:10
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN12:10
dakotawulfycloneG have u tried the jockey-gtk‎12:10
thecodethinkerWhat is a good tool for streaming to justin.tv?12:10
malekwhy vpn to access  youtube ??12:11
lucidohow can I change the various locales, possibly selecting from a list?12:11
dakotawulfy cloneG that it will install it and let u pick what driver to use12:11
cfhowlettmalek, some gov'ts block some sites ...12:11
* BluesKaj backs off , ok , enough cooks ...12:12
cloneGsee the image? nvidia-current-updates is installed and modprobe gives the fatal module not found12:12
cloneGand I did install the package in another session12:12
malekoo yeah but why block youtube12:13
ubottumalek,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:13
cloneGjockey-common and jockey-gtk already installed12:13
bekksmalek: Because those governments dont like videos posted on YT.12:13
dakotawulfy cloneG ok sorry did not see all the info was it working right with another kernel12:13
cloneGyeah I am in an older kernel12:14
bekkscloneG: Then it is no wonder it doesnt work. :)12:14
cloneGbut neither the older kernel has the 3d acceleration12:14
malekim sorry<ubottu>12:14
dakotawulfy hold on12:14
dakotawulfyhad that problem12:15
cloneGhow did you fix it?12:15
dakotawulfy cloneG  ok so the new kernel works but the old one does not ???12:15
cloneGjust the opposite12:16
malekwhat is a good desktop environment for ubuntu??12:16
dakotawulfy cloneG i was noat able to get my old kernel to work12:16
cloneGwell indeed none of them work properly12:16
cfhowlettmalek, unity is the default ...12:16
bekksmalek: unity, kde, xfce, lxde, etc.12:16
=== _BJFreeman is now known as BJfreeman
dakotawulfy cloneG after i uninstalled the driver12:16
cloneGthe older one lets me log in to desktop but in default driver config12:17
malekunity is bad12:17
bekksmalek: Thats just your personal opinion. :)12:17
dakotawulfy to use the old kernel u need to remove the driver in the new one do it with the jocky-gtk12:17
cloneGI want ubuntu 12.04 3D acceleration back. I am in Darrinh's shoes in this thread: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?s=5b5853c2dda95ce3cefef86cde8bc6f8&t=114091&page=2 but that fix didnt work, any suggestion? the drivers installed are nvidia-current-updates and the graphic card is a nvidia geforce 8800 gt12:17
cloneGremove the driver with jockey.gtk?¿12:18
cloneGwhats that a gui?12:18
dakotawulfy cloneG  then after u reboot go into old kernel and use jocky-gtk to install it on the old one then the new kernel probably not going to work12:19
dakotawulfyto install the diver12:19
cloneGdakotawulfy thanks I ll try that12:19
omkar_hi i have installed ubuntu 13.04 ,but while powering off the machine it halts at a point and never turns off the power12:21
dakotawulfyomkar_ u need to see if your getting an error  could be a bug one of the 212:23
cfhowlett!details|st_  no details, no help.  911 this ain't.12:23
ubottust_  no details, no help.  911 this ain't.: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:23
st_ help quickstart12:23
st_help quickstart12:24
cfhowlett!details|st_,   for best results, provide details!12:24
ubottust_,   for best results, provide details!: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."12:24
dakotawulfyomkar_ on shutdown something might be hanging it12:24
omkar_yeah but what?12:24
omkar_i have acer 5745G laptop12:24
=== onr_ is now known as onr
cloneGdakotawulfy: it fails to load the nvidia-current-updates and asks me to read the log: http://pastebin.com/iqNaV5Aa12:24
omkar_can the same info be grapbed now?/12:24
omkar_i think the logs might have it12:24
cloneGdakotawulfy: but I dont understand that log12:25
dakotawulfywell hit esc when your splash screen is  going see if u see any info12:25
dakotawulfyomkar_ on shutdown12:25
omkar_yeo i always have esc pressed when i shutdown12:26
trentOn Ubuntu 12.04.02 lts is there anyway to make the scroll bar wider in the applications menu?12:26
omkar_it has something related to acpid12:26
omkar_is there any log which i can  check for the same ?12:26
cloneGdakotawulfy: the point is how do I run jockey without graphic enviroment?12:27
dakotawulfydid u  make the drive not active with jocky-gtk then reboot to same kernel and  it should go i to it  with out the nvida driver loaded12:28
cloneGdakotawulfy: not active?12:29
cloneGdakotawulfy: the driver is not active at all that is the problem!12:29
huss[request] working guide for nvidia drivers for 13.04?12:29
dakotawulfy cloneG ok12:29
dakotawulfydid u get to jocky-gtk12:30
dakotawulfycloneG  did u get to jocky-gtk12:30
cloneGdakotawulfy: at the jockey log you can see the warnings telling the modules cant be found12:30
cloneGdakotawulfy: yeah jockey works from terminal12:31
trentanyone? On Ubuntu 12.04.02 lts is there anyway to make the scroll bar wider in the applications menu?12:31
crazyhorsehow do i trunk a file?12:32
dakotawulfycloneG ok u got nvidia driver right12:33
jackw411hey guys - im trying to work out how to open a html document with my default browser from cmdline12:33
=== Remus is now known as kakamaka
dakotawulfyor mean u want nvidia12:33
cloneGdakotawulfy: nvidia-current-updates12:33
crazyhorsetruncate -s 0 /filename.txt12:33
gustavjackw411: What's your default driver?12:34
gustavjackw411: Err, browser.12:34
cloneGdakotawulfy: from synaptic after getting x.swat updates ppa12:34
dakotawulfycloneG ok your kernel is the 3.2.0-4012:34
jackw411gustav: set my default to be nightly - so when i do x-www-browser it runs a new instance of firefox-trunk12:34
dakotawulfyi had this same problem12:34
cloneGdakotawulfy: the one that lets me use graphics with no 3d acceleration12:35
cloneGdakotawulfy: yes12:35
jackw411when i do xdg-open <file> however, it runs default firefox12:35
gustavjackw411: Ok, sounds like it's working then?12:35
MinIRChello guys is there someone who have succeeded creating an USB with Ubuntu on it bootable at start up on OS X ?12:35
bekksMinIRC: Thats not possible. Either you boot the USB stick, or the OS installed on your host.12:36
moppersi think he means use OS X to create the USB12:36
=== daam_ is now known as daam
jackw411i have an alias set up for firefox-trunk as 'nightly' - i would like to be able to do something like nightly <filename> gustav - and it open the file in the current browser I have open in a new tab - is it possible?12:36
dakotawulfy cloneG think i know why12:36
trentwish i had a mac....12:37
dakotawulfycloneG go in to the new kernel  remove it the one that is working12:37
gustavjackw411: Is it all Firefox? Doesn't 'firefox <url>' always open in the open browser?12:37
daamhello: i have a problem setting up my irc on 12.04.  My ports seem to be closed and I tried working with ufw, and portforwarding on the router. I can access this irc thru chat.freenode.net:8000, but 6667 seems to be inaccessible. What sort of info should I provide for support on this?12:37
MinIRCbekks: and moppers  i have a dvd and a two usb, and what i would like to do is to install ubuntu on the usb and then run it from there… in the os x12:38
dakotawulfycloneG  U have to remove the driver working in the working kernel  the new one12:38
trent@ daam On Ubuntu 12.04.02 lts is there anyway to make the scroll bar wider in the applications menu?12:38
bekksMinIRC: Thats not possible. Either you boot Ubuntu, or OSX.12:38
paulens_hello again xD12:38
cloneGdakotawulfy: the new kernel is the one not workig12:38
bekksMinIRC: You could your virtualbox, though.12:39
MinIRCbekks:  of coarse, of coarse…. but i would like to boot only ubuntu on my mac..not the os X12:39
dakotawulfycloneG ok go to the old one12:39
cfhowlettMinIRC, perhaps virtualbox?12:39
cloneGdakotawulfy: and I uninstall the driver packages...12:39
dakotawulfycloneG remove it reboot12:39
cloneGdakotawulfy: and then?12:39
dakotawulfyuse jocky-gtk12:40
daamtrent. I am a total noob, and can not help you.12:40
cloneGdakotawulfy: that easy?12:40
trentdaam me too lol12:40
A1ReconAny help regarding HDMI audio on Ubuntu?? Please help!!12:40
dakotawulfycloneG then reboot go to new kernel and use jocky-gtk to install new one12:40
cloneGdakotawulfy: how would the kernel modules load for not staying packages?12:41
dakotawulfyI had a problem with mine12:41
trenthard to believe you can make the scroll bar usable thou12:41
jackw411any1 give me any idea of how to get sound using ubuntu with awesome window manager?12:41
MinIRCcfhowlett: i already had this, but i'm not satisfied, so what i'm looking to is to boot ubuntu from usb12:41
dakotawulfy cloneGi  after i got it working the  found out  the driver was not working in the old kernel12:42
dakotawulfycloneG but the new one worked12:42
cfhowlettMinIRC, and NOT dual boot?  usb is notoriously slow and flakey compared to regular install12:42
dakotawulfyI am running the 3.2.0-40 now12:42
daamhelp with setting up my router/firewall on my 12.04 anyone?12:42
daamhello: i have a problem setting up my irc on 12.04.  My ports seem to be closed and I tried working with ufw, and portforwarding on the router. I can access this irc thru chat.freenode.net:8000, but 6667 seems to be inaccessible. What sort of info should I provide for support on this?12:43
dakotawulfycloneG thats how i fixed it12:43
MinIRCcfhowlett:  not a dual boot, because i would like to use it no matter the hardware12:43
cfhowlett!mac|MinIRC,   maybe see the link for help.12:44
ubottuMinIRC,   maybe see the link for help.: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages12:44
jackw411anybody recommend me a decent command line based music player?12:44
cloneGdakotawulfy: sketching...you want me to uninstall nvidia-current-updates from the kernel....then reboot ...and start with 3.5.0 kernel but it wont let me use graphic environment12:44
gustavjackw411: mpg321.12:44
jackw411gustav: thanks12:45
cloneGdakotawulfy: it doesnt let me now12:45
trentwhy in the world would you even want to install ubontu on a mac?12:45
cloneGdakotawulfy: anyway I ll give it a try12:45
MinIRCtrent:  LaTex -) i don't like the mac version of it12:46
dakotawulfycloneG make sure you are in the right kernel when u do the stuff12:46
MinIRCtrent: and some industrial programs like Cadence12:46
dakotawulfycloneG Like i said  that how i got mine to work12:47
MinIRCthank you ubottu  for the link -)  and cfhowlett  for the tips12:47
BluesKajA1Recon, https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/alsa-daily12:47
daamhello: i have a problem setting up my irc on 12.04.  My ports seem to be closed and I tried working with ufw, and portforwarding on the router. I can access this irc thru chat.freenode.net:8000, but 6667 seems to be inaccessible. What sort of info should I provide for support on this?12:48
daamI set it up so that I opened UDP, TCP ports 113, 1024-5000, 6660-6669 on my router. This is what it says on my router logs:12:48
daam[INFO]Sun May 05 21:47:05 2013Blocked outgoing TCP packet from to as FIN:ACK received but there is no active connection12:48
daam[INFO]Sun May 05 21:47:05 2013Blocked outgoing TCP packet from to as PSH:ACK received but there is no active connection12:48
gustavdaam: Talk to your ISP. Has nothing to do with Ubuntu.12:48
=== anonymous is now known as Guest13769
contrapunctusHey folks...tried editing the sudoers file...but the script I want to be able to run without a password is still asking me for a password =\ This is the format, right? - [username or group] [terminal]=([as which user]) NOPASSWD: [script path]12:49
dakotawulfydaam  need to check if ports are open on your router12:49
moppersthats not the ISP unless the isp's router12:49
gustavDoes Ubuntu run on routers?12:50
moppersdaam you need to forward the ports from the router to your PC12:50
paulenshello, i have another question...12:50
moppersdaam, but i dont see why the outgoing was blocked , that's a separate rule12:51
paulensi tried booting a live usb from 2 computers12:51
paulensone shows this: http://db.tt/gooFmqDM12:51
lucidois there a guided way to change the locale?12:51
moppersdaam, i think you need to take another look at your router settings12:51
daamthat's my wireless router... I don't think my isp is the issue. I am going to download a irc app on my android, running on the same router, and run it through mobile data, and isolate the problem.12:51
zetheroohow does one clear the cache?12:51
jackw411gustav: does mpg321 provide support for flac?12:51
gustavjackw411: I think so.12:51
moppersdaam, its not your ISP12:51
paulensand the other one - this: http://db.tt/CKjUyHus12:51
paulenswhy is it different? O.o12:51
paulenswhy does the first one skip grub?12:51
paulensi want to skip grub on the second one...12:52
dakotawulfydaam  u got to have the router set up right  what irc program u using ???12:54
daammozilla chatzilla dakotawulfy12:55
gustavjackw411: Though I can't find any info about it and I don't have any flac files.12:56
gustavjackw411: Maybe mplayer.12:57
jackw411gustav - yeah i couldn't find anything in the docs, just having a playabout now12:58
gustavjackw411: XMMS will work but it's X11. Here's a list: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Linux_media_players12:58
jackw411gustav: yeah we can safely say that mpg321 does not like flac :))))12:59
gustavjackw411: MPD is what you want.12:59
dakotawulfydaam what router u have13:00
jackw411cool gustav thanks13:00
gustavjackw411: You need a client for that thing.13:00
cfhowlettWormFood, greetings13:00
jackw411this is the last piece of the puzzle, using awesome win manager, sublime text 2, nightly build firefox, have llampp going now - gonna make code rain13:01
wormfoxI'm new here13:01
jackw411just need something that gives me flac playback13:01
gustavjackw411: MPD runs in the background so it might be annoying, to some people, you control it with a client when you need to.13:02
gustavCan be accessed over the network as well, I think.13:02
BluesKajjackw411, most players will play flac files , if not there usually plugins one can install13:02
dakotawulfy jackw411 have u checked vlc13:02
jackw411dakotawulfy: no I havn't - but that isn't a bad idea!13:03
dakotawulfyworks on almost anything13:04
BluesKajyeah, VLC plays almost everything media13:04
paulenscan someone tell me what partitions i need for ubuntu?13:06
jackw411paulens: a swap area + a partition to install13:06
bekkspaulens: BAsically just one, and up to as many as you want. Usually, you have a separate swap partition, too.13:07
dakotawulfypaulens is nice to make a /home13:08
ezioai have a bind server and it's not resolving local addresses13:09
ezioahere's my /etc/bind/named.conf.local13:09
ezioahere's my bb file https://gist.github.com/anonymous/ecbce0a2b9803d68141d13:09
paulensso, will i be installing apps on /home?13:09
dakotawulfypaulens that way u go to install a new install u can save your home13:09
zetheroohow do you empty the cache?13:09
paulensoh, ok13:09
BluesKaj!u | dakotawulfy13:09
ubottudakotawulfy: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'ryt',  'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.13:09
ezioazetheroo, me?13:10
paulensdakotawulfy: where are apps installed?13:10
GodsFlawstupid question 1 of the day.  install 12.04 or 13.0413:10
zetherooezioa: you?13:10
yeatszetheroo: you don't need to empty your memory cache - that's how linux handles memory13:10
BluesKajGodsFlaw, smart answer , 13.0413:11
GodsFlawthanks blue13:11
cfhowlettGodsFlaw, depends.  if you NEED the greatest/latest/shiniest stuff, 13.04 ... and you'll get 9 months of support.  OR go 12.04 and get 5 years ...13:11
yeatscfhowlett: correction: 18 months of support13:11
GodsFlaw13 upgraids though right?13:11
GodsFlawI don't need a full re-install do i?13:11
cfhowlettyeats, oops.  right.  thanks.13:11
BluesKajGodsFlaw, depends what you're on now13:12
GodsFlawnothing, first install.13:12
GodsFlawif I instal 13 and 13.1 comes out will I have to re-install or just update.13:12
dakotawulfypaulens ok see if u make a /home portion that is were your user will be if u go to install a new install later down the road u don't have to format the drive just mount it when setting up then it will have all your stuff under user13:13
daliDoes someone know what can cause this problem? http://i.imgur.com/tdXqFI4.png13:13
BluesKajthey all upgrade , but yes just do your updates/upgrades periodically /week and you'll be fine , GodsFlaw13:13
zetheroowhy is it that when I perform this command "sync; echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches" with sudo I get "permission denied" ?13:14
bekksBecause sudo does not apply to >13:14
BluesKajupgradew worked for me for yrs , GodsFlaw , sometimea clean is required if you don't use autoremove and autoclean much13:14
dakotawulfyu need to be sudo13:14
ZehleHello! How do I get my raspberry pi(ubuntu) to run some programs on startup? :)13:15
jribzetheroo: use "| sudo tee" instead of ">"13:15
GodsFlawthanks blue.  stupid question 2.  I have my data drives serperate already.  Should I partision ubuntu into different areas or have it all on one drive?13:15
paulensok so how much space should i give to each partition? i have 100GB and i'll mostly use it for downloads13:15
yeats!startup | zetheroo13:15
ubottuzetheroo: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot13:15
yeatszetheroo: sorry13:15
yeats!startup | Zehle13:16
ubottuZehle: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot13:16
zetheroojrib: I just did "sudo su" and then repeated the command and it worked ;)13:16
dakotawulfypaulens  how many portion you  going to go with13:16
dakotawulfy3 or 213:16
jribzetheroo: that's ok too but use "sudo -i" instead of "sudo su" next time13:16
paulensdakotawulfy: i guess swap, home and install13:16
BluesKajGodsFlaw, partitioning is usually a personal choice , prefer a / and /home partiton and a swap if you want , but if you plenty of RAM , swap isn't so necessary13:17
dakotawulfy paulens swap  depends on your ramm13:17
zetheroojrib: whats the diff? Is one unsafe?13:17
paulensdakotawulfy: it's my first time installing linux... and i have 4GB ram13:17
jribzetheroo: sudo -i will sanitize the environment13:17
Zehleyeats: I'm in the command prompt only13:17
lostinspacehow can I add a new distro to my grub? I installed it in another partition, without bootloader of course13:17
yeats!boot | Zehle13:17
ubottuZehle: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto13:17
cfhowlettlostinspace, sudo update grub didn't pick it up?13:18
dakotawulfypaulens i always make swap same size as ram but some people do not do that13:18
doc-donkeymorning ! on 13.04 running on gnome i managed to have my minimize/maximise/close icons back via the tweak tool but i got used to having them on the left and cant seem to find what i shall do to put them back there. i fear every minute im spending with these icons on the right side will mess up my brain and do permanant damage to my cognitive reflex of closing a window13:18
lostinspacecfhowlett, ok13:18
paulensdakotawulfy: ok, so 4GB for swap... i don't really know what it will be used for, so i guess 4GB will be ok for me. now how much should i allocate for install?13:19
cfhowlettpaulens, a full vanilla install usually takes less than 10 gigs for the /filesystem ...13:20
lostinspacecfhowlett, how can I remove an old distro from the menu?13:20
bekkspaulens: Just use the available space for your installation - and create a swap partition as big as your RAM.13:20
cfhowlett!grub|lostinspace,   yes you can edit grub to do that ... carefully13:20
ubottulostinspace,   yes you can edit grub to do that ... carefully: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:20
GodsFlawHow does ram come into it?  thought you partitioned the data like websites users stuff just so you could upgraid them seperate?  My ram should be fine.13:20
paulensbekks: i wanthome13:20
lostinspacethe last link! I missed it. Thank you13:21
bekkspaulens: Then use about 20GB for /, RAM == SWAP, and the remaining space for /home13:21
BluesKajGodsFlaw, as a general rule if you have more than 4G RAM a swap becomes wasted space13:21
BluesKajit doesn't get used13:22
bekksBluesKaj: Besides the fact that you canbt hibernate otherwise.13:22
dakotawulfypaulens well  so many people could tell u what to use and every one going to be different  maybe swap 4gig   the / partion maybe 40gig and  your /home  the rest  and feed back from anyone?13:22
GodsFlawo you are talking swap file disk.13:22
GodsFlawI was asking about os from filesystem.13:22
bekksBluesKaj: And nowadays, in a time having 4TB drives, it really doesnt matter how you are using 12GB of disk space when having 16GB RAM.13:23
BluesKajbekks, well , there's no indication that hibernation is needed13:23
GodsFlawgot 16gb ram so no need for swap.13:23
bekksGodsFlaw: Do you want to use hibernation?13:23
paulensthanks :)13:23
dakotawulfywell i got 4 gig and only using 7 % swap13:23
GodsFlawrunning on ssd think I need hibernate?13:23
bekksGodsFlaw: Its your choice, not what I am thinking you might need.13:24
=== doc-donkey is now known as wdonkey
BluesKajGodsFlaw, is this a laptop, work pc , home pc ?13:25
ezioacan anyone tell me why this zone file is giving me an error on line 9: unexpected end of input at eol13:25
GodsFlawhome but I have dev env on it ect.13:25
GodsFlawrunning windoes on a 128 ssd got a 512 ssd to load u13:26
GodsFlawssd are the os drives13:26
GodsFlawhave moving drive for data ect13:26
paulensoh and13:27
BluesKajthen you have options , create a swap equal to or a bit larger than your RAM then , it's best to be safe13:27
paulenswhich format should i choose for / and /home?13:27
bekkspaulens: ext413:27
GodsFlawso i'll leave 20 free for the swap13:28
paulensthanks bekks13:28
spaceneedleBug: Sometimes when I open the dash the screen freezes and I can't do anything.  Ubuntu 12.04  has been buggy for me lately.13:28
GodsFlawis ext4 best for everything?  what is ext3 used for?13:29
gustavGodsFlaw: Yeah.13:29
bekksGodsFlaw: ext3 is much older than ext4.13:30
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest8541
BluesKajext4 is latest and probly best, GodsFlaw13:31
sebokieI am trying to boot straight into xbmc in ubuntu 13.0413:33
sebokieI change lightdm.conf but it does not seem to work13:33
GodsFlawThanks blue, anyother advice before I reboot to do the load.  Looks straightfoward from the reading.13:34
BluesKajGodsFlaw, I prefer to pre-partition using gparted live media , then when you install , just use the manual partioning guide and choose the /  and /home moutpoints13:36
GodsFlawthat a seperat program?13:37
GodsFlawlike partition magic?13:37
BluesKaj!gparted | GodsFlaw13:37
ubottuGodsFlaw: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php13:38
sidney_Good Morning13:38
GodsFlawso i use gparted after i install u?13:38
BluesKajbefore you , install GodsFlaw , it's not necessary , but it makes the insallation easier IMO13:39
GodsFlawbut nothing is on the disk now.13:40
GodsFlawi'm talking from my windows disk.13:40
paulenseh... another problem...13:40
MinIRChello guys i'm really looking to do something like this : http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/750308586/stormfly-like-a-pc-on-your-wrist?play=1&ref=search13:40
cfhowlettGodsFlaw, proceed with caution ...13:40
MinIRCcould anyone help me to configure the usb correctly -)13:40
dakotawulfypaulens ???13:41
ubottuMinIRC,: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:41
paulensso i installed ubuntu on a separate partition, but it still boots into windows, and there is no boot item for ubuntu.13:41
cfhowlettpaulens, did you install grub bootloader?13:42
BluesKajpaulens, no grub menu?13:42
paulenseh... no, it boots straight to windows13:42
paulensi just used the installer in live usb13:42
cfhowlettpaulens, boot the live usb and install grub to the hard drive13:42
MinIRCcfhowlett:  ?13:42
paulensand selected a partition to install bootloader13:42
paulensi thought it will imstall grub there13:43
cfhowlettMinIRC, installing to a USB is simple13:43
MinIRCcfhowlett:  well not so when you're on OS X13:43
paulenscfhowlett: how do i do that?13:44
MinIRCcfhowlett:  i wan to install it and boot it from anywhere just like stormily usb on kickstarted13:44
alexxxa2Is the support for 32bit greater than for 64?13:44
MinIRCalexxxa2:  nope13:44
bekksalexxxa2: No.13:44
cfhowlettMinIRC, create the USB.  boot from the usb ...  exactly what stormily did13:44
alexxxa2Is it really so? I am really considering reinstalling system, and this time I will choose 32 bit13:45
alexxxa2cause many programs wont install at all13:45
bekksalexxxa2: ^Name one :)13:45
alexxxa2they say 'dependance problem' or so13:45
paulenscan someone tell me how to install grub?13:45
MinIRCalexxxa2: it is depend on your cpu architecture13:45
bekksalexxxa2: I am not aware of any program not being installable on 64bit for the last 10 years.13:46
ubottupaulens,: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:46
alexxxa2bekks, skype won't install13:46
bekksalexxxa2: Thats not true :)13:46
MinIRCcfhowlett:  well, i'm having problem with EFI and grub it doesn't load13:46
cfhowlettalexxxa2, I've got skype on my 12.04 no problem13:46
rymate1234Lol Skype13:46
bekks!skype | alexxxa213:46
ubottualexxxa2: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga13:46
xuser1how can i change resolution using xrandr?13:46
paulenscfhowlett: and why didn't it install grub together with ubuntu?13:46
alexxxa2firefox won't allow to be set to my language13:46
bekksalexxxa2: Then install the language pack you need to support your language.13:47
cfhowlettMinIRC, ah, well yes.  EFI is a tricky beast.  best you look in the mac resources13:47
MinIRCalexxxa2:  those are not problem to OS , more than the software you're using13:47
cfhowlettpaulens, it should have.  do you have some weird set up?  multi HD's/SSD or such?13:48
MinIRCcfhowlett:  mum….i'm looking to resolve them13:48
paulenscfhowlett: no...13:48
alexxxa2Since I'm using xfce, I can install language only through Language assistence (or something like that) - and that's exactly what I 've done13:48
alexxxa2but firefox remains in english13:48
alexxxa2the thing is that I want to set this PC for my grandpa13:48
alexxxa2who doesn't speak english13:49
alexxxa2so this PC has to be in another lang13:49
bekksalexxxa2: You have to install the language pack for your firefox in your language, too.13:49
paulenscfhowlett: maybe i had to create a primary partition? all my ubuntu partitions are logical13:49
bekksalexxxa2: And thats nothing that will be different on 32bit.13:49
MinIRCalexxxa2:  can't agree more with bekks13:49
alexxxa2tried to google: where are language files stored in ubuntu - nothing13:50
sebokiewhat shall I do to boot into xbmc directly instead of Unity?13:50
cfhowlettpaulens, no that wouldn't do it ... BUT ... are you dual booting ?13:50
alexxxa2bekks, any clues about how to install different language pack for any program? synaptic maybe?13:50
bekksalexxxa2: http://askubuntu.com/questions/93970/how-to-change-firefoxs-language13:50
MinIRCalexxxa2:  have you checked under the administration already ?13:50
alexxxa2minIRC yes13:51
paulenscfhowlett: yes? that's why i said that it boots windows...13:51
cfhowlettpaulens, windows 8?13:51
DaraelThere's something broken with the Programmer Dvorak keyboard layout (once one logs in with it as the first layout, changing layouts ceases to be possible and the various extra options cease to work).  It's been that way for at least four releases.  No bug has been filed - which should I file it under?13:51
MinIRCalexxxa2:  i have set-up the whole ubuntu to french for my gf , and didn't have to use anything special than that's already in the system13:51
paulenscfhowlett: yes...13:51
cfhowlettpaulens, then it might be a uefi thing ... out of my area of knowledge.13:52
MinIRCalexxxa2:  well there is a language of the system so change it from there, and then go and download firefox again and it will be downloaded with the os language you have choosen13:52
paulenscfhowlett: i don't have uefi, i have bios. win8 wasn't preinstalled13:52
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cfhowlettpaulens, gotta go.  sorry.13:53
udhayarajcan any one say how to download videos in  ubuntu13:53
alexxxa2I'll first purge firefox, then reinstall in :D13:53
alexxxa2atm, I´m installing skype13:53
Darael!anyone | udhayaraj13:53
ubottuudhayaraj: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.13:53
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alexxxa2I believe sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 is the solution to my 32bit problems13:54
* MinIRC is hugging alexxxa2 and telling her, everything have a solution don't worry13:54
udhayarajis there s any alternative for mintube13:54
bekksalexxxa2: You shouldnt use that unless you know exactly what you are doing there.13:55
paulenseh... i just booted from that live usb again, and now it asks for password13:55
Daraeludhayaraj: Well, minitube will quite happily *run* on Ubuntu - is there any reason th'art looking for something else?13:55
MonkeyDustudhayaraj  youtube-dl, then use winnff (gui) to convert13:55
paulensand i'm sure i hadn't set a password13:56
alexxxa2no hugging13:56
adamk_udhayaraj, Are you looking from the alternative that you aren't getting from minitube itself?13:56
alexxxa2bekks, why?13:56
alexxxa2wait for a moment13:56
adamk_udhayaraj, Err... What are you looking for....13:56
adamk_Stupid fingers13:56
alexxxa2hey! Alexa is local nick name for Alexander. I'm male.13:56
bekksalexxxa2: Because it may break things.13:56
alexxxxa2bekks, what could it break?13:57
alexxxxa2do I have choice?13:57
alexxxxa2either that, or install 13.04 32bit13:58
MinIRCalexxxxa2:  what hardware you have ?13:58
alexxxxa2LAptop ASUS k52F13:58
bekksalexxxxa2: Just use 64bit and follow the instructions given, e.g. for skype.13:58
bekksalexxxxa2: And just dont use commands just thinking they might help unless verifying it.13:58
alexxxxa2in tutorial, it says: sudo dpkg --add-architecture i38613:59
alexxxxa2Users of 64-bit Ubuntu, should enable MultiArch if it isn't already enabled by running the command13:59
alexxxxa2sudo dpkg --add-architecture i38613:59
Daraelalexxxxa2: MultiArch has been enabled by default for several releases now.13:59
MinIRCalexxxxa2:  it's an intel core i5 or i3… so use the i386 architecture for 64bit -) and be safe13:59
mystiiqhow can I see successful ssh logins from the auth.log? does "cat auth.log | grep sshd | grep opened" list all logins?13:59
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bekksMinIRC: Thats nonsense, honestly.13:59
alexxxxa2is i386 same as 32bit?14:00
alexxxxa2guys, I got some error, cant install skype14:00
bekksalexxxxa2: Yes. And dont use it unless you dont have hardware not supporting 64bit.14:00
bekks!details | alexxxxa214:00
ubottualexxxxa2: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:00
alexxxxa2and the thing is that it's written in my language in terminal14:00
alexxxxa2moment, just to set the system back to english14:00
alexxxxa2so I can copy paste error here14:01
MinIRCbekks: i don't see why it is nonsense -) changing 32 or 64 bit is pretty much the same…it's all depend what you're using as a cpu..14:02
debiantoruserGreetings, where i can get support about poclbm(ubuntu 13.04/amd-app-sdk 3.8) ?14:02
bekksMinIRC: Yeah, and using 32bit on 64bit hw is just a pointless waste of resources.14:02
alexxxxa2i'll paste soon the error14:02
bekksalexxxxa2: Use a pastebin service then, please.14:03
alexxxxa2and btw, how do I remove join and quit messages in xchat?14:04
OerHeks debiantoruser just ask,  someone who knows the answer will likely reply14:04
alexxxxa2it bothers me14:04
Darael...am I experiencing a bug, or is the dark border around the window decoration on unmaximised windows a new "feature"?14:05
MinIRCbekks: what waste of resources? i have tested the both on the same laptop and did see any difference, soon they will change it to 128bit architecture cause the transistors will be written to 14nm and then..what? it all depends on the software if it is optimised or not..for the architecture..so using the 64bit is not such a big of a deal for intel i-x architecture14:06
mizifihlets say I put "su marcio -c znc" inside rc.local, does it make znc start as if user marcio did it?14:06
bekksMinIRC: In fact, you are totally wrong, and it is offtopic in here.14:07
bekksalexxxxa2: Whats the output of dpkg -l | grep skype14:07
bazhang!ot | MinIRC14:08
ubottuMinIRC: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:08
alexxxxa2bekks, that doesn't give output14:08
mizifihlets say I put "su marcio -c znc" inside rc.local, does it make znc start as if user marcio did it?14:08
chougasomebody in here can help me?14:09
bekksalexxxxa2: So did you follow that guided linked above?14:09
alexxxxa2'dpkg -l | grep skype' <------ nothing here :(14:09
alexxxxa2I did14:09
jribmizifih: I'd suggest just use crontab, that's what znc docs recommend as well.  Ideally you'd setup an upstart script14:10
alexxxxa2I gave you the output on paste.ubuntu14:10
mizifihjrib: @reboot ?14:11
jribmizifih: yeah14:11
bazhangalexxxxa2, to block the joins quits and parts in xchat just right click on this channel name and disable it14:11
mizifihjrib: hum... googl'n it!14:11
adamk_alexxxxa2, According to that output, you are holding back packages that are broken.14:11
mizifihI'm really excited with this ubuntu settings I got here, hope it just don't go caput on me14:11
alexxxxa2I typed sudo apt-get remove14:12
alexxxxa2or clean14:12
chougahow get authentication sasl?14:12
wushuhey guys, can someone please help me find out how many cpu cores i have on my dedicated virtual server? (ubuntu 11.04)14:12
alexxxxa2it was clean14:12
bekkswushu: cat /proc/cpuinfo   -- and 11.04 isnt supported anymore14:13
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wushubekks: tells me 16, but top counts only 8 for some reason14:13
alexxxxa2bekks, can I still count on your help?14:14
bazhangchouga, freenode has some guides for that, try #freenode14:14
AraneidaeAnybody know why Update Manager isn't on the System menu for Xubuntu?14:14
wushubekks: which is the right one?14:14
bekksalexxxxa2: sudo dpkg --force-all -P skype-bin14:15
bekkswushu: The output of cat /proc/cpuinfo14:15
alexxxxa2dpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove skype-bin which isn't installed14:15
bekkswushu: You should consider an update prior further investigation.14:16
dakotawulfyAraneidae look and see if u have a link in the /usr/share/applications14:16
Taevis it possible to add wildcards to a command to drop incoming stuff in iptables, e.g. sudo iptables -I INPUT -s 66.* -j DROP14:16
AraneidaeAnswer is: it's in the Settings Manager (of course?!)14:16
wushubekks: i would update, but my ISP only allows 11.04 at the moment14:17
ubuntu293Hi everyone. I need help because i would like to install Wifi connection on my laptop Compq Presario CQ57 but it doesn't work. Can someone help me ? Thanks14:17
bekksalexxxxa2: Then whats the output of sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install skype14:17
bekkswushu: And 11.04 isnt supported anymore - you're stuck.14:17
MinIRCubuntu293:  do you have set-up the wifi manager ? or it wasn't installed when you boot up the os?14:17
wushubekks: that sucks :P14:18
mizifihjrib: gnome-schedule, even better!14:18
wushubekks: but thanks for the help anyways14:18
cloneGhello dakotawulfy are you there?14:18
ubuntu293MinIRC: wifi manager wasn't installed14:19
ubuntu293i think14:19
cloneGdakotawulfy: I uninstalled all nvidia and the graphic environment came back to the latest kernel in low mod though14:19
dakotawulfynow u need to install the new driver with jocky-gtk14:20
MinIRCubuntu293:  so do this :  sudo apt-get install network-manager14:20
dakotawulfycloneG in the new kernel14:20
harrisDr_willis, my computer keeps poping from the sound chip turning on and off14:21
dakotawulfycloneG and u did that in the old one too right14:21
MinIRCubuntu293:  and then this : sudo apt-get install network-manager-gnome for the applet and you're ready go to14:21
cloneGdakotawulfy: and running jockey-gtk I get NVIDIA binary Xorg driver, kernel modul and VDPAU library....14:21
paulensdo i need to select a separate partition for grub, or can i install it in /?14:21
cloneGdakotawulfy: but I dont know wich one to install14:21
afidegnumhello good morning all, where is the ubuntu studio channel?14:21
dakotawulfyok hold on14:22
harrisplease Dr_willis14:22
MinIRCubuntu293:  good luck with that..14:22
afidegnumI have ubuntu desktop installed and I want to change the desktop layout to UbuntuStudios''s desktoop layout14:22
ubuntu293MinIRC: My mistake. It seems that it was already installed. I think that the os doesn't recognize my Wifi card and when I want to install drivers, it doesn't work14:22
mizifihis software central (13.04 with latest) really bugged or is it just me?14:22
mizifihEverytime I use it it hangs the gauge at 50% but stuff are actually installed14:23
alexxxxa2bekks: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5635551/14:23
BluesKaj paulens / is good14:23
mizifihit happened like 40% of the time I used it14:23
cloneGdakotawulfy: the point is I read in many threads the way to install the latest nvidia driver was to install nvidia-current-updates after getting swat-x updates ppa ...14:23
dakotawulfycloneG ok pick the nvidia graphics driver  version current recommended14:23
bekksalexxxxa2: Thats not the full output I asked for.14:23
cloneGdakotawulfy: but it is not staying in the jockey-gtk!!!!14:24
BluesKajswat-x isn't relaible IME , i'd stay away from thast ppa ., cloneG14:24
MinIRCubuntu293: hmmm if you're trying to install drivers written for windows, it won't work for sure… and if your wifi card is recent model may be there are none written for linux yet…so14:24
dakotawulfycloneGi use the tools it has less chance of messing up stuff14:24
MinIRCubuntu293: on what machine you're dealing with that problem?14:25
harrismy computer keeps poping from the sound chip turning on and off how can i turn off the powersaving14:25
dakotawulfysee if u have nvidia common installed in synaptic14:25
cloneGdakotawulfy: only three nvidia options in the jockey gtk= nvidia binary xorg driver kernel module and vdpau library an experimental one and nvidia riva/tnt/geforce...14:25
paulensok so i have /dev/sda6 swap, /dev/sda8 "/" and /dev/sda7 "/home"14:25
RalliasIs there a way to set up a br0 device within an LXC container?14:25
cloneGdakotawulfy: I tried the nvidia riva and it hanged the computer14:26
ubuntu293MinIRC: Compaq Presario CQ57. I found some procedure on web but no one solves my problem14:26
paulensand "Device for boot loader installation" set to /dev/sda814:26
alexxxxa2bekks: I'm sorry. This is whole output http://paste.ubuntu.com/5635557/14:26
dakotawulfycloneG u should have like 7 to chose from  in jocky-gtk14:26
cloneGdakotawulfy:but they are all the same!!14:26
dakotawulfyu did not use jocky-gtk to install that one ???14:27
harrismy computer keeps poping from the sound chip turning on and off how can i turn off the powersaving14:27
cloneGdakotawulfy: vdpau library14:27
alexxxxa2what about this: or if you are using the unstable14:27
alexxxxa2distribution that some required packages have not yet been created14:27
alexxxxa2or been moved out of Incoming.14:27
MinIRCubuntu293:  did you already checked that page : http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Drivers/rt2800pci ?14:28
dakotawulfycloneG take look at this  http://ompldr.org/vaWJtaw/2013-05-05_650x588--1367764049.jpg14:30
paulensBluesKaj: i selected my language, clicked "something else", then configured this: partition / - 20GB, ext4, format; swap - 4GB; partition /home - 80GB, ext4, format; device for bootloader install - /dev/sda8 (same as /)14:30
paulensdo i need to select something else?14:31
paulensbecause when i did this before, it didn't install grub...14:31
dakotawulfypaulens not for sure u might have to make the / portion  with a boot flag14:33
paulensdakotawulfy: ohhh..... but then don't i need another partition for /?14:33
dakotawulfypaulens and u have to select that in the install  make sure u have it right14:33
dakotawulfynot real sure any help is that right14:34
BluesKajpaulens, unless you already have grub installed somewhere on the drive14:34
cloneGdakotawulfy: http://postimg.org/image/6by27yynz/14:35
NickNackGusHow do I force cached RAM to swap?14:36
paulensthat's what i selected14:37
paulensis it alright?14:37
dakotawulfycloneG  that is the open source one14:37
dakotawulfydo u want the one nvidia uses14:37
paulenscan someone have a look at my screenshot and tell me if i did something wrong?.. sorry for being noob :$14:39
cloneGdakotawulfy: and why am I not seeing the recommended one?14:40
paulensdakotawulfy: ?14:40
adamk_paulens, I'm not seeing a partition for / , though perhaps you have to scroll down.14:40
paulenssomeone just said that i need /boot instead of /...14:40
betraydimo /boot is too big, won't really grow that much14:40
dakotawulfypaulens /boot  needs to be / maybe with boot flag14:40
paulensdakotawulfy: how do i do that?14:41
fellayaboywhat should i do when "make" doesnt compile correctly and i just want to delete all the stuff it created and did14:41
paulensdakotawulfy: how do i set the flag?14:41
adamk_Personally, I keep /boot as a separate partition.14:41
adamk_But, as betrayd said, 20 gigs is way too big.14:41
paulensok, i set /boot to 10 gigs14:42
dakotawulfyadamk_ yea but then he needs another portion   / and the /boot14:42
betraydfellayaboy: it may not have moved stuff around, the created ones are still in the source dir14:42
* you_ have performed an illegal action. Please restart your computer14:42
adamk_dakotawulfy, Right....  And?14:42
paulensdakotawulfy: so are we talking about 4 partitions now?14:42
cloneGdakotawulfy: might it be because I have no nvidia packages installed?14:42
dakotawulfyheheh going up14:42
fellayaboythe source directory? ok so im a lil new with make..how does it do its thing? it first stores its stuff in /usr/src?14:42
betraydpaulens is that the enire layout in the shot or a pageUp is needed?14:43
NickNackGuspualens: What was your original problem again? No GRUB?14:43
dakotawulfy cloneG ok check if u have nvidia common installed in synaptic14:43
betraydfellayaboy: yes, normally at the end at 'make install' it'll start moving stuff to their places14:43
paulensbetrayd: you see everything in the screenshot. scrolling down only reveals the external usb drive14:44
betraydpaulens: ok14:44
cloneGdakotawulfy: no, i run: sudo remove --purge nvidia* and thats why I can see desktop with latest kernel now14:44
afidegnumhi, how do I see the current version of ubuntu running?14:44
cloneGdakotawulfy: so nvidia-common is certainly not in the system14:44
paulensbetrayd: is it good? i added 10 gigs / now, and reduced /boot to 10 gigs14:45
afidegnumI mean the current version version of ubuntu installed on my system14:45
cloneGdakotawulfy: is it needed?14:45
betraydpaulens: another shot would be nice though14:45
paulensok, uploading...14:45
betraydpaulens: the modified one14:45
dakotawulfycloneG well go see if u can install it14:45
dakotawulfyin syanptic14:45
paulensbetrayd: yeah, i understand..14:45
adamk_paulens, /boot really doesn't need to be more than a gig or two.14:45
betraydpaulens: ^14:45
cloneGdakotawulfy: lol oh I asure you I can14:45
fellayaboyoh ok awesome.... hey im trying to compile something thats needs automake 1.3* ... i have ubuntu 12.04 do i have to upgrade to 12.10 or 13.04 to get automake 1.3*14:45
dakotawulfy then u should be able to what my screen shot had14:45
afidegnumany answer ?14:46
MonkeyDustafidegnum  lsb_release -sd14:46
dakotawulfy cloneG try that and see what happens14:46
cloneGdakotawulfy: thank you you are my tinkerbell14:46
c2taruncan anyone please tell me how to install proprietary ATI driver in ubuntu 13.04? I am not able to find jockey14:46
MonkeyDustafidegnum  or cat /etc/issue14:46
betraydfellayaboy: nah not too sure, why do you need to 'make' stuff? If you want to be a dev, i'd contact ubuntu devs14:46
paulensyeah, i'm not saving space, i have 1TB, and this install is for testing...14:46
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fellayaboyi want to use dnscrypt which is from opendns14:47
fellayaboythey dont have a .deb or something easier14:47
alexxxxa2bekks, any further hint?14:47
dakotawulfy paulens have a question  what window s u have ???14:47
betraydfellayaboy: what do they have, rpm?14:47
betraydor just a tar gz/tar xz?14:48
paulensdakotawulfy: win8.114:48
BluesKajodd that you would want a boot partition , don't see the point of it dakotawulfy , paulens14:48
fellayaboyi think i seen fpm...gentoo.. but i havent seen deb, debian, or ubuntu builds14:48
dakotawulfyask any one does windows 8 let u duel boot ??14:48
paulensdakotawulfy: yes, i'm dual-booting with windows 714:49
paulensi was*14:49
cemyccubuntu 13.04 have software raid installtion support ?14:49
dakotawulfyI thought they were going to make it were u could not boot other os ??14:49
betraydfellayaboy: maybe easier to convert rpm to deb using alien14:49
NickNackGusif you're having trouble installing a Windows /Ubuntu dual boot, try http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI14:49
BluesKajpaulens, is windows 7 the first partition , if so then that's where grub installed , on the mbr14:50
fellayaboyyeah thats true if i find it..well ima figure this out if not ill use dnscrypt 1.2114:50
paulensBluesKaj: i'm no longer using windows 7, i deleted it14:50
fellayaboythanks for the clarification guys14:50
betraydfellayaboy: or ubuntu's supplied thingi14:50
BluesKajpaulens ok14:50
paulensBluesKaj: should i install grub on top of windows boot loader?14:50
fellayaboyyup betrayd14:51
cloneGdakotawulfy: I got news: http://postimg.org/image/tqr7z4lh5/14:51
betraydyou get support that way, fellayaboy14:51
fellayaboythats that service u pay for right14:51
betrayd :D14:51
dakotawulfycloneG: yea is ther more14:51
dakotawulfypivk the one i have14:52
betraydor here you won't get booted out lol fellayaboy14:52
cloneGdakotawulfy: but those new drivers are pointing the packages I uninstalled this is nuts14:52
dakotawulfycloneG: pick the on i have14:52
BluesKajgrub installs in / if you don't have windows , paulens . or at least it should14:52
makaraupdates killed my desktop wallpaper on 13.04. Anyone else?14:52
cemyccsomeone can tell me if ubuntu 13.04 have support for software raids like the old alternative cds ?14:52
betraydpaulens: and its not really 'on top of' they'14:52
dakotawulfycloneG: u are on the new kernel right and uninstalled the other on the old kernel right14:53
betrayd would coexist paulens14:53
paulensBluesKaj: so what should i select as "device for boot loader installation"?14:53
paulensbetrayd: yeah but i meant the same partition14:53
betraydok bbiab14:53
BluesKajpaulens, / , whatever /dev/sdX it is14:53
cloneGdakotawulfy: I uninstalled all nvidia packages in the new kernel thats all I did14:53
paulensNickNackGus: i'm not using uefi14:53
cloneGdakotawulfy: and then reinstalled nvidia-common14:54
paulensBluesKaj: ok, thanks, gonna try installing now...14:54
paulenswithout /boot14:54
dakotawulfycloneG: did u remove the driver in the old kernel ???14:54
paulensjust swap, / and /home14:54
dakotawulfywith jocky-gtk14:54
BluesKaj /boot isn't needed , paulens14:54
cloneGdakotawulfy: no14:54
paulensBluesKaj: yeah i removed it14:55
BluesKajok , you're good to go paulens14:55
notOnIRC_Has quantal reached EOL?14:55
alexxxxa2bekks, I´m downloading 32bit XUbuntu14:56
awaynotOnIRC_, no14:56
alexxxxa2I'll install it14:56
cloneGdakotawulfy: do I need to remove drivers from all kernels?14:56
dakotawulfycloneG: ok  now this is what i did i wen to old kernel used jocky-gtk  remove driver then boot back in to should not have nivida driver loaded  then go to the new  kernel and add the one i showed u  in screen shot14:56
cloneGdakotawulfy: not drivers but packages14:56
bekksalexxxxa2: Basically nothing will change, since the problems named will occur again.14:56
VyomHi guys. Hope everyone's ok. I have a simple query to ask. I am upgrading to 13.04 from within 12.10. I have reached till here: http://img.krow.me/di/O5Q8/Screenshot_from_2013-05-05_20:08:17.png My PC is slow, and it will take hours to decompress those packages. So I was wondering if I can quit now, and later the setup can resume from where I left? Pls answer.14:56
notOnIRC_Until when is it supported? I hope no one minds me asking here instead of googling. My connection is having some problems and IRC is easier for it.14:57
alexxxxa2bekks, I bet it will work14:57
bekksVyom: You should not interrupt the update.14:57
alexxxxa2time will show14:57
bekksalexxxxa2: I wont bet on that :P14:57
dakotawulfycloneG: not sure why but it works  has to be done that way and it should work14:57
alexxxxa2or, I´ll install 12.10 (32bit)14:57
alexxxxa2one after another14:57
josePHPagodahttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2139480&page=2 I'm impacted by that same issue.  Does anyone know if there's been a deb file released to fix that (doesn't need to be in the official repos)  It's kind of an annoying regression14:58
alexxxxa2I don´t care if it´s 32 or 64 bit. It´s for my grandpa, after all14:58
bekksalexxxxa2: Why dont you use 12.04, which will be supported till 2017?14:58
dakotawulfycloneG: then your old kernel will not work with the nvidia driver but new on will14:58
cloneGdakotawulfy: okay...though I think there is no active nvidia driver right now14:58
alexxxxa2Ok. If 13.04 32bit won´t work either, I´ll install 12.04 then14:58
bekksalexxxxa2: 13.04 will be supported for 9 months only - January 201414:59
cloneGdakotawulfy: you meant deactivating the driver didnt you?14:59
dakotawulfycloneG: right  go to old kernel remove it14:59
Vyombekks: But I think packages are downloaded, and the setup can simply resume from where I left?14:59
sideeffecttypical scientific fonts in papers are?14:59
bekksVyom: Will will have an undefined state between two releases. You should not interrupt the update.15:00
dakotawulfywell in jocky gtk it says remove button15:00
cloneGdakotawulfy: but the point is that the recommended driver is not stayed anyway15:00
dakotawulfycloneG: are u in the old one now???15:00
paulensok, it said installation complete, continue testing/restart15:01
dakotawulfycloneG: the old kernel15:01
Vyombekks: That sounds scary. Ok, thanks for the reply. I will try to consider the time in future upgrades.15:01
paulensi clicked restart and......15:01
cloneGdakotawulfy: latest kernel15:01
cemyccsomeone here can tell me if the ubuntu 13.04 have some software raid support at instalation ?15:01
dakotawulfycloneG: go to the old kernel15:01
cloneGdakotawulfy: 3.5.0-1815:01
paulensit boots windows.15:01
cloneGdakotawulfy: yes you told me to deactivate driver there...with jockey-gtk15:02
dakotawulfycloneG:  what  version u using of ubuntu???15:02
antivirtelhello all! I'm using precise. I wanted to upgrade the version of ncurses, but I couldn't finish the process... errors: http://paste2.org/mvOCKFvL can someone help me to do with this something?15:02
cloneGdakotawulfy: 12.0415:02
josePHPagodacemycc: it does15:02
josePHPagodai'm not sure if you have to use the alternative installer still or not though15:02
dakotawulfycloneG: and u are using the  the next version kernel15:02
dakotawulfyfor 12.1015:03
dakotawulfy kernel15:03
paulensi don't know what to do anymore :(15:03
paulensit just doesn't detect grub...15:03
dakotawulfycloneG:  let me ask did u no that???15:03
cloneGdakotawulfy: the kernel updates automatic15:03
cemyccjosePHPagoda, from what i have seen there are not alternative cd for 13.04 :) if I can create raid partition and raid array on the install then I dont need it15:03
dakotawulfy Mine did that too15:03
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cloneGdakotawulfy: which would be the optimum config for kernel and driver? I am fed up with this chain of fools configuration15:05
dakotawulfyhold on15:05
BluesKajpaulens, I thought you were about to do a clean install , grun doesn't install until the install is almost finished15:05
BluesKajgrub rather15:05
Pinkamena_DHello, I hav been getting a problem (for example right now) where my bluetooth mouse will connect but the pointer will no move15:05
josePHPagodacemycc: if you tell it that you want to install using your own approach, that'd be where it is15:06
josePHPagodaI've not looked though15:06
Pinkamena_DI can tell its wrking because the bluetooth is built in and the bluetooth light on the laptop blinks when I move the mouse15:06
josePHPagodaso you'll need to go through the install process up to that point15:06
dakotawulfy cloneG Let me go see what we have to do15:06
Pinkamena_Dbut again, the pointer does not move, any ideas?15:06
BluesKajPinkamena_D, make sure you battery switch is turned on'15:06
cloneGdakotawulfy: okay go asking elysium15:07
dakotawulfyok check in syanptic  for this  linux-generic-lts-quantal15:07
Pinkamena_DI assume you mean the mouse is on? Yes, the signal is transferring.15:07
MonkeyDustPinkamena_D  use blueman15:07
paulensBluesKaj: it IS finished...15:07
cloneGdakotawulfy: quantal??? I am using precise15:07
paulensand i see the partitions from windows partition manager15:07
dakotawulfycloneG right15:07
antivirtelhello all! I'm using precise. I wanted to upgrade the version of ncurses, but I couldn't finish the process... errors: http://paste2.org/mvOCKFvL can someone help me to do with this something?15:07
paulensand i see the partitions from windows partition manager, BluesKaj15:07
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dakotawulfy go check see if installed15:07
BluesKajPinkamena_D, is the light red or blue on top15:07
paulensBluesKaj: and it didn't show any errors15:08
dakotawulfy cloneG u dont have the right kernel15:08
BluesKajpaulens, I thought you said you deleted windows15:08
Pinkamena_Duhh, whewn the mouse is in operation the ligh is off, but when I first move it its green15:08
betraydBluesKaj: her win715:08
paulensBluesKaj: no, i deleted windows 7, but i still have windows 815:08
Pinkamena_DThis does not happen all the time either, 70% of the itme it does work fine15:08
paulensbetrayd: i'm not "she". i'm male.15:08
cloneGdakotawulfy: not installed15:09
betraydlol my bad paulens15:09
dakotawulfyu should have this kernel linux-headers-3.2.0-4015:09
cloneGdakotawulfy: the one installed: linux-headers-3.5.0-18 the one with the kernel version15:10
dakotawulfyor 4115:10
dakotawulfythat for the new 13.04 kernel15:10
paulensBluesKaj: betrayd: so what have i done wrong?15:10
BluesKajpaulens, then grub is probly already installed , hold the left shift key down right after the BIOS screen when booting15:10
dakotawulfycloneG well hold on15:10
paulensBluesKaj: eh... can i hold it BEFORE bios screen? with win8, the bios screen appears only for a part of second... i can't press it so quickly xD15:11
BluesKajpaulens, ^15:12
dakotawulfycloneG ok this is what my kernel is linux-headers-3.2.0-4115:12
paulensBluesKaj: didn't work...15:12
bekksdakotawulfy: Thats not a kernel, those are headers.15:12
cloneGdakotawulfy: and you might be using linux-headers matching that kernel version right?15:13
dakotawulfyif driver not working on the kernel u have try a different  one  might not work on that one15:13
paulensBluesKaj: i kept holding it starting with the sound signal until windows logo appeared15:13
Pinkamena_Dblueman shows it as connected and working15:13
bekkscloneG: Thats how they are intended to be used, yes.15:13
dakotawulfybut still right15:13
Pinkamena_Dsomehow the movement is not getting through though15:13
BluesKajpaulens, ok let me get this straight , did this machine come with W8 installed when you bought it by any chance ?15:14
cloneGdakotawulfy: well as the latest is not working I ll try downgrading both...15:14
dakotawulfytry that i know my kernel is the -3.2.0-4115:14
jiangfuqiaoCannot find Glib2! If you are using binary packages based system, check that you15:14
jiangfuqiaohave the corresponding -dev/devel packages installed.15:14
jiangfuqiaoCannot find Glib2! If you are using binary packages based system, check that you15:15
jiangfuqiaohave the corresponding -dev/devel packages installed.15:15
dakotawulfy cloneG thought the 3 .5.0 was for the newer one 13.0415:15
paulensBluesKaj: no, i said already 3 times, it has regular bios, not uefi... and it came without windows at all...15:15
cloneGdakotawulfy: I think I am lackig that one in grub options it jumps from the 3.5.0-18 to the 3.2.0-40 and backwards15:16
BluesKajpaulens, ok , that's out of the way then , i didn't see yourpost abouut no uefi , btw15:16
m3ldhi, is there a forum admin at keyboard?15:16
m3ldhi, is there an Ubuntu forum admin at keyboard?15:16
paulensBluesKaj: ok... i guess i need to modify the BCD?15:16
dakotawulfycloneG 3.2.0-40 that one should work with driver15:16
dakotawulfynot sure on the 3-5-015:17
BluesKajpaulens, you can install grub from live media on to the / partition15:17
cloneGdakotawulfy: are you staying long? I ll come over to post results15:17
oratedHi! I'm using Ubuntu 12.10 and recently noticing that my system's 25GB separate root partition is getting quickly occupied by usr and var. I'm not able to understand how var is taking up 11.3GiB and usr as 10.4GiB. When I'm trying to upgrade to 13.04, not enough space is left for download to complete and proceed to package installation. How can I solve this problem?15:17
paulensBluesKaj: i think it is installed, but there's no record in my BCD15:17
dakotawulfycloneG don't think that right for the 12.0415:17
paulensBluesKaj: it automatically boots the first partition it finds, which is windows boot loader15:18
BluesKajwindows ignores linux , paulens15:18
dakotawulfycloneG i might be15:18
paulensBluesKaj: so i need to add it manually?15:18
cloneGdakotawulfy: okay talk to you later then15:18
dakotawulfycloneG ok15:18
paulensBluesKaj: as this article says? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBoot#Master_Boot_Record_and_Boot_Manager15:19
BluesKajpaulens, yes, certainly the only other option I can think of , unless others have a different idea15:19
paulensBluesKaj: Windows Vista ships with an command line utility called bcdedit.exe, which requires administrator credentials to use15:20
paulensBluesKaj: i'm gonna use that i think15:20
antivirtelI'm using precise right now. I wanted to upgrade the version of ncurses, but I couldn't finish the process... errors: http://paste2.org/mvOCKFvL can someone help me to do with this something?15:20
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alkaphow do we set the locale environment variables (LC_*)? I've tried localectl set-locale LC_TIME. localectl status shows the new value of LC_TIME and seems to affect the current session only. Thanks.15:21
BluesKajpaulens, I just open aterminal on the livecd or usb and do a sudo fdisk -l to find the correct /dev/sdX assigned to / , then sudo grub -install /dev/sdX , then sudo update-grub /dev/sdX ,,,this methad has worked for me despite all thechrooting that boot reapir uses.15:22
Supercomphow secure is ubuntu ?15:23
dakotawulfySupercomp better then windows15:23
BluesKaj!security | Supercomp15:23
ubottuSupercomp: Security Updates are dealt with here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security - See also !root, !firewall and !server15:23
auronandaceSupercomp: a difficult question to answer, depends on who is using it15:24
MonkeyDusthow dry is water?15:24
MonkeyDust(when it comes to windows and security)15:24
darthanubisnautilus died on me15:26
darthanubishow can I restart nautilus without logging out15:26
darthanubisnautilus on the cmd line does nothing15:27
MonkeyDustdarthanubis  here too, nautilus behaves weird15:27
darthanubisMonkeyDust, I asked it to do too much at once15:27
darthanubishow do I restart it15:28
betraydkill running nautilus processes15:28
darthanubisgot it15:28
darthanubisbetrayd, thats what was odd15:28
darthanubisbetrayd, they were all killed15:29
betrayddone it earlier?15:29
betraydi have a backup filemanager, but I doubt it can do as much15:30
betraydjust for browsing15:30
betrayddarthanubis: is there an 'arrange windows' or 'cleanup windows' on your WM15:30
betraydmight suddenly show nautilus dead center on your desktop15:31
darthanubisbetrayd, it was totally black, ubity was still running though15:32
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darthanubisI just glad the whole thing did not lock15:32
betrayddarthanubis: maybe make a spare launcher, one that execs 'nautilus --no-desktop &'15:32
betraydafter a crash15:33
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betraydcheck the man page for it15:33
paulensBluesKaj: so do i install grub at /dev/sda, or /dev/sda8?15:33
betraydbut .xsession-errors might clue you in what happened15:33
betrayd^ darthanubis15:34
Supercomphow can i access mtp devices in ubuntu15:34
paulensBluesKaj: ?15:35
darthanubisbetrayd, just trying to give ubuntu proper another chance. If I make a spare launcher fpr crashes of nautilus, that implies I expect nautilus to crash rather consistently. I'll install Gnomebuntu or kubuntu before I accept that. But I appreciate your input.15:35
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Supercompmtp devices are detected and accessed via windows of virtualbox in ubuntu, however they can't be directly mounted on ubuntu.15:39
Supercompis there anyway to mount mtp devices in ubuntu15:39
DJonesSupercomp: What type of mtp device?15:40
Supercompxperia phones for example15:40
Supercompvia usb15:40
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DJonesSupercomp: I connect my Galaxy S3 via USB by just plugging it in, I'm using 13.04 and it works with no problems, 12.10 and earlier had problems because the driver/connection didn't work properly15:41
Supercomp<DJones> they are phones which have MTP15:42
gustavI have an Ubuntu machine running from a VPS provider. Now... it's not Server, but I'm guessing that's what they want it to be, it's not local to me, but why would they do that? Do you know?15:42
SupercompS3 uses normal Mass storage drivers15:42
DJonesSupercomp: You could look at the android app Airdroid that may help15:42
Supercomp<DJones>Airdroid is pretty slow15:43
boxesHello, I am a new linux user and I wondered if someone could help me with 2 pieces of software I am having difficulty with15:45
DJonesSupercomp: I'm not sure what you mean by the S3 using normal mass storage drivers, one of the work arounds I had to use on 12.10 was to connect using gmtp15:45
Supercomp<DJones> i meant galaxy s315:46
boxesanyone able to help with vlc set up ?15:46
DJonesSupercomp: Yes, but Galaxy S3 is using mtp15:46
Supercomp<DJones>it does have a Mass Storage mode too along with that15:47
boxesanyone able to help with ps3 media server?15:48
afidegnumhello, pls I broke my conpiz configu15:48
afidegnumhow do I bring it back using the terminal?15:48
afidegnumhow do I bring the CCMS via terminal ? I can't access any file15:50
afidegnumor application15:50
johnjohn1011gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz15:50
dakotawulfycloneG yes15:51
johnjohn1011afidegnum: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-reset-compiz-and-unity-in-ubuntu.html15:51
dakotawulfycloneG any thing???15:52
cloneGdakotawulfy: hello15:52
cloneGdakotawulfy: I dont see older headers on synaptic15:52
cloneGdakotawulfy: how would I install 3.2.0-40 headers and make that kernel the default one?15:54
dakotawulfycloneG were u able to get the driver working15:54
cloneGdakotawulfy: I did nothing15:54
w4rl0ckxAny one needing any help15:54
cloneGdakotawulf: the linux headers are from the 3.2.5-18 onwards15:55
cloneGdakotawulfy: on synaptic15:55
dakotawulfy cloneG    linux-image-current- - always points to the the most recently released kernel, e.g., 12.10, 13.04, etc.   They will be available in the package manager but by default your  12.04 installation will use 3.2.x unless you specifically install one of  these kernels.15:56
afidegnumjohnjohn1011, here is the error message15:57
afidegnumCRIT  2013-05-05 15:55:54 unity <unknown>:0 Failed to open connection to bus: //bin/dbus-launch terminated abnormally without any error message15:57
afidegnumTrace/breakpoint trap (core dumped)15:57
adamk_afidegnum, Why would you be running it as root?15:57
dakotawulfycloneG the 3.5 or the quantal15:58
cloneGdakotawulfy: so I need to use linux-image-current?15:58
afidegnumadamk, because fo the system config15:58
afidegnumwhat shd I do pls?15:58
n8wi have made a list of installed software as dpkg --get-selection > list, but when i try to tun dpkg --set-selection < list i get : dpkg: warning: package not in database at line 1057 for all appz in the list15:58
dakotawulfycloneG did u see if the the kernel old kernel still worked15:59
cloneGdakotawulfy: you know which the problem I am having is...w15:59
betraydjohnjohn gave you a link afidegnum15:59
afidegnumthat's what I amfollowing15:59
cloneGdakotawulfy: I am sure it does the problems came with the new one15:59
betraydafidegnum: ah15:59
dakotawulfycloneG need to remove the one putting in new kernel  the other 3.516:00
cloneGdakotawulfy: you want me to remove what?16:01
johnjohn1011wow, saw that i can load the 3.8 kernel in precise from synapitc,  dare I?16:01
jpmhI am getting the message "system crash detected" it is bothering my users.  How do I stop this from displaying?16:01
dakotawulfycloneG check f u have this linux-tools-lts-quantal  installed16:01
cloneGnot installed16:02
DJonesSupercomp: Sorry, was away from the computer then, as far as I know, the S3 doesn't have USB Mass storage mode by default, you can find ways to enable it, but its not something I've done16:02
afidegnumhi all, I get it back16:02
cloneGdakotawulfy: look there is something I dont understand....that is why in the world synaptic is displaying packages for other ubuntu versions but the one I am using?16:03
johnjohn1011afidegnum: instructions worked?16:03
Supercomp<DJones>I searched in internet and couldn't find any solution to get my Xperia U accessible in Ubuntu16:04
dakotawulfycloneG well think u can use them  but not sure if u should16:04
cloneGdakotawulfy: how do I get the headers for the kernel precise needs?16:04
Supercomp<DJones>It seems the device is not supported with Ubuntu16:04
BluesKajdakotawulfy, pls stop with the "u" . use the real word pls16:05
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' nor 'Ur' are words in the English language. Neither are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'ryt',  'Ne1' nor 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.16:05
cloneGdakotawulfy: the thing is easy, I am using 12.04 I should stay with the kernel for this version...but! why the hell automatic updates get kernels for newer versions and mess it all up??16:06
donvito|2hello, im trying to install simple machine forum, and simple portal , but i need to add chmod 0777 to some folder for my username nertil , how should i do that16:06
dakotawulfycloneG mine did the same16:06
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BluesKajtoo many texters coming in who can't express themselves in real english and can't punctuate a sentence to save their lives16:06
DJonesSupercomp: Are you using 13.04?16:06
cloneGdakotawulfy: this is annoying!16:06
cloneGdakotawulfy: I was happy with ubuntu 12.04 since a couple of weeks ago...16:07
cloneGdakotawulfy: when the kernel upgraded16:07
Supercomp<DJones> No it is 11.0416:08
cloneGdakotawulfy: but would you tell me how to get the packages I need?16:08
Supercomp<DJones> I checked in 12.04 also, it didn't work16:08
johnjohn1011cloneG: what kernel are you trying to get for what version?16:09
DJonesSupercomp: Thats the problem, the drivers for mtp were significantly improved for 13.04, I've not had much sucess with anything prior to that16:09
donvito|2hello, im trying to install simple machine forum, and simple portal , but i need to add chmod 0777 to some folder for my username nertil , how should i do that16:09
oratedHi! I found that syslog and kern.log in /var/log is taking up 5GiB each. I was wondering why my system's /var and /usr are consuming ~10GiB each. Is it fine if I delete syslog and kern.log from /var/log ?16:09
cloneGdakotawulfy: for linuxheaders 3.2.0-40 I found this: http://pkgs.org/ubuntu-12.04/ubuntu-updates-main-i386/linux-headers-3.2.0-40-generic_3.2.0-40.64_i386.deb.html16:09
Supercomp<DJones> You mean to say it should work in 13.0416:09
DJonesSupercomp: I'd suggest downloading a 13.04 iso and just try a live USB version to see if it detects it16:09
cloneGdakotawulfy: should I download and install that?16:09
BluesKajcloneG, you've mucked up your graphics driver with x-swat ppa  , stay away from it ans consult with us before yopu add one the next time16:10
Supercomp<DJones> Will do it. Thanks16:10
DJonesSupercomp: Good luck16:10
orated*on desktop installation16:10
dakotawulfycloneG if the old one works you should be fine   you need to use jocky-gtk install the driver should work16:10
cloneGBluesKaj: I was warned16:10
dakotawulfycloneG but not going to fix the other problem16:11
cloneGdakotawulfy: no trusty ppa for nvidia drivers?16:12
dakotawulfycloneG by putting in the nvidia common u got what u need in there16:12
cloneGdakotawulfy: I get it...16:13
cloneGdakotawulfy: how could I get back to default?16:13
BluesKajcloneG, you don't need a ppa , the avialable drivers should work , but your nvidia-xconfig probly needs updating in order for thedriver to load properly16:14
dakotawulfycloneG use the one i showed you with the screen shot16:14
cloneGdakotawulfy: I mean the synaptic packages are all messed up because none matches the ubuntu version I am using16:14
cloneGBluesKaj: yes that is what nvidia-settings tell me16:15
alkapQuestion about changing locale environment variables.16:16
dakotawulfycloneG get rid of the repo  that u added for the other one for video that will clean it up a little16:16
alkapAnyone able to help?16:16
MonkeyDustdakotawulfy  'you', not 'u', please16:16
MonkeyDust!leet | dakotawulfy16:17
ubottudakotawulfy: 1337 i5 nigh-inc0mpr3h3n5ib13 70 u5 n00bs, 4nd n0b0dy c4r35 if UR 4 1337 h4x0r. Giv3 i7 4 r357.16:17
cloneGdakotawulfy: what about this one other: http://ppa.launchpad.net/xorg-edgers/ppa/ubuntu16:17
BluesKajdakotawulfy, pretend we we can't reas texting code16:17
BluesKajcloneG, what makes you think that you need ppa drivers ?16:18
cloneGBluesKaj: new system -->new drivers16:19
hFortichsay hi16:19
oz7tStill looking for people knowing something about parralport programming i C for Linux ubuntu16:19
BluesKajcloneG, no that's incorrect , which nvidia card ?16:19
cloneGBluesKaj: nvidia geforce 8800 gt16:19
BluesKajcloneG, the nvidia-current . probly the 304 will run the 8800gt just fine16:20
fwaokda_How can I fix it so my system doesn't crash whenever i go to “System Settings > Details”?16:21
cloneGBluesKaj: yes it did...before the kernel upgrade16:21
oz7tStill looking for people knowing something about parralport programming i C for Linux ubuntu  i don't gve up hi hi16:21
cloneGBluesKaj: then I got this: http://postimg.org/image/870rnkvir/16:22
MonkeyDustoz7t  try ##c++       (that's double #)16:22
oz7tmonkey thank  i try16:22
paulenswhy am i getting this???16:22
cloneGBluesKaj: and need to run: sudo remove --purge nvidia* to access desktop16:22
paulenshelp please!16:23
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MonkeyDustpaulens  start with a question16:23
ichat_BluesKaj,  sounds like an nvidia issue with your new kerneel16:23
paulensit says BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 000000000p00043c16:24
paulensMonkeyDust: my question is in the screenshot16:24
BluesKajcloneG, yeah , for now and the nouveau driver will run , but I haven't seen this with other 8800gt users16:24
paulens[19:22] <paulens> why am i getting this???16:24
cloneGBluesKaj: at startx I am getting this error: failed to load device file /dev/nvidia0 (input/output error) if any nvidia package installed16:24
MonkeyDust!details |16:24
ubottu: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:24
MonkeyDustpaulens  ^^^^16:25
thurstylarkMy computer is warning me about the update broken count is >0. What do I need to do to fix this?16:25
paulensMonkeyDust: everything is in the screenshot. please don't be lazy and open it...16:25
MonkeyDustpaulens  don't be lazy and just type the question16:25
paulensWHY AM I GETTING THIS?16:26
paulenstyped twice before16:26
ichat_donte be rude man16:26
cloneGBluesKaj: I would like to get this solved...16:26
ichat_cloneG,  did you seach the nvidia user forums?16:26
paulensMonkeyDust: just installed ubuntu 13, trying to boot, and i get this output after grub16:27
cloneGBluesKaj: dakotaWulfy has been helping me trying to synch kernel version with linux-headers pointing that might be the problem and once synchronized using jockey-gtk to install recommended driver16:28
MusMuHehi all16:28
spice4lifeso, what are you guys up to?16:29
cloneGichat_ they quickly tell you its a linux issue16:29
thurstylarkMy computer is warning me about the update broken count is >0. What do I need to do to fix this?16:29
BluesKajcloneG, well, he might be right , are you on 12.04 ?16:29
adamk_paulens, You hit a kernel panic.  Could be caused by any number of things.16:29
cloneGBluesKaj: ubuntu 12.04 64 bit16:30
paulensadamk_: eh... how do i fix it? i mean how do i troubleshoot it?16:30
adamk_paulens, Try booting with acpi and/or lapic disabled.  Try a different kernel.  Run memtest on your computer.16:30
cloneGBluesKaj: and the kernel and headers are synch to 3.5.016:30
adamk_paulens, File a bug report :-)16:30
jairguys is there such a thing like an installer for ubuntu besides the live version? I think before was called optional or additional? something like that?16:31
cloneGBluesKaj but not working 3d acceleration16:31
paulensadamk_: i just installed ubuntu, ao this is a stock kernel16:31
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cloneGBlueskaj: indeed the kernel module is not loading16:31
thurstylarkjair: it's called the alternate install16:31
ichat_adamk  - a bug report before you  die a search on  hcl  ?16:31
paulensadamk_: how do i get the textual log? now i can only take screenshots with my camera...16:31
jairthurstylark: perfect that is what I am looking for!16:31
thurstylarkjair: It's all text based, and it works really well :)16:31
jairthurstylark: yes, exactly is there one available for the latest version of ubuntu?16:32
ichat_paulens,  remove  --quiet --spash (or somthing) from your boot option16:32
thurstylarkjair: no problem! It's in a specific section, let me find it...16:32
BluesKajcloneG, i recall having problems with nvidia on 12.04 , but it wasn't kernel module failure , it was a crappy driver so  iused nouveau for w=quite a while til the nvidia driver issue was fixed16:32
k2i connect using PPPoE connection16:33
thurstylarkjair: here you go: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads16:33
k2i cant disconnect16:33
paulensmaybe recovery mode?16:33
k2 i connect using PPPoE connection    i cant disconnect16:34
paulensichat_: maybe recovery mode?16:34
k2poff command fils16:34
cloneGBluesKaj: would you downgrade kernel? I think that is not the way to go... but I dont really know what to think when the 13.04 is not lts nevermore16:34
k2poff command fails16:34
BluesKajcloneG, the upgrade to 12.10 fixed my problem btw16:34
sereDoes banshee require jacker server to play music? i keep getting errors on both16:34
jairthurstylark: thanks so much16:34
k2i connect using PPPoE connection    i cant disconnect16:35
serebanshee and rhythmbox*16:35
k2poff fails16:35
jairthurstylark: very good that this still exist.  Will download it and see if I can put it in a usb16:35
ichat_paulens,  hit your grub boot opitions  ...16:35
paulensichat_: can't find quiet or spash16:35
k2i connect using PPPoE connection    i cant disconnect16:35
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k2i connect using PPPoE connection    i cant disconnect using "poff"16:36
paulensichat_: it says 'e' to edit the commands before booting or 'c' for a command line16:36
serewe get it16:36
paulensichat_: i pressed e and it have me something similar to if/else statement16:36
k2k2 says, cannot disconnet from internet16:36
jairthurstylark: perfect I come from the debian distros and i love the netinst I did not know there was one for ubuntu ;)16:36
k2k2 says, cannot disconnet from internet16:36
jairthurstylark: that is what i was looking for!!16:36
k2k2 says, cannot disconnet from internet16:36
jairthurstylark: thank you again...16:37
BluesKajcloneG, 13.04 is really quite stable so far , no nvidia driver problems at all , upgrading to 12.10 might fix your issue tho16:37
serek2 says, mute!16:37
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cloneGBluesKaj: but 12.04 has support till 2017!!16:37
cloneGBluesKaj: this is the window I get when running Jockey-gtk with only nvidia-common installed: http://postimg.org/image/tqr7z4lh5/16:38
ichat_paulens,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 sorry took me to find page16:38
sere13.4 is only a year....dont know why but im using it16:38
cloneGBluesKaj: and this is what dakotawulfy told me to choose: http://ompldr.org/vaWJtaw/2013-05-05_650x588--1367764049.jpg16:38
paulensichat_: sorry for being such a noob, but what exactly should i look for? :/16:39
cloneGBluesKaj: should I run nvidia-xconfig?16:39
dhcianyone familiar with xset and putting screens in and out of standby? If the monitors are in standby and I use 'xset dpms force on', the monitors come back to green mode (energized) but the displays are still blank. I have to input a keystroke to the keyboard and then it comes back. Is there a command I can run instead?16:39
serecloneg: you dont havethe module loaded16:39
cloneGBluesKaj: so? how do I get it loaded?=16:40
serenvidia accelerated graphics driver16:40
BluesKajcloneG, I recall having problems with the riva driver , open a terminal , sudo nvidia-xconfig , then reboot16:41
cloneGBluesKaj: okay following your advice...see you...I hope16:41
ichat_paulens,  when you hit E   than  move your cursor to  quiete splash and remove (only) those 2 words16:42
ichat_than you will see all textual output16:42
paulensichat_: yeah i understood that, but i can't find those words there16:43
cloneGBluesKaj: sudo nvidia-xconfig outputs nothing16:43
cloneGBluesKaj: it says command not found16:43
serecloneG: no drivers16:43
serenvidia accelerated graphics driver16:44
ichat_paulens,  - than what do you see there16:44
BluesKajcloneG, that means you have no nvidia driver installed16:44
BluesKajonly the updates16:45
cloneGBluesKaj: ofcourse I dont!!! I need to pick it up from jockey-gtk list !! I was supposed to get the recommended driver on that list after running nvidia-xconfig and rebooting!!!!!16:46
oz7tI am still looking for people knowing something about parrallelport programming  pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee16:46
chewyboy000I have a question I am installing ubuntu but does it have flash/Java support??16:46
ichat_oz7t,  type  /join  ##c++   like you where told half an hour ago16:47
BluesKajcloneG, thast list shows the riva driver /nvidia is installed , unless that'san old screenshot16:47
paulens_ichat_: sorry connection dropped16:47
cloneGBluesKaj: the only nvidia installed is nvidia-common otherwise the desktop is not accesible16:47
oz7ticat i tried but no ansver  thanks16:47
oz7tichat i was waiting 20 minutes  hi hi16:47
BluesKajok , cloneG have it your way , good luck16:47
chewyboy000Does Ubuntu have Java support?16:48
ichat_oz7t,  there are so chans that could help you, but ubuntu is certainly not one of them16:48
serechewyboy000: ust download the flash and jre packages i forget the name16:48
oz7tichat no problem i will find a solution   thanks16:49
chewyboy000Is it the real Java or the OpenJDK java/16:49
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erdinchello please help me how to change desktop icons font color?16:49
erdincon xubuntu16:49
serechewyboy000: i think its open..sec16:50
rtnbHi I'm having problems with my internet connection in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.  I'm on a wired connection and internet access seems to cut out on and off every few minutes.  The network remains connected but I lose internet access only on the Ubuntu machine... any ideas?16:50
cloneGBluesKaj: the screenshots I posted dont show nvidia riva installed...16:50
ichat_paulens,  im unsure why you can find these boot options,    sorry16:50
cloneGBluesKaj: well not active at least16:50
cloneGBluesKaj: if I set nvidia riva active the screen goes corrupted16:51
o3uanyone have TENDA WIRELESS USB W311M NANO 802N 150 ? working out of the box on 12.10?16:51
oz7tmy screen give only green pictures  where is my problem  ubuntu 13.o416:52
BluesKajcloneG, ok try the experimental driver16:52
cloneGBluesKaj: LOL16:52
donvito|2how to reach via the internet, folders like portal, and forum ? i have dyndns my ip but i cant reach anything on /var/www folder16:52
chewyboy000Is it Open JDK or not?16:52
BluesKajwell ,it worked for me , cloneG , and my card is just an  elcheapo 8400gs16:53
lolbatWhy is srm so slow at deleting stuff?16:53
winshello, how can i switch from unity to the old gnome interface on ubuntu 13.04?16:53
cloneGBluesKaj: okay thanks bye16:53
MonkeyDust!notunity | wins start here16:54
ubottuwins start here: Ubuntu 11.10 and higher use the !Unity desktop environment by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown.16:54
serechewyboy000: its opejdk16:54
chewyboy000Is there a way to get real Java or is that really complicated like with .tar.gz packages16:55
winsubottu, thx buddy16:55
serechewyboy000: if i remember correct i thought there was a java package in the past but i could be wrong16:56
kinesisvsftpd will not let me login. what could be the issue?16:56
oz7twhere shall i change to get normal colors on my screen ??16:56
o3uanyone have TENDA WIRELESS USB W311M NANO 802N 150 ? working out of the box on ubuntu 12.10?16:56
serechewyboy000: Standard Java or Java compatible Runtime16:56
serechewyboy000: thats the default-jre package16:57
kinesisvsftpd will not let me login. what could be the issue?16:58
johnjohn1011o3u: did you buy it yet?16:58
donvito|2how to reach via the internet, folders like portal, and forum ? i have dyndns my ip but i cant reach anything on /var/www folder16:58
oz7twhat shall i do to get normal colors on my screen  ???????16:59
Pa^2Any one successful with WordFlashReader?  Speedreading software.  Any alternative suggestions?17:00
chewyboy000sere: Is the package default-jre in the Ubuntu Software Centre17:00
kinesisvsftpd will not let me login. what could be the issue?17:01
betrayd!details |  oz7t17:01
ubottuoz7t: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:01
johnjohn1011o3u: just did a quick search. that dongle seems to be be well supported17:01
bekkskinesis: An user account with no permissions to log in.17:01
boxesanyone able to help with vlc or ps3mediaserver17:02
frank_hi there, any one know if a Medion USB DVB-T dongle is supported by Ubuntu 13.04 ?17:03
bekksfrank_: It depends on the chipset used.17:03
donvito|2how to reach via the internet, folders like portal, and forum ? i have dyndns my ip but i cant reach anything on /var/www folder17:03
frank_hi bekks it should be based on a realtek chip17:05
bekksfrank_: Never heard of DVB-T dongles with a Realtek chipset.17:06
donvito|2ls - CCcamInfoPHP  index.html  phpsysinfo  portal17:06
donvito|2this is how my /var/www/ looks17:06
betrayddonvito|2: doesny dyndns require you to run a script to link your current external IP to your box17:07
donvito|2betrayd let me check17:08
delaccan anyone explain to me why "aticonfig --od-getcloks" shows "GPU load" as zero on gameplay? The load does sometimes show few percentage on normal desktop use, but only zero when playing games.17:08
moppersfrank_, PCI one is ... i know yo have usb, maybe that site also knows ... http://linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/DVB-T_PCI_Cards17:08
donvito|2ok how to reach the www folder with my ip?17:08
donvito|2example http://ip.ip:80/portal17:09
bekksdonvito|2: You have to create a portforwarding on your router.17:09
donvito|2i did that17:09
moppersit should work then17:09
betrayddonvito|2: sure there's not a newer external IP17:09
frank_hi bekks it is this one, i really dont know what chip it uses but the name on the dongle is: Medion Mini DVB-T USB Stick MD 8635117:09
donvito|2im sure17:09
bekksdonvito|2: And being behind a router, most likely it isnt capable of dealing with loopback NAT, so you have to test that from outside.17:09
bekksfrank_: The name is pretty irrelevant, the chipset is the important information.17:10
CarlFKhow do I find what package supplies apt-add-repository ?17:10
donvito|2should i open port 80 on router?17:10
moppersdonvito|2, i jsut got here, have you made sure the server is up?17:10
bekksdonvito|2: Of course, if you want to access it from outside.17:10
donvito|2moppers yes i cant acces from localhost17:10
moppersdonvito|2, that;s dependent on the router... some will do that as part of port forward automaticlaly17:10
donvito|2TCP or UDP?17:11
frank_okay i will try to find out17:11
bekksdonvito|2: Does http://localhost:80/portal work?17:11
moppersif oyu are accessing the server from localhost, why are you going through the router?17:11
moppersof course that wont work!17:11
donvito|2its fine now17:11
donvito|2can anyone check does it work?17:11
moppersi guess i missed the start of the question, as it makes no sense. i'll be quiet now.17:12
rtnbi'm ssh'ing into a remote machine and just today it started telling me that /etc/sudoers cant be found and I can't run sudo operations on it17:12
betraydi seea forum, donvito|217:12
bekksdonvito|2: Works.17:12
donvito|2it works17:12
rtnbI tried apt-get install sudo but apt-get command isnt found17:12
feloni could not download all repository indexes resulting in a error when doing updates, can someone help me im on 13.0417:13
betrayd rtnb you put sudo at the end?17:13
rtnbat the end of what?17:14
o3ujohnjohn1011: Thanks!17:14
betraydrtnb: seems like you wanted to install sudo17:14
moppersbetrayd, he's trying to reinstall sudo it looks like. and it looks like the machine is broke, as apt-get isnt installed17:14
rtnbapt-get command not found17:15
felonno public key it says : NO_PUBKEY D6BD7D4144A31152Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/raring/universe/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80]17:15
betraydyes moppers but is that a direct paste17:15
moppersrtnb, apt-get should be in /usr/bin on ubuntu17:15
cassienHi everyone! I'm in trouble with my computer Presario CQ57. I want to active the WIfi on my laptop but the button doesn't turn on. Can someone help me ? I've tried all ways that I could find on web17:15
moppersrtnb, try it wih the path specified like that, in case your local shell vars are broke17:15
rtnbmoppers, so /usr/bin/apt-get install ?17:17
rtnbsorry im kind of new to ubuntu17:17
serecassien: type iwconfig and see if you got an interface for your card17:17
moppersrtnb, yes ... but would i would be tempted to reintall, that's a weird system you have17:17
rtnbi cant17:17
rtnbthis is just the box on my hosting17:17
betraydrtnb: is why sudo runs it, sudo may have the correct path17:17
moppersrtnb, are you sure it's ubuntu?17:18
frank_@bekks it says Siano SMS1140 on the chip (i took i apart :)17:18
rtnbno good point i just realized that17:18
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rtnbill get in touch with support17:18
cassiensere: results are ra0     Ralink STA   ;   eth0 no wireless extansions      ;   lo     no wireless extensions17:18
moppersrtnb, lsb_release -a17:18
rtnbcommand not found17:18
moppersrtnb, uname -a17:19
betraydor cat /etc/issue ?17:19
rtnbnothing there seems to tell the distro17:19
rtnbLinux host354.hostmonster.com 2.6.32-20130307.60.9.bh6.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu Mar 7 15:58:33 EST 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux17:20
chilukso I have a laptop with nvidia optimus graphics on it.  I just installed raring.  Then upgraded all packages.. Everything was working fine.  As soon as I install the nvidia binary driver, and reboot, X core dumps, and unity refuses to launch.. does anyone know about this?17:21
moppersrtnb, if you type 'yum' is that command found?17:21
rtnbCRITICAL:yum.cli:Config Error: Error accessing file for config file:///etc/yum.conf17:21
chilukis there a channel for X/unity problems?17:22
moppersrtnb, you have yum: you 're fedora or centos or amazon linux or redhat or one of the other yum distros17:22
rtnbok im sorry i put this in the wrong place!17:22
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serecassien: check your logs and see if your getting an erro...also make sure you dhcpd is running17:23
rtnbI am having another problem on my Ubuntu machine though..... half the time I try to bring up a website i get "server not found"17:24
rtnbthen after a few minutes it'll work17:24
rtnbi'm on a wired connection, using 12.04 LTS17:24
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CarlFKI need rarring's   /usr/bin/apt-add-repository  which is in http://packages.ubuntu.com/raring/all/software-properties-common/download   so I wget it, dpkg -i ...deb.. get  dependency problems - leaving unconfigured - is there a better way to do this ?17:27
agu10^_okay at /var/www i can create dirs. but at /var/www/wildcard i can't! Why is this? wildcard is 775.17:27
o3ujohnjohn1011: where can i check ? MMNOX Wireless N USB Adapter (MX-W311MI)17:29
gustavagu10^_: You don't own wildcard?17:31
betraydagu10^_:  have to, if you want to start making dirs17:31
agu10^_ thanks17:33
quick-Hi , how can i install new themes in ubuntu 12.04 LTS with gnome ? Please help.17:34
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cloneGBluesKaj: The experimental driver made the graphic environment crash too17:35
cloneGBluesKaj: what is the linux-backports-modules-headers-precise-generic-pae:i386 for?17:36
jiffe1there anyway to find out what is running in swap?17:36
cloneGBluesKaj: what backported means?17:37
thomedyim trying to set up a printer in 12.0417:37
thomedyand when i goto printers in unity it doens't recognize my driver17:37
earl2hi.  is there some kind of vnc or related remote desktop service configured by default on ubuntu?17:38
Walex2thomedy: our psychic advisors are scrying to figure out which driver should be used and which printer you have :-)17:38
thomedytell chloe shes doing an amazing job im assuming shees your bos17:39
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thomedyepson workforce 520 all in one printer17:39
thomedyin google it said it should automaticcally17:40
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thomedyfin d the driver17:40
thomedyim running 120417:40
RussellAlanUpgraded from 11.04 to 12.04 32bit... after my BIOS finishes, the screen starts going all crazy until LOGIN screen on ubuntu (so this passes up my grub menu)17:41
alexandros_cI am running ubuntu 13.04 and my sound just stopped working, please help get my sound back17:41
oz7thow can i get my colors on my screen back17:42
Xtremehey guys17:42
RussellAlanhey Xtreme17:42
chilicuilhi there, are you aware of any Movie mode in Ubuntu?, I'm running ubuntu raring (installed in an old netbook to let my niece see cartoons in youtube) and after a while the system locks itself, in my dev machine I run this code: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5636132/ , however I'd like to do it, the ubuntu classical way (unity)17:42
Xtremei have noticed that videos are not clear on ubuntu as they were on windows..17:42
Xtremei have vlc..17:43
Xtremewhat am i missing on?17:43
Guest93254what is this17:43
betraydhey jack17:43
Guest93254he betrayd17:44
oz7thow can i get my colors on my screen back   It happend whwn i was going from 12.10 to 13.0417:45
cloneGI am having a problem with nvidia packages.not activating driver,  only installing packages the x server fails to start. ubuntu 12.04 64 bit17:45
cloneGhow could I fix this?17:45
Guest93254tel me about installation17:46
betraydcloneG: time to look at xorg.0.log & .xsession-errors17:47
Guest93254hi lioquant17:47
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RussellAlanUpgraded from 11.04 to 12.04 32bit... after my BIOS finishes, the screen starts going all crazy until LOGIN screen on ubuntu (so this passes up my grub menu)17:47
RussellAlanbeen reading places17:47
RussellAlanbut no situation is the same.17:47
schreberIs there a "dummy" guide to setting up a LAMP server using Ubuntu so that it can mimic a Windows AD Server?17:48
Walex2thomedy: have you tried checking what CUPS thinks its printers are? That it connecting to http://localhost:631/17:51
Walex2thomedy: it would be found automatically if it is supported...17:52
cloneGbetrayd: I am in darrinh 's shoes but that fix didnt work for me: http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=114091&page=217:52
SP0xhello everybody17:54
thomedyit was a stupid problem17:54
thomedyi have a secure network17:54
thomedyand i thought the printer had the passcode put in i fixed it im fixeing the whole situation already17:55
Walex2thomedy: ahhhh17:55
frank_hi bekks it says Siano SMS1140 on the chip (i took i apart :)17:55
cloneGbetrayd: and where can I find .x-sessions?17:55
thomedyi made a small bash script that i put in bin and im making my first icon using a *.desktop file in launcher here pretty soon17:55
thomedyim prety excited17:55
cloneGbetrayd: .xsession-errors17:55
michel71in a bash script, how does one check if a program is already installed on the computer?17:58
Walex2michel71: which program?17:58
Walex2michel71: and installed in what way?17:58
Walex2michel71: uhmmmm one way is with the command 'which' or with 'type'. Another is to check whether the package containing the program is installed, like 'dpkg -S /usr/bin/gedit'17:59
Walex2michel71: but I would be wary of checking for things like that. perhaps you are trying to solve the wrong problem18:00
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SP0xis there a keyboard shortcut for minimizing windows?18:01
SP0xin ubuntu 1318:01
SP0xor do i have to make one?18:01
Walex2michel71: if you want replies except in very rare cases you should not msg people privately18:02
GerowenSo how do I set the new "Files" application to show me hidden files?18:08
jesper85mhi guys i was woundering how i know if i have drivers for my grafic card?18:09
GerowenNevermind, got it18:10
SP0xbtw guys, what's the most secure ftpd?18:11
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zoktarCan you rebind alt (tap) for unity command to something like alt+windowsbutton? alt messes alot of games up18:11
dino__Good morning!   Have a small problem using screen as my shell.  It works great when I login using ssh (have nice access to multiple running screens, etc.)  But, when I attempt to SFTP into the machine, it get errors about response length.  My guess is that something in the config is causing screen to spit back the entire screen to the SSH client.  Any ideas how to fix this18:13
muellidino__: how did you configure screen being your shell?18:13
b1tchass_n1ggeri have trouble with UBUNTU 13.1018:13
zoktarfound it18:14
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b1tchass_n1ggerhelp me18:14
muellib1tchass_n1gger: #ubuntu+118:14
b1tchass_n1ggermy CPU is 100% all the time18:14
dino__muelli:  set it as default shell in /etc/passwd18:14
nownotI have a bash script that run a php script every 5 seconds that parses a twitter feed. I want this script to start when the computer starts and I have a few questions regarding this. Will having the bash script every 5 seconds have a factor on the performance of the machine, its basically a while with a sleep 5. How do I make it to where this scripts start upon system start?18:15
jesper85mhow do i find the swedish ubuntu channel?18:15
shankstaBytescan some one tell me how to specify port when using "connect to server" and the protocol is sftp?18:15
ubottuSvensk Ubuntu- och Kubuntustöd hittar du i #ubuntu-se resp. #kubuntu-se. Tack!18:15
shankstaBytesi am really annoyed how the Gnome team keeps removing features18:15
muellidino__: hm. interesting. I don't think sftp should be affected by that. But I don't fully know. Can you pastebin the errors that you get?18:15
Walex2nownot: that is a rather peculiar way to do it.18:16
Walex2nownot: 'man crontab'18:16
anzenkethWhenever I set a interface ifconfig -a shows that the interface was renamed.18:16
nownotWalex2: Im open for suggestions18:16
muellinownot: hm. I think I would use a cronjob. For both, every five minutes and on boot. */5 * * * * and @reboot will help you18:16
nownotWalex2: you can, from my reading, do a cronjob based on seconds … could be wrong on this18:16
muellishankstaBytes: like what?18:17
nownotor maybe you can, don't know wtf i was looking at …18:17
shankstaBytesmuelli: if you dont know then you probably dont use those features18:17
nownothttp://www.thegeekstuff.com/2011/07/cron-every-5-minutes/ <-- Cron job cannot be used to schedule a job in seconds interval.18:17
shankstaByteslots of nautilus features were remove18:17
shankstaBytesand they made 2 different menus18:17
shankstaBytesits bad for Unity18:17
wilee-nileeshankstaBytes, This is not ubuntu complaints but support.18:18
Walex2nownot: what can do is to schedule a script every minute, and then the scripts does 11 repetitions every 5 seconds.18:18
Walex2nownot: in that way you get the automatic running of CRON and the every-5-seconds that you want.18:18
nownotagh, so the /11 will do a minute /11 so every 5 seconds18:18
nownotgotcha coach, thanks!18:18
Walex2nownot: something like 'for N in {1..11}; do SOMETHING; sleep 5; done' and you run that as a CROn job18:19
shankstaByteswilee-nilee: so can you answer my question?18:19
nownotWalex2: ummm that part just really confused me18:19
bekksfor i in `seq 1 ... :)18:20
virus_gerhey guys18:20
muellishankstaBytes: I invite you to discuss your matters on nautilus-list: https://mail.gnome.org/mailman/listinfo/nautilus-list18:20
nownotWalex2: agh shit gotcha, thanks18:20
virus_geranybody got a link how i can install ubuntu + windows7 on the same harddrive?18:20
shankstaBytesmuelli: that was no my question18:21
shankstaBytescan some one tell me how to specify port when using "connect to server" and the protocol is sftp?18:21
muellishankstaBytes: I'd expect sftp://foo:2222/18:21
bekksshankstaBytes: sftp://ip:port/18:21
OerHekssftp user@address -p 44318:21
Walex2virus_ger: there are very many "dual boot" pages, just do a web search with the obvious keywords18:22
prime_morning all18:26
GodsFlawk so installed on two different drives only get blinking currsor on restart ideas?18:26
bekks!nomodeset | GodsFlaw18:27
ubottuGodsFlaw: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter18:27
prime_Is this the place for a laptop question?18:27
GerowenQuestion: I've been using Google Chrome for a while, and starting after the upgrade to 13.04, if I use peppermint flash, flash videos lag horribley in fullscreen.  If I disable peppermint flash and use the flash from the repositories, flash videos play just fine, but random web page elements get garbled beyond usage, some of which don't even appear to use flash, like the photo uploader on Facebook.  Reference this screenshot: ht18:27
GerowenHowever those same elements, using flash from the repos, work just fine in Firefox18:28
GerowenBut Firefox still feels sluggish compared to Chrome.18:28
prime_researched a bunch on the S76 Lemur, but can't find many actual reviews. Does anyone here have any hands on experience?18:28
XHEART24iron man 3? english18:29
dakotawulfy Gerowen  i been checking out qupzilla seem to be fast works for a lot of things18:29
DJones!piracy | XHEART2418:30
ubottuXHEART24: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o18:30
Sp0xgo to thepiratebay.com :D18:31
prime_Does anyone have a suggestion for a small laptop that runs ubuntu flawlessly? STarting to think they don't exist...18:32
FlowRiserprime_, of course they do18:32
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection18:33
doomlordwow, great to see the cintiq support18:33
doomlordpleasantly surprised by that18:33
FlowRiserprime_, take a look at the asus eeepc series, i have an older model and it runs ubuntu flawlessly18:33
prime_OK Thank you very much - I'm new and keep reading about battery/fan/wifi issues on laptops...18:34
FlowRiserprime_, I would argue that most of the laptops and pcs can work out of the box with ubuntu18:35
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habstinatHow can I share wifi from my laptop to my desktop through an ethernet cable?18:39
SwedeMikehabstinat: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing18:40
XHEART24has anyone here conveted mp4 to avi?18:43
XHEART24using ubuntu 1218:44
mizifihXHEART24: You need to convert videos, is that it?18:46
XHEART24i have a sony media player but it does not read mp418:47
XHEART24i want to transfer the video to a usb stick and see it on my media player, i do not have plasma yet18:47
XHEART24i only have ubuntu 12.0418:48
mizifihXHEART24: avidemux?18:48
frostyi think i've found a wierd bug :-), if i double click on a simple dropdown like the one in the example on http://w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?filename=tryhtml_select my screen turns black until i release, anyone else tried?18:48
Dr_willisHmm. weird media player that dosent support mp418:50
XHEART24i only have to download it? avidemux?18:50
Dr_willisavidemux is in the repos yes.18:50
Dr_willis!info avidemux18:50
ubottuavidemux (source: avidemux): a free video editor - GTK version. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:2.5.4-0ubuntu13 (raring), package size 764 kB, installed size 1957 kB18:50
XHEART24it is a sony media player it is not new18:50
mizifihXHEART24: go to software/application center and search for it18:50
Dr_willisyou need to determine what file formats/codecs it can play.18:50
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Dr_willisit could be you just need to rename the video.mp4 to be video.avi18:51
XHEART24i have not tried that18:51
mizifihXHEART24: oh, yeah, mp4 and avi are containers18:52
nanvouI'm trying to enable vino-server18:52
nanvouby using "gsettings set org.gnome.Vino enabled true"18:52
mizifihDr_willis is right18:52
nanvoubut I get a "WARNING **: Command line `dbus-launch --autolaunch=bcd88addab015d57f51cd3e60000047e --binary-syntax --close-stderr' exited with non-zero exit status 1: Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed."18:52
XHEART24by changing from mp4 to avi will it increase in size?18:52
Dr_willisif you can find a video it CAN play. you can see what codec its using18:53
mizifihDr_willis: I believe avidemux do not convert what doesn't need to be converted18:53
Dr_willisive been converting videos with avidemux all week... ;)18:53
nanvouhow do I do that ?18:53
mizifihXHEART24: it depends on what you're going to do with the file, but he's saying just to change the extension18:53
Dr_willisXHEART24,  just try changeing the name.18:53
XHEART24ok thanks, you are so kind guys, take care18:53
tonyhay gud18:54
mizifihXHEART24: wait18:54
mizifihXHEART24: that was a suggestion, trying to rename the filename (extension), but Avidemux can convert it for you18:54
mizifihfor sure18:54
brian____Is it easy to change the 'waiting for network configuration' timeout?  I would prefer to have it set to 10 seconds instead of 120seconds..18:54
Dr_willisarista can also convert and has dozens of presets18:54
nick14shouldn't file give you a clue as to what type it is?18:54
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mizifihnick14: kinda18:55
Dr_willisif you can find a video it CAN play. you can see what codec its using, the vlc player can tell you exactly the specs of the working video18:55
mizifihnick14: but mp4 files can contain a xvid video track, I believe18:55
mizifihI don't know18:55
mizifihvideo stuff is really crazy these days18:55
XHEART24the video plays well on the pc but not on the media player18:55
XHEART24thx for the help18:56
Dr_willisXHEART24,  again.. find a video that plays on the player.. and then we can determine what format its using.18:56
mizifihXHEART24: well... you'll have to convert it18:56
mizifihAVI is not a video format18:56
mizifihit's just a container18:56
Dr_willisit might just need tobe called whatever.avi   instead of whatever.mp418:56
Dr_willisor it might have to be some specific codecs18:56
mizifihIt's probablu AVC something18:57
mizifihis it AVC... I had some trouble with my PSP back when I used it to play videos18:57
Dr_willishard to tell with sony these days.. the PSP i recall played mp4's but they had to be special encoded18:57
mizifihI think it was avc, if the name is right18:57
nick14mizifih: right, just a container?18:57
mizifihAVI, yeah18:58
mizifihDr_willis: say the word, LOL18:58
mizifihDr_willis: AVI just a container?18:58
Dr_willisyou could hit up google for the exact name/type/make of the player  and find its specs as to what it can play.18:58
CarlFKapt-get install ssl-cert - that threw up some dialogs.  I want to see them again.  shouldn't apt-get purge ssl-cert; apt-get install ssl-cert do the same install ?18:59
Dr_willisCarlFK,  sudo dpkg-reconfigure packagename       might do it.19:00
CarlFKDr_willis: nope :(19:00
mizifih"Audio Video Interleaved (also Audio Video Interleave), known by its initials AVI, is a multimedia container format introduced by Microsoft in November 1992 as part of its Video for Windows technology."19:00
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mizifihnick14: I think I'm wrong though...19:01
CarlFKDr_willis: also, my goal is to figure out how to install it without any user interaction.. so I need to figure out how to remove whatever it set19:01
brian____nevermind, found it in /etc/init/failsafe -- just had to adjust the sleep timers19:02
treaverphoerigHey guys can you help me fix my keyboard problems on startup and installing Gnome-Shell-Extensions19:02
mizifihnick14: no, I think I'm right: An AVI file may carry audio/visual data inside the chunks in virtually any compression scheme, including Full Frame (Uncompressed), Intel Real Time (Indeo), Cinepak, Motion JPEG, Editable MPEG, VDOWave, ClearVideo / RealVideo, QPEG, and MPEG-4 Video.19:02
jribCarlFK: why don't you use apt-get to install the package?19:02
jrib!find add-apt-repository19:03
treaverphoerigJrib are you talking to me?19:03
ubottuFile add-apt-repository found in software-properties-common19:03
jriberm, maybe he wasn't a bot... oops19:04
CarlFKjrib: I do.  it throws up a dialog.19:04
CarlFKjrib: oh, that.. trying to install the current version into precise19:05
jribCarlFK: you're trying to install the current version of the package that provides add-apt-repository?19:05
treaverphoerigCould someone help me install Gnome-Shell-Extensions19:06
treaverphoerigIf you could remote-desktop me I can show you my problem.19:07
CarlFKjrib: I wan to do "apt-add-repository multiverse" on a precise box, but that wasn't supported yet19:07
jribtreaverphoerig: generally, we don't advise people providing remote access to their computers for support issues; it's better and much safer for you to just explain the problem19:07
treaverphoerigI try to install Gnome-Shell-Extensions and it says they can't be found.19:07
jribtreaverphoerig: how do you try to install them?19:08
treaverphoerigI've added the PPA several times from different sources and still nothing19:08
treaverphoerigsudo apt-get install gnome-shell-extensions-user-theme gnome-shell-extensions-dock gnome-shell-extensions-drive-menu gnome-shell-extensions-pidgin gnome-shell-extensions-system-monitor gnome-shell-extensions-weather gnome-shell-extensions-windows-navigator19:08
jribtreaverphoerig: pastebin full input and output at http://paste.ubuntu.com and then post the link here19:08
treaverphoerigSo what do I do19:09
neytiriis there a way to keep the system from overwriting my resolv.conf file,   i have my addresses static set in the interfaces19:09
jrib!resolv.conf | neytiri19:09
CarlFKjrib: I have mostly given up on that.  the version that does depends on a python3 version, and I don't think I want to try to force that..  It just means I need 4 lines of apt-add-repository, oh well.19:09
ubottuneytiri: resolvconf is a set of scripts that's used to manage /etc/resolv.conf in 12.04 and later, for more information please see: http://www.stgraber.org/2012/02/24/dns-in-ubuntu-12-04/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/12.10/serverguide/network-configuration.html#name-resolution19:09
jribCarlFK: I don't think it's worth it.  Setting up multiverse is a one-time deal anyway19:10
treaverphoerigJrib someone please help me19:10
jribtreaverphoerig: for us to help you, please:  pastebin full input and output at http://paste.ubuntu.com and then post the link here19:10
muhe!loc jrib19:10
muhenew in irc....19:11
CarlFKjrib: well, it is one time per testing a fairly large set of install scripts.  so figure 20 times a day.. over a few days.. I don't want to do anything by hand19:11
muhesorry ubottu19:11
jribCarlFK: install scripts?19:11
CarlFKjrib: https://github.com/timvideos/streaming-system/tree/master/tools/setup  all of those need to be run - and currently they don't becuse it needs to work on LTS19:12
Dr_willistreaverphoerig,  you did do a sudo apt-get update, after enabling the ppas?19:12
lenzHey guys.19:13
lenzI'm having an issue with some external drives.19:13
jribtreaverphoerig: https://launchpad.net/~gnome-shell-extensions/+archive/ppa I only see one package there19:13
lenzMy friend has an external drive that is not recognized by any of my ubuntu boxes.19:13
lenzIt connects normally under win and os x though.19:14
lenzAm I missing some software?19:14
treaverphoerigHow do I install these https://extensions.gnome.org/19:14
Dr_willislenz,  is he  'safely removeing' it when removeing it from the windows machines? try to mount it by hand, that may show any error messages19:15
Dr_willistreaverphoerig,  i just clickon the slider button  next to the extension, and it installs here.19:15
jribCarlFK: sorry but I'm not understanding the relationship between streaming-system and enabling multiverse19:15
lenztreaverphoerig, there's a slider next to the extensions; click it19:15
Dr_willistreaverphoerig,  what browser are you using?19:15
nyuszika7hanyone got an idea on this ALSA/Pulse error? http://paste.ubuntu.com/5636424/19:16
nyuszika7h(sorry for repost)19:16
Dr_willistry firefox19:16
lenzDr_willis, yeah I tried manual mount; it was as though its not plugged in19:16
jribtreaverphoerig: are you actually using gnome-shell by the way?19:16
treaverphoerigYou do not appear to have an up to date version of GNOME3. You won't be able to install extensions from here. See the about page for more information.19:16
treaverphoerigI'm using Ubuntu Gnome19:16
Dr_willislenz,  if sudo blkid, or 'sudo fdisk -l' dosent see it.. then theres a deeper issue going on. cable/port/drive19:17
treaverphoerigI found it! Thanks19:17
lenzDr_willis, I'll try those two19:17
treaverphoerigNow how do I fix keyboard and mouse on startup19:17
lenzThank you kind sir19:17
Dr_willistreaverphoerig,  tell us whats broken about them perhaps.19:17
lenztreaverphoerig, it normally works out of the box19:18
treaverphoerigMy keyboard and mouse sometimes on boot do not even work. Not one button19:19
lenzOh, one more question: I installed mediatomb to be able to have UPNP-Mediaserver for my music. It starts automatically on boot, but I don't want it to.19:19
lenzHow exactly do I remove it from xinit?19:19
Dr_willislenz,  if its managed by UPSTART it would have a whatever.conf file in /etc/init/19:20
lenzIll check19:20
Dr_willisif its managed by SysV it would have some init scripts in /etc/init.d/ and /etc/rc.# i belive19:20
CarlFKjrib: this fails https://github.com/timvideos/streaming-system/blob/master/tools/setup/01-add-multiverse.sh  -  fail is bad ;)19:20
OerHekstreaverphoerig, if you have an USB keyboard/mouse, enable usb-support in your bios19:21
treaverphoerigIt's all hardware connected to the laptop19:21
lenzIt is in /init/, Dr_willis, should I just delete the file?19:21
jribCarlFK: why does it need to enable multiverse though?  That should be something the admin does, no?  Or do you want this just for testing sake?19:21
Dr_willislenz,  i suggest just  renameing it..19:21
Dr_willislenz,  whatever.dontrun19:22
Dr_willisinstead of whatever.conf19:22
lenzmv command is fine I guess?19:23
Dr_willissudo mv foo bar19:23
jribCarlFK: anyway, to me, it seems like you should just setup the testing environment to already have multiverse enabled.  If you can't do that, you could instead just copy a file to /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ that enables multiverse.  But I still find it strange this software to be doing this19:24
lenzDr_willis I know about foobar but I don't get it19:24
lenzAlso, it's in init.d as well19:24
DaVinciIThi all. Ubuntu 13.04. System is updated. Sometime system go at login page but video is 'confused'. is not possible see nothing. can you help me?19:24
lenzDaVinciIT, we need you log files.19:26
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DaVinciITlenz: where I can find it ?19:26
lenzDaVinciIT, 1. boot into a live disk 2. mount your hard drive 3. /etc/var/log/ should have your log files19:27
lenzpost Xorg.log and dmesg.log on the forums19:28
Dr_willisDaVinciIT,  just sometimes? othertimes it works fine?19:28
DaVinciITok thank you19:29
lenzI was having serious graphics driver issues in 13.04 as well19:29
lenznow back in 12.0419:29
tonsofpcstrying to build an app on 13.04 that ./configure runs looking for qt3 (I think).  It errors that qt toolkit isn't found.  Suggestions?19:29
ppcblasterWhere can I read how to install tarball driver with no readme or install file19:30
lenzit seems my Radeon HD 3430 Mobility is no longer supported in kernel 3.819:30
Dr_willistonsofpcs,  you are sure its qt3 ? kde is now using QT4 i thought.. any app using qt3 would be sort of old.19:31
DaVinciITDr_willis: I think it appears when the system is stressed. I'use WiFi, MonoDevelop, Opera Browser with many tabs opened.19:31
johnjohn1011lenz, dats not good.  I wonder what happened.  how old is that card?19:31
tonsofpcsDr_willis: well, the compile instructions say to install the qt3 dev libs before building...19:32
Dr_willisDaVinciIT,  that was not how you described it.. You said it was messed up when you logged in.. how can you just login and have all those running..19:32
lenzjohnjohn1011, I bought it off DELL in 200819:32
Dr_willistonsofpcs,  those might not even be in the repos any more. try an apt-cache search qt dev   and look for anything that looks like it may apply and install it perhaps19:33
lenzjohnjohn1011, it's pity because I am really missing some of my favourite features that I had in 12.1019:33
DaVinciITDr_willis: sorry. I login, I work for a time, and sometimes, system go back at login page, and I cant do anything cause the image is fragmented.19:34
lenzDaVinciIT, what hardware to you use?19:34
DaVinciITlenz:  SONY Vaio VPCF12E4E19:35
DaVinciITDr_willis: I hear the 'login' sound.19:36
lenzDaVinciIT it might be a problem with your vga controller19:37
lenzI had a similar problem in 13.0419:37
lenzDaVinciIT, see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=213839219:38
Dr_willisDaVinciIT,  i seem to recxall some quirks with X/login screen ages ago.. i had to enable the 'always restart X server' in the lightdm settings conf files.19:38
Dr_willisor go to the console and do a 'sudo service lightdm restart'19:38
DaVinciITlenz: I'm on 13.04 too19:38
DaVinciITwell thank you very much.19:40
shankstaBytesdoes nautilus have some kind of cache?19:41
shankstaBytesfor like sftp connections19:41
Dr_willisit uses the .gvfs subsystem for stuff like that i belive19:42
MonkeyDustshankstaBytes  look in ~/.cache19:42
Dr_williswhat are you cacheing?19:42
shankstaBytesdeosn't look like it19:42
aethi i just tried to install ubuntu on a 2nd internal harddrive, i chose sda (hard drive with windows 7 as my bootloader), when it boots i get a black screen with a cursor... what did i do wrong?19:42
shankstaBytesim trying to connect via sftp but i get an unhandled exception19:43
MonkeyDust!nomodeset | aet try this19:43
ubottuaet try this: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:43
shankstaBytesi can login via ssh no problem19:43
aetmonkeydust, wouldnt that have prevented it from working on my last install (yesterday)?19:44
aetsame machine, just wanted a fresh install19:44
chutneyhas anyone here ever heard of a tool called "flup", which I guess is supposed to update formware on fujitsu harddrives19:44
aetthough i think last time i installed from wubi19:44
MonkeyDust!find flup19:45
ubottuFound: python-flup19:45
daniel__1My BIOS has a setting to change the memory alotted to the AGP card. I have a PCI Graphics card and I am wondering is there any way that I can use that alotted memory for the card in any way?19:46
Dr_willisdaniel__1,  so you dont have an agp card.. but a PCI (or you mean pcie) video card?19:47
daniel__1I have a PCI card19:47
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chutneypython-flup has a similar name, but the description is of something different than a firmware updater19:47
Dr_willisif you are not using an agp card. i don t think that setting would matter.19:47
Dr_willisunless its refering to a built in video chipset on the mb.19:48
daniel__1I am wondering is I can use that memory for the PCI card. It is doing nothing now. I have a NVIDIA TNT2 M6419:48
Dr_willisI dont really see how its being alloted to a video card that you said dosent exist. you may want to askin #hardware19:48
chutneydanial__1, if you mean you have a standard 32-bit pci card, the answer is no19:49
Dr_willisand i doubt if you can set the pci card to use the system memroy that way19:49
daniel__1Okay, thats all I need to know19:49
chutneyif might be good to upgrade at least to a agp card though19:49
Dr_willisstuff gets that old.. its hard to justify putting in any more $$ in it. :) but i bet you can find some cheap used stuff around.19:53
johnjohn1011AGP card? is that still supported?19:54
cyberporkHELLO EVERYBODY!19:55
cyberporkanyone can help me? i'm looking for a package of spotify version 1: because unfortunately i've upgrade it deleting the old one and the new app crashes ... :(19:56
Dr_willisjohnjohn1011,  linux is good about keeping support for old hardware in... perhaps too good at times. ;)19:57
giraffeI like eucalyptus leaves19:59
nobregadantasHello everyone19:59
giraffeI am downloading ubuntu19:59
girafferight now19:59
cpgiraffe: linuxMint?  :P~20:00
giraffenah, 12.04.2-server20:00
cyberporkanyone can help me? i'm looking for a package of spotify version 1: because unfortunately i've upgrade it deleting the old one and the new app crashes ... :(20:00
giraffestupid mirror is giving me 65KB20:00
ctxmentry WTF 4.520:01
giraffeugh mirror script to randomize mirrors has no geoloc ... giving me austraila when im in us20:01
Dr_willisive seen days where that would be faster. ;)20:02
Sb2115I updated to 13.04 and now my system hangs at the Ubuntu screen during boot.20:02
cpcyberpork:   try http://www.getdeb.net/ or maybe pkgs.org20:02
cyberporkcp, it isn't :(20:03
Bray90820are the codes to play dvds installed on ubuntu 13.0420:07
Dr_willisBray90820,  not by default./ No20:07
thistonyhi all20:07
cyberporkplz anyone can help me?20:07
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:07
thistonycyberpork: whats the question20:07
Bray90820Dr_willis: what codes would i need to install20:08
Bray90820would they be at the link  ubottu sent20:08
Dr_willisBray90820,  see the url the bot gave above.. its some package you install then a script you run20:08
Bray90820then for some reason they were already installed for me20:08
cyberporkthistony,  i'm looking for a package of spotify version 1: because unfortunately i've upgrade it deleting the old one and the new app on my pc crashes ... :(20:09
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cyberporkthistony, also i've cleaned my apt-cache :(((20:09
cpcyberpork:   http://pkgs.org/opensuse-factory/packman-i586/spotify-installer-    maybe?20:09
anasshi i want to know how to install java20:09
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Dr_willis!java | anass20:10
ubottuanass: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.20:10
jackw411anybody managed to get guard-livereload working on ubuntu 12.04 LTS? I'm having problems20:10
cyberporkcp, it doesn't work for me it just download the latest version20:10
thistonyoh that changes things20:11
anassthank you20:11
cpcyberpork:    thus I keep all my .deb :), unfortunately, I don't use spotify :|20:11
thistonycyberpork: check this out. As always I recommend that you read the whole document...   http://code.google.com/p/spotcommander/wiki/DowngradeSpotify20:12
cyberporkcp,  thanks20:12
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cyberporkthistony, oooooh! thanks man! it seems another version but i test it now!20:13
thistonycyberpork: make sure you follow all of the directions. If you do not you will end up with files that versions are different than other versions20:14
cyberporkthistony, yes i'm reading the instructions ;)20:15
Sb2115is there any kind of rescue utility on the 13.04 install DVD?20:15
thistonyAnyone know how to make one netgear wireless router connect to another through wireless instead of the LAN port?20:15
wilee-nileeSb2115, Rescue of what?20:16
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Sb2115wilee-nilee - I updated to 13.04 and now my system hangs on the Ubuntu splash screen and will not boot.  I was hoping for some kind of repair utility to help figure out what went wrong.20:17
TuomasTHow do I search for a package using apt-get? I am looking for SDL devel package20:17
Thorby /msg nickserv identify 1.238020:18
wilee-nileeSb2115, Not really one, did you try a nomodeset from grub?20:18
ZynACKTuomasT: apt-cache search20:18
Dr_willisSb2115,  tried the text  mode options to  grub yet?20:18
Dr_willis!text | Sb211520:18
ubottuSb2115: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode20:18
cyberporkalso i've a little problem with flash player, the audio is vanished from 1 month and i can't listen anysong on youtube or similar20:18
thistonyTuomasT:  try apt-cache search {package-name}20:19
TuomasTZynACK: Thanks20:19
ZynACKNo problem.20:19
Sb2115I'm really new at this, but will take a look20:19
thistonythis does not search the internet for packages though20:20
ThorbyHi all.  Where can I find a complete command reference for Ubuntu?  I just ran sudo iwconfig wlan2 power off, for example and it did work but I am wondering where I con consult the list of commands like this.20:21
x13hey for some reason my software center wont open can someone please walk me through fixing it I'm a newbie to Ubuntu.20:21
swThorby: $ man20:21
thistonycyberpork:  as for flash... uninstall flash player completely then reinstall the newext version.20:21
Thorbylol sorry20:22
Thorbylemme try that in terminal20:22
FloodBot1Thorby: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:22
ThorbyGot "what manual page do you want"20:22
thistonyThorby:  google is your friend20:22
cyberporkthistony, i've already  do it  and i've cleaned the.macromedia folder but nothing changed20:22
Thorbythistony I did try google but couldn't get a complete reference, just a bunch of forums20:23
wilee-nileeThorby, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommandLineResources20:23
thistonycyberpork:  also you may have to clear your browsers cache as well20:23
Thorbywilee-nilee thanks that looks just about right20:24
thistonyThorby:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommandLineResources20:24
thistonylol worry wilee-nilee20:24
wilee-nileeno biggie it s all giid20:25
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TuomasTWhat protecton does Ubuntu package system have against FinFisher type attacks? (masquarade remote install of spyware by system/ popular application update)?20:29
nibbler_TuomasT: signed packages20:30
mrHTTPwindows rulz20:30
_Trullomy ubuntu can't start a program, cannot allocate memory, how do I fix this?20:31
mrHTTPwindows rulz20:31
TuomasTnibbler_: Where could I find more information about this?20:31
tonsofpcsDr_willis: I found one of the issues is that qt4 changed the path structure, working on trying to get it to recognize now, running into 'incomplete installation' issues20:31
TuomasTi.e. how ubuntu package system works20:31
nibbler_mrHTTP: please 1) don't repeat, and 2) don't troll20:31
x13my software center wont open can someone help please I'm a newbie and need to be walked through the process20:32
nibbler_TuomasT: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch02.en.html20:32
mrHTTPkeyboard stuck20:32
LjLTuomasT: i'm not too familiar with this attack, but i thought i'd point out that if Canonical is cooperating with the attacker, then i really doubt any signing helps. not sure if this is your threat model20:32
TuomasTnibbler_: Also, I would think packages are signed in Windows / OS X too20:32
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Muon (KDE) or !Apper (KDE)20:33
mrHTTPis ubuntu the new mac?20:33
nibbler_TuomasT: well, but how do you install a piece of software in windows? you  download it from a random webpage - in ubuntu (most distros are similar in this point) you have a centrally managed repository, with maintainers  signing their packages, if you only use those, you shold be fine - as long as ubuntu does not get compromised20:33
Dr_willismrHTTP,  you may want to ask non-support questions in #ubuntu-offtopic20:33
x13my software center wont open can someone help please I'm a newbie and need to be walked through the process20:34
TuomasTnibbler_: I like the fact that packages are signed by individual maintainers and not some central authority20:34
Dr_willisx13,  try from a terminal,  'sudo apt-get update' then 'sudo apt-get upgrade'   let it do the various upates.  then try the software center again20:35
thistonyin quagmire voice: "Oh God, trying to enable netgear rounters client bridge / repeater bridge mode is like trying to get 2 nuns naked"20:35
nibbler_TuomasT: i guess its more like central authority, but i'm no expert on that - if you keep with the official repo, and don't add closed source ones, you are as safe as you can be i guess20:35
x13Drwillis: tried that last night didn't work20:36
nibbler_TuomasT: and of course don't install anything from 3rd party sources (including firefox plugins etc)20:36
nibbler_x13: nopaste output of this process....20:37
nibbler_x13: or does it work well in the cli?20:37
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x13nibbler: I did it last night. Dont have the copy anymore. Software center simply wont open... not sure why. Tried updating adn upgrading to no avail20:38
cyberporkbye bye babbioni!20:38
TuomasTnibbler_: I'm thinking that with a distro the size of ubuntu and derivates, I'm sure there attacks especially for ubuntu packages, and of course since FinFisher is used by the authorities the package maintainers have to co-operate to allow such attacks.20:39
TuomasTEspecially, if there is a single central package signing authority.20:40
Dr_willis'have to' ?20:40
nibbler_TuomasT: i just don't think so. if any OS got cought doing that, it would be its end.20:40
TuomasTDr_willis: By law20:40
Dr_williswhos law?20:40
Dr_willissounds like somthing for another channel..since its not Ubuntu-support related20:40
DaekdroomAre there any ways to have folder bookmarks in GNOME-Files in 13.04?20:41
DaekdroomI lost mine after I did the upgrade20:41
ChogyDanis there a way to restart the upgrade process?  it crashed on me20:41
x13my software center wont open can someone help please I'm a newbie and need to be walked through the process20:41
Dr_willisx13,  try launching it from a terminal. look for error messages.. ive no idea what the command is to launch it from terminal is however..20:42
Dr_willisIm on lubuntu. so its not there fo rme20:42
nibbler_x13: as i asked you before: what is the result of the commands Dr_willis gave you? if it does not look 100% clean, please nopaste the output20:42
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trismDaekdroom: hit the Gear/Bookmark this location when you are in the folder, also there is a File/Bookmarks menu in the panel that seems to show them all20:44
Guest86782Is pidgin already fixed in 13.04?20:44
Dr_williscant you drag a folder to the left side pane in the file manager also for a bookmark thing.20:44
GodsFlawstill no luck I did the nomodeset but still get the blinking cursor.  Do I need a boot partition?20:45
nibbler_x13: also try to sudo /usr/bin/software-center and nopaste its output20:45
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:46
nibbler_GodsFlaw: you always need a boot partition.... i don't know what you tried already, but removing the bootoptions splash and quiet might help debugging20:46
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode20:46
Dr_willistext mode should show possible errors also20:46
GodsFlawso when installing to a new disk you need root boot and swap?20:47
nibbler_oh nice, i'll remember this. noapic nolapic acpi=off lapic=off (some here are wrong/redundant) are good parameters too, if some hardware refuses to boot linux20:47
GodsFlaw(why does it let you install without boot?)20:47
djQuerydang I gotta get steam working again20:47
nibbler_GodsFlaw: root is enough, but you need a partition marked as boot partition. swap is optional but recommended, too20:48
Silas_Brand new owner of a System76 Pangolin Performance laptop. No audio, have tried everything I can think of and find online to fix / install the drivers. Does anyone have any suggestions?20:48
auronandaceGodsFlaw: the only required partition is root20:48
daek_trism, thank you. Apparently the bookmarks were lost, so all I had to do was find out how to add them back.20:48
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GodsFlawmarked as boot?20:48
djQuerysteam keeps saying I am missing a bunch of 32bit libraries20:48
djQueryand low on disk space20:48
nibbler_GodsFlaw: like in the partition table - fdisk etc....20:48
GodsFlawthe installer does not make the root partition boot?20:49
nibbler_GodsFlaw: it does. just saying. you should not need to worry about that, sorry for the confusion.20:49
Dr_willisyou do not 'need' a seperate /boot/ partition. except in a few cases..   / can work as your boot partition20:50
nibbler_GodsFlaw: so do you get into the boot menu, grub? did you add "text" parameter to the kernel line?20:50
GodsFlawany idea then why I get the blinking cursor.  Looks to me like ubuntu does not even get called.20:50
GodsFlawI have tried installs on two disks.20:50
GodsFlawI can start ubuntu from the usb20:51
Dr_willisGodsFlaw,  video card/chipset driver issues.20:51
Dr_willisGodsFlaw,  what is your video card? have you tried the nomodeset and text options yet to get to a console?20:51
GodsFlawthen why can I test ubuntu from usb?20:51
Dr_willisits using a differnt video driver would be my guess20:51
Dr_williswhat IS your video chipset?20:51
Silas_Anyone have suggestions for the no audio in Ubuntu issue?20:52
GodsFlawI did do nomodeset.  I loged into it useing usb and editid file.20:52
GodsFlawasuse nividia20:52
Dr_willisSilas_,  over hdmi? or how exactly?20:52
becnfecnAnyone know how I can disable 3d effects in 13.04?20:52
Dr_willisGodsFlaw,  normally i boot to text mode, or do nomodeset to get into the system. then install the nvidia-current package to install my nvidia drivers20:52
nibbler_GodsFlaw: could you not access the boot menu, with the esc or shift key and edit it on the fly while booting for testing?20:52
Silas_Dr_willis, complete lack of audio on brand new laptop. Tried the whole removing Pulse and reinstalling Alsa, but get nothing20:53
ChogyDanbecnfecn: maybe ccsm20:53
GodsFlawbios then blinking currsor.20:53
GodsFlawlooks like it is not finding os.20:53
Dr_willisSilas_,  'brand new' could be there might not  be proper drivers. or buggy drivers for that laptops audio chipset.20:53
Dr_willisGodsFlaw,  if you are not seeing Grub at all. you may want to use a live-cd and try the boot-repair tool mentioned at the following....20:54
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:54
Guest86782Is Pidgin already fixed in Ubuntu 13.04? (Notifications, Messaging Menu..)20:54
GodsFlawdoes grub come on the install usb?20:54
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub220:55
djQuerydang cant get video drive installed for nvidia gts45020:55
TuomasTWhen I install dev packages of say boost, do I still need to intsall the20:57
TuomasTnon-dev package?20:57
muelliTuomasT: yes20:57
ZynACKYes, the non-dev packages contain the actual compiled libraries.20:57
Dr_willisi thought if you installed foo-dev  it depended on the foo packages anyway. so should install those as well20:58
TuomasTThere is some work hunting down both versions, would be easier to install just a package with option (obtain also dev)20:58
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TuomasTWell, unless all of boost is packaged by the distro, then I don't see it installing any non-dev packages20:59
ZynACKI've been able to do things like 'apt-get install pygame-*' in the past to get all the pygame stuff I might have needed (such as mixer, image, dev, ...)20:59
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becnfecnbecnfecn: ccms?21:00
becnfecner ccsm?21:00
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz21:00
xtacieIm running 12.04 and using iptables.. i just installed weechat and used /connect irc.freenode.net and it translates name to ip and says connecting but gets stuck. do i have to add something to iptables to allow outbound tcp 6667??21:02
Dr_willisxtacie,  it would depend on what firewall rules you have enabled21:03
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Guest23775screen -RaAd irssi irssi21:03
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xtacieDr: i just dropped every iptable entry.. fresh21:04
jordan4ibanezHow do I reverse the stereo audio channels?21:20
jordan4ibanez13.04, ubuntu.21:20
cpallo shwouchk21:20
becnfecnAnyone at all know how I can turn off all 3d effects in 13.04?21:21
shwouchkAfter updating to 13.04 my lukfs unencryption splash screen stopped appearing. I can still get in by "blindly" typing the password, but would like to regain either the splash or a text screen. help?21:21
Dr_willisthe new unity is supposed to disable 3d effects if it tells the card cant handle them. theres no unity 2d in 12.10+21:22
lee_can anyone tell me why after I install Qt SDK on ubuntu 13.04 a simple application fails to compile "cannot find -lGL"21:22
lee_I know it means missing a library file, but which library do I download?21:22
wilee-nileebecnfecn, sudo apt-get install unity-tweak-tool probably to tweak it21:23
lee_can anyone tell me why after I install Qt SDK on ubuntu 13.04 a simple application fails to compile "cannot find -lGL" which library do i need?21:25
becnfecnwilee-nilee: already got it21:25
becnfecnwilee-nilee: just wanna say '2d please' i'm running it in parallels ruing to lower the load21:25
wilee-nileebecnfecn, I believe there is no 2d, I forget when it was removed, another desktop might be easier, like lubuntu.21:26
Dr_willisthere is no longer a unity2d - if you are running in a VM. you may want to use lubuntu since it will be the lightest on resources21:27
Dr_willisor use the older ubuntu that still has unity2d21:27
Dr_willislubuntu runs well for me in vbox21:27
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uvalaI have this question; when I have two systems installed on a pc, and run one of the systems, I can access the home folder of the other. how secure is this? suppose I accidentally downloaded some nasty file from the net, can this file access the other OS, or all OSes on the machine?21:36
uvalanasty file meaning some virus21:36
ZynACKuvala, If a virus was targetting some directory on your windows partition, it'd have a hard time finding it through the Linux file system.21:37
uvalaZynACK, here is no Windows involved. all OSes on the machine are Linux, or Ubuntu, to be more precise.21:38
AuroraYou could setup chroot's so they are 'jailed' into that directory.21:38
ZynACKIn that case, I suppose it's possible for a virus to find and infect files on different partitions. I could be wrong, though. Never had a virus in Linux.21:38
uvalaAurora, chroot seems to make sense.21:39
ms42145245I'm getting an error when trying to format a black dvd21:39
ms42145245Errno: 5 (Input/output error), blank unit scsi sendcmd: no error CDB:  A1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION) Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 30 05 00 00 Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0 Sense Code: 0x30 Qual 0x05 (cannot write medium - incompatible format) Fru 0x0 Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)  cmd finished after 0.001s timeout 9600s wodim: Cannot blank disk, aborting.21:39
Dr_williswhy are you formating a DVD?21:39
AuroraYeah, I have chroot's setup on my server and that is what I use to seperate our apache server from our game servers. It's the safest way from what I've seen.21:40
Dr_willisyou mean blank a DVD+RW (erase it?)21:40
ms42145245Because even though it says it's empty, it has a title and won't work when I try to burn it.21:40
ms42145245no, it's dvd+r21:40
AuroraIt would work just the same on a userbase linux.21:40
Dr_willisms42145245,  and what app are you trying to use on this dvd?21:41
ms42145245I'm using terminal.21:41
Dr_willisand using WHAT commands?21:41
ms42145245Sorry about that. I'm back21:41
ms42145245Should I explain it again?21:42
uvalaAurora, I guess I mixed it up with chmod. I am not really informed on chroot; before causing anything messy, is it possible to give a simple example of the command line to set permission i.e. for the home folder?21:43
gridwestIs there a cad utility available for GNU/Linux Ubuntu that will allow me to...1. view .dwg OrCad files   2. convert .dwg files to gerber format21:43
ms42145245Errno: 5 (Input/output error), blank unit scsi sendcmd: no error CDB:  A1 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 status: 0x2 (CHECK CONDITION) Sense Bytes: 70 00 05 00 00 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00 30 05 00 00 Sense Key: 0x5 Illegal Request, Segment 0 Sense Code: 0x30 Qual 0x05 (cannot write medium - incompatible format) Fru 0x0 Sense flags: Blk 0 (not valid)  cmd finished after 0.001s timeout 9600s wodim: Cannot blank disk, aborting.21:43
ascidia002whats going on ubuntu21:44
uvalagridwest, there is a gerbv gerber file viewer, but I dont know if it converts files.21:44
ascidia002i have a question21:44
Aurorauvala, this is a very basic video tutorial I followed and it worked for what I needed it to do. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTyY3in5r6Q21:44
ascidia002is bad sectors on a hard drive permanent damage sometimes physical damage21:44
compdocascidia002, are you looking at the SMART info?21:45
Auroraascidia002, it can be, however it is rare from my experiences.21:45
uvalaAurora, great, thank you so much, I'll watch it!21:46
ascidia002yes compdoc21:46
compdocascidia002, does it show reallocated sectors or pending sectors?21:46
Dr_willisI dont think you 'blank' optical disks - unless you are eraseing a RW disk.21:46
ascidia002im using puppy dog linux its the only thing i could get running on a live cd with hard drive bad sectors21:46
compdocascidia002, the data in the RAW column21:47
ascidia002sorry to mention puppy in here21:47
ascidia002well i checked in windows too it has bad sectors and it said disk failure is imminent21:47
compdoccant just answer the questions?21:47
ascidia002well i cant answer it cuz im using puppy dog linux and i dont know how to check for that21:48
ascidia002its a small live os21:48
AuroraIn that case I would say it is more than likely physical damage.21:48
ascidia002im buying a new drive just wanted to know21:48
AuroraYeah, that is probably your best bet.21:48
ascidia002im on a dell inspiron 1501 going to get a 160 gb hd off ebay for 33.25 with a 5 year warranty21:49
ascidia002laptop that is21:49
Dr_willisseen 120gb SSD's in the $100 range and less on sale the other day. ;)21:49
Dr_willismay be cheaper now. that was a month or 3 ago.21:50
AuroraWow, I need a couple of those lol.21:51
chocolatedonutsHi #ubuntu. I just got an inexpensive Dell inspiron laptop, and I've been trying to follow the instructions here: (http://nwoki.wordpress.com/2012/10/02/multitouch-fix-for-alps-touchpad/) for setting up the touchpad to, um, actually function properly. Everything goes fine until I do dkms autoinstall, at which point it starts and then breaks with an error "Import error: No module named apport". Is there anything I can do? Google's not helping much.21:52
chocolatedonuts): I just want to multi-touch scroll21:55
chocolatedonutsI just got an inexpensive Dell inspiron laptop, and I've been trying to follow the instructions here: (http://nwoki.wordpress.com/2012/10/02/multitouch-fix-for-alps-touchpad/) for setting up the touchpad to, um, actually function properly. Everything goes fine until I do dkms autoinstall, at which point it starts and then breaks with an error "Import error: No module named apport". Is there anything I can do? Google's not helping much.22:01
lolbatWhy is it impossible to install the ati drivers on ubuntu?22:02
MonkeyDust!ati | lolbat start here22:03
ubottulolbat start here: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto22:03
bjensenum why is it that when I create a ssh pair with ssh-keygen -t rsa with no passphrase. However when I do a ssh -T git@github.com im prompted for a pw for it..but I didnt set any (!)22:03
lolbatMonkeyDust: doesnt work22:07
lolbatI get that simple graphics mode crap22:07
g0this it possible to run java web applet through a proxy?22:10
lolbatHow do I make ubuntu not use the simple graphics mode?22:10
g0thit won't let me connect from my current ip22:10
al__restart X22:10
trismbjensen: might try with -v to see which key is offered22:10
al__you probably have issues with dbus22:11
lolbatapt-get remove dbus?22:12
lolbatal__: Didnt work22:12
al__no don't remove service dbus stop then start22:12
lolbatal__: I stopped dbus22:13
lolbatnow my desktop is like three times as awesome22:13
lolbatal__: dO I need dbus?22:13
kostkonlolbat, very much so.22:13
al__yes it's an interface into your hardware how ubuntu talks to hardware22:13
lolbatal__: I dont notice any diffrence22:14
Dr_willisyou did reboot after installing the drivers?22:14
lolbatDr_willis: yes22:14
lolbatDr_willis: it frooze on shutdonw, and booted into simple graphics mode22:14
Dr_willishit it with a hammer ;)22:14
lolbatI want to hit the 13.04 developer with a hammer22:14
lolbatwhy didnt they fix this?22:14
al__you may not but it should be the modern interface for talking to hardware instead of userspace22:15
Dr_willisi imagine ati is as much to blame.22:15
lolbatDr_willis: it worked in 12.1022:15
gridwest@uvala thanks22:15
Dr_willisnew kernel. new drivers,  ati may have removed support.. hard to tell22:15
Dr_willisi got one ati video system here.. so i dont keep up with ati any more22:16
gridwestIs there a linux application that will allow one to view .brd files?22:16
Dr_willisgridwest,  and whats a .brd file?22:16
evilytwistedhas any of you played wow on ubuntu? or any blizzard games22:16
chocolatedonutsso from a little code diving it looks like the problem is that the dkms python file calls 'import apport'22:16
Dr_willisevilytwisted,  WoW can work in wine.22:16
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chocolatedonutsand it's yelling that no such module exists22:16
chocolatedonutsNot sure what I can do about that22:16
lolbatDoes that look good?22:16
evilytwistedDr_willis: i know it can.. reason why im asking .. i was playing it without a problem earlier.. till i got this error http://oi42.tinypic.com/1zpodx4.jpg22:16
evilytwistedwould you know how to fix it?22:17
chocolatedonutsI just got an inexpensive Dell inspiron laptop, and I've been trying to follow the instructions here: (http://nwoki.wordpress.com/2012/10/02/multitouch-fix-for-alps-touchpad/) for setting up the touchpad to, um, actually function properly. Everything goes fine until I do dkms autoinstall, at which point it starts and then breaks with an error "Import error: No module named apport". Is there anything I can do? Google's not helping much.22:17
Dr_willisevilytwisted, id have to say - ask in #winehq22:17
evilytwistedIM asking them.. there not answering.22:17
Dr_willistheres the wine app database also22:17
Dr_willisand forums22:17
gridwestDr_willis, give me a few mins22:18
gridwestDr_willis, a .brd is a Printed Circuit Board or (PCB) layout file22:20
Dr_willisdone an apt-cache search pcb       yet?22:20
gridwestNo, I will try it22:20
fffreeIf anybody has a good recommendation for a new laptop that will work well with ubuntu around the £350-450 zone, I'd be happy to hear your suggestions... The EeePC just died on me. :-/22:22
johnjohn1011what is version of the catalyst driver on ubuntu 313.04?22:22
gridwestthanks Dr_willis, that gives me a lead to work from22:23
Enders_hey guys im trying to get samba set up and I'm having problems with permissions. I have the top level directory set up fine, users can write to it but another user can't read the files because they retain the user permissions. Is there a proper way to deal with that situation? before I copy paste a random script i found on the net to change permissions automatically when files are coppied to a directory...22:23
kostkonchocolatedonuts, apport is ubuntu's bug reporting system. make sure that python-apport is already installed22:23
gridwestit looks like there are a few options22:24
xtaciei keep getting stuck doing install of irssi. i guess the server isnt responding???22:24
xtacieDo you want to continue [Y/n]? y22:24
xtacie0% [Connecting to us.archive.ubuntu.com]22:24
James_EppWhich one should I believe and why is there such a huge difference? http://goo.gl/5C2TP22:24
chocolatedonutskostkon: Aha, thanks. I didn't realize it had a python-specific package. Lemme try that.22:25
F41LHey, I'm unable to have the setting of the unity bar's autohide reveal sensitivity to save. It continues to drop back to default, which makes it entirely too hard to unhide the unity bar with a touchpad. Any ideas?22:25
chocolatedonutskostkon: alright, now it's exiting with 'binary package for psmouse: alps-1.3 not found'22:26
kostkonchocolatedonuts, hmm22:27
James_EppF41L: I appear to be having the same result. No clue why :S22:27
James_EppF41L: If I set mine, it keeps the setting, but nothing changes. I have a dual screen, what of you?22:28
sayzhello everyone22:28
James_Eppgreetings ^.^22:28
rag3how do i compile/make 32 bit source in 64 bit system? i encounter file class ELFCLASS32 incompatible with ELFCLASS6422:29
kostkonchocolatedonuts, did you follow the instructions correctly. it seems that the line dkms add psmouse/alps-dst-0.x is wrong and you should be calling it like this:  dkms add psmouse-alps-dst-0.x22:33
chocolatedonutskostkon: I'll try that, and see if that changes anything22:33
chocolatedonutskostkon: it's throwing an error for invalid number of arguments passed, and says Usage: add <module>/<module-version>22:35
kostkonoh ok22:35
MunyAnyone here experienced with netcat?22:36
kostkonchocolatedonuts, are you giving the correct version to it, e.g. dkms add psmouse/alps-dst-0.4 ?22:37
rtnHi I'm installing ubuntu 12.04 along side windows 7 though on 2 separate hard drives, so what device to i choose for bootloader installation?22:38
MunyAny reason for installing an older version?22:39
rtnumm its the LTS one22:39
kostkonMuny, 12.04 is lts22:39
chocolatedonutskostkon: I think so. The one that I downloaded (and appears to be most up to date, from the comments) is 1.3, so I gave it sudo dkms add psmouse-alps-1.322:39
HenryTrollinshi, can anyone recommend an OSS alternative for adobe encore? i want to author dvd menus and flowchart dvd strutuctures22:40
Dr_willisI tend to just use DeVeDe for my simple dvd video disk making needs22:41
F41LJames_Epp: No, single screen (laptop)22:41
HenryTrollinsDr_willis: i'll check it out, thanks22:42
Dr_willisrtn,  you can put grub on the linux hd.. and set the bios to boot that hd. that way the windows HD will remain untouched22:42
Dr_willisHenryTrollins,  theres bound to be more advanced tools in the repos. i just dont use them22:42
rtnDr_willis and then i set my primary boot HD to the linux one and grub will give an option to boot to win 7?22:43
kostkonchocolatedonuts, when you unzipped it, did you remember to rename the folder psmouse-alps-1.3-alt to psmouse-alps-1.322:43
chocolatedonutskostkon: Lemme see about that22:43
Dr_willisrtn,  yes. it scans the system and has a menu for eveyr os22:43
HenryTrollinsDr_willis: yeah, i've been googling around as well22:44
chocolatedonutskostkon: Yeah, the folder's psmouse-alps-1.322:44
rtnok and just to be clear i put it on /sdb not /sdb1 right22:44
Dr_willisgrub goes on the drive. :) not a partion.. so sdb  not sdb122:44
rtnside note, i was reading about how swap space isnt necessary on systems with lots of memory, i have 12gb is the swap necessary?22:45
wilee-nileertn, To hibernate you want a swap equal to ram is all.22:46
Dr_willisor ram+ a little bit more.22:46
rtnok thanks guys22:46
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master_opwhat is the right sources.list line to install xcp-xapi in ubuntu 12.04 (precise)22:48
master_opthanks in advance22:48
HenryTrollinsalright i found dvdauthor22:49
HenryTrollinsthat'll do22:49
OerHeks!info xcp-xapi22:49
ubottuxcp-xapi (source: xen-api): Xen Cloud Platform - XenAPI server. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.3.2-14ubuntu1 (raring), package size 5772 kB, installed size 18145 kB22:49
master_opi don't understand what you mean OerHeks22:51
OerHeksmaster_o1_master, no need to ad sources, it is available22:51
master_opafter doing apt-get update ; apt-get install xcp-xapi i got this error : unable to locate package : xcp-xapi22:52
master_opthank you all, a stupid mistake : XCP-api instead of xcp-api22:53
OerHeksoh, capture :-(22:53
johnjohn1011that was it?22:54
bazzersilly question but when installing via preseed and using apt-cacher-ng how does one make the clients NOT reference the apt-cacher-ng in /etc/apt/sources.list after the install is done?23:00
otendwhere can I disable the ctrl-q key combination to close applications?23:01
rtnDr_willis ok did what you said, but now my bios wont recognize the drive with linux as a boot option23:03
rtnand when i force boot with this drive i get a black screen and blinking cursor23:06
Lenovoanyone can help me with php?23:07
rtnLenovo whats your problem23:09
Lenovortn:  its okey if i ask by pivate message ?23:10
wilee-nilee!nomodeset | rtn23:11
ubotturtn: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter23:11
Lenovowell i can ask here any way, doesn't mattter23:11
wilee-nileertn, YOU can text boot as well to see if there are any problems.23:11
Lenovoi have a php code that is to add questions and answers in order to make a poll23:11
Lenovoso my problem is how to read all the inputs that are going to be a lot of them23:12
Lenovoto add them to mysql23:12
chocolatedonutsI just got an inexpensive Dell inspiron laptop, and I've been trying to follow the instructions here: (http://nwoki.wordpress.com/2012/10/02/multitouch-fix-for-alps-touchpad/) for setting up the touchpad to, um, actually function properly. Everything goes fine until I do dkms autoinstall, at which point it starts and then it breaks with an error: "binary package for psmouse: alps-1.3 not found". Is there anything I can do? Google's not helping much.23:12
rtnwilee-nilee how to do that?23:12
Lenovoin a specific way23:12
Lenovo i show you the code for a better comprension of the problem?23:12
master_opgood night23:13
rtnlenovo, you just dont know how, or you have an error or something?23:13
rtnalso #php might be a better place to ask than #ubuntu :-P23:13
Lenovoi do know how for a bounch of inputs, but the problem is how to do the same for a second bounch of inputs (question / answers)23:13
Lenovoi dont know how to parse the data with a while or so23:14
Lenovoi just dont find the way to solve the problem23:14
rtnforeach ($_POST as $input)23:14
rtnloop through the $_POST or $_GET array just like its any other array23:15
Lenovoyeah the problem is each post must be processed ina diferent way23:15
wilee-nileertn, How to do what?23:15
rtnremember its associative so ($_POST as $key => $value) also appropriate23:15
rtnwilee-nilee boot in text mode23:15
wilee-nilee!text | rtn23:15
ubotturtn: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode23:15
rtnoh im not getting any menu where I can type commands23:16
rtnso that doesnt apply to me23:16
wilee-nileertn, I would try the nomodeset option, you may just need graphic drivers.23:16
rtnironically i had this working yesterday and i think i chose the win7 loader partition as my boot loader device and everything was working wonderfully23:17
Ghost_562ello kiddies23:17
Lenovohow to read just the post with a specific names? like  q1,q2,q3,q4.... q*23:18
Lenovoi want read just the question post's23:18
Fr0z3N_Shadowhello folks23:18
chocolatedonutsFr0z3N_Shadow: Hi23:18
rtnlenovo pastebin your code or something23:19
Fr0z3N_ShadowI got some problems to connect to IRC srvrs Using VPN :( lol23:19
wilee-nileertn, If grub has not seen W7 it will not show without the shift key at powering on.23:19
rtnk tried booting holding shift, nothing happens still black screen with cursor23:21
wilee-nileertn, Easiest way to look at this is with the bootinfo summary in the bootrepair tool being run, post the url. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair  Also please use nicks. ;)23:23
aaasi want to record a live stream every week ( a schedule), anyone got any good all-in-one solutions so I don't have to make some cron,ffmpeg/mplayer script?23:25
Ghost_562chat seems slow today eh>23:29
rtnwilee-nilee i think my problem isnt with the graphics its with grub23:30
rtnor just something at boot23:30
wilee-nileertn, Okay you want us to guess then?23:31
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wilee-nileeseems possessed, get an exorcist. ;)23:32
funkyhey guys whats the easiest way to put tons of simple commands in one file so when I run it all commands are executed?23:32
rtnanybody's guess is better than mine haha23:32
Dr_willisfunky,  thats just a simple script23:33
tonsofpcsanyone know of a ppa or package that I can use to get qt3 , qt3-dev, libqt3-* on 13.04?23:33
ubottuAdvanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a quick and comprehensive guide to bash (command line) scripting in *nix systems. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/23:33
rtni'll reinstall and try the win7 loader as my boot loading device again23:33
tonsofpcsdid not know, cool abs :)23:33
tonsofpcsdid not know, cool abs :)23:33
Dr_willisfunky,  first line #!/bin/bash    then one command per line after that.23:33
shankstaByteswhen will launchpad have ppas setup for 13.04?23:33
wilee-nileertn, The bootinfo script goes a long way past guessing.23:33
rtnbut how can i use it without getting into linux?23:33
rtnmy ubuntu won't boot after all23:34
wilee-nileertn, W7 wont boot ubuntu unless it is a wubi, esaybcd will though, but it has to be bootable basically.23:34
shankstaBytesthis is what im talking about23:35
shankstaBytesi want the new miro23:35
shankstaBytesbut it doesn't work with 13.0423:35
rtnwilee-nilee last time thats what i chose and it gave me the grub menu at boot23:35
wilee-nileertn, This a install of ubuntu from windows?23:35
rtnno, install from cd on a separate hdd than windows23:36
rtnyes the mobo is uefi23:36
wilee-nileertn, Ah did you mention that at all in any of your posts?23:37
rtni didnt know it was relevant23:37
wilee-nilee!uefi | rtn heavily relevant23:37
ubotturtn heavily relevant: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI23:37
airtonix_rtn: everything is relevant... every...thing23:37
* airtonix_ whispers: everything23:38
wilee-nileespeak up sonny23:38
shankstaBytesi hate uefi23:40
chocolatedonutsI just got an inexpensive Dell inspiron laptop, and I've been trying to follow the instructions here: (http://nwoki.wordpress.com/2012/10/02/multitouch-fix-for-alps-touchpad/) for setting up the touchpad to, um, actually function properly. Everything goes fine until I do dkms autoinstall, at which point it starts and then it breaks with an error: "binary package for psmouse: alps-1.3 not found". Is there anything I can do? Google's not helping much.23:41
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shankstaByteschocolatedonuts: have you looked for a newer version of that package?23:41
shankstaBytesapt-cache search <package-name>23:42
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hemangpatelI want to try ubuntu but do i install non-lts or lts ?23:48
wilee-nileehemangpatel, Decide from trying it out for yourself, lts just means longer support.23:49
hemangpatelwilee-nilee : which type of support ?23:49
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org and http://askubuntu.com23:50
chocolatedonutsshankstabytes: The package isn't in the repos23:50
chocolatedonutsBut without it the mousepad isn't registering properly23:50
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)23:50
Ghost_562i think thats what you meant.23:51
lezHi. I want to mod my boot image with Grub2 but I cant paste a .tga file into the Files System why? Thanks.23:51
wilee-nileelez, here is one grub manual. https://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html23:52
lezwilee-nilee, Thanks Ill have a look!23:52
lezwilee-nilee, And how can I access my Boot folder to paste a file.23:54
hemangpatelYes, I know full form. But, Which type of support ? Any example ?23:54
wilee-nileelez, I have not messed with images in grub, so I can only read it like you. There is an old grub images thread at the ubuntu forum that might have some info.23:55
Dr_willislez,  you have to modify system dirs with root rights via sudo.23:56
lezwilee-nilee, I have installed Grub 2 GUI so its real easy to mod but I just need to get to the file in the boot folder or other system folder!23:56
Dr_willissudo cp file /boot/whatever/23:56
lezDr_willis, Ill try thanks23:57
wilee-nileehemangpatel, Like any other OS purveyor whether MS..etc there is an end of life that means you will not get standard support from repos or these channels or forums unless someone feels sorry for you.23:57
wilee-nilee!eol | hemangpatel23:57
ubottuhemangpatel: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:57
hemangpatelwilee-nilee: hmm.. I'm downloading 13.04 64 bit :)23:58
hemangpatelFor my new laptop23:58
wilee-nileehemangpatel, This a W8 loaded laptop?23:59
hemangpatelwilee-nilee : yes23:59
hemangpatelwhy ?23:59
hemangpateli want dual boot23:59
wilee-nilee!uefi | hemangpatel YOu want to aware of this.23:59
ubottuhemangpatel YOu want to aware of this.: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI23:59

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