
l_ri got an exception00:05
lee_How to give write permission to QtCreator?  I tried sudo chmod a+rw qtversion.xml doesn't work though01:11
dundeeHi, Anyone knows how to debug dolphin?02:45
dundeeDoes Dolphin have a log file?02:46
hum4n1c1d3Need for speed will install correctly and start up, but after the player selection screen it will crash to desktop and won't change screen resolution back to what it previously was. I'm Using KUbuntu 13.04. I'm using ATI 6970 and I tried with native and propietary drivers. Any ideas on how to get it to work are much appreciated.03:49
msxhum4n1c1d3: mmm, seems a video module problem to me03:51
msxdid you tried using catalyst?03:51
hum4n1c1d3msx: yes, indeed but is worst03:52
hum4n1c1d3when I reboot using the native drivers, everything back to normal03:52
hum4n1c1d3when I reboot using privative drivers, the desktop resolution stays like the game resolution03:53
hum4n1c1d3(648*420, I guess)03:53
msxhum4n1c1d3: i'm at a text console now, give me a few minutes i end upgrading kde so i can launch the browser and check for the ubuntu forum post that gives exact directions on how to install privative ati's module03:56
hum4n1c1d3ok thanks. I appreciate that.03:57
msxhum4n1c1d3: just a few minutes :)03:58
hum4n1c1d3no problem, dude03:58
msxhum4n1c1d3: here you are, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1930450 and this http://askubuntu.com/questions/91999/powerxpress-error-with-driver-catalyst-how-can-i-fix-it04:08
hum4n1c1d3msx: look04:09
hum4n1c1d3I found a post that explains how to repair my issue04:09
hum4n1c1d3install "Allegro"04:09
msxhum4n1c1d3: awesome, will check it, tnx 4 share04:17
hum4n1c1d3I think it doesn't work04:17
hum4n1c1d3this tutorial is very old04:17
msxhum4n1c1d3: i'm sorry i can't help you further, i don't use kubuntu neither ubuntu so i'm unable to try and reproduce your issue04:26
hum4n1c1d3I've got it04:32
hum4n1c1d3and i'm building allegro now04:32
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myersghey I need help05:36
myersgI am haveing a probelem05:36
myersgproblem with05:36
myersgthe kde apps connecting to the internet05:37
myersgmy computer is connected, and works,05:37
myersgwith firefox and such05:37
myersgif i try and install another lang, it gets stuck at 3%05:37
myersgand Reqong is the same way05:37
myersgwill not long a webpage05:37
audiois there a way to remove the black background thats usually transparent for conky in kubu?05:51
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hum4n1c1d3msx: it works!!!06:08
hum4n1c1d3it was so easy!!!06:08
hum4n1c1d3just open the konsole and do: "xrandr --output HDMI-0 --dpi 96 --s 1920x1080"06:09
msxhum4n1c1d3: cOOL!06:10
valoriehum4n1c1d3: think about blogging about your experience06:10
msxtotally, was about to say the same06:10
valorieI'll bet others are in the same boat as you are06:10
valorieand would love to find out how to easily solve the problem06:10
msxme too06:10
valorieor at least write to the forum about it06:10
hum4n1c1d3msx: yes, but I want to include this line on the shortcuts script06:11
msxhum4n1c1d3: don't forget to add descriptive text to your blog or forum post so we are able to find it ;)06:12
msxhum4n1c1d3: *a descriptive title, i mean - sorry for my english, i know it sucks06:13
hum4n1c1d3msx: me blogging, right... and my mother is a Formula1 driver.06:14
valoriethe forums are easy to use06:14
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. Kubuntu Forums are found at http://www.kubuntuforums.net. There is also a channel on freenode IRC #ubuntuforums06:14
* valorie blogs as linux grandma06:15
valorieif I forget how to do something, at least I can search my own blog06:15
hum4n1c1d3I see, you want me to participate at the community06:15
valorieyou already are06:16
valorietoo late to escape!06:16
hum4n1c1d3now I need some support here06:16
hum4n1c1d3the problem is solved but not entirely06:16
hum4n1c1d3now comes the easy part, wich I don't know to do :$06:17
msxvalorie: xD06:17
hum4n1c1d3add this line to the script :$06:18
audiotalking to me?06:18
msxaudio: not likely :)06:19
audioikr xD06:19
audiomsx you happen to know a bit about conky?06:20
msxaudio: little indeed but shoot anyways06:22
audiomsx eh just kinda stuck with the black background around it.. can't seem to figure it out06:22
msxaudio: ha, the infamous conky+kde incompatibility06:23
audioyesh xD06:23
msxto be honest i don't use conky anymore since i use kde and that's been a good 3 years now06:24
audioi'm guessing it's to do with kde having all the diff backgrounds n such, so i guess it doesn't write the background you pick to root06:24
msxdid you check superkaramba? may be it can do it for you06:24
audioya never liked superkar06:24
msxaudio: yes, may be06:24
audioquite ugly imo xD06:24
valorieOnline Program compiler and executer06:25
valorieShort description: This is an outstanding application which is helps to teacher and students powerfully with it's performance.In this application teachers can register students' roll no and give them password to access their account,using that account students can submit their practical assignment to teacher,and teacher can simply click on button named compile program,and application work stars,it'll compile whole program and execute error,if any.06:25
msxwell, certainly it won't let you configure it at the point conky lets06:25
FloodBotK1valorie: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:25
valorieIf not than shows the output in browser.06:25
audiothx val i;m already thar xD06:26
audiotried #conky aswell but their all asleep xD06:26
audiotryin to get lucky with a user06:26
audiomore or less the sites help says to d/l a few other progs to fix it06:27
audiodelete shal work for now xD06:27
valorieI've never used it, so was curious as to what it is06:27
audioits usually pretty nice06:27
smartboyhwvalorie: Heh even you get quieted06:28
audioyou can do same with notepad.. just displays certain things on your desktop instead of in a window06:28
valorieI have to say I rarely use the desktop for anything beyond displaying astropix06:28
audioheh, first time trying kde on ubu so i'm just playin and tweakin things06:29
audiotrying to see what i can break ;x06:29
valorieso you installed ubuntu, then kubuntu-desktop on top?06:30
valorieI always just install kubuntu06:32
audioi have that way on 1 partition06:32
valorieor upgrade06:32
audiobut im just on kubuntu atm06:32
audioso far i'm liking kubu better though06:33
audiofaster i think06:33
valoriesure, there isn't all that gtk-based stuff installed06:33
audiodid they change the apt search option06:34
audiouse to be able to apt-get search or even apt search but not working now06:34
audioew they did, its now apt-cache search06:35
valoriebasically, the best distro is the one that meets your needs06:36
valoriethe nice thing about apt-cache search is that sudo isn't needed06:36
valorieshort and sweet06:36
audiomhm agreed06:37
audiokde's a lil diff though, with ubu being gnome based06:38
audiokinda funny though, the things that are diff are usually just a different word or lil things like that lol06:38
valoriewell, ubu used to be gnome06:39
valorienow there is lots of gnome with unity on top06:39
valorieunderneath, it's all ubuntu06:39
valorieno matter which flavor you prefer06:39
valorieand ubuntu is debian with special sauce06:41
valorieso rather than gnome-based, i would say ubuntu is debian-based06:41
audioya lol. special xD06:42
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Guest6403hello everyone!08:09
audiocan you switch between kdm and lightdm08:15
sebastian_hi, I'm having problems updating to 13.04: sudo do-release-upgrade says: "No new release found". lsb_release -r says: "Release: 12.10".08:32
sebastian_and do-release-upgrade just crashed08:34
georgelappieshi all, how do enable semetic desktop in Kubuntu 13.04? Everytime I want to send an email with kmail I got a message that it is not enabled, but when I go to file indexer it shows it is enabled???08:35
smartboyhw_sebastian_: http://askubuntu.com/questions/279620/how-do-i-upgrade-from-12-10-to-13-0408:37
sebastian_here is the apport report of my crash dump: http://bpaste.net/show/dO3SPc1QfRPO1gFSyCdo/08:37
smartboyhw_sebastian_: Hmm strange things with your http08:38
sebastian_smartboyhw_: yep08:39
smartboyhw_sebastian_: Are all your packages up-to-date?08:39
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smartboyhw_sebastian_: Meh that's weird08:40
sebastian_smartboyhw_: indeed. last week, I already asked here.08:40
sebastian_smartboyhw_: someone told me to install update-manager.08:41
smartboyhw_sebastian_: Did you set any proxies?08:41
smartboyhw_HTTP Proxies I mean08:41
sebastian_smartboyhw_: sometimes I have to use a proxy. but not at the moment08:42
sebastian_smartboyhw_: so there may be some fragments of proxy settings left somewhere, but updating packages works fine08:43
smartboyhw_sebastian_: Speaking about update-manager, is /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades having Prompt=normal ?08:44
sebastian_smartboyhw_: yes08:45
smartboyhw_sebastian_: Thatk08:46
smartboyhw_I don't know then08:46
smartboyhw_Clear all your proxy settings08:46
sebastian_I coudn't find any in /etc08:47
smartboyhw_sebastian_: Hmm, then I seriously don't knoe08:47
sebastian_smartboyhw_: seems like I found the proxy08:48
smartboyhw_sebastian_: Cheers08:49
sebastian_smartboyhw_: synaptic is using an extra set of proxy settings.08:49
sebastian_and do-release-update is using synaptic network settings08:49
smartboyhw_sebastian_: Oh08:50
sebastian_and synaptic is not using the system proxy, so I had to manually add it here08:51
georgelappiessolved the nepomuk issue by searching for 'nepomuk' below ~/.kde and deleting everything it found. After a restart, nepomuk is running again...09:02
deedsfuck off09:09
suyHi. I'm having a problem compiling qt creator from source. It seems QtWebkit is not properly detected. I have libqtwebkit-dev and of course libqt4-dev, and company. I might be that some packages come from kubuntu, and some from ubuntu?09:15
husshey, are the proprietary nvidia drivers working with Kubuntu 13.04 for the most part?09:39
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BluesKajHey all11:16
n8whey guys11:30
n8whow do i change the lock screen picture in 13.04?11:31
supermagnum357_Hi, i think i have discovered a bug. When i try to set clock applet to automatic adjust itself using a NTP server a error message pops up stating that the NTP server is unreachable. This is fale, because i can ping the server from the command line.12:07
supermagnum357_"Cannot connect to europe.pool.ntp.org "  .12:08
BluesKajsupermagnum357_, make sure you have your oen timezone set in the settings options , uncheck the UTC setting12:15
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supermagnum357_The time zone is correct, there is no UTC setting to unset.12:22
supermagnum357_uh, i found it..12:23
supermagnum357_Nope, still the same error message.12:24
BluesKajsupermagnum357_, try the time&date manually without the automatic setting12:29
supermagnum357_That works.12:29
BluesKajI had trouble witht he time servers so I just dropped them12:30
supermagnum357_There is the automatic setting that does not work, it cannot reach the ntp server. It's likely that it is a bug since it worked in quantal.12:31
n8wi have got a weird problem with my sound card...all system sounds work, but there is no sound if the source comes from a web browser12:45
BluesKajn8w, make sure you have pulseaudio installed12:47
n8wBluesKaj, i do have that...12:48
n8wBluesKaj, amarok,works,system sounds work...all except for a browser(tried chrome and ff)12:48
BluesKajok n8w , also check for flashplayerplugin for your browsers12:52
n8wBluesKaj, already done that12:53
n8wBluesKaj, im tryinb to debug with pavucontrol...i can see that there is smth comin out, but i cant hear anythin12:53
BluesKajok set your outputs with pavucontrol ,. but also check in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins for flashplugin-alternative.so that's the link alsa uses for webaudio in flash like youtube etc12:55
n8wBluesKaj, got it...pavucontrol ftw12:56
n8wBluesKaj, it seems that chrome plugin doesnt work well with my sound card12:56
n8wBluesKaj, i have used pavucontrol to configure it for ff and it works ok...12:56
BluesKajn8w, yes I've heard others complain about the same issue12:57
n8wBluesKaj, thx for the input..12:57
BluesKajn8w, I just switched to Opera from FF , faster than FF and more legible than chromium12:58
BluesKajon this large monitor12:58
ginpbsomeone have used the kiosk features of kde?12:58
BluesKajginpb, not me12:58
n8wBluesKaj, i prefer ff, but chrome is not bad either...at least on Windows:)12:59
ginpbi'm trying but it doesn't work so far, and the info about kiosk on kde4 is very little12:59
smartboyhw_BluesKaj: I boo Opera since it isn't open-source12:59
jtateI upgraded to Raring last week, but my kde theme is messed up, especially my panel theme: http://picpaste.com/panel_messed_up.png13:00
jtateAny ideas on how to fix it?13:00
n8wis it possible that the task scheduler is missing in 13.04?13:07
n8wcant find it anywhere...13:08
georgelappiesGuys, how would I install Qt4's qmake on 13.04?13:45
suygeorgelappies: what's the problem? the package name?14:05
georgelappiessuy: I want to use QtCreator with Qt4.8 snd not Qt514:16
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suygeorgelappies: so? what's the problem?14:25
georgelappiesthe default version of Qt in 13.04 is Qt5. I actually solved the issue now, there is a small package in muon when you search for qmake that allows you to change the default Qt used14:26
georgelappiesjust wish that I can get the QtCreator used in 12.10 and proir that was compiled with Qt4 as well...14:27
suyyes, there is a package that says which is the default, but you should configure creator to use the right kit, not "the default of the system", in my opinion14:28
georgelappiesCause the creator in 13.04 used in 13.04 was compiled against Qt5 and as such is not yet integrated into oxygen theme for KDE14:28
georgelappiessuy: is there a way to choose the creator compiled with 4?14:29
suygeorgelappies: not that I know, no14:30
suyI doubt there are two versions14:30
georgelappiessuy: I downloaded the Creator from qt-project but it has the issue that it still doesn't know how to render the 'Ubuntu' font so the font in that one looks bold.14:31
BoneCrusherI just installed 13.04 64bit on my laptop. I cannot read my sd card in my card reader. I tried 3 different cards that I know work. Any ideas how to fix this?14:33
georgelappiesso, I changed my font to 'Droid Sans' for now - next best to the Ubuntu font ;)14:33
scholardoes the driver for the sd card load properly?14:36
nymphetamhay. any1 have link to download w7 64bit?14:36
BluesKajnymphetam, ask in ##windows14:37
BoneCrusherscholar: that's what I don't know14:38
genii-aroundBoneCrusher: Is the card reader integrated or an external USB one?14:41
BoneCrushergenii-around: intergrated, I took the card out, and put it back in and it worked. but it's a coin toss whether or not it's going to work14:43
scholarBoneCrusher: what does lspci show?14:43
BoneCrusherscholar: RTS5209 PCI Express Card Reader (rev 0114:44
genii-aroundWhat vendor:device code does it show if you use lspci -nn14:45
BoneCrushergenii-around: Unassigned class [ff00]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTS5209 PCI Express Card Reader [10ec:5209] (rev 01)14:46
genii-aroundThe 10ec:5209 part is what we want there :)14:46
BoneCrushergenii-around: Thanks14:47
ginpbsomeone have used the kiosk features on kde4?14:53
genii-aroundWeird. A few bug reports with this vendor:device but not relating to the card reader but to wifi. Maybe it's some integrated controller with multiple devices.14:54
BoneCrushergenii-around: I think I found it. I added tifm_sd to the end of /etc/modules. I'm going to reboot and see if it works14:55
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nymphetamhey. i have little problem.. my bluetooth sometimes doesnt work.. last time everything was ok, and now again cant find my mouse... any advice?16:26
ppcblasterI need help with driver install16:47
BluesKajppcblaster, for?16:51
ppcblasteris http://paste.kde.org correct for this channel?16:53
BluesKaji see you're crossposting in #ubuntu aswell, stick to one support chat please.16:55
genii-aroundppcblaster: We don't care what pastebin you use16:55
lollllloollllhttp://twixzo.de/profil.php?id=30468   <--- help me with 1500 - 3000 clicks^^17:00
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reindeersup Walex17:20
lordievaderGood evening.17:27
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tyrogHello everyone. Is it possible to use the Ubuntu LTS enablement stack in Kubuntu 12.04.2? thanks20:08
lordievadertyrog: What do you mean with the LTS enablement stack?20:11
tyroglordievader: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack20:12
lordievadertyrog: Thank you.I think it is possible to enable the stack. But don't take my word for it. The guys over at #kubuntu-devel probably know the answer to your question.20:22
tyroglordievader: thanks20:23
sdahi all, i'm trying to understand "services" inside kubuntu. I cannot understand why if i run "service --list-all" some services are not reconized as running, but if I run "service libvirt-bin status" it does. Thanks!21:08
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