
James_EppHas anyone successfully setup lubuntu for an ltsp environment? I would assume it is just a matter of sudo apt-get install ltsp-server && sudo ltsp-buld-client  . Am I correct?01:00
juan_144What is ltsp?01:02
James_EppLinux Terminal Server Project. It is for other computers on the same network to pull down a temporary boot file from the ltsp server (the lubuntu computer in this case) and then login to the lubuntu server using credentials on that server.01:03
Unit193!info ldm-lubuntu-theme01:03
ubottuLTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project, which adds thin-client support to Linux servers. See chapter 3 of the !edubuntuhandbook, http://www.ltsp.org and/or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Terminal_Server_Project01:03
ubottuldm-lubuntu-theme (source: ldm-ubuntu-themes): Lubuntu theme for the LTSP Display Manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:2.0.47 (raring), package size 735 kB, installed size 912 kB01:03
Unit193James_Epp: I haven't, but yes.01:03
James_EppUnit193: Always there to answer my questions ;D01:04
Unit193Heh, well it was a guy on the mailing list that did it.01:04
James_EppDo I need ldm-lubuntu-theme installed in order to have ltsp work?01:04
James_EppOr is it installed to the OS by default?01:05
Unit193It's just the theme.01:05
James_EppOkay. Thanks, man. We'll just have to see if my computer can keep up xD. I am virtualizing everything ATM. One pfsense router, the ltsp server, and a couple thin clients.01:06
cdoublejjcan in stall grub to same the partition as lubuntu? can grub work along side another boot manager on the same hdd?06:11
mappsHi everyone07:39
mappscould someone lend a hand getting the bcm4311 to work? Ive had it working previously under ubuntu using various different ways - but not getting anywhere atm07:40
Unit193!bcm | you seen this?07:40
ubottuyou seen this?: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx07:40
mappsya but07:42
mappsUnder the desktop menu System > Administration > Hardware/Additional Drivers, the STA drivers can be activated for use.07:42
mappsNote: A computer restart may be required before using the wifi card. - where's that on lubuntu?!07:42
cdoublejjcan i install grub on my linux os partion?07:53
mappsyea you could but be better to just install it to the drive08:18
mappsi think08:18
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freddIs anybody here suffering nas access with PcmanFM on Lubuntu 13.04 ?09:15
freddnetwork:/// and smb:/// fail09:16
freddok nobody's awaken: bye09:31
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=== wizeonesolutions is now known as wizonesolutions
jerry_I cannot install a tar.gz file, can someone help me please?12:24
pmatulisjerry_: you don't install those kinds of files.  what exactly are you trying to do?13:05
jerry_I want to install this:   http://sourceforge.net/projects/lmule/?source=dlp13:06
pmatulisjerry_: that does not appear to be packaged for ubuntu.  maybe consider an alternative (amule?)13:08
pmatulisjerry_: otherwise, you will need to prolly compile stuff yourself13:09
jerry_thank you... yes actually I am trying to compile it by followin the instructions, but it gives me errors13:10
pmatulisjerry_: best stay away and choose an alternative13:17
pmatulisjerry_: you can screw up your system if you don't know what you're doing13:17
jerry_it's not a big deal. I will reinstall everything. But I'd like to learn at least how to do it13:18
pmatulisjerry_: maybe test this in a virtual machine13:19
jerry_how do I set up one?13:20
pmatulisjerry_: choose virtualbox if you're new to virtualization13:20
jerry_I only have 512 MB ram .. can it work?13:21
pmatulisjerry_: that's pretty low.  maybe if you turn everything else off besides virtualbox and your guest is a server edition (not desktop)13:22
jerry_A server edition is command line only, isn't it?  I am still a beginner, I couldn't do much without a GUI13:25
pmatulisjerry_: continue on your normal machine then13:26
jerry_eh eh ... I need to become a little more experienced then13:28
IgnacioUyn-iCe: HI17:32
Xkr1ptikXI am currently using lubuntu 13.04, I'm looking at the java page on the ubuntu documentation page and am not sure which java I should install?20:06
n-iCeyou need java where20:08
n-iCeor what for20:08
Xkr1ptikXis it necessary for browsing the web?20:09
n-iCeit is not20:09
n-iCeunless you need to navigate on a java site20:09
Xkr1ptikXwould any images be missing on any web pages if I don't have it20:09
n-iCeapt-get install icedtea-7-plugin20:10
Xkr1ptikXthis maybe a dumb question but what would an example be of a java site20:10
Xkr1ptikXthanx for the help iCe20:15
okabi1Lubuntu <320:26
Lubuntenricoin penguin canfield game in lubuntu 13.04 if u press f1  there is a error in lubuntu20:52
zleapwhen i rigt click on a file in drop box i can't share it, using 12.10 clean install21:10
zleapdrop box shows up in taskbar21:10
Unit193zleap: Is this unexpected?21:23
zleapnot sure it used to work before i re-installed21:24
Unit193Did you have nautilus?21:24
zleapbut that isn't installed now is it as lubuntu uses something else21:25
zleapok so does drop box work with lubuntu 12.10 ?21:26
zleapi installed the nautilus drop box package before, and since installing 12.10 cleanly21:27
Unit193Yes, dropbox will sync, but as far as I know there is no existing plugin for pcmanfm to get links.21:29
zleapso how do i get it working21:29
zleapoh i get ya, I can't create links to stuff21:29
Unit1931. Ignore it as it is a non-issue.  2. Install nautilus.  3. Install thunar and the unofficial thunar-dropbox-plugin package.21:30
Unit193Can online of course.21:30
zleapah so log in to my drop box account online21:30
zleapUnit193, ok thansk got the links working via the website,  i have sent a link to the modded poster to the list, see if anyone can do something with it21:35
libidomy lubuntu lenovo failed to produce sound or connect to the internet23:01
n-iCeethernet? wireless?23:02
n-iCedial up?23:02
libidofirst wifi23:02
libidothen ethernet cable23:03
n-iCenone is working?23:05

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