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Fudgeyare other people not seeing idnicators update their status or is it just me? i.e network and volume04:42
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BluesKajHey all11:16
penguin42Hey BK11:21
BluesKajhi penguin4211:23
penguin42hmm just done my 1st saucy vm install; now let me dig out the bug numbers of the old bugs13:19
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penguin42curious, nested sauce in sauce kvm in raring is very touchy - rebooting the 2nd level guest sometimes15:27
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penguin42nah, way too unstable to get a 3rd level16:08
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johnjohn101are most of the installable apps from saucy compiled using gcc 4.8?17:14
BluesKajall my apps are working in 13.10 , don't see any need to compile anything17:16
johnjohn101i meant packages compiled with the new gcc?17:17
johnjohn101i understand you don't need to compile if you download a package17:18
BluesKajyes , I understand that using a package in the repos is safer than compiling one IME :)17:24
lordievaderGood evening.17:27
penguin42johnjohn101: There is normally a recompile at some stage where it uses the latest compiler - not sure if that's happened yet17:28
penguin42johnjohn101: Throwing the whole repo through a compiler is a good test (especially if you then try the packages it produced!)17:29
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johnjohn101penguin42: thanks, i was just curious, earliest i've ever started with the daily.17:46
* penguin42 notes that 'saucy' is causing some interesting google hits when searching for things - it was a bad idea for a name17:47
penguin42johnjohn101: https://code.launchpad.net/~mitya57/ubuntu/saucy/inkscape/fix-for-gcc48  looks like there are fixes happening already17:47
penguin42wilee-nilee: Look, you just wait until you have to file a saucy gimp bug17:48
wilee-nileethat is funny17:48
BluesKajdid a clean 13.04 install , then elease upgraded after sed-ing the sources.list , commented the ppas , and all seems fine except for FF freezing now and then , so I installed Opera and it's working nicely17:50
penguin42BluesKaj: I did an install from daily in a vm - seems mostly ok17:50
BluesKajwhich daily , penguin42 ?17:51
penguin42one I got today17:51
penguin42BluesKaj: Saucy17:51
BluesKajyeah found them , didn't realize they were available already , guess I should read my kubuntu mail more closely17:53
genii-aroundHeh. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_yE1jakaG6kk/TSi1ff0Yv-I/AAAAAAAACok/IRpyehgjfYo/s1600/saucy+digest.jpg17:54
BluesKajok , cool http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/17:55
penguin42BluesKaj: It was a plain Ubuntu daily I tried17:55
penguin42(When is Qt based Unity due back - that might be usable in a VM again)17:55
BluesKajyeah , I figured that penguin42 :)17:56
penguin42hey I run KDE on all machines - except in VMs when it's more random17:56
penguin42I reckon I should at least know what this Unity thing looks like so when someone asks I know where to look17:57
BluesKaji gave up on that , tried that approach as well, but decided to leave it to the unity/gnome users18:01
genii-aroundDoing a do-release-upgrade -d from Raring, guess we'll see how it goes ;)18:22
BluesKajgenii-around, it was uneventful here , worked well18:25
genii-aroundBluesKaj: Mostly I'm wondering if I'll need to tinker with the nvidia stuff again18:26
BluesKajnot really, unless you want to18:27
* BluesKaj takes a walk to the Cnada Post mailbox18:28
BluesKajthat's how the sign was spelled on our downtown post office for the whole winter18:29
genii-aroundThe first "a" just fell off the sign or they forgot to put it in the first place?18:33
penguin42genii-around: eaten by a Moose18:43
genii-aroundHeh, maybe!18:44
BluesKajgenii-around, it fell off and din't bother replacing it til now , but it's a "very bilingue" office so theydin't give a damn18:52
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bjsniderour canada post office went out of business19:21
bjsniderit's just a bunch of mailboxes outside in a park now19:21
BluesKajwe have those community mailboxes here, but we also have main post office for the area19:23
BluesKajheh, google-earth works after insalling lsb-core and ia32-libs20:07
johnjohn101is that for 13.10? or for other versions?20:12
BluesKajjohnjohn101, yes 13.1020:21
BluesKajjohnjohn101, this one , google-earth-stable_current_amd64.deb20:23
johnjohn101i installed the beta from google from website and it worked on 13.04 but when i checked 13.10, those modules weren't loaded and doesn't seem to be any dependency on them at all.20:25
johnjohn101lsb-core not loaded but the ia32-libs are20:25
BluesKajjohnjohn101, use the stable google-earth version , you have to install lsb-core20:37
johnjohn101google earth is what i have20:41
johnjohn101google-earth-stable in synaptic20:42
johnjohn101hmm maybe lsb-core was already installed on my machine,20:45
BluesKajGoogle Earth7.0.3.854220:49
BluesKajanyway it seems to work ok20:49
johnjohn101is google earth good for anything?20:54
BluesKaji guess that depends on your interests in geography of the world etc , the google street view is pretty cool20:58
FernandoMigueland my weather indicator just used an entire CPU core till it got killed22:10
FernandoMiguelnice going 13.10 :)22:10
johnjohn101i don't think that weather indicator has been working for sometime22:10
FernandoMigueljohnjohn101: mine is22:11
johnjohn101i meant, i think development has stopped on it22:12
johnjohn101mine WI crashes all the time on 12.0422:12
johnjohn101i just pull up my favorite website instead.22:13
FernandoMiguelI don't even know why I have the applet22:13
FernandoMiguelI don't even care about the weather22:13
FernandoMiguelI wonder how to remove it LOLOL22:14
johnjohn101have a good one22:14

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