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pitticjwatson: right, same polkit upgrade problem as with suspend; but that was fixed, if you upgrade now it should just work06:14
pittigood morning06:14
pittixnox: postgresql> yes, known; fixed in bzr06:15
dholbachgood morning06:40
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pjotrHello, I noticed that you can't set a jpg picture anymore as background for Grub, in Ubuntu 13.04.10:02
pjotrStrangely enough, it's still possible in Lubuntu 13.04.10:02
pjotrI've filed a bug report for it:10:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1176820 in grub (Ubuntu) "Setting a jpg picture as background for the Grub menu, no longer works" [Undecided,New]10:02
pjotrcjwatson: maybe you can take a look at it? I miss my beautiful holiday picture of the mountains in Saxony... :P10:03
cjwatsonNot today, public holiday10:08
pjotrNo hurry.... enjoy the spring sun. :-)10:09
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mlankhorstogasawara: ping? why is cirrus modesetting not enabled in raring?13:43
didrockshey slangasek! I just upgraded to saucy and got stuck with bug #1176910 FYI (thanks pitti for the debugging)13:47
ubottubug 1176910 in pam (Ubuntu) "pam-auth-update can fail during raring -> saucy upgrade leading you to a broken session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117691013:47
ogasawaramlankhorst:  I know in quantal it was disabled as a workaround per bug 103805514:02
ubottubug 1038055 in linux (Ubuntu) "graphics fail to initialise correctly, in kvm with cirrus graphics (after LUKS install)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/103805514:02
ogasawaramlankhorst: but I see it is re-enabled in raring14:02
stgraberpitti: hey there, had a good trip back home?14:02
stgraberpitti: I just spent 30min trying to change the timezone on my laptop (saucy) and wonder whether that's somehow related to the logind change. Basically selecting a new timezone in the indicator does absolutely nothing and trying to change the timezone in Time&Date Settings just makes g-c-c crash. I ended up changing /etc/timezone and /etc/localtime by hand14:04
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seb128stgraber, pitti: the commit that ported indicator-datetime to systemd was only in 13.04 and not trunk, and they landed an update from trunk on friday which broke it14:08
seb128cyphermox was supposed to do a new landing on friday14:08
seb128seems like he didn't...14:08
seb128the fix is in trunk14:08
stgraberseb128: ah, that'd explain it, thanks14:08
mlankhorstogasawara: yeah I thought so too, penguin42 said he was using -cirrus though, dno why :/14:11
penguin42ogasawara/mlankhorst: This is todays Saucy iso14:12
penguin42on a raring host14:12
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cyphermoxseb128: stuff was still missing so yeah I didn't have time to do it14:20
cyphermoxI'm looking now14:20
seb128cyphermox, jenkins is broken according to didrocks14:21
didrocksyeah, we'll need to bypass and kill the autopilot jobs again14:21
didrocksthe nodes are not up and nobody with those rights are available it seems14:21
cyphermoxno biggie for this14:21
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didrockscyphermox: I'm killing all the jobs though are there is as a consequence a deadlock14:22
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mbieblseb128: heya, got a minute?15:18
mbieblI noticed that Ubuntu submits popcon data to popcon.debian.org15:19
mbieblsomeone suggested that this might be due to a borked merge from Debian15:19
mbieble.g. I found around 10000 submissions with a 1.56ubuntu1 version number15:20
mbieblseb128: could you have a look at this or tell me who I should notify?15:21
ScottKxnox: There's a PyQt5 snapshot available now and it doesn't need the deprecated functions in Qt5.15:30
mitya57PyQt5 snapshot? \o/15:45
ScottKSomeone just needs to package it.15:49
mitya57mbiebl, seb128: lp:~mitya57/ubuntu/saucy/popularity-contest/fix-sync-issues should fix that16:13
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seb128mbiebl, mitya57: ok, will look at the merge request16:43
mitya57seb128: should I file it?16:50
seb128mitya57, the bug? or submit a mr?16:50
mitya57seb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~mitya57/ubuntu/saucy/popularity-contest/fix-sync-issues/+merge/16263116:52
mitya57(I don't know how to test it, but my diff is equivalent to what we had in quantal, so it should work)16:53
seb128mitya57, thanks16:53
mitya57seb128: btw, do you still plan to look at poppler or should I subscribe ubuntu-sponsors there?16:54
seb128mitya57, me looking doesn't prevent sponsors to be subscribed ;-)16:55
seb128mitya57, please subscribe them, I still plan to do but if somebody beats me to it I will not complain16:55
mitya57seb128: will subscribe after I get okular building (investigating that right now)16:57
mbieblmitya57: that MAILTO is commented out is intentional?16:57
seb128mitya57, ok16:57
mitya57mbiebl: it's not my change, it was commented out in quantal16:58
mitya57so I don't know :)16:58
mbieblmitya57: I guess it also need a fix for raring?16:59
mitya57mbiebl: I think yes16:59
mitya57when we verify it's working in saucy17:00
seb128mbiebl, does anyone really care about popcon datas?17:00
seb128mbiebl, we have debian people who asked in the past that we just send ubuntu datas to debian since it would be useful there as well17:00
mbieblseb128: sure17:01
seb128mbiebl, though it seems the server side could use improvement to display derivatives datas17:01
mbieblseb128: I talked about that with pabs, who wanted to include dpkg-vendor data17:01
mbieblwhich definitely makes sense imho17:01
mbieblbut Bill is apparently blocking that / not interested17:02
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seb128mbiebl, mitya57: the mailto is commented because of:17:02
seb128"  * default.conf:17:02
seb128    - comment out MAILTO because we do not support sending in17:02
mbieblso I dunno what the way forward is regarding that17:02
seb128      popcon data over mail"17:02
mbieblk, thanks for the info17:03
seb128mbiebl, ok, I will just merge the fix/sru it, that will be good enough for me ;-)17:03
seb128thanks for pointing the issue17:05
mbieblbtw, I think sending the Ubuntu popcon data to popcon.d.o has value17:05
mbieblbut oonly if we can differentiate it17:05
mbieblif it is mixed into the Debian data, not so much17:05
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cjwatsonpitti: OK, I've been trying for half an hour to figure out why openssh sessions in saucy don't quite register with logind correctly (to reproduce: 'ssh localhost', run gnome-control-center, go to "User Accounts", and observe that the Unlock button is insensitive), and I'm lost in a twisty maze of policykit.  It seems to be set up roughly the way http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/multiseat says it should ...18:58
cjwatson... (i.e. a session but no seat).  Can you help figure out what is or isn't happening here?18:58
ScottKAre the retracers for apport running?  I've got a bug pending retrace since yesterday.18:59
mitya57my bug 1170384 is pending retrace since 2013-04-18, so probably no19:04
ubottubug 1170384 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[sna] Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in memcpy_blt() - <Address 0xb8070f48 out of bounds> when using ReText with Qt5" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117038419:04
ScottKpitti: Who's minding the retracers these days?19:13
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mfischThe UDD guide states that debian versions are auto-imported into launchpad from debian experimental and testing. where would I find those branches? Specifically I'm looking at gnome-terminal (https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal)21:28
infinitymfisch: s/ubuntu/debian/21:31
mfischgah thats so simple and obvious21:31
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