
=== josepht_ is now known as josepht
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amitkSarvatt: you maintain the packages in xorg-edgers?06:46
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jcapikHello guys.16:09
jcapikMay I ask for help?16:09
jcapikI'm experiencing a strange harddrive performance issue16:09
jcapikThe second harddrive has a poor performance with ubuntu kernels16:10
jcapikI've tested the same with mageia kernels and it works correctly16:10
jcapikhdparm says both drives are running under udma5 mode16:11
bjfjcapik, please file a bug16:11
jcapikbjf: filling bugs is painful16:11
jcapikbjf: I tried to create one for pulseaudio and it was marked as incomplete without any reaction16:11
jcapikbjf: that's why I search for help here16:12
bjfjcapik, usually, if a bug is marked incomplete it is because someone has asked you for more information and is waiting for you to provide it16:12
jcapikbjf: not in my case16:12
jcapikbjf: it was marked incomplete without any reaction16:13
bjfjcapik, bug # ?16:13
jcapikbjf: 117652816:14
bjfbug 117652816:15
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1176528 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Sound distorted with pulseaudio when the player volume gets over 97% (tested with audacious, vlc and mplayer)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117652816:15
bjfjcapik, i've changed it back to "New" and added a comment16:16
bjfjcapik, regarding your HD issue, i really do want a bug filed16:17
jcapikbjf: ok ... the problem is, that we're running Mint ... and the reporting tools do not work saying "it's 3rd party" bullshits16:18
jcapikbjf: in that case i'm unsure how to correctly report bugs against ubuntu components16:19
bjfjcapik, have you talked to the mint folks about your issue and how to file bugs against mint?16:19
jcapikbjf: the howto is incomplete16:19
jcapikbjf: yup .... they say .... if the component is taken from ubuntu, report the issue on the ubuntu BTS16:20
jcapikbjf: the components are taken unchanged 16:20
jcapikbjf: and I'm pretty sure the issue is present even when running ubuntu16:20
bjfjcapik, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+filebug16:21
jcapikbjf: ok .... I'm gonna create one16:22
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ohsixwhich parts do the reporting tools say are third party?16:38
jcapikbjf: bug 117699316:39
ubot2`Launchpad bug 1176993 in linux (Ubuntu) "Very poor performance of the 2nd UATA harddrive (works well with Mageia2 kernel)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117699316:39
jcapikbjf: is it sufficient?16:39
ohsixif you're going to test random kernels, at least the upstream one can be verified :p16:40
bjfjcapik, a bot will hit the bug and ask for additional information. please follow it's directions16:40
jcapikbjf: ok ... thx16:40
jcapikohsix: sorry .... i missed youre response16:45
jcapikohsix: i believe it was the ubuntu-bug tool16:45
jcapikohsix: i thought it could run correctly for ubuntu packages, but apparently not ...16:46
ohsixjcapik: but what package is it saying is invalid?16:48
jcapikohsix: pulseaudio16:48
jcapikohsix: but I've tested few more16:49
jcapikohsix: the same result16:49
jcapikohsix: maybe mint guys modified the reporting tools16:49
jcapikohsix: to allow only mint packages to be reported16:49
ohsixthey probably signed everything with a different key, and rebuilt stuff16:50
jcapikohsix: nope16:50
jcapikohsix: they don't rebuild16:50
jcapikohsix: the distribution could be called mintubuntu :D16:50
jcapikohsix: the packages are really taken unchanged16:50
jcapikohsix: it's like that because of the repository priorities16:50
jcapikohsix: the mint repository has a higher priority, than ubuntu ones16:51
jcapikohsix: so ... if the package is present in the mint repo, it's taken from there ... otherwise it's taken from Ubuntu16:51
ohsixpost the output of dpkg -s pulseaudio to a pastebin16:51
jcapikohsix: http://pastebin.com/WnYc6PMN16:53
ohsixand what version of ubuntu does mint consider itself?16:57
jcapikohsix: quantal16:58
jcapikohsix: according to the apt sources16:58
jcapikohsix: linuxmint priority 700, ubuntu priority 50016:59
jcapikohsix: lsb_release -rd returns the following17:01
jcapikDescription:    Linux Mint 14 Nadia17:01
jcapikRelease:        1417:01
ohsixwell, i checked what i thought may matter, the reporting tools are doing some checking that i don't know about, you'd have to look into it if you want to bother; i wouldn't accept it as an answer from people (report to ubuntu BTS and the like) until they can give you a solid reason why the tools don't work17:05
ohsixit makes a lot of extra work for everyone to do it that way17:05
jcapikohsix: I'm quite new into Mint and you know ... I'm still trying to find the best way of doing things .... one of them is bug reporting17:07
ohsixif you want kernels to test with, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ but it's probably not useful to speculate that you may, just that using a mageia one is extra annoying :p17:09
jcapikohsix: I've tested Mageia2 kernels .... they work correctly17:09
jcapikohsix: ant they're nearly upstream17:09
ohsixthink about what that means as information for a person trying to solve the bug though17:09
jcapikohsix: ok :D17:10
ohsixit's less valuable, it might even be bad unless they do some work to verify what the mageia kernels are17:10
jcapikohsix: I'm gonna test the ones from that link17:10
jcapikohsix: which one do you recommend ?17:11
jcapikohsix: there's plenty of kernels17:11
jcapikohsix: don't know which one to start with :D17:12
jcapikohsix: v3.5.7.11-quantal ?17:12
ohsixit depends on what you're testing, there are ones in daily/ that are very new, and there are some quantal ones that are new but not built as often17:12
jcapikohsix: the problem is .... I'm connected remotely right now17:13
jcapikohsix: if I kill the system with unbootable kernel, then somebody would have to go there and fix that17:13
jcapikohsix: f..k that ... let's try :D17:14
ohsixjcapik: eeg, well there are things to check first17:14
ohsixjcapik: like if aspm is on and working17:14
jcapikohsix: why ASPM ?17:15
ohsixbecause it could explain the performance difference, there are a few sata bits and bobs that could, check dmesg for the working / nonworking kernel17:16
jcapikohsix: why the first harddrive runs well?17:16
ohsixthe brands are different :]17:16
jcapikohsix: yup they are .... 17:17
jcapikohsix: but the parameters seems the same17:17
ohsixit's conceivable if they were both the same model, or you had another one of the seagates in there they would act the same, if they did it would be a more clear indicator17:17
ohsixthe kernel can make a difference, but it will be on terms of turning things like aspm on or off in different versions and for different reasons17:17
jcapikohsix: stupid me .... i forgot to check dmesg17:18
jcapikohsix: it seems the reason is there17:18
jcapik[    2.126156] ata2.00: simplex DMA is claimed by other device, disabling DMA17:18
jcapik[    2.192790] ata2.00: configured for PIO417:18
ohsixi dunno what simplex dma is, it might be something specific to that broadcom controller17:19
jcapikohsix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/67242617:22
ubot2`Launchpad bug 672426 in linux (Ubuntu) "module pata_serverworks: [ 1.376745] ata2.00: simplex DMA is claimed by other device, disabling DMA, HDD is in PIO Mode" [Undecided,Expired]17:22
jcapikohsix: it's Dell PowerEdge 600SC in our case17:22
ohsixit's weird that hdparm still showed it in udma517:22
jcapikohsix: the bug expired for no activity17:22
jcapikohsix: yup 17:22
jcapikohsix: that's it17:23
jcapikohsix: I tried to change the Xfer mode, but it resulted in error17:23
jcapikohsix: it seems the mainline kernel didn't boot17:40
ohsix:< i thought you stopped when you found out what was going on17:41
jcapikohsix: after a short phone call, the system is up and running again17:46
jcapikohsix: tested with the mainline kernel .... the same result17:46
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