
=== jono is now known as Guest46625
dholbachgood morning06:40
smartboyhw_JoseeAntonioR: Meh the New Members and Developers section is empty…08:16
smartboyhw_There should be 4 new members this week08:16
JoseeAntonioRsmartboyhw_: we will work on that, but I will ask you to be patient, akgraner and I are alone this couple weeks and we have loads of work.12:00
smartboyhw_JoseeAntonioR: Cheers12:13
akgranersmartboyhw_, do you have the link to the announcement?12:23
akgranerfeel free to add it12:24
smartboyhw_akgraner: OK 5-10 min. later12:37
akgranerk thanks12:37
smartboyhw_akgraner: Done12:47
akgranerthanks - was this sent anywhere else besides the newsteam mailing list?12:53
smartboyhw_akgraner: dunno… let me check12:54
smartboyhw_membership board, CC and the successful applicants12:55
akgranerCan you snag the link to the membership board please12:55
smartboyhw_akgraner: ?12:55
akgranerhmm - nm that one will work12:55
* smartboyhw_ doesn't understand12:56
akgranerNevermind - the new team mailing list will work12:56
smartboyhw_akgraner: :)12:56
akgranerStill need 4 more summaries written  - I'l do them at lunch if no one else can.  Thanks14:36
akgranerJoseeAntonioR, can you look through 315 on the wiki?19:46
akgranerI need to move some more information into General Community news and build In This Issue - but everything is moved over, stats, updates  and security are all moved over19:47
JoseeAntonioRakgraner: hmm?19:51
JoseeAntonioRthrough 315?19:51
JoseeAntonioRoooh, gotcha now19:52
JoseeAntonioRUnit193: ping19:55
JoseeAntonioRakgraner: checked, looks good, did some minor changes19:57
akgranerJoseeAntonioR, Ok - I'll move a couple of things - can you publish once I do as I have to be at the gym in about 30 minutes19:57
JoseeAntonioRsure, no worries :)19:58
akgranerI'll do the forums, social media, and approve the Fridge when I get back.  Thanks :-)19:58
JoseeAntonioRgreat, thanks!19:58
JoseeAntonioRnhandler: ping19:59
Unit193JoseeAntonioR: No unexpected broken links detected.20:00
JoseeAntonioRUnit193: great, thanks!20:01
akgranerJoseeAntonioR, it's all yours  - look back over it one more time - I just left the articles where they were :-)20:26
JoseeAntonioRakgraner: great, will publish in a while!20:26
akgranerJoseeAntonioR, and remove the work in Progess and publish away :-)20:26
JoseeAntonioRakgraner: let me know once you're back, as I need email permissions to get this published21:29
JoseeAntonioRI'll be back in around an hour21:29
akgranerJoseeAntonioR, I'm back22:15
JoseeAntonioRok, working on releasing on 2 mins!23:32
akgranerJoseeAntonioR, Let's do a hangout tomorrow  and or Thursday for anyone who wants to learn how/where to get links and information to add to UWN - this way we can add links during the week and I can walk anyone who wants to get involved learn how todo  so with some hands on training23:53
JoseeAntonioRat ubuntuonair?23:54
JoseeAntonioRThe new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue31523:54
akgranerJoseeAntonioR, where ever you want me to do that at23:55
JoseeAntonioRwe can do a 30-mins session at ubuntuonair, or maybe 1h23:55
JoseeAntonioRis 4pm your time ok for it?23:55
akgranerjust email the volunteers list (bcc) and let them knowincase some summary writers or editors would like to move to finding the links etc23:55
akgranerSure that will work23:56
JoseeAntonioRok, so tomorrow 4pm your time (3pm mine, 8pm UTC)23:56
JoseeAntonioRakgraner: fridge post submitted for review23:57
akgranercan you send me a calendar invite once you have it set up to akgraner@linaro.org - I'll put an outline together tonight and make sure to share it publicly so anyone who attends can have access to the gdoc and or wiki page23:57
JoseeAntonioRdoing that now23:59

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