
=== josepht_ is now known as josepht
pittiGood morning06:27
smartboyhwGood afternoon06:28
dholbachgood morning06:40
smartboyhwWelcome back dholbach!06:57
smartboyhwHello Noskcaj:)06:57
dholbachhey smartboyhw :)06:58
Noskcajhello sn07:00
=== _salem is now known as salem_
smartboyhw_balloons: You posted chilicuil's interview!12:49
smartboyhw_dholbach: You won't like the 3rd question's answer in http://www.theorangenotebook.com/2013/05/people-behind-ubuntu-quality-javier.html?m=1 ;P12:51
smartboyhw_And meh I surely won't want Randall Ross "cloned"12:58
smartboyhw_Hmm, Carla, Sergio, Javirr… who's next? Phill?13:02
dholbachI never set out to be in people's top 10 :)13:12
smartboyhw_dholbach: LOL13:12
=== francisco is now known as Guest75684
smartboyhw_I know how balloons can easily publish posts, he set his interviews to auto-publish at 8:00AM (his time)14:11
smartboyhw_Look at SergioMeneses and chilicuil's publishing time14:12
smartboyhwHello SergioMeneses, chilicuil's interview was posted!15:18
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, nice! I'll read it as soon as possible :D15:19
smartboyhwSergioMeneses: :D15:20
SergioMenesessmartboyhw, what happen with the xubuntu poll?15:20
smartboyhwSergioMeneses: knome won15:25
smartboyhwknome 20-2 Noskcaj15:25
chilicuilwhat was the xubuntu poll about?, to chooce the xubuntu project leader? I saw something in the planet about it15:56
=== vibhav_ is now known as vibhav
=== vibhav is now known as Guest8215
=== Guest8215 is now known as vibhav
=== francisco is now known as Guest47122
njinballoons, hallo, don't worry but the testcase for clock is not ready because actually the app is buggy and i'm spending my time to report bugs LOL and testing it, the team is great, but the app needs work.17:45
Noskcajnew bug: clicking the "X" in the new partition table confirm box does the same thing as clicking confirm. is this a bug in ubiquity or partman?21:17
Noskcajbug 1177115 bug 117711622:18
ubot5bug 1177115 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "New partition table confirmation is broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117711522:18
ubot5bug 1177116 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "maximise button does nothing in Ubiquity" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117711622:18

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