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mhall119|awaytgm4883: does Myth have any integratio nwith Zeitgeist?16:19
tgm4883I know basically nothing about zeitgeist16:20
tgm4883mhall119|away, what is it16:22
mhall119|awaytgm4883: it's a desktop activity log16:22
mhall119|awayapps can selectively feed information to it, like what files are opened, what webpages are viewed, etc16:23
mhall119|awayanyway, I was talking to one of the developers about using it to build predictive models16:23
tgm4883mhall119|away, mythtv itself doesn't have any zeitgeist integration that I know of. I could probably add it to the mythtv scope though16:24
mhall119|awayand he says if we can feed it information about what it watched and when, he can probably get it to predict what a user wants to watch without them having to specify it16:24
mhall119|awayso like, if you watch the same show every Friday at 9pm, when you turn it on at 8:55pm on a Friday, it could automatically pull up your show16:25
tgm4883mhall119|away, that makes sense. Do you have any links/docs on zeitgeist integration with a scope?16:26
mhall119|awaythe files scope uses it to provide results, but it doesn't log anything16:27
tgm4883mhall119|away, so it relies on whatever the file is opened in to provide data to zeitgeist16:27
mhall119|awayIf Myth could log viewing activity, the Myth scope could provide "recently watched" and possibly a recommendations category16:28
mhall119|awayyeah, apps have to feed data to zeitgeist, it doesn't automatically log activity16:28
mhall119|awayhttp://zeitgeist-project.com/ is the project page16:29
tgm4883So we need whatever application we're playing video back in to log the activity16:29
tgm4883be that mythfrontend or the default video player16:29
mhall119|awayI know there is GObject bindings for their API, and also now qT/qml BINDINGS16:29
tgm4883well if it's mythfrontend doing it, that is going to be some C++ code16:30
mhall119|awayyou can probably use the C library then16:30
* tgm4883 can totally do 'hello world' in C++16:30
* tgm4883 meeting time16:30

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