
=== mbarnett` is now known as mbarnett
=== izdubar is now known as MarkDude
bkerensaslangasek: what package is submitbug in?06:48
slangasekbkerensa: you mean 'submittodebian' or 'reportbug'?16:23
MarkDudebkerensa: pingy18:33
bkerensaslangasek: submittodebian18:42
bkerensaMarkDude: ?18:42
* MarkDude wants to know if your BP is scheduled for UDS18:44
* MarkDude does NOT want to interfere with your process18:45
MarkDudeWhilst still reserving right to try my strategy with linking Bug#1 as well as formation language of Ub untu18:45
MarkDudeIf your effort does not succeed in restoring Community to header18:46
MarkDudeThe *if* is key there18:46
bkerensaMarkDude: Yes it is http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-1305/meeting/21740/community-1305-ubuntu-website-planning/18:47
* MarkDude was advised to ping Jono , but- Im not sure that makes sense if your BP is moving along18:47
MarkDudeCool. No need for me to make extra noise18:47
bkerensa"If your effort does not succeed in restoring Community to header"18:47
bkerensaCanonical has already stated they do not plan to re-add it to the header18:48
bkerensaso I do not believe it will be18:48
MarkDudeYep, heard that also18:48
bkerensaThey said they will add it some other place18:48
* MarkDude needs to be fair18:48
MarkDudeallow the process to go18:48
bkerensathey said removing the community link from the top was a business decision18:48
MarkDudeThen go with my process18:48
bkerensaand that they do not need to consult the community on every little thing affecting the community18:48
MarkDudeCool, and thats an albatross that will hang around their neck18:48
* bkerensa shrugs18:49
bkerensaim over it18:49
* MarkDude has proven track record of pushing for the Community. Not gonna stop now18:49
* MarkDude will pause to let your session do it's thing. Not doing so would be rude on my part :)18:49
MarkDudeAnd Canonical is in a position to be judged by its actions18:50
MarkDudeWhich is occurring at same time Fedora is pondering how to define itself18:50
MarkDudeIt was a stalemate. Now there is an easy- we are not that. Community link will always be there.18:51
* MarkDude would rather win his 1 US Dollar bet tho. than to have this turn into mktg crap.18:52
* MarkDude did want to call his BP "dont piss on my leg, AND tell me it's rain".18:53
MarkDudewanna bet 1 US Dollar the Community link is restored by mid-Summer?18:54
slangasekbkerensa: ubuntu-dev-tools20:12
bkerensaslangasek: thx20:12
bkerensaslangasek: http://i.imgur.com/4HRszJ2.png   :( submittodebian hates me21:14
bkerensaalways exploding ubuntu changes into patches21:14
slangasekbkerensa: why does the screenshot claim the package version is 3.0-a9-1 instead of having an Ubuntu package version number?21:23
slangasek(this may be the root of the problem)21:24
bkerensaslangasek: because I bzr branch debianlp:lmbench21:27
bkerensaso it should not have deb version21:27
bkerensathen I made my change to debian/control21:28
bkerensaand submittodebian21:28
bkerensaand explosion of deltas resulted21:28
slangasekbkerensa: submittodebian is intended for submitting Ubuntu changes to Debian; an Ubuntu upload would have an Ubuntu changelog entry in debian/changelog21:28
bkerensaslangasek: so is there no tool for grabbing debian source packages and making changes and then submitting patches on debian without ubuntu changes being in the equation?21:29
bkerensaUbuntu is not going to accept these changes because we dont want to carry them21:29
slangaseksure there is; 'bzr diff -p1 > patch'; 'reportbug' and attach the patch21:30
bkerensaslangasek: you are a genius that or I just fail21:31
bkerensaslangasek: does reportbug use the debian smtp server like submittodebian or do I have to setup some local smtp?21:31
slangaseksubmittodebian is a wrapper around reportbug ;)21:32
slangasekI think you have to invoke it as 'reportbug -B debian'21:32
bkerensaI need to jot all this down so I dont forget it and bug you next cycle about it21:32

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