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penguin42bug 1080674 is still triggering on current saucy (but seemed ok during the install?); what's the fix here?13:36
ubottubug 1080674 in cairo "[QEMU] Corrupted desktop screen for raring desktop installation in QEMU guest (Cirrus graphics). Affects KVM but not VBox." [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108067413:36
mlankhorstpenguin42: use 32-bits pixmaps13:37
mlankhorstand dont use cirrus, use hardware modesetting13:38
mlankhorstor qxl13:38
penguin42mlankhorst: ok but this is the behaviour of a standard install using the default settings in virt-manager13:38
penguin42mlankhorst: The default do-nothing case should work, whether that's by changing the default cases or whatever13:39
* mlankhorst doesn't know what the default case is13:40
penguin42mlankhorst: Creating a VM in virt-manager gives you a cirrus video card+vnc, saucy/raring seem to then be using the cirrus X driver13:41
mlankhorstpenguin42: in that case just fix it in the same way as for mdoesetting13:42
mlankhorst-           bppflags = Support24bppFb;13:43
mlankhorst+           bppflags = SupportConvert32to24 | Support24bppFb;        13:43
mlankhorstsomething like that13:43
penguin42you seem to have marked that a won't-fix13:44
mlankhorstbecause cirrus ddx driver shouldn't be used in raring or saucy13:44
penguin42mlankhorst: ok, so how do we make it so that it isn't used - because it still is13:44
mlankhorstI'm asking ogasawara in #ubuntu-devel, but I don't expect an answer right away13:45
mlankhorsthowever for raring it's too late, just do a sru if you really want to have the default fixed13:45
tjaalton3.10 got qxl kms13:46
penguin42well I'm not too fussed about raring; but it would be nice for things to start working at some point13:46
mlankhorstI tested and modesetting was working for me at least13:46
penguin42tjaalton: Right if I explicitly select qxl it'll probably work13:46
mlankhorstoh right, on cirrus there's too little memory to do 1280xw/e unless you fixup the kernel13:48
tjaaltonso the default is set in qemu-kvm?13:48
mlankhorsthm wait it should be enough, probably13:48
penguin42just tested; yeh qxl works13:48
mlankhorstqxl is using modesetting13:48
penguin42tjaalton: Probably libvirt/virt-manager I'm guessing13:48
tjaaltonpenguin42: oh, indeed13:48
penguin42tjaalton: To be fair it's probably a good safe bet, Cirrus works on pretty much every virtual machine, and virt-manager doesn't seem to have an entry for raring in it's 'select guest OS type' - which could be set to qxl as the default13:49
penguin42tjaalton: And even if we fix that there are plenty of other vm systems that present a cirrus13:50
mlankhorst*grumbls* stupid touch bug13:51
penguin42hmm qxl/spice is very weird on it's redraw - dragging a terminal back and forward does very odd things but eventually sorts itself out13:54
mdeslaurpenguin42: you can use vmvga, that works for me14:06
mdeslaurpenguin42: qxl still has issues when I tested it recently14:07
penguin42mdeslaur: It's working, a bit laggy, and I've just filed bug 1176920 which is just moans in it's log file; but certainly very usable14:09
ubottubug 1176920 in xserver-xorg-video-qxl (Ubuntu) "lots of warnings during run in log file (zero width or height/out of video memory/bad bpp)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117692014:09
mdeslaurpenguin42: one of the things I remember is that vts are broken with it14:09
penguin42mdeslaur: No, vts seem to be working ok14:10
Dandeltjaalton, I thought of a reason to force the OpenCL library backport... it's approximately the same reason that the mesa librarys get a semi-permanent backport as libegl1-mesa-dev-lts-quantal and similar.14:17
Dandelanyways, without ocl-icd-opencl-dev ( source dep of ocl-icd-libopencl1 ) there is no way to get piglit to build with opencl support without requiring the amd or nvidia binary drivers. ( Since these both have libOpenCL since the icd core is not included in precise )14:25
mlankhorstthe fact that it's doable, means nothing when nothing in precise cares or depends on it14:27
Dandelmlankhorst, some things actually do depend on it, but it winds up specifying nvidia or fglrx drivers as required14:28
mlankhorstbut the precise packaging simply follows what we put in the releases14:29
Dandelthen explain the lack of a library to go with opencl-headers.14:30
Dandelon all releases it specifies no dependencies, so you wind up with headers but nothing to link against.14:30
mlankhorstif saucy or raring has opencl, it might be easier to get it backported, but it's probably easier to not disable opencl14:31
Dandelthey do.14:31
DandelThe specific package is ocl-icd-opencl-dev14:31
mlankhorstnothing in mesa is enabled though..14:31
Dandelit winds up installing ocl-icd-libopencl1.14:32
Dandelright now the galliumcompute is no where near complete. However, portable compute language ( pocl ) provides a cpu based implementation of OpenCL.14:33
mlankhorstif you want to request a backport, just request a normal backport to precise-backports first14:34
Dandelok... although once that is fixed, piglit will see updates to enable OpenCL builds seeing as how if it's enabled now it'll break compile.14:36
penguin42curious; i've got raring, running a kvm with spice (running saucy with kvm running cirrus (with caucy) ) and the 2nd level guest is getting the background right - only seen one of the corruptions15:14

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