
wilee-nileehemangpatel, The W8 is most likely a gpt uefi setup a little different then the past, good support at the ubuntu forums on this though. Back up the W8 onto a external first.00:00
hemangpatelomg. :(00:01
netlarWhen I change the folder Icon, it shows a border outline, how can I avoid that?00:01
wilee-nileeOr have oem discs you want your booty covered00:01
hemangpatelNo problem :( I will try on vm.00:02
wilee-nileehemangpatel, Good idea to start with. ;)00:02
hemangpatelI don't want to try new big changes,00:02
nevynwilee-nilee: how long since you bought a laptop? even high end ones don't have recovery disks anymore.00:02
hemangpatelin laptop00:02
nevynit's a pain in the ass.00:02
wilee-nileenevyn, You can order them from the manufacturers.00:02
wilee-nileenevyn, YOU can clone the setup, many ways to back stuff up.00:03
nevynsure. cloneing. but most things ship with hidden "system" partitions to do recovery these days.00:03
nevynand no original media at all (other than the contents of the hdd.00:03
wilee-nileenevyn, And anyone who relies on those is a fool.00:04
hemangpatelI have 12.04 in desktop (dual boot). So only upgrade button will upgrade to 13.04 ?00:04
Ghost_562hemangpatel, i personally recommend installing the os as new, but you can upgrade via that. it will tell you to what os it will upgrade to00:05
wilee-nileehemangpatel, Through 12.1000:05
hemangpatelI have seen that now more people are using ubuntu.. Waiting of mobile release.00:06
hemangpatelthank you all..00:08
Ghost_562you are welcome.00:08
hemangpatelsee ya..00:09
=== CanadianPirate|a is now known as CanadianPirate
jamesgcdHey guys, does anyone know a solution to this problem? Basically, Ubuiquity can't install Ubuntu to my computer alongside Windows 8, because Windows 8 has been installed in legacy BIOS mode although my computer supports UEFI, and it doesn't recognise any partitions at all on the drive. Has anyone any suggestions on fixing that :)?00:23
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI00:25
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:26
Mandr4KBoa Noite Pessoal00:26
jamesgcdHey OerHeks, I've read the page but it's not quite what I'm having a problem with. I can get Ubuntu to stall perfectly fine either in BIOS or UEFI mode without problem, that is if deleting Windows isn't a problem, which unfortunately it is. Have you any suggestions on what to do about that (again, installing Ubuntu isn't a problem per se, installing it without losing Windows is, as Gparted or whatever backend isn't identifying a sin00:28
an0nFree Anakata!00:30
an0nAn0nym0us still here!00:31
OerHeksjamesgcd,  i do not have an uefi device, all i understand is to disable secure boot and follow the instructions00:31
wilee-nileejamesgcd, Best support in general I have seen on uefi is at the ubuntu forums.00:31
jamesgcdOerHeks: Well thanks for the suggestion, but unfortunately it doesn't make a difference here :/.  wilee-nilee: I'll head to the forums, thanks for the idea ;).00:32
* nevyn has a UEFI laptop.. ubuntu installs fine 00:32
wilee-nileejamesgcd, Look for a mod to be your best help.00:32
wilee-nileenevyn, Good for you, however different manufacturers have their own tweaks to the secure boot, it can be hit and miss for some. ;)00:33
jamesgcdwilee-nilee: I'd take the help from anyone :p! I just think no one else has this problem, all the other UEFI problems involve Grub typically, and this one involves Gparted, and I've never seen that before. Again though, thanks for trying :p00:33
nevynwilee-nilee: I still can't install debian tho :(00:34
jamesgcdnevyn: Debian 7 has just added UEFI support (and was released 2 days ago, IIRC), but secure boot isn't supported yet00:35
=== funky is now known as algo
algois there amazon aws channel here?00:37
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wilee-nileejamesgcd, I'm not sure gparted sees gpt correctly.00:38
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=== globalfun is now known as global12
jamesgcdwilee-nilee: It's what I'm asuming, although from my knowledge of partition tables (which is limited), I'm not using gpt, I'm using good old ms-dos, although I could be comparing apples and oranges here00:38
nevynjamesgcd: I've filed an installation report which was studiously ignored...00:39
wilee-nileejamesgcd, Heh you reinstalled W8 in legacy on a uefi, you want a challenge eh. ;)00:40
jairthurstylark: Hello my friend are you there?00:40
global12yes I am00:41
global12I am friend of people00:41
jairguys I am in the ubuntu page [network install] alternative distro and I am trying to find some sort of iso but I get all the files for netinstall... normally I have an iso00:41
global12jair google ubuntu full iso00:41
jairdoes this mean I can point to this address boot ubuntu mini.iso and the net installation will be executed?00:41
jamesgcdwilee-nilee: I honestly have no idea. this computer was originally windows 7, upgraded to windows 8, tried to swap windows UEFI from regular BIOS, broke it, had a system which could load in both bios AND uefi, although crashed at both, eventually fixed that, but found nothing would install right. I believe I've a broken partition table entirely, which is really a bad place to be in, but there's always a chance its something else (ho00:42
global12who knows here how I can launch applications across say 10 aws instances at once?00:42
jairglobal12: I am not looking for the full CD, I normally use netinst iso for Linux Debian00:42
global12anyone used OpsWorks?00:42
jairglobal12: that is a nice question, have you look into juju?00:42
jairglobal12: I think you can do something similar with it00:43
global12jair checking00:43
jairglobal12: are you currently using EC2?00:43
global12jair yes00:43
global12ec2 rds00:43
jamesgcdnevyn: just to clear it up, secure boot is a feature UEFI provides, but it's not UEFI itself, secure boot is a mechanism where your computer attempts to verify certain changes in the bootup cycle in order to prevent malicious tampering, although it requires a key which typically would be bought from VeriSign on behalf of Microsoft, I'm assuming Debian didn't buy this key and thus it can't be verified, which is why UEFI works and but00:43
jairglobal12: nice nice00:44
nevynjamesgcd: I'm well aware...00:44
global12funny their ubuntu distro comes with 2 ephemeral drives00:44
jairglobal12: you mean the amazon one?00:44
jamesgcdnevyn: ah, just making sure :p!00:44
nevynjamesgcd: I read mjg59's blog (other than ad hominiem crack) and lwn ;)00:44
global12root from ebs and for some reason 2 instant mem drives00:44
global12I deleted them prior to launch seems to work00:45
alpsjamesgcd: maybe just an invalid partition table? http://gparted.sourceforge.net/h2-fix-msdos-pt.php00:45
jamesgcdnevyn: can't honestly say I've heard of either of them, I'll google them sometime :p00:45
jairglobal12: but you can customize the whole instance installation correct?00:45
nevynjamesgcd: lwn is linux weekly news (edited by Jonathan Corbett)00:46
=== Dr_Manhattan is now known as DrManhattan
nevynand mjg59 is the guy that maintains substancial hunks of the earlyboot stuff and acpi guru00:46
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jamesgcdnevyn: I see, I'll check them out afterwards. alps : thanks for the link, it seems to be pretty much what I'm experiencing so should be massively helpful :)! cheers!00:47
meerkatWhenever I check an update in the update manager it starts using 100% cpu for about a minute. How can I find out why?00:47
meerkatjohnyRotten seems to be in a rotten mood. Anyone else receiving threats from him?00:54
jamesgcdmeerkat: I am, but am I in the wrong for confusing the name with Robby Rotten from Lazytown?00:54
wilee-nileeheh I block all pm's00:55
wilee-nileereport them to freenode or #ubuntu-ops00:56
loganleeni hao ma01:03
loganleedoes anyone know how to install unity?01:04
Jewfro-Macabbiapt-get install unity01:04
Jewfro-Macabbiloganlee, sorry from the terminal: sudo apt-get install unity01:05
wilee-nileeloganlee, It is the ubuntu-desktop01:05
suckalollyfirst time on irssi01:08
suckalollylooks pretty cool01:08
suckalollytold me to come here to ask questions01:08
an0nFree Anakata!01:09
meerkatanakata is free01:09
suckalollyso is irssi lol01:09
suckalollyalthough gotta say xchat is better01:10
an0nmeerkat: =]01:10
netlarI want to backups similar to time machine, Deja Dup seems like a solution.  Anyone have any serious complains of the program?01:10
netlarnevyn: what is that?01:12
nevynsuckalolly: please don't01:12
nevynnetlar: ^^01:12
suckalollyplease dont wat?01:13
loganleedoes ubuntu come with firewall already configured01:13
TrelQuick question, with UFW is there any way I can add a rule with the source being the current subnet without having to explicitly allow the specific subnet.  (such as the rule allows whatever the current subnet is)?01:13
netlarnevyn: so Deja Dup is not good?01:14
nevyndunno. just adding a suggestion of something I've used in the past.01:14
netlarOK, thanks nevyn01:14
nevynsuckalolly: troll.01:17
suckalollyjust set my beeping, can someone highlight my name pls01:17
bluebomberHow can I obtain the name of the process corresponding to a taskbar icon?01:17
somsip!test | suckalolly01:17
ubottusuckalolly: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )01:17
* wilee-nilee recognizes nicks that get an immediate ignore, lol.01:17
suckalollyanyone ever use irssi?01:17
xXTHEoracleXxhaven't in years now01:18
nevynI switched from bitchX about 10 years ago.01:19
=== peter_ is now known as Guest9458
thurstylarksuckalolly: using irssi now.01:22
jairhas anyone install ubuntu using netinst?01:22
jairthurstylark: hey!01:22
wilee-nileejair, Several times01:22
alps< irssi01:22
alpsalso weechat01:22
zykotick9jair: netinst is called mini in ubuntu-lingo01:22
thurstylarkjair: Ahh! you were the one that pinged me!01:23
thurstylarkI'm guessing.01:23
jairwilee-nilee:ohhh so that is the cd I need to use01:23
jairthurstylark: hahaha01:23
wilee-nileecalled the alternative now01:23
jairthurstylark: thanks for all the information by the way, I have the directory for netinst but I was wondering what I should do with the rest of the files01:23
thurstylarkjair: I just saw that I got a ping, but i can't scroll back too far :P01:23
thurstylarkjair: you trying the net install?01:24
jairthurstylark: basically what I am doing is looking for the iso that I can put in a usb stick and install in my laptop01:24
loganleejair: ok...01:24
jairwilee-nilee: thank you for the clarification, I saw the mini.sio in the netinst directory01:24
jairloganlee: ?01:25
crankhardermy user is in the 'sudo' group, and i've add a NOPASSWD line to my sudoers file (for both the user and the group), but i'm still getting prompted for my password, any ideas why?  here's some output: https://gist.github.com/crankharder/cdde4dffad4f79ee772401:25
wilee-nileejair, an alternative actually among others. http://www.ubuntu.com/download/alternative-downloads01:25
jairwilee-nilee: I saw that. I am in that page and the directories for the latest version has a couple of files plus the mini.iso01:26
wilee-nileecrankharder, Whys would you do that?01:26
jairwilee-nilee: so I will download that and create my usb installer01:26
crankharderwilee-nilee: for the awesomes01:26
thurstylarkjair: Ahh. Well, any of the iso's will work, you just have to get it on the usb drive right.01:26
jamesgcdHey, as a followup to my previous issue, it does indeed seem my partition table is corrupt and is mislabled as gtp (or conversely, gtp mislabled as ms-dos if you look at it the other way around). However, runing  sudo gdisk and pointing it at /dev/sda has offered me the option of repairing the drive, I'll see how it works out now :)01:27
jairthurstylark: right, I am interested in the text base and smallest ;) I can install the rest from the network01:27
wilee-nileecrankharder, That is not awesomeness it is stupidity. ;)01:27
crankharderwilee-nilee: your'e saying the guy that added NOPASSWD to sudoers is stupid?01:28
bluebomberHow can I obtain the name of the process corresponding to a taskbar icon?01:29
jamesgcdWoohoo, Gparted correctly identifies my partitions and now I should be able to explore in Linux Land again properly :)! Thankyou to everyone who helped ^_^01:31
jairin this directory "/ubuntu/dists/raring/main/installer-amd64/current/images/netboot" there is a mini.iso01:31
thurstylarkjair: it would be this one: http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-12.04.2-alternate-i386.iso.torrent01:31
jairis that all I need on the usb installer plus the bootable files.01:31
wilee-nileejair, A iso is all you need01:32
zykotick9thurstylark: is alternate _really_ what was previously called mini.iso?01:32
jairthurstylark: hmm I think I found the one I was looking for ;)01:32
acovrigWhere is permission issues of 'ls' logged?01:32
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com01:32
loganlee!ubuntu > loganlee01:32
ubottuloganlee, please see my private message01:32
loganleeNO CORNHOLIO01:33
jairwilee-nilee: perfect!01:33
jairwill give it a try01:33
jairI am using a tool here to create the bootable usb01:34
loganleejair: why cant u use dvd01:34
loganleewhy u need usb stick01:34
thurstylarkzykotick9 jair: Ya know, i'm gonna butt out I'm too tired to keep up :P01:34
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loganleeim drinking monster01:35
loganleeits good01:35
loganlee!ubuntu > jair01:35
ubottujair, please see my private message01:35
jairloganlee: why waste time and materials with a DVD if you can do it using a usb easier and you can re-use01:35
loganleei understand01:36
acovrigIs it possible to mount a ext3 partition and have a user have full (777) access to it, and how?01:37
swordsmanzanyone know if there is ubuntu software that will let me capture video from a firewire webcam and audio from my sound card and capture them as one file ?01:37
jairloganlee: thank you my friend but I am good to go with the netinst01:37
jairwilee-nilee: big thanks for clarify01:37
wilee-nileejair, No problem.01:38
wilee-nileeacovrig, Mount it and run gksudo nautilus navigate to it and you have full root.01:40
wilee-nileeIf you are using nautilus that is.01:41
acovrigwilee-nilee, I am running without X, accessing via sshfs...01:42
zykotick9acovrig: i think wilee-nilee's "gksudo nautilus" is a bad suggestion.  just mount the drive, and change permissions on the mount point - done.01:42
acovrigand I am not going to allow root login via ssh01:42
wilee-nileeprobably so my bad.01:43
acovrigzykotick9, u mean chmod 777 mount; sudo mount /dev/sdX mnt01:43
zykotick9acovrig: mount first, then chmod.01:43
acovrigzykotick9, works perfectly, I did the chmod first and couldn't figure out why it wouldn't work lol01:44
OryxIs it just me, or is getting MythTV working a battle for everyone else?01:44
zykotick9Oryx: it's a challenge for sure ;)  thus mythbuntu01:45
OryxThat might be my solution at this point..01:45
OryxSomething as simple as the HDHomeRun Prime (ethernet based tuner) is a challenge01:45
OryxIt's all IP at that point, shouldn't be this difficult! :D01:46
celsopeople, if i have a usb3 hdd disc (wich can achieve up to 450mb/s) will it have almost the same speed on my normal sata connection? or will i have the usual 70mb/s?01:46
MunyWhat SATA revision is it?01:48
celsosata 201:48
MunyTheoretically, you can get 300 MB/s out of SATA 201:48
Mavrikcelso, just what kind of magical HDD do you have that can do 450MB/s?01:49
=== hades is now known as Guest83882
MunyMight be an SSD?01:49
celsowell, i've read that in theory, usb3 allows up to 450mb/s speed. And its no ssd.01:50
swordsmanzMuny: i 4 part raid drive can get up to that speed with no problems :S01:50
MavrikMuny, considering "usual 70MB/s" it looks too me like a rather standard 5400rpm drive :)01:50
Mavrikcelso, there is no HDD out there capable of reading data off platters with that speed01:50
swordsmanzactually 5400 rpm is hopelesslyy outdated01:51
MunyFunny, because I can barely get 20 MB/s on my 7200 RPM Barracuda01:51
Mavrikcelso, so no, switching from 450MB/s bus to a 300MB/s bus won't make your max 100MB/s HDD any faster ;)01:51
celsowell, i tlhink i explayned bad.01:51
celsolet me try again.01:51
swordsmanzo0 unless you have raid array :S01:51
Mavrikswordsmanz, you'd be surprised at the percentage of external HDDs still comming in 5400rpm variety.01:51
loganleei need banana drink01:52
MunyWD's caviar green line is 5400 arpm01:52
swordsmanzyes its sad ppl stand for it01:52
Munyfor less power usage01:52
Mavrikswordsmanz, honestly, for external storage couldn't care less01:52
Mavrikespecially since 7200s tend to require double USB power supply01:53
Mavrikat least on more cheapish laptops :)01:53
celsoimagine that i buy an 500GB HDD 5400rpm with support usb3. wich is the maximum speed that i get with it on my sata2?01:53
swordsmanzi guess it depends what you use your hard drive for i01:53
Mavrikcelso, about 60-80 MB/s of sustained read since the HDD itself can't read faster.01:53
Mavrikcelso, speed of the connection from computer to the HDD won't make a difference01:54
Mavriksince it's not what's limiting you ;)01:54
celsoand an HDD 7400rpm?01:54
Mavrikusually around 70-90 :)01:54
=== jacob_ is now known as Guest15221
Guest15221Hey does anyone know about network drivers?01:54
Mavrikdepends on where on platters and how good is the drive ;)01:54
Mavrikcelso, just how much DID you expect?01:54
Mavrikit's not like we ever had faster HDDs :P01:54
celsowell, at least about 200MB/s01:55
Mavrikeven SSDs rarely go over 150MB/s in real world01:55
Mavrikexcept for short times01:55
celsoi though it would make a diference, since its usb 3.01:56
celsoso, what is the purpose of the usb3?01:56
Mavrikagain, that's the speed of the connection, not the actual hardware :P01:56
swordsmanzalso if your looking for drive performance usb is awful, use firewire or sata01:57
=== Guest15221 is now known as ekaJake
Mavrikugh, firewire the hardware killer -_-01:57
celsowell, i think i will go to a ssd01:58
ekaJakeHi, does anyone know about network drivers for Ubuntu?01:58
celsoat least for 64gb for now...01:58
celsoThank you guys!01:58
Mavrikswordsmanz, haven't noticed any performance differences for HDDs over USB3 or SATA3, any other experience?01:58
celsoekaJake: wireless or wired?01:59
celsoekaJake: i never got any need to install network drivers. ubuntu recognize most off all.02:00
swordsmanzMavrik: no you won't yet but as soon as drives hit 400mb/s or so usb will just cease up and slow right down to a halt02:00
=== global12 is now known as alex_fun
Mavrikswordsmanz, you mean "will continue to work with 400MB/s" :P02:01
Mavrikand yes, I'd very much like a future where we have 400MB/s external drivers02:01
Mavrikbut we're still "a little bit" short ;)02:01
makara(13.04) after an update desktop wallpaper won't display and sound doesn't work. 'Dummy driver' it says. Worst of all Software Centre crashes on opening every time. :(02:01
celsomakara, are you using hybrid graphics?02:02
makaracelso, what is that?02:02
celsoif you have dual graphics card?02:02
eddievanhoyHello. Does any know of a program that can make a image of my current ubuntu setup? Like norton ghost on windows.02:02
swordsmanzMavrik: no i mean it will start slowing down to about 200mbs every time the system makes a read02:02
loganleeyeh does ubuntu support dual graphics card?02:03
makaracelso, i have intel and nvidia on my laptop02:03
samthewildoneI installed flash through ubuntu software, however chromium has a few page tearing and flash glitches.02:03
loganleeeddievanhoy: hmmm good thing02:03
ekaJakeOh hey celso. Yeah the drivers aren't even showing up.02:03
Mavrikloganlee, general rule of thumb is "no"02:03
loganleeMavrik: ook02:03
Mavrikloganlee, the actual answer "depends"02:03
eddievanhoyloganlee? Is that a yes?02:03
Dr_willissamthewildone,  be happy flash works at all.. theres a lot of peopel that cant get it working.02:03
celsologanlee: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HybridGraphics02:03
loganleeeddievanhoy: i dont know but im sure there is02:04
makaraI've just installed ubuntu tweak and it won't open either02:04
ekaJakeIt works fine under while running off the usb though.02:04
Dr_willissamthewildone,  google-chrome has its own flash built in that might work better02:04
eddievanhoyok thank you02:04
celsomakara i think the use of hybrid graphics is what is causing that.02:04
ekaJakeBut when I install ubuntu to the harddrive it forgets about the drivers I guess,02:04
Mavrikloganlee, namely: most of the dual graphics machines out there are nVidia ones and there's a hit-and-miss on whether they are supported with bumblebee02:04
neytirii am havinng a issue with my desktop, for some reason the system keeps goign into standby wheni am using it saying that tha battery is critically low02:04
=== DarkAce-Z is now known as DarkAceZ
Mavrikloganlee, and even then you get like 30% performance penalty on discrete graphics due to mem copies02:05
celsomakara what do you use to shutdown one of the card?02:05
Mavrikso… buy intel for Linux :D02:05
makaracelso, I don't do any switching. And I don't agree. Why would that affect the sound card?02:06
iuiselfso this is an chatting room for ubuntu users?02:06
wilee-nileeiuiself, Support02:06
=== dominic_ is now known as mdih
makaracelso, and why would the desktop not show even if I am using one or the other card?02:06
Mavrikbecause it requires working HW acceleration02:07
whoeverhi all i am using multisession to make multiboot usb, i have usb's mounted under /media. but when i run the program they are not detected, can someone assist02:07
nevynloganlee: the many permutations of connecting GPU's to displays and connectors are all fully explored in the market.02:07
celsomakara: my pc have intel + ati cards, and when i use vgaswitcheroo to shutdown one card, it disables the sound.02:07
wilee-nilee!cn | iuiself02:08
ubottuiuiself: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw02:08
=== codepal_ is now known as codepal
iuiself /join #ubuntu-cn02:08
iuiselfnothing happens when I input " /join #ubuntu-cn " ?02:09
celsoor you can define a fbcon02:09
wilee-nileeiuiself, I think you had a space before it.02:09
samthewildonetrying to install google-chrome.deb but I get "libudevo0 " missing.02:10
g0thhow can I prevent java from finding out my real ip?02:10
neytirii am havinng a issue with my desktop, for some reason the system keeps going into standby when i am using it saying that the battery is critically low02:10
ekaJakeCelso, why would the ethernet cable only work while running ubuntu from a usb?02:10
iuiselfoh, thank you wilee-nilee ,02:10
samthewildoneI try the apt-get "install" *** but, nothing02:10
wilee-nileeiuiself, ;)02:10
g0thiirc "java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress();" gives the ip address even behind nat/proxy02:10
celsoekajake what is your ethernet card?02:11
wilee-nileesamthewildone, Try installing gdebi and see if it finds dependencies.02:11
ekaJakeDo you mean my driver?02:11
ekaJakeIt's a blue cable I'm using.02:12
celsono. the name of your card02:12
ekaJakeWhat is a network card, a device or software?02:13
MouseTheLuckyDogWhat would be a good way to create a text menu/grid in a script? I was thinking dialog or whiptail.02:13
wilee-nileesamthewildone, you sure it is not "libudev0"02:13
cpareLine of the night "It's a blue cable I'm using."02:13
giraffeis it just me, or is vmware a pos?02:13
loganleeMouseTheLuckyDog: ncurses02:13
samthewildonemy mistake its libudev002:14
MouseTheLuckyDogloganlee, ncurses from bash?02:14
loganleeMouseTheLuckyDog: no C02:14
cparegiraffe - are you using VMX, ESX, or Server02:14
ekaJakeIs there something I should run in the terminal?02:14
makaraok, well I don't like to jump to conclusions. Everything was working fine 2 days ago and I didn't go changing any graphics settings02:14
samthewildonewilee-nilee, I just downloaded and installed it from that link I posted, now able to install g-chrome02:15
giraffecpare: ESXi, trying to get vcloud/director going along with workstation02:15
cpareGiraffe - I ran Server @ home for a long time, with a high level of success02:15
celsoekajake : run on terminal: sudo lshw -class network02:15
tonsofpcsanyone know of a ppa or package that I can use to get qt3 , qt3-dev, libqt3-* on 13.04?02:15
wilee-nileesamthewildone, Cool02:15
cpareGiraffe - Server used to be the free version, I am not sure if it's still available02:15
giraffecpare: im trying to build a multi node multi tennant self serv virtualized 'cloud'02:15
ekaJakeok 1 sec02:15
cpareGiraffe - I moved on to VirtualBox as its in the sources02:16
celsoekajake : thyen go to pastebin an put the link here02:16
celsoekajake : pastebin link: http://pastebin.com/02:16
giraffecpare:  im trying to build production quality 'cloud'  ... id rather go the openstack route than vmware02:16
cparegiraffe - we did something similar with Server and Altiris in a PoC02:16
cparegiraffe - but it never made it to prime time02:16
MouseTheLuckyDogloganless, well since I am using bash I would apreciate something I can use from bash.02:16
giraffecpare:  ive had some success using chef on rackspace02:17
giraffeim going to give grizzly another shot tomorrow02:17
giraffeoverall I do have a ESX cluster working in workstation02:17
cparegiraffe - whats the stumbling block on ESX - SDK support?02:17
giraffe3 node + freenas02:17
giraffevirtualizing virtualization02:17
celsoby the way, thank you guys for the HDD support!02:17
celsoekajake i need to go sleep. hurry up02:18
ekaJakeIt's a;right man02:19
ekaJakeI'd have to install it02:19
celsoekajake iwhat?02:19
ekaJakeIts running from the usb02:19
celsoi didn't understand..02:19
ekaJakeno real changes can be done to it right02:19
celsobut did you make that command?02:20
celsonow he leaves...02:21
celsok. time for me to go too.02:21
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giraffeFLIP OUT!02:25
makarais someone messing around with linux directories? I notice in classic-menu indicator things are organised differently. There's now sundry and utilities folders. Maybe that's why wallpaper, soundcard and software centre are all giving problems now??02:26
Dr_willismakara,  i dont see how those 2 would be related.02:26
Dr_willisand the menu layout is defined by the various .desktop launcher files02:27
KyleKI have a problem with a failed driver install... im trying to delete the drivers but its telling me it cant find the Package.02:27
KyleKE: Unable to locate package fglrx_12.104-0ubuntu1_amd64.deb02:27
Dr_willisKyleK,  the package name is NOT the same as the 'deb file name'02:27
KyleKthe package is there in the home folder....02:27
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Dr_willisyou could rename  fungame.deb to be foo.deb and install it.. and the package name does NOT change02:28
KyleKIs there anyway to point the cmd "sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx fglrx_* fglrx-amdcccle* fglrx-dev*" to where the package is to uninstall?02:28
makaraDr_willis, how can I find out why software centre crashes? You can throw the book at me02:29
makarait doesn't give the usual application crashed, send info to canonical dialog02:30
KyleKDr_Willis: I have a link to my askubuntu.com thread for you to read all the specifics of the problem if that would help02:30
netlarSo the next version of Ubuntu is 13.10?02:31
Dr_willismakara,  run it from terminal and look for error messages would be the  first thing i would try02:32
Dr_willisKyleK,  apt-get remove fgl<TABKEY> should auto complete package names i belive02:33
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KyleKwill try that... gimme a minute02:33
Dr_willisnetlar,  yes. the version # is the year.month of release. every 6 Mo.02:34
netlarDr_willis: did not know how that was numbered thanks02:34
netlaris the .04 release the LTS or are they doing that anymore?02:35
nevyn12.04 is lts02:35
Dr_willisi forget ;) every 2 years?  i rarely worry about lts or not02:35
whoeverDr_willis: i am tring to use multisession to make a multiboot usb but the program will not recognise my usb, got any ideas or know of a better way to do this02:35
nevynlts are 2 or 3 years02:35
netlarI heard they are not doing the 10 year LTS anymore02:36
Dr_williswhoever,  the pendrivelinxu site and other sites have cli guides on setting up grub2 to boot iso files from a usb flash. ive done it that way befor.02:36
makarax error02:36
Dr_williswhoever,  its a bit complex if you dont understand grub202:36
KyleKokay that worked... now for the money question.02:37
KyleKThe "Additional Drivers" utility; is it supposed to show the ati/fglrx device once the fglrx packages are install and you do a --initial on them?02:39
whoeverDr_willis: corract but the app that i am triig to use wouldn't even recognise my thumbdrive02:40
Dr_willisKyleK,  some times it gets confused and dosent know what video card/drivers it should install.02:40
KyleK>.<  thats wonderful.02:40
Dr_williswhoever,  try mounting it by hand perhaps? it may have some other issue thats the whole problem02:40
KyleK<--windows guru.... linux dummy :(02:40
whoeverDr_willis: the cli guide looks easier then the frustrting script that doesnt seem to work02:40
Dr_willisthen you got ati that removes cards as quick as they can from the linux drivers because it makes for less work for them02:40
Dr_williswhoever,  that guide is 3 yrs old however.. its not to complex. if you know some linux basics.02:41
whoeverDr_willis: i triec that i can clearly mount see and access the thumb drive by hand02:41
lucky1_anyone here02:41
KyleKright i gathered that much.  however there are legacy driver packs avail from ati.  and i used the exact one the tut i used said to use for its stability02:41
Dr_willislegacy drivers may or may not work with newer kernels. or versions of X.02:42
Mac_WriteBrand new to Ubuntu02:42
Mac_Writerunning 12.04 and want to change the Desktop envirtment. I sae a YouTube Video (Hak5) but it showed the Ubuntu Unity but 11.04 now do I change the Desktop envirtment in 12.0402:42
Mac_WriteI want to check out ofer DE's02:43
Dr_willisMac_Write,  install whatever other desktop env. you want.. then select them at the login screen.02:43
Dr_willisMac_Write,  for example ' sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' will install all of the KDE desktop.02:43
KyleKDr_Willis: heres the guide i used that everyone else says worked beutifully for them: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Precise_Installation_Guide02:43
KyleKDr_Willis: I followed it verbatum and had no luck.02:44
Dr_willisi have exactly 1 ati based system.. and its not even been powered on - in months..02:45
Dr_willisit was just a bargin bin clearance sale  slim desktop i got for the kids. :)02:45
overlordI just did a fresh install of 64-bit Ubuntu 13.04 from a USB stick on my 2 TB hard drive and it won't boot. I had created a 490 GB parition for root ("/"), a 10 GB parition for swap area.02:46
trakowski77Hi, I'02:46
trakowski77I installed 13.04 and I'm getting strange graphical glitches occasionally.. Random parts of gnome shell interface are black02:46
wilee-nileeoverlord, That HD first in the bios to be read?02:46
overlordwilee-nilee: that is the only HD on my system now02:47
bwat47trakowski77, when you open the overlay is the background just all black? if so you need to disable nautilus managing desktop icons it glitches out gnome-shell for some reason02:47
wilee-nileeoverlord, Any other OS's?02:47
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bwat47trakowski77, there's an option in gnome-tweak-tool to enable/disable it02:48
overlordwilee-nilee: no. an unparitioned 1.35 TB of space, that's it02:48
trakowski77bwat47: let me check that02:48
Mac_WriteWhat package do I need to install GNOME (I want to try all the different evirments out :D)02:48
bwat47Mac_Write, sudo apt-get install gnome-shell should do it02:48
wilee-nileeoverlord,  you might try the bootrepair tool, it will generate a bootinfo summary save the url or just runit and post it.02:49
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:50
trakowski77bwat47: that did not fix it..02:50
Mac_Writenow if only I could install KDE and GNOME on Darwin :(02:50
overlordwilee-nilee: ok, be back soon..02:50
Mac_WriteDarwin has been my Unix of choice since October 5, 20002:50
trakowski77bwat47: maybe my problem is not that exacty02:50
trakowski77bwat47: let me get you a screen shot02:50
bwat47trakowski77, possibly, did you try restarting the shell after?02:50
trakowski77yes, mutliple times02:50
MunyMac_Write: that's quite a long time ago02:50
trakowski77bwat47: I've seen the problem on 3 different machines02:51
Dr_willisMac_Write,  install a virtual machne on os-x and run linux in it02:51
trakowski77bwat47: 2 of them upgrades, 1 of them clean install02:51
Dr_willisMac_Write,  or install some X server, and just do X forwarding02:51
Mac_WriteYuo been using Darwin with Aqua Desktop Envirtment for 13 years02:51
trakowski77bwat47: the only thing in common between them is that all have chrome installed02:51
Mac_WriteI am running Parells02:51
trakowski77bwat47: and that means they all have libudev002:52
trakowski77I'm not sure if that could be causing this02:52
makarai see synaptic keeps a history of package changes, but only those done through synaptic itself. Is there a log that includes all changes made by apt-get, synaptic and usc?02:54
subcoolcan anyone suggest a vnc server alternative. i have x11vnc. - and im about to throw something across the room02:55
bwat47makara, /var/log/dpkg.log02:55
wilee-nileemakara, .bash_history in home02:55
jairwilee-nilee: I am having a little issue. I normally install netinst with debian and my system has a gigabit network: 00:19.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation 82577LM Gigabit Network Connection (rev 06) and 03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 (rev 35)02:56
overlordwilee-nilee: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5637386/02:56
jairI downloaded the firmware drivers from the intel site and it works02:56
jairwilee-nilee: it is asking for the following firmware versions: iwlwifi-6000-6.ucode or iwlwifi-6000-5.ucode02:57
jairwilee-nilee: in the intel iwlwifi site there is not yet a version with that number02:58
jairwilee-nilee: only 6000-4.ucode02:58
wilee-nileejair, Not sure to be honest.02:58
jairis this a kernel question, check with the kernel ubuntu 13.04 is using?02:58
dank101my audio just stopped and rebooting fixed it02:59
jairI am sad to have to run the installation using the network wired only when with debian I can do it wirelessly after loading the driver02:59
roastedHello friends02:59
loganleehello roasted02:59
roastedI'm trying to play an MP4 file with Totem, but it's saying "This file is corrupt and cannot be played." VLC, SMplayer, etc etc etc all work. Restricted extras installed, 13.04 box. What am I missing?03:00
wilee-nileeoverlord, THe mbr still has the windows bootloader run the basic fix in the bootrepair.03:00
dank101it's probably corrupt03:00
bwat47roasted, sounds like theres something wrong with that file and vlc and mplayer are just more tolerant of it, either that or some kinda gstreamer bug03:00
overlordwilee-nilee: hnnm i noticed03:01
roastedbwat47: I doubt there's something wrong with the file. My surveillance system puts out a new MP4 every 60 seconds. All of them act the same.03:01
loganleea new mp4 every 60 seconds?03:01
roastedloganlee: yes03:02
dank101dats abit fast03:02
roastedloganlee: my cameras record 247 and save the feeds over samba to my server. It auto-creates directories for each day/hour and inside there's a new mp4 for each minute03:02
dank101roasted, probably corrupted for the minute03:03
roastedthe file is not corrupted....03:03
dank101you can never really tell03:04
Dr_willispost one of the files online for other users to test in their totem player perhaps? i never really use totem03:04
aaasany way to run a command in the background, run a sleep command and then kill the original command with a SINGLE command from console  <1> &; sleep 10; kill $!  complainst about the '&'03:04
dank101unless you know the danm'd hashes03:05
dank101for EVERY POSSIBLE mp4 EVER03:05
roastedDr_willis: sure, one second.03:05
MunyA new MP4 for each minute 0.o03:06
MunyIsn't that a little...extensive?03:06
wilee-nileeoverlord, I do notice this though in the script "The boot of your PC is in EFI mode, but no EFI partition was detected. You may want to retry after creating a EFI partition (FAT32, 100MB~250MB, start of the disk, boot flag).Do you want to continue?" This an apple computer or a former windows uefi?03:06
Dr_willisseems a little over kill. ;)03:06
wilee-nileeDr_willis, Everyone has their own tinfoil hats, lol.03:07
roastedI'm failing to see why a new MP4 every minute is a difficult concept to grasp.03:07
dank101roasted, "MINUTE"03:07
roastedThe cameras do 247 recording. That's their job.03:07
overlordwilee-nilee: I had windows 8 on an 80 GB hard drive before, which I have removed from my system now. I tried install Windows 8 on this 2 TB hard drive, but failed, probably because I have installing it from an SD card. Then I thought of install ubuntu instead, which I did, but it wasn't booting03:08
wilee-nileeoverlord, I'm not real up on UEFI, but I think it is in the motherboard, you can set it as legacy I believe for installs, not sure really.03:09
roastedDr_willis: http://skynetcore.zapto.org/public/video/03:09
wilee-nilee!uefi | overlord Just more info.03:10
ubottuoverlord Just more info.: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI03:10
overlordwilee-nilee: I read somewhere that you need UEFI when you install an OS on a 2TiB or higher partition. Also read that you don't need it if you create smaller partitions. Pretty confused about it03:11
wilee-nileeoverlord, It is gpt for more than 2 tb I think, if the computer was a uefi to begin with the uefi link should help.03:11
overlordwilee-nilee: the boot-repair is done. will be back after a restart. hope it works and i don't have to come back from the live USB stick03:12
wilee-nileeuefi and gpt are used together in MS W8 installs though03:12
zykotick9overlord: don't confuse gpt and uefi - they're VERY different things.03:12
overlordzykotick9: a'right. i shall find out more about it after a restart..03:13
trakowski77This is the problem I was refering to earlier, in 13.04, with chunks of UI being black: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/58835341/black%20area.png03:14
trakowski77I've seen it on 3 different machines, 2 upgrades, and one fresh install.03:15
trakowski77using nvidia, 310 driver03:15
hum4n1c1d3hello, can someone help me?03:17
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hum4n1c1d3who can tell me something about play on linux?03:19
winjegplay what?03:20
hum4n1c1d3play on linux03:20
phixplay framework?03:20
wilee-nileehum4n1c1d3, Like wine for windows apps.03:20
BlueSharkhum4n1c1d3: sox play?03:21
phixwhich is java based web app framework which uses schema ?03:21
hum4n1c1d3is working right, but when I quit playing, my desktop changes its resolution03:21
phixhum4n1c1d3: ummm what is the context?03:21
hum4n1c1d3the context?03:22
phixMore information please!03:22
wilee-nileehum4n1c1d3, http://www.playonlinux.com/en/03:22
phixhum4n1c1d3: well yes, the context as in I had no idea what you were talking about until wilee-nilee posted that link03:22
phixhum4n1c1d3: juts using the word play by itself can mean several things03:23
hum4n1c1d3phix: it's a wine interface to play *.exe games03:23
hum4n1c1d3or something like that xD03:23
michael87can't believe I'm sayying this but I'm glad I'm on ubuntu now on my laptop. as much as I loved windows 7 raring ringtail has been very enjoyable and full of features I don't want to give up now03:23
phixhum4n1c1d3: yes, I read the site :)03:23
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hum4n1c1d3I'm NOT using the propietary drivers, by the way.03:24
phixhum4n1c1d3: remember that some games have been ported to linux, and there is now a linux version of steam available03:24
Dr_willisportal for linux steam - is aparently in the works. ;)03:25
hum4n1c1d3phix: my problem is with the screen :(03:25
phixhum4n1c1d3: what's wrong with the screen?03:25
phixWhat issues are your experiencing?03:25
makarabwat47, thanks03:25
overlordwilee-nilee: the boot-repair worked. booted on my system now. although the boot took a little longer than expected. could it be as it was the first time boot ?03:26
phixjust the res change?03:26
phixwhat video card is in your computer?03:26
hum4n1c1d3when I exit of the game, the desktop changes it's resolution03:26
phixAMD / AIT, NVIDIA?03:26
Dr_willishum4n1c1d3,  ive had to make up scripts in the past to make up for wine not closeing/restoreing the res properly.03:26
hum4n1c1d3my video card is a ATI HD 697003:26
Dr_willisthe xrandr tools should be able to set the res back to normal03:27
hum4n1c1d3Dr_willis: interesting :D03:27
phixhum4n1c1d3: hmmmmm, have you tried the propritary drivers?03:27
Dr_willisnot really seen the issue in ages.. but i dont wine much any more03:27
hum4n1c1d3phix: yes, I tried with both03:27
roastedIt seems as if some MP4's work with Totem, but not all. I wonder what I'm missing...03:28
michael87hey does anyone know how to get dvdfab to run well with wine. Keeps crashing before I can even start the suckker up03:28
phixhum4n1c1d3: hmmmm, and it happens with all games or one?03:28
hum4n1c1d3phix: well I tried with only one game until now (this is a fresh installation of ubuntu 13)03:29
Dr_willisroasted,  well the 'file' info for your mp4 is differnt then what it is for my mp4's  - I cant even get yours to play in vlc or avidemux on my linux VM.  it does play in vlc on windows03:29
roastedDr_willis: no idea, I don't have windows here.03:29
roastedDr_willis: that mp4 plays fine in smplayer and vlc for me...03:29
roastedDr_willis: I assume you downloaded the full clip and tried locally?03:29
phixoh is 13.04 out now? I haven't even tried that yet03:29
DemoOni just installed ubuntu , restarted after installation and i get only purple screen, how could i fix that?03:30
Dr_willisroasted,  file says yours is using the 3gpp codec.  my mp4 files dont mention that.03:30
hum4n1c1d3the game runs in 542x420 phix (I guess)03:30
roastedI wonder why that is.03:30
roastedDr_willis: how could you tell03:31
Dr_willisroasted,  i used the 'file' command on the files. ;)03:31
Dr_willisit gives a bit of info03:31
roastedgood tip :)03:31
Dr_willis3gp as far as  i know is commonly used on Cellphones.03:31
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michael87ok the avidemux in ubuntu store is outdated. How can I update to 2.6. avidemux is a very important tool for me03:32
wilee-nilee!text | DemoOn or a nomodeset at grub03:32
ubottuDemoOn or a nomodeset at grub: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode03:32
Pinkamena_Dwas their ever any good solution to the launcher and top panel showing up over fullscreen programs?03:32
hum4n1c1d3phix: don't worry, is almost the same ubuntu than 12.1003:32
Dr_willismichael87,  use the source, or find a ppa.03:32
roastedDr_willis: you're right. The MP4 that worked for me doesn't mention that codec.03:32
Pinkamena_D(i.e. make it so they do not)03:32
roastedDr_willis: I'll look on my cams and see if there are any codec settings. I KNOW I had this working before with totem on 12.04/1003:33
Dr_willisroasted,  ive been converting mpg's to mp4 all day. ;)03:33
roastedthanks for the awesome insight.03:33
Dr_willismichael87,  what ubuntu vesion you using?03:33
hum4n1c1d3(my english sucks :$)03:33
neytirii am havinng a issue with my desktop, for some reason the system keeps going into standby when i am using it saying that the battery is critically low03:34
Dr_willisneytiri,  and your desktop system dosent even have a battery eh?03:34
neytiriand before anyone asks its a desktop not a laptop03:34
neytirithe only batter on my desktop mobo is the cmos battery03:35
Dr_willissounds like some odd apci/apic/apm issue03:35
neytiriagreed, but how do i fix it03:35
giraffecool feature, apt-get remove x apt-get install x does not replace etc file03:37
loganleegiraffe: use purge option if u want to delete conf files too03:37
giraffei want it back03:37
Rosemary_I just installed Ubuntu at the recommendation of a friend. The problem is that now I don't know where everything I had on my computer before I installed Ubuntu is and how do I get it all back?03:38
neytirihow did you install it, Rosemary_03:39
wilee-nileeRosemary_, What was there before the install and can you run in the ubuntu terminal sudo fdisk -l and pastebin it.03:39
wilee-nilee-l is a small L03:39
giraffehope you guys are really good friends03:39
michael87dr.willis, I am using raring ringtail very impressed. Found out that avidemux hasn't made it for raring yet. so I probably going to use the 12.04 source for software sources for now03:40
hum4n1c1d3phix: I have a partial solution to my problem03:41
Rosemary_I installed it from Ubuntu. I want my homepage, bookmarks, files, and everything I had03:41
michael87dr. willis, raring ringtail made me happy enough to completely give up windows on my laptop. Though no pc games would be a bummer there are too many features on here that 7 didn't have. I still love 7 but this is flat out awsome03:41
hum4n1c1d3keep using the free drivers, then reboot and everything back to normal :D03:42
michael87dr.willis, also I love the hot corners feature. Again nummerious features 7 didn't have that are innovative and brilliant03:42
loganleewangchong: taipodong-203:43
Rosemary_I don't know about the terminal that you spoke of03:44
wilee-nileeRosemary_, ctrl-alt-t will bring it up or the windows key and type terminal.03:44
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Pinkamena_Dune unity panel and launcher will not go away when I launch a fullscreen WINE app, any solution sknown for this besides the compiz "legacy fullscreen workaround" which I cant seem to get to work.03:45
GinTonicoolcan someone help me ,here is the question when i do 'make ' http://paste.ubuntu.com/5637465/03:46
michael87I'm on a trial of crossover for linux and tryying to run dvdfab. But it keeps crashing before I can get anywhere with it. please help03:46
loganleemichael87: isnt cross over for games?03:47
roastedSo I'm trying to change my default video player from Totem to SMPlayer and Ubuntu is absolutely ignoring the fact I'm selecting SMPlayer as an option. :/03:47
michael87loganlee, yeah but its basicly a paid for version of wine. So basicly its like wine I guess. I could attempt a reinstall via wine. Hopefully it will run after that but I don't see why crossover won't do that job03:48
loganleeit's only good for running games prob'ly03:48
wilee-nileemichael87, Do you have a windows license perchance?03:49
GinTonicoolcan somebody help me ?03:49
michael87erm yes. 2 windows 7 ones. why?03:49
michael87wilee-nilee, erm yes. 2 windows 7 ones. why?03:50
wilee-nileemichael87, I would just dualboot windows, I doo for word.03:50
madpropsare the horrible scrollbars with the pop up handle gone?03:50
hum4n1c1d3phix: I guess I'm not the only one :(03:50
wilee-nileemichael87, I started on open source, but with a netbook buy ans student discounts got windows.03:51
midnightrainGinTonicool:what's wrong with your main.c03:51
michael87wilee-nilee, sigh. I thought about that. very inconviant for me since I intend on using All of my room on my laptop with a single os03:51
wilee-nileemichael87, Ah, hope you have a backup system is all.03:51
michael87wilee-nilee, I have a desktop running windows 7. I'm enjoyying linux on my laptop. Why you think ubuntu will brick it?03:52
wilee-nileemichael87, No, just that backups will save you a lot if hassle if something goes wrong.03:53
wilee-nileeor some setup so you are set.03:53
DemoOnhow can i access software sources?03:54
michael87wilee-nilee, true that. Been there done that with backups. I spent almost 2 years playying around with linux before sayying hey, just to be different, I'll put it on my new laptop. I'm pretty content with it. Raring ringtail is very fast and the hot corners feature is actually adicting. plus I use my laptop for art. wich linux is awsome for becuase gimp is fantastic with it while on windows gimp lags like hell03:54
wilee-nileeDemoOn, What release are you running?03:55
tgm4883michael87, hot corners?03:56
winjegkernel 3.903:56
wilee-nileeDemoOn, It can be reached from the ubuntu software center preferences03:56
DemoOnwilee-nilee: i don't see such option there03:57
wilee-nileeedit-software sources03:57
wilee-nileeDemoOn, ^^03:58
michael87tgm4883, yeah its a feature I enabled on raring. kde has it and I'm sure many others too. You enable it using unity tweak choose a corner, lower your mouse into that corner, then bam you see all your windows and programs opened all at ONCE03:58
tgm4883michael87, ah nice03:58
DemoOnwilee-nilee: wheres that? sry im so dumb,i can't find anything on this new layout03:59
michael87tgm4883, it is fantastic. emidiately I was hooked on it. I'm closing and opening windows and programs neard the speed of light here lol03:59
wilee-nileeDemoOn, hit the windows key and type ubuntu software center, go to the edit tab and click software sources04:00
DemoOnwilee-nilee: theres no edit tab :O04:01
wilee-nileeDemoOn, You have the ubuntu softwrae sources open?04:01
DemoOnall software, installed, history i see04:02
paradox_hellooo there04:02
hum4n1c1d3phix: solution: Install allegro :D04:04
wilee-nileeDemoOn, Top left corner. http://imagebin.org/25664004:04
wilee-nilee!cn | winjeg04:04
ubottuwinjeg: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw04:04
paradox_hello codepal...04:04
winjegNo, thanks.04:04
DemoOnwilee-nilee: ah it's top top left, and i was looking on tab, ty04:05
loganleecan u have horizontal unity bar? instead of vertical one04:06
Dr_willisloganlee,  not really. You can use a diffent dock at the bottom if you wanted one. Like cairo-dock04:07
ubottuUbuntu includes several dock-like navigation bars. Some options are: avant-window-navigator, cairo-dock, docky (formerly part of gnome-do), stalonetray, simdock, kdocker, kooldock.04:07
=== codepal_ is now known as codepal
Ari-Yanghello, so I decided to run software updater, then it said that it can do a 'partial upgrade' why is that?04:10
Dr_willissome packages are being held back perhaps.04:10
Dr_willisif you do a 'sudo apt-get update' then 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' it may force them all to upgrade04:11
rosemary_wilee nilee when I get in the terminal what do I do04:11
Ari-Yang@ Dr_willis what about aptitude?04:11
Ari-Yangshould I run sudo aptitude update and sudo aptitude dist-upgrade?04:11
Dr_willisi never use aptitude04:12
Ari-Yangokay, thanks for the info04:12
Dr_willisaptitude has had issues in the recent past..04:12
wilee-nileerosemary_, What we are trying to do here is get details. Such as what OS was on the computer before the ubuntu install. the sudo fdisk -l command is just going to show the partitions there now. YOU sais you installed ubuntu from ubuntu that is confusing, di you mean from a booted cd/usb?04:12
Dr_willisnot sure if it still does or not.   Ive never needed it04:12
winjegaptitude was on old versions of Ubuntu, right?/04:14
paradox_find the kind of distro you're using  and run as root # aptitude update & # aptitude safe-upgrade04:14
wushucan someone please help me with iptable rules? i am completly stuck :/04:15
wilee-nileewinjeg, aptitude is an app manager.04:15
paradox_the check the version...$ cat /etc/debian_version04:15
winjegI knew,,,,,,,,,,thanks...04:15
rosemary_I downloaded to a CD and then in stalled it. I had windows 7. Is that what you mean?04:16
winjegwhat do you mean then ?04:17
michael87I just told terminal to install avidemux 2.6 after setting up 12.04 sources. Now its installing all the 12.04 tringers several programs, the whole shebang. I hope my computer won't wig out after this. I just wanted to install avidemux04:19
wilee-nileerosemary_, Yes, If you run in that terminal sudo update-grub do you see windows?04:19
michael87running 13.04 rarring ringtail04:19
wilee-nileerosemary_,Do you expect windows to still be there?04:20
winjegapt-get autoremove04:20
winjeggrub is too slow for me, but it is powerful.........04:20
wilee-nileewinjeg, You are not making sense and just posting off topic.04:21
rosemary_it is asking for password, but won't let me type anything04:22
wilee-nileerosemary_, The password does not show, it is the user password.04:23
rosemary_I'm so confused. i set Ubuntu to run along side windows04:23
vnc786hello everyone !! i installed propritary driver(fglrx) but now i m not getting GUI after reboot i replaced X11 folder with my backup screen stops at "checking battery state"04:24
wilee-nileerosemary_, Which it probablly is grub is the bootloader we awant grub to show windows, so the sudo update-grub will search for it band add it to the grub menu for you to choose.04:25
wilee-nileeband=and sorry04:25
rosemary_so what do i put in next04:27
wilee-nileerosemary_, If you ran sudo update-grub did you see a windows notation.04:27
wilee-nileerosemary_, you are looking for this Found Windows 7 (loader)04:30
rosemary_after I put in sudo update-grub and clicked enter it brought up {sudo} password for rosemary:   that is all04:32
wilee-nileerosemary_, YOU then enter your user password it will not show though then hit enter.04:32
wilee-nileerosemary_, sudo means you are running as a super user a password is always needed with kit.04:33
rosemary_does it want the password i used in windows04:35
wilee-nileerosemary_, No the one you put in for you when you installed ubuntu, windows and ubuntu are separate operating systems.04:36
DemoOn/lib/ld-linux.so.3: No such file or directory any idea?04:37
rosemary_ok it brought up windows what do i do now04:38
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wilee-nileerosemary_, You can now reboot if you lioke and a menu will show that gives you the choice of ubuntu first then windows, whichever you choose you will boot to. Ubuntu does not automatically save the stuff you thought was missing they are still in windows.04:39
rosemary_How do i move it all over to Ubun tu04:41
=== Fudgey is now known as Fudge
wilee-nileerosemary_, Depends on what you mean some things can be moved like media, documents...etc, however ubuntu does not natively just run windows apps, if you had been using firefox you can set up a sync and have it all show in the firefox in ubuntu for bookmarks.04:43
rosemary_I was using firefox04:44
ignatenkobrainHi all04:45
wilee-nileerosemary_,Most dualboot for awhile to get acclimatized, and use a additional ntfs partition to share things. If you have firefox in windows setup with its onboard sync then add it to ubuntu's FF, or just setup sync in windows now to transfer the bookmarks.04:45
wilee-nileewhatever bookmark you add to either FF will show in the other if synced.04:46
rosemary_THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!04:46
=== friendoflinux is now known as shape
wilee-nileerosemary_, No problem, ubuntu can be confusing at first. ;)04:46
wilee-nileeor just a different operating system all in all.04:47
Akiva-MobileI am having a real rough time with my intel graphics since the upgrade... At least I assume its my intel driver. For one, unity is flickering, and some windows arent displaying properly. For another, youtube is freezing constantly04:48
Akiva-MobileThis was not happening on 12.1004:48
Akiva-Mobileany ideas as to what I can do?04:48
paradox_I have to stop working, i just found out that Debiaqn 7 is out...04:49
ignatenkobrainOwners ThinkPads here?04:49
paradox_Debian 704:49
Akiva-Mobileignatenkobrain: I own a thinkpad tablet, x6004:49
shapeI think I am losing my mind, I've spent over 6 hours trying to get Windows to start with grub. I cloned my dual boot Windows and Ubuntu hard drive with clonezilla. Partition by partition. After that I tried starting the now brand-new cloned drive, and I had to reinstall grub. Ubuntu loads fine but windows doesn't. I have spent as i said 6 hours to try to get it to work but with no avail I...04:49
shape...tried, bootrec /fixmbr /fixboot bootsect /nt60 /mbr, I even wrote the windows bootloader from scratch. Still nothing, I boot from the drive, I get black screen with a cursor that blinks. :(04:49
wilee-nileeAkiva-Mobile, Upgrades can have problems, so without details it is difficult to say.04:50
Akiva-Mobilewilee-nilee: Well it also happened to me in my fresh install04:50
Akiva-Mobileso I think this is a regression of sorts.04:50
bwat47Akiva-Mobile, what intel card? I had no such issues with my hd4000 in 13.0404:50
ignatenkobrainAkiva-Mobile, backlight regulate normally ?04:51
wilee-nileeshape, Did you clone the windows boot partition, and did you put windows in a extended partition?04:51
Akiva-Mobilebwat47: Intel® 945GM x86/MMX/SSE204:51
Akiva-Mobileignatenkobrain: Yes, i believe so. I turn off the option to automatically darken screen04:51
Akiva-Mobileignatenkobrain: Why, what is your issue?04:52
shapewilee-nilee: I made 2 primary partitions on the new drive, 1 for windows 1 for ubuntu. And then I cloned one by one. They are not extended.04:52
ignatenkobrainAkiva-Mobile, Regression in kernel on recent ThinkPads.. Kernel from launchpad BZ not working04:52
wilee-nileeshape, Have you run the bootrepair tool and generated a bootinfo summary?04:53
Akiva-Mobileignatenkobrain: Thats a shame. I think thinkpads are the best hardware out there.04:53
bwat47ignatenkobrain, add acpi_osi="!Windows 2012" to your /etc/default/grub04:53
shapewilee-nilee: yeah, it sees windows on dev/sda, but when i choose it, it does the same thing as with no grub at all.04:54
bwat47ignatenkobrain, on the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT= line04:54
shapewilee-nilee: so the whole problem is fixing the windows boot and then grub can easily take over04:54
ignatenkobrainbwat47, in my X230 not work=(04:54
Akiva-Mobileignatenkobrain: What you could do if you were lazy, is just do a fresh install of ubuntu and let it autoconfig the grub for you.04:54
wilee-nileeshape, Post the bootinfo summary url04:54
winjegif you had wiped the partion of windows , I think it is hopless , if not, you may run grub-installl /dev/yourdisk04:56
bwat47ignatenkobrain, darn, unlucky then :( that one seems to fix it for most ppl with thinkpads04:56
britt_Hello, does anyone know of any way to get xrandr 1.4 on raring other than building from source? Sorry if this has been asked before04:56
jdawgxcan anyone help me figure out why my webcam isnt working for video chat04:56
shapewilee-nilee: from boot-repair?04:56
jdawgxit works on cheese04:56
bwat47britt_, xorg-edgers ppa maybe?04:56
wilee-nileeshape, yes run it again just the bootinfo summary.04:57
bwat47britt_, beware, thats bleeding edge stuff04:57
britt_bwat47: thank you, I don't mind the bleeding edge. I kind of need it to install the proper drivers for my hardware04:57
shapewilee-nilee: Yup will you be here? might take a while since i have to fire up the live cd, install it, etc. 10 min max04:58
wilee-nileeshape, Yes, I will be here ou can run it in the ubuntu install, if you can get in.04:58
ignatenkobrainbwat47, i tested kernel with patch from kernel bz..nothing changes.04:59
wilee-nileeshape, Sounds like you didn't clone the windows boot partition, no biggie that can be fixed if this is the case.04:59
shapewilee-nilee: that's what im trying to do yes, and I think Clonezilla didn't copy the MBR, it just copied dev/sda104:59
jdawgxcan anyone help me with a webcam issue on xubuntu04:59
wilee-nileejdawgx, Only if you outline the problem, if someone can they will answer. ;)05:00
jdawgxwell it works with cheese but not online05:01
wilee-nileeshape, Clonezilla should copy the mbr, could be a bad clone could be any number of things, the summary will get us closer as far as seeing what us there now.05:01
loganleejdawgx: get a better web browser05:01
jdawgxwhat do you recomend?05:02
winjegflash plugin ?>05:02
loganleejdawgx: like chromium or firefox05:02
lotuspsychjejdawgx: did you install flash?05:02
jdawgxi use firefox05:02
ignatenkobrainbwat47, you have thinkpad?05:02
jdawgxi believe i have the flash 11 installed05:02
loganleejdawgx: u need flash plugin for ur browser05:03
lotuspsychjejdawgx: like loganlee says, sometimes it works beter with google-chrome05:03
bwat47ignatenkobrain, nope I've got a system76, I've just seen a lot of thinkpad users with backlight issues and that workaround worked for most05:03
shapewilee-nilee: awesome, because I want to avoid reinstalling windows, and know how to fix this manually on my own, I might take hours now but next time i'll do it in seconds, which would save me hours in the long run from reinstalling windows over and over. :( btw ubuntu fired up, installing boot-repair, should be done soon05:03
wilee-nileeshape, cool05:03
jdawgxok how do i do flash player for the browser, with the browser menu or through synaptic05:03
andysixis linux lite alot like ubuntu?05:04
winjegyou needn't reinstall windows05:04
lotuspsychjeshape: or you can single install ubuntu :p05:04
purveshHi, can some one help me out, I am doing partition on my ubuntu with 2TB hard disk05:04
* wilee-nilee slaps the peanut gallery, lol05:04
lotuspsychje!info flashplugin-installer | jdawgx05:04
ubottujdawgx: flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (raring), package size 6 kB, installed size 136 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)05:04
shapelotuspsychje: I would do that right now if it wasn't for cad software and other multimedia software that my brother needs, i.e. maya, 3dsmax05:05
jdawgx!info flashplugin-installer05:05
ubottuflashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (raring), package size 6 kB, installed size 136 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)05:05
lotuspsychjeandysix: we only discuss ubuntu troubleshooting here mate05:05
winjegYou can clear the mbr of your disk first and then use bootrec,05:05
lotuspsychjeshape: im sure this channel can point you to some nice alternative packages05:05
michael87ok I'm actually getting really frustrated with this. Can anyone tell me how to make dvdfab work with wine. Its starts but then it crashes. Very frustrated05:05
jdawgxflash plugin installer is installed05:06
loganleenow restart ur browser05:06
jdawgxit has been installed05:06
lotuspsychjemichael87: can you try start it from terminal and see what error it gives you?05:06
loganleejdawgx: restart05:06
andysixlinux lite is ubuntu look on distrowatch.com05:07
jdawgxits been restarted several times since the install months ago05:07
andysixLinux Lite is a beginner-friendly Linux distribution based on Ubuntu LTS and featuring the Xfce desktop.05:07
jdawgxi shouldnt need to restart05:07
michael87lotuspsychje, what command should I give?05:07
jdawgxit doesnt work online maybe ill try chromium05:07
lotuspsychje!wine | michael8705:08
ubottumichael87: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu05:08
jdawgxthanks for the help05:08
ptiernowhat is ubuntu currently using to manage services?05:08
wilee-nileeandysix, So is mint, but not supported here.05:08
lotuspsychjejdawgx: how many webcams your machine have?05:08
jdawgxanyone know why netflix desktop doesnt work anymore05:08
jdawgxonly one05:08
lotuspsychjejdawgx: sometimes you need to right mouse the adobe cam area to choose your right webcam05:09
ptiernosystemd? sysV?05:09
wilee-nileeshape, Stryyker is a great help on ##windows, we are not fond of dual ;osting so follow them.05:10
ptiernothanks for the help. found out on my own :)05:12
lotuspsychje!yay | ptierno05:12
ubottuptierno: Glad you made it! :-)05:12
jdawgxanyone know why netflix on ubuntu stopped working after silverlight updated05:12
lotuspsychje!details | jdawgx05:13
ubottujdawgx: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:13
ptiernoyah doesnt take a douch to realize that ubuntu seems to do there own thing.05:13
ptiernobut im digging it a little.. as a desktop05:13
wilee-nileejdawgx, https://bugs.launchpad.net/netflix-desktop/+bug/116445305:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1164453 in Netflix Desktop "required new silverlight" [Undecided,Fix released]05:14
lotuspsychjekaushal: hi05:16
kaushalis there a unity lens for pidgin in ubuntu 13.04?05:16
kaushallotuspsychje: hi05:16
jdawgxok thanks wilee-nilee05:16
wilee-nileejdawgx, Not sure if that is the fix, but very similar circumstances.05:17
=== mike is now known as Guest5877
lotuspsychje!info unity-lens-pidgin05:18
ubottuPackage unity-lens-pidgin does not exist in raring05:18
ignatenkobrainbwat47: acpi_backlight=vendor works for me.05:18
lotuspsychjekaushal: you might wanna search a specific ppa for that05:18
ignatenkobrainbwat47: but this is very bad05:18
purveshkaushal: hi05:18
=== pingcast1 is now known as pingcasts
purveshcan someone tell me partition priority in my case i have 2TB hard disk05:19
ignatenkobrainWhere I can download ubuntu iso with needed for me packages ?05:19
kaushallotuspsychje: i could not find it05:19
ignatenkobrainIn Fedora I use kickstart.05:19
loganleepurvesh: mount / size 2TB05:19
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com05:20
wilee-nileeignatenkobrain, ^^^05:20
purveshloganlee: I have total 2TB hard disk so i am planing to make first / 100gb(Primary) /boot 500mb (logical) /Home 1500gb (Primary)05:21
jdawgxya thats the problem im facing as well not sure how to do the fix yet still reading05:22
wilee-nileepurvesh, I doubt you need a boot partition, is this a uefi setup?05:22
purveshloganlee: so boot comes in the center or at first position also i am going to put /swap at the last as extended05:22
lotuspsychjekaushal: what happens if you try the 12.10 version?05:22
purveshwilee-nilee: No I have Bios on my desktop and i can't move to GPT05:23
wilee-nileepurvesh, Then use the mbr not a boot partition.05:23
wilee-nileeif not a computer that had a secure boot uefi setup to begin with.05:24
purveshwilee-nilee: i have got fresh new 2TB hard disk for my desktop and it was not showing ADD at the time of partition and i had clicked on New partition table so that will automatically create MBR partition table or something else?05:25
wilee-nileepurvesh, New HD's often need a partition table.  The mbr is the 512MB part of thew disc not showing as a partition but as sdX X=the drive like a, b...etc.05:26
purveshwilee-nilee, And /boot i had created for If in future i will install multiple Linux distros then my ubuntu will not affect so...05:26
purveshwilee-nilee: Yeah its SDA05:27
wilee-nileepurvesh, If you want more than 4 partitions altogether put them all in a extended.05:27
wilee-nileefor linux that is05:27
penoscan u install ubuntu running on image to install another distro on image?05:27
purveshwilee-nilee: If my home size is 1500GB and if it is primary then it would run faster then extended ?05:28
wilee-nileepurvesh, No05:28
purveshwilee-nilee: ?05:28
wilee-nileepurvesh, the extended is a container fore logical partitions the logical s where the ubuntu goes.05:28
purveshwilee-nilee: then primary is for05:28
wilee-nileewindows basically05:29
penoscan u run fifa13 on wine05:29
lotuspsychjepenos: check the playonlinux list of games05:29
paradox_hello nate05:29
purveshwilee-nilee: can you suggest me partition order and sizes as if you install for your self on 2TB hdd05:29
wilee-nileepurvesh, I just install all to one partition myself, but I have all my stuff on externals, and use the HD for multiple OS's 4 as of now.05:30
penosi want to score like ronaldo playing fifa on ubuntu05:31
purveshwilee-nilee: oh thats cool05:31
purveshwilee-nilee: I am also going to install multiple OS but on VirtualBox05:31
wilee-nileepurvesh, I have a 256 gig ssd and a 2tb exteranal and two other eternals of 320 gigs.05:31
penoswhy u need so large hdd?05:32
wilee-nileemachismo. ;)'05:32
penosi am the great cormholio05:33
kaushallotuspsychje: I follow http://www.iloveubuntu.net/unity-pidgin-lens-released-ppa-available05:33
penosru threatening me05:33
lotuspsychjepenos: please use #ubuntu-offtopic for regular chat, this is support channel only05:33
* wilee-nilee now ignores05:34
purveshwilee-nilee: then please suggest me partition size for 2TB then with extended or primary detail05:34
shapewilee-nilee: I'm sorry I went astray and asked in windows but I wasn't expecting much help from #windows. As of now it's sort of gotten to "delete and reclone" because the partition label is messed up. here is what boot-repair put out: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5637595/05:34
kaushallotuspsychje: when i run sudo apt-cache search unity-lens-pidgin it doesnot return anything05:34
lotuspsychjekaushal: seems i cant find ppa for 13.04 neither,05:34
kaushallotuspsychje: yeah05:34
penos2TB /       0TB /home05:35
jdawgxwilee-nilee that link worked perfect thanks a million, life without netflix is like life without beer05:35
lotuspsychjekaushal: i found a collection of scopes ppa, but pidgin lens is not inside, you might wanna have to wait05:35
ignatenkobrainwilee-nilee: where in ubuntu kickstart ? =)05:35
shapesda1 starts at sector 2048.wilee-nilee: if you look at sda 1 According to the info in the boot sector, sda1 starts at sector 63. But according to the info from fdisk,sda1 starts at sector 2048.05:35
Aarunishape: we get support everywhere mate! XD05:35
wilee-nileepurvesh, If you are just going to have extra OS's in a VM, then just make separate / and homes, I'm not really best here I don't seperate these.05:35
kaushallotuspsychje: what are the best apps available in 13.04?05:35
Mac_WriteShape don't you meet Sector 001 :D05:35
lotuspsychje!best | kaushal05:36
ubottukaushal: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.05:36
shapeMac_Write: that's what boot repair shows, pasted from there05:36
lotuspsychjepenos: please dont abuse the bot05:36
Mac_WriteI guess you didn't get the joke Sctor 00105:36
wilee-nileeignatenkobrain, Never heard of it.05:37
shapeMac_Write: nope, I live in a cave :(05:37
lotuspsychjekaushal: try webupd8 or omgubuntu for cool ubuntu packages05:37
ignatenkobrainwilee-nilee: =( I can't install Ubuntu, but I need test custom kernel in Ubuntu..05:38
kaushallotuspsychje: in USC?05:38
Mac_Write  shape hint "You will escort us to Sector 001"05:38
shapewilee-nilee: So now that i've tried getting help elsewhere with no avail are you willing to help me sort out my problem? :) I pasted the boot-repair output.05:38
purveshwilee-nilee: Ok thanks so i dont have to create /boot ?05:38
lotuspsychjekaushal: what usc?05:39
penosboot is for kernel images05:39
kaushalubuntu software center05:39
kaushallotuspsychje: i saw it on the web05:39
lotuspsychjekaushal; you can find cool packages in software centre too yes , lol05:39
lotuspsychjekaushal: its better you know what you need first, then ask about 1 specific package you need05:40
wilee-nileeshape, I see a couple of things a gpt notation in sdb, I'm not really knowledgeable in this overall just msdos stuff. I would go to the ubuntu froums and make a thread and post that script there. I would hewlp if I felt confident in a fix. ;)05:40
=== funky is now known as alex_fun
wilee-nileepurvesh, No the mbr will be fine for the bootloader.05:41
Aaruni!help | helmut_05:41
ubottuhelmut_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience05:41
wilee-nileeAaruni, A little fast on the draw eh. ;)05:42
shapewilee-nilee: it's not about sdb, sdb has no os on it and I don't boot from it. it's SDA with the problemAccording to the info in the boot sector, sda1 starts at sector 63. But according to the info from fdisk, sda1 starts at sector 2048. Any Tool to fix this or what should I look into? Fixing Partition tables?05:42
penoscan u run monkey island on ubuntu05:42
Aaruniwilee-nilee: hmm, sorry. helmut_ , sorry to you too.05:43
purveshwilee-nilee: ok... so I am just creating / 100gb (Primary) /Home 1500gb (primary) /swap (extended) it is perfect right ?05:43
penosshape reformat05:43
kaushallotuspsychje: ok05:43
kaushallotuspsychje: Thanks a lot05:43
shapepenos: I'm obviously avoiding that...05:43
kaushallotuspsychje: I have Bus 001 Device 004: ID 138a:0011 Validity Sensors, Inc. VFS5011 Fingerprint Reader on my Dell Vostro 3450 laptop05:44
lotuspsychje!info playonlinux | penos05:44
ubottupenos: playonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.1.1-1 (raring), package size 1436 kB, installed size 3507 kB05:44
kaushalI am running 13.0405:44
kaushalit does not detect the finger print reader05:44
wilee-nileeshape, Sure but you have a rather complex setup that any number of problems could be found. As of now the sda HD where windows is does not have the MS bootloader in it, that alone may boot windows. The files needed for windows to boot are in its partition. Is the sda partition first in the bios to be read.05:44
kaushallotuspsychje: any clue?05:44
loofIs there any alternate/text only installer for 13.04?05:44
toniusHello.. Bought a laptop with windows 8 and cannot get it to boot my Ubuntu 13.04 dvd.... any ideas how to fix this?05:44
loofI see one for 12 but not 1305:44
lotuspsychjekaushal: did you install a software for finger reading?05:45
purveshwilee-nilee: You said No at that time primary will not run fast or nothing like that ?05:45
kaushallotuspsychje: yeah05:45
lotuspsychjekaushal: wich one?05:45
Aarunitonius: have you tried setting DVD drive as boot priority ?05:45
kaushallotuspsychje: which one is recommended05:45
penostonius change boot order in bios05:46
shapewilee-nilee: isnt  Boot files:        /bootmgr << this the windows bootloader?   (Boot files: /bootmgr /Boot/BCD /Windows/System32/winload.exe)05:46
kaushallotuspsychje: fingerprint-gui05:46
toniusAaruni: Oh yeah.. I mean it tried to boot the DVD.. but it just sits at a black screen.. Is this because of Windows 8 secure boot?05:46
toniuspenos: ive selected it to boot from the DVD but it just wont boot it. Tried multiple discs..05:46
lotuspsychjekaushal: im not sure mate, i dont use such...did you check additional drivers?05:46
toniusHas anybody had problems with HP laptops, windows 8 and the secure boot?05:47
wilee-nileeshape, What I meant was the sda mbr has no windows bootloader, I would load it from a recovery or install disc to see if windows boots from the sda being read.05:47
lotuspsychjetonius: did you disable secure boot in bios?05:47
wilee-nileeshape,If it boots then you can just reload grub there.05:47
toniuslotuspsychje: have not didnt know it was possible05:47
shapewilee-nilee: I've already tried that and it hasn't worked :(05:48
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wilee-nileepurvesh, :Primary or a logical in a extended should have the same speed as far as I know.05:48
shapewilee-nilee: even rebuilt bcd, even manually, etc.05:48
toniuslotuspsychje; gonna go look for this option05:48
lotuspsychjetonius: if i had a w8 machine i would try a single ubuntu setup on it to see..05:48
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wilee-nileeshape, Sounds like a bad clone then if windows was fine before. I have used clonezilla 100's of times with no problems.05:49
wilee-nileeshape, Did you resize windows from outside its partitioner?05:50
shapewilee-nilee: yes05:50
shapewilee-nilee: it went from 32GB (source) to 60GB clone05:50
shapewilee-nilee: so different partition table for the bootloader05:50
wilee-nileeshape, Ah, the front of the partition perhaps?05:50
shapewilee-nilee: no idea, yeah the front05:51
wilee-nileeshape, I would re-clone it and expand it with the W7  partitioner. Moving the front of a windows partition with like gparted will brick it.05:52
Svihow can i upgrade 11.04 to 12.0405:52
wilee-nileeas far as I know anyway.05:52
wilee-nilee!eol | Svi05:52
ubottuSvi: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades05:52
savioSvi: you need to first to 10.010 then go for 12.0405:53
shapewilee-nilee: Oh, I see what you mean, you mean to clone it disk by disk not unto different partitions like I did, and THEN expand those partitions, correct?05:53
Svi10.10 or 11.1005:54
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Aarunisavio: I think you mistyped 11.10, mate05:54
Mac_WriteHow do I mount a CD/DVD via the command line (Parallels need to install paralels rtools)05:54
penoscan u install ubuntu on microsoft surface rt?05:54
tabsterleirHi there all, I was wondering if someone could take a look at this for me? http://www2.dma.net.au/index.php?action=displayProduct&pid=8825 I wish to run Ubuntu on it, does it look viable? I've tried doing a bit of Googling but info is a little scarse. Anyone had experience with one of these and Linux?05:55
AaruniMac_Write: the last time I tried to install parallels tools, I just clicked on it, and it auto-mounted05:55
savioAaruni:  yup i'm on my android new to this touchscreen interface :)05:55
wilee-nileeshape, You can clone separately and insert windows to a bigger partition, or the whole disc and resize ubuntu with gparted from its front froma live cd, leaving a unallocated for the windows partitioner to exspand the end into.05:55
Mac_Writebut when I click on the install it opens in a text editor05:55
AaruniMac_Write: I think you need to navigate to it using command line, and install it using  ./<installer_file_name>05:56
wilee-nileeshape, Mainly moving the front of the windows partition is the problem.05:56
AaruniSvi: so, that's 11.1005:56
lotuspsychjetabsterleir: is it touchscreen?05:56
shapewilee-nilee: yeah that will be my last resort, at the moment I am looking if I can move my sda partition from sector 2048 to sector 63. U think that is possible?05:56
saviotabsterleir:  I guess there will be no problem05:57
tabsterleirIndeed it is lotus05:57
Mac_WriteAaruni I know, but I don't know where to find it via command line05:57
wilee-nileeSvi, The eol link tells you how to upgrade, I would not bother honestly a fresh install is a better idea.05:57
tabsterleirsavio: As far as I know it has intel Wifi so I should be golden there right?05:57
* tabsterleir has a bad run with Linux and Wifi05:57
lotuspsychjetabsterleir: ubuntu desktop wont be able to support touch i think (correct me if im wrong)05:57
saviotabsterleir: don't worry you will be fine05:58
Sviwould it be better to install fresh 12.04 rather than upgrade05:58
AaruniMac_Write: it is usually /media/<something> , but you can also try dragging the install icon into the command line, and it will paste the whole path to the installer there. then just prepend ./ , and it should work05:58
tabsterleirExcellent! I shall place my order now! :) Thankyou all05:58
lotuspsychjetabsterleir: you will need ubuntu touch for tablet features #ubuntu-touch05:58
AaruniSvi: AFAIK, the upgrade just retains your /home, and upgrades everything else. You can try making a manual backup of your /home folder, and do a clean install, then resotre05:59
Svii assume many apps will crash when upgraded to 12.0405:59
wilee-nileeshape, I would not bother if it were me, YOu can just clone the original W7 and put it into that partition already there and call it a day. rebuild the ntfs first.05:59
Svithanks Aaruni , i will go for a fresh install05:59
savioSvi: before upgrading disable PPA on your system06:00
AaruniSvi: no prob.06:00
wilee-nileethe mbr move should boot the ubuntu and windows then.06:00
shapewilee-nilee: haha of course, but I think I'd learn a lot more if I can actually do that without going the easy way06:00
Aarunisavio: he's going for a fresh install.06:00
wilee-nileeshape, Modern HD's leave that open space.06:01
wilee-nileeit is the way the nodes are counted06:01
lotuspsychjewilee-nilee: what brand of ssd you run ubuntu on?06:01
wilee-nileehold on06:02
shapewilee-nilee: so then I could try changing the info in the boot sector to tell it it starts at 2048 instead of 63 no?06:02
kaiser92_hi all06:03
saviokaiser92_:  hey06:03
wilee-nileelotuspsychje, http://www.amazon.com/Crucial-256GB-2-5-Inch-9-5mm-CT256M4SSD2/dp/B004W2JL2A06:04
lotuspsychjewilee-nilee: nice one mate!06:04
wilee-nileeshape, Thats is not the problem I believe. YOU moved the front of the windows partition that will brick it06:05
wilee-nileelotuspsychje, Makes my old toshiba a205 s8512 fly06:06
Mac_WriteThere got the installer going06:06
lotuspsychjewilee-nilee: see pm :p06:06
wilee-nileelotuspsychje, I have the pm off06:07
lotuspsychjeoh ok06:08
wilee-nileelotuspsychje, Not for you but everyone, lol06:08
lotuspsychjewilee-nilee: well quick ot, i run 13.04 64bit on my old transcend 8gig goes rocketfast06:09
shapewilee-nilee: do you happen to know what will happen if I do this: sudo dd if=/dev/sda1/ bs=63   ?06:09
wilee-nileeshape, I have not really used dd, I'm lazy. ;)06:10
wilee-nileelotuspsychje, Cool.06:10
shapewilee-nilee: HOly hell it's showing me a new language, worst than matrix, etc.06:10
wilee-nileelol, thats what you get for messing around I use the KISS method, keep it simple stupid, as I am stupid. ;)06:11
lotuspsychjeshape: lol what are you trying to do actually06:12
shapelotuspsychje: move the sda1 to boot sector 6306:12
lotuspsychjeshape: did you try testdisk? it has cool hd features06:13
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shapelotuspsychje: nope, never heard about it :(06:13
lotuspsychje!info testdisk | shape06:13
ubottushape: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.13-1ubuntu2 (raring), package size 516 kB, installed size 1201 kB06:13
lotuspsychjeshape: inside testdisk, you can run photorec too, the most amazing data recovery tool ever06:13
Mac_WriteI think I need a new computer06:14
shapelotuspsychje: Thanks!06:15
lotuspsychjeMac_Write: buy a fast ssd and install ubuntu on it :p06:15
Mac_WriteIt's an old old rMBP06:16
Mac_WriteFirst generation06:16
lotuspsychjeMac_Write: lubuntu or xubuntu then :p06:16
Mac_WriteIt's slow as hell06:17
Mac_WriteI think it;s a 2.6Ghz with 16GB RAAM06:17
lotuspsychjelol 16gig ram slow06:18
jdawgxcan anyone help me figure out why my webcam doesnt work on chat-avenue.com/videochat.html06:18
tabsterleirOh, one more question I missed before: Ubuntu Secure Boot support. Is it good to go on Secure Boot machines?06:18
lotuspsychje!it | ginetto06:18
ubottuginetto: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)06:18
jdawgxit works with cheese just fine06:18
lotuspsychjejdawgx: did you try on google-chrome?06:19
jdawgxi used firefox and chrome06:19
jdawgxsame problem on both it just doesnt register06:19
jdawgxi have 11.2 flash06:19
Dr_willisflash has known issues where it cant access webcams. ive seen it mentioned befor.. no idea on any work arounds. askubuntu.com may know ofsome06:20
lotuspsychjejdawgx: any errors you getting?06:20
jdawgxi could try my windows virtual box that would probably work06:20
jdawgxno errors06:20
jdawgxjust no response06:20
jdawgxnothing happens06:21
lotuspsychjejdawgx: how about you start firefox from terminal?06:21
penoshad lunch06:21
jdawgxok i started via terminal06:21
lotuspsychjejdawgx: see if you getting any errors on the cam page06:22
jdawgxi get to to the website press the button to turn on camera nothing happens06:22
lotuspsychjejdawgx: what happens if you right mouse the cam area?06:22
jdawgxwebcam menu locks up and no camera06:22
jdawgxno errors06:23
jdawgxit gives me option menu to turn on camera and still does not work'06:23
jdawgxcould it be a firewall06:24
glitchdhello everyone06:24
glitchdwondering if anyone knows of a photobucket uploader that still works in linux..?06:24
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jdawgxhow do i disable my firewall06:25
jdawgxvia terminal06:25
glitchdjdawgx, which firewall?06:25
jdawgxi dunno it was a basic setup06:26
jdawgxill google it06:26
glitchdin ubuntu?06:26
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Mac_WriteWhat GUI is everyone using?06:26
glitchddont think ubuntu comes with a default firewall enabled..06:26
glitchdare u sure its not a firewall in your router?06:26
glitchdwhich version on ubuntu?06:27
jdawgxfirewall foind it06:27
glitchdxubuntu 12.10?06:27
jdawgxdoesnt come with it06:27
Dr_willistheres no default firewall RULES enabled..06:27
Mac_WriteIs there a WIndows 7 GUI?06:27
glitchdthats kinda what i said to begin with..06:27
jdawgxyou have to install ufw i belive06:27
Dr_willisMac_Write,  most people in here seem to use Unity. xfce  is also very popular. as is gnomeshell06:28
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Gufw (GNOME) and Guarddog (KDE from Lucid onwards) also exist.06:28
glitchdMac_Write, your a mac user, on linux, asking for a windows gui..?06:28
jdawgxthanks ubottu06:28
Mac_WriteJust so I can explore the different DE's06:28
jdawgxyour awesome06:28
glitchdDr_willis, yupyup06:28
savioMac_Write:  windows GUI comes with windows only06:28
Dr_willisinstall the diffent de's and have fun..06:29
jdawgxso could that prevent my camera from working in a video chat room06:29
Dr_willisjdawgx,  flash has known issues (has for years) where it dosent always work with every webcam06:29
savioMac_Write: but we have many look like alternatives like xface unity lxde gnome06:29
glitchdsavio, http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php?content=11649906:30
Dr_willisjdawgx,  its possible ther emight be some work arounds listed at the askubuntu.com site. I dont know of any, i dont use webcams much06:30
shapeDr_willis: do you happen to know how I could move a parition from sector xxxx to sector xxxx ?06:30
glitchdjdawgx, do u have v4l?06:31
glitchdshape, gparted06:31
jdawgxi dont know what that is06:31
Dr_willisshape,  hmm.. you mean move a partion to begin and end on differnt sectors?06:31
shapeDr_willis: correct06:31
Mac_WriteI've installed kubuntu and gnome-shell06:31
glitchdjdawgx, it video4linux06:31
Dr_willisshape,  gparted. parted.06:31
jdawgxill check06:31
glitchdjdawgx, it should be in system06:32
Dr_willisif your webcam is working in cheese.. then its working.. its a flash->webcam issue06:32
shapeDr_willis: yeah but how, i click resize/move and I don't get sectors, etc.06:32
savioMac_Write:  !lxde06:32
glitchdjdawgx, if not, then "sudo apt-get install gparted"06:32
ubottuLXDE ( http://lxde.org/ ) is the Lightweight X11 Desktop Environment used by !Lubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop ». See http://lubuntu.net/ for more information, and join #lubuntu for support.06:32
jdawgxjust libv4l-006:32
jdawgxi have gparted installed06:33
AtuMhello... I'm trying to install openvswitch including openvswitch-brcompat... I'm missing brcompat.ko driver after installation..  and "module-assistant a-i openvswitch-datapath" fails complaining about linux-headers, which is installed06:33
glitchdjdawgx, thats what your looking for06:34
jdawgxits already installed that doesnt fix the webcam06:34
glitchdjdawgx, http://askubuntu.com/questions/2888/how-do-i-get-my-webcam-to-work06:34
glitchdits just not displaying anything when u turn the webcam on?06:35
glitchdjdawgx, what program are u using to use the webcam?06:35
Dr_willisi think he said.. it works in cheese.. but not in FLASH chat rooms06:35
jdawgxit works great with cheese06:35
jdawgxthanks Dr06:35
glitchdthen your problem is obviously, flash.06:35
Dr_willisso again.. that points to a flash issue.. more then a webcam isswue06:35
jdawgxDr_willis i agree06:36
jdawgxi just crashed the chat room says adobe flash plugin issiue06:38
jdawgxattempting to get the camera to work06:38
jdawgxi have a had a few flash issues but i have the current flash adobe 11.206:39
penosjdawgx maybe firewall?06:40
jdawgxfirewall is off right now06:40
jdawgxthis is the website06:41
jdawgxi want to get a new camera but not if it wont work06:42
Rotenrobbiewhere all the women?06:42
Dr_willisRotenrobbie,  in #foreveralone06:43
penosjdawgx try different web site06:43
jdawgxany suggestions i dont know of many06:44
penoschat roullete06:44
Jordan_Ujdawgx: Do not try penos's suggestion.06:44
jdawgxit uses the same webcam program and gives me the same problem06:45
jdawgxthe adobe flash plugin has crashed send error report06:46
Jordan_Upenos: Chat roullete has a bad reputation. Please don't suggest such things to people.06:46
jdawgxcrash report06:46
=== me is now known as Guest92665
jdawgxits same as the other site06:46
jdawgxsent report reloaded to try again and crashed06:47
jdawgxi just need to be able to video chat06:48
Rotenrobbiewhats a good chat site for ubuntu?06:49
penostry running browser with sudo06:49
jdawgxalready tried that as well nothing changed06:49
bazhangpenos, thats terrible advice06:49
bazhangRotenrobbie, #ubuntu-offtopic06:50
Dr_willishttp://askubuntu.com/search?tab=votes&q=flash%20webcam  has a few hits06:50
jdawgxthats the problem06:50
jdawgxthanks Dr06:50
jdawgxfirst question06:51
Rotenrobbie13.04 is not bad....i still need info on a good chat site? lil help?06:51
auronandaceRotenrobbie: thats got nothing to do with ubuntu06:52
bazhang!ot | Rotenrobbie06:52
ubottuRotenrobbie: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:52
Dr_willisi mentioned looking on askubuntu.com like.. err.. 30+ min ago. ;P06:52
jdawgxsorry Dr willis, im still searching for the answer but this a good start06:53
jdawgxThank you06:53
AtuMInstalling openvswitch-datapath-dkms made all the difference..06:54
Rotenrobbieauronandace .....since wen does UBUNTU 13.04 have nothin to do with ubuntu??  JESUS U OKAY?06:54
auronandaceRotenrobbie: you asked for a chat site, there was no support question regarding ubuntu06:54
jdawgxIm not finding much more than people with same problem06:55
jdawgxi found a workaround06:58
jdawgxi guess ill try it06:58
UbuBeginI have created a runnable program... it is inside this folder.. /home/john/test and I call it as ./prog... How can I config so I can just run it as prog from any directory.. like those system programs06:58
Dr_willisUbuBegin,  make a bin directory in your home. and eitehr copy it there. or make a link from  ~/bin/whatever  pointing to the executable06:59
Dr_williswhen you login. if you have a 'bin' directory - its added to your default PATH06:59
UbuBeginDr_willis, How can i just a program to the PATH... where is this PATH ?07:00
Dr_willisBash bascs.. its defined in yoru bash init scripts.. and I suggest just using the 'bin' directory. thats whats its designed for07:01
Dr_willisor you can make an alias in your .bashrc or .profile07:02
jdawgxi cant find anything that makes sense of how to fix the video cam07:04
UbuBeginDr_willis, ./bashrc looks like fine idea.. Thanks07:04
Dr_williserr.. its .bashrc   not ./bashrc07:04
Dr_willistheres a logic to the use of  .   :)07:04
jdawgxthanks for the help anyway though everyone goodnight07:05
tkI dont suppose there is way to have new files in a shared directory to always be owned by a specific user? (I tried SUID/SGID) but that always results in the file being owned by the current user but group of the original user07:10
Mavriktk, not really no. Usually you set group permissions properly or use ACLs07:11
Mac_WriteKDE is so far my favourite07:12
riqdiizAny method to cure 'scratches' in mp3 music stored in an sdcard? Music had none prior to copying them to the sdcard :-(07:20
MyrttiSenor: are you done experimenting, it's a bit noisy07:22
Dr_willistry playing them on a differnt pc/device riqdiiz  - it might just be some odd sound driver/player quirk.07:22
Jordan_U!rootirc | Senor07:23
ubottuSenor: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.07:23
Senor:I am not root07:24
Senorubottu:I am not root ,why are you saying that?07:24
ubottuSenor: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:24
Dr_willis* [Senor] (~root@ root07:24
Dr_willisyou do seem to be running as root senor.07:24
Myrttijust let it go07:24
SenorDr_willis : what do you mean by  "root senor " ?07:25
Dr_willis  /whois   senor     shows that info for YOU.07:25
Dr_willisyou do seem to be on IRC as the root user.07:26
SenorBut I login as Senor07:26
Senor/bin/sh: Senor: not found07:27
MyrttiSenor: how do you start irssi then?07:27
riqdiizDr_willis: hi the SD is 8 Gb. Could size><handling incompatibility cause it?07:27
SenorI login as Senor ,then irssi07:27
Dr_willisriqdiiz,  i wouldent think so07:27
Senorwhich option can tell dpkg the destination of installation?07:28
Dr_willisSenor,  i dont think you can do that with the apt system07:28
riqdiizI'm playing it on my mp3 hifi but still the same prob.07:28
Dr_willissudo dpkg -i whatever.deb  and it installs the files on the system as defined in the .deb07:29
SenorDr_willis:you mean I can not custom the destinate location?07:29
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Dr_willisthe package manager installs stuff where its supposed to go. thats its job. - Ive never seen a way or needed to override it.07:30
Senoryou mean packet already has destination in it?07:30
aeon-ltdwhat are you trying to achieve by shifting the install location?07:30
Dr_willisSenor,  yes.. apt installs the files where they need to go..07:31
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Computron_Snakker noen norske?07:34
A1ReconSo windows gives locations like D:\folder\file where D is the drive letter, but in Ubuntu I see just 2 New Volumes, so how does it differentiate between the drives.07:36
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ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount07:36
SenorDr_willis: So , if I need  install it elsewhere , only possibly  by source ?07:36
Dr_willisyou mount a filesystem to a 'directory' and thats where the drives/filesystrm appears07:36
Dr_willisSenor,  as far as i know.. ive never needed to  install 'elsewhere'07:37
Dr_williswhen using source, i tend to install things to /opt/07:37
SenorDr_willis : I want to install gcc on my emulator ,which runs linux on07:38
Dr_willison my emulator? clarify a bit more...07:38
Computron_Snakker noen norske?07:38
A1ReconAny help on HDMI audio??07:39
Tm_T!no | Computron_07:39
ubottuComputron_: Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!07:39
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Computron_Takk :-)07:39
SenorDr_willis : my emulator runs on my host07:39
Dr_williswhat emulator? on what host?07:40
Senorbochs on debian07:40
gustavDr_willis: http://whatwillmatter.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/AA-Bullying-racoon-hanging-on-it-will-get-better.png07:40
Dr_willisSenor,  so you are running Ubuntu In bochs on a debian system?07:40
Computron_Snakker noen norske?07:41
SwedeMike!no | Computron_07:41
ubottuComputron_: Hvis du vil diskutere på Norsk, vennligst gå til #ubuntu-no. Takk!07:41
A1ReconHDMI audio for ubuntu. Can anyone help me?07:42
SwedeMike!anyone | A1Recon07:42
ubottuA1Recon: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.07:42
Dr_willisA1Recon,  hdmi audio  worked for me on 13.04 during beta.. but then not after final rlease.. not really looked into it.07:42
Computron_Snakker noen norske?07:43
Dr_willislast bug report i saw  said a fix was in the works,07:43
dustwohello, anyone want to answer or suggest something to answer this guy? https://plus.google.com/u/0/115447412616529141867/posts/46T25mkqu6P07:43
SenorDr_willis : I am running a *pure* kernel image in bochs on a debian system07:43
SenorDr_willis:And i want to install gcc and binutils on virtual system07:44
Dr_willisSenor,  so how does ubuntu figure into this equation?07:44
Computron_Snakker noen norske?07:44
gustavComputron_: I'm eating Norwegian chocolate. Does that suffice?07:45
SenorDr_willis : the method is similar07:45
Computron_gustav ?07:45
gustavComputron_: No, this is not a Norwegian channel. English or nothing.07:46
Dr_willisSenor,  you just sort of said you were using just a kernel in bochs. so what package manager is it using IN the emulator? thats how you would install gcc in the emulator.07:46
AaruniIIRC, there was a terminal command which could measure the pureness, or openness of your system.. what is it ?07:46
A1ReconI am running Ubuntu 13.04 and have an HDTV connected to my ATI Radeon 4350 GPU. But there is no option to choose HDMI audio instead of "Speaker Out". Please help!!07:47
Computron_gustav u speak no?07:47
SenorDr_willis :through host07:47
gustavComputron_: SE. I can understand NO.07:47
Dr_willisSenor,  it wouldent work that way as far as i know.07:47
A1ReconI went here http://askubuntu.com/questions/201839/no-choice-for-hdmi-audio-output and I was wondering if it is okay to install proprietary drivers??07:47
SenorDr_willis:Does not  cross compiler  do in this way ?07:48
gustavComputron_: But that's just me, if you ask your question here in English, someone might be able to help you. I'm not really an expert.07:48
gustavA1Recon: Are you in pavucontrol?07:48
Dr_willisSenor,  not that i know of.. gcc has options to do cross compilation for differnt archs and stuff. no need for messing with emulators07:48
Computron_i no know07:48
A1Recongustav: No07:49
gustavI'm kind of incompatible since I don't use Unity which is the most common.07:49
Computron_Snakker noen norske?07:49
Blue1I just installed wheezy gnome 3 is just as hard as unity.07:49
auronandaceComputron_: /join #ubuntu-no07:50
SenorDr_willis : I mean I can custom my install dir for emulator filesystem07:50
SenorDr_willis: its filesystem is mounted at host ,is not it?07:50
Dr_willisSenor,  i dont use bosch so dont know how you are using it. I tend to use vbox.07:51
auronandaceSenor: maybe you should ask in ##linux07:51
Senorok , thank you all :)07:52
DemoOncan some1 pm who knows arm assembler i need litle help07:53
auronandace!arm | DemoOn07:53
ubottuDemoOn: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.07:53
Dr_willisassembly language programing? :) egads...07:53
DemoOnnobody answering on arm channel :S07:54
dustwoanyone about that post on G+?07:57
auronandacedustwo: this is just a support channel07:58
makarahi. What are some package manager commands I can run? My system is very unstable. Wallpaper doesn't show, sound card and usc doesn't load, hung on startup just now.07:58
Dr_willisi think you may have deeper issues then just needing some packagbe manager commands makara07:59
qinDoes anyone uses gfxtablet? more precisely someone lefthanded.08:00
dustwoauronandace: in fact he has reported to bug08:01
auronandacedustwo: i have no idea what you are talking about08:02
makarasay it ain't so08:03
Unknown0BCHi, is it suppose to be easy to set up an ad-hoc network between ubuntu and an android device ?08:04
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makarawhen is Ubuntu going Wayland?08:06
auronandacemakara: they won't, the new path is mir08:06
smushifihello, i'm attempting to reinstall the ubuntu partition on my machine with full disk encryption - i understand that some versions might not have support for this yet? does anyone know of a guide for the kind of reinstallation i'd like to do?08:07
auronandace!mir | makara08:08
ubottumakara: Mir is the next-generation display server currently under development by Canonical and Ubuntu. It's slated for inclusion in Ubuntu 14.04. For more information on it, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mir/Spec . For code, see https://launchpad.net/mir08:08
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html08:08
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ntzrmtthihu777hallo. put together a little server today, lol. could someone please explain the process of sshing into it?08:10
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BenxyzzyDriving me crazy, if I've got a Virtualbox window open, how do I open another VM? Clicking the launcher icon just pulls up the first window08:11
ntzrmtthihu777Benxyzzy: should be able to launch it from the vm manager.08:12
Unknown0BCHow do I set up a wireless peer to peer network between an Ubuntu machine and an Android device ?08:12
BenxyzzyHow do I reopen the VM manager?08:12
ntzrmtthihu777Benxyzzy: what desktop are you using? x, l, k, ubuntu?08:12
Dr_willishmm. i just rerun virtualbox and it starts the vm manager  for me. ;)08:15
Dr_willisbut i am running this on windos, running lubuntu IN vbox..08:15
yonichoi need help with my ubuntu 11.04 mic problem, skype or sound recorder doesnt recognize my mic08:15
Benxyzzynvm, used ALT+F2 to rerun the command :808:16
Dr_willismiddle click on the icon on the panel perhaps/  :)08:16
ntzrmtthihu777yonicho: install pavucontroll and see if it sees it.08:19
nashantHey guys. Does anyone know how to change the user that the transmission daemon runs as?08:22
nashantI've tried changing setuid in /etc/init/transmission-daemon.conf but then it doesn't start08:23
ntzrmtthihu777you know what I don't get? why tab-completion is commented out by default in /root/.bashrc. You would think if someone was ballsy (or foolhardy) enough to issue commands as root you would want him to do it right.08:24
yonichoi need help with my ubuntu 11.04 mic problem, skype or sound recorder doesnt recognize my mic08:29
smushifiguides i've been seeing say that you only have the FDE option if you erase everything and reinstall - but i'd like to keep my partition and just reinstall the ubuntu partition with FDE08:33
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Captain_Crow1how good is gpu driver support for ubuntu?08:44
zaf_Hi, I need some information about (minimum 3 methods) how to recognize kernel panic in linux.08:45
gustavCaptain_Crow1: I don't think it's officially supported actually.08:45
Captain_Crow1aside from wine, does ubuntu/linux itself get driver updates?08:48
snugglyes ofc08:48
gustavCaptain_Crow1: Yeah, lots of drivers.08:48
Captain_Crow1i hear it only uses opengl or something08:48
Captain_Crow1does ubuntu work with all of opengl's features?08:51
zaf_Hi, I need some links about (minimum 3 methods) how to recognize kernel panic in linux08:51
praveen_Hi , I am using a dell xps 14z with 12.04 LTS 64bit, the secondary monitor is behaving unpredictably , any idea on how to debug08:52
llutzzaf_: sounds like homeworks, read your books again08:52
praveen_any idea on how to debug secondary monitor issues with a laptop08:54
cassienGood morning everyone. My Presario CQ57 don't want to turn on my wifi card. I've ever tried all procedure available on web without any success. I've xubuntu 13.04. Does someone want to become mad with me ?08:55
zaf_llutz: Yes it is, but we haven't use any books, do yhou have some links etc?08:55
redtapeQUESTION :::::: which is the proper UBuntu dev. #channel for my reference ??08:56
llutzzaf_: ask in #linux, use google08:56
zaf_llutz: thx, I'll change channel08:57
varunendracassien, please show us output of : lspci -nnk | grep -iA2 net08:58
redtape[ Urgent ] QUESTION :::::: which is the proper UBuntu dev. #channel for my reference ??08:58
cassienvarunendra: 06:00.0 Ethernet controller [0200]: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E/RTL8102E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller [10ec:8136] (rev 05)08:59
cassienSubsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company Device [103c:3577]08:59
cassienKernel driver in use: r816908:59
cassien07:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Ralink corp. RT5390 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe [1814:5390]08:59
cassienSubsystem: Hewlett-Packard Company U98Z077.00 Half-size Mini PCIe Card [103c:1636]08:59
cassienKernel driver in use: rt286008:59
FloodBot1cassien: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:59
cassienvarunendra : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5637958/09:00
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llutzcassien: and "rfkill list wifi"09:01
tgcidIs there a way to have apt-get install the exact versions of packages required by another package, rather than the most current?09:01
cassienllutz : http://paste.ubuntu.com/5637961/09:02
llutztgcid: if the version is in repos: apt-get install foo:1.2-309:02
varunendracassien, have you compiled the driver downloaded from realtek?09:03
llutztgcid: but most likely its not (only most recent versions are)09:03
tgcidThe packages I needed were09:03
cassienvarunendra: yes but it returns that rt5390sta.ko doesn't exist09:04
cassien(i'm new on ubuntu by the way)09:04
varunendracassien, your card seems to have been switched off by a hardware switch. And the driver is okay, don't worry about the name.09:05
tgcidWhat about if a packages depends on 3 other packages that are a different version than apt-get installs by default? Can you have apt-get install dependencies at the required version?09:05
tgcidOther than installing them one by one with foo=1.2.309:05
varunendracassien, try toggling it on using the hardware switch on your computer. Do you know where it is?09:06
Captain_Crow1could ubuntu handle graphically intensive games like bf4 & crysis3 if they were made nativly or is the something holding ubuntu back like driver support?09:07
cassienvarunendra, but how can I switch on the card? I've a button F12 but the light is always orange and not white. When I go into the bios, nothing change....09:07
varunendracassien, usually the key works in conjunction with 'Fn' key. Try that. Also, is your laptop UEFI based? If not, you may safely try resetting the BIOS to defaults.09:09
cassienever tryied....without results09:10
ezra-sCaptain_Crow1, it could handle the same as windows, it's just that many studios and publishers don't see a market in Linux so they don't bother in Linux native binaries, but that is changing...09:10
varunendraEven resetting BIOS? cassien09:10
cassienvarunendra, I'm gonna try to reset bios.09:10
cassienI'm coming back to say to you what it returns09:10
Captain_Crow1so as more studios support linux it will get more games?09:12
ezra-sCaptain_Crow1, yeap, it is a vicious loop but Steam is helping a lot breaking it09:14
cassienverunendra, i'm back and unfortunatly it doesn't work09:21
alexxxabekks: Running 12.04 32 bit. Everything works perfectly.09:22
varunendracassien, show us rfkill list again09:22
jiangfuqiaoPG 错误:http://archive.ubuntu.com precise-proposed Release: 下列签名无效: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>无法下载 bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-security_main_source_Sources  Hash 校验和不符09:22
jiangfuqiaoSome index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.09:22
cassienvarunendra, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5638014/09:23
jiangfuqiaoPG 错误:http://archive.ubuntu.com precise-proposed Release: 下列签名无效: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>无法下载 bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-security_main_source_Sources  Hash 校验和不符09:25
jiangfuqiaoSome index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.09:25
varunendracassien, please follow the instructions in this post and post back the diagnostics report as mentioned in the post : http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=1235038509:25
LeMikehello. i want to downgrade to php 5.3 in my ubuntu 13.04 because there are several SimpleXML issued with not so well programmed software. how can I do that?09:26
LeMikewould be the best to have both09:26
llutzcassien: did you read/try this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1793994&page=3&p=11276802#post1127680209:26
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cassien_varunendra, http://paste.ubuntu.com/5638034/09:31
cassien_llutz, unfortunatly yes09:31
cassien_ 09:32
alexxxawhere are language files stored? I mean, translations09:33
varunendracassien_, it seems you have tried some blind shots and not what was suggested in the thread that llutz pointed to09:35
Captain_Crow1is there any website that shows modern/high-end games native to linux?09:37
Captain_Crow1or is steam the only option right now?09:38
alexxxareally no one knows where are local language files stored? I need it, I would like to change something09:38
varunendracassien_, please try the first two commands in post 22 here : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1793994&p=11081561#post11081561 , and post back the result of 3rd command in it.09:39
lotuspsychje!info playonlinux | Captain_Crowl09:41
ubottuCaptain_Crowl: playonlinux (source: playonlinux): front-end for Wine. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4.1.1-1 (raring), package size 1436 kB, installed size 3507 kB09:41
paulcsikiI have iptables to share internet on my LAN. I would like to set a bandwidth limit on a specfic IP. Do I need a proxy for this?09:42
Captain_Crow1is there somewhere i can read a list of games that playonlinux supports?09:42
cassien_varunendra. Ok I'll try but i have to go, I'lle be back in 2hours now09:44
cassien_thanks for all09:44
paulcsikiI have iptables to share internet on my LAN. I would like to set a bandwidth limit on a specfic IP. Do I need a proxy for this?09:44
cassien_varunendra, the two first commands don't work it returns " impossible to delete, gvfs is a folder"09:47
varunendracan you give us link to post you are following? cassien_09:47
abdelhello i did a sudo apt-get update and i got the following error:W: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/conky-companions/ppa/ubuntu/dists/raring/main/binary-amd64/Packages  404  Not Found09:48
abdelW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/conky-companions/ppa/ubuntu/dists/raring/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found09:48
abdelE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.09:48
abdelhow do i correct the error09:49
varunendraabdel, try disabling the ppa in Software Center and try again. PPAs keep changing all the time09:50
abdelhow do you disable the ppa cos am a newbie pls09:51
HaliteHow can I tell if my internet is connected via IPv6 and/or IPv4?09:52
varunendraabdel, in default Ubuntu installation, it is under "Ubuntu Software Center > Edit > Software Sources" then go to "Other Software" tab and clear the checkboxes against the PPAs in question09:53
varunendrano problem :)09:54
HaliteI think everyone has me on /ignore.09:54
HaliteBecause you're not responding to my question when you just responded to abdels.09:55
llutz!patience | Halite: can you ping host in the internet? then you have ipv4 connection. can you ping6 hosts? then you have ipv6-con09:56
ubottuHalite: can you ping host in the internet? then you have ipv4 connection. can you ping6 hosts? then you have ipv6-con: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/09:56
tkis there a way with ACL to make all new files in a directory belong to a specific user (not group) (building on the response to my earlier question)09:57
Chiko2when attempting to login via ssh if i accidently enter in the wrong username is there anyway to go back without having to reconnect?09:58
HaliteCan I have IPv6 connectivity please?09:58
varunendraHalite, I think you were referring to me :)09:58
Halitevarunendra, wait, what?09:59
varunendraI didn't answer because I did not have a good one..09:59
HaliteNobody does when it's to my questions. Actually, everybody does but they want to be nasty.09:59
varunendraHalite, a very stupid way to determine that would be to just disable IPv6, and see if you are still connected - an honest answer I can think of..10:01
=== Chiko2 is now known as Chiko
Quick_WangoHi! I seem to have a problem with compiz that causes the mouse focus to be locked to a window until I open a context menu. This does only happen when ubuntu is installed, not in the live version.10:01
Quick_WangoKilling compiz allows to mouse to interact with any window again10:02
kaiser92_sudo find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec stat -c %s {} \; | grep "70", how to print the filename of the file found?10:04
llutzkaiser92_: stat -c '%n %s'...10:06
llutzkaiser92_: ... stat -c '%n %s' {} \; |awk '/70/ {print $2}'10:07
llutzprint $1*10:07
varunendrakaiser92_, can't you use just grep -Rl "70" <directory> ?10:07
macsimhi, anybody knows if it's possible to use rtm(remember the milk) with gtg ?10:09
ubuntu__Like it is possible. But I'm not sure.10:09
macsimubuntu__, I don't found sync for rtm10:10
kaiser92_the command is just for a test10:10
kaiser92_at the end i will do find /10:11
llutzkaiser92_: find .... -size 70c10:11
kaiser92_NO GUYS10:12
ubuntu__At the moment, developers are testing directX10:12
kaiser92_i wanna keep my command ok?10:12
macsimkaiser92_, why not add grep with -h in -exec ?10:12
kaiser92_its same problem doing find / -iname filename -exec grep {} \;10:12
kaiser92_how the hell print the filename10:12
ubuntu__Do not tell me how to change nickname?10:14
kaiser92_doesnt work10:14
=== Cybert1nus is now known as Cybertinus
macsimkaiser92_, find . -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec stat -c "%n %s"  {} \;|grep "70"10:18
kaiser92_macsim: yes10:21
llutz 12:06 < llutz> kaiser92_: stat -c '%n %s'.10:22
llutzkaiser92_: what is your final goal? finding files with size xx? grep will fail10:23
abdelhello, I can't view my downloads folder10:24
abdelpls help me, I can't view my downloads folder10:25
ezra-sabdel, how come you can't view it?10:25
kaiser92_tx illutz10:26
abdelezra: i delete my .conkyrc file in my home and i noticed i couldn't view the donload folder10:26
ezra-sabdel: one has nothing to do with the other10:28
ninoHi all, ive managed to host my openvpn install and easy-rsa is generating empty crt files10:28
ezra-sabdel, did you go too broad with rm?10:28
=== nino is now known as ninoz
abdelhow do u mean rm10:29
ninozive replaced the easy-rsa folder a few times and no joy10:29
ezra-sabdel, it's the command to delete in terminal10:29
abdeli did not delete anything in terminal ezra10:29
abdeli just went to my home folder and deleted some files10:29
ezra-sabdel, right click in the Downloads directory and check you have enough permissions10:30
ezra-scheck the permissions tab10:30
abdeli can't even find the download directory10:30
ezra-sabdel, then you deleted it, create a new one10:31
ezra-sabdel, check the trash before trying to create a new Download directory though10:31
abdelav deleted everything from my trash10:31
ezra-sabdel, then your only choice is create the Downloads folder10:32
abdelso u mean to create a new directory i should go to the terminal and do cd ~/downloads10:32
ezra-sit's not a big deal anyways10:32
abdelis that correct ezra10:32
A1ReconWhile researching for Ubuntu HDMI Audio I found this "It is also notable that the open source driver for ATI/AMD (called radeon), has experimental support for HDMI/DisplayPort audio, at least for some cards. It is disabled by default, but you can activate it by adding radeon.audio=1 as a kernel boot parameter." I have an ATI Radeon 4350 so can someone explain how to do this? or do i download proprietary drivers10:32
abdelhow do i create the directory ezra cos am just new to this10:32
ezra-sabdel, you don't have to go into terminal if you don't want, and no, cd is to go into a directory "mkdir" is the command to create directories10:32
abdelkindly post the steps to create a new directory pls10:33
terry2776and downloads is usually spelled Downloads , with a capital D10:33
ezra-sabdel, open the same home directory with the same utility you used to delete the files, hit the ALT button in the keyboard and there type the word "new" you will have a few choices, one is to create a folder10:34
ezra-sright clicking inside the home directory should also show an option to create a new directory10:34
A1ReconWhile researching for Ubuntu HDMI Audio I found this "It is also notable that the open source driver for ATI/AMD (called radeon), has experimental support for HDMI/DisplayPort audio, at least for some cards. It is disabled by default, but you can activate it by adding radeon.audio=1 as a kernel boot parameter." I have an ATI Radeon 4350 so can someone explain how to do this? or do i download proprietary drivers?10:35
ezra-sabdel, did you success?10:35
abdelezra, i did not10:36
abdeli right clicked on my home folder but no new10:36
ezra-sabdel, which tool did you use to delete the files?10:36
abdelhow do u mean tools.....like av said all i did was to delete files in my home folder10:36
abdeli did not use any tools10:37
ezra-sabdel, another option, open terminal and do mkdir ~/Downloads10:37
ezra-sabdel, you used something to delete files, deleting files through telepathy hasn't been invented yet10:37
abdelav gone to terminal and did mkdir ~/Downloads10:38
abdelbut nothing happened10:38
ezra-sabdel, there is no ouput for that command, it means it worked10:38
ezra-sabdel, you now have a Downloads directory again, enjoy it10:38
abdelso do i need to log out and back in10:38
abdelb4 i see the download folder10:39
ezra-sabdel, of course not10:39
abdelbut ezra i still can't see my download folder10:39
ezra-sabdel, what are you using to "look for" your download folder?10:40
onboradgrub 2 load vmlinuz and initrd no dirct run linux kernel ? any idea?10:40
abdelok av seen it thanks10:40
Rellacis this thing on?10:40
abdeli did the mkdir ~/Downloads as root but when i logged out it worked10:40
abdelthanks ezra u are the best10:40
RellacI can get help with c++ here? internet told me I could10:41
ezra-sabdel, mkdir ~/Downloads as root creates a Downloads folder for the root user10:41
* ezra-s darns windows terms10:41
Alan__did office 2010 work corectly after installing with winetricks ?10:41
ezra-sabdel, try to not use root10:41
abdelok thanks av done that10:42
Quick_WangoHi! I seem to have a problem with compiz that causes the mouse focus to be locked to a window until I open a context menu. This does only happen when ubuntu is installed, not in the live version. Killing compiz allows the mouse to interact with any window again.10:42
Rellacwell I'm gonna just go ahead and blurt out what I need then10:45
ezra-sRellac, there is a c++ channel10:46
Rellacso it's a fairly simple issue, I'm trying to code a game for my end of year project and I'm not sure how to remove a specific reference from a CSpriteList. My code can be found here: http://pastie.org/pastes/7807714/text . within a if (health==0) I want to be able to trigger the removal10:46
Rellacoh damn10:46
RellacI'm in #c++ but it's tumble weed central10:47
ezra-sRellac , try ##c++basic then10:47
ezra-sI see many questions answered there10:47
RellacI'm the only person in it >_>10:47
ezra-sdouble ##10:48
ra-fihi i have downloaded latest samba tool to fuse filesystems into at91sam9263ek board,i try to install samba using ./configure options it shows  http://pastebin.com/v80bM89N can you tell me how to install it10:48
ezra-sI'm in there, there are many inside10:48
Rellacsimply clicking your link takes me to an irc of just me10:48
Rellac./join ##c++basic does the same10:48
shojoand IRC of just you?10:48
Rellacyou sure that's correct?10:49
shojooh srry wrong channel for chist chat10:49
ezra-sra-fi, why don't you install through precompiled deb package from ubuntu sources?10:49
Rellacso I'm doomed to walk the eternally lonely path of C++less irc?10:50
ezra-sRellac, my fault, I'm blind it's ##c++-basic10:50
Rellacoh, haha thanks ^^10:50
ra-fiezra-s yes i will try10:51
ezra-sra-fi for the daemon sudo apt-get install samba4 and for the client functionality samba4-clients10:52
ezra-sthere is also a samba-tools package10:52
ra-fiezra-s i point out sam-ba tool to flash the files into embedded machines,10:54
makaraanyone use CAM editor?10:55
onboradgrub 2 load vmlinuz and initrd no dirct run linux kernel ? any idea?10:56
skribblezatchawhats up peoples.11:02
skribblezatchahow is everyone doing?11:04
=== redloff_ is now known as redloff
ra-fihi i try to install sam-ba tool from atmel on my ubuntu machine when i run the sam-ba tool it shows http://pastebin.com/59zYewrY can you tell me what is that issues11:15
BluesKajHey all11:16
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=== angus is now known as angus3
skribblezatchawhats up BluesKaj..how are you doing?11:17
skribblezatchawhats up angus3.11:17
angus3hey skribs. nice to see ya here11:17
skribblezatchathanks man, i appreciate it.11:17
BluesKajhey skribblezatcha , just fine thanks, and you ?11:19
skribblezatchai was in here to see whats going on although i havent seen a whole lot angus3.11:19
angus3yeah skribs. I am curious, too.11:19
skribblezatchagood to hear BluesKaj. i am doing alright, thanks. just hangn' out man.11:19
skribblezatchacool angus3.11:19
BluesKajskribblezatcha, right11:20
angus3so, hello everyone :)11:20
LeMikeis there an easier way to get php 5.3 instead of compiling everything again? like via apt-get or something?11:20
skribblezatchathis is like the second time i have ever been in here BluesKaj..and the first time was a peek in and then i bailed.11:20
DemoOnis there any other way to send files through ssh, scp says that file doesnt exist11:21
BluesKajskribblezatcha, I hang out here a lot , along with many other regulars11:22
subz3r0DemoOn: use nautilus11:22
ezra-sLeMike, do :  "apt-cache search php5" you will see there are tones of precompiled packages, which is much better and reliable than compiling source11:22
BluesKajDemoOn, check your file path11:22
skribblezatchathats cool BluesKaj.11:22
=== average_drifter is now known as average
LeMikeezra-s: well i am on ubuntu 13.04 having php 5.4 and i want 5.3 back due to a bad bug11:23
BluesKajDemoOn, also if the file is a folder then use scp -r /pathtofile11:25
ezra-sLeMike, I see, can't help you with that, try to find a suitable PPA for you11:25
BluesKajDemoOn, http://www2.imperial.ac.uk/~andy/sysnews/scp/11:26
ra-fihi can you tell me which package provides  libXss.so.1 file ,because i got the below error when running sam-ba tool couldn't load file "/tmp/tcliX7PxP": libXss.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory while executing11:27
subz3r0ra-fi: sudo apt-get install -y libxss1:i38611:28
ra-fisubz3r8 ya its working thanks11:30
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=== Sickki_ is now known as Sickki
InokiHello everybody, got a little problem... browsers don't detect Java. Which package should be installed in order for browsers to aknowledge that Java is installed?11:36
InokiAm on 12.1011:36
skchrkohello. I am trying to compile some stuff and I am getting "file name too long" for autogenerated files. Ubuntu 13.04, ext4fs. I used OpenSuse (ext4 too) before that and the same project compiled successfully on it. So it is definitely not problem of ext4 upper limit11:37
skchrkowhat is going on?11:37
skchrkomaybe I should tune ext4 mount parameters somehow?11:38
BluesKajInoki, just certain websites or all ?11:39
InokiBluesKaj: I was on Junodownload, purchased a song, but they only have a Java downloader and it said both in Firefox and Chromium, that Java isn't installed.11:39
skchrkoaha, it seems the problem is in encryption of /home11:40
hammommahim currently using the r8168 Realtek RTL-8168 Gigabit Ethernet Driver. I recently upgraded to 13.04 and I need to block the 8169 module from being loaded. I used to use the sh script that came with the realtek driver from thier website but it fails to run on 13.04, I have googled and tried several ways to do this, any suggestions on how to block 8169 and get 8168 to loaad with the new linux kernel?11:40
InokiBluesKaj: I think I found something on Webupd8... not sure will it work, some Java PPA.11:41
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InokiBluesKaj: it says the version is outdated, but it works, thanks anyway. :)11:50
ra-fisubz3r0 i start the sam-ba using ./samba when it executes a window will prompt and in that window all options are disabled  and in select the connection object the combo does not list anything can you tell me how to enable all that11:50
BluesKajInoperable, glad you fixed your problem :)11:52
gordonjcphi folks, which is the best Ubuntu channel to ask about problems with PXE installs?11:56
ubottumarso77: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:57
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Gontxihi mates12:16
Gontxidoes anyout had a "cannot submit datapipe for urb 0, error -28: not enough bandwidth" error?12:17
lotuspsychjeGontxi: when do you get this error?12:17
uvalahello, is using chroot jail a complicated process?12:18
lotuspsychje!chroot | uvala12:18
ubottuuvala: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot12:18
Gontxilotuspsychje, dmesg12:18
lotuspsychjeGontxi: after installing a package you get this?12:19
Gontxitalk to you in pvt12:19
RalliasIf I'm using isc-dhcp-server, is there a way to execute a script after assigning an IP?12:20
uvalathank you :) let me open up a bit. I was recommended a video for chroot jail yesterday. I'm not too experienced with advanced commands. is this an easy procedure to apply?12:22
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jerry_I cannot install a tar.gz file, can someone help me please?12:25
lotuspsychje!tar | jerry_12:25
ubottujerry_: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression12:25
fegojerry_: is there any specific reason you cannot install the software from the repositories?12:26
jerry_I have already  extracted and run ./configure ... but I cannot go further  .... I haven't found it in the repository12:27
orion1can u be specific on the error u get12:27
fegojerry_: installing and maintaining a software from repos is easy and always advisable. however you can untar the archieve and there should be a README or INSTALL file that should mention how to install the package.12:27
gordonjcpwhen I install via PXE, I need to manually tweak the network settings in the installed system before it will use DHCP.  How can I get Ubuntu to use DHCP after PXE install without fiddling about?12:28
fegotry to untar. tar -xvf source.tar12:28
fegothen cd into the directory to see the contents..12:28
Gontxii have a USB Touchmonitor Interface in a ubuntu machine. it's working fine till 2 days ago... i make dmesg and have this error: "cannot submit datapipe for urb 0, error -28: not enough bandwidth". Ans the touch dont work anymore. can someone help?12:29
jerry_the readme inside is not very clear to me.  As for the error, when running   ./configure   the last line says: "configure: error: libexpat not found"12:29
fegothere should be some instructions about the installation. jerry_12:29
fegowhat is the package name? jfe12:30
fegojerry_: ^12:30
jerry_in the Install instructions: "You will need glib/gtk-1.2.10, and libexpat,  Also wxWindows-2.4.0 or greater, linked against glib/gtk-1.2.10 is needed12:32
jerry_do I have to search for them and install them before?12:32
ms42145245Good morning. I just installed ubuntu 13.04, and it won't recognize the headphone jack on my monitor.12:34
jerry_fego: the package name: lmule-1.3.1.tar.gz12:34
fegoyes that is exactly the pain when you install the software from source tarballs. there is no package manager for you to resolve the dependency. you need to install the dependencies manually/12:35
gordonjcp13:35 < jerry_> in the Install instructions: "You will need glib/gtk-1.2.10,12:36
gordonjcpjerry_: forget it12:36
jerry_where do I find the dependencies ?12:36
uvaladuring installation of dchroot, I'm asked this: WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!  liblockdev1 schroot-common schroot dchroot     Install these packages without verification [y/N]?12:36
gordonjcpjerry_: you don't12:36
uvalawhat should I say y/n?12:36
gordonjcpjerry_: you might find them if you travel back in time to the late 1990s12:36
jerry_gordonjcp> thank you, where do I find all the other dependencies?12:37
gordonjcpjerry_: time travel12:38
gordonjcpjerry_: that package must be the best part of 15 years old12:38
ms42145245is there anyway for me to update my graphics drivers from terminal?12:38
ms42145245I have intel12:38
gordonjcpjerry_: the chances of getting it to compile - or run, if it's binary-only - on any modern system without extensive work are *tiny*12:38
uvalain the tutorial video this question doesnt come up12:38
jerry_the package name is:   lmule-1.3.1.tar.gz     it's emule for linux12:39
bazhang!info amule | jerry_12:39
ubottujerry_: amule (source: amule): client for the eD2k and Kad networks, like eMule. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.1-10 (raring), package size 1549 kB, installed size 4176 kB12:39
bazhangjerry_, thats emule for linux12:40
cassienvarunendra good afternoon again12:40
jerry_I cannot make Kad work in amule12:40
jerry_please have a look here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/lmule/?source=dlp       doesnt seem very old12:41
gordonjcpjerry_: that program was released ten years ago12:41
BluesKajjerry_, ever heard of torrents ? :)12:42
jerry_last update of the program:  Last Update: 2013-04-0812:42
jerry_torrents are very good and faster, but you don't find many rare files12:43
gordonjcpyeah well12:43
gordonjcpillegal filesharing is offtopic for #ubuntu12:44
mhrHi all, how to extract tar.xz file12:44
n8wi have got a weird problem with my sound card...all system sounds work, but there is no sound if the source comes from a web browser12:44
gordonjcpmhr: tar xJf12:44
ezra-sp2p or torrent is not illegal12:44
gordonjcpmhr: note the capital J12:44
ezra-smany distros are shared through torrent files12:44
gordonjcpezra-s: name one legitimate use of emule ;-)12:45
ZarathuHi guys. I'm using the new 3.9.0 kernel for Sputnik (XPS 13). Does anyone know how I can adjust the Cypress touchpad's sensitivity via the command line?12:45
mhrgordonjcp, its giving errors12:45
ezra-sgordonjcp, sharing files or even copyrighted material is not illegal or ilegitimate, at least in my country, no matter what lobbies try to say12:45
mhr$ tar xJf kismet-2013-03-R1b.tar.xz12:46
mhrtar: xz: Cannot exec: No such file or directory12:46
mhrtar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now12:46
mhrtar: Child returned status 212:46
mhrtar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors12:46
gordonjcpmhr: use a pastebin12:46
mhroh ok12:46
gordonjcpmhr: also, what does that error tell you?12:46
ms42145245I upgraded to 13.04, and It won't recognize the headphone jack on my monitor.12:46
gordonjcpmhr: read the error message12:46
tuxickupgraded to 13.04 and kde got ruined12:47
hackooI am setting up openstack on single node. I have VT enabled though bios on my laptop .. still kvm-ok shows it's not enabled. Please see output http://paste.openstack.org/show/36824/ . Please guide me to solve this.12:47
mhrgordonjcp, well i have already pasted the message above although i will paste it in pastebin if you want12:48
hackooIts Ubuntu 12.0412:48
uvalaanyone to help me out with my humble question?12:48
fego!ask | uvala12:48
ubottuuvala: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:48
auronandaceuvala: you'd have to ask it first12:48
Ferruckmhr: You have to look at the second line you've posted12:49
uvaladear fego, knowing that this response would ensue, I was just about to add that I posed the question earlier above12:49
uvaladuring installation of dchroot, I'm asked this: WARNING: The following packages cannot be authenticated!  liblockdev1 schroot-common schroot dchroot     Install these packages without verification [y/N]?12:49
gordonjcpmhr: read the error message12:49
uvalain the tutorial video this question doesnt come up12:50
gordonjcpmhr: it's actually telling you exactly what is wrong12:50
Piciuvala: just press y12:50
WHAT_UPIf I go to smb://blahblah, where does it actually get mounted?12:50
uvalaPici, sure?12:51
ezra-sWHAT_UP, check mounted filesystems with "mount" command12:51
uvalaasking because this is a tool to encapsulate virus etc..can I trust an unauthenticated code with that?12:51
cassien Hi ! There is my problem. I've a Presario CQ57 and i've installed Xubuntu 13.04 yesterday. But my wifi card can't be activated. I've ever tried all procedure that i found on web. Does someone can help me ?12:51
mhrFerruck, gordonjcp, but the file is present12:51
WHAT_UPezra-s: I don't see it listed anywhere? can it be that it's not mounted?12:52
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ezra-sWHAT_UP, yes, it can12:52
jerry_I'll try with amule ... how do you config Kad? I cannot add any nodes.dat file12:52
Ferruckmhr: but your executing the cmd in the wrong directory12:52
Piciuvala: run an apt-get update again before trying the install if you are paranoid.12:52
Ferruckmhr: or you have a typo12:52
gordonjcpmhr: which file is present?12:53
ezra-sWHAT_UP, for mounting you need smbfs or similar and if you want automount on boot it should be on fstab12:53
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mhrFerruck, i am giving command on the same directory and the filename came after pressing the tab key12:53
gordonjcpmhr: did you read the error message?12:53
gordonjcp13:49 < mhr> tar: xz: Cannot exec: No such file or directory12:53
gordonjcp^ there12:53
WHAT_UPezra-s: but I can access the files via nautilus. how does that work without the system being mounted?12:53
gordonjcpit's telling you what's wrong12:53
uvalaPici, thing is, it is already installing, and asked this during installation. I can only run update after the installation at this moment.12:53
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mhrgordonjcp, yes, but the file is present there12:54
gordonjcpmhr: xz?12:54
gordonjcpno, it's not, otherwise it would be working12:54
gordonjcpmhr: you haven't got xz12:54
gordonjcpthat's what the error message is saying12:54
mhrgordonjcp, i got the full file name after pressing the tab key12:54
gordonjcpmhr: no, you haven't got xz12:55
ms42145245I have an intel graphic driver, but I have 64 bit. Should I install with 32 bit or 64 bit?12:55
ezra-sWHAT_UP, well, it browses online without mounting, for the specifics check nautilus documentation, I don't know them12:55
gordonjcpmhr: never mind the filename, you haven't got xz12:55
mhrclient2@Console:~/Desktop$ ls kismet-2013-03-R1b.tar.xz12:55
mhrsee the file is present there12:55
auronandace!info xz12:56
ubottuPackage xz does not exist in raring12:56
mhri am using ubuntu 10.0412:56
gordonjcpmhr: what part of "you haven't got xz" is unclear?12:56
gordonjcpmhr: you do not have xz12:56
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ezra-swhats that new .xz extension compression? kernel is also compressing like that, which kind of compression is it?12:57
auronandace!info xz-utils lucid | mhr12:57
ubottumhr: xz-utils (source: xz-utils): XZ-format compression utilities. In component main, is extra. Version 4.999.9beta+20091116-1 (lucid), package size 222 kB, installed size 464 kB12:57
jpdsezra-s: 'xz'.12:57
ezra-sjpds, xz is making tar.gz obsolete?12:58
jpdsezra-s: No.12:58
auronandacemhr: if you are using 10.04 please consider upgrading, desktop support ends on the 9th12:58
jpdsezra-s: Just another flavour of compression.12:58
ezra-sjpds, why is it so spread all of the sudden, do you know?12:58
jpdsezra-s: It pays to be popular?12:58
mhrgordonjcp, do you mean I will have to install xz support12:59
auronandaceezra-s: better compression12:59
ezra-sjpds, I don't know, I recently noticed it in many places12:59
gordonjcpmhr: yes12:59
ezra-smhr, it is installed by default in ubuntu afaik12:59
jpdsezra-s: Just because banana ice-cream exists and lots of people buy it, doesn't mean that strawberry ice-cream is going to disappear any time soon.12:59
mhrezra-s, if its so why am i getting error while trying to extract it13:00
ezra-sjpds, hehehe, I figured as much, just that it surprised me seeing kernel.org using it now13:00
ezra-smhr, try with xz command instead of tar first13:00
mhrthe right click --> extract is also does not work13:00
adamk_mhr, Have you confirmed that xz is actually installed?13:01
adamk_Instead of debating whether or not it was installed on your system by default, you could have checked to see if it's installed, installed it by now, and extracted the file.13:01
mhrthe xz command is not installed it says, I hoped as its extension is tar.xz the tar command must have that support13:02
BACbKAI'm running ubuntu 13.04. Have an Ubuntu and a Ratpoison session listed in lightdm. The ratpoison one doesn't seem to pick up the keyboard settings from xkboptions. The Unity one does. They do work in the virtual consoles. Did my RTFM of keyboard-configuration/README.Debian, didn't help, neither does reboot.13:02
ezra-smhr, must have? tar probably uses xz if installed and if not... then it wont13:03
adamk_mhr, The tar command supports tar files.  That's it.  For compression, it uses external programs.13:03
duckstepvirtualbox is unstable on ubuntu 13.0413:03
ezra-sduckstep, not in my case13:03
adamk_duckstep, Works fine here.13:03
duckstepdid you guys have trouble and resolve it?13:03
adamk_I did not have any trouble at all.13:03
ms42145245If I have intel and it's 64 bit, do I install ubuntu 32 or 64?13:04
duckstepthat's odd...i'm getting traces in syslog and the VMs are locking up13:04
duckstepVBoxDrvLinuxIOCtl_4_2_10+0x4c/0x1f0 [vboxdrv]13:04
BACbKAms42145245: how much memory do you have?13:04
ezra-sduckstep, there is an updated version -> check https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads13:04
ms421452456 gb13:04
BACbKAms42145245: then 6413:05
auronandacems42145245: unless you have a really good reason to use 32bit, you may aswell use 64bit13:05
duckstepezra-s: thanks, i'll try that upstream package13:05
mhrezra-s, adamk_ , gordonjcp , auronandace , after installing xz-utils it is working :)13:05
ms42145245I ask because since I upgraded to 13.04, it won't recognize my headphone jack on my monitor.13:06
mhrthank you all13:06
AtuMhas anyone succeeded in using pci-passthrough with kvm on the latest ubuntu? I'd like to dedicate a gpu to a windows guest for better gaming exp13:06
ezra-smhr, glad you fixed it ;)13:06
compdocAtuM, I have seen ppl say theyve done it13:07
AtuMcompdoc, do you know it they used vfio-pci?13:07
BACbKAis /etc/default/keyboard the right place in ubuntu13.04 to do system-wide keyboard layout configuration, or does lightdm have some local overrides of the settings there?13:08
AtuMthere's almost no documentation on using vfio with kvm.. virsh sure doesn't know anything about it13:08
BACbKAaha, Xorg.0.log has a funny clue: first it shows my XKB options from the default/keyboard, then it says: XKB: reuse xkmfile /var/lib/xkb/server-<lots of hex digits>.xkm13:11
BACbKAwtf is that .xkm file and who generates it?13:12
uvalajust discovered this great page with tutorials : http://www.ur1.ca/dppx113:12
ezra-sBACbKA, apt-file can help you determine that13:13
ezra-sBACbKA, or packages.ubuntu.com13:13
BACbKAezra-s: actually /var/lib/xkb/README.compile gave a clue... it's a file with compiled XKB maps. I've just stopped my lightdm and about to nuke the xkm files there13:14
ezra-sBACbKA, but probably some precompiled package uses them, I'd better try to find which and why13:15
uvalathanks to Aurora, who's given me the video link yesterday13:16
ezra-sBACbKA, just in case you do an upgrade and they show up again, or later on you get problems when trying to do X with certain package because those files are missing13:16
BACbKAezra-s: nope, they're generated by xorg on startup or whenever setxkbmap installs one13:16
BACbKAOK, nuking the cached XKM files in /var/lib/xkb and starting the X server again didn't help --- even though Xorg.0.log now says "generating" rather than "reusing" the file, it still shows only the optioons I had requested in /etc/default/keyboard as being set for layout selection --- so wtf don't they work under a barebones X session (ratpoison+terminal)?!13:19
BACbKA"it still shows" -> "the log still shows"13:19
* ezra-s lols13:20
BACbKAomg, I have a nagging suspicion13:20
ezra-sBACbKA, maybe there is an xorg.conf option you can tweak13:20
HaliteHow can I colour-calibrate my monitor in Ubuntu?13:21
lucidoI'm getting this silly meassage from totem: Videos requires to install plugins to play media files of the following type: H.263 decoder13:21
BACbKAezra-s on 13.04 unlike 12.04 I don't even see an xorg.conf, just an xorg.conf.failsafe13:21
lucidoand its only an mp3 radio stream13:21
ezra-sBACbKA, yes, xorg.conf is not necessary ot get X working but.. you can create it and add specific configuration...13:22
BACbKAezra-s: but it is the very same XKB option I already witness as loaded from the Xorg.0.log13:22
ezra-sBACbKA, it's not my fault :P13:23
BACbKAezra-s: could it be there is a client-side keyboard setting configuration cached somewhere in gconf?13:23
ezra-sBACbKA, no clue, really :(13:23
BACbKAezra-s: :-)13:23
BACbKAwhat really pisses me off is that when I run a full ubuntu session there is something that does load the proper switching of layouts just as I had set up in the "System settings" :(13:24
ezra-sBACbKA, I bet that's when gconf kicks in13:25
HaliteHow can I colour-calibrate my monitor in Ubuntu?13:26
BACbKAezra-s yes, makes sense... but doesn't the gnome terminal pull that one in as well?13:26
BACbKAezra-s: yes, I do see both gnome-terminal and gconfd running13:27
ezra-sBACbKA, although it is inteded for arch linux I always find arch documentation very useful for all kinds of cases, this will surely apply in ubuntu as well for manual config mostly: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Configuring_keyboard_layouts_in_X13:27
BACbKAezra-s thanks, looking13:28
BACbKAezra-s *sigh* nothing new there :(13:28
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HaliteHow can I colour-calibrate my monitor in Ubuntu?13:29
ezra-sBACbKA, and this? https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/KEYMAP13:29
aguitelwhat is ubuntu-gnome ? is like gnome 2 ?13:29
ezra-sI have to go now13:29
ezra-sBACbKA, I wish you good luck pal!13:30
adamk_Halite, Have you even checked google?  "color calibrate monitor Ubuntu" comes up with a number of related hits.13:30
magopianwhere is the "remote desktop" functionality in raring?13:31
magopianthere used to be a way to allow one to remotely connect (with a vnc client?) to my ubuntu laptop for administration, but i can't find it anymore13:32
magopianah, it's called "sharing" now, not "remote desktop" anymore, thanks ;13:33
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BACbKAezra_s thanks, man!13:39
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ubuntuaddictedhi guys, i have a window or fullscreen mouse activation question. i am running a dual screen setup. when I go over to my other desktop, i fire up XBMC it opens in full screen mode, when I try to move my mouse back to screen 0 it won't go over there, how can I get my mouse back onto screen 0 without killing XBMC?13:55
bkfitzCan someone help me troubleshoot this crash: http://pastebin.com/jc37YkEW13:57
bkfitzserver went down hard13:57
somsipbkfitz: you saw the Apache Out Of Memory I guess?13:58
WXZI got a new computer, everything new except the hard drives, how do I get my sound back?13:59
ubuntuaddictedWXZ, what sound card are you using? onboard? what does sudo lshw -C multimedia return?14:00
WXZubuntuaddicted: http://pastebin.com/Qy00wAnW14:01
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aveyHi guys, I have a problem here. I dualboot ubuntu 13.04 and windows 8. This morning I booted into ubuntu just fine, then I switched to windows8. Now I am trying to switch back, but ubuntu does not boot at all. I just see the purple screen. When I try to boot in rescue mode it hangs at "loading initial ram disk".14:06
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beanavey: how was ubuntu installed?14:06
brane__hi there14:07
aveyclean install from usbdrive14:07
beanI don't have much experience w/ win8, sorry.14:07
Ferruckavey: I heard of problems caused by W8 Quick Start functionality, so be sure to completely shut down W8 before booting to Ubuntu, just as an idea...14:08
aveynp. never had that problem before :( and it worked fine since release14:08
WXZubuntuaddicted: does that tell you anything?14:08
aveyFerruck: okay I disabled it recently. Hmm odd. Maybe switch it back on and shutdown?14:08
FerruckAs a first idea for resurrect your ubuntu... =914:09
aveyokay I'll try.14:09
bjrohanI am having a conflict with Java and I am not sure where. This happened once before, and I had to remove something, but I do not recall what. I am hoping for some guidance here. When I go to a site that requires Java in FireFox (screenr.com) It says Java is not detected, even though I installed it.14:13
aveyFerruck: Hey guess what?! it worked! weird...14:13
bjrohanI also have IcedTea installed as well, do these 2 conflict?14:13
aveyFerruck: thanks for the hint14:13
Ferruckavey: never touch a running... and so on =)14:13
aveyFerruck: rightright I'll keep it in mind or do not run windows at all14:14
bkfitzsomsip: yes... just wondering how that might happen14:14
bkfitzsomsip: java memory leak?14:14
Ferruckavey: that'll be the best of course... =)14:14
brainysmurfi have a public certficate and private key pair that my colleague is calling a ssl certificate, /join openssl14:15
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brainysmurfi do not understand ssl and tls where to go to get goo info?14:17
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WXZI got a new computer, everything new except the hard drives, how do I get my sound back?14:18
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adamk_WXZ, Pastebin the output of 'aplay -l'14:19
WXZadamk_: http://pastebin.com/uFnMWqaD14:20
adamk_WXZ, And please do the same with the output of 'lsmod | grep snd'14:21
WXZadamk_: http://pastebin.com/cKdmfzk114:22
bjrohanI installed a program that was a tar.gz. what is the CLI for removing that program?14:23
jribbjrohan: read the documentation. The answer is "it depends"14:23
adamk_WXZ, Honestly not sure what is going on...  The lshw output you posted above shows that you have HDA output on the motherboard, and HDA output attached to your video card/GPU.  lsmod shows that snd_hda_intel is loaded, yet aplay only lists the HDA output on the video card.14:24
jribbjrohan: if you used "make install", sometimes there is "make uninstall"14:24
adamk_WXZ, Maybe something interesting will show up in the output of 'dmesg'.  Can you pastebin that too?14:24
bjrohanHere is what I did jrib: tar zxvf jre-7u21-linux-x64.tar.gz14:24
jribbjrohan: then just delete the files you extracted14:24
WXZadamk_: all of it?14:25
bjrohanjrib: It put them all in one diretory, just uninstall that dir then?14:25
jribbjrohan: sure14:25
WXZadamk_: http://pastebin.com/jxLxFE2K14:26
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adamk_WXZ, Sorry, I don't see anything in there that would explain this problem.  Hopefully someone else here can chime in.  Alternatively, you could try asking in the alsa channel.14:27
WXZalsa channel?14:28
adamk_WXZ, Yes, the alsa channel.  You are currently in the Ubuntu IRC channel, but there is also an IRC channel for the alsa drivers and sound system called, not surprisingly, #alsa14:29
WXZok, thanks adamk_ I'll do that14:29
Eremesguys I have old toshiba laptop Pentium MMX, with 32MB RAM, which version of ubuntu should i try to install ?14:31
genii-aroundI doubt 32MB of RAM is enough to run any current OS14:32
compdocmaybe you could load thekernel into 32MB and run everything else from swap?14:33
Eremeshmm not sure how to do that14:33
Eremesubuntu is hard to install ?14:34
Eremesi tried 2 different versions on 2 laptops14:34
Eremesboth failed14:34
compdocwhats the failure?14:34
EremesI got into Busybox command line14:34
Eremesvery frustrating14:34
Eremesu want to know what it said ?14:34
jiffe98anyone see anything wrong with this upstart script? http://nsab.us/public/ubuntu  Runs fine from command line but trying to start the service and it exits with a status of 214:34
Eremesill try to reboot again from the live cd14:34
compdocEremes, the live cd works ok?14:35
Eremescompdoc: not working14:35
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bonotinycore or some 486- puppy - linuxes might work14:36
Eremesi tried the cd on other PC and its worked14:36
gordonjcpEremes: none of the current Ubuntus will work on that14:36
gordonjcpEremes: what you are looking for is something that supports i586 processors14:37
gordonjcp*not* i68614:37
ihswany eta on ubuntu server 13.04 ami?14:37
Eremesgordonjcp: dont get me wrong14:37
Eremesgordonjcp: im trying to install it on newer laptop14:37
gordonjcpEremes: so what's the 32M Pentium got to do with it?14:38
Eremesgordonjcp: i undestand that its impossible to work on pentium mmx 32mb ram , so i tried with different laptop. and this is what i got14:38
Eremeswait still booting on my centrino laptop14:38
Eremesnow after i see Ubuntu logo14:39
ubuntuaddicteddoes anyone know how to modify the XBMC startup script so it runs in windowed mode?14:39
compdocEremes, you may need to include boot options before installing. These are some of them, but not all: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/KernelBootParameters14:39
EremesI got into Busybox v1.13.314:39
compdocnot sure what Busybox is14:39
Eremesinitramfs mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.sqashfs failed: Input/output error14:39
Eremesi got that kind of messages14:39
Eremescan not mount /dev/loop014:40
Eremesi thought ubuntu is user friendly ??14:40
adamk_Sounds like your computer had a hard time reading from the CD.14:40
adamk_Just because you had a problem, does not mean it's not user friendly.14:40
brainysmurfIs this current? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer14:40
brainysmurfIt mentions a slapd.conf file that ubuntu doesn't use anymore14:40
gordonjcpEremes: what's not "user friendly" about a clear and descriptive error message?14:40
Jordan_UEremes: Sounds like you have a bad DVD.14:41
Eremesgordonjcp: well ive tried to install it for hours14:41
Eremesfirst I download the 12.04 version. burned it. and run it14:41
Eremesand it failed to install14:41
Eremessome POE something14:41
Eremesthen I tried the 10.0414:41
Eremesstill can't14:41
FloodBot1Eremes: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:41
gordonjcpEremes: what a pity, shame there's no way of knowing what went wrong14:42
adamk_And did you ever check the md5sum's of the downloaded images?14:42
gordonjcpEremes: oh wait, there are usually some messages14:42
Eremesadamk_ : i tested the live CD on my personal PC and it worked fine14:42
adamk_That didn't answer the question.14:43
bonoEremes: http://www.freedos.org/14:43
Eremesadamk_ : no, i did not test the md5sum14:43
Eremesadamk_ : but im pretty sure its normal14:43
EremesThis kernel requires the following features not present on the CPU: pae14:44
Eremesunable to boot - please use a kernel appropriate for your cpu14:44
adamk_Well that seems pretty clear...14:44
Eremesthats what i got when i tried to install v12.0414:44
Eremesv10.04 = initramfs mount: mounting /dev/loop0 on //filesystem.sqashfs failed: Input/output error14:45
Eremesnow im downloading v9.0414:45
apm1do the LTS releases get the latest firefox as well ?14:45
bonowon't work neither14:45
Jordan_UEremes: IO errors mean that there are problems reading the data from the disk. There are three possibilities, 1: The downloaded .iso file was corrupted somehow (you can check this by checking the md5sum) 2: The disk didn't burn properly (you should use a burner that checks the md5sum of a disk after burning automatically). 3: You have a bad DVD drive (this can be checked by using the boot menu's integrity check option).14:45
millertiHi.  I'm having a problem where plugging a USB drive into my Ubuntu box isnt being recognized.  It recognized it the other day, until I removed the partition table.  But it's not showing up at all now.  If I connect the drive to my Mac, it appears just fine.  Help?14:45
Mokkujinlsusb ?14:46
JaggetDhi, ppl!14:46
millertilsusb doesn't show me anything useful.  Also nothing in dmesg or other logs under /var/logs14:46
EremesJordan_U: how do access the boot menu integrity check option ?14:46
JaggetDcan I use TP-LINK TL-WN722NC without magic?14:46
abdel please which application can i use in ubuntu to extract IPD backup file of blackberry14:47
Jordan_UEremes: Press any key while the little "keyboard = accessibility" icons are at the bottom of the screen.14:47
EremesJordan_U: ok thanks, ill try14:48
niklasHey, is it possible to install the core apps on unity-next installed on 13.04??14:48
Jordan_UEremes: You're welcome. The boot test is nice because if it passes, then you know that the image you burned from, the DVD you burned to, and the drive you're reading the DVD from are all good.14:49
millertiVery odd.  I think that suspend messed up this Ubuntu box's ability to see new USB devices.  Rebooting solved the problem.14:51
shadow98hey everyone i have 3 firefox profiles which on the desktop i set custom icons....whenver i drag these to the laucher i get question marks instead of the icons14:54
shadow98any ideas on how to fix this14:54
eziobhow can i prevent address spoofing on my network14:55
pijusheziob elaborate the problem14:56
Jordan_Ueziob: Ideally you should use authentication that uses encryption and doesn't depend on ip addresses.14:57
eziobi have a server running on 123(example), and i assign dhcp hosts 10-2014:57
eziobJordan_U, oh i will be14:57
eziobbut if i assigned myself 12314:57
eziobas an attacker14:57
eziobbasically i want hosts in the range of 10-20 to only get an internet gateway14:58
LinuxNewbishgood day , i have a question is it possible to upgrade from 12.10 to 13.04 ?14:58
Jordan_Ueziob: Then people would try to access your web server via https and would get a big fat warning (though it'd still be a denial of service).14:58
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jrib!upgrade | LinuxNewbish14:59
ubottuLinuxNewbish: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade14:59
LinuxNewbishthanks jrib ^^14:59
eziobJordan_U, yes but i'm going to layer my security not depend on one single failable point of security14:59
bjrohanI am having issues with loading java content on the internet. I believe I have successfully removed all Java from my system. What is the best way to reinstall java that I need? An example is using screenr.com14:59
Jordan_Ueziob: Is this network connected to by ethernet or wirless?15:00
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eziobhosts in the range of 10-20 will be wireless15:00
eziobwhich is why i don't want them to be able to know the rest of the network15:00
Jordan_Ueziob: Unless your routers or switches are running ubuntu, I think #networking is a better place for this discussion.15:01
pijusheziob noway to do so, i'm a CCNA15:01
eziobone of my lappy's however is wireless but i give it an ip based on its mac that can access the network15:01
shadow98any ideas on how to fix this15:01
eziobpijush, nice, i'm a cissp15:02
gordonjcpeziob: and of course no-one would ever think of sniffing for your MAC and spoofing it15:02
shadow98hey everyone i have 3 firefox profiles which on the desktop i set custom icons....whenver i drag these to the laucher i get question marks instead of the icons15:02
eziobgordonjcp, i'm a cissp ...15:02
gordonjcpeziob: and that means what, exactly?15:02
eziobgordonjcp, that's exactly what i'm expecting to happen15:02
gordonjcpwell, if you're so paranoid about it, don't use wireless15:02
eziobgordonjcp, https://www.isc2.org/cissp/Default.aspx15:03
gordonjcpeziob: what's that link?15:03
eziobcissp propaganda15:03
gordonjcpeziob: okay15:03
gordonjcpeziob: and what's a cissp?15:03
gordonjcpeziob: I'm not hitting random links over a slow connection15:04
eziobcertified information systems security professional15:04
pijusheziob create a separate vlan15:05
eziobpijush, that's an idea15:05
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niklasHey, is it possible to install the core apps on unity-next installed on 13.04??15:11
houserHello, iam trying to install php5-gd but i an error like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5638791/   Is there a problem with the ubuntu mirrors?15:12
houseri can't even run apt-get update15:13
houserhmm it actually works from another server on the same net15:15
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diverdudeHello, iam trying to install php5-gd but i an error like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/5638791/   Is there a problem with the ubuntu mirrors?15:18
OerHeksdiverdude, maybe with that mirror, try change it and try again?15:19
xatr0z_diverdude: it means the hostnames couldnt be resolved15:19
diverdudexatr0z_, i also cannot do a apt-get update15:20
xatr0z_diverdude: according to your logfile it is with multiple hosts which are all working fine here. So if another mirror doesnt fixes the problem: try troubleshooting your networkconnection15:20
xatr0z_diverdude: which DNS server are you using (cat /etc/resolv.conf) and is it working?15:20
xatr0z_maybe try another nameserver temporily, should always work15:20
diverdudexatr0z_, but i am connected to the server via ssh over port 43567, so the network is working ok15:20
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xatr0z_diverdude: if that is the case try to type host us.archive.ubuntu.com in an terminal15:21
xatr0z_it should give you the correct IP address if DNS is working okay15:21
abdelplease any body knows an application i can use to extract IPD files in ubuntu15:21
xatr0z_im away now15:22
vic__is it possible to update huawei 3G modem firmware?15:22
gordonjcpabdel: what's an IPD file?15:22
abdelits used to backup blackberry15:22
diverdudexatr0z_, could look like a dns problem15:22
abdelwhen back up ur black berry its in IPD format15:22
BluesKajabdel, try unp15:22
diverdudexatr0z_, where do i change dns server?15:22
gordonjcpabdel: what is "ur"?15:23
abdelso i want to extract the content of my blackberry15:23
abdelur means your15:23
gordonjcpoh, why not just say that then?15:24
diverdudexatr0z_, ahhh fixed now15:24
vic__how do i update 3G modem firmware15:24
abdelso any idea on the application i can use to extract my blackberry backups15:24
gordonjcpabdel: have you tried google?  "extract blackberry ipd linux" might be a good place to start15:25
BluesKajabdel, unp , it extracts almost any compressed file ...I already posted the suggestion but you didn't acknowledge15:25
abdelblueskaj: but how do i run unp from terminal...that it has to be run from terminal15:26
abdelwhats the coommand to run the unp15:26
vic__any help updating 3G modem firmware15:26
BluesKajunp /pathtofile15:26
abdeli did unp /pathofile15:27
abdelbut its gave me errors15:28
vic__halo any with an idea of updating 3G modem firmware?15:28
bazhangvic__, try ##hardware15:28
BluesKajabdel, the actual file path15:28
vic__bazhang: what is ##hardware15:29
bazhangvic__, its a channel for hardware15:29
gordonjcpis there a better channel than #ubuntu to ask about installing with PXE?15:32
hdonhi all :) i have a lot of modules for a lot of old kernels. how can i safely remove some of the oldest kernels?15:38
BluesKajgordonjcp, is this relevant ?  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto15:39
irossiDoes anyone know if juju jitsu has a way to specify more than one particular machine to deploy multiple service units?15:39
irossi<irossi> For instance, I have ceph-mon deployed on three machines, but I want to deploy ceph-osd on the same three machines. As far as I can see, with jitsu I can only specify ONE machine for a particular service. I would like to do something like add-unit and add in the other two machines.15:39
gordonjcpBluesKaj: not really15:40
compdochdon, have you tried: sudo apt-get autoremove  ?15:40
gordonjcpBluesKaj: the problem is that after installing, networking is broken because it hasn't got resolv.conf set up correctly and all the network interfaces are set to manual15:40
hdoncompdoc, i just realized i could use apt. but no i haven't tried autoremove, i will :)15:40
BluesKajgordonjcp, are you using networkmanager ?15:41
compdochdon, thats works for kernels and packages added through apt, but not sure if it works for kernels you installed manually15:41
hdoncompdoc, fwiw autoremove did not elect to remove any kernels15:41
gordonjcpBluesKaj: on the installed machines, yes15:41
udhayarajany app for open chat in ubuntu15:44
udhayarajcan any one suggest me '15:44
hdonwhat is "open chat?"15:44
hdonudhayaraj, i use xchat for IRC (we're on IRC now)15:44
hdonpackage name is xchat2 iirc15:44
Pinkamena_DHello, does anyone know of a fix for the unity launcher and top panel showing on top of fullscreen programs?15:45
Pinkamena_DI have tried the "legacy fullscreen workaround" in compiz, no luck.15:45
udhayaraj@hdon m asking like yahoo messenger chat15:45
hdonudhayaraj, ah, i use pidgin15:46
hdonudhayaraj, there's also kopete15:46
BluesKajgordonjcp, so you need to set up a manual interfaces file and a /etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/base which contains the nameservers and gateway for the server15:46
udhayaraji tried it but cant able to get into it dude hdon15:46
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abdeli tried unp /home/talk which is my path file but it failed to read it15:50
ubuntuhey folks need help with Ubuntu15:51
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CoreyGuest97501: How specific!15:51
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reggieI have ubuntu running in live cd mode on a win8 laptop and for some reason ntfs 3g can't mount the OS partition can anyone help15:52
reggieit's me guest....15:52
reggie exited with non-zero exit status 14: Windows is hibernated, refused to mount.15:52
wilee-nileereggie, windows 8 has a hybrid shutdown for fast starts.15:53
reggiehey wilee-nilee15:54
reggiewell the issue is I'm unable to boot into windows at the moment, was trying to pull critical files to reformat drive15:54
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Quick_WangoHi! I seem to have a problem with compiz that causes the mouse focus to be locked to a window until I open a context menu. This does only happen when ubuntu is installed, not in the live version. Killing compiz allows the mouse to interact with any window again.15:54
reggieany ideas wilee-nilee15:55
gordonjcpBluesKaj: no, I don't need to do that15:55
wilee-nileereggie, Here is a link, I have W8 but a dualboot and no hybrid shutdowns. http://www.online-tech-tips.com/windows-8/perform-a-complete-shutdown-in-windows-8/15:56
gordonjcpBluesKaj: because I'm not doing that for every machine that gets installed15:56
gordonjcpBluesKaj: what I need is to find out what is causing the installer to bork the network config when I use PXE15:56
reggiewilee-nilee, the issue is that windows 8 won't boot at all15:56
wilee-nileereggie, Have you installed ubuntu?15:57
reggieno running it in live CD mode15:57
reggieit's a company laptop installing Ubuntu is against policy15:57
wilee-nileereggie, I would check with the ##windows channel to see what they say, you have to be registered to use that channel.15:58
reggiehumm ok thanks wilee-nilee was trying to avoid doing that since I'm an avid Ubuntu user15:59
wilee-nileereggie, understandable, windows 8 has good documentation on that different shutdown and restore setups to get things fixed I would take a look there.16:06
wilee-nileeits not the old f8 thang16:06
gnat_xhi folks. i'm helping a coworker with his 12.04 install. the goal is to switch his home dir to a luks partition. so we've set everything up, rsync'd current home to new home. and now we want to use libpam_mount to mount that instead of oldhome. what i can't find are good docs on making that happen.16:07
gnat_xit doesn't seem to auto mount the drive.16:07
Jordan_Ugnat_x: Why not use an ecryptfs encrypted home directory?16:08
gordonjcpgnat_x: make sure you back up regularly, too16:08
reggiewilee-nilee, thanks I will give it a look16:09
gnat_xgordonjcp: indeed. that part is done.16:09
gordonjcpgnat_x: if *anything* happens to the encrypted partition, everything is gone16:09
gnat_xgordonjcp: oh i know. i'm just confused because my general strategy involves full disk encryption.16:11
gnat_xso the mixed and matched stuff is a bit weird to me.16:11
gordonjcpgnat_x: and I hope you back that up to something unencrypted too16:11
gnat_xgordonjcp: nope. i back it up to a different encrypted disk. which has worked well for data recovery in the past.16:14
gnat_xi've been happy with it thus far.16:14
* gordonjcp wouldn't touch disk encryption with a stolen 10-foot pole16:14
gnat_xi've been happy with it thus far. and have been doing it for five years or more.16:15
gordonjcpI tried it but it totally crippled the disk performance16:15
gordonjcpdisks are slow enough without making them 5% worse16:15
gnat_xnever benchmarked it, but its worked usably on my aging thinkpad.16:16
roastedQuestion - I am unable to play certain MP4s (3GPP) in Totem. I downloaded an example video from Apple's site and it worked fine, and according to terminal (file video.mp4 to get basic info) it's using the same codec as my video - yet mine does not work whereas the example does. SMplayer and VLC work fine, however.16:16
SnapSnapI'm using 13.04. How do I give feedback about a specific feature- namely, the dash?16:19
elisa87How should I fix this error? http://pastebin.com/eN7kjfqb  (regarding lxc-create )16:19
Test1234If my ram fills up over 2GB, conky shows me that im using 0 ram. Sami with total up/download16:22
servvsI am using ubuntu 12.04 and every time I try to download virtualbox it is telling me to insert my ubuntu disc, I have removed it from the repository list as well16:23
Dr_Willisservvs:  done a sudo apt-get update  since you changed the list?16:24
servvsyeah, I fixed it now, there was another checkbox I had to uncheck in synaptic16:24
roastedHas anybody had issues with choosing a different default video player in 13.04? Each time I select VLC, or SMPlayer as default, it simply ignores the change and Totem stays in place.16:28
Dr_Williscant say ive  seen anyone else mention the issue roasted.16:28
roastedI got so frustrated I wiped my mimeapps.list file. The system re-generated a new one without issue, but it also re-generated the same errors all over again.16:28
Dr_Willisim on lubuntu however.16:29
Dr_Willisi need to reboot to my ubuntu box and update it and see if things have been fixed on it.. havent used it in like 3 weeks.16:29
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roastedDr_Willis: I wonder if the /usr/share/applications/defaults.list could be conflicting with my .local/share/applications/mimeapps.list file...16:32
Nubbyhi guys i got 2 problems16:32
Nubby1st of all which is rather annoying unity has stoped workign on my main user account16:32
Nubbybtu works okay in guest account16:33
Nubbywell  ish16:33
Bower^where's the ideal place to install software that will be accessible to all users? e.g. sublime text16:33
Nubbyand kernel 3.8.0-19 seem to be stuck in vesa video mode16:34
Nubbynvidia optimus based system with bumble be and nvidia 31916:34
Nubbyand my unity on kernel 3.5 is kinda doublign up slightly16:34
Nubbyill post a screen shot16:34
roastedI'm actually considering on reinstalling 13.04 because of this ridiculous issue. Has anybody else had problems with setting a different default video player?16:35
Dr_WillisNubby:  works on new acccount. but not on problem account - points to some config file in the problem users home either messed up, owned by root. or has some  quirky setting.16:36
Nubbyroasted, i havent tryed resettign default btu i no the onyl video player that isnt laggign on 13.04 for me is vlc16:36
Dr_WillisBower^:  for things not from the repos. put them in /opt/ is common16:36
roastedNubby: VLC, ironically, is not working for me right now as there's an issue with using VLC to play videos over SMB, whcih is a deal breaker for me.16:36
Dr_WillisBower^:  or /usr/local16:36
NubbyDr_Willis, any idea on my video option on latest kernel16:36
Dr_WillisI dont have any experience with Optimus systems16:37
Bower^Dr_Willis: thank you16:37
Nubbyi dont think optimus is the problem16:37
Nubbyi complete stripped all nvidia at one pooiint to test and thats when my unity problem cropped up16:37
Dr_Willismy nvidia cards are like 2 yrs old. ; they give me no issues at all.16:37
Dr_WillisUnity needs proper 3d drivers.. or else compiz/unity can get confused and only partially load.16:38
Nubbyi sitrpped it down to intel only and still was only gettign 4:3 resolution max 1024x76816:38
ppcblasterIf I paste my error in compiling a driver will it get read?16:38
Nubbybut kernel 3.5 is fine16:38
bhaveshHow do I create desktop shortcuts in GNOME shell? Ubuntu 13.04?16:38
bhaveshI want to create steam shortcut on desktop16:38
bhaveshand my desktop is set to be handled by nautilus file manager16:38
Dr_Willisbhavesh:  you make/find the .desktop file for the menu item and copy it to your Desktop directory16:39
sereis there a command to tell banshee and rhythmbox to use alsa instead of jack server?16:39
Dr_Willisie:   cp $(locate gedit.desktop)  ~/Desktop16:40
Dr_WillisI think...16:40
NubbyDr_Willis, how do i check the ownership of untiy configs for my main user account16:40
Dr_WillisNubby:  ls -al  and see if anything is owned by root. or somone other then your user.16:40
icemanhi, i upgraded from 12.10 to 13.04 and now every once in while i get logout of xsession after i have logged in for about minute.  any ideas why this is happening?16:40
Dr_WillisNubby:  or use a file manager ;) like mc or somthing that makes seeing the permissions easy16:40
sereis there a way to tell banshee and rhythmbox to use alsa instead of jack server?16:40
DaraelI've had an issue - for a while, now - that appears to be triggered by the Programmer Dvorak keyboard layout.  I'm pretty sure it's some kind of bug, and it's been present in at least the last four releases.  Does anyone know what the best package to file a bug with is? (yes, I'm anyone-ing.  Sorry)16:41
NubbyDr_Willis, onyl thiung owned by root that i can see that i havent made owned by root is .gvfs but i dotn thinlk that has anythign to do with unity16:42
ppcblasterWho reads my Paste?16:43
Dr_WillisNubby:  you did look IN all the config dirs like .config ?16:43
Nubbynot as of let16:43
Dr_Willisppcblaster:  give a sumamry of the issue, and a pastebin url of the error messages and if anyone is here that knows about the stuff they may look at it.16:43
Bower^Dr_Willis: sublime works fine from my home directory but i get an erroring relating to the display when i try open it from /usr/local or /opt. any common gotchas for this?16:43
Dr_WillisBower^:  no idea. I dont use sublime. could be you need to cd to its directory then run it from there,16:44
Dr_WillisSublime seens to be a very very quirky program from what ive seen asked about it in here.16:44
NubbyDr_Willis, everythiung looks nromal config wise16:45
Nubbyalthough i do have a couple of xsession erro files16:45
Dr_WillisNubby:  as a test. try just renameing your .config to .config_old  and log back in perhaps? could be the issue is with some config file not in .config  like in .gconf* or .compiz*16:45
Dr_WillisDuring beta testing i was always totally clearing out my home dir/settings ;) took me like 3 min to get stuff back to my normal setup16:46
Nubbyi foudn an error in a file in .compiz/sessions in xssession errors16:46
Nubbyi may dletee the sesion files16:46
icemanany ideas how i can fix this this dmesg?  xfce4-session[29788]: segfault at ffffffff00000000 ip 00007fa433ae2f7f sp 00007fffcbe02570 error 5 in libglib-2.0.so.0.3600.0[7fa433a7f000+f9000]16:46
KartagisI have two 8gb USB flash drives, and I tried to clone one. I used dd if=/dev/sdc1 of=/dev/sdb1 conv=nofunc but the resulting thing is unbootable. any ideas?16:47
Dr_WillisKartagis:  you should have used /dev/sdc  and /dev/sdb16:47
Dr_Willisif you wanted to copy the boot sector info16:47
KartagisDr_Willis: first USB drive has 2 partitions and I wanted to clone 1 of them16:48
Dr_WillisKartagis:  then you need to setup the boot loader  by hand then i imagine.16:48
KartagisDr_Willis: I'll get rid of the partition number in of16:48
tkis there a way with ACL to make all new files in a directory belong to a specific user (not group) (building on the response to my earlier question) (tried suid/sgid that only covers the group)16:48
KartagisDr_Willis: what if I use dd if=/dev/sdc1 of=/dev/sdb conv=nofunc?16:50
Dr_WillisKartagis:  that wont copy over the bootrecord from sdc1 to sdb.. and that Might really confuse things16:50
wilee-nileeKartagis, What s the bootloader?16:50
Kartagiswilee-nilee: chameleon16:51
ppcblasterCan I get some help please16:51
wilee-nileeKartagis, Heh, ;)16:51
ppcblasterThanks Dr_Willis16:51
KartagisI guess I could later write chameleon16:51
Kartagiswilee-nilee: ?16:51
wilee-nileeKartagis, That is not a ubuntu install right?16:52
Kartagiswilee-nilee: nope, mac os16:52
ppcblasterDid I use the correct pastebin?16:52
llutztk: isnt that something like: setfacl -R -m d:u:username:rwx,g:groupname:rx, ..... directory16:52
hhhttp://goo.gl/i9FtA   <--- i need help....can you help please^^16:52
Dr_Willisppcblaster:  i never saw you paste any pastebin urls.. or sumamrize the problem.16:52
Picippcblaster: You need to provide us with the link to your pastebin here.  It doesn't matter which service you use.16:53
Dr_Willishh:  good idea to sumamrize the issue. and use  a normal pastebin url. many people wont go to  'suspect' urls.16:53
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.16:53
Kartagishh is a probable spammer16:55
ppcblasterlisted on the top of my screen are url's one of which is http://pasteubuntu.com  will that work?16:55
KartagisDr_Willis: I did :S16:55
ppcblasterlisted on the top of my screen are url's one of which is http://paste.ubuntu.com will that work?16:55
BlinkizHello. Apparently I need the file libaetpkss.so and it should be in /usr/lib. What package do I need to install to get this driver?16:55
Dr_Willisppcblaster:  thats just the generic sites url.. we need the url for your SPECIFIC paste16:55
Kartagis!find libaetpkss.so16:56
ubottuPackage/file libaetpkss.so does not exist in raring16:56
Picippcblaster: paste your text, then press submit, then give us the new url16:56
ppcblasterI received this proprietary Ubuntu 12.10 driver for a pcie video grabber card16:58
ppcblasterToday I received the instructions to (command lines) to install it and I get the pasted errors16:58
jerry_I almost never find what I am searching in Synaptic and in Lubunto Software Center ... are there other places to look in?16:59
roastedDr_Willis: I just duplicated my issue in a fresh 13.04 VM... I think it's a legit bug.16:59
MasterRoot24jerry_: sudo apt-cache search <your_query>16:59
ppcblaster I don't understand16:59
roastedDr_Willis: I'm finding that if I install SMPlayer and set that as default, once I do that, I cannot set anything else as default. If I choose Totem, close out, open system settings - details - default applications and set Totem or VLC, it doesn't HOLD that setting. Once I close out and reopen, SMPlayer is the default still.16:59
jerry_thanks.. I'm going to try it right away17:00
ppcblasterre pasteing17:00
MasterRoot24jerry_: That searches all packages that your system knows about from the repos configured - if it doesn't find it, you can't get it from the repos that you have your system setup to use.17:01
MasterRoot24jerry_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu17:01
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aguitelwhat ubuntu vesion seems like "gnome 2" ?17:02
jerry_<MasterRoot24> I am searching for xampp now... my system doesn't find it. Can I install it from a repo somehow?17:03
Rellachi, I'm trying to play with a variable at some point within a game I'm currently making in c++ (health variable) and for some reaosn it's telling me that the variable isn't initialised when it is. It's in the header as "int health" and ran on initialise as "health=500;" what could be the issue? the game only crashes when the health is effected by anything like the collision with an explosion...17:03
Rellac...or something17:03
Rellaclol, "...or something"17:03
wwwdotcomHello there. Somehow, after setting up dual boot, my fstab is messed up and unable to mount two windows partitions. I have to manually mount it using terminal by command "mount".17:04
wwwdotcomHow do i fix it?17:04
ppcblasterwwwdotcom maybe grub repair disk17:05
Rellacoh gash dern, wrong chat my bad!17:05
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions17:05
ubottuscreen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. The 'byobu' package provides very useful additional utilities. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen17:05
geezyhello, please suggest a laptop 64 bit, running ubuntu flawlessly OOTB, without neeed for blobs (ok in firmware), without microphone (or can be physically disconnected)17:06
tkllutz: let me double check Im pretty certain i already set a default u/g17:06
wilee-nilee!poll | geezy17:07
ubottugeezy: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:07
geezynot a poll, just suggest one17:07
turtleGlassubuntu is the BEST OS17:07
wilee-nileegeezy, the channel is support not to help you to choose a laptop.17:08
geezyok, is there a more appropriate chan?17:08
ppcblasternice looking laptops at Hooters17:08
aguitelwhat ubuntu version seems like old gnome ?17:08
streulmaaguitel: you can install Mate for Ubuntu17:09
roastedDoes anybody here use SMPlayer? I'm noticing some weirdness that occurs with my default applications - but ONLY after I install SMPlayer... Curious if somebody else who already uses SMplayer could give me a hand quick...17:09
tkllutz: yaeh that only forces the group not the user17:09
wilee-nileeaguitel, Not the release but the de the fallback17:09
turtleGlassdo you people get paid or do this hacking stuff just to make funb of me?17:10
aguitelstreulma, wilee-nilee no other choise ?17:10
Bower^i have a program in /usr/local/Sublime directory which is owned by root. i can successfully open sublime text using the user created during ubuntu installation. however it errors out as root or any other reason, why is this? error is relating to opening the display17:10
wilee-nileeaguitel, gnome 2 is not part of any ubuntu releases now.17:10
aguitelstreulma, wilee-nilee ok17:11
wwwdotcomwilee-nilee: I have a question. Suppose i want to load my ntfs drive using "/dev/hda2 /media/windows ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 0" line in fstab, here does "default" option include "sync" too? Since if i want to cut copy paste a file on to that ntfs drive, i want that operation to get completed immediately.17:11
turtleGlasslinux is dead long live ANDROID17:11
wwwdotcomAnd don't wait for umount.17:11
lotuspsychje!ot | turtleGlass17:12
ubottuturtleGlass: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:12
jerry_I would like to install xampp from a repo. Where can I find it?17:12
ubottuWe do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.17:12
wilee-nileewwwdotcom, Not sure I do not ever have fstab auto mount windows or anything but the OS I'm using.17:12
turtleGlassubuntu is best used with out X17:12
wilee-nilee!ot | turtleGlass17:13
ubottuturtleGlass: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:13
roastedIs anybody else noticing that their "default applications" aren't sticking? No matter what I c hoose, it defaults back to Totem.17:13
turtleGlass!ot wilee-nilee:17:13
ppcblasterWhat is considered off topic?17:13
Myrttippcblaster: not Ubuntu support.17:14
turtleGlasspoint out that some one is OT is OT17:14
lotuspsychjeroasted: you need to right mouse an avi or mp3/properties and choose vlc or some17:15
streulmaI'm looking for a stablerelease to work with, now I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 but getting some old packages. Use ppa's instead?17:15
roastedlotuspsychje: I did. It won't stick.17:15
roastedlotuspsychje: once I do that and try it again, it defaults back to totem each and every single time.17:15
roastedlotuspsychje: I also set up a fresh 13.04 VM to test and it does the same exact thing, 100%.17:15
lotuspsychjeroasted: did you click totem/forget application?17:15
apm1is ubuntu server actually just the ubuntu-base system comparable to what debian calls a base system17:16
roastedforget application... no I never saw that.17:16
apm1i am used to of debian terminology17:16
lotuspsychjeclick on totem in properties list17:16
apm1so actually i am looking for an image that has the base system17:16
roastedlotuspsychje: OH! You mean reset?17:16
roastedlotuspsychje: if I right click on a video file and go to properties - open with - I see a reset button along with a set default button.17:17
turtleGlasshow can i watch videos in the cli?17:17
Dr_WillisturtleGlass:  mplayer has a console mode, and a ascii-out option17:18
roastedlotuspsychje: that seems to have helped for that particular file type, so that's a good thing (I hit reset first, then set default, and it worked fine). But if I go into system settings it still won't change. Weird.17:18
lotuspsychjeroasted: no just right mouse totem in that list/forget app17:18
DaraelturtleGlass: mplayer, or vlc-nox.17:18
roastedlotuspsychje: in what list. I don't see forget app anywhere.17:18
DaraelturtleGlass: It can render each frame as ascii art.  Yes, really.17:19
turtleGlassyou dont say?17:19
lotuspsychjeroasted: you see totem as default player in properties of an mp3?17:19
apm1why isn't there a 32bit version of ubuntu server listed on the download page ?17:19
turtleGlassand you get subtitles on top of that?17:19
Dr_WillisturtleGlass:  subtitles? no.17:19
roastedlotuspsychje: no, I'm working with an mp4, video file. Where do I go to see the "forget application" button you spoke of?17:19
streulmaapm1: http://releases.ubuntu.com17:19
apm1nvm just found it17:19
lotuspsychjeroasted: right mouse totem on list of mp4 properties then17:20
roastedlotuspsychje: again, I'm doing that. But I don't see "forget application" ANYWHERE.17:21
turtleGlassis there a web browser to use with the cli?17:23
turtleGlasswith flash support?17:23
gordonjcpturtleGlass: links/lynx17:23
dasmith91tutleGlass: check out lynx17:23
PiciturtleGlass: no17:23
lotuspsychje!info links2 | turtleGlass17:23
ubottuturtleGlass: links2 (source: links2): Web browser running in both graphics and text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.7-1ubuntu1 (raring), package size 1909 kB, installed size 2934 kB17:23
gordonjcpno flash support though, talk to Macromedia about that17:23
turtleGlassand java?17:23
wwwdotcomlol. flash support on cli?17:23
gordonjcpwwwdotcom: well, mplayer, aalib...17:24
turtleGlasshow well wil mir be able to detect CRT monitors?17:24
Dr_WillisturtleGlass:  i doubt if the kind of monitor will matter much.17:24
Dr_Willissince they follow the standards17:25
turtleGlassim asking because mine isnt weorking with x17:25
bekksturtleGlass: You could define a modeline for your CRT.17:25
turtleGlassnp ill just full up the dumpster with it17:25
Dr_Willisive given away all my old CRT monitors in the last year.17:26
Dr_WillisBack breakers. and desk space stealers. ;)17:26
gordonjcpI gave away a bunch of old CRT TVs and monitors17:26
turtleGlassim glad some one is wealthy enghoug to do that17:26
gordonjcpnow I need a CRT TV17:26
wwwdotcomOk. Now what have i to do to mount USB flash drives and hard disks automatically? In these cases how do i edit fstab file since x varies as in sdx17:26
Dr_Williswwwdotcom:  mount them based on UUID or Label17:27
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)17:27
lotuspsychjeroasted: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=1zdyq2a&s=517:27
wwwdotcomOh thanks17:27
nubbyDr_Willis, got untiy fixed yay now my ownly problem is the buggy kernel17:27
wwwdotcomDoes UUID of flash drives stay constant all the time?17:28
wwwdotcomDoes it change upon formatting?17:28
Dr_Williswwwdotcom:  UUID is part of the filesystem. so it should.. it can change if you resize or do things to the filesystem17:28
turtleGlassmy old CRT died after the computer went to sleep17:29
=== Jikai is now known as Jikan
turtleGlassway to encourage selling new LCD monitors17:30
turtleGlassright Dr_Willis ?17:30
roastedlotuspsychje: ah, I see that now. Thanks.17:30
lotuspsychje!yay | roasted17:31
ubotturoasted: Glad you made it! :-)17:31
turtleGlass!ot lotuspsychje17:31
turtleGlass!ot | lotuspsychje17:31
ubottulotuspsychje: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:31
lotuspsychjeturtleGlass: please stop abusing the bot17:31
turtleGlassyou just did that17:32
roastedturtleGlass: there was nothing off topic about what lotuspsychje just said whatsoever. He was helping me and succeeded with his efforts as my issue is now resolved.17:32
blakesI think I might have someone coming into my network carrying a dhcp server. I installed the dhcp-probe package, but having a little roughness around running it. Anyone have any advice?17:33
turtleGlassX is displaying unreadble and fuzzie screens17:34
bekksturtleGlass: Then create a modeline for your CRT.17:35
turtleGlasscan you help me?17:35
lotuspsychjeblakes: did you read manpages for the package?17:35
turtleGlassgreat anser17:35
mtrghi- i have encrypted disk, and when I "ls" it freezes should the folder have too many files. solution?17:36
turtleGlassi tryed turning off the monitor and back again with no siccess17:36
blakesNah... who needs man pages ;-)  of course.  I was hoping to find an admin who had my same trouble and could offer some of the finer points17:36
bekksturtleGlass: That wont help-17:37
turtleGlassthats just what iv said17:37
lotuspsychjeblakes: well can you tell us what excatly doesnt work?17:37
turtleGlassit didnt succeed17:38
trismroasted: think I worked it out, the smplayer.desktop file contains three video mimetypes not in the totem.desktop file (video/avi, video/x-ogm, video/x-theora), so when changing the defaults in g-c-c, three in ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list stay smplayer17:38
bekksturtleGlass: Because turning it off an on again will never help in configuring your X server with a modeline.17:38
=== DarkAceZ is now known as tnodah
trismroasted: for some silly reason, g-c-c chooses smplayer as the default because of this, definitely a bug17:38
trismroasted: if I remove those three associations from the smplayer.desktop file, it works correctly again17:39
turtleGlasswhat will?17:39
roastedtrism: when I apt-get remove --purge smplayer, I duplicate the same findings with totem vs VLC...17:39
=== tnodah is now known as DarkAceZ
bekksturtleGlass: Configure your X server to use a modeline.17:39
roastedtrism: like Totem and VLC will begin to act similarly. Totem is default, I set VLC as default, exit, go back, Totem is still default.17:39
betraydturtleGlass: and tell it to ignore edid info, or override them17:39
trismroasted: it is likely the same issue there, different mimetypes between them in the .desktops17:39
roastedtrism: wonder what I should file the bug against. Thoughts?17:39
blakeslotuspsychje: it is working.  But is it the best tool? Are there other, better ways to go about this?  Is it my dhcp server that's giving out those duplicate ip addresses, if so, how do I tell?17:40
trismroasted: would file it against gnome-control-center to start with17:40
turtleGlassim taling it right noe but i dont thing its listning or maybe the mic is off17:40
roastedtrism: GCC is what's used in 13.04?17:40
trismroasted: it might need a better way to figure out the default17:40
betraydturtleGlass: you have the pirated version then17:40
jiffe98anyone see anything wrong with this upstart script? http://nsab.us/public/ubuntu  Runs fine from command line but trying to start the service and it exits with a status of 217:41
betraydtry ENhance command17:41
turtleGlassubuntu black edition?17:41
roastedtrism: so far, going through the properties menu to select "set default" works on the individual file types. I DID have to select reset on one of them, though, as they were refusing to switch to VLC until I manually selected reset and then set default.17:41
lotuspsychjeblakes: well im not really a network expert here, maybe ##networking might know?17:41
turtleGlassusually the pirat version work the best17:41
blakeslotuspsychje: thanks17:41
trismroasted: I'm seeing the issue in System Settings/Details/Default Apps, which would be gnome-control-center, using Properties would be a nautilus bug, but that seems to be working correctly17:41
roastedtrism: I'm glad somebody else took the time to try this out. I'm reporting the bug now against GCC.17:42
trismroasted: if you file a bug, poke me with the bug number, I'd be interested in subscribing17:42
roastedtrism: I'll link it to you in a few moments when it's complete so you can hit the "yeah me too" button.17:42
roastedah, indeed. :)17:42
turtleGlass!mode probe17:43
betrayd its modprobe17:43
Jordan_UturtleGlass: Please play with the bot in #ubuntu-bots or in PM, not here.17:43
bekksturtleGlass: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution17:44
H3mpp4hello i have a little problem whit phpmyadmin. i installed it and now i tried to start it but i get some wierd message and just dono what to do17:44
turtleGlassfirefox doesnet run on the cli17:44
BlueSharkH3mpp4: what's the message?17:44
bekksturtleGlass: you've been told about console based browsers.17:44
turtleGlassi only use firefox17:45
=== timothy is now known as kboodu
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:46
turtleGlass!help | turtleGlass17:46
ubottuturtleGlass, please see my private message17:46
turtleGlassim not used to this irc client17:47
ArkhanaHey everybody; how do I edit the file 40_custom?17:48
turtleGlassthis cli thing is really starting to grow on me17:48
turtleGlassi think linux was made top be used in the cli17:48
betraydwhats yoir client turtleGlass17:48
turtleGlassits /version turtleGlass17:49
roastedtrism: bug # 117701217:49
bekksturtleGlass: Use a console based browser then.17:49
turtleGlassthe mouse isnt workiong in the cli17:49
=== Fad-i is now known as REVO-F
ArkhanaCommand line + mouse = ?17:50
bekksturtleGlass: You dont need a mouse to scroll down a page with the "arrow down" key.17:50
bekksArkhana: = gpm :)17:50
bekks!info gpm17:50
ubottugpm (source: gpm): General Purpose Mouse interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.20.4-6ubuntu1 (raring), package size 205 kB, installed size 496 kB17:51
turtleGlassthe monitor has 50/60hz writen in its back17:51
josePHPagodaHello everyone.  Anyone have any ideas on how to fix the wacom table mouse buttons in 13.04?17:51
turtleGlass!man modprobe | turtleGlass17:52
PiciturtleGlass: ubottu doesn't work like that.17:53
ArkhanajosePHPagoda: Try to plug in another mouse17:53
turtleGlassubuntu just works17:53
turtleGlassor just doesent17:53
WXZI got a new computer, everything new except the hard drives, how do I get my sound back?17:53
kostkonturtleGlass, that's referring to the power line frequency. your monitor should support at least 70hz17:53
josePHPagodaThe touchpad works17:54
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest30536
kostkonturtleGlass, 70hz+ refresh rate*17:54
trismroasted: thanks17:54
josePHPagodaIs there something in particular that plugging in another mouse would do?17:54
ArkhanajosePHPagoda:I had experiences with a USB mouse that didn work17:55
turtleGlassmaybe dist upgrade will make it work17:55
bekksturtleGlass: Unlikely.17:55
jiffe98so I can get upstart to start a custom service, I just have an exec line in a script block, what would I need to do in order to be able to stop the service?17:55
ArkhanaAnd after I plugged in a PS2 mouse, it worked fine17:55
josePHPagodaArkhana: the mouse works (I can scroll, and move the cursor) but clicking doesn't happen.  Seems to be a widespread issue (I found http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2139480 in the forum)17:56
turtleGlassi cant barelly seed the grub boot options and have to start with the repair option that i cant read but know its the 3th option counting downwards17:56
ArkhanajosePHPagoda: If the problem can be found commonly on the Internet, maybe the solution too17:57
turtleGlassnot happy with people not having x display working they even went once step to far and made grub menu unreradable too17:57
josePHPagodaArkhana: there isn't a solution posted there unfortunately.  There is a workaround (i think) but I don't want to risk killing my install :(17:59
arno_Hi, I'm trying to get sound to my headphones17:59
marandihi guys , i installed ubunu 13.04 on my pc and from laptop with aptoncd i made an iso file of deb archive ! now in my pc i installed aptoncd and hal packages but load button dosent work in restore session , how can i create a local repository for my deb depot ? FYI i dont have internet connection in pc so i have to use deb archive of laptop , please help :(17:59
ArkhanajosePHPagonda: well, it can be a good way17:59
turtleGlassubuntu a distro to kill linux18:00
ArkhanaMake a backup18:00
WXZhow do I find out which driver packages I need for my onboard audio?18:00
ArkhanaAnd a list of all programs installed18:00
arno_It used to work last week, but I unplugged them to hear sound without headphones. Now, I've plugged them back, it doesn't work. How do I need to setup alsamixer for headphones (and headphones only) ?18:00
turtleGlassarno_: try going to a doctor18:00
arno_turtleGlass: ?18:00
DJones!behelpful | turtleGlass18:00
ubottuturtleGlass: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.18:00
lotuspsychjeturtleGlass: stop doing that18:00
Arkhanaarno_: turtleGlass meant that you are deaf18:01
turtleGlassare you msure theres nothing wrong with your ears ern?18:01
arno_thanks for the joke, but anyone got a more useful answer ?18:01
turtleGlasskick people on the back if you cant help them out after making their computer unusable18:02
Arkhanaarno_ You can go routing with Patchage18:02
lotuspsychjeWXZ: did you check the additional drivers section?18:03
WXZlotuspsychje: where in synaptic is that?18:04
H3mpp4hello guys i installed phpmyadmin and tried to start it and i ran in to a random message... http://pastebin.com/fHptteQQ18:04
H3mpp4and it wont start does anyone have any idea what should i do?18:04
lotuspsychjeWXZ: software centre/software sources/tab additional drivers18:05
tjingboemwith gparted i have partinioned a new harddisk but now i can not copy files to it: permission denied. How can i change this?18:05
lotuspsychjetjingboem: did you run gparted as root?18:05
arno_Arkhana: I suppose there is a more easy way (I just worked last week). Does anyone knows how I'm supposed to setup alsamixer http://renevier.net/tmp/alsamixer.png ?18:05
WXZlotuspsychje: I'm still using lucid lynx18:05
tjingboemi have to run gparted as root - otherwise i can not partion it ?18:06
turtleGlassim using ubuntu satanic edition18:06
wilee-nileetjingboem, You trying to copy the files you are using?18:07
ArkhanaturtleGlass: cool18:07
tjingboemi thought that, as root, i should be able to assign permissions to me. But no...18:07
tjingboemyes, i tried to copy files from my home to it18:07
ArkhanaI also have a DVD of Satanic here18:07
wilee-nileetjingboem, You need to use a live cd.18:07
Arkhanaturtleglass: Yes, cool. I like the distro18:08
tjingboemAnd how can i assign me as a user, and not root?18:08
wilee-nileetjingboem, gaorted run in root the copy paste is not.18:08
turtleGlassOMG satanic edition YaY!18:08
josePHPagodaArkhana: the issue is that I use this machine for production work. :-/18:09
lotuspsychjeWXZ: http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17495/how-to-add-proprietary-drivers-to-ubuntu-10.04/18:09
tjingboemright wilee-nilee, i will try that. Thanks.18:09
petooEmpathy doesnt seem to any accounts I have created. Is it any good at all?18:09
turtleGlassjosePHPagoda: you mean hacking18:09
betraydfor IM18:09
petooEmpathy doesnt seem *CONNECT* to any accounts I have created. Is it any good at all?18:10
josePHPagodaturtleGlass: I do some dev work, but most of my stuff is managerial, coordination, and artwork18:10
tjingboemah no wilee-nilee, i remember: i used gparted from a live USB18:10
josePHPagodapetoo: I use thunderbird for most of my accounts18:10
tjingboembut now i can not copy files to it18:10
turtleGlassyes ascii art eules18:10
josePHPagodaturtleGlass: ???18:11
wilee-nileetjingboem, What is it that you are actually doing, details please.18:11
lotuspsychjeturtleGlass: you gonna get banned if you continue like this18:11
* BluesKaj watches for OT security to move in :)18:12
petooMaybe I have given you a wrong impression, I am here for making emapthy work for me.18:12
turtleGlasshow do i make ubuntu use my monitor?18:12
turtleGlassi mean with windows not command com18:12
bekksturtleGlass: Configure a modeline for your X server.18:12
adamk_turtleGlass, You plug the monitor into your video card.18:12
bekksturtleGlass: Use a console based browser to access the article you've been given.18:13
BluesKajinstall an Xserver18:13
betraydturtleGlass: choose to ignore the advice of people here, you're on your own18:13
turtleGlassmaybe mir will do the trick18:13
tjingboemright. With a live USB i used Gparted on that USB to create partitions on a new disk. And now when i am in Bodhi ( Ubuntu-like) i cannot copy files to it: permission denied18:13
bekksturtleGlass: It wont. The X server isnt responsible for configuring your CRT.18:13
Arkhanabekks: those browsers really pwn18:13
turtleGlassignore what?18:13
tjingboemAnd i cannot change permissions as root18:13
josePHPagodapetoo: for empathy, since it uses a lot of the same libs, it should work18:14
josePHPagodawhat service specifically are you trying to connect to?18:14
bekksturtleGlass: If you dont like the answers, and instead keep on trolling: good luck. I am resting my case with you.18:14
turtleGlassbekks: thats pretty obvius18:14
petoofacebook, gmail, irc - everything seems to have blocked.18:14
turtleGlassi mean why should it18:14
kboodutjingboem: Is the partition mounted as read-only or read-write?18:14
josePHPagodaturtleGlass: I've not had any issues configuring graphics for years now.18:14
petooIt tries to connect to those services endlessly.18:14
josePHPagodapetoo: hmm... i've not seen that behavior before. :( I'm sorry that I can't be more helpful18:15
turtleGlassgood for you18:15
josePHPagodaturtleGlass: I wish I could be more helpful, but I've not had to dabble in any xconfig for quite some time.18:15
turtleGlassthe monitor seting are carefully hidden in a xml file18:16
josePHPagodawhat are the specifics of your setup?18:16
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wilee-nileetjingboem, Bodhi is not supported here.18:16
BluesKajjosePHPagoda, don't think he cares about a desktop18:16
josePHPagodaXML?  I wasn't aware that any x stuff was stored in XML.18:16
josePHPagodaat least, I've never seen X stuff done in XML18:17
adamk_josePHPagoda, X doesn't store anything in XML.  The Desktop Environment might, which is probably what turtleGlass was trying to say.18:17
turtleGlassjosePHPagoda: you are obsolet18:17
josePHPagodaturtleGlass: what graphics chipset are you using? (lspci will tell you that)18:17
josePHPagodait's possible that it doesn't support opengl, which could result in a broken DE18:17
bekksjosePHPagoda: He is constantly refusing help.18:18
josePHPagodaturtleGlass: I wouldn't go that far, I just don't stay up to date on certain stuff.18:18
tjingboemwilee-nilee, i know. They were bot able to help me there. But Bodhi is based upon Ubuntu 12.0418:18
turtleGlassits support everthinbg except the monitor18:18
josePHPagodaturtleGlass: if it's a matter of the monitor simply not being supported, it would be quite difficult to get anything reasonable working on it.18:18
josePHPagodabut I doubt it's a monitor issue, unless the monitor doesn't report it's specs properly to X18:19
turtleGlassit seems i have to force feed it some mode or something18:19
josePHPagoda(my TV did that)18:19
josePHPagodaah, so that's quite similar to my TV from a few yrs ago.18:19
turtleGlassits working fine in the cli18:19
adamk_Specifying a mode can easily be done via xrandr or an xorg.conf file.18:19
turtleGlassmaybe its easy for you18:19
josePHPagodaturtleGlass: I remember it being a pain.18:20
palomersuspend doesn't work since I upgraded to ubuntu 11.1018:20
josePHPagodaBut like I said, much has changed since then, so I don't know how much help I can be.18:20
turtleGlasslinux is stupid ass hell18:20
josePHPagodaturtleGlass: no reason for the foul language18:21
th0rlinux is very user friendly. It is just very choosy about who its friends are18:21
josePHPagodaalso, that won't help you move forward toward resolution.18:21
turtleGlassthats whatr i tell my kids if you dont eat soup you have to use ubuntu18:21
adamk_Create a modeline with cvt, and then create a /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/monitors.conf file similar to this: http://pastebin.com/iQ3zH5PC18:21
josePHPagodaturtleGlass: you are welcome to use something else if you would like.18:21
betraydhe doesn't want to go xorg.conf route18:21
josePHPagodathere are many distros18:21
turtleGlassits the best way to keep them healthy18:21
josePHPagodathe whole point is you have choice18:22
adamk_Time for /ignore I think.18:22
josePHPagodait seems like that might be coming soon adamk_18:22
josePHPagodawhich is really unfortunate18:22
Blacklite_can you hear me?18:22
josePHPagodaHi Blacklite_18:22
Blacklite_oh good.18:22
Blacklite_you guys were talking about distros?18:23
turtleGlass!ot | Blacklite_18:23
ubottuBlacklite_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:23
DJonesBlacklite_: No, this channel is just for Ubuntu support18:23
Blacklite_I was going to offer assistance....18:23
josePHPagodaBlacklite_: I was encouraging turtleGlass to try other things if he's upset with Ubuntu for whatever reason.18:23
josePHPagodathe whole point is that choice is available.18:23
Blacklite_Does he use KDE?18:24
josePHPagodaHe's having a hard time with X and such.18:24
santagadamy graphical boot stoped working on one of the latest updates before 13.04 final (started using it on beta1). also I can't suspend the machine anymore. I think it is related to nvidia drivers (i'm using 313)18:24
santagadaany ideas?18:24
turtleGlasslike the choice of shutdown +h now18:24
josePHPagodasantagada: you could try changing which version of driver you are using18:24
josePHPagodaturtleGlass: I don't think that would help you get closer to solving your problem.18:24
santagadajosePHPagoda: will try, do you know where the boot screen application stores its logs?18:25
turtleGlassit would that and throuing this piece of crapp out the window18:25
josePHPagodai don't I'm afraid.18:25
josePHPagodaturtleGlass: once again, I'm unsure how that would help you get your monitor working, but perhaps you know something I don't.18:25
Blacklite_If you want to switch distros, and you want to use RPM's OpenSUSE is quite nice. in fact I'm using it now.18:25
DJonesBlacklite_: Thats offtopic for this channe;18:26
Blacklite_I was offering a suggestion, there was someone that was dissatisfied with ubuntu.18:26
josePHPagodaturtleGlass: people might be able to give you recommendations in #ubuntu-offtopic18:26
DJonesBlacklite_: You're welcome to do that in other channels, but its not something for this channel18:27
Blacklite_fair enough18:27
designbybeck_Did I just dream I saw a Screensaver setting in 13.04?18:30
wilee-nileedesignbybeck_, There has not been a stock screensaver that runs for a couple of releases.18:31
designbybeck_wilee-nilee:  well I knew that much, just couldn't remember where I saw it recently....must have been another distro I was trying out18:31
MonkeyDustno need to disable screensaver anymore, it's no longer there18:32
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designbybeck_in that case I guess my laptop is good to go for now MonkeyDust.... though 13.04 doesn't support this ATI Moblility HD 4000 series now though. HDMI video out did work, but there is no sound options18:35
josePHPagodadesignbybeck_: my HDMI also stopped working on my nvidia card18:36
designbybeck_ah...josePHP.... my video did output, not with 1080p but i did get it to see on the TV, just no audio18:36
josePHPagodahere it was full resolution18:37
josePHPagodabut no sound18:37
betrayddesignbybeck_: what about an audio out jack from lappy to hdmi TV?18:38
designbybeck_yes betrayd that should still work18:38
betraydaudio in? (only bec I've seen an accessory cnnectir like that)18:38
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designbybeck_and we have done that on another setup, just I didn't have the audio cable to test my 13.04 with the tv this time... i just had the HDMI18:38
BluesKajjosePHPagoda, intel audio ?18:41
josePHPagodaNo, this would be the nvidia audio out via hdmi18:42
hdonhi all :) why this? E: Package 'libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio' has no installation candidate18:44
hdon(or: how do i install SDL?)18:44
hdonand where is focus-follows-mouse?18:45
TnT4lifehello can you hear me?18:47
alex_funhey people18:47
zeepyes :)18:47
TnT4lifehey :)18:47
TnT4lifewhat do you think about 13.04 ?18:47
BluesKajjosePHPagoda, yes but the soundcard transfers the audio to your hdmi out thru the nvidia graphics card18:47
alex_funI want to make simple file to wget app , change some files via nano and run it, how I can introduce wait time? say wait 1 min between commands18:48
elisa87how can I know what is my git username and pass if I already created one?18:48
alex_funelisa nice joke18:48
BluesKajjosePHPagoda, I had the same issue with intel audio on the mobo18:49
TnT4lifelook into your emails inbox18:49
alex_funlol elisa is joker18:49
TnT4lifeand find the registration mal18:49
alex_funpoking fun at my question ::P18:49
BluesKajjosePHPagoda, anyway for what's worth here's the patch , https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive/alsa-daily18:49
TnT4lifeyou think so?18:49
alex_funsince my isp name is elisa :D18:49
BluesKajdesignbybeck_, the URL above might interest you as well18:50
designbybeck_tahnks BluesKaj.... looking now18:50
alex_funso yes how I can introduce wait 1 min into sh file?18:54
alex_funso it waits 1 min before going to next command18:54
Jordan_Ualex_fun: sleep18:55
alex_funlol and for real?18:55
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DJonesalex_fun: Try "man sleep"18:55
auronandacealex_fun: sleep 60 will wait for a minute18:56
shadow98hey everyone i have 3 firefox profiles which on the desktop i set custom icons....whenver i drag these to the laucher i get question marks instead of the icons18:56
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craigbass1976I've got a wide open samba share, and I need to mount it locally (but still via samba) so that I can read and write just as folks elsewhere on the network do.  When I create files and directories though, they'rte given my username.  Here's my fstab line: //   /home/craig/share   cifs   guest,_netdev   0 019:00
WXZI need sound, I have a Z77A-G45 motherboard19:02
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craigbass1976I've got a wide open samba share, and I need to mount it locally (but still via samba) so that I can read and write just as folks elsewhere on the network do.  When I create files and directories though, they'rte given my username.  Here's my fstab line: //   /home/craig/share   cifs   guest,_netdev   0 019:10
HaliteI want to download Lprof on Ubuntu 12.10 and create a new colour profile. I look in the software centre and it's not there...19:10
Halitehow do I download lprof on Ubuntu 12.10?19:10
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:11
subz3r0Halite: sudo apt-get install lprof19:11
subz3r0youre welcome19:11
Halitelol lprof isn't the name of the package19:12
Halite!check lprof19:12
BS-Harouhello, I need to build my own Kernel to test something for my kernel bug report. I've never compiled compiled kernel before. According to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel I need to run "sudo apt-get build-dep linux-image-$(uname -r)", however I use kernel 3.9.0-030900-generic so the apt-get command doesn't work19:12
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BS-Harouthe question is, how do I get the build dependencies for kernel 3.9.0?19:12
subz3r0Halite: sudo apt-cache search lprof19:13
subz3r0result: drawxtl - crystal structure viewer19:13
subz3r0lprof - Hardware Color Profiler19:13
HaliteI want lprof19:13
neytirii am having a issue with my system where most of my GUI isn't loading, (i have my desktop showing, i can open programs using a terminal) but everything else isn't loading, i am running 12.04 with the cinimon desktop enviroment19:13
HaliteI don't get lprof:19:13
Jordan_UBS-Harou: "apt-get build-deb linux-image-generic", the build dependencies of the kernel don't change often.19:13
HaliteResult: drawxtl - crystal structure viewer19:13
Halitepyfai - python library for Fast Azimuthal Integration19:13
BS-HarouJordan_U: thx! :)19:14
BluesKajHalite, look in the package manager , to see what gets listed under lprof19:14
subz3r0so its in the repos of 12.04 and not for 12.10?19:14
Jordan_UBS-Harou: You're welcome.19:14
krakishanyone that play lol ?19:14
subz3r0add another repos?19:14
Haliteit's soo hard to manage colour in ubuntu19:14
Haliteespecially 12.1019:14
subz3r0check the update manager and add other sources19:15
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BS-HarouJordan_U: hm, it still gives me "E: You must put some 'source' URIs in your sources.list". How do I fix that?19:16
Halitethere is no such thing as package manager19:16
Jordan_UBS-Harou: What version of Ubuntu are you using?19:16
BS-HarouJordan_U: 13.0419:16
elisa87How can I create a gerrit account?19:18
Jordan_UBS-Harou: apt-get build-dep linux-image-3.8.0-19-generic19:18
bekkselisa87: Whats gerrit?19:20
BS-HarouJordan_U: still same error :(19:20
elisa87bekks http://pastebin.com/Ls0rqCax19:20
BluesKajsoftware center = package management , Halite19:20
elisa87bekks: It is related to git review -s19:20
ehsanooHello, i can't install Broadcom STA wireless driver, it gives me an error that "wl module cannot be found", How can I fix this error ?19:21
Jordan_UBS-Harou: What happens if you run "sudo apt-get build-dep hello"?19:21
neytirii am having a issue with my system where most of my GUI isn't loading, (i have my desktop showing, i can open programs using a terminal) but everything else isn't loading, i am running 12.04 with the cinimon desktop enviroment19:21
jackw411hey guys - need some assistance - ubuntu12.04 lts - awesome windows manager - just plugged in another monitor, and they are the wrong way round - whats a terminal tool I can use to correct this/19:21
bekkselisa87: Looks like you are trying to connect to some openstack server.19:21
BS-HarouJordan_U: it gives me the same error again19:21
elisa87bekks: yes19:22
Jordan_UBS-Harou: Can you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.lst ?19:22
bekkselisa87: Then it is some account thats used there.19:22
BS-HarouJordan_U: nevermind, its working now, I had to check the "Source code" item in Software & Updates dialog .. thank you for your help19:23
alex_funok I mastered sleep :D19:26
jrtappersHow do I fix youtube videos showing overly letterboxed? I have a dual screen and it happens on both19:26
alex_funwhich command can I use to insert text in file? 1. nano test.conf then?19:27
subz3r0try disable hardware acceleration...19:27
alex_funto enter and write out :)19:27
jackw411guys how do i edit monitor position using cmdline?19:27
jackw411left/right monitor position19:27
subz3r0jackw411: xorg.conf19:27
subz3r0be carefull!19:27
jackw411subz3r0: is that in ~/.config?19:28
subz3r0locate it...19:28
subz3r0havin lunch and im writing with one hand :=)19:28
subz3r0chicken wings...19:28
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jackw411i dont have it in /etc/X11/19:29
platzhirschThere is a bug with a fix released I am interesting in (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/1055126) how can I check whether I have the fix installed or when can I get it to apply it?19:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1055126 in Unity 6.0 "dash preview animation is slow on high resolution screens (also fullscreen mode)" [High,Triaged]19:30
prog-ramHello! I'm searching for a Mr. Robert Ancell of Canonical.19:30
prog-ramIs he on IRC right now, or is there another channel where I can find him?19:30
sancrishello there. I was unable to play any sound via HDMI on ubuntu 13.04, the output on sound config only shows my lappy sound card19:31
dtcrshroops sorry19:32
netlarTrying to share files between local users on same machine, only seems to be going one way19:35
jackw411guys im using xrandr to set a DVI to primary, then doing xrandr --output DVI-0 --left-of VGA-0 to swap their positions19:36
netlarI made the second user have the same group as me19:36
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lmatWhen I apt-get install or anything else, does it always hit the same server?19:36
lmatWould it be better if that could be distributed somehow?19:37
k1llmat: there should be a server rotation for your country19:37
netlarAnd then I created a folder that has read and write privileges for that group19:37
lmatk1l: Ah, okay.19:37
netlarWhen I create a folder or files, he has full access19:37
lmatnetlar: (just reading your last three) is this what you expect?19:38
netlarBut when he creates folders or files by default it is only access only for me19:38
netlarIs that right?19:38
netlarlmat: should go both ways right?19:39
lmatnetlar: If the files he creates are assigned to the group, they should be accessible to everyone in the group.19:39
lmatnetlar: Make sure to chown them to the group...19:39
netlarlmat: I made the whole folder that is shared have the same permissions19:40
lmatnetlar: After the file creation?19:41
netlarlmat: no before the file creation19:41
lmatnetlar: double check :) It could be that the directory and its contents are owned by the group, then a file is created that is only owned by him?19:42
shadow98hey everyone i have 3 firefox profiles on the desktop i set custom icons....whenver i drag these to the laucher i get question marks instead of the icons19:42
netlarlmat: that is how it is behaving19:42
netlarlmat: but when I create a folder or file on my side, he has full access to read write and delete19:43
lmatnetlar: Can you see the files he has created?19:43
lmatnetlar: And their properties are something like  -r--.....19:44
tortikHi all. I connected an earphones and now sound is on the earphones and speakers. How to disable speakers? Lubuntu 12.0419:44
lmatnetlar: is it    -r--rw-... ?19:44
josePHPagodaBluesKaj: thanks19:45
netlarlmat: sorry it shows drwxr-xr-x19:46
mrrobjesus tit19:46
lmatnetlar: So that means (the first "r-x") that the group who owns the file cannot write to it. Is this what you expect?19:46
sancrisI can't get sound working out of hdmi, any hints??19:47
shadow98found the answer to my problem19:47
netlarlmat: actually sure, if he creates file or even folder, he would need to explicitly give me permissions19:47
shadow98need to create a laucnher first19:48
mrrobTry this sangrias: aplay -D plughw:0,7 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav19:48
jackw411sancris: newer kernels have hdmi sound turnt off by default19:48
lmatnetlar: sure, or give the group permission to write.19:48
netlarlmat: But why when I create files on my side it will automatically give me full permissions?19:48
sancrisjackw411, how do I turn it on then19:48
spexiHi! How to find is my install cd server or desktop without inserting it in? I haven't written the version name on the cd19:48
spexior does it matter19:48
netlarlmat: sorry not me, I mean him19:48
lmatnetlar: (give *him* full permissions?) I'm not sure ^_^19:49
jackw411sancris: honestly, i have no idea how I got it going: theres a guide floating about somewhere on the net19:49
spexiI'm giving this cd to my friend and can't check whether it is a desktop / server19:49
lmatnetlar: Perhaps you can run a test? Create two users and a group and proceed?19:49
lmatnetlar: So when you "touch hey", then ls -al hey  , you see -rw-rw-r-- ?19:49
netlarlmat: this is kind of a test, he does not do much on computer yet19:49
sancrisjackw411, I found some info, but they require installtion of software, I want ubuntu to do it natively19:49
jackw411sancris: http://askubuntu.com/questions/232226/how-to-edit-kernel-parameters19:49
lmatnetlar: sure.19:50
sancrisjackw411, thanks19:50
netlarlmat: not sure what you mean by "touch"19:50
jackw411sancris obviously work out what it is you are trying to add to the kernel, and be very careful!19:50
lmatnetlar: It's a command   "touch hey" touches the file "hey".19:50
lmatnetlar: If hey doesn't exist, it will be created as an empty file.19:50
designbybeck_so I just noticed this on trying to use Unetbootin on 13.04, it doesn't promote you to type in your password. Instead it just tells you you should use the commandline with sudo to launch it. Is this going to be the case for other programs that ask for sudo in the gui?19:51
sancrisjackw411, I will :p19:51
lmatnetlar: Do you know what the  -rw-rw-r-- means?19:51
netlari think so, read write for me and user and read for other19:52
netlarsorry mean group19:52
lmatnetlar: close :)19:52
samthewildonehow do I run the s.m.a.r.t in ubuntu ?19:52
th0rlmat: the first rwx is the permissions that the user has, the second rwx is the permissions for the group, the third rwx is the permissions for the rest of the world19:52
lmatnetlar: first triad = what the owner can do.19:52
lmatth0r: close :)19:52
netlarlmat: ok got it19:53
samthewildoneim trying to access the system settings but its impossible with this new setup.19:53
lmatnetlar: The second is what the group members can do. And the third is everyone else.19:53
netlarlmat: well did touch hey, and it gave rights of -rm-rw-r--19:53
lmatnetlar: So, when I "touch hey", I get -rw-rw-r-- which means that the owner of the file (me) can rw and19:53
netlarlmat: sorry canto type19:53
samthewildonenvm it wasn't installed19:53
lmatnetlar: same :).   And the group (in this case *my* group; same as my username) can rw, and everyone else can only read.19:54
netlarlmat: yes19:54
lmatnetlar: But! What group is specified?19:54
netlarmy group, which is also his main group19:55
lmatnetlar: And when he does it, what group is specified?19:55
lmatnetlar: (I think we're closing on the issue :) )19:55
netlarlmat: let me go over to his side19:55
lmatnetlar: I'm going to take a whack and guess... his group to which you don't have access? ^_^19:55
jackw411i literally do not have an xorg.conf19:56
lmatjackw411: Do you use an x server?19:56
jackw411what should I grep to find it?19:56
jackw411i have absolutely no idea lmat19:56
lmatjackw411: no grep :)19:56
jackw411i use awesome window manager19:56
lmatjackw411:   find / -name xorg.conf 2> /dev/null19:56
lmatjackw411: I use X and I don't have a file like that.19:56
jackw411lmat that just run without any return?19:57
Jordan_Ujackw411: lmat: No need to search, Ubuntu (and all other distros with modern Xorg) don't ship a /etc/X11/xorg.conf by default as it's not needed.19:57
netlarlmat: ok, so did it on his side, and it says -rw-r--r--19:57
lmatjackw411: did so for me, too.19:57
lmatnetlar: interesting, but which group!?19:58
samthewildoneexcuse me can some one help me ?19:58
jackw411Jordan_U: so how do I configure my monitors then dude?19:58
samthewildonei can't seem to get s.m.a.r.t19:58
netlarlmat: it is in my group19:58
samthewildoneI'm trying to see if my hard drive is going bad or is already.19:58
neytirii am having a issue with my system where most of my GUI isn't loading, (i have my desktop showing, i can open programs using a terminal) but everything else isn't loading, i am running 12.04 with the cinimon desktop enviroment19:58
lmatnetlar: Interesting!19:59
netlarlmat: the shared group19:59
lmatnetlar: How did it get to your group? He put it there explicitly?19:59
lmatnetlar: BTW, you should use a third group (not yours or his).19:59
netlarlmat: I did all the grouping in the users and group utility19:59
ronaldsneytiri, what exactly isn't running?20:00
Jordan_Ujackw411: Usually using the settings in Gnome Control Center, or xrandr (though you can still create an Xorg.conf, just because it's not there by default doesn't mean that it won't be used if you create one).20:00
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lmatnetlar: When user "A" is created, a group, "A", is also created and, by default, user A is in group A.20:00
jackw411Jordan_U: i tried using xrandr a minute ago20:00
lmatnetlar: This is the case for you, and your buddy. So you added your buddy to this group for you.20:00
lmatnetlar: I think you should create a new group, C, and add you and your buddy to it.20:00
netlarlmat: yes I am in the same group as my user name20:00
jackw411i have a dvi + a vga - vga smaller than the dvi. when i do xrandr --output X --right-of X20:01
jackw411it doesn't keep track of their resolutions20:01
jackw411and i end up with like a split screen mess20:01
netlarlmat: so put him back into his own group again?20:01
netlarlmat: and then add this new group to both of us?20:01
platzhirschhow can I "get"? “unity” 7.0.0daily13.04.15-0ubuntu120:02
lmatnetlar: You add users to groups, not groups to users :)20:02
lmatnetlar: You should be in your own group, and the new group. He should be in his group and the new group.20:02
jackw411Jordan_U: I've also done xrandr --output DVI-0 --primary20:02
neytirironalds,  i am assuming its the whole desktop enviroment, i dont have any menu taskbar, i donthave the clise buttosn on my windows20:02
jackw411do I need to dial in the resolutions somehow after setting left and right?20:02
netlarlmat: I cannot add a user to a group , other than in cli right?20:03
lmatnetlar: I don't know, but cli is an excellent place to do it :)20:03
lmatnetlar: I generally don't use gui.20:04
netlarlmat: so new to this, not very fluent in cli yet20:05
lmatnetlar: :) Welcome home.20:05
Bray90820i here someone say that installing Ubuntu or any other version of Linux on a mac was a bad idea because of the power management20:06
Bray90820is that true20:06
lmatBray90820: nope :)20:06
netlarlmat: so once I add me and him to the new group, then what?20:06
lmatBray90820: I think linux tends to go through battery power a bit quicker than the two big OSes.20:06
lmatnetlar: When you want to share a file with the group, do chown :groupname filename20:07
netlarlmat: but it will not happen automatically20:07
lmatnetlar: right.20:07
Bray90820it has something to do with damaging the hardware inside due to the silicone on the processor20:07
lmatnetlar: touch hey && chown :groupname hey20:07
netlarlmat: that would not be a problem for me, but he will not be up to speed20:08
Bray90820lmat: it has something to do with damaging the hardware inside due to the silicone on the processor20:08
netlarlmat: he is not a power user20:08
palomerso I installed the proprietary drivers for nvidia20:08
lmatnetlar: create a script for him?20:08
tgm4883Bray90820, we're going to need some sort of source to backup that claim20:08
palomerand now my icons and my taskbar aren't showing up20:08
lmatBray90820: wow, never heard of that :)20:08
palomerand the  windows key doesn't do anything20:08
netlarlmat: so he can just run something to share it?20:08
lmatnetlar: Sure...20:08
palomerso, basically, my system is hosed20:09
neytiriBray90820, i have instaled ubuntu on all of my mac hardware with no issue at all, no damage to the hardware either20:09
lmatnetlar: Say all the shared files should be in  /mnt/shared ...create a script like this:20:09
netlarCan that be put in the right click context menu?20:09
palomercan anyone help me out?20:09
lmatcd /mnt/shared && chown -R :groupname .20:09
lmatnetlar: I assume so, but I don't know how (I don't really use GUI)20:09
lmatnetlar: I think it would be easy to put this script on his desktop.20:09
lmatnetlar: So he can double-click it.20:09
Bray90820lmat: he said that the tower macpro had it's own power management tho so it was ok to install it on that one20:09
lmatBray90820: Be sure to ask him for a reference.20:10
netlarlmat: I understand, I just am trying to make this a normal computer for the family20:10
Bray90820tgm4883: i am trying to confirm or deny it in here20:10
lmatnetlar: Ahh, good luck to you :) Your father is the other user?20:10
netlarlmat: no, my son, he is very lazy20:10
Bray90820neytiri: how long have you had ubuntu on them20:10
tgm4883Bray90820, as with all of my previous interactions with you, I can almost guarantee that you mis-understood/mis-read20:10
lmatnetlar: Ahh, neato :)20:10
neytirisince mac began selling hardware with intel processors20:11
platzhirschhow can I add this repository https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity to my update sources? add-apt-repository ppa:unity does not work20:11
netlarlmat: want to add my wife too, but I know she will not understand any of it20:11
tgm4883platzhirsch, that isn't a repository20:11
lmatnetlar: good luck! :)20:11
lmatnetlar: So...you're wanting him to be able to right click a file and share it with dad? I don't know how to do that from GUI (context menu, etc.).20:12
platzhirschtgm4883: thought so, then what is? that for instance? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/saucy/+source/unity20:12
netlarlmat: thanks for your patients20:12
netlarlmat: exactly20:12
lmatnetlar: But if you have one dir that should always be shared between the two of you, a static script could be easy.20:12
MonkeyDustplatzhirsch  saucy? isnt that a bit early? (6 months)20:12
lmatnetlar: Oh yeah...it should be easy to write a script that takes a parameter, so he can drag what he wants to share on the icon of the script?20:12
tgm4883platzhirsch, thats a link to a source package for 13.10, and has nothing to do with a repository20:12
platzhirschMonkeyDust: I need this one patch which fixes a bug20:13
netlarlmat: what icon?20:13
MonkeyDustplatzhirsch  how can you need something that isnt even in alfa yet?20:13
lmatnetlar: I'm familiar with this on Windows...20:13
lmatnetlar: Create a script (.sh) file and put it on his desktop.20:13
platzhirschMonkeyDust: the patch is also released for Raring20:13
netlarlmat: ok, then?20:13
lmatnetlar: This script will chown the files in a particular directory correctly to share with you.20:13
neytirii am having a issue with my system where most of my GUI isn't loading, (i have my desktop icons/files showing, i can open programs using a terminal) but everything else isn't loading, no menubar, no buttons on my windows, no taskbars i am running 12.04 with the cinimon desktop enviroment20:14
netlarlmat: by just dragging the file on top of the script icon?20:14
lmatnetlar: perhaps :)20:14
lmatnetlar: Let me test for you :)20:14
netlarlmat: wow thanks20:14
tgm4883platzhirsch, not entirely sure what you want to do, but you probably want a PPA from https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-unity20:15
duryhi there all ...can someone assist me, please  #1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server phpmyadmin20:17
jackw411okay can somebody help me please? I log in to a normal ubuntu 12.04 session and my displays work perfectly... i start an awesome wm session and my displays are fucked... whats different?20:19
tgm4883!ohmy | jackw41120:20
ubottujackw411: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.20:20
h00kjackw411: keep the language clean, please.20:20
platzhirschtgm4883: sorry for the confusion. I am running Ubuntu 13.04 here and I have a problem with Unity, the bug seems to be fixed already (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/7.0.0daily13.04.18~13.04-0ubuntu1) and I wanted to apply the fix, but maybe the fix is already part of the daily updates20:20
jackw411okay can somebody help me please? I log in to a normal ubuntu 12.04 session and my displays work perfectly... i start an awesome wm session and my displays are fubar... whats different?20:20
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tgm4883platzhirsch, unless it was removed, the fix should be in everything after that version20:21
zykotick9jackw411: awesome needs to be configured for multi-monitor setups... it's awesome at multimonitor though ;)20:21
jbwiv_anyone know why only powerpc and power5 images are showing up here? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/raring/release/ I'd expect x86 and amd64 to be there20:21
duryanyone can help about phpmyadmin, please?20:22
lmatnetlar: looks like you can't drag a file onto a script in nautilus20:22
lmatnetlar: :(20:22
lmatnetlar: So, what I recommend until you can get that working is to have a directory where everything that he wants to share with you can sit.20:23
dury#1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server phpmyadmin20:23
lmatnetlar: So you're planning on not making yourself sudo?20:23
netlarlmat: I am admin now20:23
sirriffsalotHey guys, how do I check if my sound card does digital to analog conversion?20:24
lmatnetlar: If you plan on being an admin, you can access any file using those credentials :)20:24
troulouliou_devhi my wifi button and brightness fn key are not recognized sinced a switched to 13.04 on dell m6700; any clue ?20:24
lmatsirriffsalot: How can it not!?20:24
netlarlmat: ahh that is true20:24
lmatsirriffsalot: If it ever plays a sound, it does DAC :)20:24
sirriffsalotlmat: good to know lol20:24
tgm4883sirriffsalot, I'm pretty sure all sound cards to digital to analog conversion ;P20:24
lmatsirriffsalot: It does this (usually) using a codec.20:24
neytirii am having a issue with my system where most of my GUI isn't loading, (i have my desktop icons/files showing, i can open programs using a terminal) but everything else isn't loading, no menubar, no buttons on my windows, no taskbars i am running 12.04 with the cinimon desktop enviroment20:25
netlarlmat: so even i do not have permissions, I can give them to myself anyway20:25
marandiguys , i wrote a text file full of apt-get install packages and then other commands , i want to run commands in this file as root and save the output in a file , how can i do that ?20:25
lmatsirriffsalot: The codec (a integrated circuit) takes in samples and converts to analog.20:25
lmatnetlar: aye. run  sudo chown :group filename20:25
tgm4883!cinnamon | neytiri20:25
TheLittleOnesomehow my ubuntu server got compromised and there is a process that's brute force attacking other servers from this origin - is there a way I can find the process and kill it?20:25
sirriffsalotlmat: hmm. cause I'm in a silly jam at the moment20:25
netlarlmat: So are you on Ubuntu?20:25
lmatnetlar: (where group is the shared group) then the group will own the file.20:25
gordonjcpsirriffsalot: so ask your *real* question then20:25
lmatnetlar: YeS!!20:26
neytiriTheLittleOne, what exactly does the attack look like20:26
tgm4883TheLittleOne, do you know which process it is?20:26
netlarlmat: it is a great distro, but it is very gui, ha ha20:26
duryphpmyadmin can't log in20:26
BluesKajsirriffsalot, do you have a pcm / spdif output ?20:26
lmatTheLittleOne: try system monitor?20:26
dury#1045 Cannot log in to the MySQL server phpmyadmin20:26
neytiritgm4883,  what exactally was i suppose to see20:26
lmatTheLittleOne: Which process is using lots of CPU or IO?20:26
sirriffsalotBluesKaj: PCM yes20:26
tgm4883neytiri, nothing. I thought there was an entry for cinnamon but I guess not20:26
lmatnetlar: naaa :) just press ALT+CTRL+F1. it's all good.20:27
Jordan_UTheLittleOne: Start by disconnecting the server from the internet *now* if you haven't already, then try to determine how the attacker got in, then do a complete re-install from scratch before re-connecting the server to the internet (the last step is not optional).20:27
BluesKajthat's digital , sirriffsalot20:27
lmatI expect netlar is gone forever?20:27
duryis anyone available about phpmyadmin20:27
netlarlmat: I am gone?20:27
zykotick9Jordan_U: +1 exactly!20:27
tgm4883dury, has it ever worked?20:27
sirriffsalotBluesKaj: I thought so20:27
gordonjcpsirriffsalot: what is the actual problem you are trying to solve?20:27
lmatnetlar: If you press ALT+CTRL+f1 and don't know to press ALT+CTRL+f7...you'll be gone :)20:27
sirriffsalotlmat: I've got to mix a track fairly well in ubuntu studio, and I found some good stereo speakers in the basement, but I've hooked them into my philips 5.1 surround subwoofer to get any sound at all with them, lol. And I'm pretty sure I'm losing a lot of the sound this way.. how would I get the most out of these stereo speakers?20:28
durytgm4883: yeah!!!20:28
gordonjcpsirriffsalot: you'll need some sort of amplifier20:28
sirriffsalotgordonjcp: damn20:28
zykotick9lmat: actually once in linux console, only alt+f7 to get back to gui, the ctrl is just required inside Xorg20:28
gordonjcpsirriffsalot: most sound cards only have a very low level output20:28
sirriffsalotWas hoping there would be another way20:28
TheLittleOnejordan_U: my service provider already said the machine is sandboxed to prevent it form doing further harm - question is what the heck can i do to track it down - not a real sys admin, just play one :-)? i can't seem to install tcpdump20:28
netlarlmat: I wont do that until I look it up first, ha ha20:28
tgm4883dury, ok, so what did you change? and did you try a "dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin"20:28
[dlp]Could anyone possibly send me an exemplary /etc/apt/sources.list from raring?20:28
lmatsirriffsalot: amp. Computers put out enough sound to drive headphones.20:28
lmatnetlar: good! You're well on your way!!20:28
lmatnetlar: Don't run commands you don't understand :D20:29
lmatnetlar: What IRC client are you using?20:29
gordonjcpsirriffsalot: also, mixing stuff down kind of needs you to have fairly "flat" loudspeakers20:29
[dlp]I didn't exactly follow a "standard" installation procedure.20:29
sirriffsalotlmat: I can mix with headphones.. but I need to get some speaker-comparison20:29
neytiritgm4883, do you have any idea why its not loading, it was working fine last night20:29
sirriffsalotgordonjcp: flat?20:29
durytgm4883: "sudo" that command?20:29
netlarlmat: dont laugh, I am on Pidgin20:29
tgm4883dury, yes20:29
[dlp]And I'm missing some dependencies for Google Chrome.20:29
gordonjcpsirriffsalot: yes, a flat frequency response across the audible range20:29
tgm4883neytiri, no idea20:29
lmatsirriffsalot: You'll need to get a bigger signal :)20:30
TheLittleOneneytiri: May  5 19:03:47 milo sshd[16442]: Invalid user 0 from <my ip> is one attempt from log file (was given to me from the provider who alerted me to the compromise)20:30
gordonjcpsirriffsalot: lots of "hifi" speakers have got all sorts of weird peaks and dips to make them sound good20:30
tgm4883[dlp], are you missing libudev0?20:30
[dlp]Not sure... hold on.20:30
sirriffsalotgordonjcp: well I've got two sets to choose from.. one is 25 years old, the other fairly new20:30
gordonjcpsirriffsalot: age is irrelevant20:30
sirriffsalotgordonjcp: DALI brand.. whatever that is20:30
durytgm4883: right I will try later have to go.... really appreciate your advice, honestly20:30
lmatnetlar: I use irssi. It's cli :)20:30
sirriffsalotgordonjcp: sounds wrong, hehe20:31
netlarlmat: that is why I said don't laugh, figured you are just working from cli20:31
gordonjcpsirriffsalot: well I've got cheap crappy old speakers, and cheap crappy new speakers20:31
lmatnetlar: mostly :)20:31
lmatnetlar: for surfing web, elinks can't be beat ^_^20:31
[dlp]tgm4883: I am missing...: libgconf2-4, libnss3-1d and libudev0.20:31
gordonjcpsirriffsalot: I've also got very good old speakers and very good relatively new speakers20:31
BluesKajsirriffsalot, you should feed a digital or analog mixer from the said outputs and use an amplifier to real audio speakers , not pc speakers to monitor the sound20:31
neytiriTheLittleOne, yes sounds like you got compromised, disconect the system from the internet, check to see how he got in and then reinstall your system (reinstalling is NOT optional)20:31
[dlp]Which can't be satisfied.20:32
tgm4883[dlp], yea, that is an issue with google chrome20:32
netlarlmat: wow you are hardcore20:32
[dlp]Oh, ffs.20:32
tgm4883[dlp], you'll need to install the 'testing' version of chrome20:32
sirriffsalotBluesKaj: oh, I thought you meant the "PCM" in the alsamixer20:32
lmatneytiri: There's a good distro for you :) check out "linux vulnerable"20:32
sirriffsalotBluesKaj: no idea whether they are "pc speakers"20:32
sirriffsalotBluesKaj: haha :)20:32
[dlp]Okey dokey.20:32
neytirilmat,  how dies that solve my issue20:32
tgm4883[dlp], google-chrome-unstable that is20:33
lmatneytiri: oh no, not at all!20:33
[dlp]So I'm not missing packages, then. I did end up carving /etc/apt/sources.list myself, so that was my first suspicion.20:33
tgm4883[dlp], the issue is fixed, but it looks like it hasn't made it's way to stable yet20:33
BluesKajpcm yes , you can use it if you have a device that converts digital to analog , otherwise the analog line level out will do , sirriffsalot20:33
TheLittleOneneytiri: got it, thanks - will do that20:34
OerHeksneytiri, i just read back issue with cinamon desktop?20:34
[dlp]Most things seem to be working quite nicely. Considering it was a hacky ZFS root install.20:34
CristianCheluHello all... Can anyone drop me a hint as to how to compile upower with debug?20:34
[dlp]System's slying :D20:34
neytiriOerHeks,  yes20:34
CristianCheluI cloned the upstream source for upower and It doesn't recognize the --enable-debug command.20:35
TheLittleOneneytiri: just curious how you would have diagnosed the issue out of curiosity? check log files, system files modified in X days…etc? any technique? thanks.20:35
[dlp]Cheers man.20:35
neytiriTheLittleOne, looked at log files, checked my packages for known vulnerabilities, look at user activity20:36
neytiricheck firewall logs as well20:37
deadweaselhow do I keep my sudo privs for an entire session in unity, at least for all the gtk stuff?20:37
CristianCheluAnyone? :D20:37
betraydCristianChelu: read the readme?20:37
gordonjcpdeadweasel: what exactly are you trying to do?20:38
CristianChelubetrayd: Yes, it tells me to configure with option --enable-debug=yes.20:38
CristianCheluBut configure doesn't recognize that.20:38
sirriffsalotI found the amplifier that goes with these speakers.. but how do I hook them up to the computer (if at all possible)?20:38
jbwiv_anyone know why only powerpc and power5 images are showing up here? http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/raring/release/ I'd expect x86 and amd64 to be there20:38
betraydCristianChelu: and you need help from them, not here20:38
deadweaseli was going to change my password to something longer, but I don't want to put it in except when i login...  gordonjcp, is that even possible?20:39
wildc4rdhas anyone had any success getting Skype running under 13.04?20:39
gordonjcpdeadweasel: not really, no20:39
deadweasellike a perma sudo for my unity session?20:39
CristianChelubetrayd: Alright. I'll try there. Thanks.20:39
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betraydCristianChelu: yw, didn't want you to wait needlessly20:40
deadweaselgordonjcp: what is a good balance to have between security and convenience?  I have a sprained wrist so long pwds are an impediment20:40
deadweaselbut security is a priority20:40
betraydCristianChelu: and one thing, even cd to that dir and ./configure with that parm didn't work?20:41
TheLittleOneneytiri: thanks20:42
gordonjcpdeadweasel: well, consider how the computer is used20:43
neytirii am having a issue with my system where most of my GUI isn't loading, (i have my desktop icons/files showing, i can open programs using a terminal) but everything else isn't loading, no menubar, no buttons on my windows, no taskbars i am running 12.04 with the cinimon desktop enviroment20:44
gordonjcpdeadweasel: have you got it connected to the Internet, running SSH and externally accessable?20:44
gordonjcpdeadweasel: is there anybody who is likely to want to access it without your permission?20:44
betraydneytiri: you're not using startx i hope20:44
ChogyDananyone use deluge?  It has stopped accepting magnet links for me on 13.0420:45
neytiriit was working yesterday wheni shut the system down20:45
deadweaselgordonjcp: yes, yes, probably not, but possible, gordonjcp20:45
deadweaselso I'll use a PAM on my ssh20:45
betraydneytiri: and how did you shut down20:46
deadweasel*use PAM20:46
lwellslmat: Hi, its netlar on irssi20:46
neytirifrom a terminal sudo shutdown -h -P now  since i wasnt home20:46
BluesKajsirriffsalot , real audio amplifiers don't come with matching speakers , the idea of hifi is decent loudspeakers can be driven by any decent amplifier.20:47
bedo2991Does anybody know if it's possibile to prevent Nautilus from searching files and subfolders when users input text?20:48
ChogyDannm on my issue.  I wiped deluge's settings, and that fixed it20:49
ChogyDanbedo2991: are you talking about nautilus, ie, Files, or that general program starting interface, ie, unity20:50
Iszaki'm trying to setup RAID 1 via mdadm on a running ubuntu 12.04 installation, I can't seem to find any guides on how to do this that works.20:50
wildc4rdhas anyone had any success getting Skype running under 13.04?20:51
zeepis there a way to install netflix-desktop without the ms fonts?20:51
gordonjcpdeadweasel: ssh key, I guess20:51
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gordonjcpdeadweasel: it's harder to brute-force a password than you think20:52
deadweaselgordonjcp: variations exist elsewhere, so it's easily guessable, I need to change it20:52
gordonjcpdeadweasel: yeah, but don't go nuts with non-alphanumerics and stuff ;-)20:52
zeepit's not that hard if you have unlimited time :), just try every variation of numbers, letters in all modes20:52
ChogyDanzeep: why would you want that? If netflix even runs, that's a win20:52
[dlp]tgm4883: Still missing libgconf-2-4 even on unstable channel.20:53
zeepChogyDan, i run netflix-desktop without ms fonts on arch, and I'd like not to have them on my ubuntu install20:53
zeepthey makes my fonts look funny20:53
zeep*they look funny20:53
subcoolsomeone please - i have a grub issue, i forgot what i did to fix it last time. but- it happened again. I booted up linux_secure with boot repair. But its SOMEHOW complaing about open software package managers. WTH?20:54
MrGizmo757My Ubuntu wont shut down. it gets stuck on the plymouth screen when shutting down.  i enable verbose mode on shutdown and it says  Synching SCSI Cache for Swap. and that's where it seems to get stuck. any idea?20:54
tgm4883[dlp], that should exist in raring. Maybe you did remove something needed from your repos  http://paste.ubuntu.com/5639679/20:54
texla12.04..How to reposition windows on unity desktop20:55
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ChogyDanzeep: maybe install wine separately, making sure that the ms fonts don't get installed20:56
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zeepChogyDan, The problem is that the depencency is with wine-desktop. I tried holding the package but it refuses to install without it :/20:57
[dlp]tgm4883: Only backports by the looks of things.20:57
[dlp]Thanks for that, anyway.20:57
[dlp]Hopefully this will solve ythe problem.20:57
ChogyDanzeep: oh, i don't know, I don't know where these packages are anyway20:57
zeepChogyDan, no worries. thanks for trying :)20:57
bedo2991ChogyDan: Nautilus, the file explorer20:59
betraydzeep are the fonts required or recommended by the package21:03
LeifI have a bluetooth mouse, and upon pairing with it, ubuntu recognizes the movements of it for a few seconds, but then ignores it. Does anyone have any suggestions on what the problem might be?21:04
palomerso my system is completely hosed21:04
palomerhow do I reset EVERYTHING, but keep everything in my home directory?21:04
gordonjcppalomer: delete all the dot files?21:04
LeifI catted out the output into the terminal (sudo cat /dev/event12) and it was still sending data21:04
gordonjcppalomer: better, create a new user21:04
LeifThank you21:04
palomergordonjcp: it goes deeper than that21:04
palomermy graphics drivers are hosed21:05
gordonjcppalomer: do you want to just reinstall?21:05
palomergordonjcp: yeah21:05
palomeris there a command for that?21:05
gordonjcppalomer: if you set up /home on a separate partition, that should be cool21:05
palomergordonjcp: X doesn't even come up anymore21:05
betraydwait a sec21:05
gordonjcppalomer: if not, back up /home somewhere, reinstall *making sure you set up /home on a separate partition* and then copy it all back21:05
palomergordonjcp: how do I reinstall? I don't have a usb key21:06
sk1pperhi all, is there a way to access directory owned by root via samba?21:06
palomerin fact, I don't even have a web browser21:06
gordonjcppalomer: well, that's a whole different problem21:06
palomerI'm chatting through the terminal21:06
kboodupalomer, What do you need a web browser for?21:06
palomerkboodu: getting the image21:07
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palomerkboodu: right, but I need to know where to wget from21:07
kbooduInstall a cli based web browser (links or lynx?)21:07
palomerbut it's a pain to use21:07
palomerbut yeah, is there a command to just reinstall everything?21:07
gordonjcppalomer: oh man, right, okay21:07
kboodupalomer,  64-bit or 32-bit21:07
bekkspalomer: use links2 instead.21:08
gordonjcppalomer: which flavour of Ubuntu?21:08
palomerI'm using vanilla21:08
palomerbut I'd like to switch to Xubuntu21:08
palomermight this be a good time?21:08
gordonjcppalomer: potentially21:08
gordonjcppalomer: which issue, which arch?21:08
lorfvapalomer, what desktop is in vanilla21:08
sdahi all, i'm trying to understand "services" inside ubuntu. I cannot understand why if i run "service --list-all" some services are not reconized as running, but if I run "service libvirt-bin status" it does. Thanks!21:08
gordonjcppalomer: 32-bit?21:08
gordonjcppalomer: o_O21:09
palomerI think21:09
palomerhow can I check21:09
lorfvathx palomer21:09
gordonjcppalomer: can you get a terminal of some sort up?21:09
kbooduThat link should work.21:09
palomergordonjcp: I'm chatting through a ctrl-alt-F1 terminal21:09
gordonjcppalomer: ctrl-alt-f2, log in, uname -p21:09
palomerkboodu: thanks, but I can't even copy that21:10
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kbooduWhere are you?  I'll get a better and closer url21:10
gordonjcppalomer: you are currently on 32-bit21:10
gordonjcppalomer: 12.04?21:10
palomerkboodu: but even if I get it, I don't have a usb key21:10
palomergordonjcp: 13.0421:10
kbooducdrecord to put it on a CD?21:10
palomerthey don't fit on CDs anymore21:11
palomerno DVD around21:11
gordonjcppalomer: is Tesco open?21:11
kbooduOh, yeah....that's right.  My bad21:11
palomerheh, I'm in the USA21:11
gordonjcpor some other 24-hour supermarket?21:11
palomerI could go to walgreen's21:11
subcoolthis is seriously ticking me off21:11
subcoolwhat kinda repair is this= i dont have the most complex system. it has a LVM- OoooOOOoOoo21:11
gordonjcppalomer: ... by which time the image will have downloaded21:11
palomerI'm on a pretty fast connection21:11
palomerI'm in san francisco21:11
palomerthere's no network install option?21:12
gordonjcppalomer: there might be21:12
gordonjcpyou'd still need something bootable21:12
gordonjcppalomer: hm21:12
gordonjcppalomer: have you got a spare hard disk floating about?21:12
kboodugordonjcp: Alternate?21:13
betraydyou know what messed up your system palomer21:14
palomerbetrayd: yeah21:14
subcoolif anyone has an idea. highlight me. im walking away before i break something21:14
gordonjcppalomer: http://tinyurl.com/xthirteen <- Xubuntu 13.04 i68621:14
baumywhat's a good monospace font where the bottom of a lowercase l curves a bit to the right, like the opposite of a j?21:14
baumyI have a hard time with 1 and l in inconsolata and consolas21:14
palomergordonjcp: no spare disk21:15
palomerbetrayd: I installed the proprietary nvidia drivers21:15
gordonjcppalomer: spare *machine*?  You could try PXE21:15
palomerbut my system uses optimus21:15
gordonjcppalomer: have you tried something like uninstalling X, wiping any smash that's lying around, and reinstalling?21:15
betraydpalomer: ok at least you remember21:16
palomergordonjcp: how do I do that?21:16
palomeractually, the way this mess started out was that my system didn't suspend properly21:16
palomerso I thought it was the graphics card21:16
gordonjcppalomer: apt-get remove --purge xorg21:16
gordonjcppalomer: maybe try that?  It's not like you can make it work any less21:16
palomergordonjcp: apt-get purge is the same, right?21:17
gordonjcppalomer: then rm /etc/xorg21:17
gordonjcppalomer: think so21:17
palomergordonjcp: not there after the purge21:17
gordonjcppalomer: maybe nuke /etc/X11 too21:17
palomergordonjcp: done21:18
gordonjcppalomer: find / | xargs grep nvi21:18
RalliasCan I get a recommendation for a wireless card that supports being an AP that android can connect to?21:18
gordonjcppalomer: anything that looks NVidia-y from that, murder it21:18
palomergordonjcp: you want to grep my whole disk?21:18
gordonjcppalomer: find your whole disk, grep out any potential victims21:18
zeroChi there, i am running ubuntu 13.04 and have to following problem with wireshark: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/414647/21:18
betraydbaumy i usually google for top terminal fonts and look at the screenies21:18
zeroCbut the interface is ther: http://paste.ubuntuusers.de/414652/21:18
zeroCjust tshark/wireshark are not able to find my eth021:19
baumybetrayd: thats what ive been doing for the past 10 minutes, cant find one with that kind of l though21:19
palomerok, so once I downloaded 13.0421:19
palomerhow do I burn it?21:19
baumybetrayd: but i know ive seen screenshots of peoples terminals with it21:19
betraydi know thats a tough one bauq21:19
betraydbaumy ^21:19
MonkeyDust!burn | palomer21:19
ubottupalomer: CD/DVD burning software: k3b (KDE), brasero (GNOME), gnomebaker, xcdroast, wodim (command-line) | To burn ISO files, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto21:19
betraydbaumy the ones i use -Envy Code R and pragma don't qualigy21:20
gordonjcppalomer: "wodim dev=/dev/cdrw -v -data <path-to-iso>21:21
mchlbhmIs there anything I can do to my system to make games run faster in wine?21:23
palomergordonjcp: does that work for DVDs?21:23
WXZI need sound, I have a Z77A-G45 motherboard if that helps21:24
gordonjcppalomer: think so, I haven't owned a PC with optical media for about ten years21:25
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brainwashmchlbhm, visit http://appdb.winehq.org/ for additional tips and game performance reviews21:25
subcoolanyone grub repair kubuntu 12.10 with lvm?21:28
subcoolgoogle is NOT helping21:28
irseeyouIs there a problem with uefi motherboards and linux?? What should I avoid?21:28
MonkeyDust!uefi | irseeyou21:29
ubottuirseeyou: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware, it is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI21:29
streulmahello, my pc asked to replace /etc/grub.d/10_linux, what to do?21:29
thelostfaithhas anyone ran into using their laptop coupled to their blue ray player and had issues with the surround sound?21:29
irseeyouMonkeyDust: I heard there was problems with uefi and secure boot in the newer motherboards…is there something I need to avoid?21:29
streulmawhat to do?21:30
MonkeyDustirseeyou  read the link to get an idea21:31
random123i want to know how to see what job are sheduled on my ubuntu21:31
random123how can i do that ?21:32
MonkeyDustrandom123  crontab -l21:33
shortstraw8I received a file of exam/test prep question, but they are in .jpg form. How do I convert them to .pdf, somewhat easy as there are 25 of them.21:34
random123ok did that result > no crontab for user / but i looked in the etc/cron.* i found a lot of files  in each one    like " anacron" "jhon " "Rkhunter"   how i can see those in a single command21:34
bekksrandom123: crontab -l as root21:35
kboodurandom123: cat /etc/cron*/* > cronjobs.out21:36
genii-aroundshortstraw8: Open em in libreoffice, save as pdf21:36
kboodurandom123: just be aware that there's no filename associated with each one....so trying to figure out which belongs to which file will take more work.21:37
bekksrandom123: find /etc/cron* -type f21:37
random123is there an esier way a gui program ?21:38
bekksrandom123: No.21:38
transit441hey guys im trying to get openVPN working on my server. however service openvpn start won't start it up and my syslog shows these errors:21:38
kboodurandom123: no21:38
transit441origin software="rsyslogd" swVersion="5.8.6" x-pid="3206" x-info="http://www.rsyslog.com"] rsyslogd was HUPed21:38
transit441(root) CMD (/usr/local/rtm/bin/rtm 41 > /dev/null 2> /dev/null)21:38
random123going to try them and report back21:38
bekkstransit441: Thats just informational and no error.21:39
alpstrasit441: use a paste service please21:39
mish-I have a 3TB RAID5 array, inside that is a 2TB partition called "/dev/md0p1", I want to extend that partition to occupy the full 3TB, how can I do that?21:39
bekkstransit441: sending HUP to a service just causes that message, a reload of the config, and the process starts again.21:39
transit441bekks: well /var/logs/openvpn shows: Options error: --server directive network/netmask combination is invalid21:40
bekkstransit441: Thats an error, and the explanation is obvious.21:40
transit441bekks: openvpn.conf is server
transit441i see nothing wrong with those21:40
bekkstransit441: a classical class A network has a /8 mask, not a /24.21:41
bekkstransit441: Use some 192.168.x.y network instead, which is a class C and uses /2421:41
transit441bekks: my tun0 shows    inet addr:  P-t-P:  Mask:
transit441should i use those 2 addresses instead?21:42
transit441i have no idea what you are referring to by /8 and /24 mask21:42
bekkstransit441: /8 and /24 are the CIDR representations of and
transit441so what should be in the conf?21:43
basssis there any bittorrent client that can be effectively used in terminal21:44
bekks0506 234154 < bekks> transit441: Use some 192.168.x.y network instead, which is a class C and uses /2421:44
transit441basss: rtorrent21:44
jribbasss: rtorrent, btdownloadcurses21:44
transit441bekks: like the IP of the server?21:44
bassstransit441: does rtorrent allow scheduling ?21:44
thelostfaithhas anyone had issues with 5.1 mixing with a 4.0 sound card?421:44
transit441not sure21:44
bassstransit441 k i'll check it out21:45
Coreybasss: rtorrent will do you.21:45
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alpsbasss: https://github.com/fagga/transmission-remote-cli21:46
alpshey hey21:46
kksafakmy banshhe dont show and play my music files from my iphone21:47
streulmagrub-probe warn: disk does not exist, so falling back to partition device /dev/xvda1.21:47
transit441bekks: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward seems to have allowed it to start21:47
WeThePeoplehi, i have a intel 64 bit system will the 64bit version on 12.04.2 work on my system?21:47
tgm4883WeThePeople, yes21:48
random123anything strange with those i didn't schedule anything though http://paste.ubuntu.com/5639814/21:48
tgm4883WeThePeople, well, probably21:48
tgm4883WeThePeople, Providing you mean you have an intel x86_64 system and not an itanium21:49
WeThePeopletgm4883, i have a asus k55a laptop, with 64 bit windows 821:49
tgm4883yes that will work then21:49
shortstraw8genii-around, do you know how I would do it from cmd line?  ~/exam/questions$ convert image.jpg ExamQs.pdf this works, but if I try and do it with the next file(s) : image.jpg image2.jpg +compress ExamQs.pdf. When I do that it tells me no such file, i the folder they look like this  image(2).jpg21:49
WeThePeopleits intel stuff though21:49
WeThePeopleok thanks21:50
WeThePeoplenot amd21:50
tgm4883WeThePeople, it's x86_64, so you can use the ISO labeled AMD6421:50
WeThePeoplecant wait!!!21:51
WXZhow do I find the right sound driver?21:53
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dcI have a hardware RAID 1 mirror and my kickstart is failing with "No root file system is defined"....Anyone else run into this?21:54
X-tonichow do i install mariadb in ubuntu? Will it be available in default repositories?21:55
johnjohn101X-tonic  http://www.sagetree.com/sage-advice/christoph-weber/replace-mysql-mariadb-ubuntu-1204-lts21:57
MonkeyDust!find mariadb22:01
ubottuPackage/file mariadb does not exist in raring22:01
MonkeyDustX-tonic  it's not in the raring repos22:01
DocTrolopWhy mariadb22:02
WXZhow do I find the right sound driver?22:02
X-tonicreplacement for mySql @ DocTrolop22:02
DocTrolopWXZ: driver or codec22:03
johnjohn101X-tonic: all of the repos are on their website, not 13.04 yet22:03
random123anything strange with those i didn't schedule anything though http://paste.ubuntu.com/5639814/22:03
DocTrolopubottu: ppa look22:04
X-tonicSo how do repos work? If something is absent in repo at the time of release, will it always be absent? or can new packages appear in -backports or -updates ?22:04
DocTrolopMonkeyDust: look in ppa for mariadb22:04
jrib!sru | X-tonic22:05
ubottuX-tonic: Stable Release Update information is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates22:05
dcI have a hardware RAID 1 mirror and my kickstart is failing with "No root file system is defined"....Anyone else run into this?22:05
jaqquei *really* hate to ask this question, but is there any way to get the aptitude patter searches (specifically, installed packages that are not essential, and not marked as auto eg: ~i!~E!~M) without actually installing aptitude22:10
Coreyjaqque: Why not... install aptitude? :-)22:11
jaqqueCorey: because apparently ubuntu hates it.22:11
jaqquejust ask vorlorn22:11
CoreyIf you like aptitude, use aptitude. I don't really see the problem with it. :-)22:12
DocTrolop openoffice and mysql are being replaced by libreoffice and mariadb because of sun22:12
bekksDocTrolop: s/Sun/Oracle/22:12
zykotick9DocTrolop: s/sun/oracle/  lol bekks got it 1st22:12
bekksDocTrolop: Sun was acquired by Oracle years ago.22:12
jaqqueCorey: on debian, neither do i. trying to use ubuntu in the Ubuntu Way.     so if apt-cache or apt-<something> can do the pattern search (or something that works) great. if not - well - i hope that aptitude and apt-get won't fight each other too much22:12
DocTrolopUbuntu is the only major distro hanging onto mysql default install22:13
mustmodifywhat does it mean when I screen does this? Is there a word for that other than scrambled? https://url.odesk.com/g1toqf22:13
bekksDocTrolop: There is no sane reason to not do so, actually.22:13
Coreyjaqque: They use the same backends.22:13
mustmodifyI tried putting in a video card, same issue (just does it sporadically now, whereas it was doing it on login)22:13
DocTrolopmustmodify: u use hdmi or vga22:15
mojtabaHi, Is there any command which gives list of differences between two catagories?22:18
jaqquediff <(ls dir1) <(ls dir2)    ?22:19
mojtabajaqque: What is ? at the end?22:21
jaqquethe ? at the end is a question, if that answers your question22:22
jaqqueif you are using zsh, you can do something like:   gvmidiff -f =(ls dir1) =(ls dir2)22:23
mustmodifyDocTrolop: sorry, didn't notice your message. VGA.22:23
VistausTest :)22:23
tim_tamdiff dir1/ dir2/22:23
jaqquemake that gvimdiff22:23
VistausIt works :)22:23
mustmodifyVistaus: got your test.22:23
mustmodifyDocTrolop: sorry, didn't notice your message. VGA.22:25
mustmodifywhat does it mean when I screen does this? Is there a word for that other than scrambled? https://url.odesk.com/g1toqf22:28
mustmodifyI tried putting in a video card, same issue (just does it sporadically now, whereas it was doing it on login)22:28
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mojtabaHow can I have access to a directory on a FTP server from command line? (actually I want to compare a directory there with my local directory.)22:29
mustmodifymojtaba: do you have ssh access? If not, copy that directory to yours and do a diff.22:30
mustmodifyeven if you do, I'm not sure you can do a diff remotely.22:31
mustmodifybut you could maybe... get an md5 sum of the directory or something if the directories are large.22:31
mojtabamustmodify: Actually I have attached a hard drive to my router and I have set DDNS and have access to its address.22:31
mojtabamustmodify: my router is Asus rt-n66u.22:33
mustmodifyso you want to compare for backup purposes?22:34
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Bray90820how do i identify with a server22:35
mustmodifyBray90820: start to understand it's emotional complexity, and read "the five love languages."22:36
mojtabamustmodify: Actually my colleague has access to the files and I want to know on which files he has worked22:36
mustmodifymojtaba: use git22:37
Bray90820but how identify22:37
CoreyYeah, that's the classic use case for version control.22:37
mojtabamustmodify: I will take a look at it, thanks.22:37
Bray90820there we go22:37
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Bray90820Anyone know of a good IRC server for linux22:38
Bray90820client i ment22:38
Bray90820Anyone know of a good IRC client for linux22:38
mustmodifymojtaba: seriously, version control is the only way to go when more than one person is working on a document. Plus, there are a TON of places out there that will host free repositories for you. Github, bitbucket, and unfuddle to name 3.22:38
mustmodifyis trillian available for linux?22:39
mustmodifyprobably not.22:39
Bray90820mustmodify: it runes really well under wine22:39
kbooduBray90820, Some people use Pidgin.  I use XChat (or XChat-Gnome depending)22:40
Bray90820Pidgen for IRC?22:40
mojtabamustmodify: Thanks. Actually I am familiar with non of them. (I have switched to linux recently. :) )22:40
kbooduPidgin.  Yes22:40
pragmaticenigmaHowdy everyone!  Does anyone know where I might find where a program is being setup to autostart when I login to Ubuntu?  I have X11vnc installed, and prefer to manually start it but somehow it's getting launched on login and I have to manually kill the process in order to get the config utility to work.22:40
Bray90820What about empathy22:41
mustmodifymojtaba: Well, they are also available for windows, but that community seems to ... not ... um...22:41
tim_tamBray90820: irssi22:41
Bray90820can empathy connect to irc22:42
trismpragmaticenigma: x11vnc shouldn't autostart by default, maybe you are bumping into vino? gsettings get org.gnome.Vino enabled;22:44
trismpragmaticenigma: though you could look through /etc/xdg/autostart/ and ~/.config/autostart/ to see if you dropped any files in there to start x11vnc22:44
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Catiliuspeople have no one to help establish a system for android 2 slitaz22:45
OnkeltemHi all22:46
Catilius I read and read Google more confusing pile drivers well, almost everything under ubuntu install.sh22:46
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OnkeltemWhat command line tool can I use to change contrast/brightness of the display?22:46
OnkeltemI forgot it's name :(22:46
pragmaticenigmaThanks trism, I have checked the .config/autostart and do not see anything referencing x11vnc there.  I have not installed Vino, (I'm actually running Xubuntu).  I used to have x11vnc config'd to auto start on login, but I removed it a long time ago22:46
bray908201can this be read22:48
Onkeltembray908201: positive22:48
bray908201thank you22:48
pragmaticenigmaTrism, those are both clean of any references to X11vnc... any other spots I might not have looked?22:48
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eziohow can i tell if my windows system is getting updated by my ntp server22:52
kboodupragmaticenigma: Maybe a shell start-up script that starts your X-Window Session?  (Just a WAG)22:52
pragmaticenigmaIt's possible, I'm grepping all config files now in my home directory to see if I over looked something22:53
eziogot it22:56
TreaverMy computer won't start up with mouse and keyboard working.22:59
GunArm1i'm having a CRAZY issue, where I have a mdadm array (md1) online and mounted and running, which is visible at /dev/md1, but all the drives that compose it (/dev/sdk sdl sdm according to /proc/mdstat) are not showing up in /dev/ I don't even know what to make of this...23:02
GunArm1I created the array while the server has been up, to copy files off of my failing other array, which has since died, so this array is the last backup of my files and I'm afraid to restart my machine if it's in some wierd state like this23:03
beandogthat's odd23:03
beandogis your /dev properly populated?23:03
beandogGunArm1: run fdisk -l to see what drives are showing up23:04
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Zergamy name is lyman zerga :))))23:05
CatiliusHelp Slitaz rolling install on android23:08
GunArm1beandog: they are not showing up in fdisk -l,  I do get errors because most of my stuff is GPT and fdisk doesn't support it, but it doesn't even give me those errors for these drives23:08
Dr_WillisCatilius:  and how is that related to Ubuntu support?23:09
beandogGunArm1: oh yah, gdisk then23:09
Catiliusbut the more I read the more confused HELP, HELP teimbolee 99% Adris install.sh to install the ubuntu23:09
roastedI'm swapping out my HDD for an SSD. I ran rsync -avh on it to get the data on the SSD. Now I'm trying to install grub. i succeeded in doing so but when I boot up, the grub splash screen says could not mount blahblahblah. The UUID in the error is to my old HDD. I changed /etc/fstab to have the UUID's for my SSD partitions (swap, /, etc) but grub is still yielding the old UUID in the error. Any insight?23:10
beandogGunArm1: if mdstat says it's synced okay, then it should be fine on a reboot.23:10
Dr_WillisCatilius:  install what ubuntu? You just asked how to Install Slitaz on android/arm  - thats not ubuntu.23:10
troulouliou_devhi how to create an accoutn for friends from gnome classic23:10
beandogGunArm1: mdadm will autobuild the array anyway by looking at the disk labels (raid autodetect)23:10
beandogGunArm1: I assume it's a raid1 mirror?23:10
Dr_Willistroulouliou_dev:  easy way 'sudo adduser billgates'   or whoever you want the username to be23:11
troulouliou_devDr_Willis, i mean a twitter or facebook account for friends (ex gwibbler)23:12
GunArm1gdisk doesn't seem to have a list option, you give it devices, but if the devices aren't showing up in /dev/ in the first place what do I do?23:12
ubottuThe Empathy Instant Messenger is installed by default and supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and  variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete and !pidgin23:12
beandogGunArm1: well I guess the question is, what do you *want* to do23:12
CatiliusI want to install it on your android slitaz, vprintsepi all this is done, the forum slitaza read, well, everything is straight too tedious, and it is not clear in the end that does not try nothing comes out23:12
GunArm1sorry I was reading23:12
overedgeanyone knows how to connect to windows share server over xubuntu?23:12
beandogoveredge: install gigolo and use that .. it's pretty dead simple23:13
MestreLionIm getting a dependency error when trying sudo apt-get install libwxbase2.8-dev : The following packages have unmet dependencies:  libwxbase2.8-dev : Depends: libwxbase2.8-0 (= but is to be installed. Any clues?23:13
GunArm1beandog: no its actually a terrible RAID 0 but its all I could make at the last minute to have the space to save my failing file system on the other array, have you ever HEARD of disks not showing up in /dev/?  isn't that really wierd and scary?23:13
overedgebut every time i use gigo i get nothing23:13
beandogGunArm1: eh, it happens if you did something to /dev.  The physical devices are still there, though.  And the RAID's gonna setup just fine as long as it has device names.  The RAID metadata keeps track of what kind of a state it's in and what the array is like.  You can't just accidentally rebuild an array wrong.  You'd have to force it that way.23:14
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beandogGunArm1: meaning, rebuild it wrong w/mdadm23:14
beandogGunArm1: as to why your /dev is messed up ... what'd you do?  new kernel? killed udev?23:15
GunArm1well, I did cat /dev/urandom to show my buddy something which messed up the text encoding on that terminal23:15
GunArm1and I probably ctrl-c'd it23:15
beandogGunArm1: okay23:15
GunArm1would that do it?23:15
beandogyou'd have to run reset to get your terminal back though23:15
CatiliusDr_Willis I even where that is slitaz.img for arm23:15
beandogGunArm1: actually, no it could do it if it went for a while23:15
MestreLionAny clues on how to install libwxbase-2.8-dev?23:16
beandogGunArm1: run dmesg, see if it threw a fit23:16
Dr_WillisCatilius:  I still dont get how Ubuntu figures into your  issue.23:16
GunArm1beandog: I never know how to interpret anything from dmsg23:16
beandogGunArm1: If your devices were there on this current bootup, then you're probably fine23:16
GunArm1but ill look23:16
Dr_WillisCatilius:  most likely you dd that img to a sd card or usb. and boot it on whatever arm device you have.23:16
beandogGunArm1: This is the thing ... I'd shut down the raid manually23:16
beandogso you know it's okay23:16
Catiliuswell as to establish a bte bboks not work23:16
beandogmdadm --stop /dev/raid0 (or whatever the syntax is)23:16
beandogGunArm1: can you pastebin the contents of /dev23:17
beandogGunArm1: find /dev | nopaste23:17
roastedQuestion - I switched from a HDD to SSD by rsync -avh'ing the two drives. Now GRUB is still attached to my old HDD UUID. I need to update it with the SSD UUID, but you cannot edit grub.cfg (that's what it says anyway since that file is auto generated). How can I generate a new grub.cfg from within a LiveUSB environment?23:17
beandogroasted: grub-update23:17
beandogor is it update-grub23:18
roastedbeandog: you mean update-grub? It says grub-probe error. cannot find a device for /. is /dev mounted?23:18
beandogsecond one23:18
yofunhey my sound icon that is in the top tray doesnt work (13.04)23:18
TreaverMy computer when I start it up will not let me use keyboard or mouse (built in). They aren't even turned on for some reason. How do I fix this.23:18
roastedI'm within a LiveUSB so I have a feeling that may be doing it, but I don't know how to work around it.23:18
beandogroasted: okay, one second ... you are booted on a live USB and you are trying to copy your entire setup from olddrive to newdrive, right?23:18
yofunTreaver:  can you use a usb keyboard?23:18
Dr_Willisroasted:  boot a live cd and use the boot-repair tool. or edit the etc/default/grub file to correct the uuid, and check fstab also.. or use 'tune2fs' to set the UUID to be the same as it was on the other hd23:19
TreaverI don't have one23:19
CatiliusDr_Willis iso unzipped, well, do not run out, right now, to hell with it formatted, xs be, I want a small linux operating under the arm23:19
roastedbeandog: no, I'm past that. Now I just need to generate a new grub.cfg, because in my grub.cfg the UUID is to the old HDD, but I'm already on the new SSD - I just cannot boot. :(23:19
beandogroasted: oh, do what Dr_Willis said.23:19
yofunTreaver:  this the first time useing ubuntu?23:19
beandogroasted: er, the tune2fs option.  That'll fix you right up.23:19
Dr_Willis!arm | Catilius23:19
ubottuCatilius: ARM is a specific (RISC) processor architecture used in a variety of applications such as handhelds and networkdevices. For more information see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM . For ARM specific support, stop by the #ubuntu-arm channel.23:19
yofunhey my sound icon that is in the top tray doesnt work (13.04) how do i fix?23:20
troulouliou_devhi is it possible to link the ubuntu sdk themes like for friends/ubuntu software  to the gtk3  theme23:20
roastedDr_Willis: trying boot-repair now23:22
GunArm1beandog: http://pastie.org/781075223:22
GunArm1beandog: http://pastie.org/781074623:22
Catilius<Dr_Willis> http://forum.slitaz.org/topic/slitaz-arm post alanyih23:23
Catiliusno working23:23
beandogGunArm1: pastebin blkid23:23
Dr_WillisCatilius:  perhaps you should be asking in the slitaz support channels.. not Ubuntu support...23:23
TreaverNo yofun, I've used it before. This is a problem I've had in the past but I need to fix it.23:23
GunArm1beandog: /dev/sda has also dissappeard, although it was having its own problems which is why md0 died (and hence the emergency backup)23:23
GunArm1beandog: http://pastie.org/781075723:24
TreaverCan someone help me with the mouse and keyboard problem23:24
beandogGunArm1: wow, okay, they are all gone.  interesting.23:25
beandogGunArm1: see if there's anything in here: dmesg | grep sdk23:25
beandogor dmesg | grep raid23:25
subcoolOk- wtf?! - installing kubuntu 13.04 twice.. and twice its doen this. http://wstaw.org/m/2013/05/07/198918_579154618785346_1585525413_n.jpg23:25
beandogor dmesg | grep -i raid23:25
beandogsubcool: it doesn't like your video card or your monitor, or both23:26
beandogI mean ... obviously .. :T23:26
beandogI don't know what the actual solution would be23:26
subcooli boot into the live usb23:26
subcoolthe color is great23:26
beandogsubcool: on the new install, hit ctl alt f123:27
beandogsee if it gives you a terminal23:27
beandogif it does, you can get in there and fix the X11 config23:27
beandogthough what it's gonna be, I still have no idea.  google your monitor / video card model in the forums, see what you come up with23:27
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pocketprotectoranybody know why nfs export option -vers=3:4 does not work on 10.04?23:27
roastedDr_Willis: nailed it. boot-repair is an awesome utility. I shall definitely keep that in mind into the future thanks!23:28
subcoolbeandog, nah- it doesnt change over23:28
GunArm1beandog: nothing with grep raid, nothing with grep sdk, a lot of errors for sdj, and how far back does dmesg go?  these failures could have been up to two weekss ago23:28
subcooli love how i just formatted this drive for nothing23:28
beandogGunArm1: depends on what gets written to the log23:28
subcoolthis is truely - never ending23:29
GunArm1beandog: are the numbers at the beginning of each line some kind of timestamp?23:29
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beandogGunArm1: yah, I dunno at this point man ... I still think if you just stop the array, it'll be fine23:29
beandogGunArm1: and reboot23:29
beandogGunArm1: but, that's my best guess23:29
beandogsubcool: one alternative: install ubuntu server on there, that won't come with a window manager.  And *then* get in there and try to get kde/gnome/xfce working23:30
GunArm1ok thanks23:30
subcoolbeandog, im alreadt trying to fix the box... - i have a lvm... and a grub issue.. but now i have a NEW issue.23:31
subcoolbeandog, u think ubuntu would be better?23:31
beandogsubcool: dunno, I'm just saying a base install without any window manager would get you up and running, and probably easier to debug from there.  But that's just me.  I like to go the long hard route.  There's probably easier ways.  I'd post on forums and see what you get.23:32
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beandogI come from a gentoo background so my workarounds are sometimes more complex than the problem23:32
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)23:33
beandoggentoo ftw23:33
Dr_Willisill stick to Ubuntu. or rasbian... ;P23:33
subcoolbeandog, yea- i know gentoo, i've been afraid of it23:33
subcoolcompiliing EVERYTHIN is... not my taste23:33
subcooli tried to get into it like 10 years ago23:34
GunArm1beandog: could it hurt anything if I plugged yet another hard drive in?  (like the system reassign the /dev/sdx designation of something invisible but in use and getting screwed up)23:34
subcoolyet, here i am still having issues with the basics23:34
beandogGunArm1: yah, that could cause problems23:34
beandogGunArm1: My *other* suggestion was going to say to run MAKEDEV sd in /dev23:34
beandogbut I ... wouldn't recommend that23:34
GunArm1then I guess ill have to winscp into it from my other machine to copy my files23:35
beandogGunArm1: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man8/MAKEDEV.8.html23:35
GunArm1i need another copy of my files before I can risk stopping/rebooting23:35
beandogGunArm1: also, never ever ever use raid0.  it's dangerous.  You might already know that, but, just saying.23:36
beandogtoo risky23:36
GunArm1beandog: yeah, I do, its the dumbest thing ever, I just HAD to have something fast to copy what I could off my other dying array.  and only got about 80% through that23:36
beandogGunArm1:  If you're determined to do something though, use MAKEDEV23:36
subcoolbeandog, ok mr. linux- whats another vnc server? im using x11vnc- and ... it keeps freezing or crapping out in some way23:36
GunArm1this has been a constant struggle since february of cascade failures23:36
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beandogsubcool: I dunno, there's realvnc and tightvnc.23:37
michael87ok I ran into a bit of a problem. dvdfab keeps crashing when I trie to run it under wine. I am very agraviated. Tryying to backup a dvd with arcoss protection please help23:37
Dr_Willissubcool:  vnc4server, tightvnc, xtightvnc. perhaps otehrs...23:37
beandogmichael87: backup or rip?23:37
GunArm1beandog: thanks for your help23:37
beandogGunArm1: sorry mon, good luck23:37
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michael87beandog, backup. My laptop would take forever in a rip. makemkv requires compiling otherwise I wouldn't have a problem with it. Whatever it takes to get around those protections23:38
beandogmichael87: well if you want just a straight ISO you can play with later:23:38
earl2hi - what would the easiest way be of making my PC accessible via the Internet (screenshare) as soon as it boots?  (assuming it boots straight into graphical mode).23:38
earl2I am thinking I could add something like vnc to the init script. but I don't know muc habout screen sharing...23:38
earl2any ideas?23:39
beandogmichael87: this is what *I* do.  Install 'pv' with apt-get, then run "pv -ptre /dev/dvd | dd of=dvd.iso"23:39
whoeverformating , there a few fat32 hex codes , does it matter which one I use23:39
Dr_Willisearl2:  you want to use a ssh tunle if using vnc over the internet.23:39
beandogmichael87: that doesn't deal with copy protection or anything, it just makes a straight copy of the disc image23:40
Dr_Willisearl2:  thheres freenx also. but  i tend to just use ssh to get into my remote machines23:40
earl2Dr_Willis: can you kind of explain how that works?  I don't know much about this...23:40
beandogDr_Willis: me too23:40
earl2also how can I check if my router even forwards vnc's ports?23:40
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX23:40
earl2Dr_Willis: ssh is OK I would just like the graphical interface please23:40
Dr_Willisearl2:  you will need to set up forwarding.23:41
earl2I see.23:41
Dr_Willisearl2:  any remote desktop may be very slow/sluggish. You can ssh in and just use X forwarding to forward a single app if needed23:41
earl2Dr_Willis: may be very slow/sluggish if I don't forward ports, you mean?23:42
computer88hello everyone23:42
earl2Dr_Willis: is what we're talking about rather difficult to set up or rather easy?23:42
Dr_Willisearl2:  if you dont forward ports... it wont work. ;)23:42
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Dr_Willisearl2:  i dont bother with vnc over the internet. If i need to run a remote gui app. i ssh in and use X forwarding normally23:42
earl2Dr_Willis: I'd also like to explain what I'm doing.  I have a device that has a display interface I can't use (no hardware for it) but I can get into it via serial port and it's online as well.  I oknow for a fact that it boots grpahical ubuntu23:43
Dr_Willisearl2:  you can set up vnc to work with a web browser/server also.23:43
earl2Dr_Willis: so I would just like to access that desktop remotely...23:43
earl2Dr_Willis: why not bother with vnc over the Internet?  I really don't mind latency...23:43
fellayaboyhow can i set up or edit connections via terminal?  i usually use gui of network manager but i dont have the machine locally23:43
bray90820so is it true that due to smc being controlled by the os on macs Linux can't handle it23:43
earl2Dr_Willis: I'd really just like to configure some things graphically.23:43
compdocearl2, vnc is good way to go. I still use it. But I recently found something I like better: xrdp and x11rdp23:43
Dr_Willisearl2:  when you click and it takes 3+sec to regiester.. you will mind...23:44
michael87beandog, copyying a regular dvd with basic protections is not a problem. But some dvds have special protection like arcos and such. Disney uses these alot. so does sony from time to time. Dvdfab as far as I know can copy these no problem. I hoped to find a opensource alternative or something.23:44
beandogDr_Willis: heh23:44
beandogmichael87: handbrake.23:44
fellayaboyive used vnc with ubuntu and it always gives me problems23:44
Dr_WillisI am remoteing in from my android phone over 4g... so its not  the fastest way ;)23:44
beandogmichael87: handbrake will make your baby go to sleep it is so awesome.23:44
fellayaboyfreeze or doesnt even register at all23:44
computer88i was trying to install MS office 2010 using wine. running 64bit ubuntu v 13 on a newer dell pc. tried winecfg 32bit but that only helped a little. any help is appreciated23:44
earl2Dr_Willis: I'm actually OK with that....  I'd just like to see what it looks like and do som ethings graphically that are very hard for me to do at the prompt23:44
earl2Dr_Willis: I understand the 3 sec frustration23:45
bray90820linux cant be installed on a mac because linux has no smc control23:45
earl2Dr_Willis: So how would I go about setting this up?23:45
subcoolThanks Dr_Willis .. i like vnc4viewer, maybe the server will work out..23:45
Dr_Willisearl2:  ssh and x forwrding is trivial to get going.   for vnc and a ssh tunle - see the url the bot gave earlier23:45
fellayaboyhow can i set up or edit connections via terminal?  i usually use gui of network manager but i dont have the machine locally23:45
beandogmichael87: http://www.thepowerbase.com/2012/03/install-handbrake-in-ubuntu-12-04/23:46
anonymous_damn theres alot of peeps on here23:46
michael87beandog, I love handbrake swear by it. problem is that it is an encoding application and not a copy one. I'm running a laptop. Also I have I installed the free dvd reading sofware libdvdcss or something. And handbrake stops encoding before it can start with the movie23:46
Dr_Willisanonymous_:  actually its a slow day..23:46
beandogmichael87: have you tried a recent snapshot?23:46
computer88wheres the best place to get help with wine . i think office errror is due to be new23:47
compdocvnc4server is very reliable23:47
earl2Dr_Willis: how can I use ssh if I don't own a server though?  (just have the two computers at home)23:47
beandogmichael87: Okay, if you're trying to install something manually, then yah, you'll need latest libdvdcss and libdvdread.23:47
michael87beandog,  no. I am running the latest one o.9.823:47
fellayaboyearl2 any computer can be a server23:47
Dr_Willisearl2:  err., a linux machine is a server.. just install the ssh service23:48
beandogmichael87: they only do releases like ... once a year ... grab a recent snapshot, and it might fix your problem23:48
michael87beandog, also I am on raring ringtail and I installed the one for precise until handbrake for raring is complete23:48
fellayaboyearl2 your phone can be a "server"23:48
bray90820Can someone confirm or deny that because linux doesn't have SMC control if you install it on a mac it will ruin the processor23:48
beandogmichael87: oh look ... new release came out ... today :D23:48
beandogmichael87: http://handbrake.fr/23:48
Dr_Willisbray90820:  lots of people use linux on apple hardware.23:48
utfans05_2bray90820 have you heard of macbuntu?23:49
earl2actually I just googled something.  what do you think about "teamviewer" for linux?23:49
earl2it would seem to fit the bill for what I'm doing...23:49
computer88any ideas on how to install office in wine?23:49
Dr_Willisearl2:  try it and you decide.23:49
earl2do you think I might hvae luck with it?23:49
fellayaboyearl2 just install openssh-server on the pc u wish to connect to..23:49
Dr_Williscomputer88:  see the #winehq channel and the wine app database23:49
bray90820utfans05_2: isn't that just a theme23:49
utfans05_2i used teamviewer from my phone to access information on my desktop when i needed it, its not as fast as you may want but it does a decent job23:49
utfans05_2bray90820 i believe its a full distro23:50
earl2fellayaboy, is there any chance that I can't conect to it due to ports porblems?23:50
fellayaboyi changed from vnc to teamviewer23:50
earl2i'm not in charge of the router it's behind23:50
fellayaboyjust works way better for me23:50
computer88whats the newbie channel called?23:50
fellayaboywhich is a shame23:50
Dr_Willislast i looked 'macbuntu' was a very very badly done script..23:50
earl2if I go the openssh-server route will I defoinitely be able to connect to it?23:50
beandogcomputer88: search winehq.com too23:50
FatalnixWhen is Ubuntu slammin salmon coming out again?!23:50
bray90820utfans05_2: Macbuntu is an open-source program, designed to transform Linux’s appearance and layout into a Mac OS X environment23:50
Dr_Willisearl2:  you can ssh into a pc... if you set it up right..23:50
fellayaboyearl2 u have to open port 22 on the "server" which is the pc u will connect to23:50
FatalnixI can't wait!23:50
michael87beandog, cool. I'll give it a shot. crossing my fingers for an mpeg2 passthrough. Would help out a hell of alot in this case. Doubtful. If it fixes this at the very least I'll be happy. Don't want to go back to windows 7 on my laptop because my wine is being a pain in the but for almost all windows apps23:51
fellayaboyi mean to the server..from your router23:51
Dr_Willisearl2:  i ssh from my android poone to my home pc all the time23:51
computer88thanks bean23:51
fellayaboyas do i ..but i ssh through an iphone23:51
beandogmichael87: well, there's *more* ways to get it off there ... but ... you'd have to compile stuff, I dunno how up to that you are.23:51
utfans05_2bray90820, im looking now,23:51
FatalnixDr_Willis: you should run sshd on it and activate gateway ports. Free proxy server anytime anywhere.23:51
beandogmichael87: I'd try makemkv or handbrake first, obviously23:51
Fatalnixmobile proxy*23:51
beandogmichael87: anyway, it's actually not that hard, just install the two libs and then build something manually.  Good luck bro, I gotta run.23:52
michael87beandog, I am a noob at building manually23:52
Fatalnixok. enough friendly trolling23:52
utfans05_2bray90820,  if you properly setup your uefi on your mac there should be no issues with running linux on a mac23:52
beandogmichael87: it's a good chance to start :)23:53
fellayaboyearl2 if your using ubuntu just open a terminal and type in sudo apt-get install openssh-server...once its installed all you have to do is go into your router settings and open port 22 for that machine23:53
bray90820utfans05_2: how would i do that23:53
beandogfellayaboy: doesn't it install by default?23:53
utfans05_2bray90820, i would have to do some research cause i have not done that myself but i know a few people with macbooks running different linux distros23:54
earl2okay thanks23:54
earl2I'm going to try something brb23:54
fellayaboynot from my experience beandog...but i could be wrong..i know i had to do that lots of times unless the new versions have been installing it by default23:54
earl2thanks for the help guys23:54
bray90820utfans05_2: but the guy is telling me after a wile the logic board goes bad23:54
beandogfellayaboy: oh oka23:54
ThePiousPriesthello all, how do I install flash on ubuntu?23:55
utfans05_2bray90820, what ever guy is telling you this is wrong lol23:55
fellayaboyusually i go to ubuntu software center and install a package called ubuntu restricted extras..and it will install a bunch of common stuff like flash java and other things to play mp3 and movies23:56
bray90820/home/aaron/Desktop/Screenshot from 2013-05-06 18:56:06.png23:56
fellayaboylol dont go posting your password by mistake bray9082023:56
bray90820i won't23:57
bray90820i am just trying to send a picture23:57
ThePiousPriestAlso, I'm having issues using my wireless USB card. Ubuntu sees it when I do lsusb23:57
michael87ok so how do you clear the recent previews in the start menu? say you have some videos you don't want friends or family to view lol.23:57
wilee-nileemichael87, settings-privacy23:58
bray90820so this is complete S***23:58
fellayaboyhey how do i encrypt a password...and have that encrypted password be used in a text file23:58
fellayaboyor config file or whatever23:59
bray90820utfans05_2: is this complete S***23:59
ThePiousPriestAnyone have an idea?23:59

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