
ochosibluesabre: maaan, i thought i had a completely compatible version of css in greybird for both versions of lightdm. sucks to see that the menubar is partly borked now... but great work on the ppa! :)06:23
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micahgknome: I haven't forgotten, just been busy15:05
knomemicahg, good good :)15:19
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pnarcisohello guys16:56
pnarcisoso, are guys already testing xubuntu saucy16:57
knomewell, daily images are being built16:57
knomebbl ->16:58
pnarcisoI've been away from xubuntu testing, but I have more time now and I'll be following saucy16:59
daim2k5pnarciso: i will start to help17:00
daim2k5pnarciso: do you test with virtualbox? or seperate pc?17:00
pnarcisoi'm typing from a daily right now17:00
pnarcisoI've installed the daily through usb and everything went fine17:01
daim2k5so i need the old pc back from my parents :D17:02
pnarcisoright now I only have one annoying bug, which is, when I want to restart or shutdown the machine it asks me for root password17:02
pnarcisowhich is not normal behavior17:02
pnarcisois this known bug or is it just me17:03
micahgit should ask for an admin password if you shutdown with another user logged in17:03
pnarcisowell there's only one user logged which is myself :)17:04
pnarcisoso it's no normal behavior17:04
pnarcisocould this be the result of the migration to systemd logind17:05
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ochosipnarciso: what systemd/logind migration were you referring to?18:41
ochosiafaik ubuntu won't use systemd in the near future18:41
pnarcisoochosi, systemd and logind are installed in saucy18:48
ochosiby defaultß18:51
lderanthat'll be cool18:52
pnarcisoit seems my theory could be right18:54
ochosiwell it'd surprise me if they'd simply and silently scrapped upstart18:56
ochosibut all is possible after last cycle18:56
pnarcisois there any plans to improve artwork in xubuntu18:57
* drc ducks18:58
ochosipnarciso: errm, say what?19:00
pnarcisoimproved theme, icons, wallpaper, etc19:01
ochosiyeah, i'm working on all of those areas (except wallpaper, knome has dibs on that)19:01
pnarcisogood, I love greybird19:02
ochosii'm currently working towards a new icon-theme addon and also tweaking some stuff in greybird, if that's what you're asking ;)19:02
pnarcisothe only issue with it, is that title bars are a little bit small for for 2560 resolutions19:03
pnarcisoyou have a greybird small theme, so a big greybird theme could make sense19:03
ochosihm, could19:03
ochosiyou have a high density display?19:04
pnarcisoi have a dell 27 2560x144019:04
pnarcisoxubuntu by default looks very small19:04
ochosiyeah, there's no proper support for that resolution yet19:05
pnarcisoI enlarged dpi and icon size, but can't do anything about title bars19:05
pnarcisoalso , i'm playing right now with compton compositor, it's great for xfce, no more tearing :)19:06
pnarcisoand it's super lightweight19:06
ochosimm, haven't tested that ever19:07
ochosionly recently tried gala once19:07
pnarcisowell u don't know what u are missing19:07
ochosiso what does it do that xfwm4 doesn't?19:08
pnarcisoand proper unredirection of fullscreen windows19:08
pnarcisowhich is great for games19:08
pnarcisoit support opengl too19:08
Unit193!info compton saucy19:09
ubottu'saucy' is not a valid distribution: extras, hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, quantal, quantal-backports, quantal-proposed, raring, raring-backports, raring-proposed, stable, testing, unstable19:09
ochosihm, there was a patch for that for xfwm4, but i think it never got merged19:09
pnarcisothat patch won't work with nvidia, and it stil had tearing in the top of the screen, compton is perfect19:10
Unit193Well, anyway it isn't in the repo but it is a nice one, forked off of xcompmgr but I haven't personally used it.19:10
pnarcisothere's a ppa for it19:11
micahgdebian 67955119:11
ubottuDebian bug 679551 in wnpp "ITP: compton -- a compositor for X" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/67955119:11
pnarcisosaucy is not added yet19:11
pnarcisoI recomend compton with xfce, great combination, and the it works good along side xfwm419:12
Unit193http://mentors.debian.net/package/compton indeed.19:12
ochosiis it helping at all with video-tearing?19:12
pnarcisono more tearing19:12
ochosihm, then i'll give it a shot19:12
pnarcisogo here as a guide http://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1148464-using-compton-for-tear-free-compositing-in-xfce/19:13
pnarcisoI had to play a bit with the options to achieve perfect and smooth performance with my nvidia card19:14
ochosiright, wanna share the config then? (nvidia here too)19:14
pnarcisono prob19:15
pnarcisoare you using proprietary19:15
pnarcisook, first thing is to enable triple buffer in the driver19:15
[uzver]i'he no tearing in video playback with nvidia 319.* driver with compton on or off19:16
ochosipnarciso: i don't see that option in the settings-gui, don't tell me i need to fiddle with xorg.conf19:16
pnarcisomake a script with this options compton --backend glx --paint-on-overlay --glx-no-stencil --vsync opengl --glx-no-rebind-pixmap --unredir-if-possible --config ./.compton.conf -b &19:17
pnarcisoyes, just add this line to your device options Option "TripleBuffer" "true"19:18
[uzver]place compton config in ~/.config/compton.conf19:18
pnarcisoyou could place the config file where you want but you must change that in the script19:19
[uzver]i have all startup keys in compton.conf, and start it just executin >compton19:20
ochosiyeah, only problem is i don't have any xorg.conf anymore19:21
pnarcisojust type sudo nvidia-xconfig and it generates one19:21
ochosiand i'm not sure i want one, because i'm constantly switching between my external monitor and internal laptop monitor setups19:21
ochosii remember getting that setup was tedious back in the xorg.conf days19:21
pnarcisothat xorg file won't mess with that19:22
pnarcisonvidia drivers improved a lot19:22
pnarcisobut you could test compton without messing with xorg, but in my testing I have found that triple buffer improves the performance with vsync19:23
pnarcisoand not only with compton, with everything, because without it, framerate could flucuate from 60 to 3019:24
ochosiso what's in your compton.conf? (pastebin?)19:25
ochosialso, is there a --replace option i can add to replace xfwm4 in the running session or am i expected to kill it off by hand?19:25
pnarcisothe only thing you do is to disable xfwm4 compositor and run the script19:26
pnarcisocomton wont replace xfwm4 it only add composition19:27
ochosiseems the config file isn't autogenerated19:27
pnarcisono but you could use the sugestion in the site above19:28
ochosik, thought you had tweaked that already to resemble greybird's shadow delta and everything ;)19:28
pnarcisothe shadow radius and other stuff you tweak it to you liking19:29
ochosiwhy is firefox amongst the shadow-excludes?19:29
pnarcisoI think the guy who wrote the guide dont like the shadow in firefox download notification so it added firefox, but you can remove it19:31
ochosihm, not good, the notifications are now 100% not transparent :/19:31
ochosialso seems the "hide content of windows when moving" option of xfwm4 doesn't work with compton19:32
ochosiguess i have to restart to let that xorg.conf take effect...19:32
pnarcisoyes, some things are not working19:32
[uzver]logout, to restart X19:33
pnarcisoor it takes a little bit of tweaking19:33
ochosihm, feels quite smooth so far19:36
ochosiat least the window-fading and everythin19:36
ochosihm, resizing isn't that smooth19:37
pnarcisoso, what do you think19:40
ochosivideo-playback with mplayer2 regressed, while with vlc it seems better than before19:40
ochosidefinitely worth a try though19:41
pnarcisoregressed in what way19:41
ochosiit's stuttering19:41
pnarcisoplay with the video backends19:42
ochosiyou mean in mplayer2?19:43
pnarcisoI mean changing to opengl, vdpau, etc19:44
pnarcisoparole works good with compton also19:44
ochosiwindow-movement is totally smooth, really curious that resizing works so badly19:45
pnarcisowell, have you haver tried resizing with compiz? It's terrible, that because when you resize only a square appears19:45
knomecompiz isn't really the compositor for any comparisons...19:46
pnarcisojust found a minor thing with parole, when fullscreen the volume button is dark and the rest of the controls are blue19:46
ochosipnarciso: yeah, we're working towards resolving that19:47
ochosiprobably not in parole 0.5.1, but it's planned19:47
pnarcisowell for now compton is replacing xfwm 4 compositor, it has more advantages 19:48
knomeexactly - if something is supposed to be super smooth, i wouldn't set compiz as the comparison point ;)19:48
pnarcisoalsa resizing speed is not that bad, i only have issues with resizing in steam client19:49
pnarcisoother apps seems to resize with good speed19:50
lderanpoor compiz :P19:52
pnarcisocompiz only started to perform good in 13.04, but with MIR with doomed to dissapear19:54
pnarcisocompiz only started to perform good in 13.04, but with MIR it's doomed to dissapear19:54
ochosii like compton so far, it seems to be a bit buggy though: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-05062013-095440pm.php19:54
ochosi(happens after resizing the temrinal a bit)19:55
knomeochosi, it's still Kaurismäki, not Kaurismäkki19:55
knome ;>19:55
ochosihehe, yeah, probably wasn't me who named it that way ;)19:56
pnarcisowhat's wrong with your pic19:57
ochosilook at the broken lines in the terminal19:57
pnarcisosorry can't see what's wrong lol19:58
pnarcisowhat lines?19:59
ochosiah, nvm19:59
ochosii'll test compton for a longer period, otherwise it's hard to say anything anyway19:59
pnarcisoit could be a nice adition to xubuntu :)20:03
ochosipossible, would need quite a bit of testing on different hardware/setups though20:11
pnarcisocompton can use xrender and opengl backend, so it works on all machines20:23
ochosiyeah, but we'd have to test it against xfwm4 on "all" machines for a serious comparison20:24
ochosifirst step would be to get it into the ubuntu repos imo20:24
ochosithen it's easier for people to test it20:24
ochosithen we could post an article describing how to set it up and see how people respond20:25
pnarcisothe ideal solution is xfce devs to take compton code and merge it with xfwm420:26
ochosinot really, i think the ideal solution is a real patch that solves the tearing in xfwm420:27
pnarcisoxfce seems dead, devs missed released date and no news from them20:27
ochosithere was a 4.10.1 maintenance release just a day ago20:28
ochosiincluding a new release of thunar etc20:28
pnarcisothey could use some of the compton code and use it in xfwm420:28
pnarcisoto add opengl in xfwm420:28
pnarcisowithout it it's not possible have proper vsync20:29
pnarcisobut any news about 4.1220:32
ochosiguess the motto is "release when ready"20:32
ochosithere's a ppa with some 4.12 components for Quantal (and I think raring too)20:33
pnarcisothey could at least give the a preview of what is new20:33
pnarcisoraring have all of them by default20:34
pnarcisoand saucy20:34
micahgwith an LTS coming within a year, we won't push in 4.12 unless we're sure we can stabilize it in time21:04
ochosii guess much depends on when 4.12 is actually released21:06
skellat4.12 is still stuck at an early stage the last time I checked21:07
Noskcajnew bug: clicking new partition table make a new table whether or not you click "confirm"21:12
ochosiskellat: depends on what you're checking. the roadmap isn't very accurate21:13
skellatochosi: Alrighty21:13
Noskcajis the bug in partman or ubiquity? it happens when you click the X21:14
ochosiskellat: it's not great, but this seems to be the best way to track the progress of 4.12: http://git.xfce.org/?s=idle21:15
NoskcajWhy does everything in the installer have a maximise button which doesn't always work?21:24
ochosiNoskcaj: you're referring to ubiquity?21:31
ochosiin the ubiquity standalone-session or in the xubuntu-live session?21:32
Noskcajochosi, stand alone21:41
ochosiNoskcaj: so does it show the maximize button in all of the slides?21:42
Noskcajochosi, i think so, only just noticed21:43
ochosii guess ubiquity should be setting some wm_hints then21:43
ochosixnox: ^ ?21:43
ochosiNoskcaj: anyway, feel free to file a bugreport about it21:44
Noskcajok, ty. bye21:44
Noskcajbug 1177115 bug 117711622:19
ubottubug 1177115 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "New partition table confirmation is broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117711522:19
ubottubug 1177116 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "maximise button does nothing in Ubiquity" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117711622:19

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