
xubuntu376I'm having trouble setting up wireless networking on my first install of Xubuntu 11.10.01:49
xubuntu376Can anyone help?01:49
holsteinxubuntu376: sure.. i would *not* install 11.10...02:08
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) was the fifteenth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/111002:08
holsteinxubuntu376: i would get the latest 13.10 and try it live..02:09
=== VividReality_ is now known as VividReality
marce_one question04:40
marce_whats kernel uses xubuntu 12.04.02?04:41
marce_my uname -r is: 3.2.0-41-generic thats ok?04:41
bwat47yea that sounds right04:45
bwat47well 12.04.2 actually uses 3.504:45
bwat47if you have an existing 12.04 install you can install that backported kernel by doing sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-lts-quantal (the 12.04.2 backports are opt-in for existing installs)04:46
ruslan_osmanovHi. The graphical login scren always says that incorrect password entered, but the same login succeeds in VT1 (ctrl + alt + f1). What could be wrong with it?06:46
kRushsounds like an incorrect keyboard layout06:58
ruslan_osmanovkRush, changing password to "123" didn't help. However, it worked after resetting password via /etc/shadow07:04
=== mou is now known as rald
[uzver]linux_unix-10: !hi08:29
linux_unix-10why can't i add 1280x800 resolution in xrandr in xubuntu 12.04?08:31
linux_unix-10here is the output: xubuntu@xubuntu:~$ xrandr --newmode "1280x800_60.00"   83.50  1280 1352 1480 1680  800 803 809 831 -hsync +vsync08:31
linux_unix-10X Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)08:31
linux_unix-10  Major opcode of failed request:  149 (RANDR)08:31
linux_unix-10  Minor opcode of failed request:  16 (RRCreateMode)08:31
linux_unix-10  Serial number of failed request:  2908:31
linux_unix-10  Current serial number in output stream:  2908:31
[uzver]linux_unix-10: maybe that resolution not supported08:37
linux_unix-10explain further08:37
linux_unix-10i'm gonna use it for my hd monitor08:38
[uzver]linux_unix-10: execute xrandr and see all supported resolutions08:38
linux_unix-10its supported08:39
[uzver]linux_unix-10: can u pastebin output of xrandr08:40
linux_unix-10xubuntu@xubuntu:~$ xrandr --newmode "1280x800_60.00"   83.50  1280 1352 1480 1680  800 803 809 831 -hsync +vsync08:43
linux_unix-10X Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)08:43
linux_unix-10  Major opcode of failed request:  149 (RANDR)08:43
linux_unix-10  Minor opcode of failed request:  16 (RRCreateMode)08:43
linux_unix-10  Serial number of failed request:  2908:43
linux_unix-10  Current serial number in output stream:  2908:43
linux_unix-10why can't i add 1280x768 resolution on xubuntu 12.04 using xrandr?09:15
moetuneslinux_unix-10:  is it listed in   xrandr -q   ?09:19
=== melancht1on is now known as melanchthon
=== azeam_afk is now known as azeam
[uzver]Peyam: hi13:20
Peyamwhat's up?13:21
xubuntu140unable to connect my usb net dongle:capitel 3g Qualcomm inc.:im in kerala,India:my isp BSNL,usb-devices listed my device but not recognides as a net modem13:40
ner0xWhat is our typically gantt chart program? Also, I have a computer that doesn't want to boot. Any utilities I can use to try and see what piece of hardware is failing?13:41
TheSheepner0x: try asking at ##hardware13:44
ner0xTheSheep: No problem. Any idea on the gantt chart question?13:44
GridCubener0x, from software you can try boot-repair, as the gantt there are many many programs openproj its my personal favorite13:45
ner0xGridCube: Right. Doesn't appear to be in the repos.13:46
ner0xGridCube: Ah. SF has a .deb.13:47
ner0xGridCube: Looks pretty old though. Project still maintained?13:47
GridCubei dont know13:47
GridCubelast time i used it was for administration classes back in '1013:48
GridCubener0x, http://alternativeto.net/software/openproj/?platform=linux13:50
ner0xGridCube: That's a convenient website. Thanks!14:04
=== jhenke_ is now known as jhenke
=== jhenke is now known as jhenke_
ner0xGridCube: That boot-repair is a bootable software?14:07
GridCubeno, its a software that fixes boot problems https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Boot-Repair14:08
ner0xGridCube: But your system has to be able to boot to use it, no?14:08
GridCubener0x, yes, read the wiki14:09
ner0xGridCube: Right. Mine will not get past the initial boot screen. Freezes.14:10
GridCubetry changing you cables, unplug everything that its not essential and build up14:10
ner0xGridCube: Did that.14:11
ner0xGridCube: Really odd. Working fine then kaput.14:11
ner0xI'm going to open it up and clean it, remove all non-essentials again and see if that works.14:12
ner0xIt is almost six years old.14:12
ner0xEr.. 7 years actually.14:12
GridCubestuff breaks14:13
=== jhenke_ is now known as jhenke|away
=== jhenke|away is now known as jhenke
ner0xGridCube: Of course. I just wanted to see if I could narrow it down and replace just that part.14:19
ner0xGridCube: I'm assuming a Core i3 will still be faster than my Core2Quad 3.2GHz.14:20
GridCubeno idea :P i only have an atom n450 at 1ghz14:21
ner0xWhy? lol14:21
nyuszika7h10:03:49*      nyuszika7h │ hi, is it possible to order the app list on the top panel in first-started-first order, and possibly with an option to rearrange them by dragging?14:27
nyuszika7hUnit193, there is no "sorting order" menu item in Ctrl-right click menu14:27
nyuszika7hoh wait, found it14:27
nyuszika7hnever mind14:27
raldhow to control mouse with keyboard?14:37
raldim using xubuntu 13.0414:38
[uzver]rald: what for?14:39
Picirald: press shift+numlock then you can use your numpad to control the cursor14:40
Picior shift+ctrl+num14:40
raldmy mouse pointer wont move... i've tried all the combinations of shift+crtl+numlock and alt too14:46
raldis there a command to run for this to work?14:48
[uzver]rald: u use notebook or pc?14:52
ralda4 tech usb keyboard14:52
[uzver]rald: and no mouse?14:53
ralda hve a mouse a4 tech usb mouse but it is broken14:53
raldwill i remove the mouse from its usb slot?14:54
[uzver]rald: there is utility xdotool14:58
[uzver]rald: http://pastebin.com/0Sykh4L614:59
raldok i'll try it14:59
=== paulo_ is now known as pnarciso
sketch_good dya to everyone19:17
sketch_does anyone know how to get the top panel to only have 1 bluetooth icon?19:18
sketch_or better yet how to remove the panel and just use cairo-dock?19:19
drcSettings manager>Panel>Panel 0>remove (minus sign).19:21
drcFor cario-dock, you're on your own19:21
nukkefor cairo dock, you can use this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CairoDock19:23
lderan!ask xubuntu70219:23
nukkexubuntu702: what's the problem?19:23
drcxubuntu702: It would really help to know the problem.19:23
xubuntu702unable to handle kernel null pointer defernce at 0000004c19:24
xubuntu702thaths it say19:24
nukkewhat's the context of the error? when does it appear?19:25
xubuntu702when its finding the hardware19:25
drcSo, what did you do before this error happened?19:25
nukkewhat do you mean? when you connect something?  upon installing xubuntu?19:25
xubuntu702when im instlling that problem appears19:26
xubuntu702ithought it was a problem with internet so i try with one other19:27
xubuntu702but the error appear again19:27
nukkewhen you are trying to install xubuntu?19:27
nukkedoes the error appear when you are trying to install xubuntu?19:29
nukkewhen you are installing, do not select "update while installing" option19:32
xubuntu702i will try again19:32
xubuntu702in case i need19:32
xubuntu702how i return here???19:32
nukkedo you have another computer?19:33
xubuntu702it has mobile page???19:33
nukkejust use the freenode webchat page: https://webchat.freenode.net/19:33
nukkeand join the #xubuntu channel19:34
knomeor http://xubuntu.org/irc/19:34
=== demo is now known as Guest41340
Guest41340im again the one of instll problems19:39
lderansame error?19:40
ronaldshello, is there a reason to upgrade my home old pc, from 12.04 to 13.04, cause upgrading to 12.10 last time ended by drivers not working anymore (nvidia)19:40
Guest41340not yet i will tell you19:40
nukkeronalds: i'd recommend using 12.04 LTS19:41
lderanronalds, you can try out the live image on a dvd / usb drive :)19:41
nukkeshould be mostly problem-free19:41
beefsaladafter upgraded to 12.04.2 I'm experiencing a weird issue.  when I login with either of my accounts, the screen goes black.  if I login with the guest account X restarts (nvidia splash and everything)19:41
ronaldsclean install right?19:42
nukkeGuest41340: so xubuntu is installing correctly so far? no errors?19:42
ronaldsxubuntu is great for my home pc, as it was used to run xp back in the days19:42
ronalds14.04 is going to be LTS?19:43
nukkeyes ronalds19:43
raldi can't control the mouse with the keyboard damn19:43
raldi mean mouse pointer19:45
beefsaladwhere does xfce store its per-user configuration?19:46
ronalds12.04.02 was half upgrade, it really made problems beefsalad?19:46
beefsaladronalds: yep19:47
beefsaladI'm starting to wonder if it's not the damn nvidia drivers19:48
beefsalador hardware...laptop is kinda old19:48
ronaldsI would try reinstalling packages one by one, or just backuping everything, and using clean installation19:48
beefsaladthats why I asked where xfce stores its configs...I don't want to spend days remembering how to set everything up how I had it19:49
ronaldsI think before any upgrade, user must remove drivers, just because they break something19:49
beefsaladthe kernel I was booted from didn't have the drivers installed for it19:50
beefsaladand I've never had a problem like this in the past with it19:50
ronaldsit's 2013 and devices people are using with xubuntu are probably old as sh**19:50
beefsaladwelp, nothing showed up in xorg.0.log with this crash :(19:51
beefsaladI've already admitted mine is old :P19:51
ronaldsyou can't startxfce4?19:51
beefsaladguess I'll unconfigure nvidia and see what happens19:51
beefsaladwhen it dies, it locks up the system19:51
beefsaladI can't flip back to a console to see whats going on19:51
beefsaladsshd dies, etc...19:52
ronaldswell when I had this problem, atleast I had console left19:52
ronaldsin one of the tty windows19:52
ronaldsif you don't have nothing, well I don't know, I could use ubuntu live cd for getting to see old files in partition (on my laptop)19:54
beefsaladthe logs haven't revealed anything (used recovery mode to get to them)19:55
beefsaladI should throw some options at the kernel to see if I can't get it to print debug info somewhere19:55
beefsaladweee! removing nvidia may have worked...now to figure out why (and if that indeed was the problem)20:11
nukkebeefsalad: were you using the proprietary drivers or the open source ones?20:16
nukkeinstall the os ones20:20
nukkesudo apt-get install nouveau20:21
ronaldslinux needs to expand on desktop, I want to play gta4 from openbox or even less abusive wm..20:21
ronaldsonly thing why I turn on windows sometimes20:22
nukkeapparently GTA4 runs great under Wine20:23
brainwashbut there are some nasty glitches20:24
ronaldsI don't think my already unsupported gpu, can run something in emulator20:24
ronaldsgta 4 has glitches even in windows20:25
nukkethe performance hit shouldn't be that big. you could always play it in lower settings, too20:25
nukkealso, the WM/DE shouldn't matter in this case. you could run wine from unity or awm20:25
ronaldswell I do already, except details, and resolution20:25
nukkeyou could always get a new GPU. there are good ones for whatever budget you happen to have20:26
ronaldscan I insert it in laptop \20:27
ronaldsseems dumb question20:27
genii-aroundIf your laptop uses MXM video card you can20:27
ronaldsby intel20:27
genii-aroundmxm is a slot standard like pci, not a manufacturer20:28
ronaldsok, haven't got a lot of experience in completing pc's20:29
ronaldsbut running native is what linux needs..20:29
ronaldshopes on valve20:29
brainwashthey didn't even manage to create a proper pc port of gta4..20:30
ronaldscan I run gta 4 with wine from other partition?20:31
nukkeactually, you can sort of install a GPU on a laptop. it's more of a mod than anything, but since you use an adapter and the laptop's ePCI adapter, the memory bandwith is going to be singnificantly less than if you used a PCIe x16 slot, for example20:31
ronaldsI already have all the files20:31
nukkeronalds: negative. you'd have to install ok wine20:31
nukkeif you have the steam version, you could copy the files into your steam wine folder20:32
ronaldstoo bad20:32
kksafakis amarok supported from xubuntu ?20:49
TheSheepisn't amarok a kde application? maybe try on kubuntu?20:49
kksafakcan i not use under xubuntu?20:50
knomeit should work with xubuntu, but the xubuntu team isn't specifically supporting amarok20:50
TheSheepsure you can20:50
yourfriendarmandit should work, its package(s) should pull in the right deps, but it's going to bring in most of KDE into your system20:50
TheSheepyou are just going to find more experienced users of it on the kubuntu channels20:50
kksafaki have installed amarok but if i want open it, amarok instanly closed20:51
kksafakok, thanks20:51
kksafakanother question: i can not play my musics from iphone on banshee or gtkpod, why?20:53
knomekksafak, i would ask the banshee/gtkpod support20:53
knome(i don't even know if iphone is supposed to be supported)20:54
yourfriendarmandif it's on the device, I imagine the player program is at best a remote control for the player, rendering output to the headphone jack20:54
=== NePtUnO is now known as NePtUnO|Off
ronaldsclementine ftw21:07
beefsaladnukke: nouveau isn't available, nouveau-firmware is though21:17
nukkebeefsalad: really? hmm, try the ubuntu software center21:18
beefsaladnukke: you mean xserver-xorg-video-nouveau-lts-quantal?21:20
nukkeindeed i am!21:21
nukkesorry about that. that's the correct package21:22
beefsaladheh, 'to install this.... xorg..... must be removed'21:22
nukkei'd recommend asking the #nouveau channel here in freenode first21:23
beefsaladwell whats the point of installing the driver if its going to remove xorg? ;021:24
beefsalad;) even...stupid shift key21:24
yourfriendarmandyou might be needing the xorg lts quantal update?21:25
evilpoptartI tried installing the nvidia drivers on my xubuntu 12.04 x64 system yesterday and instead of enabling my 3d accel and such I'm now stuck in 640x480 mode.  I uninstalled the nvidia drivers and tried a reinstall of all my X packages with no luck.  Can anyone help me fix it?21:43
yourfriendarmandmake sure the uninstall occurred and you purge any lingering config, wipe out any xorg.conf in /etc/X1121:44
evilpoptartso deleted the xorg.conf file and then reboot?21:44
yourfriendarmandcross fingers too, I occasionally to a update-initramfs -k all -c21:44
yourfriendarmandthese are my rituals when delving with the fglrx drivers myself, but both are different in how they handle the system of course21:45
yourfriendarmanddid you install the repo drivers or a run file from nvidia?21:45
evilpoptartused synaptic to install nvidia-current and nvidia-settings21:47
yourfriendarmandok cool21:47
evilpoptartjust followed your advice, rebooting.  back shortly :)21:47
yourfriendarmandon the ati side if I use their drivers, I make sure I have their script create packages to install21:47
yourfriendarmandgood luck ^ ^21:48
yourfriendarmandcross fingers21:48
evilpoptarti tried that on a different install and it failed miserably as well21:48
evilpoptartthat worked21:50
yourfriendarmandquick bootup ^ ^21:50
evilpoptartpowerful laptop + xfce21:50
yourfriendarmandare you back to native resolution?21:50
yourfriendarmandwhat does glxinfo say?21:51
evilpoptartnow i'm back to square 1... how the heck do I get my 3d accel enabled :)21:51
evilpoptartlet me check21:51
evilpoptartit says nothing because it isnt installed haha21:51
evilpoptartlet me install it21:51
evilpoptartit gave me a crap load of output, what did you want to see?21:52
yourfriendarmandjust the first several lines, grep 'render' and see whom is handling 3d21:53
evilpoptartnate@nemesis:~$ glxinfo | grep render21:54
evilpoptartdirect rendering: Yes21:54
evilpoptartOpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Ivybridge Mobile21:54
evilpoptart    GL_NV_conditional_render, GL_ARB_ES2_compatibility,21:54
evilpoptartha - NOW it tells me i have 3d accel working21:55
evilpoptartafter i uninstalled all my "work"21:55
yourfriendarmandwhat's interesting is it isn't an nvidia-related renderer21:55
evilpoptartit's one of those hybrid vid cards, can't remember what it's called21:56
evilpoptartIt's intel + nvidia21:56
evilpoptartGeforce GT 630M21:56
yourfriendarmandlspci can give hints21:56
evilpoptart00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Ivy Bridge Graphics Controller (rev 09)21:57
evilpoptart01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation Device 0de9 (rev ff)21:57
nukkeanother thing yo ucould do to avoid as many problems as possible is to disable your integrated gfx inside the bios21:58
yourfriendarmandlikewise that's a tough chip. It's also one of the ones that could ultimately share memory with the internal intel gpu if nvidia open sourced a little more to include in the kernel21:58
nukkeit's most likely set as switchable right now. make sure it uses only discrete graphics21:58
yourfriendarmandI agree with nukke, should reduce some headaches21:58
evilpoptartif it's using the internal card right now and i disable it in bios wont that hose up my system?21:59
yourfriendarmandthe system should switch over naturally and present itself as the primary video21:59
evilpoptarthm - interesting21:59
yourfriendarmandright now it would seem the intel gpu is master21:59
evilpoptartive never had one of these stupid hybrids21:59
evilpoptartlet me go see if I can find that option, brb21:59
yourfriendarmandlspci doesn't enumerate the nvidia chip to its full chipset22:00
yourfriendarmandupdate-pciids in case22:00
nukkeyeah, i was having some problems with my ati+intel configuration22:00
evilpoptartnate@nemesis:~$ sudo update-pciids22:00
evilpoptartDownloaded daily snapshot dated 2013-05-04 03:15:0222:00
nukkehad to disable the ati card because it was giving me headaches22:00
evilpoptarti'm not  a hardcore gamer or anything anymore so I just need basic 3d accel for some RTS type games.  Right now everything seems to be working ok.22:01
evilpoptartI'll probably leave it as is unless I have more issues22:01
evilpoptartNow - onto my next problem.  Trying to see why the heck blueman crashes every freaking time I boot up22:02
evilpoptartoh, nope.  This time it's plymouthd22:02
nukkedo you actually use bluetooth? i'd recommend uninstalling blueman altogether and disabling bluetooth on your machine22:02
yourfriendarmandright now the intel chip is probably rendering primarily. still that's a sweet chip to keep off. I myself have had some issues moving stuff with my phone since 1204 as well. I'm going to try tonight with my 1304 and the same phone22:02
yourfriendarmandI'm on a dell studio with ati hd 5450 I think22:04
yourfriendarmandnice chip with relatively slow gram22:04
yourfriendarmandbut it get my fps fix now and then on decent quality22:05
yourfriendarmandstudio 14, rare machine22:05
evilpoptartok - the wife summons. thanks again guys22:06
yourfriendarmandtake care22:06
yourfriendarmandlater tonight mine will beckon with haste22:07
yourfriendarmandbut that's future news, right now it's about the penguin22:08
yourfriendarmandQuick question, has anyone lost their HDMI output as a result of 1304? I'm going to try the low latency kernel and see if there are any improvements, otherwise wait for a fix22:09
beefsalad*SIGH* ath9k performance sucks with this kernel :(22:19
beefsaladoh well, time to rip the 500G drive out of the netbook and throw it in here since it has an unmolested install on it22:22
Lehtiwouldn't it be possible to get a bunch of old drivers?22:31
beefsaladwith the kernel?  no, the modules are all bundled with it22:32
beefsaladgoing to drop back a version and see what happens22:32
beefsaladugh damnit, netbook HD has a 32bit install on it22:33
beefsaladmy personal setup is a freaking mess lately :/22:33
Lehtii have to say this new 13.04 brought my old 2004 HP laptop into life again22:34
Lehti12.04 had all these little glitches here and there22:34
Lehtiwas a bit of a struggle to find proper instructions to get the newer kernel to wokr on a non-PAE prehistorical CPU -.-22:35
yourfriendarmandath9k driver got me through hard times when wifi was coming about. gentoo + ath wifi and I were tight22:43
=== demo is now known as Guest89243
demofranhello someone to help me22:59
lderandemofran, what is your problem?23:00
demofranI have a problem with xubuntu instalation23:00
demofranunable to handle kernel null pointer deference at 0000004c23:01
demofranhey someone???'23:03
demofranplease helop23:06
lderanhow are you installing it?23:06
lderanfrom a dvd or usb?23:06
nukkedemofran: any more details would help23:08
nukkemake sure you disable "update while installing"23:08
demofranyes nukke you tell me before but it didnt help23:09
demofranits a problem that happened when cheking hardware23:09
nukkecan you boot into xubuntu off the usb?23:09
nukkewithout installing23:09
demofranplease a solution??23:15
lderan!patience demofran23:18
lderanmmm i do not know the ubottu commands well :P23:18
lderandemofran !patience23:18
Unit193!patience | human23:20
ubottuhuman: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/23:20
lderanah the pipe23:22
demofran_could yo____23:27
lderan could i _____?23:28
seronisInteresting..  about the exact same time you mention 'A'lderan my pidgin client opens a window saying  "you sense a disturbance in the force"23:28
demofrani need help23:34
Unit193demofran: You could try #ubuntu, but you'd still need to follow the guidelines.23:35
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines23:35
demofrani didnt understood23:35
beefsaladyep, 3.2.0-41 kernel sucks.  reverted to a 2.6 kernel from the pre .02 update and the lag has disappeared from the cpu and wifi23:49
beefsalador not, ugh23:52

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